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Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

June 14, 2024|Editorial

Reverse Aging in Fable Anniversary

Fable Anniversary adds some welcome updates to Lionhead’s timeless classic game Fable; yet it remains the same game which brought Albion alive ten years ago.

Your role as Hero of Oakvale entails becoming known for your good or evil deeds, whether that means using melee weapons, magic spells or archery bow to complete quests.

1. Reverse Age

Video games have never been bigger and better; yet many developers seem to forget that sometimes it can be just plain silly fun to be outwardly ridiculous in video game play. Fable Anniversary allows you to embrace your inner idiot with features like making vulgar gestures at doors that won’t open, farting to keep bullies at bay, or fighting evil forces using only frying pan and chicken hat as weapons against evil forces – all ways in which it lets out your inner idiot and unleash your imagination.

Fable Anniversary, released for Xbox 360 and PC in 2004, is the 2014 remake of the 2004 original Fable developed by Lionhead Studios and received positive reviews upon its initial release. Unfortunately, however, Fable Anniversary never reached the expected levels of popularity but nevertheless provides an enjoyable experience to both veteran fans of Fable as well as newcomers alike.

This game utilizes many of the same mechanics as its predecessor. You play as the Hero of Oakville, roaming Albion and completing a series of quests for progression through its story arc – most from Heroes Guild but there may also be individual requests that need your assistance with various needs. Your actions impact their world; whether good or evil will be indicated by either wearing golden haloes for being good and black make-up if being evil is chosen.

Fable Anniversary’s combat may show its age somewhat, but it remains enjoyable and challenging to play. The game features a simple melee, magic and ranged attack system with not much depth compared to today’s standards but generally works well enough in battles. When using various skills for attacking you can make fights more interesting than simply brute-forcing basic X button strikes into them; however long fights in Arena can become repetitive over time even with different enemies present.


2. Age Reversal

Ageing is an inevitable and unavoidable part of life, but there are ways to extend lifespan through genetics, exercise and healthy diet. Unfortunately, reversing the aging process has yet to be proven possible in humans; scientists have conducted some experiments with human cells and simpler organisms, but full reversal remains beyond our current scientific reach. So until that day arrives it’s important that individuals take measures to increase life expectancies now!

Fable Anniversary is an incredible tribute to its predecessor and features an engaging story. Though its controls may feel outdated and morality system archaic, Fable Anniversary provides an ideal way to experience one of the first console RPG classics while providing a definitive ending – something every RPG needs!

Aging is a natural process that affects our physical and psychological state over time. To reduce our chances of suffering later in life, it’s essential that we live a healthy lifestyle.

Reverse Aging Technology could become an indispensable weapon against disease and the effects of aging. Researchers are already researching it, with hopes that it may soon be available and enable longer lives with improved quality of life for its users as well as reduced financial strain on health care systems and social services.

Lionhead Studios may not have explained why Fable Anniversary doesn’t feature an option to disable ageing for players – which most PC games with single player stories offer as an option – however this oversight was greatly disappointing given that fans of Fable could enjoy reliving classic adventure and exploring Albion again with this Xbox 360/One version of Fable Anniversary. Hopefully Lionhead Studios will implement such a feature into its next release – in the meantime make sure you play this version while you still can!

3. Age Suppression

Video games continue to improve and expand their features, but there’s something special about a classic like Fable Anniversary that stands the test of time. While its controls may feel outdated and morality system archaic at times, this outstanding title still deserves at least one playthrough.


Fable Anniversary has been remastered to feature vastly improved visual fidelity, performance and load speeds as well as an overhauled user interface, creating an excellent tribute to one of the groundbreaking titles in gaming history and an excellent way to introduce newcomers to this series.

Although improvements were made to the original game’s gameplay, many issues still persist: controls are awkward and difficult to use; music/sound is frequently cut out or played over; camera stuttering during minigames; glitches are common; graphics look outdated by modern standards.

One of the major drawbacks to the game was its ageing system, which caused characters to look much older than they should. Players often complained about this aspect and eventually saw their ageing reduced significantly in subsequent titles.

Fable Anniversary has addressed this problem by having its protagonist only age visibly when gaining experience and abilities or spending 10 years sleeping at Castle Fairfax – unlike in its predecessor where their appearance would change continuously and even become as old as his or her grandmother! This improvement over its predecessor makes Fable Anniversary much less of a major concern!

Though the aging system in this game is less noticeable than previous titles, it can still be frustrating when trying to level up skills and abilities. Luckily, there are hacks that enable you to temporarily turn off this feature and continue leveling up at an acceptable rate – however be aware that such hacks could potentially damage your PC! You may find these online.

4. Age Mask

Fable, Fable: The Lost Chapters and Fable Anniversary feature an ageing experience for its heroes throughout each game. Ageing increases during Oakvale and Guild training sequences as skills level up (acceleration rate of approximately one year per skill increased). Once an adult character graduates from Hero’s Guild they no longer experience further changes – instead just appearing aged with greying hair or old makeup.

June 14, 2024|Editorial

What is SCIO Therapy?

SCIO scans and balances your body on an energetic level. It measures vitamin levels, amino acids, nutrients, food substances, natural sugars as well as bacteria moulds fungus and hormone levels.

Scans provide unique information that is unavailable through traditional X-rays or blood tests; providing insight into possible needs, dysfunctions and vulnerabilities within the body.

What is the SCIO?

The SCIO is an evoked potential biofeedback machine capable of listening in on your body’s electrical communication pathways and monitoring body reactivity to everything that’s stressful to it. Scanning at biological speed (1/200th of a second for each stimulus), the SCIO analyzes thousands of items simultaneously allowing your analysis and treatment to be complete within three minutes – screening foods, vitamins, minerals, homeopathics, pharmacological agents, bacteria viruses fungi parasites emotions metals hormones glands spinal vertebrae organs plus much more are being evaluated simultaneously by this remarkable machine.

The machine detects energetic imbalances within your energy system that manifest far sooner than overt physical disease does, due to each cell, organ, meridien and emotion having its own electro-magnetic signature. Once imbalances have been identified by SCIO it then transmits over 50 healing frequencies designed to restore balance within this energy field and maintain good health.

At your session, you will sit or lie comfortably and fully clothed on either a chair or massage table, while sensor straps connected to a computer are placed around your ankle, wrist, and head. An initial SCIO HEALTH ASSESSMENT test takes 15 minutes; your practitioner then discusses its results which reflect current levels of cellular vitality as well as your capacity for self-healing.

The SCIO provides information that the therapist uses to customize an individual treatment program tailored specifically for you, using frequencies for nutritional supplements, herbs, dietary changes and emotional clearing. Furthermore, your therapist may employ various frequencies designed to boost immunity while detoxifying, reducing inflammation and regulating biorhythms; she may also make suggestions regarding emotional aspects and release any limiting beliefs and behaviors which might be contributing to discomfort.

What is the SCIO Analysis?

The SCIO is a state-of-the-art energetic medicine device, developed specifically to relieve stress and restore balance to your body. As one of the only devices on the market to scan an individual’s entire energy field instead of just physical parts of the body, it identifies any imbalances within subtle energy fields and helps your body correct them by activating its natural self healing abilities. Not only can the SCIO scan humans but can also scan pets; many pet owners have experienced significant improvements in their pets health after being scanned with it!

SCIO can detect all aspects that impact its client’s well-being and health, from emotional and mental stressors to nutritional needs, toxins, food sensitivities and imbalances in their bodies. It accomplishes this feat via bio-energetic scanning and bio-resonance analysis – communicating directly with biological systems at bionic speeds (about 1/100th of a second per item screened). It screens thousands of items simultaneously using its biological scanning and screening technology – screening them at biological speed (about one item every 100th of a second per item).

The SCIO then compares this information gathered to an “norm”. By communicating with your body via this process, the SCIO can identify which areas are out of balance and require attention.

An experienced healthcare practitioner is capable of evaluating results by observing patterns that appear again and again and can then provide additional information regarding any imbalances discovered, which may include:

Once these imbalances have been recognized, a treatment plan can begin. A practitioner can apply healing frequencies directly to the affected area in order to assist your body in correcting itself and healing any imbalances that exist. These frequencies can assist with unblocking blockages, eliminating pathogens, stimulating repair processes, reducing inflammation, desensitising allergies, balancing emotions and helping the body detoxify – among many other tasks. In most cases, multiple sessions will be needed. These sessions will gradually address any underlying imbalances, like peeling an onion. As with all medical treatments, results may not always be visible immediately but their benefits will continue for some time after treatment has ended. In order to derive maximum benefit from this therapy, clients must accept responsibility for their own health and wellbeing in order to reap maximum rewards from this approach.

What is the SCIO Therapy?

The SCIO quantum biofeedback machine uses electromagnetic infrared radiation to scan your energy field to detect imbalances and identify stress at its source, helping identify and remove it at its core while simultaneously retraining your bodies natural healing potential. An initial test finds all potential stressors such as food extracts, allergens, parasites, bacteria, toxins, hormones biorhythms vitamins minerals fatty acids enzymes emotional or spiritual imbalances etc that might be contributing.

SCIO is the only device currently available that detects energetic imbalances that lead to disease instead of just physical symptoms. Every organ, meridian, emotion and cell in your body have an electromagnetic signature which can be identified by this groundbreaking machine using state of the art technology and decades of research. Through listening in on your subtle energy system it allows this pioneering device to identify and correct a range of imbalances effectively.

At each session, clients lie fully dressed on a massage table while being fitted with sensor straps affixed to their ankles, wrists and forehead. The system takes readings every 1/100th of a second via electromagnetic signals from their limbs into their brain and identifies resonance pulses from their bodies that it then responds to with alternate resonance pulses in response – creating non-invasive and painless solutions to address imbalances in health and lifestyle.

This remarkable device can effectively address all manner of imbalances, from chronic pain syndrome and anxiety, fibromyalgia, IBS-D depression and many more conditions. Furthermore, it helps rebalance hormones as well as detoxifying liver kidney gallbladder and onychomycosis (nail fungus).

A typical session typically lasts 90-120 minutes. You will feel relaxed and at ease as the machine reeducates your body’s natural healing abilities, helping reconnect you to yourself by recognizing and releasing any blockages in your energy field. It’s an amazing way to reconnect with yourself, reconnecting you to your innate healing powers as well as finding answers you have been looking for – such as through acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic or Neuro Linguistic Programming therapies which replace negative thought patterns with more positive ones.

What is the SCIO Treatment?

The SCIO analyzes an individual’s entire energy system. It can detect potential causes of health issues at an energetic level before physical symptoms emerge, identify areas of stress as well as their underlying source, and suggest frequencies to clear blockages of energy flow and restore balance to your body. Treatment itself is gentle, noninvasive, and painless: you will lie fully clothed on a chair or table with sensor straps around ankles wrists head before relaxing before stimulation begins. Sessions last between 90-120 minutes each time.

This device utilizes an innovative combination of electrodermal screening and stress testing to identify imbalances. It collects bio-energetic data through fifty-five parameters at biological speed (1/100th of a second for each one), in order to detect existing stressors present and rank them by their impact on the body, from greatest to least.

With this information in hand, the SCIO will suggest an individualized therapy program designed to address imbalances and stressors identified. From among 85 vibrational biofeedback therapies available today, one will be selected specifically for you based on its suitability to your situation. All are considered safe and have been successfully employed on thousands of clients each day.

Ultimately, the SCIO aims to assist your body’s natural ability for self-healing by identifying and eliminating stresses that impede this process.

The SCIO system (derived from Latin for Scientific Consciousness Interface Operation system (SCIO), was devised by Professor William Nelson. This complex and profound computerized energetic medicine system draws upon mathematics, quantum physics, fractal dynamics, subspace theory electronics programming knowledge as well as traditional medicine such as homeopathy acupuncture chiropractic Rife Resonator technology healing arts as well as metaphysical subjects for holistic healing approaches.

June 14, 2024|Editorial

Biophoton Therapy Patches Boost Cellular Vitality and Longevity

Luckily, some exceptionally intelligent people have dedicated their lives to studying the light waves that communicate life signals within your body. They have created an instrument capable of distinguishing between coherent and chaotic waves while reinforcing those which are coherent.

Experiments conducted in vivo demonstrate that eye modulation patch effectively decreases axial length and supports posterior sclera in rabbit eyes treated with it, according to optical coherence tomography B-scans shown in Supplementary Figure 2. Deformations were detected at treatment areas as evidenced by deformed fundus structures at these spots, evidenced by deformations at Fundus level.

Boosts Your Immune System

Light therapy is a safe yet powerful way to increase stem cell activity for optimal overall health, vitality and longevity. Photobiomodulation utilizes infrared light from within your own body’s tissues in conjunction with patches reflecting specific wavelengths to activate and stimulate skin tissues while effecting change within your own body.

Patches utilize infrared light and heat emitted by the body as a power source, sending unique signals directly to cells for biochemical and bioenergetic changes such as increasing production of certain youth peptides and antioxidants, stimulating stem cell activity, etc.

Biophotons penetrate the skin’s surface and penetrate cells, where they increase energy available to mitochondria (the powerhouses of every cell). This increases ATP manufacturing which enhances mobile function, reduces swelling, promotes healing at a cellular level and aids sleep by helping regulate circadian rhythms for deep, restorative restful slumber that supports optimal body functioning in all its systems.

Increases Stem Cell Activity

Phototherapy patches use light wavelengths to target specific spots on the body to increase energy production in cells (beta-oxidation). This promotes cell growth while simultaneously supporting natural cellular processes, including collagen manufacturing and pain relief. Each spot lasts 24 hours before being taken off and replaced with another patch made of organic compounds, water, stabilized oxygen, amino acids and natural organic components sourced from flexible products derived from flexible organic components that include natural solar batteries powered by infrared heat emitted by your own body; making these safe for everyone’s use!

The wireless battery-free eye modulation patch was designed to correct high myopia and prevent relapse by adjusting axial length of eye and reinforcing scleral strength. This can be accomplished through using riboflavin microneedles in conjunction with blue m-LEDs for cross-linking sclerae; all without having to visit a doctor’s office for this procedure.

During treatment, the m-LEDs release riboflavin into the eye which bonds to scleral collagen to form cross-links. Blue light emitting from these lights stimulates fibroblasts to produce more collagen and elastin; increasing eye scleral strength thus decreasing axial length effectively correcting myopia.

Not only can m-LEDs strengthen scleral strength, they can also activate eye stem cells to accelerate tissue regeneration – increasing natural elasticity while decreasing the need for surgery to restore vision.

m-LEDs can also control axial length via ultrasonic oscillation, creating bubbles and internal pressure on low hardness sclera to precisely shorten eye’s axial length. According to research findings, rabbit eyes experienced significant reduction in their average axial length–1.217mm equivalent of human myopia correction via LASIK surgery! This can enable patch to precisely shorten eye’s axial length. The study demonstrated this success.

Increases Energy Levels

Biophoton therapy patches not only increase stem cell activity for overall wellness, but they can also make you feel more energetic by using specific wavelengths of light to stimulate beta-oxidation – an energy production process which produces twice as much energy than carbohydrate burning – within cells and then used by them to perform vital bodily functions and protect against disease.

Our bodies emit heat infrared light that is invisible to human eyes; our spots were designed to capture this invisible infrared radiation and reflect specific wavelengths back into your body, stimulating specific points on your skin in ways that bring health advantages specific to that location.

These patches utilize infrared light to activate specific areas of the body in need of cell repair and regeneration. By emitting photons that stimulate production of ATP (an energy building block essential for cells), these spots promote its production, helping your cells produce more of this vital substance that fuels various bodily functions such as cellular repair and reduction in inflammation.

Eye modulation patches are powered and controlled wirelessly using an external ultrasound source. As ultrasound waves propagate a signal that reaches a PZT transducer (Supplementary Fig. 3), they convert it to electrical energy via piezoelectric effect thereby activating its circuit.

An internal PDMS layer houses the microfabricated circuit and red and cross-linking blue micro LEDs, which indicate its operational status. When implanted at the posterior pole of a porcine eyeball, this device was shown to significantly shorten axial length.

Eye modulation patches consist of three-dimensional arrays of micro LEDs, drug microneedles and biocompatible flexible polydimethylsiloxane/polybutadiene-block-polystyrene membrane (PDMS/SBS). Each array incorporates interdigitated electrodes for ultrasound transmission and reception as well as flexible microfabricated circuitry for wireless powering and control.

Decreases Stress

LifeWave light therapy patches utilize photobiomodulation technology to activate acupuncture points on your skin by reflecting certain wavelengths of light that stimulate and create changes within the body. They also boost energy for overall wellness and cellular vitality by increasing levels of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), produced when your body uses carbohydrates as fuel.

Under development is a wireless ultrasound eye modulation patch designed to envelop the eyeball and regulate AXL (axial length). It may help mitigate myopia progression and other forms of eye pathology; moreover, this device offers comprehensive myopia management through both preventative and therapeutic benefits.

This patch features a micro-actuator that can shorten AXL by applying force through a flexible membrane attached to the sclera. This micro-actuator is connected to a piezoelectric transducer made of lead zirconate titanate (PZT), and as its inner chamber fills with water it generates gas bubbles which exert pressure against a low hardness scleral membrane causing it to expand outward and shorten AXL.

An in vivo rabbit experiment proved the effectiveness of the patch for shortening AXL and improving vision. AXL was reduced on average by an average of 1.217 mm, which corresponds to significant correction of myopia in human eyes. Furthermore, its scleral cross-linking function enhanced strength of the sclera in order to prevent progression of myopia as well as potential pathological changes that result.

The blue m-LEDs integrated in this patch are intended to induce scleral collagen cross-linking by stimulating retinal cells and inducing SCXL. Riboflavin delivered via m-LEDs also promotes cross-linking of scleral collagen to strengthen it and lower myopia progression risk and other eye pathologies. Finaly, microneedles with integrated LED lights and riboflavin are used to improve the effectiveness of SCXL while also shortening treatment times and streamlining procedures. The patch reduces extracorporeal manipulation requirements, thus minimizing trauma risk and surgery time. Its unique design makes it an excellent alternative to conventional laser-based SCXL surgeries which require complete exposure of posterior sclera, increasing risk for iatrogenic injury and increasing intraoperative trauma risk.

June 14, 2024|Editorial

Spooky2 Reviews

Spooky2 software is at the core of our powerful and flexible Rife system, controlling up to 126 generators simultaneously. Additionally, it supports different transmission modes, hardware configurations, and output frequencies.

Join Budderback, Rosebud and MudBud for some adorable puppy action – can they warn the town against an evil warlock?

Review 1

Spooky2 provides multiple Rife machines in one convenient package – plasma, contact, remote, PEMF and cold laser Rife machines are included as well as intelligent signal processor Spooky Boost 2.0 that quadruples power in Contact Mode while doubling it in Remote mode, plus pass through outputs for Out 1 and Out 2 on generator and optimized output for high quality colloidal silver production.

Wiltshire-based paranormal investigator using science to unravel supernatural mysteries. Commonly referred to as ‘Scully from X-Files Spectrum’. Award-winning blog about all things paranormal.

Review 2

The Spooky2 is one of the most comprehensive Rife systems currently on the market, boasting not just one, but multiple treatment modes like plasma, contact, remote, PEMF, cold laser and audio. Furthermore, its smart signal processor can quadruple contact mode power while doubling Remote Mode’s.

Software is user-friendly and includes an expansive library of frequencies; free trial versions are also available to evaluate its usefulness before purchasing. There are two models of frequency generators – magnetic north (black pads) and biomagnetic north (white pads), each equipped with an easy BNC-to-alligator clips cable that enables hands-free treatment sessions; an extended cable option is also available.

To run the software efficiently, a fast desktop PC is required. After installation, simply connect your generator using BNC-to-alligator clip wires provided and start a program by clicking one of the red Channel Buttons in the Channel Control Panel. The software will detect any connected generators automatically and display them in the lower right corner of your window; to adjust frequency output of any channel simply use Frequency Slider in Channel Control Panel.

Review 3

Spooky2 is more than one Rife machine: it’s several. Featuring plasma, contact, remote, PEMF, cold laser and audio options – as well as BNC-to-alligator clips cable for use with generator and hands-free contact sessions; as well as an innovative smart signal processor known as Spooky Boost 2.0 that quadruples power in Contact Mode while offering individual outputs for each Remote model plus many other improvements and optimizations – there’s something here for everyone.

Frequency Slider for Channel Control Panel allows precise frequency changes during programs.

Review 4

Spooky2 offers multiple Rife machines in one convenient package – plasma, contact, remote, PEMF, cold laser and audio Rife machines! It has an extensive database and allows for custom frequencies. Furthermore, this device contains settings designed to help ease pain, reduce inflammation and build immunity.

Effects can differ, and are grounded in quantum entanglement – commonly referred to as “spooky action at a distance”. Particles remain linked even when separated. Therefore, it is wise to drink plenty of water when using this therapy, as prolonged use could dehydrate cells.

SpookyBoost 2.0 signal processor can quadruple contact mode power and double remote mode power. It features dedicated outputs for each remote model as well as pass through connections for Out 1 and Out 2. This device is essential to some of Spooky2‘s most impressive features; it comes standard with a short BNC connector cable with extended cable options available as an upgrade option.

June 14, 2024|Editorial

Reverse Aging in Mice

Researchers at Sinclair Lab have managed to successfully reprogram the genes of mice multiple times. Rejuvenating eyes, muscles and brains of these creatures while working towards resetting all body systems.

Their work proves it is possible to reverse aging without unleashing unchecked cell growth – an essential step toward rejuvenation.

How it works

For years, the predominant theory of aging has been that changes to DNA lead to it no longer functioning correctly, leading to cells losing their identities and eventually tissues and organs degrading. But a recent study suggests that not just mutations but also breakdowns in how genes are regulated may play a part. Reversing gene activity disruption may offer one way of combatting aging.

Researchers used damaged DNA mouse cells for this study and temporarily switched off an OSKM gene that regulates how often chromosomes unwind and rewind – this caused their cells to age quickly; when turned back on again however, the researchers were surprised to see that it actually reversed this trend – clearing away senescent cells as part of normal body functioning and rejuvenating tissues and organs for physical rejuvenation in mice.

Epigenetic changes – which govern how DNA is regulated – have now been shown to contribute independently to aging rather than just changes to genetic code itself, according to research published this month in Cell.

The team tested six chemical combinations that could reverse cellular aging in human and mouse skin cells using advanced, high-throughput cell-based assays capable of distinguishing young from old cells as well as senescent (cells that have stopped dividing) ones.

Scientists discovered that using five to seven compounds, including nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), which has been shown in preclinical trials to raise levels of NAD, they could restore DNA methylation patterns to those seen in younger mice. These patterns determine which genes are expressed and help regulate their activity, while scientists also conducted tests on whether the cocktail could restore telomere length, which decreases with each cell division; results were positive. However, clinical trials with humans will take several years before beginning, being assessed and being approved by the FDA if successful. Scientists not associated with this work have cautioned that suggestions of reversing aging in mice and monkeys to an near-perfect state is premature.


Researchers conducted this study by inducing epigenetic changes by cutting up parts of DNA. This is different than mutations caused by damaged genes; rather it replicates what happens over time due to stress and other environmental factors. They then treated mice with drugs designed to reverse those epigenetic changes and rejuvenate them without altering the genetic code directly – resulting in much younger-looking mice and biomarkers of aging being restored back to normal levels.

Telomere shortening is one of the primary causes of how people age. Every time cells divide, their ends shorten gradually until they no longer function and trigger self-destruct mechanisms known as apoptosis or senescence that results in self-destruction resulting in wrinkles, hair loss and diminished cognitive abilities.

Scientists have developed various techniques for slowing or even stopping telomere shortening by manipulating cellular processes that regulate chromosome maintenance and repair. In one such study, researchers took advantage of a genetic mutation in mice which makes it easier to alter epigenetics – which refers to how genes turn on or off without altering genetic sequence – more effectively; they used this model mouse as evidence that epigenetic changes rather than genetic mutations cause aging.

Harvard researchers tested three of Yamanaka factors on cells from aged mice’s eyes. The team discovered that individually administered cocktails of chemicals delivered over less than a week restored vision and revived telomeres; as a result, these mice regained eyesight while also returning to more youthful cell states.

Researchers are currently devising ways of applying the same cocktail of chemical interventions to every cell in order to achieve whole-body rejuvenation. While any anti-ageing therapies derived from this research may take decades before being put through clinical trials in humans, its results indicate that affordable therapies for all-body rejuvenation may soon come into existence.


Researchers have finally proven, after 13 years of work, that degradation in how DNA is organized and regulated drives aging. This field is known as epigenetics; reverse this degradation to reverse it in mice. According to Cell magazine’s Jan. 12 findings, mice displaying signs of premature aging due to changes in their epigenetic code alone.

The team successfully made epigenetic changes in mice by administering a drug that caused temporary, fast-healing cuts at 20 sites on their DNA, mimicking the low-grade, ongoing breaks mammalian chromosomes experience every day from activities like breathing, exposure to sunlight and cosmic rays, contact with certain chemicals, etc. Over time these breaks cause the ends of chromosomes (also called telomeres) to shorten gradually over time; by reverseing this process they found they could extend telomere length significantly while slowing many hallmarks of aging symptoms significantly.

Once they had reversed signs of aging in mice, researchers wondered whether they could replicate it with human cells. So they developed chemical cocktails containing five to seven agents — such as medications already prescribed for various conditions, like valproic acid, tranylcypromine and pramipexole — which rejuvenated senescent (older, degenerating) cells without altering their identities – to rejuvenate senescent (older and degenerating) cells without erasing their identity and found that all six “epigenetic rejuvenation cocktails” reduced both biological and chronological aging as well as human senescent cells isolated from various chronic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

Rejuvenate Bio of San Diego has also reported similar success using different combinations of Yamanaka factors. Their mice lived an additional 18 weeks on average compared to 9 weeks in control animals, their cell senescence diminished significantly and patterns of DNA methylation (a reflection of how often cells divide) were closer to that seen among younger mice.

Though these new findings could bring us one step closer to an anti-aging remedy that restores youthful vitality, longevity experts remain cautious of jumping too quickly on board with these claims. Luigi Fontana, author of The Manual of Healthy Longevity & Wellbeing at University of Sydney’s Healthy Longevity & Wellness Program tells Fortune that it is too soon to say whether these chemicals can successfully reverse aging in humans.

Future directions

Harvard researchers recently reversed aging in mice, and are now hoping to apply their discoveries to human cells, thus treating various diseases, such as heart disease and dementia. But this will be no easy task: scientists must first create a chemical that mimics epigenetic changes without sparking unregulated cell growth; while also finding ways of increasing levels of NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), which tends to accumulate more readily among younger cells.

Scientists had long held that changes to a cell’s DNA sequence were the main contributor to its aging. A new study offers evidence for another possibility: epigenetics. Epigenetics refers to how environmental conditions influence gene activity – including epigenetic drugs that target these signals could actually slow or reverse aging processes. The research is published in Cell and is already showing promising results: drug therapies targeting these signals could reverse or even stop their impact on cells’ aging processes.

Harvard researchers performed extensive screening of thousands of molecules to find ones that, combined, reversed cellular senescence and rejuvenated both human and mouse skin cells. By employing advanced assays that differentiate young from old cells, the researchers were able to identify six chemical concoctions which visibly reversed aging in both mice and humans.

All six chemicals targeted epigenetic processes involved in cellular senescence, and all six compounds successfully decreased biological and chronological aging below those seen in non-senescent cells. Transcriptomic analysis indicated that all six cocktails caused similar epigenetic reprogramming processes, suggesting they target similar pathways.

Thomas Rando, a molecular biologist from the Broad Institute who wasn’t involved with this study, lauded its sophistication and thoroughness but pointed out that its team used dramatic DNA breaks to trigger epigenetic changes which might also cause other effects than just aging – making it hard to prove these specific modifications are truly responsible for aging.

Still, this work provides the basis for future studies that examine whether these same chemical compounds can reduce cell aging in human cells and lead to drugs that slow or reverse various diseases. Furthermore, it suggests a genetic alternative to gene therapy that could allow for lower costs and quicker timelines for its implementation.