Human Energy Fields – A New Science and Medicine
Human energy fields (HEF) are electromagnetic fields which cover our bodies. Through them is transmitted all information necessary for growth and repair processes within us.
The Human Energy Field (HEF) is commonly referred to as an aura or chakra system. Western science first took notice in 1963 when engineers in Syracuse, NY detected it with two coils of wire each featuring 2 million turns.
How do they work?
Human energy fields (HEFs) have attracted much interest, as they form the basis of many alternative healing practices. There are various healing modalities, each with their own explanatory model and terminology reflecting cultural context in which they were developed. To create greater clarity within this field, a group of healers and scientists created biofield to describe a common organizing principle across disparate therapies in an accessible fashion that makes scientific investigation feasible.
Biofield researchers can demonstrate the reality of the HEF using various tools, including SQUID instruments that detect changes to bio-magnetic fields when diseases exist or don’t. Scientists are discovering that diseases may also be detectable long before any physical symptoms appear.
Sensitive individuals have long reported seeing auras, yet science only recently developed technology to measure vibration frequencies within things, including emotions.
Harold Saxon Burr of Yale University School of Medicine believed that diseases were visible in energy fields around the body before manifesting as physical symptoms, and could even be altered to prevent diseases. He believed these energies could be modified and changed in order to avoid disease outbreak.
Rupert Sheldrake expanded the concept of human energy fields even further, conducting studies that examined patterns observed within cells and tissues as an extension of his research on energy fields in general. He proposed that these patterns result from subtle, invisible forces supplying information.
Scientists are discovering that these invisible energy patterns may play a vital role in gene development, organ and tissue formation and even bone location. Furthermore, experiments show that people can transfer information using their human energy field even across large distances.
Now is an incredible time to be alive! With the emergence of HEF as an exciting scientific discovery, as well as providing new understandings about healing and illness.
What are the symptoms?
The human energy field (also referred to as an aura) is an invisible yet vital energy that pervades our physical bodies. Long seen as essential for alternative healing practices and spiritual traditions, modern science only recently realized its existence; yet naturopathic medicine practitioners have used the concept for over 200 years as part of their practice; early Nature Cure therapists advocated the concept that life force or energy become diminished prior to physical disease appearing and natural therapists could help restore it using various treatments.
Modern naturopathic and alternative medicine practitioners and researchers believe in an overall energy field or fields connecting all parts of the body, known as biofield. The term was first coined at an Office of Alternative Medicine conference hosted by NIH in 1992 as biofield.
Scientists are exploring whether there may be more subtle etheric fields connecting all parts of the body that may be difficult to measure, which may transmit information necessary for growth, development and repair to physical cells in our bodies. These fields could potentially transmit vital messages related to growth, development and repair to keep ourselves alive and functioning at optimal health.
Medical researchers often find it challenging to compare results of various studies on the human energy field due to differing terminology and methodologies employed. For instance, Burr’s Life Fields, Steiner’s etheric formative forces and Sheldrake’s morphogenetic fields all share similar themes, although their approaches differ.
Nurses are frequently the first healthcare professionals to notice changes in the energy field patterns that accompany death transition. The author has witnessed first-hand these shifts among the patients she provided holistic care.
Instruments have been developed to measure the human energy field, including biofeedback systems which monitor heart rate variability and muscle activity, electromagnetic detectors that detect toxicants in the blood and lymph, Kirlian photography and more recently Kirlian nano photography. Unfortunately, only a select few medical scientists were willing to undertake the study of human energy fields until recently.
How can we heal them?
Now that we recognize the significance of human energy fields (HEFs), more health practitioners are exploring ways to utilize them for healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Also known as an aura or biofield, this invisible form of energy surrounds our bodies; its use forms part of many traditional healing traditions, beliefs systems and alternative practices rooted in spiritual traditions – serving as a direct link between energy and wellbeing.
Harold Burr pioneered scientifically exploring the idea of a human energy field during the 1920s and 30s by proposing that diseases could be detected before symptoms appear in this energy field, and that disease-causing energies within this energy could be altered to prevent disease from manifesting itself.
Recent advances by researchers involve using SQUID instruments to track how diseases alter biomagnetic fields around the body, while developing methods of creating pulsating magnetic fields that stimulate healing. These approaches serve as bridges between traditional explanations of disease and modern scientific models.
Polarity therapy can help identify where energy is blocked or where there are painful holding patterns preventing its optimal flow, then practitioners use contact points or techniques to release pain and allow energy to return, stimulating healing throughout the body.
Therapeutic touch, Reiki and acupuncture are healing practices based on the belief that the human energy field (HEF) can be healed by placing hands in specific positions near or on the body. Practitioners believe the HEF contains information about each person’s emotional, mental and spiritual states – their goal being to restore balance to this HEF to help people feel more connected with themselves, each other and with universal life force.
Notably, alternative therapies should never replace medical care, but should rather work alongside it for optimal results. For example, in cases of life-threatening illness I would only work on them with permission from their MD or Naturopath in order to ensure they receive the appropriate medical treatment available.
What are the causes?
Human energy fields (auras) have long been seen as part of our psychic bodies or etheric forms, playing an essential role in spiritual practices and holistic healing practices worldwide. It is thought that these invisible energy fields carry vital information used in maintaining healthy biological systems; disruption may occur as a result of electromagnetic radiation, nutritional imbalances, genetic predispositions, physical trauma or stress.
Harold Burr was one of the pioneering scientists to explore these energies, publishing over 90 articles on them. Robert Becker extended this work by showing that patterns for growth and development in living organisms could be linked to electromagnetic fields associated with their nervous systems – supporting the idea that there exists an invisible energy field underlying all physical matter.
More recent studies have demonstrated that our energy field can shift in response to illness, injury and even our thoughts and emotions. It has also been discovered that some diseases can be detected before appearing physically by practitioners who can detect distorted energies fields.
Therapeutic Touch is an intriguing healing modality which uses subtle touch to correct an energy field’s imbalances, using noninvasive techniques like therapeutic touching. A trained healer will gently touch their client’s energy field using fingers in order to clear blockages and restore energy flow within their body.
Energy medicine is often referred to as biofield therapy; however, I prefer the term energy medicine due to the way in which it addresses energetic foundations of biological processes and integrates a wider variety of complementary and alternative medicine modalities than simply biofield therapies. Furthermore, energy medicine takes an integrative approach that encompasses body, mind and spirit; creating an empowering relationship between patient and practitioner and emphasizing intention-led healing as well as an upbeat outlook towards wellness.