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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

June 15, 2024|Editorial

Red Light Therapy – The Energy Blueprint

Red light therapy has been associated with improving fat loss, anti-ageing and skin health benefits. Furthermore, red light therapy has also been noted to heal wounds, treat acne and boost hair growth.

At first glance, this non-invasive treatment may seem miraculous; but its groundbreaking science may surprise and amaze you.

What is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy is a safe, non-invasive solution to help with fat loss, skin anti-ageing, muscle recovery and athletic performance. Studies have also proven its efficacy against depression and psychiatric disorders by increasing serotonin and dopamine production; plus it may improve vision by decreasing edema, bleeding metamorphosia scotoma dyschromatopsia1.

Red and near-infrared light (commonly referred to as photobiomodulation or PBM) offers numerous health advantages. According to research, PBM promotes cell growth, reduces inflammation, increases blood circulation and enhances healing processes – as well as increasing energy levels, improving healing processes and diminishing stretch marks, scars and wrinkles.

According to science, this occurs because your mitochondria work in tandem to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy source for your cells. ATP provides energy needed for all essential bodily functions; then it’s stored away until needed; when your cellular energy drops too low, metabolism slows and you become fatigued or lethargic.

One of the more innovative applications of red light therapy is through hormesis. Hormesis refers to transient stressors such as exercise or exposure to sunlight that cause the body to adapt positively, such as reduced free radicals, improved muscle recovery, or decreased inflammatory responses. Red light therapy utilizes this concept of hormesis.


Hormesis can also be utilized with red and near-infrared light by stimulating the pituitary gland’s release of growth hormones that help create more collagen and elastin for healthier, vibrant, and youthful looking skin. This process known as collagen induction may reduce psoriasis, rosacea, acne side effects; reduce burn scars; stretch marks; wrinkles as well as provide an even skin tone and texture by creating more even collagen levels in skin tissues – creating healthier looking, youthful- looking skin tone and texture thanks to increasing levels of collagen production in skin cells – leaving behind healthier looking and vibrant looking complexions thanks to increased collagen induction!

How Does Red Light Therapy Work?

Red light therapy (PBM) has been extensively researched in over 3,000 peer-reviewed studies to address numerous health conditions. Red light therapy has been found effective against improving skin conditions, healing wounds, increasing fertility, speeding metabolism and relieving pain; its benefits also extend to anti-ageing effects and weight loss; no drugs or chemicals are needed and it doesn’t use harmful UV rays, making it safe for anyone – including pregnant women and those with sensitive skin!

Light therapy works simply: light is absorbed by your cells’ mitochondria and used to improve their performance, giving them more energy that allows for faster healing and reduced inflammation. Furthermore, increased production of ATP fueling your body cells means higher production overall – as well as an increase in cell life span and energy usage!

Light therapy has also been proven to activate certain genes and proteins that promote collagen and elastin production – both essential components in helping your skin recover after injuries and reduce scarring – as well as having anti-inflammatory properties that may reduce symptoms associated with fibromyalgia or chronic pain conditions.

As with any treatment, seeing optimal results takes time. But unlike some short-term solutions like physical therapy or injections, red light therapy actually rejuvenates cells and your entire body over the longer run.

There are various ways in which red light therapy can be achieved at home, but selecting an effective device is crucial to its success. Make sure it uses wavelengths and powers density that align with what your area of treatment needs – this will determine its success rate.


If the light intensity is too weak to have any noticeable impact, while too intense could result in itching or burning sensations. Therefore, it’s essential to follow all instructions provided with your device, starting out with short sessions before gradually increasing as soon as you become comfortable with this form of therapy.

What are the Benefits of Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy has grown increasingly popular due to its ability to heal wounds quickly and alleviate discomfort while offering anti-ageing benefits. Long used by dermatologists for treating skin conditions, portable LED devices now make red light therapy available at home as well.

Many of the benefits of PBMT are short-term, such as decreasing inflammation and increasing collagen production to enhance your skin’s appearance or slowing muscle fatigue during workouts to boost performance. But some long-term advantages can also arise, such as alleviating nerve pain caused by diabetes or improving sleep quality by increasing melatonin production – with results dependent on which condition is being treated, device type used and individual settings chosen.

Red light therapy differs from other treatment options like physical therapy or cortisol injections in that it’s completely noninvasive and painless, making PBMT enjoyable without feeling anxious or fearful of its treatments.

As with any new treatment, there are always risks involved in trying something new. Without using the appropriate settings, burns or tissue damage could occur; to stay safe it’s advisable to wear protective eyewear during sessions; people with darker skin tones may be more prone to hyper- or hypopigmentation than others.

However, as long as you follow the recommended usage guidelines and use PBMT responsibly there should be few risks associated with it. According to Cleveland Clinic research LLLT can prevent apoptosis (the destruction of healthy cells), reduce inflammatory chemicals, increase blood flow and stimulate production of growth factors.

Studies have also demonstrated the power of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to relieve symptoms associated with diabetes or fibromyalgia. By stimulating collagen production and decreasing inflammation, this therapy helps alleviate arthritic and rheumatic pain. Your mitochondria absorb near-infrared and red light which induces an increase in production of ATP energy for use by your cells resulting in an increase in production of this vital energy source for bodily functioning.

Though PBMT holds many benefits, more research needs to be conducted into its various applications. While this area of medical discovery can be very exciting, it is always advisable to speak to your physician prior to adding it or any new treatments into your health regimen.

How to Get Started with Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is a safe, non-invasive, and easy way to boost your health at home. Red light therapy can be added into any wellness routine to rejuvenate skin, aid muscle recovery, reduce inflammation and increase energy levels while being an affordable and eco-friendly way of improving overall wellness.

Red and near-infrared (NIR) light therapy, also referred to as photobiomodulation or PBM, uses low-level laser light directly into your body to positively affect cells. Unlike traditional saunas which generate heat that has some health benefits, NIR devices use NIR light absorbed by surface cells on your body in order to stimulate and heal them.

Although many products on the market claim to be effective, it’s crucial that you research wavelength and intensity carefully to find one suitable for you. For instance, many smaller devices only emit 660nm red light which does not penetrate skin deeply enough to influence cells underneath, providing only some or none of the benefits listed below.

When shopping for red light therapy devices, wavelengths between 660nm and 850nm should be optimal. A large LED panel that emits red and near-infrared light could provide optimal treatment of multiple areas at the same time, and will enable you to fully benefit from red light therapy.

Keep in mind that red light therapy sessions may take several weeks before seeing its full benefits. Schedule sessions several times each week and be consistent in your usage – eventually you should experience smoother skin or increased energy.

Red light therapy should be avoided if you suffer from photosensitive conditions like Lupus or are pregnant; otherwise it should generally be safe. As always, please consult with your physician prior to trying any new treatments or supplements. Ari Whitten, author of The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy provides excellent insight.

June 15, 2024|Editorial

What is Rife Machine Therapy?

Rife machines generate low electromagnetic energy waves similar to radio waves. Their use stems from the principle that disease-causing cells have resonant frequencies which can be tuned out, effectively disrupting them.

Rife therapy machines contain electrical pads which attach to hands and feet. Pulses from this machine then attack any bacteria or viruses present within your body and destroy them through pulse therapy.

It is a non-invasive pain relief method

Rife therapy is an alternative treatment option used for various conditions. It works by producing low electromagnetic energy waves similar to radio waves that are transmitted into the body using electrodes. These frequency waves can kill bacteria, viruses and fungi while leaving healthy cells alone; additionally it improves blood health and speeds healing in general; additionally it’s an effective pain relief option that doesn’t require surgery or anesthetics!

Royal Raymond Rife pioneered the Rife machine, with the theory that each disease has a specific electromagnetic frequency associated with it. Rife believed that by emitting those specific frequencies at disease-causing organisms without damaging surrounding tissues, he could eradicate disease without adverse side effects to surrounding tissues. Although this theory has fascinated researchers and may one day become mainstream medical care, controlled studies must still validate it for scientific certainty before being considered an alternative to traditional cancer treatments like radiation and chemotherapy. RIFE machines should not be seen as replacements since there is no proof they can cure advanced tumors.

Rife therapy is an affordable non-invasive solution to chronic pain that has shown promise through limited research. You can combine it with other therapies like physical therapy for an overall sense of well-being and can purchase it easily from online stores or natural health retailers.

Some individuals have reported that Rife therapy has helped relieve symptoms associated with chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia and arthritis. If this treatment option seems effective for you, consult a healthcare professional first if any underlying health problems exist.

A rife machine emits low-energy electromagnetic waves to combat harmful microorganisms without harming cells. These frequencies can be produced using special applicators designed to target specific parts of your body – for instance detoxification, increased circulation and uterine support as well as helping break down scar tissue are just some of the many uses reported for RIFe Therapy – killing parasites, fungi and bacteria (and in some cases Lyme disease and cancer as well). Furthermore, treatments last only minutes with ease as their operation makes use of low energy electromagnetic waves to combat harmful microorganisms – great news if you live somewhere with limited access! RIFe therapy uses electromagnetic waves generated through special applicators designed specifically to target various areas of your body while leaving cells undamaged. RIFe machines are user friendly with its treatment sessions lasting only minutes per session with just minutes-long treatments required from start-to-finish!

It is a treatment for Lyme disease

Rife Machine Therapy is an alternative healing method using electromagnetic frequencies to disrupt harmful microorganisms. First developed in the 1920s by Royal Raymond Rife, this technology works by tapping into resonant frequencies associated with bacteria, viruses and pathogens to neutralize them – it’s most widely known for treating Lyme disease; however many also utilize Rife to address other health conditions.

The Rife device comprises of a controller box and electrical pads attached to your hands or feet, sending low-energy electromagnetic frequencies into your body that target specific acupuncture points. A therapist can adjust these frequencies as necessary to suit individual needs. Rife acupuncture is generally safe; however, some individuals may experience discomfort or skin irritation during treatments.

Rife therapy for Lyme disease has shown positive results for some people; some even experienced full recoveries. But these stories should not be taken as guaranteed cures; it’s best to consult your physician first before starting this therapy.

Some of the more commonly reported side effects of RIFe therapy include fatigue and an improved sense of well-being, while more serious adverse reactions such as dizziness and depression have also been experienced by some patients. Most side effects typically disappear within several sessions.

Rife frequency machines work by emitting electromagnetic frequencies with specific resonant frequencies tuned specifically to bacteria, parasites and pathogens to kill them without harming healthy cells or gut bacteria. They use radiofrequency wavelength range frequencies which do not harm any healthy cells or gut flora in their process of destruction.

Rife machines have long been used to treat various medical conditions, from fibromyalgia and psoriasis to HIV, Lyme disease and Hepatitis C infections. A Rife machine can also be combined with other therapies like acupuncture and herbal medicine for additional benefits.

While RIFE devices offer several potential benefits, they should not be used during pregnancy or while taking certain medications. PEMF therapy does not require batteries or wires and can be administered via a mat worn around the body – unlike its counterpart, which only brings energy to certain parts of your body at once. PEMF therapy can promote whole-body wellness.

It is a treatment for fibromyalgia

The Rife Machine emits low electromagnetic energy waves which are believed to resonate with various pathogens and diseased cells, producing frequencies believed to kill microorganisms while leaving healthy cells undamaged. First developed in 1920 by Royal Raymond Rife, these frequencies may kill pathogens while leaving healthy cells undamaged; although further research needs to be completed. Many individuals have found relief for pain conditions like Fibromyalgia with this alternative form of treatment.

The Rife therapy machine works by exposing its users to electromagnetic frequencies similar to radio waves. These electromagnetic waves penetrate the body, shattering membranes of disease-causing viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi and disrupting them with electromagnetic pulses similar to radio waves. People have reported success using Rife machines for chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, cancer as well as chronic pain management; despite such criticism however it continues to gain in popularity among patients seeking alternative approaches for healing their ailments.

Aside from treating fibromyalgia, the rife machine can also be used to treat chronic diseases and conditions such as arthritis and fibrosis. It provides non-invasive therapy without medication or surgery needed; therefore it makes an excellent musculoskeletal treatment method. Prior to beginning any form of therapy like this one however, please speak with a healthcare provider before undertaking treatment if any medical conditions or pregnant are present.

JWLabs, one of the makers of rife machines, reports three PALS who have tried this form of therapy with “improved symptoms.” When speaking with John Wright about these cases, however, no objective outcome measures were available to him.

Rife machines can also be used as detox treatments for heavy metals, electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), chemicals and pesticides. As it may take up to 4 hours and require extensive lymphatic system cleansing as well as circulation stasis treatment and liver and kidney support – it should be included as part of an integrative treatment plan in order to eliminate environmental toxins while helping the body combat autoimmune disorders while improving immune function.

It is a treatment for arthritis

Rife Therapy is an alternative pain relief method that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to kill microorganisms and heal the body. Created by Royal Raymond Rife in the 1930s, its foundation lies on his theory that every disease has a distinctive frequency that can be used to kill harmful bacteria and viruses without harming healthy cells in the body – although this theory has never been put under controlled conditions for testing.

At a rife treatment session, clients relax comfortably in a chair while placing their feet on special foot plates. Plasma glass tubes generate frequencies, which are transmitted into the body via an electrode system. Sessions usually last a few minutes each and should be repeated several times weekly; those suffering from chronic illnesses may benefit from longer sessions to help relieve their symptoms such as pain and inflammation.

As well as offering relief from pain, rife machines have multiple other uses besides pain relief: detoxification and treating conditions such as Lyme disease and arthritis. Unlike other noninvasive treatments, they have not produced negative side effects and many people have reported positive experiences when using one; although individual responses will vary.

Rife machines resemble Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF), which employs electromagnetic frequencies to promote healing and restore equilibrium in the body. PEMF therapy has been proven to relieve pain, manage swelling and increase energy levels throughout your system; in addition, PEMF may increase cell metabolism and enhance blood circulation.

Barry Lynes’ book “The Cancer Cure That Worked” reignited interest in Rife technology. Additionally, some ALS patients reported experiencing temporary relief when treated with Rife; it is thought this is caused by removal of retroviruses which may contribute to their condition. Although no hard evidence supports its efficacy as an anti-ALS therapy solution; nevertheless it should be taken seriously as some PALS have responded well to treatments of Rife technology.

June 15, 2024|Editorial

The Substitute of Wave Genetics Enrollment

Identifying the Needs

Step one in wave genetics enrollment is to assess the needs of potential participants. This can be accomplished via surveys or focus groups; understanding potential participant needs allows researchers to create targeted outreach campaigns designed to increase participation. Likewise, it’s crucial that researchers identify any barriers to enrollment as early as possible so that strategies may be devised to overcome them.

Utilizing these techniques can significantly boost the success of WGS programs and increase recruitment rates. For instance, BabySeq Project’s research demonstrated that enrollment rates increased with proactive outreach from health care providers; furthermore Geisinger Health System’s research demonstrated mail-based outreach as being both cost-efficient and effective, making this method applicable across hospitals for reaching underrepresented populations.

AFTD commends Wave Life Sciences and GSK on their efforts to enroll patients in this trial. Both companies share our goal of creating innovative therapies that improve people’s lives; as part of this discovery collaboration, GSK receives an exclusive global license to Wave’s preclinical oligonucleotide program for alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD), WVE-006, which represents a first-in-class RNA editing therapeutic therapy solution.

Developing a Strategy

Researchers seeking to create an enrollment strategy for wave genetics must understand what motivates individuals to join genetic research studies. With this understanding in place, enrollment methods and strategies can be enhanced; for instance it is important to determine how many individuals are interested in genetic screening programs and attendance of an enrollment session with a genetic counselor, as well as whether participants would like to join studies that examine specific genetic conditions.

Proactive population screening could transform genetic research and healthcare in the future, becoming more common as government funding grows and programs designed to integrate genomics into healthcare enroll participants (All of Us Research Program Investigators 2019; Tripp et al 2021). It is crucial, however, to assess how many individuals are willing to undergo genetic testing for the first time as well as any barriers which prevent participation.

One approach for tackling this problem is taking a targeted approach that identifies individuals who carry the highest genetic risks for disease and inviting them to participate in clinical trials. This method has proven cost-effective while relieving pressure from health care systems – Wave Genetics has used this strategy successfully by enrolling over 28,000 individuals for its genome sequencing and personalized medicine programs (Wave, 2017).

Wave Genetics‘ platform facilitates easy access to genetic resources for research studies. Scientists can leverage this enabling platform for large scale genomic analyses that identify potential drug candidates.

Wave Life Sciences was established in 2012, and since then has attracted significant pharmaceutical companies and investors, such as Pfizer and Takeda Pharmaceuticals as partners. Unfortunately, however, Wave has experienced multiple setbacks in its development of new treatments for HD and FTD – its experimental drug WVE-004 failed the FOCUS-C9 basket trial for cases associated with mutations of C9orf72 gene.

Implementing a Strategy

An integral component of genetics research is attracting patient participation to studies. Unfortunately, existing research remains inconclusive on how best to approach proactive population-level genomic screening by hospital systems; moreover there may be different preferences among demographic groups when it comes to outreach methods. One study discovered that mailing paper brochures resulted in higher enrollment rates than face-to-face interactions, though this approach incurs considerable costs and may not be viable in communities lacking hospitals; other research indicates digital outreach such as email or text results in higher enrollment rates as well.

On another approach to enrolling people into genomics studies is using EHR-linked biobanks to identify participants who might carry rare variants associated with specific phenotypes. This technique, known as population genomic sequencing (PGS), has proven itself successful in various trials but may be too costly and ineffective on a national scale without significant government support. Finland stands out as an exception where PGS could potentially become cost-effective by linking GWAS data directly to EHRs and clinical records as part of a large scale population-based study called FinnGen.

Wave has developed ASOs that work by interfering with genetic messages telling cells in our body to produce specific protein molecules. In particular, Wave’s ASOs used in the FOCUS-C9 trial were designed to decrease levels of harmful huntingtin while leaving healthy levels unaltered – unlike approaches being tested by Roche and UniQure which aim to lower both forms.

Wave Life Sciences should be applauded for their dedication to sharing the results of the FOCUS-C9 trial with all researchers, which will allow scientists to learn from this groundbreaking basket trial. Although Wave recently shelved two drugs targeting Duchenne muscular dystrophy and Huntington’s disease due to disappointing research setbacks, we believe it’s imperative for them to keep pushing genetic medicine forward by innovating new approaches and pushing boundaries forward.

This press release includes forward-looking statements as defined by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and subsequent amendments. These statements outline our expectations regarding a collaboration and licensing agreement, the discovery, development, manufacturing and commercialization of potential oligonucleotide therapeutics. Forward-looking statements in this document are based on current plans and assumptions and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from what was planned or expected, including the risk that Wave will not reach an agreement regarding research, development and commercialization of potential oligonucleotide therapies. For more information about these and other risks and uncertainties please see its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Monitoring a Strategy

Wave Life Sciences has formed partnerships with major pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, Takeda Pharmaceutical and now GSK. It has raised $102 million from public investors, as well as garnering support from major medical organizations and major investors. Unfortunately, however, Wave has also encountered several setbacks; its experimental drugs for Duchenne muscular dystrophy and Huntington’s disease failed early stage trials and ultimately went nowhere.

Wave is currently conducting a Phase 1b/2a clinical trial of its WVE-003 treatment for HD. This involves administering small molecules known as oligonucleotides to lower levels of the harmful form of huntingtin produced by cells; they’re then injected directly into the brain for effective delivery – unlike previous huntingtin-lowering approaches from Roche and uniQure, Wave’s oligonucleotides will only reduce harmful forms while leaving healthy versions unchanged.

The WVE-003 study will assess if administering oligonucleotides into the brain using this technique improves symptoms associated with HD, as well as whether this treatment impacts progression over time.

To ensure participants receive the appropriate medication, all participants must undergo testing for a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), required as part of participation in this trial. Results of this test will determine eligibility for treatment with WVE-003.

As MVP patients age and genetic diseases increase, so too does their need for effective therapies and monitoring of health outcomes from them. Access to longitudinal data sets such as those provided by VA, Kaiser Permanente and UK Biobank provides this vital service. To meet this demand for genomic research.

Success for these initiatives lies in recruiting and retaining a large, diverse pool of volunteers. Studies have demonstrated that enrollment rates can be dramatically increased with proactive outreach by healthcare providers; one example being the BabySeq Project where mail-based outreach to families led to initial conversations with healthcare providers as well as follow up meetings with genetic counselors significantly increased enrollment to WGS programs.

June 15, 2024|Editorial

Zapper Dr Clark Parasite Cleanser

Hulda Clark developed an electronic device known as the “zapper.” She claimed it could eliminate parasites and toxins from the body.

This VariGamma professional-level zapper features multiple frequency programs that can be stored either onboard memory or portable Program Driver Cards for convenient storage and has a new and improved design.

Increased Energy

Dr. Hulda Clark devised and designed her Zapper device as part of her holistic protocol to cleanse organs from parasites, bacteria and toxins. According to her claim, her Zapper could eliminate flukes, tapeworms, roundworms, mites bacteria and viruses within three minutes; five for viruses; seven for molds and fungus growths.

The battery-powered zapper produces a square wave of electricity with variable voltage of 10 volts or lower that fluctuates up to its maximum point and effectively kills parasites by acting as a positive offset, known as positive offset killing parasites quickly and efficiently. When used with adequate amplitude (voltage), duration, and frequency, it has been known to kill up to 500,000 parasites within seven minutes!

In order to maximize the effectiveness of a zapper, multiple sessions should be carried out each week in order to kill all parasites, bacteria and viruses present during treatment. Furthermore, using it daily for four or more hours will bring optimal results.

VariGamma version 2.0, offers more advanced frequency generator that allows users to program frequencies other than those recommended by Dr Clark. In addition, alligator clips provide greater ease-of-use compared to hand holds used by Hulda Clark; users can clip it securely around clothing or undergarment and thus reduce exposure to cold air.

The zapper is easy to use, connecting either directly to a power source or portable batteries. Be mindful to follow all instructions as the process of zapping can cause temporary dizziness and nausea; in addition, as it kills germs, be sure to rinse your hands after each session for safety purposes and kill germs! Furthermore, pregnant women and children should avoid using the zapper; pacemakers users should also avoid its use as its use could disrupt heartbeats and disrupt proper working of pacemakers causing them to stop functioning correctly or stop working completely!

Digestive Health

Hulda Clark did incredible work to help hundreds of thousands of people with her simple zapper dr clark device – known as a blood cleanser by its nickname – which used low voltage current to destroy bacteria, parasites and mold. Multiple sessions may be required in order to eradicate all toxins and parasites; its purpose also being increased energy levels.

Dr. Clark discovered through her research that all organisms vibrate at different frequencies; viruses and parasites, for instance, vibrating at 30kHz. Based on this discovery, she created the Zapper: an electronic device for killing parasites and bacteria using 9-volt battery power, pulse generator circuitry and copper handles or electrodes held by its user.

The Zapper works to kill parasites and bacteria by sending electric charges through its copper handles or electrodes held in the hands of its user. It’s powered by a 9-volt battery with diodes installed to limit voltage to 1000 ohms for safety purposes – no side effects were noted when testing was completed! Plus, its natural electromagnetic field does not interfere with this device either!

As well as eliminating parasites, zappers also energize white blood cells in your body to more effectively fight viruses and pathogens, and can even reduce inflammation and calcification of joints in the body.

While many claim the zapper can help with various health conditions, some doctors remain dubious of its benefits. Regardless, this device has been extensively evaluated by thousands of people around the world for over 15 years; many users have reported significant improvements in both health and well-being after using a zapper device.

Neither pregnant women or those with pacemakers should use a zapper, though some patients have successfully used leg zapping techniques during gestation to use it successfully. Remember, though, that these devices do not treat or cure any medical conditions so please consult your physician prior to using one.

Stress Relief

The body contains many toxins, many of which accumulate in tissues such as the gall bladder, kidneys and intestines. This accumulation can lead to health issues including gastrointestinal distress, hormonal imbalances and immune system impairment. Thankfully, there are natural methods available to cleanse and reduce body toxicity; one effective option being using a parasite zapper dr clark device that utilizes specific frequencies to kill parasites and bacteria while supporting detoxification processes.

The zapper operates on resonance theory: when exposed to its resonant frequency, parasites or bacteria will burst and die – similar to when you rub your fingers around a wineglass until it breaks!

At any frequency setting, zapping can kill bacteria, flukes, roundworms, mites, viruses and fugai. Furthermore, white blood cells release toxic substances through kidney excretion which are then expelled through urine treatment. Some people experience tingling during treatment while most don’t notice anything at all; you should use your zapper for up to 20 minutes then let it cool off for around 30 minutes after each use; be sure to follow this routine each time!

As well as using the Zapper, herbs can also help cleanse your body of parasites such as Oil of Oregano and Eden extract, both of which will work to eradicate parasites while clearing away toxins and heavy metals from your system. To maximize results from using the zapper, it’s also a good idea to drink plenty of water throughout the day – this will allow it to work more effectively!

The Zapper can be purchased for a relatively low cost; however, be aware that it has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration due to Dr. Hulda Clark’s desire not to participate in patent medicine and make this device affordable to everyone. Regardless, its creator saw great benefits both physically and psychologically from using it: improved skin, increased energy levels, better immunity levels and weight loss facilitation as well as helping with better sleep quality and relieving stress relief.

Pain Relief

The Zapper can zap parasites, fungi, bacteria and mold as well as provide pain relief. Its current subtly energizes your bloodstream allowing white blood cells to “clean house” by killing parasites and most bacteria; these will then be flushed out via your kidneys. All parasites have positive charges while healthy tissue has negative charges; using its current to reverse diseased tissue’s polarity helps reverse its polarity thus healing itself more rapidly.

Hulda Clark was a Canadian naturopath and author who believed most illness is the result of parasitic infection. After years of research into biophysics and cell biology, she invented surprising theories and treatments – like her invention of the Zapper to kill parasites using electrical charges – which she claimed killed them using low voltage electricity sent through copper tubes connected to a battery-operated frequency generator device.

Clark discovered through her research that using positive offset frequencies with voltage between 5 and 10 volts proved successful at killing parasites, bacteria, and viruses. She conducted extensive tests with millions of frequencies until finding one which eliminated harmful organisms completely – she coined this technique zapping. Clark described this approach in her book La Cura para todas las Enfermedades.

When using the zapper, simply place your hands over its two copper electrodes and turn it on. Some users report experiencing slight tingling while others do not experience anything at all. Zap for 7 minutes then take 20 minutes off – this break is necessary because viruses will emerge from dead parasites if left undisrupted and could quickly lead to colds or sore throats.

Some zappers feature amethyst and garnet gemstones to boost electromagnetic energy and make wearing it more comfortable, as well as improve its immune-stimulating powers. Multiple sessions should be scheduled throughout each week to prevent overstimulation of your immune system when one zapping session destroys a parasite and releases it back into your blood stream.

June 15, 2024|Editorial

Scientists Discover Way to Reverse Aging

Scientists have made a truly groundbreaking discovery that may reduce or reverse brain aging. The “fountain of youth” lies within our bodies themselves rather than within some mythical stone or pill.

Shinya Yamanaka earned the prestigious Nobel Prize for discovering a combination of four proteins that transform adult cells back into embryonic-like stem cells, rejuvenating eyes and muscles in mice as well as prolonging their lives. He used these to extend their lifespan.

1. Using Yamanaka Factors to Reverse Cell Aging

Shinya Yamanaka won a Nobel Prize for discovering a combination of proteins that reprogram adult cells to become stem cells capable of developing into any cell type – revolutionizing aging research. But following in his footsteps has spurred further developments; scientists believe they can even reverse aging within whole organisms like humans.

The Yamanaka factors are four transcription factors that activate or repress genes when they’re needed, creating an opportunity to use these factors to transform fibroblasts lining our internal bodies into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) for transplant or rejuvenation purposes. Once created, these iPSCs exhibit many of the characteristics found in young cells such as longer telomeres and reduced oxidative stress that’s one of the major causes of aging.

Yamanaka conducted his original study by reprogramming cells in the lab so they would shed their identity as skin cells and become iPSCs, and applying these reprogrammed cells directly onto mice skin where they began producing new cells at an astounding rate, thus reversing effects associated with aging such as declining eyesight and shorter attention span.

But Yamanaka’s method was intended for lab settings; applying his methods on living animals has proved more challenging. Reverting cells back to an embryonic state could result in their overgrow and cancerous proliferation; instead, researchers explored another approach, showing in 2016 how adding small amounts of Yamanaka factors as short pulses may improve human cell functionality.

To reduce cancer risk, the team selected Oct3/4, Sox2, and Klf4 (known collectively as OSKM) because these proteins have reduced ability to induce cancer. When tested on healthy mice, OSKM demonstrated significant muscle growth benefits as well as improving eye nerve functions while even reversing age-related vision loss in some. Based on these promising findings, OSKM was then attempted on sick mice with promising results.

2. Using DNA Breaks to Reverse Cell Aging

Scientists have long attempted to slow or even reverse cell aging to extend human lifespan, using methods ranging from genetic engineering and gene therapy. Though their efforts are encouraging, experts caution that an effective rejuvenation method remains decades away; in the meantime we’ll need to rely on other ways of improving our quality of life.

Scientists had long sought to activate autophagy – the process by which cells recycle old and damaged parts – as a means to extend lifespan in mice and humans alike. But a recent study suggests this wasn’t necessary: instead, simply decreasing fat build-up could improve health and extend lifespan by itself.

Researchers achieved this by inducing DNA breaks to mice’s cells, without harming the gene code itself. Such DNA modifications don’t alter any coding sections and act similarly to damage from pollution and sunlight which leads to cells ageing prematurely. The inducible epigenetic changes (ICE) method works by producing rapid self-healing cuts in DNA that regulate how genes are expressed – an approach much safer than risky gene therapies which can cause mutations.

After injecting their aging mice with a DNA-altering cocktail, the team found that DNA breaks reversed many markers associated with cellular aging – they looked younger and behaved younger again! Furthermore, it prevented cancer and other diseases as well as improved kidneys, muscles, skin, and eyes of these mice.

Importantly, researchers only managed to reverse mice’s cell aging–not their overall biological age. If we could find an effective and comprehensive way of rejuvenating cells we could effectively reset our biological clocks; researchers are currently exploring this possibility using genetic and chemical approaches in human cells; understanding which resistant cells need further attention can speed the creation of new techniques for resetting biological ages.

3. Using Epigenetics to Reverse Cell Aging

Epigenetics acts like software on our cells, with DNA acting as the hardware and proteins and chemicals called epigenetics as its software. Epigenetics consists of proteins and chemicals that sit atop genes like freckles on a face to tell them “what to do and when.” Unfortunately this process can be compromised by environmental toxins, smoking cigarettes, aging as well as unhealthy habits such as an unbalanced diet or lack of sleep causing irreparable damage to tissues and organs over time.

Researchers discovered that altering cell epigenetics could reverse mouse aging. To do this, they created a cocktail of Yamanaka factors and injected it into mouse retinal ganglion cells, the light-sensitive layer of eye’s optic nerve. This caused them to reprogram into embryonic stem cells reprogramming them back into biologically younger versions that looked and acted younger; additionally it promoted retinal injury recovery among aged mice. Their results were published in April 2023.

Wolf Reik, a molecular biologist at Altos Cambridge Institute of Science (a rejuvenation-oriented lab whose doors opened last year by rejuvenation specialist Altos Labs), and member of Babraham Institute’s scientific board wanted to determine whether this process could also work on other cells. Scientists induced drastic DNA breaks in mice cells to mimic damage caused by daily exposure to chemicals, sunlight and other factors which contribute to aging. Their approach was known as inducible changes to epigenome (ICE). Ice-induced DNA breaks did not alter the coding portions of mice’s genes, which would otherwise trigger mutations, but they did alter how DNA folds, prompting epigenetic factors to temporarily stop their normal work and move directly toward DNA breaks to coordinate repairs before returning back to their regular duties.

Scientists were able to reset the epigenetics of other cell types, including muscle, kidney and retinal cells – effectively giving these mice younger, healthier appearances and improving their ability to regenerate tissues and organs. If successful, their experiments could one day lead to medicines designed to slow or even reverse human aging processes.

4. Using Rapamycin to Reverse Cell Aging

Rapamycin, an mTOR inhibitor typically used to prevent organ transplant rejection, has been found to extend longevity in laboratory animals while delaying age-related diseases such as inflammation. As opposed to lifestyle changes, anti-ageing drugs can reach your body before disease-causing processes like oxidative stress or inflammation take hold in your body; one such drug that could simultaneously prevent multiple diseases while increasing lifespan would truly be revolutionary.

Anti-ageing remedies have been tried out countless times and most have proven unsuccessful for various reasons, from being ineffective due to working through unproven mechanisms to producing undesirable side effects that are too severe or unwanted for daily use. By contrast, mTOR inhibitors like rapamycin and everolimus are clinically approved medications with well-tolerated side effects known for years and no serious risks involved.

Although mTOR inhibition is generally associated with slower growth, it has also been found to extend life in several species – humans, flies and yeast alike. Geroconversion is thought to be responsible for this lifespan extension: this twisted growth phenomenon leads to hypertrophic and hyperfunctional cells developing (like cancerous ones) while simultaneously slowing cell division rates.

Rapamycin treatment of mice significantly extends maximum lifespan while slowing the onset of age-related diseases in flies and yeast.

At present, it remains uncertain whether rapamycin and other mTOR inhibitors will be effective at reversing all of the overt diseases of aging, or just some. But recent research indicates that short-term exposure to rapamycin had similar positive results as long-term use – this bodes well as it indicates that combinations of mTOR inhibitors with other therapies could extend human lifespan and healthspan without needing lifelong medication treatment.