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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

June 15, 2024|Editorial

Holistic Nurse Practitioner Programs

Holistic nurses work in various environments. This could include hospitals, birthing centers or long-term care facilities.

Therapists commonly incorporate therapies like meditation, dietary changes and stress management techniques into their treatments, while providing education on proactive self-care measures for patients to help improve their health and prevent future episodes of illness.


Empathy in clinical nursing involves being able to understand another’s feelings and experience their experiences from their perspective. This ability enables nurses to better comprehend patients, providing better care. Empathy is one of the key principles in holistic nursing; all nursing students should strive to hone this skill during their RN programs.

Holistic nurse practitioners strive to form connections with their patients on both an emotional and spiritual level, employing natural therapies and methods in order to remove barriers that prevent healing and flourishing in life. This involves encouraging healthy lifestyle choices while protecting the environment.

By creating a healing space that helps patients connect more closely with themselves and the world, holistic nurses stand apart from traditional registered nurses.

Holistic care also encompasses cultivating a sense of social justice. Although often underestimated in nursing fields, this element must not be forgotten. Studies indicate that those who possess strong social empathy may be more aware of structural inequalities that impact people’s lives than others.


Holistic nurses play an essential role in inspiring a fresh approach to health and wellness, providing much-needed support to individuals suffering from physical illness or mental distress. By emphasizing holistic well-being as opposed to illness alone, holistic nurses provide vital assistance that aids physical, emotional, and spiritual recovery.

Holistic nurses provide services that combine Eastern and Western techniques, helping their patients overcome any hurdles they encounter when seeking long-term healing. This may involve helping find alternative treatments to boost immunity while decreasing side effects from conventional medicines; holistic nurses enable patients to take control of their own health through lifestyle modifications that significantly increase quality of life.

An holistic approach to patient care offers many advantages for both the individual and society as a whole. It provides an effective means of treating disease’s source while also creating an active community of healthcare providers who support one another.


Holistic nurse practitioners possess a diverse skill set that integrates conventional medical knowledge with alternative healing approaches. They excel at active listening and developing therapeutic relationships with their patients; as well as recognizing physical and emotional signs to identify imbalances or potential imbalances in health status. Their holistic approach can be particularly helpful when treating cancer patients who may experience emotional distress as a result of disease and treatments, such as depression or anxiety.

Holistic nurse practitioners are dedicated to the holistic wellness of body, mind, spirit and energy and aim to promote healthier lifestyle practices. This involves honoring each person’s sacredness – an idea inspired by Florence Nightingale’s belief that individuals are spiritual beings – as well as setting intentions during patient interactions and creating safe spaces for healing.

Certification helps distinguish nurse practitioners who take an integrative approach to caring for their patients, and may open up career opportunities. Earning health coach certification through the National Society of Health Coaches could offer nurses access to a network of peers and healthcare professionals for support throughout their careers.


Holistic nurses can aid themselves and their patients through integrative remedies like mindfulness, diet changes and homeopathy. Cancer patients, for instance, may benefit from adding homeopathy into their treatment regime; homeopathy uses diluted solutions to stimulate the body’s natural defenses against illness and can alleviate symptoms like fatigue, nausea and pain associated with cancer treatment.

Holistic nurses can use their knowledge of alternative therapies to educate other medical providers about them; for instance, an oncology specialist might learn about acupuncture’s potential benefits for cancer patients who experience pain from chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

To become a holistic nurse, one must first earn their registered nursing degree, which may involve either earning either a two-year associate degree or four-year bachelor of science in nursing (BSN). Some RNs with associate degrees complete an accelerated BSN program to receive their BSN in 11-18 months.

Personal Growth

Holistic nurses are encouraged to foster empathy and compassion. Working daily with patients suffering from various ailments teaches them the value of creating strong, trusting relationships and creating meaningful connections for wellness purposes. Such skills form the cornerstone of holistic nursing as they enable more comprehensive and effective care to be delivered for patients.

Holistic nursing practice recognizes and respects the connection between caring for our environment and health, including encouraging healthy lifestyle choices that reduce environmental impacts on both people and planet. Furthermore, natural methods of healing such as acupuncture, meditation or herbal remedies may be employed to treat and prevent illnesses.

Holistic nurses may go beyond traditional nursing duties by also coaching clients towards reaching their personal goals and helping them realize them in life. This can be a very fulfilling career as it allows holistic nurses to use their knowledge of holistic healing and nutrition to assist others live healthier lives. Nurses interested in this field could look into National Society of Health Coaches certification programs which combine nursing expertise with nutrition and wellness coaching training.

As holistic health becomes more popular, so too has its demand for qualified and dedicated holistic nurses to treat patients. To become one, candidates must first earn an accredited registered nursing (RN) degree through either a diploma or bachelor’s program. After passing their state’s NCLEX-RN exam to become licensed registered nurses, prospective holistic nurse practitioners should look for programs to prepare them for careers in this area. Once graduated, holistic nurses can seek employment in healthcare organizations or private practices; or start their own at-home practice. No matter their chosen setting, holistic nurses must remain up-to-date on all state and federal regulations pertaining to their profession, while taking continuing education courses in order to maintain their RN license.

Career Opportunities

Holistic nurses have many career options when it comes to finding work as holistic nurses. From hospitals and physician’s offices, to private clinics and home healthcare. Home healthcare, hospice and palliative care may also be an option. Some holistic nurses combine their nursing role with wellness coaching practices by offering clients meditation, massage, yoga or stress management techniques as part of their practice.

Holistic nurses perform many of the same duties as any registered nurse, such as assessing patients, ordering or performing medical tests, diagnosing patients, prescribing therapies and educating patients – but with an unconventional perspective that sees humans as interlinked systems of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual components. Florence Nightingale would likely approve, as she believed that people are sacred spiritual beings who should be treated with equal respect and dignity as any other human being.

Holistic nurses take an integrative approach to patient care. By looking beyond immediate symptoms and at any underlying causes of their client’s condition, holistic nurses aim to offer advice about how they can address those factors within daily life – for instance if a client is having digestive difficulties, holistic nurses might suggest diet modifications or stress relief exercises in order to help overcome them without repeating themselves again later.

Holistic nurses who complete an accredited graduate-level nurse practitioner program and complete hundreds of clinical hours must pass national certification exams to become Advanced Practice Registered Nurses. These exams typically cover topics like patient assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning and pharmacology; depending on where they practice they may also need to pass additional requirements such as passing background checks or paying licensing fees or malpractice insurance premiums.

Holistic nurses with their APRN license can pursue specialty certification through the American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation for extra career prospects. Holistic nurses serve an integral part of healthcare teams by offering patients nonpharmacological pain management, self-care practices and alternative healing techniques that may otherwise not be accessible.

June 15, 2024|Editorial

Alternating Ice Heat Therapy For Muscle and Joint Pain

Alternating Ice and Heat Therapy is an effective method for relieving muscle and joint pain, by constricting blood vessels to reduce inflammation and swelling, while soothing sore muscles. It works best when used within 48 hours after an injury has occurred.

Ice therapy works to inhibit nociceptor activity and thus help decrease pain, but can be uncomfortable and potentially damage skin cells.

Alternating between ice and heat

Heat and cold therapy are effective ways of relieving pain and improving circulation. This approach works especially well when used on injured joints and muscles that require increased bloodflow for healing purposes. However, overusing heat may increase inflammation; therefore it should only be utilized once the initial swelling has subsided.

As soon as an injury occurs, applying ice can provide relief by decreasing pain, swelling and inflammation. Ice also works to relax muscle spasms and numb the skin – it also acts as an analgesic by dampening nociceptor activity and providing pain relief through dampening nociceptor activity dampening. For optimal results however, do not exceed 20 minutes at any one time to avoid frostbite occurring.

While icing an injury, it’s essential not to apply direct pressure with bandages or wraps directly on the skin as this could result in burns or infection of your skin. Also, people living with conditions like diabetes or poor circulation should refrain from cold treatments altogether.

Heat treatment widens blood vessels in an affected area, increasing blood flow and providing essential nutrients. It is ideal for relieving chronic pain and muscle stiffness. Furthermore, heat can relieve tight and knotted muscles as well as flush waste products from your system more quickly – perfect as either pre-workout warm-ups or post-workout pain relief measures.

Alternating cold and heat therapy can provide significant therapeutic benefits for most injuries, and is easy to do at home. A heating pad, hot bath or wet towel are all suitable options; just be sure to alternate the temperature between cold and hot every 20 minutes or so.

Ice should always be used initially when treating new injuries, with heat used afterwards to help ease pain and speed recovery. You can also try this approach for chronic backache or pulled muscles. In certain instances, additional treatments such as massage therapy or physical therapy may need to be combined in order to manage pain effectively and speed healing.

Using ice

Ice therapy is an effective solution for many injuries, offering relief by reducing inflammation, numbing pain and blocking blood flow to an injured area. Ice is best utilized within 48 hours after an injury to help reduce swelling, reduce pain and stop blood rushing to it – and also works wonders on muscle spasms and achy joints. But care must be taken when applying ice; too often or for too long can damage skin especially in people with poor circulation or diabetes, as well as not recommended in cases of new injuries or open wounds.

When applying ice, make sure to cover it with a towel or cloth to protect the skin from direct contact with it. An ice massager may be beneficial; this involves freezing water in a paper cup before removing its upper rim and using one hand to rub the frozen ice around injured areas – relieving pain caused by ligament sprains, muscle strains and overuse injuries such as tennis elbow and shin splints.

Ice is a vasoconstrictor, meaning it works by narrowing blood vessels in an affected area and thus helping reduce swelling and pain. Ice also dampens nociceptor activity which transmits pain signals directly into the brain reducing transmission time for pain signals to reach us and thus speeding healing time – effective pain-reliever and speedier healing than traditional methods but should only be used on recent injuries to be most beneficial; its efficacy may diminish with older wounds.

Heat therapy works the opposite of how ice does by dilatant blood vessels to increase the amount of blood rushing to an affected area, loosening tight muscles and increasing flexibility while also providing essential nutrients that remove waste products from that location. Heat therapy is effective against chronic pain conditions as well as for soothing tight or knotted neck muscles.

Alternating ice and heat therapy to relieve pain and stiffness is recommended to help alleviate swelling. This can be done throughout the day or at various points during it; additionally, using these modalities along with physical therapy sessions could prove highly effective.

Using heat

Heat with alternate ice heat therapy can provide immediate pain relief and swelling reduction after an injury or overexertion, both at home and after exertion. It’s cheap, easy, and relatively pain-free compared to many traditional therapies, including medications like cortisone. Heat increases blood flow to the area to ease cramping muscles. Furthermore, loosen tight muscles and tendons which reduce inflammation while speeding healing time; ultimately this therapy aims to provide immediate relief and avoid swelling altogether. It is important to remember that not all forms of heat treatments are safe; those living with diabetes, heart disease or high blood pressure should avoid direct contact between their bodies and treatments that use hot or cold treatments.

After an injury has taken place, it can be beneficial to apply heat using a heating pad or warm towel to the affected area. This will soothe sore muscles and joints while not overdoing it or risk damaging skin and nerves. 15-20 minutes should be enough time before taking a break; additionally it would be a wise idea to cover your hot pack with damp fabric so as not to cause burns to skin.

Dependent upon the nature and severity of your illness, choosing a type and duration of heat application that best meets its needs can be key. For example, sprains should be iced until initial swelling has subsided while shoulder pain may benefit from heat therapy. Repetitive movements injuries like shin splints and runner’s knee may need both types of treatments at various points in time to address symptoms effectively.

Apply heat by pouring or spraying it onto an affected area or by wrapping it in a heated towel, as full body immersion may be tiring and dehydrating for those with high blood pressure or circulatory problems. Alternating between heat treatments (one minute of ice, three-four minutes of heat) every few minutes has also proven successful at relieving inflammation while loosening tight muscles.

Using both

Ice and heat therapy can be highly effective at treating many injuries, both acute and chronic. It’s cost-effective, easy to administer at home, and presents no significant side effects; furthermore it helps prevent muscle spasms. But it is essential that one recognize which injuries require cold therapy as opposed to heat therapy for effective results.

Ice first and heat later is often recommended when treating an injury, as this allows your body to reduce initial swelling and inflammation while encouraging blood flow to heal it more effectively. Furthermore, cold treatments may provide some pain relief by contracting blood vessels and increasing oxygen and nutrients reaching injured areas more rapidly.

When applying ice, be sure to place a thin layer of cloth between it and your skin to protect from burns. In addition, use a soft, loose towel as support for the ice pack so as to not compress the tendons or ligaments around your injury and distribute the cold more evenly across it. A bag of frozen vegetables or frozen gel pack is a convenient way of applying the cold treatment – for optimal results apply in 20-minute intervals throughout the day.

Alternate between using a heating pad or hot water bottle and taking warm showers/baths/tub soaks – and applying heat directly to affected area(s). Use each form at least three times each day in order to minimize pain relief.

Alternating cold and heat treatments is an excellent way to increase blood circulation and promote healing by stimulating muscles. This technique can also be effective against chronic aches and pains such as arthritis. Alternating hot and cold treatments is especially helpful for back pain sufferers as well as relieving muscle soreness from exercise; muscle soreness often occurs after trying a new type of workout or extensive walking, lasting several days at most.

June 15, 2024|Editorial

Spooky2 Setup – Everything You Need to Start Using Spooky2

Spooky2 is one of the most advanced and flexible Rife systems available, and this kit provides everything necessary for its use.

This DNA Holder contains two function generators with remote and contact functions. There are many improvements over the original holder; here are just a few:

Ultrasonic Transmitter

Ultrasonic sensors are widely used for distance measurement applications. They operate by emitting bursts of high-frequency sound in one direction and measuring how long it takes for its echo to return, which corresponds with air speed; this time lapse can then be used to calculate distance. When operating either in reflection mode or direct measurement mode, one transducer serves both transmitter and receiver duties simultaneously, saving PCB space by serving both roles at once. Alternatively, sensors may operate in transceiver mode where transmit and receive functions are combined into a single unit for PCB space saving purposes.

When operating in direct measurement mode, a sensor projects a beam of sound at an object and detects any signal reflected back from that object – an electronic output can then be generated that provides information for various applications like presence and queue detection, vehicle counting or height and distance measurement.

Under reflection mode, the sensor can identify an array of objects and surfaces ranging from hard structures such as brick walls to permeable targets like sponge, foam or soft clothing. Its range can be extended by pointing at an angled surface or placing objects between transmitter and target; reflective environments or fluctuating process temperatures may obscure its accuracy, however. Calibration can help account for these factors to increase accuracy while decreasing false readings.

Hand Cylinders or TENS Pads

Spooky2 is one of the world’s most advanced and versatile Rife systems, boasting multiple transmission modes including Remote, Contact, Cold Laser and Plasma transmission modes. Furthermore, its software contains advanced diagnostic and biofeedback scanning functions, along with treatment programs tailored specifically for conditions and pathogens – all easily available here for download free of charge!

Easy to use and packed with support resources such as videos, articles, glossary entries and FAQs; this Rife machine stands alone when it comes to offering comprehensive technical and help support.

The generator can accept external frequency sources, enabling you to imprint frequencies onto water, sugar pills or crystals for example. Furthermore, radionics rates allow you to imprint beneficial substances placed on its input plate onto yourself or others through transmission; there’s even an included preset that lets you transmit Spooky2 frequencies in a footbath!

Magnetic stirrers are another useful accessory, making the production of top-grade nanoparticle colloidal silver easier at home using Spooky2. You can learn how to do so here.

There are different kinds of Spooky2 electrode pads available, ranging from long rectangular pads designed to address flat areas like the triceps or biceps to circular pads that can be used around joints. Most self-adhesive versions will last for 150 uses before needing replacement; to keep them fresh it is recommended that they are regularly washed under running distilled water to ensure optimal results.

PEMF Coils

A Pulsed Electromagnetic Field coil (PEMF coil) is an electromagnetic field generator which uses electromagnetic fields to induce current into transducer windings, producing an electromagnetic field that radiates outward from its center. This magnetic field can then be used for various applications including frequency entrainment and bone healing, among others. However, unlike its Spooky2 XM counterpart, PEMF coil works differently – best used as low power frequency source suitable for frequency entrainment and other healing modalities.

Connecting a PEMF coil to your Spooky2 system can be done using the BNC filter cable that comes included with your generator. One connector connects out1 of the PEMF coil directly to Input port of Spooky2 boost; and second connects out2 directly to Modulation port of Spooky2 boost; using Spooky2 software you can configure your system.

The spooky2 software includes various features for using the PEMF coil, including a frequency scanner, plasma mode and biofeedback scan. Furthermore, this application provides information on how to best utilize its accessories.

PEMF processor 62 operates the coil drive amplifier 80 to activate and de-energise PEMF transducers, while coil break detection circuit 82 senses electromagnetic fields generated by these transducers for feedback to the PEMF processor 62. Information related to these processes are recorded by data memory and real time clock 68 to monitor device operations; should an issue arise, PEMF microcontroller 62 sends out an alarm input terminal signal as soon as it’s known about.

Plasma Tube

The plasma tube offers a non-invasive method for applying frequencies directly to your body using ultrasonic frequencies that range from 20,000Hz all the way up to several gigahertz and are transmitted through hot liquid containing lithium. You can use it alone or combine it with other frequency applications. It emits ultrasonic frequencies above human hearing threshold that emit ultrasonic frequency range from 20KHz up to several gigahertz; they’re transmitted using hot liquid with lithium.

The tube is also designed to create a scalar field. Although invisible, scalar fields have the power to impact living cells within our bodies and produce beneficial effects. A frequency generator transmits frequencies into the water surrounding a plasma tube and creates this invisible field that affects living cells throughout. For optimal use with Spooky2 Central protocols like Overnight Kill 8 Hours (P)-JW and Healing and Regeneration (P)-DB presets overnight presets are ideal choices.

Utilizing a shielded enclosure when operating a plasma tube can significantly decrease noise and interference caused by its use, while protecting users from any potentially hazardous electromagnetic radiation emitted by it.

Scalar link cable extensions are another useful accessory. By increasing its length, two generators can be connected together more easily – perfect for applications requiring both output channels of their generator.

Frequency generation systems may cause temporary discomfort for those unfamiliar with them, especially for people not used to them. To minimize discomfort during experiments and sessions, drink lots of water before and after sessions as well as scheduling them during the day rather than at night so as not to interfere with sleep.

Biofeedback Scanner

Spooky2‘s biofeedback scanner scans your body for frequencies that best align with its biological system and provides a list of substances which do not match with this spectrum, which may help guide decisions when selecting supplements and other health care solutions.

Scan results are recorded and presented in real-time visual display, where colors indicate different frequency levels in the body – red represents high activity while blue signifies lower levels of activity.

To achieve optimal biofeedback scan results, first conduct a baseline run. This helps eliminate any electrical noise such as Wi-Fi signals or electronic sounds which might obstruct results and skew results negatively.

Next, choose a generator preset that you would like to use during this session. Port 4 corresponds with generator 2 while port 5 corresponds with generator 1. We will select detox preset for generator 2.

Once your results from biofeedback scanning have been retrieved, use the Save button to save them into a program. Feel free to name or add notes that might come in handy later for future reference.

Once a program has been saved, you will see an alert message stating “Program Saved”. Now, to access it click Programs Tab and look for your newly-created program.

The SCIO is an innovative device that measures stress reactivity to viruses, bacteria, fungus, nutritional deficiencies, hormone levels, vitamin and amino acid levels as well as any stressors which cause dis-ease in order to identify stressors that contribute to disease while teaching you how to adjust your lifestyle so your body can heal itself.

June 15, 2024|Editorial

Neurofeedback Meditation Devices

Neurofeedback meditation devices allow users to train the brain for better focus and peace. They may also help improve sleep quality and relieve recurring stress/anxiety symptoms; in addition, this technology is used for treating phobias/fears.

EmWave2 monitors coherence levels and provides feedback when incoherent states occur, giving red lights as feedback when you need assistance to stay coherent. While initially frustrating, perseverance will eventually bear fruit.


BrainTap provides an effective combination of light, music, spoken word relaxation and light therapy to train your brain for optimal wellness and peak performance. De-stress your mind and body to reduce anxiety while increasing sleep quality to give you energy to succeed and focus.

The headset delivers gentle pulses of light that travel through your ear canal and retina to send direct signals directly to your brain via frequency following response (FFR). FFR helps entrain brainwave frequencies associated with mental clarity and increased awareness while attenuating stress-inducing beta waves.

BrainTap provides you with an effective combination of FFR, binaural beats and isochronic tones to induce deep restful states that promote increased focus, faster learning, mental balance and emotional stability.

BrainTap audio library recordings offer over 2000 titles specifically tailored for use with this system, featuring soothing music to promote relaxation of thoughts and images while making it easier for visualization. Some recordings also incorporate rhythmic light sequences for added therapeutic benefit.

Audio-enhanced sessions with guided visualization help you visualize desired results and outcomes, helping create new habits and behaviors. This technique, known as neural reinforcement, has been demonstrated to increase likelihood that new behaviors become part of everyday routine. Furthermore, guided visualizations aid in decreasing negative self-talk and destructive impulses so it is easier for participants to overcome bad habits and adopt healthy lifestyle habits.

Delta Entrainment sessions utilize an innovative form of brainwave entrainment known as Delta Entrainment to encourage your mind to produce the relaxing delta waves associated with deep and restorative sleep. This practice will restore your natural energy sources while helping you gain clarity and intuition during the day while improving your ability to fall asleep easily and wake up feeling rejuvenated each night.


FocusCalm provides an easy, fun way to train our brains for greater focus and calm. By measuring brain activity with a small headband and rewarding you with virtual marshmallows that roast over an imaginary campfire for as long as your attention stays steady, FocusCalm trains us towards better focus and calm.

This device uses EEG technology to monitor electrical activity in your brain and offers guided meditations tailored for various situations and calming exercises, along with brain games designed to test focus and staying calm under pressure (similar to how elite athletes train their minds). You can use it anywhere and anytime throughout the day in short sessions – designed specifically to fit into busy lifestyles!

Users can select from over two dozen games and practice them just like they would playing a video game or skill-building app, tracking their progress via a leaderboard. A brain-sensing headband provides feedback regarding progress with realtime scores that update every second and graphs indicating whether their brain has become calm or stressed over time – making it easy to measure progress over time.

Recent research demonstrated that students whose focus levels were monitored with FocusCalm were better at maintaining concentration for longer than those without the device and were also better able to retain and comprehend complex material than their counterparts without. The results of this study are proof of FocusCalm’s ability to transform how people think, work and learn.

Although the device hasn’t been clinically proven to help with anxiety or depression, it has been shown to increase productivity, decrease stress levels and enhance sleep and well-being. It may revolutionize how we use our brains and has gained widespread interest both from businesses and individuals alike. Furthermore, its user-friendly design makes getting up and running a simple task.


The Muse device blends cutting-edge research technology with real-time feedback to help train your brain for greater focus and relaxation. Its sensor rests on your forehead or other parts of your head to pick up electrical activity in your brain; results are transmitted to a mobile app that displays brainwave patterns live, along with suggestions on how to improve meditation or sleep practices.

The system is intuitively designed for novice and advanced meditators alike, using a Bluetooth-enabled headset connected to a small sensor pod on an adjustable headband. An app lets you choose your type of meditation or sleep experience you wish to try while automatically reading brainwaves to detect mood and provide an end-of-session report.

Muse is equipped with a sleep feature that tracks light, deep and REM sleep stages throughout the night for better quality restful slumber – which in turn increases energy and productivity levels during the day. A study using Muse devices revealed participants reported sleeping better, feeling more rested after awakening as well as increased alertness throughout their days.

As well as its EEG capabilities, this device features a PPG sensor to measure heart rate and blood circulation. This information is then uploaded onto a smartphone app for you to create your personal health report, which you can share with your physician. Furthermore, the app enables you to set goals for daily meditation or sleep sessions.

The Muse S Headband may appear costly and impractical from the outside, yet has proven its efficacy against stress, anxiety, and sleeplessness. Like pharmaceuticals, it will not provide instantaneous relief; but over time can teach your brain to control these triggers more easily. Its natural solution provides an attractive option for those not satisfied with medications for stress management; its price may put some people off; however its results could prove life changing!


The HeartMath emWave2 is a portable personal stress relief device that teaches you to turn feelings of anger, frustration, and anxiety into peace, ease, and clarity. Utilizing new versions of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) technology to measure and display heart rhythms, the device enables users to monitor real-time their heart-based stress response so they can more efficiently address challenging situations.

emWave2 can teach you to increase the time each day you spend in coherence – a physical state in which heart, brain and autonomic nervous systems operate together harmoniously and efficiently – helping reduce stress, burnout, improve focus, energy and resilience as well as cultivating more positive and flexible attitudes.

HeartMath’s popular emWave 2 device now comes in a new model that combines portability with computer connectivity for downloading and storing sessions. Ideal as both a handheld stress reliever or connected directly to a computer for more in-depth tracking and feedback using HeartMath’s emWave software program, the handheld can store session data either internally or connected via USB cable for more in-depth tracking and feedback via its software program.

emWave2 is powered by a rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery and connects via a USB cable for power and interface functionality. Five blue bars on its Heart Action Strip indicate charge/connection status while solid green means high coherence while red means disharmonious coherence levels.

Once plugged into a computer, an emWave2 will go into Setup Mode for approximately 30 seconds before transitioning into Basic Mode. While in Setup Mode, five blue bars will cycle up and down as part of its initial configuration process; afterwards it will remain in Basic Mode until it is powered off or when sessions are downloaded and will automatically switch back into Challenge Level 1.

The emWave2 combines the portability of its handheld predecessor with an interactive computer-based graphical user interface for maximum convenience and reusability. You can use it anywhere as a portable stress reliever, connect it to your computer for more detailed analysis on heart and breath states, or run coherence-building games via an integrated gaming feature.

June 15, 2024|Editorial

Human Energy Fields – A New Science and Medicine

Human energy fields (HEF) are electromagnetic fields which cover our bodies. Through them is transmitted all information necessary for growth and repair processes within us.

The Human Energy Field (HEF) is commonly referred to as an aura or chakra system. Western science first took notice in 1963 when engineers in Syracuse, NY detected it with two coils of wire each featuring 2 million turns.

How do they work?

Human energy fields (HEFs) have attracted much interest, as they form the basis of many alternative healing practices. There are various healing modalities, each with their own explanatory model and terminology reflecting cultural context in which they were developed. To create greater clarity within this field, a group of healers and scientists created biofield to describe a common organizing principle across disparate therapies in an accessible fashion that makes scientific investigation feasible.

Biofield researchers can demonstrate the reality of the HEF using various tools, including SQUID instruments that detect changes to bio-magnetic fields when diseases exist or don’t. Scientists are discovering that diseases may also be detectable long before any physical symptoms appear.

Sensitive individuals have long reported seeing auras, yet science only recently developed technology to measure vibration frequencies within things, including emotions.

Harold Saxon Burr of Yale University School of Medicine believed that diseases were visible in energy fields around the body before manifesting as physical symptoms, and could even be altered to prevent diseases. He believed these energies could be modified and changed in order to avoid disease outbreak.

Rupert Sheldrake expanded the concept of human energy fields even further, conducting studies that examined patterns observed within cells and tissues as an extension of his research on energy fields in general. He proposed that these patterns result from subtle, invisible forces supplying information.

Scientists are discovering that these invisible energy patterns may play a vital role in gene development, organ and tissue formation and even bone location. Furthermore, experiments show that people can transfer information using their human energy field even across large distances.

Now is an incredible time to be alive! With the emergence of HEF as an exciting scientific discovery, as well as providing new understandings about healing and illness.

What are the symptoms?

The human energy field (also referred to as an aura) is an invisible yet vital energy that pervades our physical bodies. Long seen as essential for alternative healing practices and spiritual traditions, modern science only recently realized its existence; yet naturopathic medicine practitioners have used the concept for over 200 years as part of their practice; early Nature Cure therapists advocated the concept that life force or energy become diminished prior to physical disease appearing and natural therapists could help restore it using various treatments.

Modern naturopathic and alternative medicine practitioners and researchers believe in an overall energy field or fields connecting all parts of the body, known as biofield. The term was first coined at an Office of Alternative Medicine conference hosted by NIH in 1992 as biofield.

Scientists are exploring whether there may be more subtle etheric fields connecting all parts of the body that may be difficult to measure, which may transmit information necessary for growth, development and repair to physical cells in our bodies. These fields could potentially transmit vital messages related to growth, development and repair to keep ourselves alive and functioning at optimal health.

Medical researchers often find it challenging to compare results of various studies on the human energy field due to differing terminology and methodologies employed. For instance, Burr’s Life Fields, Steiner’s etheric formative forces and Sheldrake’s morphogenetic fields all share similar themes, although their approaches differ.

Nurses are frequently the first healthcare professionals to notice changes in the energy field patterns that accompany death transition. The author has witnessed first-hand these shifts among the patients she provided holistic care.

Instruments have been developed to measure the human energy field, including biofeedback systems which monitor heart rate variability and muscle activity, electromagnetic detectors that detect toxicants in the blood and lymph, Kirlian photography and more recently Kirlian nano photography. Unfortunately, only a select few medical scientists were willing to undertake the study of human energy fields until recently.

How can we heal them?

Now that we recognize the significance of human energy fields (HEFs), more health practitioners are exploring ways to utilize them for healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Also known as an aura or biofield, this invisible form of energy surrounds our bodies; its use forms part of many traditional healing traditions, beliefs systems and alternative practices rooted in spiritual traditions – serving as a direct link between energy and wellbeing.

Harold Burr pioneered scientifically exploring the idea of a human energy field during the 1920s and 30s by proposing that diseases could be detected before symptoms appear in this energy field, and that disease-causing energies within this energy could be altered to prevent disease from manifesting itself.

Recent advances by researchers involve using SQUID instruments to track how diseases alter biomagnetic fields around the body, while developing methods of creating pulsating magnetic fields that stimulate healing. These approaches serve as bridges between traditional explanations of disease and modern scientific models.

Polarity therapy can help identify where energy is blocked or where there are painful holding patterns preventing its optimal flow, then practitioners use contact points or techniques to release pain and allow energy to return, stimulating healing throughout the body.

Therapeutic touch, Reiki and acupuncture are healing practices based on the belief that the human energy field (HEF) can be healed by placing hands in specific positions near or on the body. Practitioners believe the HEF contains information about each person’s emotional, mental and spiritual states – their goal being to restore balance to this HEF to help people feel more connected with themselves, each other and with universal life force.

Notably, alternative therapies should never replace medical care, but should rather work alongside it for optimal results. For example, in cases of life-threatening illness I would only work on them with permission from their MD or Naturopath in order to ensure they receive the appropriate medical treatment available.

What are the causes?

Human energy fields (auras) have long been seen as part of our psychic bodies or etheric forms, playing an essential role in spiritual practices and holistic healing practices worldwide. It is thought that these invisible energy fields carry vital information used in maintaining healthy biological systems; disruption may occur as a result of electromagnetic radiation, nutritional imbalances, genetic predispositions, physical trauma or stress.

Harold Burr was one of the pioneering scientists to explore these energies, publishing over 90 articles on them. Robert Becker extended this work by showing that patterns for growth and development in living organisms could be linked to electromagnetic fields associated with their nervous systems – supporting the idea that there exists an invisible energy field underlying all physical matter.

More recent studies have demonstrated that our energy field can shift in response to illness, injury and even our thoughts and emotions. It has also been discovered that some diseases can be detected before appearing physically by practitioners who can detect distorted energies fields.

Therapeutic Touch is an intriguing healing modality which uses subtle touch to correct an energy field’s imbalances, using noninvasive techniques like therapeutic touching. A trained healer will gently touch their client’s energy field using fingers in order to clear blockages and restore energy flow within their body.

Energy medicine is often referred to as biofield therapy; however, I prefer the term energy medicine due to the way in which it addresses energetic foundations of biological processes and integrates a wider variety of complementary and alternative medicine modalities than simply biofield therapies. Furthermore, energy medicine takes an integrative approach that encompasses body, mind and spirit; creating an empowering relationship between patient and practitioner and emphasizing intention-led healing as well as an upbeat outlook towards wellness.