Distant Healing For Herpes
Genital herpes symptoms typically begin as painful fluid-filled blisters which eventually burst and form shallow skin ulcers. An outbreak may last weeks or longer; however, treating it early and effectively can reduce discomfort while decreasing risk.
Antiviral drugs taken daily can suppress herpes virus activity and prevent future outbreaks; however, the virus will still shed from time to time, potentially infecting others and increasing risk.
Medicinal Herbs
Herbal medicines, both medicinal and culinary, can be an invaluable aid for treating herpes. Herbal remedies may help manage outbreaks of genital herpes, reduce symptoms’ length and severity and even help prevent future outbreaks from happening. Organically-grown herbal remedies offer superior herbal health benefits, free from chemical fertilizers or pesticides that could contain harmful toxins that reduce potency. Medicinal herbs can often be found at health food stores, boutiques and online retailers; it is important to make sure the herbs you purchase are packaged and handled in such a way as not to reduce their effectiveness. It may be wise to opt for herbs grown and prepared by individuals or small companies as these will have undergone less processing and therefore be more potency than mass-produced products.
Many plant extracts have demonstrated antiviral activity in studies on herpes. For instance, Rhamnus javanica’s phenolic compounds inhibited HSV-1 and HSV-2 virions in vitro (Pilau et al., 2011), while crude hydroethanolic extract from Tanacetum vulgare showed antiviral activity with greater selectivity than pure Tanacetum vulgare; its effectiveness may be due to acetylcholinesterase activity (Petronilho et al., 2012).
Over-the-counter herpes treatments, such as creams, can be effective at managing symptoms associated with outbreaks. Furthermore, these over-the-counter herpes medications may significantly shorten outbreak duration while managing discomfort; however, these medicines cannot cure herpes completely nor completely eradicate its virus.
Herpes treatments also include prescription antiviral drugs like Acyclovir that can be taken orally to manage outbreaks and treat complications of herpes infection. Such prescription antivirals may reduce frequency and severity of outbreaks while treating complications caused by the virus infection.
Herbal remedies for herpes work very effectively when combined with acupuncture treatment, especially when applied together. Acupuncture helps manage herpes symptoms while at the same time maintaining balance in your body to prevent breakouts from herpes from happening as frequently.
Essential Oils
Melissa officinalis essential oils have proven their efficacy against herpes infections through aromatherapy. Some strains have developed resistance to drugs used to treat them; therefore essential oils could provide a viable treatment option. Their effectiveness remains uncertain, however; any allergic or sensitive reaction might cause skin reactions which require testing first to ensure safe and effective usage. A patch test should always be conducted first to make sure a particular oil meets all safety and efficacy parameters before trying it on one’s body.
Patch tests involve applying a small amount of oil to an innocuous area of skin and waiting 24 hours. If no adverse reaction is noticed, it is safe to apply to cold sores; otherwise if irritation or itching occur at this site it should not be applied and should instead be replaced with another solution.
Tea tree oil has been scientifically demonstrated to possess antiviral, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties that help address herpes outbreaks. Furthermore, its cleansing qualities make it an excellent skin cleanser. Diluted Tea Tree oil should be applied three or four times each day via cotton swabs onto the genital area in a diluted form for best results.
Peppermint oil can provide both relief and speed of healing. Studies suggest its antiviral properties, which suppress herpes virus without impacting healthy cells. If applying directly onto skin it’s wise to dilute with carrier oil first for best results.
Clove oil can also be a natural treatment for herpes. With pain-killing properties and antiviral and bacterial properties, clove oil may provide some relief to cold sore sufferers.
Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of using hyssop oil to protect against herpes infection. Hyssop oil was particularly successful at inhibiting both drug-sensitive and drug-resistant strains of herpes simplex virus type 1; just a few drops can be applied directly with cotton swabs in the genital area for best results. Thyme oil also boasts antiviral properties and should be applied diluted form directly onto an active blister for best results. Both oils should be applied several times daily for best results.
Being diagnosed with herpes can be devastating, yet many can manage the condition with medication and holistic approaches such as herpes red light therapy – an innovative new therapy combining photobiomodulation with acupressure to accelerate cellular repair and relieve symptoms more rapidly than ever.
Herpes is an infection with an ongoing presence that results in frequent outbreaks, most often as cold sores or genital lesions. Initial symptoms typically present themselves as painful bumps before eventually erupting into fluid-filled blisters that heal over time. Herpes viruses may be spread directly or via sexual activity; although it’s also possible for someone to carry herpes without being aware they do so.
Antiviral drugs are the go-to treatment for herpes outbreaks, whether as oral pills or topical creams. Studies indicate that supplementing these medicines with homeopathic remedies may speed healing time and minimize symptoms for individuals experiencing them; such homeopathy remedies include Graphites for large or itchy lesions; Natrum muriaticum for stress-induced herpes outbreaks; and Sepia which helps with outbreaks caused by physical contact in the anus region.
Studies indicate that lysine, an amino acid found in food such as fish, poultry and dairy products, may help decrease herpes outbreaks by restricting your body’s absorption of arginine (an essential nutrient that promotes HSV growth). Propolis made by bees is another possible approach as it contains antioxidants and boosts immune function; one small study demonstrated its efficacy at shortening both duration and severity of outbreaks in one individual; however those suffering from asthma should avoid propolis since it could aggravate their condition further.
Rest, nutrition and exercise can help lessen the frequency of herpes outbreaks by strengthening your immune system. Stress management techniques like meditation and self-hypnosis may also help alleviate emotional distress that triggers flare-ups of herpes; individual counseling from a professional counselor or therapist; group therapy sessions; biofeedback or relaxation training may be useful as other ways to relieve stress.
Meditation is an ancient technique used to reduce stress, relax the mind and achieve inner calm. Meditation can be practiced by individuals of all faiths and spiritual traditions alike and includes practices designed to sharpen focus and attention, accept difficult emotions more readily, alter consciousness and alter consciousness altogether. When combined with herpes treatments such as Valtrex or Zovirax antivirals for optimal effectiveness against future outbreaks.
Visualization meditation entails creating feelings of relaxation and peace by using one’s imagination to visualize positive scenes, images or figures that trigger pleasant associations in one’s mind. It may also involve sending well wishes outward towards loved ones, friends, acquaintances and all living beings – with prayers being another form of meditation commonly practiced across most faith traditions. Deep breathing is often part of meditation and can help people relax more slowly while slowing down life a bit more – don’t judge thoughts that wander during meditation but gently bring back attention back onto deep breathing – aim to do this for several minutes at a time so as not to become too involved with it all the time!