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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

May 10, 2024|Editorial

How Accurate is Bioresonance Testing?

Bioresonance testing can be used to detect food allergies and sensitivities without needing needles, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances and energetic matches to toxins that resonate in the environment.

Before taking an EEG test, drinking plenty of water and avoiding smoking, caffeine and allergens is vital in stabilizing energy fields and improving frequency pattern measurement accuracy.

How accurate is bioresonance testing?

Bioresonance testing is an increasingly popular form of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), especially among those looking for noninvasive and holistic health solutions. Based on the concept that every cell emits electromagnetic waves with specific frequencies, when these waves are compared with healthy cell frequencies they can help identify unhealthy or diseased cells which could be the source of imbalances within the body.

Bioresonance analysis can be conducted on various objects, such as hair, skin or urine samples; hair is most frequently chosen due to its higher vibration frequency that allows it to detect imbalances within the body more accurately. A special device measures resonance energy and compares it against food items, additives or toxins stored in its database – it’s noninvasive process providing invaluable feedback in just one session!

Bioresonance testing can provide accurate and noninvasive insights into potential sensitivities to food, beverages, additives and toxins; identify deficiencies; assist homeopathic practitioners in creating holistic health programs geared toward strengthening and balancing the body; as well as assess any deficiencies.

There are various bioresonance devices on the market, and certain machines can detect everything from thyroid conditions and food intolerances to parasites and environmental toxins. Once your bioresonance scan has taken place, a homeopath will provide targeted remedies or supplements designed to correct imbalances identified within your body.


Bioresonance may have its detractors, but research has proven its efficacy for treating numerous health conditions and issues. Furthermore, its noninvasive nature makes it a powerful way of improving overall well-being and speeding healing.

Bioresonance testing does not typically cause side effects; however, some individuals may experience slight discomfort or tingling during the procedure. As such, it is wise to discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider prior to beginning this type of therapy.

Can bioresonance help with cancer?

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative medicine practice that measures electromagnetic energy within the body to identify imbalances or blockages that could lead to health problems, or help improve traditional therapies’ efficacy. Based on bioenergetic theory, all cells and organs have their own natural vibrational frequency that stresses can alter. Bioresonance therapy helps restore this natural frequency for healthier cells thereby improving overall wellness.

Bioresonance therapy may not cure cancerous cells in the body directly, but its use has proven successful at relieving symptoms and improving quality of life. Furthermore, bioresonance can enhance traditional cancer treatments by eliminating harmful substances present in the body that could compromise treatment effectiveness.

Bioresonance testing is a non-invasive technique that employs electromagnetic waves at a cellular level to detect any imbalances in body wavelengths and vibrations, first developed in Germany during the 1970s by Franz Morell and Erich Rasche. Bioresonance can help identify imbalances which contribute to various medical conditions like allergies, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

Bioresonance testing is fast and painless; taking only 10 minutes to complete. Your practitioner will then spend the remainder of the session discussing results with you and answering any queries or providing any answers about potential food sensitivities that might exist in your case.


Bioresonance therapy can be used as an independent remedy, however more commonly it’s combined with other complementary therapies for an holistic healing approach. Bioresonance can be combined with acupuncture, massage therapy and homeopathy to treat an array of health conditions.

To get the most from bioresonance therapy, it’s crucial that you work with a certified practitioner. They will be able to advise on treatments and lifestyle modifications to help improve wellness and can integrate this treatment into a holistic wellness routine to prevent imbalances from developing in the first place.

Can bioresonance help with allergies?

Bioresonance sensitivity testing, or BST for short, has become an increasingly popular alternative therapy in recent years. This noninvasive technology uses frequency patterns emitted by living cells to detect imbalances that could contribute to health issues and find solutions.

Bioresonance was pioneered in Germany during the 1970s, based on the principle that living things emit electromagnetic frequencies. Once detected, BICOM devices can alter these frequencies so as to resonate at another frequency – similar to how piano strings will vibrate when struck with a tuning fork. Therapists then use these altered frequencies against databases of substances to identify any that do not resonate well with our bodies and ultimately eliminate allergens from diets.

Food allergies are a serious and sometimes life-threatening problem that should not be overlooked. It is critical to identify food sensitivities early in order to avoid painful reactions in later years; bioresonance scanners offer an easy way of doing this quickly and painlessly.

With its proprietary computer-based scanning process, BICOM will assess your overall energy level as well as any food intolerances, vitamin/mineral deficiencies or chemical toxicity issues that arise. Furthermore, this system will give an indication of your stress levels as well as highlighting any dominant foci or causes behind health concerns that arise in you.

The BICOM will then compare its findings with a library of frequencies for various foods, drinks, vitamins, minerals, metals and bacteria that has been preloaded into its computer memory. Once displayed on screen for analysis by therapists, their results can then be selected from among various therapies transmitted directly via electromagnetic waves to various areas of your body.

If the BICOM detects gluten stress, for instance, a therapist will plan a personalized program to address this energetic imbalance through detoxification and diet changes.

A sensitivity test typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete, after which your therapist will review its findings with you and suggest any supportive treatments such as homeopathy that can help restore energy balance. When selecting your practitioner it is wise to select one who understands bioenergetic approaches to holistic wellness.

Can bioresonance help with stress?

Bioresonance testing is a noninvasive body diagnosis technique used to detect imbalances and weaknesses within our bodies by measuring frequency patterns of vibrations resonating within cells. It has become a popular alternative healing solution since its genesis in Germany, as every living organism emits electromagnetic frequencies which can be measured to identify imbalances in health conditions.

Bioresonance therapy requires patients to consume plenty of water and avoid allergens in order to create an energy field with optimal frequencies measurements. A practitioner then places electrodes on the skin connected to a Bicom machine. The machine analyzes energy wavelengths coming from within their body, counteracting bad frequencies by restoring optimal balance. Bioresonance can detect viruses or cancer cells present as well as identify food sensitivities or how many toxins exist within.

Bioresonance sessions use an electronic machine that transmits specific frequencies directly into every cell in your body, sending out frequencies which if they resonate at healthy levels will cancel out unhealthy ones allowing the body to lower its toxic load and heal itself more efficiently. It can help patients suffering from fatigue, digestive problems, insomnia, allergies or any number of conditions – particularly useful for smokers, drinkers and drug users as it detoxifies their systems more effectively.

Some top athletes from different sports are using bioresonance scans as part of their therapy to increase performance. Four members of the Swedish cross country skiing team used it to recover from injuries while preparing for major championships, yet its results do not serve as medical diagnoses or as replacement treatments; therefore it is vitally important that you work with an holistic practitioner who can guide your results of your scan.

May 10, 2024|Editorial

Biophoton Therapy by Johan Boswinkel

Fritz-Albert Popp made the first discovery that living cells emit biophotonic light. From there, Boswinkel conducted further research and created an apparatus to assess and correct electromagnetic frequency signals – now known as Chiren.

Biontologists use Chiren to measure acupuncture points that overlap with biophoton “highways”. Their measurements help invert chaotic light and strengthen coherent light.

What is Biophoton Therapy?

Biophoton therapy is a noninvasive and light-based treatment designed to restore your body’s inherent healing powers through photons. Invented by Dutch physicist Johan Boswinkel, biophoton therapy uses photons emitted by living biological cells as weak electromagnetic light impulses called biophotons to restore wellness in those experiencing health issues such as chronic inflammation. When biophoton levels become disturbed in any way, you could experience issues like chronic inflammation. Biophoton Therapy promotes self-regulation to quickly diminish impactful microorganisms such as viruses fungi bacteria protozoa and worms to restore wellness quickly.

Your cells emit biophotons with an intricate mix of coherent and chaotic light waves, matching up with electrical resistance measured at acupuncture points as identified by German electroacupuncturist Reinhard Voll in the 1940s. Based on his research, Boswinkel created the Chiren(r) instrument in 1983 to measure and repair light emissions for his clients.

At a biophoton session, your biontologist tunes into your body by using glass rods in your hands or feet to detect chaotic light sources within. He then uses his Chiren instrument to correct them using filters of light; the resultant filtered light then gets distributed back into your system where healthy cells receive it; this cycle continues in millions of corrective cycles per second.

Biophoton sessions are non-painful and do not involve using medications or supplements; neither biontologists nor patients require medications in order to complete one. Since energetic imbalances measured and corrected don’t always manifest physically or show up on diagnostic tests, but biontologists can still identify which areas of your body have imbalances that need addressing so your immune system can act accordingly and restore normal function.

Biophoton Therapy sessions help your immune system restore the health of cell membranes within your body, while simultaneously rebalancing energy within it to release and eliminate pathogens that are causing health issues for you. Safe and noninvasive, Biophoton Therapy treatments may be used for a wide variety of health conditions – so contact our office now if interested!

How does Biophoton Therapy work?

Biophoton Therapy is founded upon scientific study of light-emitting properties of cells. It works on the principle that our bodies emit electromagnetic impulses called biophotons as energy to function optimally. Cells use biophotons for communication purposes as well as sending growth, repair and regeneration signals for tissues, organs and joints. Stress, poor diet and limited exposure to nature all disrupt biophotons which in turn interfere with natural functioning of both individual cells as well as our overall body as an entity. Biophoton Therapy seeks to correct these disturbances so as reestablishing natural equilibrium within.

BioPhoton Therapy is an non-invasive therapy that does not use any drugs or chemicals, making it safe and effective treatment for adults and children alike. Sessions last only a few minutes with clients being able to either lie down or stand during them – the frequency of treatments depends on the condition being addressed as well as any medications or supplements being taken by each client.

Robert Rodgers of Parkinson’s Recovery podcast interviewed Johan Boswinkel of The Institute for Applied Biophoton Sciences and inventor of Chiren device. Boswinkel explained how this technology had restored health and vitality in many clients suffering from neurological conditions like Parkinson’s.

The Chiren device is a biophoton therapy instrument that detects and treats imbalances that contribute to various health conditions. It does this by measuring body’s vibrational frequency (or oscillation), which determines cellular communication and function. Once identified, this instrument sends back light with specific wavelengths designed to treat that particular imbalance as well as informational remedies or countersignals to support your natural healing processes.

Targeting specific areas of the body with this device is particularly effective at treating musculoskeletal conditions, such as neck and back pain, fibromyalgia, rheumatism, varicose veins, chronic skin diseases and gynaecological concerns. Furthermore, its targeting capabilities also offer relief from emotional or mental disorders like anxiety and depression.

What are the benefits of Biophoton Therapy?

Antibiotics and chemical drugs may be effective treatments, but Biophoton Therapy stands out as an alternative with no negative side effects that works to enhance natural healing abilities of our bodies. Based on research that showed all living biological cells emit light – otherwise known as photons or electromagnetic impulses – this therapy has proven itself as a highly successful means to address chronic illness as well as conditions previously considered unsolvable.

At each Biophoton Therapy session, an experienced Biophoton Therapy specialist uses glass rods or plates in your hands or feet to identify any weak meridians (channels of energy flow) which have become weak or out-of-balance, before using Chiren to invert chaotic light and amplify coherent light; neutralizing disturbing signals while strengthening healthy frequencies to create balance in the body and start the healing process from within. Once these processes have taken place, the root cause of imbalance will have been eradicated so your body can start healing itself and starting in itself!

Johan Boswinkel was the director of a travel agency in New Zealand and an accomplished businessperson, but was suffering from fatigue and exhaustion as well as chronic allergies. Following advice from his secretary, he visited an acupuncturist who administered treatment that left him feeling revitalized and vibrant; they shared with him an article written by German physicist Fritz-Albert Popp regarding cells emitting an extremely faint light known as biophotons which made a difference.

Boswinkel quickly immersed himself into Popp’s work, researching homeopathy and acupuncture before designing his first machine in 1983 to measure and repair light emissions of humans. Soon thereafter he began treating cancer patients, and quickly discovered how biophotons played an essential part in improving their health.

The Chiren is an effective, painless biophoton therapy session. Sessions are highly relaxing and have no known side effects; usually 4-12 treatments will suffice, although overtreating one area could prove too taxing on its system.

How many Biophoton Therapy sessions will I need?

Assuming no other physical or energetic interventions are being done, four to twelve sessions should be enough to restore biophoton coherence. Results may be seen quickly depending on your condition. This form of energy healing is generally safe for most people and does not interfere with medications or supplements taken by clients.

Johan Boswinkel of the Netherlands devised this technology based on his discovery that all living cells emit light emission known as biophotons – weak electromagnetic light waves emitted by all living cells. Multiple scientific research studies have demonstrated that all living organisms release photons, playing an essential part in maintaining cell health. Boswinkel created the Chiren instrument in the early 1980s for qualitative measurements and analyses of biophoton light emissions from our bodies. Chiren can assess and identify which of the acupuncture meridians that intersect with our biophoton highways are out of balance, leading to disease or disorder, in order to correct them and reverse any chaotic light waves into coherent ones, neutralizing disharmony while reinforcing healthy pathways.

Through Chiren Therapy we are able to assist the body in re-establishing healthy communication channels among all cells within its physical structure and also its master control system – the Human Body Field. Chiren can also assist the body in recovering its natural healing abilities.

Biophoton Therapy is a noninvasive form of treatment which introduces light frequencies directly into cells in the body. There are no adverse side effects and it’s safe for use by almost everyone, except those who have heart valve or blood vessel implants, an artificial blood vessel/tube implant or surgically placed stents.

As part of your treatment, you lie comfortably while your practitioner positions the Chiren on or around your head and shoulders. Each session typically lasts only minutes and may be administered up to twice weekly; more frequent treatments could overburden the body and slow its own healing processes.

May 10, 2024|Editorial

The Science of Energy Medicine

Energy medicine is founded upon the assumption that invisible healing energies exist. Practitioners of energy healing claim they can sense this energy, rebalance it to promote health, and use their techniques to harness them for good health outcomes.

Jill Blakeway, an acupuncturist in Michigan, finds this theory intriguing yet skeptical: What has research to support it?

Quantum physics

Quantum physics examines energy and matter at their most fundamental levels, studying wave-particle duality at these microscopic scales and leading to the understanding that everything is composed of energy – the foundation of energy healing such as ancient traditions of acupuncture or Ayurveda medicine that work with subtle energies such as ch’i and prana in our bodies.

Understanding energy medicine requires an in-depth knowledge of quantum physics. Many mainstream physicists struggle to explain its esoteric concepts due to its focus on very small particle behavior – something far removed from Newtonian approaches to physics that we all are familiar with.

Classical mechanics provides us with concrete results and equations that exactly describe where particles exist in space, while quantum mechanics takes a probabilistic approach that means we cannot know precisely where any particle will be at any moment – as its energy potentials cannot vary as with larger objects like baseballs moving through air, slowing down, stopping abruptly, landing etc.

Niels Bohr developed this theory further in 1913 by developing the planetary model of an atom – still used today – which provides visual representation of its structure and charged particles. His hypothesis suggested that electrons occupy fixed orbits around their nucleus; when changing orbit, electrons emit or absorb energy that manifests either as light waves if emitted, or electromagnetic radiation when absorbed.

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is one of the cornerstones of quantum physics, asserting that it is impossible to know both a particle’s exact position and momentum simultaneously. This is due to a particle’s position being only known to within an acceptable margin while wave speeds and wavelengths cannot be accurately described at once. Additional concepts in quantum physics include Quantum Superposition — where one particle can simultaneously act both as wave and particle — as well as Quantum Entanglement — the idea that two distantly located particles may become interlinked enough so as changes affect both simultaneously.


The electromagnetic force, or EMF, is created through interactions between electric charges and magnetic moments, producing fields which may be static or slowly fluctuating before eventually manifesting as waves known as electromagnetic radiation (which includes radio waves on one end and gamma rays on another). EMF powers everything from traffic lights in your street to radio signals on mobile phones as well as being the energy source behind batteries that power our electrical devices – it truly affects everything!

Science’s examination of electricity and magnetism dates back centuries; however, modern scientists made great strides forward. William Gilbert was one such pioneer. Known as a physician and natural philosopher from the 16th century, he first described electromagnetic force as an electrostatic attraction and magnetic pull. Additionally, Gilbert discovered the principles governing electricity and magnetism which later formed the basis of our modern technologies.

No one disputes the importance of electromagnetic fields in our lives, yet little thought has been given to whether there may be an interrelated energy field that lies underneath human bodies and influences disease causation and treatment. If this were indeed the case, modern medicine would experience dramatic advances in disease diagnosis and management.

Medical scientists have dedicated themselves to understanding the human energy field. According to their research, information necessary for growth and healing may be provided via both total electromagnetic (EM) fields as well as more subtle ones that lie underneath physical bodies known as etheric fields which cannot easily be measured with physical instruments.

Energy medicine involves harnessing invisible fields to treat disease and promote health. It has various applications in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), including energy healing, homeopathy, acupuncture, magnet therapy and bioelectromagnetic therapies. Energy medicine may also play an integral part at cellular level – the etheric field provides the template for physical development which in turn guides cell growth, differentiation and healing; furthermore it may act as a mediator of knowledge transfer among living systems; plausible energy-based explanations have also been offered for various unexplained phenomena like Phantom Limb Pain or emotional entrainment among groups or unusually rapid responses to treatments like energy medicine treatments.


Biofields are defined as spatially distributed sets of electromagnetic, biophotonic, and other forces which encode information and exert instructive influences upon cells capable of perceiving and being modified by them. Biofields are seen as integral aspects of self-regulation for cells, tissues, organisms as a whole; as well as complementing molecular-based mechanisms.

The concept of a biological field was initially introduced into embryology as an explanation for developmental processes, then later extended to describe morphogenetic fields that appear to orchestrate cell and organism growth and regeneration. More recently, however, this term has come to encompass energy modalities which appear to activate natural biofields or nonphysical energies that interact with them.

There has been an increase in interest for complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) modalities that claim to use biofield-based therapy to treat disease and enhance wellbeing, yet clinical studies of such therapies are in their infancy due to limited funding for large-scale randomized controlled trials.

However, some evidence points towards efficacy for some of these modalities. A 2015 review demonstrated that various complementary and alternative medicine energy healing modalities had short-term beneficial outcomes including reduced pain intensity and anxiety among hospitalized populations and less agitated behaviors among dementia patients. Unfortunately, long-term benefits like fatigue management or autonomic nervous system activity remain less clear-cut.

Biofield therapy studies could benefit greatly from taking another promising approach: measuring how its treatments affect physiologic indices of relaxation. This would enable researchers to gain a more complete picture of how biofield therapies affect body regulatory systems than can be gained with traditional molecular-based models alone.

Furthermore, these indices may be more sensitive to biofield effects on cells than traditional molecular-based models and more predictive of long-term effects than treatments like biofield therapy based on molecular models. Therefore, research on its effect on physiological relaxation indices should take a high priority status.

Reconnective healing

Reconnective healing is an energy healing approach utilizing frequencies to promote healing and evolution. It operates under the premise that one’s body’s energy field can connect to an expanded universal field, thus improving overall health and vitality. Studies by prominent scientists such as William Tiller, Gary Schwartz, and Konstantin Korotkov have supported these theories.

People participating in reconnective healing sessions have reported witnessing strange sights, sounds and sensations they have never witnessed before; such as colors, lights and sounds they have never encountered; others reported deep relaxation or relief from pain and other symptoms; still others have reported spiritual experiences such as hearing angels or guides speak directly to them; the energy produced by reconnective healing can even have effects beyond human bodies – scientists have documented its effect on animals, plants and even rocks!

Reconnective healing may seem complex, yet its science is becoming more widely practiced globally. Based on ancient healing practices and studied by some of the top scientists worldwide, reconnective healing has gained increasing recognition worldwide. Most recently, research using SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) to measure electromagnetic fields around the body revealed that frequencies used in reconnective healing increased thermodynamic free energy significantly – this significant shift of energy proved effective at treating disease and other conditions.

Jill Blakeway has spent her life exploring energy medicine, witnessing remarkable results among her patients. In her new book Energy Medicine, she takes us on an international journey to discover more of this powerful force. From interviewing experts at Stanford and Princeton who study healing physics to an ancient Chinese Qi Gong master who can heal cancer in mice to physicians using hands on healing to treat breast cancer patients, her book offers the first comprehensive look into this groundbreaking field of energy medicine.

May 10, 2024|Editorial

Rife Therapy For Cancer

Today’s empowered patient and integrative medicine environment has many people exploring alternatives to conventional treatments, including Rife therapy (which utilizes sound frequencies to heal their bodies). This blog will discuss its potential.

Royal Raymond Rife created his rife machine after studying microbes under a microscope and identifying their specific destructive frequency. When this frequency is used, harmful organisms deactivate and die without impacting human cells negatively.

It is non-invasive

The Rife Machine is an old innovation that has long been used to assist cancer patients by directly targeting and eliminating cancerous cells through electromagnetic waves emitted from it. Unlike surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapies – and with no associated side effects – this non-invasive option works effectively without causing side effects or discomfort to patients.

The device emits low-energy electromagnetic frequencies similar to radio waves. The frequencies are transmitted through a pad that covers the body and find your cell’s natural resonance before repeating until vibrating enough for it to undergo apoptosis, similar to how an opera singer hits and maintains their chosen note to shatter glass vases – leading many people to believe the RIFe machine can help fight cancer.

Rife therapy has been around for more than 100 years, yet is only recently becoming popular again. With today’s trend toward empowered patients and integrated medicine practices, more individuals are seeking alternative methods of combatting cancer. Rife machine is an non-invasive non-invasive solution which uses low energy electromagnetic waves designed to destroy cancerous cell types as well as target and eliminate bacteria infections, parasites, fungus viruses yeast. Furthermore, this machine can even eradicate toxins from both bloodstream and liver.

While not conclusive proof, rife machines do have the potential to help heal cancerous cells by relieving pain and inflammation, increasing immune system functionality, increasing energy levels and relieving stress. Some studies indicate this approach could also decrease tumor cell spread but further studies are required before concluding this claim.

Another effective alternative to Rife therapy is PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic fields). This technology has been around for decades and is well known as being both safe and effective, showing positive effects on brain and cardiovascular system health as well as increasing recovery after injuries or surgeries.

While both rife and PEMF machines emit electromagnetic pulses, rife devices focus on targeted areas while PEMF mats offer wider coverage. PEMFs also tend to be less costly than their RIFE counterparts and cause fewer side effects.

It is safe

Rife therapy uses sound frequencies to aid healing of the body. These waves travel through electromagnetic waves, killing any harmful germs or cancer cells that come their way while helping restore balance to the body and promote healing. WAVwatch is an innovative device derived from original Rife machines with wider restorative claims – offering convenient low cost alternatives with ease of use at home.

Royal Raymond Rife developed the Rife frequency generator in the 1920s. Based on his belief that all organisms, from microbes to human cells, vibrate at unique frequencies that can be measured and recorded using a microscope, by tuning into these frequencies the Rife frequency generator can effectively eliminate disease-causing organisms without harming healthy cells.

Rife machine advocates differ from medical professionals by believing that specific frequencies can kill pathogens or cancer cells without harming healthy ones, since each frequency targets a disease specifically. They claim these machines can cure illnesses like cancer and HIV; unfortunately they’re not covered by medical insurance and may be more costly to own; nevertheless many have experienced positive results through frequency machine therapy.

The RIFE machine transmits electromagnetic frequencies through pads placed on hands and feet. Some models feature plasma tubes to transfer frequencies across a room; other portable versions can even be carried around in your hand for easier use. Unfortunately, however, these devices tend to come at a premium and aren’t covered by most medical insurance plans; an alternative would be purchasing a PEMF mat at much reduced costs.

RIFE frequency therapy is similar to pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy, which uses electromagnetic pulses to increase wellness. Both treatments can kill toxins and improve blood circulation throughout the body; however, PEMF therapy tends to be more effective as it treats all areas rather than only targeted spots on an individual body. Before embarking on any new therapies it is wise to consult a professional first.

It is effective

Traditional cancer treatments like chemotherapy and surgery may have serious side effects that are difficult for patients to tolerate. Luckily, alternative therapies may offer relief and improve quality of life for cancer patients – one such therapy being Rife therapy which uses electromagnetic frequencies to detect and destroy cancerous cells non-invasively and successfully. This form of cancer treatment has proven itself safe and successful.

Rife machine therapy works on the principle that everything, including bacteria, viruses and harmful cells, has its own electromagnetic frequency that can be detected and recorded using a microscope. According to Rife theory, these frequencies can be raised until their resonance becomes intolerable – killing off organisms in this way. Rife machines produce electromagnetic frequencies to transmit into your body as therapy – they may even help repair damaged cells!

RIFE machines produce low energy electromagnetic frequencies similar to radio waves but undetectable by humans. Usually delivered through pads placed on your hands or feet, these low frequency waves create electromagnetic vibrations which penetrate deeply into tissues to disrupt microorganism biochemistry causing them to breakdown and eventually die off.

Researchers have discovered that rife therapy can be an effective method for treating Lyme disease and its symptoms, particularly when caused by Borrelia bacteria. Rife therapy may even eliminate those bacteria from an individual’s system and alleviate symptoms altogether.

While research on Rife therapy remains limited, some patients have reported positive outcomes. Along with relieving pain and inflammation, Rife therapy can also increase energy levels. Before considering trying this therapy on yourself it is wise to discuss it with your physician first.

Recently, an adult patient with metastatic colon cancer achieved partial remission with an integrative treatment program comprising standard drugs and non-standard therapies, including surgical removal of primary tumor, high dose intravenous herbal and nutrient therapies, oral consumption of repurposed medications and nutritional supplements as well as targeted electromagnetic field (EMF)/Rife frequency therapy – results were then verified through follow up magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

It is affordable

Rife Therapy is a noninvasive alternative form of medicine that uses sound frequencies to heal the body, often utilized for treating cancer and Lyme disease. Resonant frequencies therapy is also useful for eliminating parasites and other harmful organisms from the body as well as restoring cellular equilibrium in healthy cells. Resonance frequency analysis uses this principle to discover that all microorganisms possess their own individual resonance frequency that resonates within us all. Discovering and raising the resonant frequency of these organisms allows them to be destroyed without harming any other cells or physiological processes, often in combination with natural treatments like diet changes, herbal remedies, or detoxification programs for maximum efficiency.

RIFE machines use low energy electromagnetic frequencies to transmit pulses that penetrate the body via electrical pads that are placed on hands and feet. These pulses shatter membranes of viruses, bacteria, fungus and parasites to kill them; many people have reported that this technology helped cure chronic illnesses; even HIV and cancer have been successfully treated using this approach.

However, there is limited scientific support for RIFE machines’ use; patients have reported side effects after prolonged usage such as rash and shocks. Furthermore, these machines are expensive and not covered by medical insurance policies.

PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) therapy may also prove effective at relieving pain and swelling. PEMF devices have proven their worth over RIFE machines in treating pain and swelling effectively.

Though more research needs to be conducted on the effectiveness of RIFE machines, they offer an affordable alternative to chemotherapy and radiation. Studies have revealed how effective these machines have been at treating back pain as well as stress and inflammation levels; sleep issues (insomnia), insomnia and other related conditions have all seen improvements due to these therapies; but before starting any new treatment regime it is always advisable to consult a healthcare provider first.

May 10, 2024|Editorial

Sonic Resonance Therapy

Sonic Resonance Therapy uses sound frequencies to stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms and promote stress reduction and relaxation. This form of treatment offers many advantages over its counterparts.

Infrasound can be utilized in many medical applications, from imaging and pain management to postoperative adhesion reduction and soft tissue healing. Research studies have also demonstrated its use.

Sound wave mattresses and pads

Sound wave mattresses or pads are special kinds of mattresses that use vibrations to facilitate healing and relaxation, creating the optimal sleeping conditions. Constructed using modern technologies and specialty materials that work in concert to provide optimal restful nights’ rest for users both at home and professional settings – soundwave mattresses make an excellent addition for anyone who seeks to enhance their health and well-being.

The Sonic Healing Futon offers an innovative new way to experience the benefits of sonic resonance therapy, combining cymatic vibrations with magnetic field treatment to promote deep healing and relaxation. The mattress’s design encompasses users in soothing vibrations and sounds for deep restful sleep and reduced stress, soothing nervous systems and improving sleep quality.

As with any purchase decision, choosing a sound bed requires many important factors to be taken into account. Your goals and desired outcomes should help guide your decision-making process when making this important choice. These considerations include bed size and design as well as intended use and space requirements; features and functionality, such as adjustable settings for volume/intensity control as well as different sound options such as nature sounds or specific frequencies; finally budget should also be set as prices of these beds can differ considerably.

Resonance therapy beds, commonly referred to as sound meditation beds, utilize sound waves, vibrations and resonance in order to stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms and reduce stress while improving sleep and boosting immunity – as well as treating various physical ailments including chronic pain and inflammation.

Resonance therapy offers similar experiences to massage and acupuncture, yet provides more personalized and interactive experiences. Sonic healing blankets add tactile stimulation for an immersive sensory experience – further complementing resonance therapy for improved meditation practices by encouraging relaxation and self-discovery.

Sound baths

Sound baths are an auditory therapy that combines meditation and relaxation for optimal wellness and inner harmony. Many find that sound bath sessions help them cope with daily stresses and anxieties while sparking creativity and helping with stress relief. Furthermore, sound healing can improve physical and emotional well-being by relieving pain, alleviating depression and increasing sleep quality.

A typical session involves lying back in a comfortable position and letting the soothing vibrations from instruments wash over your body. Sounds may include deep tones from gongs that fill an entire room, crystal-clear singing bowl tones, and meditative chimes; their soothing vibrations may envelop you like a cocoon for maximum relaxation, encouraging you to surrender yourself completely to this experience.

Scientific research has demonstrated that specific frequencies and tones have the power to activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which controls your body’s relaxation response. This enables the brain to release stress hormones while relaxing muscles resulting in a deep sense of peace and serenity. Integrating elements from nature such as rainsticks or water sounds further heightens this experience while creating an intimate bond with earth itself.

Sound healing practitioners believe that certain sounds produce harmonic frequencies which correspond with specific energy centers or chakras in the human body, known as chakras. Each of these chakras correspond to specific skills and emotions associated with them – such as being able to release fear or anger more easily – and practitioners believe sound baths can encourage these energy centers to release any blockages, and therefore restore balance to our bodies.

Scientists have also recognized the therapeutic advantages of sound baths by discovering how specific frequencies and sounds can stimulate neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine to produce effects like relieving anxiety, depression, pain-feeling and improving self-esteem and mood – this discovery has resulted in increasing interest for using sound waves as alternative treatment approaches for various conditions.

Sound healing can be an invaluable aid for musicians and performers who struggle with the delicate balance between career demands and personal wellness, sound baths can help them feel their best while reaching their creative peak. Studies have even proven their efficacy!

Resonance therapy beds

Resonance therapy beds (also referred to as sound frequency vibration beds) can provide an effective means of relieving pain and speeding healing. By harnessing resonance, sound waves, and vibrational frequencies to increase blood flow and decrease inflammation while speeding tissue regeneration – not to mention helping ease stress relief and promote sleep!

These beds not only offer soothing sounds, but can also offer other therapeutic advantages, including increased circulation and lymphatic flow enhancement. Available in various sizes and styles (including full body models for an all-encompassing experience), these beds can bring many other advantages as well.

These sound therapy beds differ from other forms in that their frequencies correspond with the body’s natural frequencies, providing a more personalized and customized experience for different conditions and needs. Furthermore, multiple forms of sound therapy can be combined together for an all-inclusive healing experience.

Sounds have long been used to promote wellness. Ancient cultures revered nature’s sounds – music, wind, waterfalls, birdsong and even children laughing to promote relaxation and wellbeing. American psychic Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) even described sound as the medicine of tomorrow!

Vibrational sound frequency resonance beds for therapy can help enhance sleep quality, promote relaxation and alleviate stress. When combined with other forms of treatment such as Moroccan salt room halotherapy or infrared sauna therapy they offer an integrative approach to healing.

Resonance therapy beds may also be combined with other energy therapies, including bioresonance energy medicine. This innovative new technology uses electromagnetic frequencies to identify imbalances and heal the body; its frequencies are then transmitted through the skin for detection and treatment of various health conditions.

These energy therapies may also be combined with light therapy and guided meditation for an even more holistic healing experience. For instance, sound wave resonance therapy combined with light therapy and guided meditation may stimulate the body’s natural healing processes to treat pain, anxiety depression and other mental health conditions.

Acoustic healing pads

Sound healing utilizes sound frequencies and harmonies to bring balance between body, mind, and spirit. It is often combined with other therapies like meditation and yoga in order to maximize its effects. Furthermore, sound healing has proven its worth in pain management as it increases mood-boosting neurotransmitters production as well as blood flow to affected areas – it may even stimulate meridian systems for increased foot comfort and swelling relief!

Vibroacoustic therapy employs transducers to produce vibrations felt throughout the body. The vibrations travel up the spinal cord into the brain where they stimulate various reactions such as endorphin release, decreased stress levels and an increase in muscle flexibility and range of motion. This form of treatment is beneficial for people suffering from chronic pain as well as conditions such as fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s disease, psoriasis or neurodermatitis.

Sonic resonance therapy (SRT) can be applied using various instruments and techniques such as Tibetan singing bowls, vocal toning, binaural beats and vibrational energy therapy (VAT), which uses low frequency vibrations to stimulate the vagus nerve. VAT can provide benefits to those experiencing chronic pain, anxiety or depression.

Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy (MyACT) is another sound therapy technique employed in pain management. MyACT’s technique targets myofascial tension by using harmonic low frequencies to target areas of concern in myofascia. Due to this ability to pinpoint specific locations for treatment, it makes MyACT one of the more efficient treatment approaches available today.

Researchers conducted a clinical trial and discovered myACT to be significantly more effective than traditional therapies at treating myofascial injury pain in athletes, and less invasive than other forms of therapy which required stripping away of skin from injured areas. As a result, this technology has changed how athletic trainers treat these injuries, though myACT therapy should not be recommended to individuals with open wounds, cancerous tumors or certain medical conditions.