Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

February 7, 2024|Editor

Reverse Aging Video

Scientists have long looked for ways to slow or even reverse aging. A new study suggests we might be able to turn back biological clock.

In this video, molecular biologist David Sinclair shares how his laboratory’s work rejuvenating aged mice could one day benefit humans as well.

February 7, 2024|Editor

Quantum Soul Clearing

The Quantum Soul Clearing Process is an innovative spiritual healing technique that helps eliminate negative feelings, patterns and programs from deep within your mind body spirit connection. It enables you to finally break free of limiting core beliefs that keep you trapped in an endless cycle of struggle and failed dreams.

QSHH is an advanced regression modality that surpasses traditional and clinical hypnosis’ limitations, drawing inspiration from Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT).

Quantum entanglement

Quantum theory recognizes the interconnectivity between physical and spiritual matters, making quantum healing an approach capable of harnessing this universal intelligence in order to better one’s body, mind, and soul. Based on scientific principles such as bio-resonance, quantum entanglement, light therapy – quantum healing helps you tap into its powers for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health benefits while teaching you how to manifest and use personal power for growth and improvement.

Quantum entanglement is the concept that different particles can become interlinked even though they’re physically separated in space, enabling scientists to gain information about one particle without knowing anything about its counterpart and directly influence its properties. Although verified through experiments, quantum entanglement remains hard for most people to grasp as it defies intuition and defies conventional logic.

Quantum soul healing is an effective holistic therapy to release negative emotional patterns that hinder success in life. Utilizing quantum mechanics, quantum soul healing aims to remove any incorrect beliefs or energetic blocks held within your etheric and astral bodies as well as access your Akashic records for cleansing the causal blueprint that represents both spirituality and emotional wellbeing.

These negative energies can have an immensely detrimental effect on our bodies and minds, which is why it is imperative to release them permanently. You can do this using Quantum Soul Clearing’s Healing Your Money Program(tm), an efficient spiritual healing method designed to dissolve all negative Money Programs which undermine self-worth and prevent us from manifesting abundance in every area of life.

This quantum energy healing system can benefit every aspect of your life, including relationships, health and finances. Additionally, it can help you find your purpose and reclaim your inner power – something proven through multiple clinical trials and upgrades to quantum healing sessions. One notable scientific discovery made through quantum upgrades was changing cellular structures within blood cells while increasing vitality ATP levels within your body – truly an astounding breakthrough that stands the test of time!


If you find it difficult to move past traumatizing past events, even though your conscious mind has helped heal physical wounds, it could be that subtle yet tangible negative programs, heavy emotional charges and limiting beliefs remain within your electromagnetic biofield despite your best intentions and the apparent mindfulness and stress-free environment around you. Without your awareness these dense energy patterns could be sabotaging you even though everything appears calm on the outside.

Tune & Heal is an innovative spiritual energy healing method that draws from cutting-edge discoveries across science, medicine and spirituality to form one powerful process. Based on cutting-edge discoveries related to quantum physics, epigenetics, neurophysiology and brain research; resonance and vibration have all been recognized as driving human progress forward.

Everything in the universe operates at a specific frequency to maintain balance and harmony, including our organs, emotions, thoughts or beliefs. When these frequencies shift out of sync it can cause disease. Tune & Heal’s Resonance process uses RESONANCE technology to restore these healthy frequencies back into balance – also helping release any self-sabotage patterns held onto by your body as well as clearing blockages that prevent abundance from entering your life.

Our bio-resonance technology delves deep into your energetic system to identify root causes of health challenges. It measures sixteen standard electrical parameters of your body – impedance, voltage, amperage, capacitance, inductance and frequencies – more comprehensively than most point and probe devices such as Voll Meters, Vega or Mora that only measure resistance.

Quantum soul healing is an integrative holistic therapy that works at the cellular level to unblock energy held within your mind and DNA as patterns of resistance, strengthening physical and psycho-emotional immune systems and aligning you with higher senses of self and enlightenment. It has proven incredibly successful for millions around the globe.

Quantum hypnotherapy

Quantum hypnotherapy utilizes energy healing techniques to address the causes of health issues and facilitate their resolution, with healing taking place on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Practitioners focus on increasing life force energy (known as Chi or Prana). By amplifying this flow of Chi/Prana through various techniques such as breathing exercises or vibration therapy amplification; Quantum Hypnotherapy also can assist individuals in releasing negative beliefs while emphasizing the positive aspects of life which promote better health and well being overall.

QHHT sessions begin by asking questions about an individual’s current life and any problems or concerns they are experiencing. After some guidance by their therapist, the person is guided into deep relaxation to allow their subconscious mind to connect with their Higher Self; during this process they may even access past lives or visit other dimensions – providing healing, guidance, or greater insight into one’s purpose for living.

People suffering from autoimmune diseases have found relief through quantum soul healing sessions. These sessions can strengthen immunity, restore cell integrity and establish stronger bonds with the universe – proven effective at helping overcome chronic illnesses such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, IBS or multiple sclerosis.

Quantum soul clearing sessions can also assist with breaking negative cycles of self-sabotage and generational imprints that obstruct wealth creation, clearing away blocks to living an abundant life and helping you reach your true potential.

Hypnosis is a noninvasive and safe method to access higher aspects of yourself to learn their wisdom and release any limiting beliefs about yourself or your power. Hypnotic states allow individuals to connect with these higher aspects and access wisdom from them as they journey deeper within.

Quantum physics

Quantum soul clearing is a spiritual healing system founded upon cutting-edge scientific findings in quantum physics, epigenetics, brain research and psychology. This one-of-a-kind technology leverages universal consciousness with focused intent to bring about deep transformational change that addresses any necessary healing.

Deepak Chopra first introduced the concept of quantum soul healing with his 1989 publication Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind-Body Medicine. Chopra combined ancient Indian healing traditions with Western medicine, physics and neuroscience in his demonstration that human bodies possessing their own energy can use this to heal themselves.

He used quantum tunneling as an analogy for mind-body healing and quantum physics, explaining it by saying: “Just as particles can tunnel through barriers by quantum tunneling, Jesus walked through walls using quantum tunneling.”

However, this analogy is unsupported by any evidence in scientific literature and he has been heavily criticized for profiting from medical treatments which have yet to be verified by scientific studies and do not conform to established concepts of quantum physics.

Quantum healing works by relieving negative thought patterns and emotions that prevent you from reaching your life goals, strengthening your physical, mental, and emotional immune system to protect against future health challenges, reconnecting you to your higher self, Divine mission.

Quantum healing requires practitioners who can sense and intuitively comprehend a person’s soul state, which can hold onto decades or centuries worth of negative dio thade (thought) patterns that obstruct universal energy flow. A practitioner should be capable of clearing away such destructive thought patterns for clients to experience true healing.

Quantum healing can also help cleanse a person’s astral and etheric bodies, which contain memories of their past lives, into alignment with the causal blueprint given at birth by God if their soul is living in accordance with His higher will – otherwise healing processes may not be effective; so it’s essential that one chooses a practitioner with spiritual maturity who has an appropriate relationship with their Creator.

February 7, 2024|Editor

Energy Medicine Center in Newport Beach CA

Energy Medicine Center of Newport Beach, California operates within the Acupuncturist business / industry. They focus on using natural healing powers of your body for long term health and vitality. Kyle Lam will lull you into an inducated meditative state using sound frequencies and 432hz crystal singing bowls, to balance chakra systems and complement acupuncture treatments.


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical therapy used to balance energy flow. Acupuncture involves inserting needles at specific points on the body in order to treat pain or other problems, with its foundation being the belief that energy known as “qi (pronounced chee) flows along pathways known as meridians. If this flow becomes blocked, illness occurs, so Acupuncture works by unblocking it again, encouraging healing processes within the body itself, and encouraging overall wellbeing. Scientific research has confirmed its efficacy across several conditions.

A typical acupuncture session typically lasts 30 minutes and involves lying or sitting on a table or chair depending on your condition, as the acupuncturist places needles into specific points on your body which may feel like small pinpricks. Once placed, they are then used to stimulate different responses – including increased blood circulation and changes to white blood cell activity responsible for immunity.

Acupuncture treatments have been found to increase your ability to resist infections, strengthen immunity and increase blood circulation, as well as help relieve symptoms and prevent them from returning. If you’re interested in trying acupuncture treatments for yourself, talk to your doctor and determine if they are covered under your health insurance plan – you may even use flexible spending accounts or health savings accounts as payment. Also ensure you choose an acupuncturist who abides by American Academy of Medical Acupuncture standards of safe practice in order to protect against scams and unlicensed practitioners.

Herbal Medicine

Energy Medicine Center of Newport Beach, California has been operating as an acupuncturist for 39 years and was formerly known as Moon In Dr. Their family owned and operated business offers holistic healing services tailored to each patient’s individual needs, with expert practitioners dedicated to providing top quality care such as traditional Chinese herbal therapies, cupping therapy and acupuncture treatments available as part of their service offerings.

Energy Medicine Center also offers their patients healing technologies such as Whole Body Photobiomodulation Therapy, ARRC Light Red Light Therapy, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, BEMER Session and RIFE Technology – non-invasive therapies which simultaneously address Wellness, Cognition, Aesthetics and Performance to aid the body in healing itself, reduce stress and fatigue levels while increasing athletic performance and slowing aging processes. These treatments aim to aid your body heal itself as you help reduce overall stress levels while simultaneously slowing the aging process by helping heal yourself as much as possible and allow your body’s own natural abilities to aid.

Nutritional Counseling

Nutritional counseling is an integral component of many treatment programs, helping individuals form healthy eating habits and address any dietary-related concerns such as weight management, food allergies or sensitivities, or how certain nutrients affect mood disorders. Nutritional counselors collaborate closely with clients during sessions to address various dietary needs including weight management, allergies/sensitivitys/restrictions or possible impacts certain nutrients may have on mood disorders.

Nutritional guidance is also provided during the Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) and Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), to reinforce the role of balanced eating in supporting emotional wellness. Nutritional counseling may help address any nutritional deficiencies which contribute to mood disorders like depression or anxiety.

Energy Medicine Center, also known by its original name Moon In Dr, is located in Newport Beach, CA and operates within the Acupuncturist sector of Health Services. They boast an expansive customer base who appreciate their outstanding services; same day appointments may even be available – this provides timely care with care delivered quickly! Customers can book appointments either online or directly with them by phoning directly.


Reiki is an ancient healing method that manipulates energy flow throughout your body. Practitioners believe there are seven main energy centers (called chakras ) within you which should be free and flowing freely for overall spiritual, physical and mental wellbeing. When these pathways become blocked they can cause illness or emotional problems.

Energy medicine practitioners utilize various tools such as touch, crystals and other energy therapies to heal both physically and psychologically. Many find energy healing relaxing and upbeat; others claim it has helped them cope with serious medical issues like cancer or heart disease.

Reiki derives its name from two Japanese words rei, meaning universal, and ki, meaning life force energy. Although long disregarded by most medical professionals, recent studies have demonstrated its therapeutic effects for various conditions. A 2015 study examined its use among women after cesarean delivery; researchers discovered it significantly reduced pain, anxiety and need for painkillers while being more reliable than other studies conducted due to being blinded randomized tests.

Reiki not only reduces stress, but it can also enhance other treatments. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), using it alongside traditional medicine can be particularly effective at treating chronic pain and depression. But Reiki should never replace medical advice; rather it should serve as an additional therapy that complements an existing plan. NCCIH’s Know the Science resource offers educational materials designed to help people understand scientific research more clearly so they can make informed health decisions.

February 7, 2024|Editor

Respecting Sleeping disorders, The Most Effective Guidelines Are In this article

default img contentomatic - 1 Respecting Sleeping disorders, The Most Effective Guidelines Are In this article

Sleeplessness is one thing that’s challenging for many individuals to cope with. Once you can’t sleep, you’re not able to function well with your every day life. If it is something you want to get aid in, then you’re likely to require some information and facts. Please read on to find out much more about sleep problems.

A lot of people think that it must be a bad idea to nibble on before going to bed, but this is not true if you would like sleeping peacefully. When you eat a snack that is rich in sugars prior to going to sleep, it will be possible to go to sleep much easier. The carbs result in your blood glucose to spike so when the amount slip, you will be inside a perfect situation to go to sleep.

About half an hour well before heading to bed, warm up a glass of milk products. Enjoying it would quiet your nervous system and permit your body to rest when you set down in bed. The calcium mineral in milk is specially good at focusing on jumpy neural system, rendering it the ideal well before mattress drink.

To minimize the chance of sleep problems, avoid using daytime naps. Although it can be luring to fall asleep for an hour or two throughout the day, it is way better to restrict your naps to below 30 minutes and don’t snooze soon after 3 in the afternoon. Napping for much longer times will obstruct your nighttime sleep.

Obstructive sleep apnea is a reason that might be triggering your insomnia. Obstructive sleep apnea is observed as short time periods of breath keeping throughout sleep. As soon as the body recognizes this, it requires within a strong breath, typically waking up anyone. The majority of people usually do not even recognize they already have obstructive sleep apnea. Should you snore a lot, sign up for a sleep review to find out for sure.

Look into the your bed. Are your bedding delicate and comfy? Are the pillows encouraging? Is the bed old and sagging? If the answer will be indeed, you may need to acquire another mattress. This can help permit you to unwind and able to sleeping.

Pay attention to what medicines you on. Specific drugs can affect sleep. Examples include contra–depressants like Zoloft and Prozac. Blood pressure drugs also can provide an negative influence on rest. Jot down all of your prescription drugs and inquire your doctor if one of these might be resulting in you sleep deprived evenings.

If you would like sedate on your own with out consuming sleeping pills and sensation like a zombie each morning, consider using a dessert. Sugar ingested thirty minutes before bed time can certainly force you to grow to be worn out. You can even try out sweetie in warm water or on a bit of toast for the similar effect.

If your master bedroom is not dark, it may be the reasons you have sleeping disorders. The tiniest lighting can restrict many people from sleeping. If your time clock is too bright, get a fresh one that only lamps up once you push a control button. If you find excessive outside the house lighting, purchase darkening curtains to maintain your master bedroom dark.

Look at your mattress typically for signs of wear and tear. If you’re not secure, it may need to be replaced. Buy new bedroom pillows and mattress bed linen anytime necessary. Stay away from substances when picking bedding. Though feather special pillows might be more comfortable, these are a complete waste of funds if you’re allergic directly to them.

A stuffy or dripping nostrils can make it nearly impossible to enjoy restful sleep, particularly when these circumstances take place the moment you set down. Discover why you have it. It might be an allergies and you could use an antihistamine, which will also make you worn out. Also you can eliminate contaminants by using an air filtering or transforming out old bedroom pillows.

A warm bathtub prior to bed will help chill out your system. This is especially beneficial once you have a hard time getting to sleep. Attempt getting a bath with Epsom salt and several baking soft drink, about a cupful of each and every. This combination will help you relax plus takes away toxic compounds out of your system.

Create a schedule for bed furniture time which include calming pursuits, such as taking a bath tub, having a snack food or snuggling with a family member. When your body is aware of the time is already to wind downward, it should permit you to sleeping whenever your head strikes the cushion, as well as you won’t wake up from the evening.

Don’t go over stuff again and again in your head while you are attempting to fall asleep. In the event you can’t quit the feelings in your head, create them downward. Usually those are the solvable things that trigger anxiety during the day. Try out to take care of those troubles then to help you sleeping much better during the night.

Make use of bed furniture simply for sleep. Should you watch TV, study, engage in online games, and so on., you could be way too fired up when sleeping arrives. Rather, do alternative activities in other areas at your residence, and ensure your your bed is just for pleasure and sleep at night.

Include physical exercise into your daily routine to be able to overcome sleeplessness. Regular exercise can better your sleep at night time as well as top quality, so attempt to do good hikes or another exercise through the day. Too much action just before mattress although may be bad for your capability to fall asleep.

Shut down all electronic products 2 hours before going to bed. The glowing blue gentle made from electronic products brings about your body to not realize it is time for bed furniture. Throughout the a couple of hours before going to bed, you ought to read or like a calming bathe from the bath tub. This will help your body prepare yourself for your bed.

Maintain caffeine out of your daily life prior to bed. You don’t need to have a stimulant to get one thing that’s maintaining you awaken at sleeping. Don’t consume nearly anything with coffee for around 6 hours prior to retiring for a day. And prevent chocolates way too. There’s far more caffeinated drinks in dark chocolate than you think.

You ought to get your sleeping disorders in order prior to it starts off managing your life. With any luck , you might have figured out several things on this page that can help you obtain up with your life with out making insomnia operate almost everything. Good luck and be certain that you’re patient while working on this sort of something.

February 7, 2024|Editor

Expert Advice For Eradicating Anxiety Attacks Now!

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Are you presently trying to eliminate your panic and anxiety attacks? Unsure where to begin with receiving aid? Don’t get worried, the recommendations comprised in the following paragraphs will help you get moving choosing a remedy for your anxiety attack situation to help you start off dwelling a far more secure and less demanding existence.

When you are vulnerable to panic and anxiety attacks, it is crucial that you attempt to reduce the amount of tension which is current in your life. Tension may be the primary reason for anxiety attacks. Attempt performing items that you like and have not accomplished for a while to discover something which enables you to satisfied.

Although it’s difficult to believe obviously during an anxiety attack, you will find a simple strategy you can use to lessen the intensity and time period of the invasion. By splashing the face with chilly normal water, your body instantly responds to what is called the “leap reflex.”� This techniques your brain into contemplating you are proceeding under water, and it also sends emails towards the system to slow your heart rate and reduce blood flow to your extremities, allowing you to breathe in simpler and truly feel calmer.

It is vital that you understand that anxiety and panic attacks and panic and anxiety attacks are an integral part of daily life. They are certainly not something that you must truly feel uncomfortable about. Everybody feels anxious about a few things. It is important that you realize this so you can communicate your feelings to other individuals in a relaxed surroundings.

Will not let an anxiety attack impact you. Don’t combat the feelings you’re experiencing, make an effort to adapt to them and become at a single using them. Envision the sensations flooding around and then from you in the unattached way. Above all, pay attention to your breathing. Be sure you take slow, serious breaths as a method of outstanding relaxed. When your blood pressure actually starts to lower, your system will chill out.

When you know the way breathing can alter your disposition, you may control your anxiousness. If you extend or slow down the speed of the exhalation, your mind and body will start to chill out. When you slow down the rate of the inhalation, you can expect to activate your whole body plus your mind.

If you are susceptible to panic attacks, it is essential that you already know many different tactics that you can use to help the mind chill out. One way you can do this would be to mistake the mind. Consider jumping close to and slapping oneself lightly. This may seem off of-the-wall structure but it really does allow you to loosen up.

Stop unfavorable dialogue. Adverse conversation is one of the things that can induce an anxiety attack. One reason how the worry proceeds is how you will speak with your self. Rather than focusing on your fear, learn how to discuss on your own out of simply being afraid. Explain to your self you are in control and will not let the panic and anxiety attack ingest you. Talk to yourself inside a relaxing, comforting approach, and remember that the worry will successfully pass.

Don’t be worried about simply being excellent! Is anybody you already know perfect? Perfection is the invention of people who would like to keep you down, and your imagination will understanding onto such an idea and torment you with it. Enable flawlessness go and alternatively adapt to “good enough.” As long as things are adequate you’ll get by!

In the event you frequently encounter panic and anxiety attacks and anxiety in your daily life, then you should try this intensifying muscle mass relaxation physical exercise which can help you loosen up. Attempt segmenting your muscles teams and tensing them up and calming them gradually. This provides you with an incredibly peaceful feeling in the body.

If you think an anxiety attack coming on, call a friend and step out. Go for a walk via a park or have a very hot organic tea with a coffeehouse and discuss out whatever is troubling you. Buddies are an incredible source for feeling greater swiftly and whipping your panic and anxiety attacks.

Try out to focus on why is you cheerful simply because if you have faith in on your own you feel what you believe. After a while it will be easy to improve your give attention to pondering positive opinions and force the negative and concerned ideas from the thoughts just like a strongman lifts weights.

If you notice that your youngster is having panic and anxiety attacks with greater frequency you must talk with them. It is essential to make sure that you have a great brand of conversation together with your little one simply because built up sensations could cause a young child to get regular and frequently quite intensive panic attacks. Revealing their feelings may help them.

So that you can management the number and intensity of your anxiety attacks it is important to discuss your emotions as an alternative to maintaining them bottled up inside of. Speak to an individual when they distressed you because the stress from stressing in regards to the circumstance may cause an anxiety attack.

In case you have family who suffers from nervousness and anxiety, discover how to recognize precisely what the physical signs and symptoms are. Provided you can understand the first stages, you will certainly be better prepared to assist them from the assault, with relax and poise. Try to find signs like rapid or erratic inhaling,trembling, paleness, inability to emphasis or something that doesn’t appear ability to you. Quickly eradicate the chance of any severe continuing health care condition that would call for expert guidance just before employing any strategy from the anxiety attack.

Prevent emotions of dread about future events. Being concerned that one thing awful may happen will only make provide situations more serious. Your stressed emotions is often caused by your opinion will occur because of a particular scenario. Usually do not dwell of what may be and concentrate on the existing and making the very best result for your current matter.

Attempt sniffing lavender the next time you sense a panic attack starting up. Consider using a lavender hand lotion, or place a number of falls of essential gas over a handkerchief that one could smell. Lavender has been used to encourage relaxation, as well as the calming aroma may enable you to settle down quicker during an attack.

When you have read through from the article previously mentioned, dealing with panic and anxiety attacks can be very nerve-racking, however, there is help there. Once you discover anything that works for you, imagine of all the positive aspects it would have on your own lifestyle, along with experiencing more relaxed about existence on the whole.