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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

June 14, 2024|Editorial

Alternative Mental Health Therapy

Alternative mental health therapy can be an invaluable addition to your treatment plan, both alone or combined with medication or talk therapy. Not only can alternative therapies help alleviate symptoms like anxiety or depression, they may also assist in alleviating them altogether.

Recent national survey findings demonstrated that complementary and alternative therapies were more often utilized by those experiencing self-described anxiety attacks or severe depression than conventional treatments, with similar proportions finding these therapies very helpful as those who reported using traditional therapies.

Light therapy

Light therapy is an alternative mental health therapy which uses bright visible light (approximately 10,000 lux) to alleviate depression symptoms. You are exposed to this light daily for 30 minutes, typically early morning, usually for at least a month at a time – most commonly to help combat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Light therapy may be used on its own or combined with antidepressant drugs like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for maximum effectiveness.

Light therapy uses light to reset circadian rhythm and sleep-wake cycle, helping improve mood while stimulating production of serotonin, an hormone linked with improved mood and reduced feelings of depression. However, light therapy should not be seen as a standalone cure and professional advice should always be sought before commencing with any such treatments.

Hallucinogen-assisted therapy (HAT) is an unconventional mental health approach which utilizes psychoactive substances, such as psilocybin, MDMA or Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy), to enhance traditional therapy techniques. Though HAT may not be widely available or easily accessible, it can be an invaluable asset when treating depression and other mental illnesses.

Alternative to Meds Center is a holistic treatment facility offering various alternative therapies, such as light therapy and EMDR. Compared to traditional talk therapy, these alternative approaches tend to be less costly with few side effects compared to their counterparts; many therapies can even be performed from home so no additional travel needs to take place.


Finding an alternative therapy solution tailored to you depends on many factors, including personal preferences, lifestyle choices and overall health concerns. You may wish to explore one or more therapies based on the nature and severity of your symptoms.

Find more information about alternative mental health therapies at your local library, bookstore or natural health food store. It is wise to do your research prior to beginning any treatments; not all have been proven effective or safe for everyone. In most instances, alternative therapies work better when combined with conventional mental health treatment methods like talk therapy and medication.

Hallucinogen-assisted therapy

Psychoedelic use has seen a steady increase in recent years, and clinical trials have demonstrated its efficacy for treating mental disorders. Compared to traditional medications that require regular follow-up visits and can have adverse side effects, psychedelics offer many potential advantages over the usual approach in terms of introspection, emotional processing and perception shifts compared to their counterparts – with many users even benefiting from long-term healing of trauma by taking these drugs; their long history includes helping victims of trauma recover. Mental health professionals increasingly use them in treating conditions such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); among these treatments is one called psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy which combines hallucinogen use alongside therapy techniques in order to achieve results faster.

Psychodrugs-assisted psychotherapy entails giving pharmaceutical-grade MDMA, psilocybin, LSD or ibogaine in a therapeutic setting administered by trained clinicians and followed up by individual psychotherapy sessions tailored specifically for their experience. A trained therapist guides their client through what may be an emotionally intense drug experience that may trigger memories or feelings they had forgotten or suppressed altogether.

Not everyone should undergo this form of therapy. Before you decide to try ketamine-assisted therapy for instance, ensure you undergo screening from a medical provider and undergo an in-depth safety assessment. Furthermore, ensure the therapist you choose is fully trained in using this approach (for instance if interested in this kind of approach find someone affiliated with American Society of Ketamine Physicians Psychotherapists and Practitioners (ASKP3)).

Psilocybin and ketamine may not yet be FDA-approved medications, but their promise in treating depression remains. A single dose of psilocybin has even been found to cause complete remission among patients suffering severe depression. While research is encouraging, it will take time for these therapies to become practical treatments.


Experts SELF spoke with estimated that it may take 4-10 years for these drugs to receive FDA approval, so until then the best way to experiment with these substances is through clinical trials – this ensures your safety while making sure you gain as much from your experience as possible. Self-administered versions may cause adverse side effects.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

TMS therapy is a noninvasive and safe form of brain stimulation that has proven successful at treating various mental health conditions, including depression and bipolar disorder. TMS targets specific areas in the brain associated with specific conditions; in addition to changing nerve cell activity which could improve both mood and cognitive performance.

At each session, a physician will position a coil over the brain and administer pulses of magnetic energy, stimulating brain cortexes to influence neural circuits responsible for mood regulation. Once activated, frequency and intensity adjustments of magnetic pulses will optimize treatment outcomes; after each session patients will feel relief from symptoms. TMS therapy boasts an impressive success rate while having minimal side effects; sessions last only minutes at most with some experiencing mild headaches or lightheadedness lasting only briefly following therapy – these side effects often fade quickly following their respective sessions.

TMS has proven itself as a safe and effective treatment for depression as well as other mental health conditions like anxiety or OCD. Its therapeutic benefit extends to patients suffering from treatment-resistant depression. TMS may also help alleviate PTSD symptoms or Tinnitus while improving motor dysfunction from neurological conditions like Parkinson’s Disease or Multiple Sclerosis.

Research surrounding TMS has demonstrated its effect on neuroplasticity – or the brain’s capacity for change – through different TMS treatments protocols that target different regions. For instance, depression-specific TMS often targets dorsolateral prefrontal cortex region which regulates mood. TMS treatments can be used alone or combined with other therapies. It can even be administered at home using simple devices approved by U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use as Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulators (CESs).

TMS has been subjected to multiple clinical trials and is now used as an effective therapy to treat many mental conditions, including major depressive disorder and migraine headaches. Furthermore, it has proven itself an effective remedy for auditory hallucinations associated with schizophrenia, reducing cravings for addictive substances like nicotine while managing chronic pain more effectively than ever before.

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy technique designed to help individuals work through difficult memories or experiences more easily, including traumatizing ones. Due to its proven efficacy, it has become popular as an alternative mental health therapy treatment option for conditions and disorders including anxiety and depression. EMDR works by connecting one’s body and mind physiology so they can process trauma while lessening negative emotions more efficiently.

An EMDR session starts by asking you to recall any positive and negative beliefs about yourself and your experience, themes you want to focus on during reprocessing, physical responses that occur when recalling these memories, as well as any physical and emotional responses they elicit in you. Your healthcare provider may then encourage you to pay attention to how your physical body responds.

At this phase, your healthcare provider will ask you to recall the traumatic memory and its accompanying emotions, describe more fully what transpired during the incident, and express what beliefs about yourself you wish to hold going forward. While your healthcare provider moves their hands from side to side in front of your face focusing on that memory; lights or auditory cues may also be used for bilateral stimulation.

After several minutes have passed, your healthcare provider will ask you to track any changes in your thoughts or emotions to assess whether the memory was successfully processed. After this comes the installation phase wherein you focus on developing positive beliefs for moving forward.

As is natural when recalling trauma-inducing memories, emotions can arise during EMDR sessions. Your therapist should expect these reactions and will give you tools to manage them if necessary. Studies have proven EMDR effective at treating PTSD symptoms as well as alleviating other mental health conditions; one small study on Syrian refugees with PTSD found that after receiving EMDR therapy 61 percent no longer met criteria for the disorder.

June 14, 2024|Editorial

Holistic Nurse Practitioner Degree

Holistic nurse practitioners combine Western and Eastern medical approaches. While they perform the same duties as regular registered nurses, holistic practitioners also focus on emotional and spiritual wellbeing along with physical wellbeing of their patients.

This career path is ideal for nurses who prefer taking a preventive rather than reactive approach to patient care, or those looking for alternative healing methods.

Education Requirements

Educational requirements for holistic nurse practitioner degrees can differ widely across schools and programs, but generally applicants should possess a bachelor’s degree in nursing from an accredited program and be licensed as a registered nurse in their state of practice. Once applying to one of these graduate certificate in holistic nursing programs, applicants should demonstrate an interest in applying holistic principles with evidence-based patient care; other admission criteria could include passing background checks, drug screenings and providing letters of recommendation.

Holistic nurses understand the individualized nature of each patient. By considering all aspects of physical and spiritual wellbeing, holistic nurses strive to find ways to help their clients reach their health goals for a healthier lifestyle, such as diet changes, stress relief exercises and alternative treatments. Holistic nurses must also have knowledge of traditional Western medical techniques as they strive to give the best care possible to their patients.

Many hospitals offer holistic nurse practitioner programs for advanced practice nurses looking to take a different approach to patient care. These programs are accredited by organizations overseeing graduate education and nursing practice to ensure students receive quality instruction that fulfills the rigorous standards of the profession.

As part of your education in an accredited graduate-level nurse practitioner program and after accumulating hundreds of clinical hours under supervision, you must pass one or both national certification exams offered by either the American Nurses Credentialing Center or American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. These tests assess your competence in areas such as diagnosis, assessment and interpretation of data, ordering lab tests and prescribing therapies.

Once you’ve passed the national certification exam, there will be several steps you must complete in order to receive your license as an advanced practice registered nurse in your state. These could include providing evidence of graduate-level nursing program completion, paying licensing fees and showing proof of malpractice insurance coverage – depending on which state this applies in. Additionally, depending on state requirements there may also be an examination on jurisprudence (jurisprudence examination).

Job Requirements

Holistic nurse practitioners are advanced practice registered nurses that employ a “mind-body” approach in patient care. Alongside their usual nursing duties such as assessing patients, diagnosing diseases and prescribing medications, holistic nurses also utilize alternative therapies as part of their treatment plans; furthermore they encourage their patients to adopt healthy lifestyles to take charge of their wellness.

First step to becoming a holistic nurse: earning a Bachelor’s of Nursing from an accredited university. Next step: pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). This written exam tests your ability to provide safe and effective patient care while passing criminal and drug background checks depending on employer or program requirements.

Once licensed, once you become a holistic nurse practitioner you can enroll in an holistic nurse practitioner program to broaden your education and learn more about whole-person health and healing. These four-year programs typically span many states. The top programs will feature clinical rotations that enable students to work directly with real patients; you will also be taught to assess and treat all aspects of an individual’s wellbeing, such as physical, mental and emotional aspects of health.

Holistic nurse practitioners go beyond conventional medical treatments by employing complementary therapies like acupuncture, herbal remedies and meditation in addition to traditional treatments. Furthermore, they will teach their patients self-care techniques such as stress management techniques, nutritional changes and exercise; in addition to monitoring progress and making necessary changes as needed.

Belief in holistic nursing begins with believing in its core tenet that mind, body and spirit are interdependent – this concept forms part of holism as it defines people as an inseparable whole. Holism encourages self-care, responsibility and spirituality and has been proven by numerous studies to accelerate healing more efficiently – hence why holistic nurses have become such popular career options.

Work Environment

Holistic nurses employ various alternative healing techniques and methodologies. While holistic nurses tend to work in traditional hospital environments, some can also be found working at private practices or birthing centers – some even travel directly to patients’ homes to administer treatment. A recent survey of nurse practitioners showed that one of their key motivations for choosing this profession was altruism and being able to directly interact with their patients.

Holistic nurses can become registered nurses by enrolling in a nursing program at an accredited college or university and passing the National Council Licensure Examination. Registered nurses interested in taking their education a step further can pursue a Master’s degree with an emphasis on holistic nursing for further certification – this opens up more career options with greater pay!

Curriculum requirements for graduate programs in holistic nursing vary considerably. Some schools provide dedicated holistic nurse practitioner programs, while others allow students to add holistic nursing as a concentration within an existing MSN degree program of choice (such as NYU offering specialty sequence of courses that can be added onto family nurse practitioner programs).

Nurses who already possess a Master’s in Nursing can access postgraduate certificate programs. These shorter programs usually cost less than full master’s degrees.

Nurse practitioners trained in holistic nursing provide support and counseling services, in addition to offering complementary therapies such as massage therapy, meditation or acupuncture as needed by their patients. Furthermore, holistic nurse practitioners educate their clients on developing healthy lifestyle habits such as eating healthier or engaging in physical exercises regimens.

Holistic nurses with registered nursing certification can work in any environment where nurses are employed, from hospitals and birthing centers to alternative medicine practices, naturopathic offices and physical therapy clinics. Some holistic nurses also specialize in hospice or palliative care for terminally ill patients and their families; wellness coaching assists with weight management, stress reduction and other health-related concerns.


Are You Seeking Holistic Nursing Employment Opportunities? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that holistic nurses enjoy competitive salary levels when compared to traditional registered nurses; moreover, in addition to receiving their base pay they also typically enjoy benefits such as health and life insurance, paid vacation time, childcare expenses reimbursement and holiday pay.

Assuming you hold an accredited registered nurse (RN) degree from an accredited college or university, the first step to becoming a holistic nurse is acquiring your Registered Nurse Licensure Examination license for your state. Many colleges also provide programs specifically aimed at nurturing holistic nurses; depending on state law it may even be possible for one of these to hold dual licenses simultaneously.

Holistic nurse practitioners are adept at treating more than physical ailments; they understand the significance of maintaining one’s emotional, mental and spiritual well-being as well. Holistic practitioners create meaningful connections with their patients, understanding their needs fully. Together they work towards developing plans of action which will assist their goals for better health.

Holistic nurses go beyond traditional nursing skills by employing alternative healing practices such as meditation, yoga, massage and breathing techniques to aid healing. Furthermore, holistic nurses offer advice regarding diet changes and lifestyle modifications that could contribute to improved overall health.

The American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation offers holistic nurse certification, giving you the chance to be both a nurse coach and promote health and wellness. Nurses who hold this specialty certification are more likely to find employment in hospitals, clinics and private practices; those holding two certifications often command higher salaries; demand for such nurses is predicted to increase as more people turn toward natural and alternative remedies for illness.

June 14, 2024|Editorial

From Quantum Physics to Energy Healing

Virtually everything we use relies on quantum behavior at its most fundamental levels – from solar panels and flat-panel televisions, to hospital MRI scanners and even the atom itself!

On a quantum level, things appear quite mysterious. For instance, quantum objects can exist simultaneously in two places at the same time and pass through barriers without interruption; their connection exists no matter their distance apart.

What is Quantum Mechanics?

Quantum physics explores the subatomic particles of matter, energy and light. While its nature may appear bizarre to outside observers, its explanation of behavior that defies simple explanation in everyday terms – for instance cats that appear both dead and alive at once and photons that seem to go both directions simultaneously or seemingly irrevocably (quantum entanglement) can all be explored within its realms.

Quantum mechanics is an invigorating field, because it challenges our understanding of atomic level workings. Before quantum mechanics was developed, physicists believed there were only discrete particles with specific fixed energies like electrons. This led them to strange phenomena like blackbody radiation and photoelectric effect (material emitting electrons when exposed to light of certain wavelength).

Quantum mechanics enables us to comprehend that discrete particles are actually wavelike vibrations with various forms. Furthermore, quantum physics demonstrates how these vibrations interact across vast distances and times to form complex interactions amongst themselves.

Quantum mechanics has provided us with an incredible breakthrough. Quantum mechanics suggests that these vibrations can be measured, and we do so using nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI works by manipulating hydrogen atoms in water molecules belonging to patients’ nuclei in order to create images of soft tissues within their bodies which would otherwise be hard for doctors to spot using methods like x-ray imaging.

Johanna Blomqvist’s book explores how quantum physics is used in modern life, particularly healing. This gap was filled by Johanna’s book which shows that quantum mechanics is fundamental to energy healing practices like Reiki. Furthermore, this exploration also sheds light on quantum entanglement between healer and patient which was evident throughout.

What is Quantum Field Theory?

Quantum field theory unifies quantum mechanics with relativity to describe interactions between matter and force fields, such as electromagnetic radiation scattering by free electrons or the creation of new atomic particles such as electrons, protons or neutrons after nuclear fission explosions in the atmosphere. Modern quantum field theories are often applied to model high-energy particle physics events like collisions between atomic particles or production of cosmic rays from such explosions.

One key motivation behind QFT was the incorporation of Einstein’s theory of relativity into quantum treatments of electromagnetic fields, in particular to ensure they remained relativistically invariant during coordinate transformations. This goal was met through Pascual Jordan and Wolfgang Pauli’s 1928 work which demonstrated how field commutators of systems can be replaced with coupled linear operators representing its Hamiltonian or total energy. This form is known as interaction representation and provides a Lorentz covariant and gauge invariant alternative to time-dependent perturbation theory used in ordinary quantum mechanics.

Relativistic Quantum Field Theory emerged directly from this successful attempt at incorporating relativity into quantum mechanical treatment of electromagnetic fields, while at the same time its mathematical techniques proved highly versatile and capable of solving numerous other types of systems-related problems, as evidenced by Werner Heisenberg and his colleagues’ ability to use them for an uncertainy principle formulation utilizing matrix mechanics.

What is Quantum Entanglement?

Entanglement is one of the strangest phenomena observed in quantum physics, the science that explores nature on an extremely small scale. Particles become so linked together that it’s impossible to describe them as separate or independent; actions performed on one particle have an immediate and unpredictable effect on another; this phenomenon is commonly known as “spooky action at a distance,” and forms the core of quantum computing schemes.

Most experiments involving entanglement have used photons, as it’s straightforward to get two of them entangled at once. Once that happens, you can direct these photons toward atoms which absorb them and create new states using them; typically this means their polarization (whether they point upwards or downwards) will depend on whether two photons initially entered an entangled state – leading them into an indeterminate but highly correlated state in response.

John Stewart Bell, a particle physicist who dabbled in quantum theory on the side, proposed an experiment in the 1960s designed to demonstrate this property of entanglement. If scientists could somehow cause two observers’ coin tosses to produce identical outcomes then that would demonstrate particles are bound together through quantum entanglement.

Unfortunately, it took scientists until the ’70s to implement Bell’s experiment and prove its reality – thus showing Einstein wrong to dismiss this odd aspect of quantum physics and showing entanglement as part of quantum reality.

What is Quantum Energetics?

Quantum energy healing may appear esoteric, but its principles are grounded in quantum physics. Essentially, this form of medicine harnesses our bodies’ natural healing capacities by tapping into energies which lie at the core of both health and illness.

At an atomic level, quantum nature leads to stunning and often surprising phenomena such as the Lamb shift. This effect happens when electromagnetic waves cause changes in an atom’s or ion’s energy levels by absorbing photons at specific frequencies; this energy absorption converts transverse wave energy back into longitudinal wave energy; as a result spectral lines in their emission spectrum shift or split off from their original position.

Entanglement is another fascinating phenomenon. This concept holds that particles can become so intertwined with each other that the state of one particle instantly affects another no matter their distance apart. This interconnectedness serves as the basis for many energy healing techniques such as Qest and the BodyTalk system.

An energetic healing session begins by asking clients about their medical history and current symptoms, followed by muscle testing to detect energy blockages or imbalances within their bodies. From there, practitioners use various techniques to help their client address any blockages or imbalances and release any energy blockages or imbalances through various means.

Monica is trained in both Crossinology Brain Integration and Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy (QEST). Using her expertise in these two modalities, Monica assists clients in regaining their strength – an essential step toward the restoration or renewal of health. Monica has seen first-hand how QEST offers gentle yet holistic benefits, which she looks forward to sharing with others.

What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is a type of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) founded on the belief that vital energy flows throughout our bodies and can be harnessed to assist with healing. Studies are being conducted on patients living with cancer to see whether energy healing can help improve quality of life, boost immunity and decrease side effects.

Energy healing stems from the belief that our bodies contain an intricate network of energy pathways and emotions are directly tied to physical wellbeing. A trained practitioner will perform energy healing sessions to clear away blockages in these pathways and restore balance within body, mind, and spirit.

Energy healing utilizes numerous modalities and techniques, such as Reiki, Qigong and therapeutic touch. While each practice differs slightly in execution, they all strive to channel healing energy directly into an individual’s personal energy field in order to improve health and wellness.

Clients experiencing energy healing sessions may experience physical sensations like tingling, coolness or heat, pressure, twitching rushes and pulling. Although these sensations are generally not unpleasant, their intensity depends on the personalized treatment plan co-created between client and healer.

Energy healing can help with an array of issues, ranging from anxiety to chronic pain relief and alleviating chemotherapy-related side effects. Furthermore, energy healing sessions have proven particularly useful in supporting existing medical and surgical interventions – one of our patients presented for energy healing sessions with frequent migraine headaches; our sessions significantly decreased both their severity and frequency while increasing effectiveness of her ongoing medical/surgical treatments.

June 14, 2024|Editorial

How to Become a Natural Healer

To become a natural healer, it’s necessary to master both hands-on (commonly referred to as “laying on of hands”) and distant healing skills.

Healers must understand their clients’ cultures and worldviews in order to provide optimal treatments. Their cultural knowledge plays a pivotal role in their beliefs and methods of treatment.

Natural healing is a form of alternative medicine.

Natural healing is an alternative form of medicine that employs herbal remedies and mind-body techniques alongside nutritional supplements and natural products to promote wellness. Unlike traditional medical practices, holistic health aims at treating the source of disease rather than masking symptoms; thus making this approach potentially less expensive than more traditional forms. Nonetheless, holistic healthcare should not be considered a magic bullet since many alternative therapies do not yet have scientific support behind them.

Herbal medicine has been around for centuries. As an ancient practice that harnesses the natural healing properties of plants and herbs, herbal medicine has long been used to treat numerous conditions, from heart problems and skin ailments to chronic fatigue and premenstrual syndrome.

Acupuncture has been used for millennia to provide natural healing solutions, stimulating specific points on the body to reduce pain and increase circulation. It’s an excellent alternative to prescription medication.

Natural healing encompasses more than just nutritional supplements; natural remedies also include herbal tinctures and homeopathy remedies made from plant ingredients like roots and berries that have healing powers. Herbal remedies can boost immune systems while providing relief for conditions like migraines, arthritis, or insomnia.

Nature’s Healer stands firm on their belief that nature heals, offering all-natural products with no harmful chemicals. Their team cultivates, harvests and extracts hemp through sustainable practices while only using CGMP certified facilities to manufacture their products – their goal being to help customers live a healthier lifestyle with greater peace in their world.

It is a form of therapy.

Natural healing is an integrative therapy practiced through holistic approaches to address health issues. It is frequently combined with traditional medicine in order to promote overall wellbeing and treat chronic conditions; natural healing therapies include massage, herbal medicine, acupuncture and meditation as effective forms of natural healing therapy. Before making the decision that natural healing therapy is right for you it is essential that its safety, benefits and evidence are thoroughly assessed before making a final choice.

There are various kinds of healers, each with its own specialty and focus. While some practitioners use plants as the main method for healing, others use energy, music, or other methods to promote health. Holistic healers focus on the whole person – their diet, relationships and spiritual needs as well as emotional trauma or past experiences they can help address and heal from.

Holistic healers work to identify the source of your health issues and recommend treatments that address both the physical and emotional elements of your condition. For instance, if you suffer from heart disease, they can prescribe herbs or lifestyle modifications to reverse its progression and provide supplements which could lower future illness risks.

Alternative healing may include using natural substances, like crystals or essential oils, to ease aches and pains. These natural substances have been used in medicine for centuries as an effective form of treatment, with some people even preferring them over conventional medications. Unfortunately, natural therapies do come with risks, including harmful interactions between some herbal supplements being potentially toxic or interfering with certain medications.

Energy therapies are holistic and alternative practices that use energy for healing. They draw upon notions about cosmic energies as well as various spiritual traditions for guidance; examples include Reiki practitioners using their hands lightly over someone’s body to redirect and encourage healing energy, or electromagnetic, ultrasonic or thermal energies for other energy therapies.

As a natural healer, it’s likely you have strong connections to the unseen world and feel at home in nature. Your dreams may feature vivid animals who serve as guides; in addition, there should be an instinctual desire to serve humanity and Mother Earth in some capacity.

As a natural healer, it’s essential that you learn how to take care of yourself. Patience and trust must be applied, meditation should be practiced regularly with visualization of intentions clearly in mind, feeling other people’s energy accurately and responding appropriately will all play key roles in successful self-healing.

It is a form of healing.

Natural healing is a form of energy medicine that uses spiritual and physical techniques to assist patients in self-healing. This practice has existed for millennia, with spiritual healers believing in an invisible pool of healing energy available all around us that they can use to restore body equilibrium and help individuals heal themselves. Healers use this energy to soothe patients, relax them, and provide energy boosts; all while strengthening immune systems against disease while healing individuals.

Healing sessions typically consist of talking to the patient about their life and emotions. A healer may ask the individual to focus on breathing deeply or listen out for sounds; all with the goal of freeing negative emotions from causing problems. Healers may also use “remote healing”, whereby energy from their hands is transferred directly into someone’s body via this technique.

Healers can use this knowledge to detect a person’s discomfort even before they express it directly. They can sense vibrations of pain in an individual’s aura – the rainbow-like field that encompasses each individual and when healthy it radiates a bright and clear light; when sick or unwell it may appear faded or dimmed.

Healers may turn to natural remedies, like homeopathy. This alternative medicine uses diluted substances in order to promote self-healing by replenishing vital forces within the body. Homeopathy works on the principle that “like cures like,” making it an excellent treatment option for many conditions including mental health problems.

Natural healing also relies on the idea that illness has spiritual roots. Ancient medical systems viewed the human body as an microcosm for an aesthetically balanced universe governed by principles such as yin and yang that combine both physical and metaphysical forces; deviation from such cosmic order was considered sickness.

Modern medicine may treat symptoms, but not their source. Because modern medicine doesn’t treat root causes of diseases effectively, many people turn to spiritual healers to address their conditions. Spiritual healers can be found all over the world and offer various treatments; some of which may even be free or chargeable depending on the case.

Before seeking medical treatments, it’s crucial that you find an appropriately qualified healer. A reputable healer should have experience treating various conditions, and can recommend the most effective approach to you. They should be able to answer all your queries regarding training and qualifications as well. Be wary of healers claiming they can treat cancer or other serious diseases; such healers could be scammers or inexperienced professionals. In addition, avoid healers charging excessive fees.

June 14, 2024|Editorial

Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS

Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS is a revolutionary health analysis system, featuring non-invasive scanning of body condition with light wave resonance technology and results displayed on computer monitor.

It is an innovative bioresonance hardware-software system developed by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics that can selectively amplify signals hardly detectable against statistical fluctuations and isolate, decode, and display them on screen.


Metatron hunter 4025 nls is a non-invasive diagnostic device that utilizes electromagnetic resonance to scan the body’s energy fields. This groundbreaking technology allows doctors to pinpoint disturbances within patients’ bodies and identify their sources; helping patients make better-informed health decisions. Furthermore, its advanced software can forecast future illnesses or identify medications which may help treat them as well as identify sources of hereditary diseases or tumors and track back to where they originated.

It works on the principle that every organ, tissue and cell emit electromagnetic waves. Sensors capture this data and its proprietary software analyzes it for anomalies or deviations from normal frequencies; then translated into comprehensive health assessment reports which can assist medical professionals develop treatment plans for their patients. It can even identify potential sources of toxins and illnesses by scanning for signs of imbalance within a patient’s body.

The metatron hunter 4025 nls device can be utilized by physicians, naturopaths, chiropractors, dietitians, massage therapists, acupuncturists and other alternative medicine practitioners as well as sanatorium resorts, fitness centers and spas for multiple applications. Its user-friendly software features an intuitive user interface for ease of use while multidimensional scanning reveals their source at genome level – bypassing histological cuts, cytological cuts or DNA fragment levels for accurate results.

This innovative device digitally records electromagnetic wave information emitted by living organisms and digitally stores it. Once recorded, this data is then analyzed using a computer model capable of identifying any disruptions to energy field within an organism’s body and displayed as color code on screen for analysis by physicians to diagnose disorders and suggest solutions. It may be combined with healing modalities like acupuncture, iris aura detection and sclerotherapy for improved results as well as record frequency fluctuations of any preparation to search for medications with similar spectrum signatures – making this tool an indispensable asset to pharmacologists!


The Metatron Hunter 4025 nls is one of the world’s most accurate and informative methods of whole body diagnostics, reading electromagnetic waves released by cells to identify harmful processes present in someone’s health dynamics as well as forecast future health trends.

The Institute of Practical Psychophysics has developed a hardware-software system using an innovative nonlinear analysis methodology. It works by amplifying certain signals which may otherwise go undetected due to statistical fluctuations, then isolating and decoding these signals, before finally displaying them on a computer screen for easy interpretation by patients and healthcare providers alike. It’s an extremely effective way of diagnosing problems accurately while making informed decisions regarding appropriate treatments.

This device can detect a range of illnesses and conditions, from allergies and infections to organ health issues, providing a complete and accurate picture of an individual’s health status. Furthermore, this equipment allows physicians to treat patients directly while also showing them before-and-after results of treatments provided by other practitioners.

Additionally, the Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS can also be used for analyzing food and nutritional supplements. It can help determine which type of food would be most suitable to an individual’s health while suggesting diet plans to decrease disease risks. Furthermore, this instrument can even detect parasites and bacteria.

The metatron hunter nls is an invaluable tool for healthcare practitioners and other professionals in the healthcare industry. Easy to use, it provides quick and accurate diagnosis of various illnesses; even pinpointing their root cause if necessary and suggesting safe and effective treatments; in addition, its detection capability allows medical practitioners to detect whether medications they prescribe are working or not – an especially valuable aspect as many medications can have side effects such as heart failure and liver damage which need to be determined whether these effects are caused by medication itself or disease progression.


The Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS is a cutting-edge health analysis system that utilizes light wave resonance technology to scan your body and produce a comprehensive report of its condition. Non-invasive and painless, it allows doctors, wellness centers, athletes and beauty salons to quickly determine root causes of various ailments as well as uncover hidden infections for which treatment options exist.

This system is easy to use and quickly produces a complete report in minutes, easily displayed on a computer screen for ease of reading and understanding. Once complete, users may choose from several treatments available to them to restore equilibrium in their body without going under surgery or experiencing pain. It’s an ideal noninvasive solution for people seeking improved quality of life without resorting to surgery.

In addition to its healing powers, the Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS can also be utilized for medical research and education purposes. Safe, accurate, and reliable; making it a suitable choice for both medical students and researchers alike. In fact, its accuracy makes it even more effective than traditional methods like MRIs and CT scans since its scan can scan an entire body within minutes and provide detailed reports regarding all organs and tissues within.

Furthermore, this device can identify the source and severity of disorders as well as treatments available. Furthermore, this tool provides a comparative analysis of before and after results to enable comparison with clinical results for many forms of illnesses, including chronic and autoimmune illnesses.

Guangzhou San Hong Tech Co., Ltd is a highly specialized manufacturer of Clinical Analytical Instruments that are exported worldwide. Their products come in various sizes and shapes to meet customer requirements; production lines feature advanced testing equipment; while their employees possess vast expertise in producing top-quality products.

This product has been enhanced with new software that drastically accelerates research speed and pinpoints tumor nidus locations automatically, while simultaneously uncovering their causes at genome level by sequentially passing through histological sections, chromosome sets and DNA fragments.


The metatron hunter 4025 nls is an affordable and reliable diagnostic system that utilizes light wave resonance to scan the body, identify abnormal conditions and find effective treatments. This noninvasive scanner can even track down hereditary disorders at the tissue, cell, chromosome or DNA fragment level and identify their root causes – making it an invaluable asset to naturopaths, osteopaths, homeopaths and anti-ageing practitioners alike. Furthermore, this tool can locate bacteria or parasites within the body while offering appropriate herbs or stones as ways outs or cures against them – providing excellent tools to combat them all at once!

This device works by sending electromagnetic waves into the body and measuring how its cells and tissues respond. After measuring these responses, an analysis is then conducted that pinpoints any imbalances which are displayed on a computer screen for viewing by healthcare practitioners to develop treatment plans or determine allergies/health concerns requiring attention as well as recommend herbal or natural remedies that could assist treatment plans.

Wholesalers and distributors can purchase this advanced bio-resonance diagnostic system. The device makes an ideal addition to health and wellness centers, cosmetic salons, spas and fitness clubs – as well as being utilized by traditional Chinese medicine practices and complementary therapy centers.

Metatron nls diagnostik is a sophisticated system utilizing medical databases and special software designed to accurately detect the objective state of a patient’s body in real-time and transmit it. Once transmitted, data is immediately decoded into specific diagnoses and recommendations based on an updated algorithm and expanded research capabilities.

Database with over 10,000 spectral etalons of medicines, food supplements and herbs. Also runs compatibility test between body and preparation by placing it in special bioresonance chamber for testing purposes – to see whether preparation is safe to be taken by patient without side effects or adverse interactions.

The metatron hunter nls can be programmed with different frequencies associated with homeopathic preparations to recognize them and deliver it directly into a patient’s energy field or cells for absorption.