RADIONICS LTD – Radionics Dublin
RADIONICS LTD operates within the Scientific equipment and instruments sector. Their offerings include orifice plates, venturis and nozzles used for flow measurement as well as differential pressure transmitters.
Find out more about RADIONICS LIMITED by accessing its latest company documents, credit limit, directors and shareholders. Plus run a full credit report on any Irish company through Vision-net.
What is Radionics?
Radionics is a noninvasive electromagnetic healing technique that can be practiced from a distance. Practitioners employ dowsing techniques and Radionic instruments to identify imbalances in an individual’s energy field (or aura), which are the source of physical and psychological symptoms such as stress, illness, trauma or injury.
Treatments can then be administered to restore energy flow and bring balance back into healthy states, be they humans, animals, plants or soil/crops. All living things possess unique vibrations which influence their health and wellbeing; Radionics allows us to identify and heal these energetic imbalances that contribute to ill health by returning people back into more natural rhythms while encouraging inner balance.
Albert Abrams originally developed energy therapy or vibrational medicine. It’s based on an ancient belief that all forms of matter – people and animals alike – share an energy field. Stress, illness, fear and past negative experiences all can have an impactful on an individual’s energy field and consequently impact physical body or behavior in some way.
Clive Sinclair, founder of Radionics Company and later Sinclair Radionics, was a leader in audiophile products as well as calculators and scientific instruments development. He formed Sinclair Research Ltd, later known as Sinclair Radionics; producing electronic calculators, audio equipment and hi-fi systems. To view a complete credit report on Radionics Limited as well as learn more about their directors, business history and contact details; save time and effort when dealing with new customers or suppliers with Vision-net’s comprehensive credit checking system!
Radionics Treatments
Radionics, also known as Energy or Vibrational Medicine, is used to treat people, domestic animals and wild animals as well as soil, plants and crops. Practitioners believe their specially designed electronic devices can detect and balance individual vibrational frequencies before transmitting corrective frequencies for healing purposes.
Radionics treatments are generally administered by a “distributor”, who uses pendulums to identify imbalances within a patient’s body and then creates circuits designed to balance its energies. Following this procedure, practitioners often apply spiritual or physical substances directly onto the body in order to restore balance to energy fields and promote healing.
One of the most fascinating features of radionics is its capacity for distance work. Practitioners claim they can use their minds’ telekinetic ability to influence and heal distant bodies – both living and dead. Utilizing oscillators, practitioners build chords of tones they believe resonate directly with particular thoughts before sending healing frequencies directly into those systems – whether localized or distantly located.
Radionics may be considered pseudoscience by mainstream medical practitioners, yet it remains a popular alternative health modality worldwide. Many alternative health practices such as acupuncture and herbal medicine utilize elements of this technique within their practices; additionally, some holistic wellness experts also offer virtual or online radionics sessions as part of wellness services for wellness-seekers.
Radionics Limited was established as an Irish private company with two shareholders in 1950 and currently resides in Dublin. You can purchase either a Standard Company Report or Credit Report and view details about their directors, such as any past judgments they’ve been served with; you can also receive Judgment Monitoring Alerts for this company for 12 months free.
Radionics Equipment
Radionics kits contain various metal and glass components. Each one plays an essential role within the system. One such important piece of equipment is the orgone generator which creates positive energy through radionic frequencies. Furthermore, orgone power plates, cylinders and spheres may also be included for additional positive energies production.
Radionics can help treat conditions affecting mind, body and spirit. A radionics treatment may address stress and depression with various techniques while chronic fatigue and headaches may also be addressed through this form of medicine.
Since 1947, Radionics Ltd has been active in the Scientific equipment and instruments sector from their Dublin base. Boasting two directors, view their most up-to-date Credit Report as well as Company Documents now!
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Radionics Training
The course begins with an introduction to radionics‘ fundamental aspects. According to its creators, this course can be seen as akin to an archaeological expedition as participants learn its history and discover its foundational theories. Furthermore, several healing techniques will also be covered, giving learners a choice of approaches based on their personal circumstances.
Radionics and homeopathy first emerged during the 1940s. Practitioners of both therapies often worked closely together, and major figures such as George de la Warr, Dr Ruth Drown and T Galen Hieronymus often served as leaders within both fields. These pioneers furthered Radionics by innovating dowsing and projection instruments while also incorporating eastern ideas about man’s energy fields into their work.
Radionics works by correcting imbalances in a patient’s energy field. Utilizing special tools, Radionics practitioners broadcast clearly defined healing energies to the patient regardless of distance, allowing healing energies to target physical or psychological symptoms at their source and provide long-term healing benefits. Radionics works well alongside traditional medicine as well as alternative forms of therapy.
Radionics can also help enhance sports and activities performance beyond health issues, such as relieving horse stress. This may help lead to improved dressage, show jumping and eventing results as well as changes in behaviour such as aggression or fear in animals.
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