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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

June 15, 2024|Editorial

Human Energy Fields – A New Science and Medicine

Human energy fields (HEF) are electromagnetic fields which cover our bodies. Through them is transmitted all information necessary for growth and repair processes within us.

The Human Energy Field (HEF) is commonly referred to as an aura or chakra system. Western science first took notice in 1963 when engineers in Syracuse, NY detected it with two coils of wire each featuring 2 million turns.

How do they work?

Human energy fields (HEFs) have attracted much interest, as they form the basis of many alternative healing practices. There are various healing modalities, each with their own explanatory model and terminology reflecting cultural context in which they were developed. To create greater clarity within this field, a group of healers and scientists created biofield to describe a common organizing principle across disparate therapies in an accessible fashion that makes scientific investigation feasible.

Biofield researchers can demonstrate the reality of the HEF using various tools, including SQUID instruments that detect changes to bio-magnetic fields when diseases exist or don’t. Scientists are discovering that diseases may also be detectable long before any physical symptoms appear.

Sensitive individuals have long reported seeing auras, yet science only recently developed technology to measure vibration frequencies within things, including emotions.

Harold Saxon Burr of Yale University School of Medicine believed that diseases were visible in energy fields around the body before manifesting as physical symptoms, and could even be altered to prevent diseases. He believed these energies could be modified and changed in order to avoid disease outbreak.


Rupert Sheldrake expanded the concept of human energy fields even further, conducting studies that examined patterns observed within cells and tissues as an extension of his research on energy fields in general. He proposed that these patterns result from subtle, invisible forces supplying information.

Scientists are discovering that these invisible energy patterns may play a vital role in gene development, organ and tissue formation and even bone location. Furthermore, experiments show that people can transfer information using their human energy field even across large distances.

Now is an incredible time to be alive! With the emergence of HEF as an exciting scientific discovery, as well as providing new understandings about healing and illness.

What are the symptoms?

The human energy field (also referred to as an aura) is an invisible yet vital energy that pervades our physical bodies. Long seen as essential for alternative healing practices and spiritual traditions, modern science only recently realized its existence; yet naturopathic medicine practitioners have used the concept for over 200 years as part of their practice; early Nature Cure therapists advocated the concept that life force or energy become diminished prior to physical disease appearing and natural therapists could help restore it using various treatments.

Modern naturopathic and alternative medicine practitioners and researchers believe in an overall energy field or fields connecting all parts of the body, known as biofield. The term was first coined at an Office of Alternative Medicine conference hosted by NIH in 1992 as biofield.

Scientists are exploring whether there may be more subtle etheric fields connecting all parts of the body that may be difficult to measure, which may transmit information necessary for growth, development and repair to physical cells in our bodies. These fields could potentially transmit vital messages related to growth, development and repair to keep ourselves alive and functioning at optimal health.


Medical researchers often find it challenging to compare results of various studies on the human energy field due to differing terminology and methodologies employed. For instance, Burr’s Life Fields, Steiner’s etheric formative forces and Sheldrake’s morphogenetic fields all share similar themes, although their approaches differ.

Nurses are frequently the first healthcare professionals to notice changes in the energy field patterns that accompany death transition. The author has witnessed first-hand these shifts among the patients she provided holistic care.

Instruments have been developed to measure the human energy field, including biofeedback systems which monitor heart rate variability and muscle activity, electromagnetic detectors that detect toxicants in the blood and lymph, Kirlian photography and more recently Kirlian nano photography. Unfortunately, only a select few medical scientists were willing to undertake the study of human energy fields until recently.

How can we heal them?

Now that we recognize the significance of human energy fields (HEFs), more health practitioners are exploring ways to utilize them for healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Also known as an aura or biofield, this invisible form of energy surrounds our bodies; its use forms part of many traditional healing traditions, beliefs systems and alternative practices rooted in spiritual traditions – serving as a direct link between energy and wellbeing.

Harold Burr pioneered scientifically exploring the idea of a human energy field during the 1920s and 30s by proposing that diseases could be detected before symptoms appear in this energy field, and that disease-causing energies within this energy could be altered to prevent disease from manifesting itself.

Recent advances by researchers involve using SQUID instruments to track how diseases alter biomagnetic fields around the body, while developing methods of creating pulsating magnetic fields that stimulate healing. These approaches serve as bridges between traditional explanations of disease and modern scientific models.

Polarity therapy can help identify where energy is blocked or where there are painful holding patterns preventing its optimal flow, then practitioners use contact points or techniques to release pain and allow energy to return, stimulating healing throughout the body.

Therapeutic touch, Reiki and acupuncture are healing practices based on the belief that the human energy field (HEF) can be healed by placing hands in specific positions near or on the body. Practitioners believe the HEF contains information about each person’s emotional, mental and spiritual states – their goal being to restore balance to this HEF to help people feel more connected with themselves, each other and with universal life force.

Notably, alternative therapies should never replace medical care, but should rather work alongside it for optimal results. For example, in cases of life-threatening illness I would only work on them with permission from their MD or Naturopath in order to ensure they receive the appropriate medical treatment available.

What are the causes?

Human energy fields (auras) have long been seen as part of our psychic bodies or etheric forms, playing an essential role in spiritual practices and holistic healing practices worldwide. It is thought that these invisible energy fields carry vital information used in maintaining healthy biological systems; disruption may occur as a result of electromagnetic radiation, nutritional imbalances, genetic predispositions, physical trauma or stress.

Harold Burr was one of the pioneering scientists to explore these energies, publishing over 90 articles on them. Robert Becker extended this work by showing that patterns for growth and development in living organisms could be linked to electromagnetic fields associated with their nervous systems – supporting the idea that there exists an invisible energy field underlying all physical matter.

More recent studies have demonstrated that our energy field can shift in response to illness, injury and even our thoughts and emotions. It has also been discovered that some diseases can be detected before appearing physically by practitioners who can detect distorted energies fields.

Therapeutic Touch is an intriguing healing modality which uses subtle touch to correct an energy field’s imbalances, using noninvasive techniques like therapeutic touching. A trained healer will gently touch their client’s energy field using fingers in order to clear blockages and restore energy flow within their body.

Energy medicine is often referred to as biofield therapy; however, I prefer the term energy medicine due to the way in which it addresses energetic foundations of biological processes and integrates a wider variety of complementary and alternative medicine modalities than simply biofield therapies. Furthermore, energy medicine takes an integrative approach that encompasses body, mind and spirit; creating an empowering relationship between patient and practitioner and emphasizing intention-led healing as well as an upbeat outlook towards wellness.

June 14, 2024|Editorial

What is Wave Genetics?

This theory is similar to destructology, an obscure pseudoscience which claims to divine body shapes using DNA holograms as maps of the universe. Unfortunately, unlike other pseudosciences, destructology hasn’t received endorsement by scientific authorities.

Popova tours Logunov’s laboratory for her show and interviews him via video call without disclosing that they are married.


Vaccines provide us with protection from dangerous diseases by mimicking how infections work and training the immune system to recognize and fight them off. Although developing vaccines can take years and may not always work out successfully, scientists have made progress using new laboratory techniques that speed up production processes to speed up work on these vaccines and produce more of them faster.

Medical researchers begin the vaccine development process by identifying parts of a pathogen (disease-causing microorganisms) which induce an immune response in humans and then reproducing those parts in a laboratory to create a vaccine, before testing it on animals to ensure its efficacy and determine its success rate.

Vaccines that show promise will then be tested on humans in the next stage. Scientists calculate doses of weakened viruses or bacteria to infect volunteers with, as well as which immune cells to activate to create an optimal and specific immune response.

Live attenuated vaccines contain weakened viruses or bacteria and are the most popular vaccine option. Scientists grow them until their ability to cause disease has diminished, then select the weakest strains as vaccine candidates. Although live attenuated vaccines can prompt an effective and lasting immune response in most people, they may not be suitable for people with compromised immune systems, AIDS patients or individuals undergoing organ transplant surgery.

Subunit, recombinant and conjugate vaccines isolate specific antigens from viruses or bacteria to generate strong immune responses in recipients. Although such vaccines may need additional booster doses in time, they are suitable for most people.

Toxoid vaccines utilise toxins produced by bacteria to produce an immune response without using the original source. They are suitable for all except those with compromised immune systems or long-term health issues like chronic illnesses or organ transplants.

mRNA vaccines take an alternative approach, using pieces of a germ’s RNA to instigate an immune response and create a different kind of vaccine – one used in two COVID-19 emergency use vaccines approved.


Immunization (or vaccination) is the process of stimulating your immune system to produce protective antibodies against specific diseases. Most vaccines are administered via needle injection; others can also be given in nasal spray form or orally. Immunization has proven itself an extremely cost-effective health care intervention that works to protect people against illness.

Vaccines use very small doses of antigens to teach your immune system how to recognize diseases and fight them off, usually including protein or polysaccharide components of disease-causing germs or virus components that cause infection. Our increased understanding of immunology has allowed for the creation of more effective and safer vaccines.

Recent evidence demonstrates the power of vaccination with live attenuated, replicating vaccines such as yellow fever, varicella zoster, BCG or measles vaccines to induce significant immune system responses that result in significant decreases in deaths from unrelated pathogens – creating herd immunity effects that help lessen infectious disease burden in populations.

The herd effect can be defined as the interaction of individuals vaccinated against specific infections with those susceptible to them, where vaccination-induced antibodies protect both. By binding with invading organisms such as viruses or bacteria that would otherwise enter cells where they would otherwise be destroyed, vaccine-induced antibodies help protect these vulnerable people against infectious organisms, leading to their destruction and subsequent decrease in morbidity and mortality rates.

Most vaccines used today contain inactivated, purified or killed organisms or their protein or polysaccharide parts from germs; others use parts of these proteins that stimulate an immune response against an infection by activating cells of your immune system to fight it off. Still other vaccines like subunit, recombinant and mRNA vaccines utilize genetic material of a germ directly, providing your cells instructions for producing its protein by making use of its genetic information to create proteins from it.

Polysaccharide vaccines such as those developed to protect against tetanus and diphtheria toxoids or pneumococcal conjugate infections provide immunity against bacteria by stimulating B cell responses which result in antibodies being produced against them. Meanwhile, mRNA vaccines like COVID-19 use pieces of germ’s RNA that give your cells instructions for making proteins.

Vaccine Safety

Properly administered vaccines are generally safe. If certain groups of individuals are at an increased risk for serious side effects due to vaccines (for instance, individuals with impaired immune systems or previous severe reactions to vaccination), their doctors may advise postponing or forgoing certain vaccinations altogether – such as older adults with severe frailty, those living with HIV and weakened immune systems, pregnant and breastfeeding women and others who might develop adverse reactions from vaccination.

VAERS allows anyone to report health problems that could possibly be related to a vaccine, and is used by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), VSD external-link and the V-safe app as tracking and research mechanisms in large populations receiving vaccines. FDA’s Sentinel Initiative tracks medical products such as vaccines by monitoring claims databases from insurance carriers.

Prior to licensure of any vaccine in the United States, its safety is thoroughly reviewed by various clinical trials involving thousands of participants as well as comparison with an unvaccinated control group. Trial results must demonstrate that it can effectively prevent disease in at least some portion of people while generally being well tolerated and with few serious side effects.

Before any vaccine can be legally distributed in the US, it must first be approved by a federal agency and undergo FDA regulatory clearance. Only then are vaccinees eligible for liability protections under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act or injury compensation available through Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program – an approach that ensures everyone’s interests align in regard to vaccine safety.

Vaccine Side Effects

Some vaccines may cause side effects; these should typically be mild. Such reactions could indicate your body responding positively and providing protection from disease, while serious reactions are highly uncommon; any that do arise usually appear within a day or two post vaccination and tend to resolve quickly; should these occur, please notify either your doctor or emergency room immediately.

COVID-19 vaccine injections take place into your upper arm, so it is normal for some bleeding at the injection site and/or swollen lymph nodes in your armpit to occur, though you might require anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen if there is pain or tenderness associated with them. You might also experience sore or swollen arms following injection – keep these elevated using ice packs.

After receiving your vaccine, it should be possible for you to return to your normal activities without experiencing side effects of any kind. Remember, even minor discomfort associated with vaccination will likely not impede its effectiveness and it’s essential that you stick with your scheduled schedule of immunizations.

Your product leaflet should contain a list of potential adverse reactions. These are reactions reported in clinical trials or postmarketing experience with the vaccine; however, they don’t prove whether it caused or contributed to said reaction. If you experience one listed herein, speak with your healthcare team immediately about possible remedies or solutions.

Pfizer-BioNTech and Oxford AstraZeneca both manufacture mRNA COVID-19 vaccines that share similar side effects, such as fatigue, pain or swelling at the injection site, fever, chills, muscle and joint aches, headache and loss of appetite. More research needs to be conducted into how this vaccine compares against others regarding adverse events like heart-related reactions among various age groups and health conditions; but for now you can determine which vaccine would be most suitable to your current health status and preferences.

June 14, 2024|Editorial

How Does Integrated Energy Therapy Work?

IET uses angelic energy to directly address cellular memory and energy field in order to permanently release any “issues from your tissues”. Sessions are safe and gentle – an ideal approach for trauma recovery.

At its core, IET works to remove physical, emotional, mental and karmic energy imprints from a person’s energy field and replace them with positive empowerment imprints.

How It Works

IET is a gentle energy healing practice that works to break through barriers that stand in our way of experiencing true joy. This hands-on modality works with our body’s energy field to detect and stimulate healing energies for any area of physical, emotional, mental or spiritual wellbeing.

IET uses high vibration pure energy from spirit to energize body integration points and release suppressed emotions. One advantage of this healing system is that clients can experience release without revisiting traumatic memories or experiencing further pain.

Many of us have experienced traumas in our lives that cause energy blockage in the body’s cellular memory. IET is designed to identify primary energy patterns associated with each core emotion of each core cell within your body’s memory system and assists with clearing the energy patterns from each cell’s memory bank.

An IET session begins by lying fully clothed and relaxed on a massage table, and is conducted using gentle therapeutic touch from an experienced practitioner to direct healing energy vibrations into specific cellular memory areas in the body that often cause emotional or physical distress. As you undergo this therapy session, it may cause sensations such as temperature change (cold or hot), tingling sensations, pressure changes, outbursts of emotions or slight twinges of pain that can be released during this process.

Once energy blocks have been identified and removed, practitioners use positive empowerment energy to replace negative aspects of cellular memory with positive empowerment energy, restoring life force to freely flow throughout the meridians and ultimately returning health back into the body.

IET can help children by relieving daily stresses stored in their bodies and supporting them on their journey of reclaiming their essential love – which in turn may ease anxiety and attention disorders. Furthermore, this therapy is also great at preparing a child for life changes such as leaving home for college or starting a new school year.


IET uses angelic healing energy to detect and release emotionally embedded blockages that run deep, reaching beyond Reiki to support children, teens, and adults alike. Furthermore, this form of energy therapy serves as an incredible vision work tool – helping clients formulate their desired vision while clearing away obstacles to its fulfillment.

IET uses the body’s meridians and core cellular memory to clear energetic blockages, offering a great complement to other forms of therapeutic massage. Furthermore, as a spiritual healing modality it encourages clients to connect with their angelic guides and higher selves to release any old patterns or habits which might be holding them back from reaching their true potential in life.

An IET session is soothing and noninvasive. A practitioner will place their hands on specific areas of your body that have energy blockages. From there they will intuitively direct healing vibrations towards these points, dislodging any energetic blockages while revitalizing them for greater balance and empowerment in mind and body. The result will be more balanced energy flow throughout.

IET uses angelic healing energy to detect and clear emotional blockages from core cellular memories in the physical body, mind, and spirit. It painlessly awakens and rebalances suppressed feelings that create emotional, mental, or physical disorders; opening up pathways for releasing hidden emotions and encouraging self-healing.

IET sessions involve creating a heart link between one’s own heart and angelic healing energy that flows through their hand, then channeling this healing energy to each of nine Integration Power Points; these correspond with each of the primary emotions and can be found across different parts of your physical body. IET energy then works to identify negative aspects of each emotion and removes them from cells before replacing them with positive aspects that enhance each emotion.

As negative energies are released, you will attract healthier relationships and an environment more supportive of you. You will feel more balanced in life and be better able to manage daily stresses; whether suffering from an illness or simply looking to better your overall health, integrated energy therapy can help get back on track and live the best life possible.

Side Effects

Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) is a gentle but powerful form of energy healing, designed to release blocked energies which may be contributing to physical tension or holding you back from meeting life goals. An IET session involves intuitive guidance being used by your practitioner to scan your body in search of areas with blocked or imbalanced energies, before channeling IET energy directly onto those areas to clear away negative emotions and imprint them with positive ones.

These sessions last approximately 60 minutes and involve the client lying fully clothed on a massage table. At the start of a session, the practitioner will ask about medical history, current symptoms and how the client is currently feeling overall before creating a “heart link” between their heart and that of angelic realm to channel healing energy through their hands to specific Integration Points on your body in order to energize those areas while also clearing any stored emotions – once this process has completed its course the practitioner re-imprints each core cellular memory area with positive or opposite emotions for re-imprinting positive or opposite emotion in its place – creating an “heart link” between their heart and angelic realm to channel healing energy into your hands as you place hands on certain points of your body known as Integration Points to activate these areas in order to energize specific points that need attention in order to release any stored emotions stored within them that area in order to release any stored emotion stored there and release any stored emotions stored therein before finally re-imprinting positive or opposite emotional charge on each core cell memory area, after clearing it through treatment, the practitioner then re-imprints that area with positive or opposite emotional charge for subsequent re-imprinting for future.

IET is an effective and natural method for clearing energy blocks that is designed to help you reclaim your power and fulfill your soul’s purpose. Additionally, the energy healing technique supports spiritual development by eliminating barriers that limit health, prosperity and creativity.

At an IET session, you may experience various sensations – such as heat or cold, tingling in your hands or pulses in them – along with feelings of warmth or coolness, relaxation or deep peace. Individuals often cry during an IET session – which is seen as an indicator that emotional trauma has been released.

Integrative Energy Therapy‘s natural and holistic healing benefits can be seen across generations, including children. It may prove particularly helpful for kids who struggle to express themselves verbally and may be experiencing difficulty at school; by relieving them of daily stressors that build up as part of everyday life Integrated Energy Therapy may help alleviate behavioral issues as a result of daily stressors like life’s routine tasks.


Integrated Energy Therapy is an alternative approach to traditional medicine that is not covered by most insurance plans; therefore many people use health care spending accounts as an effective means of covering its cost. Although such therapy may seem costly at first glance, its benefits far outweigh its expenses.

An IET session involves using hand placements to remove energy blockages caused by emotional traumas, physical pain or karmic patterns. Furthermore, this form of energy healing will assist you in releasing any limiting beliefs or emotions which have held back healing at a cellular level.

An IET session typically lasts up to 90 minutes. During this time, you lie fully clothed and relaxed on a massage table while Lynn applies healing energy vibrations directly to areas that hold emotional blockages – helping your body release any negative energies and restore balance to your entire energy field.

Once the energy blocks have been cleared away, you will learn how to create empowerment imprints filled with angelic healing energy. These energy imprints will enable you to form new patterns which leave you feeling empowered rather than victimized – for instance if a loved one had caused you distress, for instance clearing their guilt through forgiveness may help in moving past any negative experiences and into more peaceful states of being.

In addition to being an energy healing modality, IET is also a valuable personal development tool. It enables you to tap into your natural healing intelligence and discover who you really are; IET may be used solo or combined with other holistic practices for maximum benefits.

Integrated Energy Therapy offers four levels of certification – Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Master-Instructor. Each class provides you with techniques to clear limiting energies, promote well-being and help align with divine purpose. Classes usually last eight hours long and cost $250; certified IET teachers can be found online or at local healing centers; but even without attending classes you can still benefit by practicing on yourself or with friends or family members.

June 14, 2024|Editorial

Zapper Armand Hulda Clark 04 ENG

What is a zapper?

A zapper (also referred to as a bug zapper or electric insect killer) is an efficient and safe way to rid yourself of pesky flying insects from your home. Using light to attract them into the device, where they are electrocuted and eliminated. The term “zapper” derives from the onomatopoeic sound created when an insect dies under high-voltage grid; most models come equipped with protective cages of plastic or grounded metal bars to keep people and larger animals from accidentally touching the grid; optimal usage occurs between dusk and dawn hours when many types of insects become active.

The Hulda Clark Zapper was first created by the Self Health Resource Center using Dr. Clark’s preferred frequency technology.

What is a hulda clark zapper?

Hulda Clark was an unconventional alternative health practitioner who claimed her device, the Zapper, could treat many different illnesses. The Zapper generates low-voltage square waves at 30 kHz that pass through the body stimulating immune cells to kill parasites or microbes that might be present.

An outstanding zapper is constructed by an actual electronics engineer using top quality components (1% resistors and 2% capacitors). It comes equipped with custom-molded case and low battery light which operates via precision voltage monitor integrated circuit. Furthermore, there’s keyed battery compartment and reverse polarity diode protection against improper battery insertion.

An effective zapper should produce a waveform on an oscilloscope which never dips below zero, showing it is producing its required frequency for optimal results.

How to use a hulda clark zapper

Hulda Clark claims her device, the Zapper, can cure various forms of disease; however, these claims have yet to be supported by scientific research or independent studies and many have already been disproven by them. Additionally, it’s always wise to consult a healthcare provider prior to using alternative health devices.

The Zapper is a small box with components that produce low-voltage electricity charges, including a 9-volt battery, pulse generator circuit, two copper handles or electrodes held by the user, cloth-covered electrodes for increased conductivity of current, and two copper handles that emit its power into their hands – this combination allows current to pass through their bodies to kill parasites.

Original zappers consisted of a 555 timer IC, NPN transistor, resistors and capacitors – making construction both expensive and challenging. Today’s versions use an electronic amplifier with more efficient power supply to reduce cost while increasing effectiveness; alligator clips allow easier handholding as well as visual confirmation of dead parasites after treatment, providing users with motivation for continued care.

Where to buy a hulda clark zapper

We produce our Armand Hulda Clark 04 ENG therapeutic generator by hand in Poland using only high quality copper that we carefully polish by hand. As a company that values craftsmanship, we take great pride in creating products our customers want to own, care for and keep.

Hulda Clark was an alternative health practitioner who claimed her device, the Zapper, could help treat many diseases by eliminating parasites and toxins from the body. It consists of a 9-volt battery, pulse generator circuit and two copper handles or electrodes which the user holds between their hands when applying low voltage pulses, usually 30kHz frequency pulses to different parts of their body or their hands for use as electrodes for holding in hand or placing on different body parts.

June 14, 2024|Editorial

Rife Machines and Cancer

Rife machines produce electromagnetic energy waves similar to radio waves. These waves may resonant with pathogens and unhealthy cells’ frequencies and disrupt or neutralize them, providing relief.

Researchers have yet to establish whether frequency healing has any direct positive impact on cancerous cells; while it may help manage symptoms, traditional cancer treatments must still be employed as necessary.

Alternative medicine

Alternative medicine refers to various modalities with no scientific backing for their efficacy, ranging from ancient Eastern practices such as acupuncture and Tai chi to herbal remedies, homeopathy remedies, Reiki sessions and chiropractic manipulation. The goal of alternative medicine is to address root causes rather than symptoms; yet many alternative treatments remain unproven and not recognized by health insurance.

One example of alternative medicine is the Rife machine, which emits low electromagnetic energy waves to resonate with pathogens and diseased cells to neutralize them. First developed in the 1920s by Royal Raymond Rife, its creation has since been plagued by controversy and criticism; nonetheless, sales continue at premium prices despite lacking scientific backing for its claims.

While Rife machines cannot treat cancer directly, some research indicates they may help alleviate pain and discomfort. PEMF therapy, an electromagnetic field treatment method used to address chronic health issues like inflammation reduction and wound healing in the body. PEMF therapy can be combined with chemotherapy or radiation treatments as an additional form of therapy to achieve maximum benefit.

One 52-year-old male with metastatic colon cancer achieved partial remission using an integrative approach to treatment. His 8-month protocol consisted of standard anti-angiogenesis drugs, high dose herbal and nutrient IV therapies, repurposed medication/supplements as well as EMF/Rife frequency therapy – remaining stable 6 months post completion as confirmed by follow up MRI scan.

At The Apathecary Natural Health Center in Clarksville, Tennessee, Rife treatments utilize sound frequencies to heal the body. This noninvasive therapy uses a Rife machine known as Spooky2 that produces low-energy electromagnetic sound waves similar to radio waves but cannot be heard. These vibrations help detect and destroy harmful cells or microorganisms as well as cleanse away toxins from your system. For an appointment call or book one online now.

Rife machine

Rife machine therapy is a noninvasive non-invasive therapy using sound frequencies to heal and balance the body. These frequencies are tuned specifically to target harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites without harming healthy cells in any way. Rife is becoming an increasingly popular alternative cancer treatments as its frequencies have been shown to increase blood flow and oxygenation while simultaneously killing cancer cells that spread further – it may even kill off cancerous ones directly! Furthermore, Rife machine therapy has proven its worth against candida, arthritis, Lyme disease, etc.

Rife machines produce low electromagnetic energy waves similar to radio waves that cannot be heard or felt, yet are transmitted directly into the body through an accelerator patch placed on the back of patients. Each person and thing in nature has an individual frequency resonating in them; Spooky2 Rife machines generate frequencies which resonate with these unique resonance frequencies in order to disrupt them and restore balance within your system. Your body then absorbs vibrations released and can restore itself back into balance naturally.

Although there is no scientific proof that rife machines cure cancer, numerous testimonials cite their success in doing so. One man with Stage VI NSCLC reported using one to treat his prostate cancer and found it reduced the number of cancerous cells – however this does not imply it can prevent other forms of cancer altogether.

PEMF therapy has been shown to significantly improve blood circulation and alleviate pain, increase oxygen in the blood and stimulate production of ATP–the chemical that fuels your cells–thus making PEMF an ideal cancer therapy alternative without known side effects.

To maximize results from rife machine treatments, it’s essential that you are well hydrated and don’t wear anything metal. Treatment sessions usually last about 60 minutes; you may choose either individual treatments or combine them. For instance, pairing both techniques together could detoxify the body, improve cellular health, kill bacteria and parasites faster, boost immunity function more rapidly, speed healing processes faster etc.

Rife therapy sessions

Rife Therapy Sessions offer an innovative noninvasive cancer therapy option using resonant frequencies to destroy harmful organisms and restore balance to the body. Similar to radio frequencies, but tailored specifically for killing harmful microorganisms like bacteria and viruses – Rife frequency waves also remain harmless to human cells, making Rife an attractive alternative to chemotherapy or other conventional treatments.

Rife therapy sessions have proven successful at treating not only cancer but a host of other medical conditions as well. Rife can relieve Lyme disease symptoms and help improve people living with ALS; increase energy levels among chronic fatigue sufferers; promote blood health and boost the immune system – among others.

Spooky2 Rife machine produces low-energy electromagnetic waves similar to radio waves; however, you cannot hear them. These frequencies can be used to identify and destroy harmful microorganisms like parasites, fungi, bacteria and molds, while also healing damaged cells and tissues.

Researchers have established that each cell in the human body has a specific frequency that can be measured and recorded. Furthermore, scientists have discovered certain frequencies to resonate with certain diseases; matching such resonance frequencies with viruses, bacteria or parasites using Rife technology allows Rife technology to identify them quickly and eradicate them effectively.

Alternative therapies may offer encouraging results, though their results will vary from patient to patient. Some patients report significant improvement, while others experience no noticeable difference. While the success of alternative therapies cannot be assured, it’s worth exploring them if you want to give your health the best chance possible.

Rife therapy is a widely utilized approach for treating various illnesses, including fibromyalgia, joint pain and autoimmune conditions. Rife can also help reduce inflammation, increase immunity and enhance cardiovascular health; one study even demonstrated how Rife can decrease circulating tumor cells (CTCs) which could indicate cancer development.

Rife machines provide patients looking for natural ways to fight cancer and other chronic illnesses with an alternative solution. Safe and painless, Rife doesn’t require anesthetic or sedatives and it’s an inexpensive treatment that can even be conducted privately in office settings – those interested should contact The Apathecary Natural Health Center or book their appointment online today to experience it for themselves!

Side effects

Rife therapy is a noninvasive alternative healing method using electromagnetic frequencies to destroy harmful microorganisms in the body. First created in 1920 by Royal Raymond Rife, its frequencies are said to resonate with those found within diseased cells or pathogens and neutralize them, helping treat conditions like Lyme disease and other chronic infections.

At a session, patients sit comfortably on a reclining chair while remaining fully clothed. The machine then transmits frequencies using various methods – plasma therapy through a plasma tube and contact therapy using hand cylinders you hold or TENS pads on your skin – in short bursts.

Practitioners may also employ laser therapy to target certain organs in the body. While it can destroy harmful cells and microorganisms, laser frequencies also promote natural healing processes within our bodies and can provide pain relief, detoxification programs or preventative health measures.

Rife machines are specially engineered to produce low-energy electromagnetic frequencies that are safe for healthy tissues, yet specifically harmful to cancerous tumors and parasites – but not healthy tissue or gut bacteria. Some individuals who undergo Rife therapy have reported side effects like joint aches, memory issues and fatigue after receiving therapy sessions.

Some proponents claim the Rife machine can help cure diseases like cancer and HIV; however, no scientific evidence supports these claims. We received reports of two PALS who used the Rife machine successfully combat mycoplasma infection using Rife; unfortunately we were unable to contact either of them to verify their story.

An 8-month integrative therapy protocol was highly tolerable for a 52-year-old male suffering from metastatic colon cancer and liver lesions, and produced significant tumor responses and partial remission. The regimen included standard anti-angiogenesis therapy along with non-standard but evidence-based treatments such as IV nutrient therapies and herbal remedies as well as 4 months of targeted EMF/Rife frequency therapy treatment.