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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

June 10, 2024|Editorial

RADIONICS LTD – Radionics Dublin

RADIONICS LTD operates within the Scientific equipment and instruments sector. Their offerings include orifice plates, venturis and nozzles used for flow measurement as well as differential pressure transmitters.

Find out more about RADIONICS LIMITED by accessing its latest company documents, credit limit, directors and shareholders. Plus run a full credit report on any Irish company through Vision-net.

What is Radionics?

Radionics is a noninvasive electromagnetic healing technique that can be practiced from a distance. Practitioners employ dowsing techniques and Radionic instruments to identify imbalances in an individual’s energy field (or aura), which are the source of physical and psychological symptoms such as stress, illness, trauma or injury.

Treatments can then be administered to restore energy flow and bring balance back into healthy states, be they humans, animals, plants or soil/crops. All living things possess unique vibrations which influence their health and wellbeing; Radionics allows us to identify and heal these energetic imbalances that contribute to ill health by returning people back into more natural rhythms while encouraging inner balance.

Albert Abrams originally developed energy therapy or vibrational medicine. It’s based on an ancient belief that all forms of matter – people and animals alike – share an energy field. Stress, illness, fear and past negative experiences all can have an impactful on an individual’s energy field and consequently impact physical body or behavior in some way.

Clive Sinclair, founder of Radionics Company and later Sinclair Radionics, was a leader in audiophile products as well as calculators and scientific instruments development. He formed Sinclair Research Ltd, later known as Sinclair Radionics; producing electronic calculators, audio equipment and hi-fi systems. To view a complete credit report on Radionics Limited as well as learn more about their directors, business history and contact details; save time and effort when dealing with new customers or suppliers with Vision-net’s comprehensive credit checking system!


Radionics Treatments

Radionics, also known as Energy or Vibrational Medicine, is used to treat people, domestic animals and wild animals as well as soil, plants and crops. Practitioners believe their specially designed electronic devices can detect and balance individual vibrational frequencies before transmitting corrective frequencies for healing purposes.

Radionics treatments are generally administered by a “distributor”, who uses pendulums to identify imbalances within a patient’s body and then creates circuits designed to balance its energies. Following this procedure, practitioners often apply spiritual or physical substances directly onto the body in order to restore balance to energy fields and promote healing.

One of the most fascinating features of radionics is its capacity for distance work. Practitioners claim they can use their minds’ telekinetic ability to influence and heal distant bodies – both living and dead. Utilizing oscillators, practitioners build chords of tones they believe resonate directly with particular thoughts before sending healing frequencies directly into those systems – whether localized or distantly located.

Radionics may be considered pseudoscience by mainstream medical practitioners, yet it remains a popular alternative health modality worldwide. Many alternative health practices such as acupuncture and herbal medicine utilize elements of this technique within their practices; additionally, some holistic wellness experts also offer virtual or online radionics sessions as part of wellness services for wellness-seekers.

Radionics Limited was established as an Irish private company with two shareholders in 1950 and currently resides in Dublin. You can purchase either a Standard Company Report or Credit Report and view details about their directors, such as any past judgments they’ve been served with; you can also receive Judgment Monitoring Alerts for this company for 12 months free.

Radionics Equipment

Radionics kits contain various metal and glass components. Each one plays an essential role within the system. One such important piece of equipment is the orgone generator which creates positive energy through radionic frequencies. Furthermore, orgone power plates, cylinders and spheres may also be included for additional positive energies production.


Radionics can help treat conditions affecting mind, body and spirit. A radionics treatment may address stress and depression with various techniques while chronic fatigue and headaches may also be addressed through this form of medicine.

Since 1947, Radionics Ltd has been active in the Scientific equipment and instruments sector from their Dublin base. Boasting two directors, view their most up-to-date Credit Report as well as Company Documents now!

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Radionics Training

The course begins with an introduction to radionics‘ fundamental aspects. According to its creators, this course can be seen as akin to an archaeological expedition as participants learn its history and discover its foundational theories. Furthermore, several healing techniques will also be covered, giving learners a choice of approaches based on their personal circumstances.

Radionics and homeopathy first emerged during the 1940s. Practitioners of both therapies often worked closely together, and major figures such as George de la Warr, Dr Ruth Drown and T Galen Hieronymus often served as leaders within both fields. These pioneers furthered Radionics by innovating dowsing and projection instruments while also incorporating eastern ideas about man’s energy fields into their work.

Radionics works by correcting imbalances in a patient’s energy field. Utilizing special tools, Radionics practitioners broadcast clearly defined healing energies to the patient regardless of distance, allowing healing energies to target physical or psychological symptoms at their source and provide long-term healing benefits. Radionics works well alongside traditional medicine as well as alternative forms of therapy.

Radionics can also help enhance sports and activities performance beyond health issues, such as relieving horse stress. This may help lead to improved dressage, show jumping and eventing results as well as changes in behaviour such as aggression or fear in animals.

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June 10, 2024|Editorial

Quantum Healing Practitioners Near Me

Quantum healing practitioners rely on life-force energy, known as chi or prana. They believe this energy can be channeled in order to facilitate healing using principles such as resonance and entrainment with scientific backing.

Pam provides quantum healing sessions using Dolores Cannon’s method of QHHT for hypnotherapy, energy healing and past life regression. In addition, she also offers Reiki sessions, oracle card readings and crystals.


Hypnosis is an effective method to relieve pain, control symptoms of certain mental and physical illnesses, and increase overall well-being. Hypnosis should not replace traditional therapy treatments but it can serve as an adjunctive remedy.

Some may mistake hypnosis as mind control or brainwashing; it does not operate this way. While certain individuals may be more open to suggestion than others, you cannot be forced to act against your will under hypnosis as it alters how your attention is focused on things.

Hypnotization involves shifting your attention towards what the hypnotist is telling you and away from what’s going on outside – much like when reading or watching a film completely absorbs you!

A skilled hypnotist can use the trance-like state of hypnosis to influence your thoughts and behavior, including changing habits such as how you respond to stress and anxiety. Hypnosis may even help treat autoimmune diseases or overcome fears. Furthermore, it may reduce chronic illness pain.

Hypnosis has been practiced for centuries and can serve a multitude of purposes. Ancient Greece and Egypt employed it, while Franz Mesmer popularized it in modern society; initially known as mesmerism but nowadays more commonly referred to as hypnosis.

At a hypnosis session, your hypnotist will assist in relaxing both body and mind through various suggestions to alter perceptions, memories and habits – this change may help alleviate anxiety or depression symptoms or other related symptoms.

Hypnosis may be beneficial for many conditions, however it should not be used with those experiencing psychotic symptoms or hallucinations. Furthermore, medical professionals must first assess an individual to ensure it is safe before performing hypnosis on them. Finally, hypnosis may produce false memories and may not be as effective than other therapies when treating mental illness.

Energy Healing

Energy healing is founded on the belief that energy is fundamental to both our universe and bodies, with practitioners using various techniques to manipulate it to remove blockages causing emotional or physical distress or illness. It serves as an alternative form of medicine alongside traditional forms such as massage therapy and acupuncture, providing holistic healthcare solutions.

Energy healing modalities vary significantly, and your choice will depend on your specific needs and what ails you. Practitioners may incorporate their training into other popular practices like acupressure or massage therapy while some simply specialize in energy healing sessions solely.

An energy healing session involves lying comfortably on a table while your practitioner leads you through various meditations designed to release any tension, stress or negative emotions you’re holding onto – this process is known as clearing and can be especially helpful for people experiencing anxiety or depression.

Energy healing sessions can take place either in person or remotely using quantum physics principles, where focused intention can send healing energy far across distances. Researchers have noted that cancer patients receiving energy healing from distant healers tend to experience better outcomes compared to those who don’t.

Bruce Lipton: There is a scientific principle known as entanglement that refers to how two sources of energy interact. For instance, if you hang multiple pendulum clocks on your wall with different time settings but eventually begin swinging in sync over time – which occurs due to vibrational energy from other clocks impacting them and altering their vibrations.

An energetic healing session involves your healer channeling positive vibrations from their own body into yours using resonance; much like how music resonates, receiving an energetic healing session can act like tuning into a radio station from miles away and instantly boost your spirits.


One of the primary contributors to depression is an energy drain, but meditation can help rebalance your energies and enhance mental wellbeing. Meditation reduces stress while increasing focus, helping improve your mood and self-esteem – as you’re forced to live in the moment rather than dwell on past or future worries.

Meditation has the ability to help relieve physical ailments such as headaches by decreasing stress response in your body and relaxing muscles, leading to less headache pain as well as overall improved mood and sense of well-being.

Quantum healing is founded on the idea that our emotions and thoughts influence physical health, with its practitioners using techniques such as visualization and positive thinking to encourage mind-body connection. Unfortunately, Quantum Healing lacks scientific validity and has often been criticised for making unsubstantiated health claims.

Contrary to conventional medicine, quantum healing practitioners believe that changes in energy can produce healing effects on a person’s body and mind. This theory draws inspiration from quantum physics principles and holistic health concepts; though quantum healing remains thought-provoking it remains more closely aligned with psychological or spiritual principles than scientific methods.

Quantum healing practitioners tend to focus on chakras, or energy centers, in the body. Through visualisation and breathing exercises they aim to boost life-force energy and boost natural healing processes while sound and vibration therapy may also be used as complementary therapy approaches. Quantum healing should not replace traditional medicine but instead used as complementary therapy therapy.

Quantum energy healing can be easily accessed by anyone worldwide as it requires no years of study to master. Furthermore, you don’t need to belong to a new-age community or vegetarianism in order to explore these concepts; these practices resemble existing meditation and mindfulness methods which promote awareness of our inner energy sources.


QHHT was developed by Dolores Cannon (who died in 2014). The method involves inducing an individual into the Somnambulistic state of trance that we usually experience twice each day: at awakening and shortly before falling asleep – providing an extremely relaxing yet deeply meditative state.

Clients in this state connect with their Higher Self, which is both part of them yet separate from them, to obtain answers to life questions they’ve been wondering about, such as finding meaning in life or their purpose within it. Clients should feel free to engage in conversation with this aspect of themselves in this state.

Some individuals can experience healing for their illnesses through this session as well. Their Higher Selves will provide information necessary for immediate and effective healing – often without needing medications or surgery to bring relief.

People seek QHHT sessions for life-threatening diseases, chronic pain, phobias and addictions. Sessions allow them to uncover the source of these problems – often something unwittingly acquired in a past life – which allows for new ways of coping and finding healing that help overcome their challenges in daily life.

Many people believe that all things in the universe discharge energy, and humans can influence our physical world through thoughts and beliefs. This belief is corroborated by discoveries in quantum physics which show that matter itself is composed of energy vibrations; meaning every thought or feeling encoded with energy could affect what physically happens around us.

Anyone interested in receiving a QHHT session can benefit from engaging in some pre-session preparation. This may involve reflecting upon all the questions they’ve ever wanted answered – like life on other planets or whether there are extraterrestrials in our universe – in order to stimulate their subconscious during the session and access answers from The Higher Self.

June 10, 2024|Editorial

Alternative Therapy in Bradenton

Alternative Therapy provides a warm and welcoming health care haven, offering progressive therapy to ease body ache, calm the mind, and heal broken spirits through gentle and intuitive osteopathic treatment, physical therapy, lymphedema treatment, massage (including Bamboo Fusion massage therapy), acupuncture and yoga. Their mission is to actively reduce symptoms related to cancer or its treatment as well as side effects.


Acupuncture has proven itself effective at treating various conditions, including chronic pain, neck and back pain, knee osteoarthritis pain and headaches. Research shows that acupuncture helps decrease levels of discomfort by stimulating chemicals released in the brain and spinal cord that alter or block pain messages as well as producing endorphins which act as natural mood-regulating hormones in your body.

Acupuncture is grounded in traditional Chinese medicine principles that believe health derives from aligning vital energy or “qi.” Unlike Western medicine which primarily treats disease symptoms directly, acupuncture works on treating all aspects of an individual’s being to promote wellness and restore balance within life. Our goal is to help restore control over one’s own destiny!

Your options for receiving acupuncture include physical therapy offices, primary care clinics, hospitals and pain clinics. Many patients find acupuncture more effective at relieving symptoms than painkillers alone – though acupuncture’s best results occur when combined with other therapies.

Risks associated with acupuncture treatment are minimal when administered by a certified practitioner using clean needles that are single-use disposable. There may be temporary bruising or bleeding at the site where needles were inserted; this is considered normal and typically only affects that site. People who wear pacemakers should avoid receiving acupuncture due to potential interference with its functioning.

Numerous individuals find acupuncture to be an effective way to relax and focus on their well-being. It has long been used as a remedy for various symptoms including chronic pain, migraines and depression; studies have even demonstrated its capacity to relieve stress and anxiety.

Alternative Therapy is a welcoming wellness clinic offering osteopathy treatments, massage (including Bamboo Fusion), acupuncture, yoga and herbal/nutritional supplements to their patients in an effort to diminish symptoms and promote healing. Their team uses these tools in order to enhance quality of life for each individual and teach them how to maintain results over time.


Massage therapy is an alternative therapy often used to alleviate pain and promote relaxation, as well as treat depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions. Massage can often be combined with other forms of treatment like acupuncture or physical therapy for maximum efficacy.

Massage therapy is typically carried out by trained practitioners using various techniques such as effleurage, petrissage, friction and kneading to stimulate the lymphatic system and drain away waste products and excess fluid from tissues – helping reduce swelling while improving muscle flexibility and decreasing injury risks.

Massage increases blood flow through congested vessels, carrying nutrients to tissues and clearing away metabolic waste from cells. Massage may also help alleviate muscle and tissue pain, boost immune systems and decrease blood pressure levels.

Studies have demonstrated the benefits of massage as an effective method to manage stress, improve sleep, muscle function and overall quality of life. Massage also can lower cortisol levels-a stress hormone that contributes to weight gain, digestive issues and headaches-reducing its level.

But it is important to keep in mind that the benefits of massage may take time to emerge; therefore, it is best to schedule an appointment when you can relax and fully experience the experience – for instance not attending work meetings or planning children’s birthday parties immediately following your massage may be detrimental.

Attaining regular therapeutic massages is an excellent way to feel better. Aside from psychological and physiological advantages, they may even help prevent future pain. Just note that it is best not to schedule them shortly after eating or drinking or engaging in physically demanding activity afterwards as this could put strain on muscles that might feel tight after receiving massage therapy; wait at least an hour after your massage before showering for optimal skin absorption of any lotions or oils used during your session.


Yoga is an ancient Indian form of physical, mental, and spiritual exercise designed to improve flexibility, strength, balance and stress management. Through regular practice it has also been proven to increase self-awareness while simultaneously improving sleep quality – as well as being an excellent way to relax and alleviate pain. Yoga practiced at home or a studio can make an excellent complement to other wellness treatments for a total wellness approach.

Yoga practice can not only benefit those living with chronic disease, but it can also be used as an effective means of prevention. Yoga helps improve cardiovascular health and immune system function while relieving pain and anxiety as well as lowering the risk of depression.

Generalizing the effects of yoga is challenging due to the various interventions, outcomes measured, and populations studied in studies reviewed, but one thing remains certain: yoga has significant potential for improving health and wellbeing – particularly among people suffering from chronic diseases like cardiovascular illness.

Yoga can help reduce blood pressure, lower heart rate and relieve the symptoms of diabetes. It may even help those living with fibromyalgia and autoimmune diseases manage their condition more effectively and possibly help prevent cancer altogether. Yoga also offers relaxing effects which may lower depression risk.

Viniyoga, one of the most widely practiced types of yoga, combines various postures and breathing techniques into an individualized workout for each person. This type of practice can accommodate people of all ages and levels from beginner to advanced; not only will it relax and strengthen your body but it can also promote mindfulness and improve concentration.

Many practitioners of yoga utilize cupping as part of their healing practices, in addition to traditional poses. This ancient yogic art involves using cups to suction skin and stimulate circulation, which in turn alleviates pain and inflammation within the body. Yoga cupping treatments are available at many yoga and fitness studios – just make sure that any practitioner you select holds relevant certifications!

Traditional Osteopathic Therapy

Alternative therapy bradenton seeks to relieve pain and improve body mechanics for improved health, as well as address physical symptoms. Therapists provide patients with tools for healthy living such as proper posture and movement techniques, stress reduction techniques and diet counseling services. Therapists believe every individual is programmed for healing; however poor body mechanics or negative thought patterns may hinder this cellular programming and lead to further issues within their bodies.

Osteopathy treatment entails palpation and manipulation of bones, muscles and fasciae to treat issues pertaining to structure and function based on Osteopathic principles that hold that humans are an integrated unit consisting of mind, body and spirit that has its own ability to defend, repair and remodel itself. Structure-function relationships play a fundamental role here.

Traditional osteopathy employs various treatment modalities, from passive manual approaches and active techniques such as muscle energy technique to use of passive manual approaches and muscle energy technique. This holistic approach has proven especially helpful when treating Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD). TMD pain is often misdiagnosed and needs careful assessment of the mechanics affecting jaw joint mechanics as well as any possible dysfunction elsewhere in the cranium or cervical spine causing TMD; an holistic Osteopath will take all such factors into consideration when assessing TMD.

Osteopathy practitioners incorporate numerous manipulative treatments into their practices, including cranial manipulation and passive manual techniques like muscle energy technique. These can be used to treat conditions ranging from whiplash injuries and headaches to shoulder problems or chronic backache relief.

Pregnancy presents women with many unique challenges, including pelvic pain and back strain. Osteopathy can help alleviate both of these discomforts while supporting mothers throughout labor and delivery – in fact, studies have proven its efficacy at encouraging natural vaginal birth without resorting to cesarean sections!

Osteopathic professions face an important challenge in their quest to analyze historical Osteopathic Patient Practice from an anthropological perspective and promote culturally sensitive patient-centric care (PCC). Too often, PCC based solely on Western values overlooks patients’ varied sociocultural medical beliefs while showing an insufficient knowledge of cultural differences. To address these concerns, Osteopathic professionals should be trained in cross-cultural competency training for healthcare.

June 10, 2024|Editorial

Understanding Reiki – From Self-Care to Energy Medicine

Viewing wellbeing through an energetic lens opens a whole new world. Understanding Reiki provides answers to long-standing questions, fills any informational gaps that exist, and corrects misinformation that has become part of today’s practices.

Reiki hasn’t been conclusively shown to help treat any health-related condition; however, it may relieve pain and anxiety, promote relaxation and promote spiritual connection.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a gentle healing method in which practitioners place their hands lightly on or slightly above a patient. Reiki draws its inspiration from Eastern belief systems concerning an energy field or universal life force which promotes natural healing processes within the body, including mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Reiki can be used as an adjunct therapy treatment for conditions like pain management and stress reduction.

Research on Reiki may be limited, but anecdotal evidence demonstrates its therapeutic efficacy against many illnesses and conditions. According to nurses who employ it clinically, its use makes patients more relaxed and cooperative while relieving pain, nausea and vomiting; increasing appetite; improving immune system function; and diminishing anxiety levels.

Reiki practitioners must be appropriately trained in order to administer treatments effectively. They should be able to clearly and concisely describe the process, while having enough experience assessing if clients are suitable candidates for Reiki treatments. Some practitioners offer brief intake interviews similar to medical history forms – these interviews may be more common when working in healthcare environments like hospitals and clinics.

At a Reiki session, clients must remain fully dressed while either sitting in a chair or lying on a mattress, futon, or treatment couch. A practitioner will place his or her hands on various parts of the body – typically beginning with head, shoulders and stomach areas – as part of a session which may also treat chakras (energetic centers) and specific symptoms areas.

A typical session typically lasts around 30 minutes; however, this may change depending on individual needs. Practitioners should spend enough time with clients so that they understand what’s happening and how Reiki works, while answering any queries or addressing concerns or issues raised during treatment.

After receiving Reiki treatments, recipients are strongly encouraged to practice self-healing daily. In order to do this, they should learn all hand positions and practice them for at least an hour every day on whatever area of pain presents the greatest difficulty.

How is Reiki administered?

Many health professionals believe in an invisible energy field surrounding us that contains healing forces. Reiki taps into this belief by rebalancing our energy centers and encouraging healing and wellbeing. It’s a noninvasive, soothing technique that doesn’t require religious beliefs or spiritual development for its benefits – instead simply relaxing while the practitioner places hands over specific parts of your body in a gradual sequence of hand placements.

Reiki practitioners are taught to be completely detached and attentive to the energy flow, rather than manipulating or channeling it towards specific parts of the body. Reiki treatments typically include hand placement sequences as part of a full treatment, with clients typically encouraged to relax into deep, sleeplike states during sessions.

As soon as a session concludes, its receiver usually experiences a sense of peace and serenity. Negative energy that was keeping them unwell begins to shift away, allowing their body to heal itself more rapidly. Since reiki may still not address all aspects of illness or discomfort effectively, however, other therapies that target specific symptoms such as pain and spasticity may still need to be combined as well.

Some individuals experience significant improvement after just one Reiki session; others require multiple sessions in order to overcome an issue. It is always advisable to notify healthcare providers if you use alternative therapies and discuss potential risks or benefits with them before beginning treatment.

Studies demonstrate the efficacy of Reiki therapy for relieving stress and improving quality of life, especially among cancer patients. One such study revealed that cancer patients receiving Reiki therapy were able to tolerate more anesthesia during surgery while experiencing less post-op pain afterward; they also were able to avoid some types of prescription drugs and reduce lengths of stay at hospitals.

What are the benefits of Reiki?

Reiki may offer an alternative approach to your current health concerns or simply enhance the quality of your everyday life, offering stress relief, pain reduction and emotional well-being and spiritual connection while cultivating personal development and providing an overall sense of well-being and personal growth.

Reiki stands for “universal energy,” and practitioners use this practice to harness it and facilitate natural healing processes within the body and enhance overall wellness. Reiki helps physical healing by balancing chakras; mental fatigue may be reduced through meditation practices like Reiki; anxiety levels can decrease; sleep quality improves; mental exhaustion eased off, anxiety decreased, depression reduced and depression alleviated – but as with any alternative medicine treatment regimen reiki isn’t meant as a replacement but should rather complement existing medical treatments rather than serve as a replacement – note this form of treatment as it should not replace medical treatments offered by healthcare practitioners!

Reiki may be helpful in relieving symptoms and conditions, however there is no compelling scientific evidence supporting it as an effective treatment option for any health issue. Reiki should instead be seen as a complementary therapy that should complement existing treatment methods rather than replace them entirely.

At each session, which typically lasts from 30 minutes to two hours, patients lie fully clothed on a massage table with blanket or sheet covering them, fully clothed. A practitioner will gently rest their hands over various parts of their body where energy flows easily – this may result in heat or tingling sensations within your body or other forms of visualization or memories arising during an appointment.

Even without concrete evidence of Reiki’s efficacy for any condition, most patients report positive results, including decreased pain and improved sleep quality. Reiki is also non-invasive and non-disruptive – ideal for people who have difficulty relaxing, chronic pain and stress issues as well as post surgery and chemotherapy patients as it helps alleviate side effects while decreasing anxiety levels – plus can even provide comfort during times of grief and loss.

What are the risks of Reiki?

Reiki has been proven to help reduce stress, lower pain and anxiety levels, increase immunity and support recovery in cancer, injuries, surgeries, diseases and more. Some studies cite placebo effects while others point out real physiological advantages from energy work.

Before receiving Reiki treatments, it is essential that you inform your health care provider. In addition, alcohol and caffeine should be avoided before any sessions; comfortable loose clothing should also be worn so as to allow free movement during reiki treatments. Furthermore, prior to your appointment try relaxing by taking a warm bath, practicing deep breathing exercises, journaling about past experiences or reflecting.

At a Reiki session, your practitioner holds their hands over different areas of your body that have specific significance; such as your heart. Reiki therapy has been known to have profound effects on emotions and love relationships in particular – which explains why Reiki may have such an effectful influence on many hearts.

Many patients report feeling more relaxed and calm after only one session of Reiki; for others it may take multiple visits for it to have any lasting effect. Our practitioners may suggest dietary or lifestyle modifications as part of your healing journey.

Reiki therapy should only ever be seen as a complementary therapy; therefore, if you’re experiencing symptoms like severe fatigue, fever, or any serious medical conditions it is imperative that you contact your physician as soon as possible.

Reiki practitioners largely believe energy work offers benefits to your health and wellbeing, yet some skeptics remain skeptical. Although scientific proof cannot be given as to the efficacy of Reiki therapy, a growing number of clinical studies demonstrate its effects in areas like stress reduction, pain relief and emotional stability.

No matter your belief system, being open-minded about new experiences is always best. And if you decide to give energy work a try, find an accredited practitioner.

June 10, 2024|Editorial

Medical Radiesthesia – Dowsing For Health Matters

Medical radiesthesia, also known as “dowsing for health matters”, has endured for 8,000 years and now stands to make another leap forward – this time with solid scientific backing.

Radionics is an emerging science that uses electromagnetic radiation to detect and locate objects both close to and far from our bodies.

Subtle anatomy of the human

Energetic Medicine (EM), is a healing modality that works with our subtle anatomy or energy structure, such as meridians, energy centers and biofield. This book presents its main components and explores their impact using energetic medicine techniques as well as exploring its physical implications in conventional medical physiology.

Radiesthesia is an ancient, pendulum-based divination method that utilizes pendulums to detect intrinsic radiations emitted by substances both locally (“dowsing”) and remotely (“teleradiesthesia”). It was first practiced in Egypt as an exact science, later becoming one of the main tools used by Jesuit missionaries in foreign lands to locate herbal remedies. Today it’s making another long leap forward onto stable scientific grounds – now called BioGeometry; using it scientists can now tackle some of today’s toughest problems head on, turning our life-threatening technological world into something humane!

Energy fields

Medical Radiesthesia is an ancient healing science founded on observing intangible energy fields surrounding living things and their interactions with their environment. It includes both divining, known as dowsing, and more sophisticated instruments known as radionics – these practices were first recorded being employed in Egypt for sensing hidden gold deposits; nowadays many practitioners still employ both pendulums and sophisticated electronic devices to detect vibrational frequencies and use both to track them down.

Radiesthesia dowsing can also detect subtle energies that influence human bodies. To do this, radiesthesia practitioners create samples from individuals or objects they wish to examine; each vibrational sample carries all the vibrational characteristics associated with them and serves as a representation of energy status for ongoing diagnostic analysis – making radiesthesia an invaluable healing tool.

Radiesthesia practitioners utilize a pendulum to detect vibrational frequency of individuals being tested, then determine whether this reading is positive or negative. A positive reading indicates health while negative readings indicate possible problems that need addressing, providing vital insight for finding suitable remedies.

Radiesthetic analysis of a patient involves considering various factors, from pathogenic micro-organisms to nerve conditions. Furthermore, the radiesthetic practitioner will assess vitamin and mineral deficiencies as well as using his knowledge of psoric theory to select an effective homoeopathic remedy for each individual patient.

Radiesthesia practitioners seeking homoeopathic remedies should keep in mind that it should not be seen as a replacement to classical homoeopathy but an indispensable aid. Radiesthesia allows physicians to gain an accurate picture of each patient while also making sure important diseases don’t go undetected.


A dowsing rod or pendulum is used in radiesthesia to increase human sensitivity to subtle vibrations, especially electromagnetic fields. This tool can be used to detect water, gold, gemstones or missing items. Medical radiesthesia uses it as an assessment tool of diseases or health issues in which special forms of radiesthesia allow practitioners to quickly locate causes and solutions of problems through precise pinpointing techniques.

Human beings are believed to be intricate energy systems composed of many energies that interact constantly with their environments. If an energy field becomes disturbed, an individual’s radiesthesia will respond by responding unconsciously or relaying that reaction back unknowingly to a dowser; this process is known as remote or teleradiesthesia.

Medical radiesthesia uses the pendulum as a diagnostic tool to measure a client’s energetic body, such as whether certain foods, supplements or personal care products affect both their physical and energetic state. Dowsers then use it to detect blockages or imbalances within that client’s energetic field – offering an alternative treatment method which can detect disease causes more effectively and provide effective remedies.

Medical radioesthesia was popularly practiced by ancient Egyptian pharaohs and their priests for divination purposes; such divination methods included cleidomancy, coscinomancy, and dactylomancy.

Modern times have seen it gain increasing attention across Europe and North America, where several books have been written on this subject and mainstream society has become more accepting of it. Furthermore, mine detection techniques were employed during World War II by both Germany and Italy’s armies as part of a military strategy.

Though not scientifically reliable, radiesthesia‘s results remain striking and cannot be explained using conventional science alone. Many of its results can also be difficult to replicate in a laboratory environment; nevertheless, when practiced responsibly and with diligence it can produce accurate and useful outcomes.


Medical Radiesthesia uses pendulums to detect imbalances in the body. A practitioner can then pinpoint its source and establish solutions to restore equilibrium. This technique relies on the concept that everything has a vibratory energy field which can be detected and used for healing and balance purposes, particularly with Radionics and Homeopathy practices.

Radiesthesia can sometimes be mistaken for “dowsing”, however it refers to more extensive set of techniques than simply using divining rods or pendulums to locate water and mineral resources. Radiesthesia involves measuring all radiation emitted by minerals, plants, animals and human beings and is an age-old empirical science which often falls victim to ignorance.

Now being revived and developed scientifically, it stands ready to take an important leap into the future. Ayurveda offers a practical, non-dogmatic method of diagnosis and treatment which complements established medical practices; any departures from conventional orthodox methods do not present potential regression; instead they open up potential therapies which are more rationally founded than some practices widely employed today.

Radiesthesia testing procedures often focus on discovering what substances an individual is allergic or intolerant of. A radiesthetic test involves analysing a request form with hair sample from a client and then testing for resonance or dissonance between their response and that allergen/substance being tested against.

Radiesthesia is often used for testing electromagnetic fields around the head and neck area, often used as part of migraine treatment. A quick and accurate radiesthetic test can quickly identify migraines, headaches and other conditions linked to electromagnetic fields in this region within minutes or seconds; providing relief more rapidly from symptoms.