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June 16, 2024|Editorial

David Sinclair, Harvard Professor and Longevity Advocate, Reveals First Supplement to Reverse Aging in Dogs

Harvard geneticist and longevity researcher David Sinclair is widely seen as a trailblazer in his field, having founded various companies and garnering an enthusiastic following. But in February 2024 he caused outrage among other scientists when he claimed his team had created the first supplement “proven to reverse aging” in dogs.

Sinclair’s lab employed harmless viruses to deliver Yamanaka factors that induce adult cells back into stem cell status. These stem cells can regenerate damaged neurons in eyes, brain tissue and muscles.

1. Diet

Harvard Genetics Professor David Sinclair asserts that his lifestyle approach has enabled his body to operate like it were decades younger. He credits this feat to practices including eating high protein/low-carbohydrate diet and taking daily doses of NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide). Furthermore, frequent use of InsideTracker app was essential in his success.

Sinclair, an esteemed anti-aging scientist, is best known for his research into longevity genes and sirtuins – as well as for writing his best-selling book Lifespan on this subject. His lab pioneered work identifying NAD biosynthesis’s role in lifespan regulation; they have since utilized sirtuin-related issues such as aging, epigenetics, energy metabolism mitochondria learning memory cancer.

Sinclair and her team’s latest research, published in Aging journal, shows how they were able to reverse key hallmarks of skin cell aging in human and mouse skin cells by rejuvenating senescent (cells that have stopped multiplying) without altering their identity or altering them permanently. Furthermore, this discovery, along with high-throughput cell-based assays used to identify chemicals capable of rejuvenating senescent cells is an exciting advance towards finding a true Fountain of Youth.

Scientists are making headlines once again after claiming they can reverse aging processes in cells, and this time could prove especially significant. Reversing human cell aging could potentially provide cures for various diseases while lengthening lifespan.


However, this research is at an early stage and its results would take many more years before being replicated in humans. We can only hope that these findings inspire further investment into anti-ageing science and result in the creation of effective treatments against aging.

At present, one of the best ways to slow the aging process is to consume a diet rich in fruits and vegetables while participating in regular physical activity. Sleep is also key and stress reduction should also be prioritized.

2. Exercise

Harvard professor and molecular biologist David Sinclair is an influential voice in longevity research, yet has made controversial claims regarding how to reverse aging – something which has caused friction with other biologists, including some close to him.

Dr. Charles Brenner of City of Hope has criticised Sinclair for overselling scientific findings and making grandiose statements that lack supporting evidence. Brenner and Sinclair both work for companies selling supplements containing nicotinamide riboside, or NR, which is thought to promote longevity in animals. Furthermore, both are investors in MetroBiotech as well as co-founders of non-profit Academy for Health and Lifespan Research so their ties between each other are undeniable.

Researchers recently conducted a groundbreaking study, finding that by administering synthetic precursors of two naturally produced molecules in mice’s bodies, they could reverse aging-related blood vessel demise and muscle atrophy. Their team intends to extend this research to humans as well.

The team discovered that when they administered NR and NMN to mouse cells, it switched on genes which helped slow aging while revitalizing organs and improving vision and longevity. Furthermore, scientists believe if applied in humans it could reverse many age-related diseases while lengthening lives according to The Washington Post.


However, as Paul Knoepfler of UC Davis reviewed this paper and its results are preliminary, according to Paul. Knoepfler has reviewed this study’s publication in an unrefereed journal and finds its findings promising, yet not groundbreaking; nonetheless it could provide a good starting point for further study and should not be discounted outright.

Sinclair is passionate about his own work, and believes he has successfully reduced his inner age (based on DNA tests) through four simple daily habits. Each morning begins with peppermint mouthwash followed by one or two cups of green matcha tea which contains polyphenols proven to prevent rodent aging, followed by eating a small breakfast of yogurt mixed with resveratrol before working most of his day at his standing desk desk.

3. Sleep

Many people underestimate the significance of sleep on both their physical and mental wellbeing. A restful night’s rest can help restore energy levels, contributing to greater alertness and energetic living while also contributing to healthier skin tone, reduced risk of age-related diseases, and overall improved wellbeing.

Sleep deprivation was found to accelerate epigenetic ageing by directly altering cellular signaling pathways, producing harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS) which damage mitochondrial DNA and other cell structures – potentially explaining why chronic insomniacs age faster.

Sinclair’s research is dedicated to finding ways to slow, stop, or reverse biological aging. He and his team believe we will eventually be able to do this through manipulation of genes; their team have successfully turned off gene expression that causes mice to age more rapidly while developing techniques for doing the same with muscles, brains, and eyes.

Claim of his being able to “reverse aging” has led to some criticism in the longevity community. Although he has built several biotechnology companies aimed at lengthening human lifespan and has garnered accolades, critics claim his claims go too far; Animal Biosciences issued a statement distancing itself from such claims; longevity medicine is an emerging field that’s drawing billions in investments from wealthy execs.

4. Stress Reduction

David Sinclair, a Harvard professor and longtime advocate of longevity research, recently made some eye-opening statements regarding his work. Most recently he announced that researchers have developed a chemical cocktail capable of reversing the signs of aging in animals; their team published their results in a scientific journal; using screening technology they identified six chemical concoctions capable of rejuvenating older or damaged skin cells in both human and mouse skin cells – something their screening method had enabled them to do successfully.

Research by this team shows how these compounds can reset biological clocks and improve overall health, such as increasing lifespans and cognitive performance in mice. Their hope is that eventually this discovery could become a “Fountain of Youth” pill; to begin testing these six chemicals on various animal species such as dogs and monkeys. If successful results emerge from testing the team would begin clinical trials in humans.

Sinclair and his team worked on this project for more than three years and managed to show that they can regrow old cells in mice and monkeys without altering their cellular identity or harming surrounding tissue, an achievement never before possible due to science’s inability to achieve such feats. It represents an impressive milestone as prior scientific attempts had failed miserably at doing this feat.

Though the results appear positive, other biologists remain cautious of such claims of reverse aging. Matt Kaeberlein from University of California Los Angeles suggests that one or more chemicals be tested against animal models before making such claims about reversing it.

Sinclair has earned his place as an influential voice in anti-aging circles and an outspoken proponent of longevity hacking, thanks to his lifestyle practices which are also anti-ageing: He forgoes sugar, alcohol and meat; drinks green tea rich in polyphenols and works at a standing desk throughout his day; according to DNA testing he believes his biological age is about 10 years younger than chronological age, thus showing reversing aging is within the reach of anyone willing to give it a go.

June 16, 2024|Editorial

Bioresonance Focused Ultrasound Healing

Bioresonance therapy works by sending electromagnetic frequencies into your body, harmonizing and restoring its bioresonance so that organs can communicate more efficiently again – this enables self-healing while improving overall health.

Focused ultrasound technology can target tumors with pinpoint precision without harming surrounding tissues. It has also proven successful as a salvage treatment option when cancer recurs after other therapies have failed.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance Therapy is an entirely non-invasive, painless way of gathering information about different aspects of one’s health from within their own bodies. This process works by measuring frequency of cells to identify any imbalances or disturbances – bioresonance readings are like fingerprints that reveal hidden connections in health issues.

Every living organism possesses an electromagnetic or “biomagnetic” field, and when this field becomes disturbed it can lead to illness. Bioresonance therapy attempts to restore this biomagnetic field back into its proper place for improved health.

A bioresonance machine connects with your body via electrodes, reading your biomagnetic field to send gentle pulses of electromagnetic energy directly into cells that will receive them; otherwise, cells won’t absorb them properly and may reject them altogether.

Note that BICOM devices do not generate high frequencies that could harm or shock patients; rather, they use only minimal power that has already been reduced down to 12v before it even reaches them. Furthermore, these BICOM devices have been CE certified as safe for clinical environments by medical professionals.

Not to be mistaken with cancer, the primary factor behind a poor bioresonance reading is toxic build-up within the body. Bioresonance therapy helps remove these toxins, aiding your natural healing processes while decreasing them as a whole.

Bioresonance therapy offers another advantage for treating infectious diseases: its ability to identify and eradicate viruses, bacteria, and parasites from your body. Once identified, bioresonance can use various therapeutic modalities to combat them effectively.

Bioresonance therapy not only destroys harmful invaders but can also stimulate your immune system to attack any remaining cancer or other disease cells in the body – which could result in more rapid and complete healing from illness.

Bioresonance therapy can be especially helpful when treating allergies, as it identifies and breaks down toxins that contribute to allergic reactions in the body – thus eventually making an allergy go away altogether.

How Does Bioresonance Therapy Work?

Bioresonance therapy employs electromagnetic frequencies to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Health professionals utilize electromagnetic vibrations to identify and correct imbalances throughout the body. Their goal is to restore both physical and emotional equilibrium so that individuals may return to their original states of well-being.

Bioresonance therapy employs a device known as a bioresonance machine to detect any unhealthy electromagnetic frequencies present in the body and emit counter frequencies to cancel out harmful vibrations, providing a healthier internal environment and helping your immune system work more efficiently.

Bioresonance therapy is an integrative health approach used to address conditions like food and environmental allergies, urogenital disorders, insomnia, chronic pain management, low energy levels, hormonal imbalances and more. Furthermore, this therapy has proven successful at relieving stress while increasing emotional stability.

Bioresonance therapy is relatively straightforward; patients simply lie on a comfortable table while technicians connect electrodes from a machine to their body and scan for any blocks, interferences or unhealthy frequencies in their bodies that the machine records before creating an individual treatment plan for each patient.

As part of their treatment, patients will be instructed to consume lots of water during treatment sessions to flush away toxins from the body and support its healing process. Their therapist may suggest making certain changes or lifestyle modifications that will further assist this healing process.

Though bioresonance therapy is still relatively new, it has already proven itself effective in several studies and trials. One Russian study, for instance, discovered that patients receiving bioresonance therapy experienced significantly less pain than those only receiving manual therapy and massage; additionally it has also been proven effective at relieving unexplained stomach discomfort in Germany – further research is still being done into its efficacy, however published success stories and testimonials indicate it could play a pivotal role in an integrative healthcare approach.

What are the Benefits of Bioresonance Therapy?

Every cell in our body contains its own magnetic, or biomagnetic field. When this field becomes disturbed it may manifest in physical symptoms like stomachache or headaches; bioresonance therapy can identify imbalanced frequencies responsible and emit counterfrequencies to reset it and help alleviate these symptoms.

Bioresonance provides another advantage, in that it can detect infections early and facilitate treatment prior to any symptoms arising. Furthermore, this information allows us to optimise our diets and supplement our bodies’ needs with adequate nutritional support – often relieving many symptoms instantly!

Bioresonance therapy can also detect and alleviate toxic stressors in your body, such as heavy metal poisoning or pharmaceutical drug overdose. It does this by inverting frequencies emitted by chemicals emitted by these sources – much like how noise-cancelling headphones help block out unwanted noise. Once these frequencies have been cancelled out, your cells can communicate normally again, restoring self-healing mechanisms back into action and helping your body heal itself naturally.

Bioresonance therapy has proven itself effective at detoxifying the body as well as treating a wide variety of health conditions, from allergies (eczema and asthma) to rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and fibromyalgia. One study conducted on patients suffering from fibromyalgia who received regular bioresonance treatments over those not doing so found that those receiving regular treatments saw significantly faster improvements than those not participating.

Other ailments bioresonance therapy can effectively address include acne and psoriasis, along with digestive problems like chronic constipation, bloating and indigestion. Furthermore, bioresonance can be used to treat mental illnesses like anxiety and depression by relieving stress levels and helping balance biochemicals in the brain – often leading to improved sleep patterns that further alleviate their symptoms – due to its ability to restore equilibrium back into the body’s systems.

Who Can Benefit from Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy has proven itself effective against an array of conditions, including fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, respiratory diseases and allergies. Some bioresonance practitioners also claim it can kill cancer by activating genes to restrict tumor growth or suppress hyperactive cells; however, no scientific proof supports these claims. Bioresonance can alleviate symptoms associated with fibromyalgia by cancelling out pathological frequencies that cause it and eliminating them naturally through your body’s detox system.

Can Help Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis By increasing the content of thiol groups and normalizing activities of glutathione peroxidase, this approach can assist in treating rheumatoid arthritis by producing anti-oxidants to protect the body against damage, while helping with depression by decreasing levels of heavy metals, parasites, chemicals and e-smog found in your blood stream – thus leading to improved mood stability, increased circulation and potentially less need for prescription medication.

A machine connected to electrodes on your skin and emitting electromagnetic frequencies emits electromagnetic frequencies that can help identify unhealthy energy frequencies in your cells, which could indicate infections, stress, poor diet and environmental toxins as potential issues. When these frequencies detect imbalances they send out counterfrequencies to correct these imbalances and bring your body back into equilibrium.

Recent research used bioresonance therapy as part of treatment for patients suffering from fibromyalgia. Patients receiving bioresonance along with manual and point massage reported a 72% reduction in muscular pain as well as improved sleep, decreased weather sensitivity, reduced drug usage by 50% – these results can only be considered beneficial.

Bioresonance therapy’s advantages become even greater when combined with other holistic therapies. After conducting a comprehensive bioresonance assessment, our Bioresonance Therapists will create a tailored wellness plan including diet changes, stress reduction techniques, and other holistic methods that can enhance your health and well-being. Contact Quantum Functional Medicine now to make an appointment and take control of your life!

June 16, 2024|Editorial

Deepak Chopra

Chopra uses quantum physics as a basis for his explanations on how deep transformations in consciousness can produce extraordinary forms of healing, an approach which is highly speculative and far removed from established scientific concepts.

Chopra’s movie has attracted an immense following and become a multimillionaire, which is worrying.

1. The Egely Wheel

Deepak Chopra is a physician-writer who advocates that true healing occurs both spiritually and mentally, not solely at a cellular level. He integrates ancient wisdom with modern science in order to offer an innovative vision of medicine’s future – his book Quantum Healing explores these connections through quantum physics.

The Egely Wheel is a device for measuring life energy that can help diagnose illness and determine the most suitable treatments. Created by Deepak Chopra in 1998, its concept stems from his belief that our thoughts impact physical health; similar to how positive thinking will lead to positive results.

Chopra promotes an integrative, holistic approach to health and wellness in his book Quantum Healing that blends traditional Western medicine with alternative therapies. He asserts that connecting with one’s inner self and cultivating inner peace are the keys to realizing true wellbeing; by understanding how mind, body, and spirit all intersect, individuals can begin healing themselves on a cellular level.

Chopra’s philosophy is grounded in Ayurveda, an ancient Indian practice that sees health as the balance of body, mind and spirit. Additionally, his ideas draw upon quantum physics pioneers’ discoveries that consciousness affects reality at an subatomic level as well as other philosophers such as Viktor Frankl who advocate finding meaning through suffering.

Chopra may not base his theories on scientific evidence, but his books and lectures have inspired millions around the globe. He has even become a multimillionaire from his writing and speaking schedule – evidence that his theories hold some degree of credibility. Still, quantum healing should never replace traditional medical treatment for serious illnesses like cancer or cardiovascular disease; though it may help alleviate certain symptoms it should never replace conventional treatment altogether.

2. Chopra’s books

Deepak Chopra is an author and physician known for his belief in quantum healing. This belief developed after witnessing unexplained medical miracles during his own practice. To create his unique approach, Deepak combined ancient Indian practices like Ayurveda with modern medicine as well as ideas from quantum physics into Ageless Body Timeless Mind he describes how our bodies possess the capacity to heal themselves and fight diseases like cancer.

Quantum healing is founded on the idea that everything in the universe contains energy that can be managed on an individual basis. According to Deepak Chopra, everything is interconnected and subject to one’s thoughts – similar to other forms of energy healing such as Reiki or energy work. Quantum healing can be used both physically and emotionally, as well as improve one’s quality of life.

Healing requires harmonizing body, mind and spirit – this requires having a positive outlook and having faith in our innate healing capacity of the body itself. A healthy diet and regular physical activity play key roles in this process of transformation.

Chopra bases his beliefs on his personal experience as well as that of others, taking inspiration from spiritual leaders such as the Dalai Lama and Buddha as well as Western medicine and quantum physics ideas he incorporates in his books; some scientists have criticised them due to being founded on unproven theories.

Chopra emphasizes the significance of living a balanced lifestyle and spirituality in his books, discussing positive thinking and the law of attraction as ways that thoughts affect reality – an idea which has yet to be scientifically verified; some scientists consider its application dangerous for medicine practice.

The quantum healing method is a holistic approach to medicine that recognizes the mind-body connection. This approach emphasizes treating illness from its source rather than masking symptoms, encouraging healthy lifestyle choices such as meditation and mindfulness to treat illness holistically and promote overall wellness. Furthermore, this methodology calls for shifting away from disease-centric models towards an integrative holistic approach focused on wellness.

3. The Chopra Foundation

The Chopra Foundation is an organization that advocates quantum healing and other forms of alternative medicine, with the goal of helping individuals attain optimal health and well-being through positive psychology and connecting to one’s inner self. Furthermore, mindfulness and meditation practices are also highly encouraged as these practices have the power to unlock your body’s innate healing powers.

Deepak Chopra, an internal medicine and endocrinology physician, founded the Chopra Foundation in 1989 to combine modern Western medicine with Eastern philosophy, meditation, and spirituality. Its teachings draw from quantum physics pioneers as well as Ayurveda–an ancient Indian system of medicine dating back 5,000 years.

Chopra is an accomplished author and lecturer renowned for his writings that have sold millions of copies worldwide and his teachings that have inspired many people; yet many in the medical community remain skeptical about his methods; many of his beliefs center on how our minds have the ability to influence reality; consequently, everything around us reflects back our thoughts.

Quantum healing is an alternative form of medicine that claims to treat ailments at levels beyond human perception. A hybrid between Western and Eastern medicine, it incorporates concepts from quantum physics and Transcendental Meditation for healing purposes. Quantum Healing also draws heavily upon Ayurveda – an ancient system which promotes wellness through an equilibrium between mind, body and spirit – for its practice.

One key tenet of quantum healing is the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Mind-body relationships exist and positive energy has an immediate and significant effect on physical wellbeing; this quote underscores this notion and highlights its significance for maintaining a positive outlook while trusting our bodies’ innate healing capacity.

Positivity can be an immensely powerful force that can transform our lives and improve our health, yet it must not replace professional medical treatment for serious conditions. Success of mind-body techniques depends on trust from their subjects – which explains why scientific research has found placebo effects do exist.

4. Chopra’s lectures

Chopra is an esteemed New Age philosopher and guru, known for authored several books under his own name as well as founding multiple healing techniques bearing his moniker. Chopra asserts that these methods are supported by quantum physics and work on the principle of positive thoughts and emotions leading to positive outcomes, and the body healing itself with meditation or other self-help practices. Though these ideas have gained widespread support among many people, there is no scientific evidence supporting them. Cancer Research UK reports that neither ayurveda or quantum healing have been shown to alleviate symptoms associated with cancer or enhance quality of life for cancer patients; furthermore reiki and energy healing practices have actually been linked with harming patients suffering from cancer.

Chopra is one of the most controversial proponents of alternative and integrative medicine in the US, drawing widespread criticism for promoting medical treatments that have not been tested scientifically or do not adhere to established scientific concepts. Furthermore, his reliance on quantum physics to support his beliefs as well as claims that mind and body are connected has also come under scrutiny.

Chopra’s book Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine brings together Western medical science with Hindu observations to argue that physical health can be affected by one’s state of consciousness. He suggests using holistic healing practices like diet changes, meditation and Ayurveda in combination with Western medical therapy as a way of both preventing disease as well as treating it successfully. His best-seller has become the classic text on mind-body connections movement.

Chopra’s book has been translated into over 85 languages and sold millions of copies worldwide, earning him worldwide popularity as an author, public speaker and practitioner of spiritual healing practices. Chopra founded a number of organizations that support his beliefs. For instance, The Chopra Foundation works towards advancing mind-body spiritual healing practices while offering workshops and retreats; his company produces wellness products with his latest venture being The UC Wellbeing Channel which features interviews with experts about healing and wellbeing topics.

June 16, 2024|Editorial

Hemorrhoids and the Hemorrhoid Energy Therapy Procedure

Hemorrhoids are an irritating and distressful condition affecting millions of people worldwide. Hemorrhoids often result in rectal bleeding and itching.

HET is an innovative non-invasive therapy using heat energy to treat hemorrhoids in-office. Less invasive than rubber band ligation, HET provides immediate results with reduced recovery time.

During the Procedure

Hemorrhoids, or hemorrhoidal collection of blood vessels in the lower rectum that become enlarged and painful over time, may prolapse out of their confines and bleed. Hemorrhoid energy therapy (HET), is an alternative nonsurgical method of treating hemorrhoids by using heat energy to shrink hemorrhoids and decrease bleeding. HET uses heat energy to shrink hemorrhoids while decreasing bleeding.

Healthcare providers can perform this procedure in either an outpatient surgery center or physician’s office, using local anesthetic to numb the area and ensure you remain awake but do not experience any pain during the process.

Low-grade heat energy is applied directly to the hemorrhoids to limit blood flow to them and help reduce inflammation. The procedure takes only a few minutes and can target multiple hemorrhoids simultaneously; most patients report no pain during or after the treatment process.

Similar to rubber band ligation, but less invasive, this procedure does not require any preparation and can be completed in less than a minute. Furthermore, multiple hemorrhoids can be targeted simultaneously for treatment to speed recovery time.

Hemorrhoid energy therapy with bipolar cautery (HETTM) is another popular hemorrhoid surgery method. This non-invasive and safer alternative to rubber band ligation uses electrical current to cut and seal hemorrhoids instead of using metal probes which may be more uncomfortable for patients.

HET bipolar system has proven itself to be a safe and effective method for treating hemorrhoids without bleeding, with minimal collateral tissue damage nearby the hemorrhoids. According to recent research, 62% of patients experienced complete resolution or improvement from this procedure; its low treatment temperature minimizes collateral tissue damage around hemorrhoids as well. 62% experienced complete resolution or improvement from HET treatment while more recent research indicated 62% saw complete resolution or improvement after receiving HET procedure; regardless of good results however patients must follow advice given by their doctors regarding frequency or length of treatments received as too frequent treatments can return or worsen and lead to anal fistula which requires patients wear pads in order to avoid irritation in rectal area caused by bleeding or itching from within fistula itself causing irritation that would need be worn all throughout treatment sessions in order to protect from potential problems caused by irritation causing bleeding or itching inside of rectal area.

After the Procedure

Hemorrhoid energy therapy, or HET, is an innovative non-surgical method designed to quickly relieve hemorrhoid symptoms. HET applies low thermal energy to shrink inflamed hemorrhoids. Treatment typically occurs at an ambulatory endoscopy center along with colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy and most patients notice immediate reductions in hemorrhoid size and improvements in symptoms.

The procedure can be done simultaneously on multiple hemorrhoids, and most patients report no pain or only mild discomfort during treatment. Heat energy applied close to hemorrhoids minimizes blood flow and inflammation, with low temperatures helping limit collateral tissue damage – all in only a few minutes! Most patients don’t even require sedation!

Recently, researchers evaluated the HET bipolar system’s effectiveness in treating internal hemorrhoids (IH). When compared with rubber band ligation (RBL), which is commonly used as an IH treatment option, using HET bipolar was associated with higher rates of successful bleeding resolution and less need for repeat treatments.

Hemorrhoids can be divided into four grades depending on their symptoms and prognosis: Grade I hemorrhoids are non-visible, do not cause rectal bleeding during bowel movements and don’t overhang from anal canal causing straining; Grade II are those that prolapse out from anal canal and cause straining but may be reduced through diet and lifestyle changes; while grade III hemorrhoids prolapse out, prolapsing out from it causing rectal bleeding with each bowel movement – this type is more severe and may require surgical removal of anal canal prolapse out.

Study authors evaluated 71 patients suffering from grade I and II hemorrhoids who underwent treatment with HET bipolar system. Of those 71 treated, 64 experienced either complete or significant improvement in hemorrhoidal bleeding – an impressively higher rate than what had been seen using RBL in previous research studies. Furthermore, many were able to resume work or other daily activities immediately following HET system treatment.

What to Expect

At your initial consultation, our team will go over everything you need to know about hemorrhoid energy treatment and what it can achieve. We will also go over necessary preparations and post-procedure instructions. Medications like aspirin products, antiplatelet agents (such as Clopidogrel), arthritis medications and anticoagulants could interfere with this procedure so it’s essential that any such substances be disclosed prior to beginning.

Hemorrhoid energy therapy (HET) can provide relief for internal grade 1 and 2 hemorrhoids that cause rectal bleeding, itching or prolapse of blood vessels into the anus. HET may also help those suffering with non-reducing grade 3 hemorrhoids that do not spontaneously reduce and require manual reduction; HET offers less invasive relief than rubber band ligation yet more effectiveness than infrared coagulation and sclerotherapy treatments.

HET bipolar systems are intended to be painless, with only slight pressure from instruments causing discomfort during and after procedures. Patients have reported various sensations during and after their procedure; those experiencing itching or pain afterward can use creams for managing these symptoms.

After your procedure, it is vitally important that any pressure be kept off of the hemorrhoid area. However, sitting for long periods can present its own unique set of challenges – so we advise using a donut-shaped pillow when sitting down – this can help to keep your buttocks positioned correctly while alleviating pain and preventing straining.

Avoid foods that cause constipation to prevent hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are made worse when hardened stools place extra stress on the anus during bowel movements; constipation can further irritate this sensitive area and may result in bleeding and itching. To combat constipation effectively, try using stool softener or drinking plenty of water daily to maintain regularity.

After your procedure, it is important to rest for as long as possible and limit activity until any discomfort subsides. This includes refraining from engaging in strenuous activities such as squatting, lifting, or bending and sitting for prolonged periods. If pain persists over time, over-the-counter medicines may help alleviate itching.


At a time of cost containment, malpractice lawsuits and competitive pressure to provide office treatment for hemorrhoids, searching for an easily learnt procedure that delivers satisfactory results without serious complications is paramount. Methods which return anal cushions back into their natural position without damaging tissue are much preferable to methods such as rubber band ligation (RBL) or chemical destruction of pile mass via sclerosant injections.

Infrared radiation penetrates hemorrhoidal tissue at a predetermined depth before instantly being converted to heat and leading to its coagulation. Radiation exposure duration can be precisely controlled via an instrument built into the power unit, while mechanical pressure applied during coagulation reduces blood flow to the site for maximum depth coagulation with minimal damage to mucosa proximal to hemorrhoids (4).

June 16, 2024|Editorial

Radiesthesia Books

Publisher’s description

A comprehensive introduction to radionics, an energy healing technique that uses radio waves. Also provides insight into telluric stress.

The ultimate reading material for any serious dowser! This book presents a novel approach for modern dowsers combining intellectual capacity with intuitive intuition, leading to unmatched accuracy.

The Perception of Frequencies

Radiesthesia, in its purest sense, refers to the ability to detect frequencies. These frequencies can be associated with vibrations emanating from objects and picked up on by the dowser’s body; when frequencies resonate positively or negatively they reflect back with positive or negative responses for user. Dowsers commonly use this knowledge in finding items of interest such as water sources, medicine remedies or people.

The pendulum is the go-to tool for radiesthesia. A typical radiesthesia pendulum consists of a weight with an intricately designed weight bearing attachment attached to one end by thread. When asked a question by holding onto either hand of the pendulum and asking the other how they will respond; if positive answers were received then rotation towards right occurs; otherwise left-ward movement occurs instead. After testing these answers are read by an experienced Dowser to analyze frequency and quality responses of pendulum responses.

Ancient Egypt practiced radiesthesia with precision and its applications were numerous. Pharaonic doctors employed it to perform complex brain surgeries that modern surgeons couldn’t replicate with even their most cutting-edge technologies; and every gold mine found by modern geologists in Sinai desert was discovered through this ancient art form.

Though physical radiesthesia (commonly referred to as dowsing) remains popular, its scientific credibility has diminished over time due to its subjective nature and susceptibility to autosuggestion. To combat this issue, mental radiesthesia was created. To differentiate the subjective meaning level from its scientific scales used for psychic interpretation. Thus the name “Mental Radiesthesia“.

This book presents an introduction to mental radiesthesia, its application and how it can be worked with through exercises and practical examples. This text includes detailed instruction for using the radiesthesia pendulum to make predictions for lottery or gambling games as well as providing foundations of radiesthesia in relationships, business and health matters. Written in a clear manner that makes understanding easy, this text will show readers why mental radiesthesia should not be treated lightly but instead taken as a scientifically tested and proven methodology.

The Science of Resonance

Human bodies, including all their parts and functions, are composed of multidimensional energy fields that can be accessed and measured with various tools; one such tool used in ancient radiesthesia research is the pendulum.

This science creates an invisible link between all matter – living or inert – by harnessing fundamental vibrational frequencies of each atom and molecule which make up our universe, such as creating universal polarities between positive and negative physicality that can be detected with special devices called radiesthesists or pendulums that measure minute vibrational interactions of energy fields that connect objects together.

Medical Dowsing is a form of Radiesthesia which utilizes questions designed to detect imbalances or disturbances within an individual’s energy system. A dowser conducts these questions by holding samples of food, pollen or animal hair – then measures frequency interactions against an established scale to establish quality interactions.

Radiesthesia‘s roots lie in Ancient Egypt, where it was practiced as an exact science. Over the centuries, Jesuit missionaries used it as the primary tool in searching for herbal medicines in foreign lands and to locate underground water sources (dowsing). Later it also served as a means of diagnosing illness with simple pendular instruments. Abbe’ Mermet was renowned for his skill at detecting mineral and water resources both locally and at distance (“Tele-Radiesthesia“). At that time, Radiesthesia became known as the “Microvibrational Physics” of the 20th Century. Herein lies an insightful collection of knowledge by its author on this fascinating, hidden, forgotten science – making this book essential reading for those interested in Radiesthesia or Dowsing.

The Science of Telluric Stress

As electromagnetic fields are produced by magnetic currents in the earth’s crust, telluric stress is also caused by currents flowing within its crust. Their distribution determines its magnetic field. Tectonic units also play an integral part in this equation. Magneto-telluric sounding allows geologists to locate geologic structures such as veins or breccias without drilling or using other costly methods; this form of prospecting is known as magneto-telluric sounding. Radiesthesia operates under the premise that horizontal magnetic field components differ by an exact ratio, as represented by curves representing apparent resistivities at each point and their respective true resistivities of rock. Eventually, this master set of curves can then be used to locate minerals and water.

To achieve success with a dowsing rod, it is essential that the radiesthete is completely relaxed physically while remaining only mildly interested in their desired result mentally. This will prevent tension building up inside him which often leads to concentration and can stop the pendulum’s swings altogether. Madame Marguerite Maury of this pamphlet had considerable experience practicing radioesthesia prior to becoming a nurse and had studied physics in Vienna prior to becoming a nurse herself; during that time she performed extensive practical work using radioesthesia techniques which proved her abilities were extremely reliable over her long career in both fields of work – as proven in her many years of work with radioesthesia as she had gone on many practical projects around Europe as she worked extensively with radioisothetically trained radioesthetic powers were proven.

She holds firm to her view that these phenomena stem solely from physical causes, and bases her teachings around this theory. At the same time, however, she asserts that radioesthetic detection is individualistic in nature – no set of rules exists that govern it generally – an important point that should be kept in mind by anyone new to radiesthesic art who embarks upon one path only to discover later that it doesn’t suit him/her personally.

The Art of Confidence

Radiesthesia (often called “dowsing”) is the practice of using a pendulum to detect radiations emanating from living beings and inanimate objects, with applications including finding people, illness, minerals, water sources and divination for love divination purposes. Some individuals possess this talent while it can also be acquired with practice and dedication.

Radiesthesia may still be considered pseudoscience, but many have found its practical applications invaluable in everyday life. From discovering underground water for agriculture purposes to discovering gold mines in Africa – even helping doctors detect allergies for patients.

At its core is an application to identify geopathic stressors in a house and select an ideal site for building. Feng shui practitioners have long employed this science as a way of pinpointing earth energies and disturbances; ancient Egypt utilized this science so precisely that it allowed their surgeons to perform brain surgeries with incredible accuracy.

Abbe Mermet became well-known during the 1930s for demonstrating its effectiveness across many settings, becoming famous for demonstrating radiesthesia‘s capabilities through his book which details his methods of detecting water and minerals both locally (dowsing) and remotely (tele-radiesthesia). Furthermore, this text explores numerous methods to acquire this skill as well as numerous examples of its use.

There are other books about dowsing and radiesthesia, but none can compare with this comprehensive work written by a prominent radiesthesia practitioner – written by a physician with extensive experience as a practitioner, this work examines every facet of this fascinating art form, such as its history, techniques for developing accuracy and confidence, as well as techniques that may complement formal training for serious dowsers. It shouldn’t replace formal training; rather it provides valuable supplement material for serious dowsers.