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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

June 13, 2024|Editorial

Quasar Quantum Healing Review

Quantum healing offers an intriguing approach to holistic wellness, blending quantum physics principles with energy medicine to provide holistic healing techniques that address physical and emotional imbalances at their source. These innovative healing methods promote healing at an energetic level while providing relief.

At its new wellness center, Energy Enhancement System uses cutting-edge scalar waves to encourage healing within the body and support self-healing processes.


Healing Current is an indispensable spell for Diviners. At first glance it might appear expensive (and likely will only heal slightly more than a Pixie), but its three features make it worth investing in: it can be cast with power pip, it boosts critical heals when used alongside Vengeance attacks, and is not restricted to Life only use; all factors that make Healing Current an invaluable addition to any Diviner deck. For these reasons alone it should become part of any diviner’s arsenal.

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Quasar Quantum Healing

Quasar Quantum Healing offers many types of massage therapy services and wellness activities in addition to traditional therapy practices. Their primary goal is achieving balance in mind, body, and spirit by employing innovative technologies designed to address deeper issues within the body. Their wellness centers in Scottsdale Arizona provide an alternative approach to traditional therapies practices.

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Providing our service to children under 13 requires creating a family account, with you as the adult being responsible for any and all activities associated with that account, including payment of fees. Please be aware that our terms and conditions of service apply equally to all members, including children.

Services provided on this site are offered “as is”, without express or implied warranty of any kind, whether expressed or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Quasar Quantum Healing does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free service or that any defects in the site will be fixed; instead you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Quasar Quantum Healing as well as their employees, officers, directors, affiliates agents licensors suppliers against all claims and expenses including legal expenses arising out of your use or breach of these TOS terms and conditions.

Quasar Quantum Healing reserves the right to revise this TOS at any time in its sole discretion, so please check it regularly for changes. Your continued use of our site and services after any such modifications indicates your acceptance of them.

Online Courses

Online courses provide a convenient and flexible learning experience when it comes to quantum healing, providing learning at your own pace and schedule. Furthermore, these courses can help break geographical barriers by connecting you with like-minded individuals all over the globe. These courses are often led by knowledgeable tutors with decades of experience providing a strong foundation in energy healing.

Quantum healing techniques rely on the principle that everything in the universe consists of energy fields. By harnessing focused intention and positive thought to manipulate these energy fields, quantum healing techniques offer profound healing experiences and can treat physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances holistically – complementing traditional medical treatments perfectly.

These courses also teach participants how to harness their intuition to enhance healing sessions. This skill can be especially useful when working with animals, who respond intuitively to energetic frequencies in their environment. Furthermore, it can increase one’s awareness of energy fields and inner states leading to deeper insight into life’s obstacles.


Quantum healing courses are often offered through specialized healing centers that serve as hubs for like-minded people and promote community connections. Such environments provide essential support in overcoming obstacles to holistic living and moving toward an enhanced self. Alongside offering various courses, these centers also provide services like acupuncture and massage therapy.

Students enrolled in this course learn to work with chakras and energy centers, release negative emotions, and meditate and visualize to increase wellbeing. Instructors emphasize the role meditation and visualization play in improving overall well-being – these practices may even be combined with healing methods such as acupuncture or Reiki for optimal overall health and wellness.

Tyler Odysseus, Senior Quantum-Touch Instructor-Trainer and Retreat Facilitator, leads this advanced course alongside energy medicine pioneer Richard Gordon. Together they’ll share breathing exercises, energy visualizations, and deepening practices designed to amplify your innate healing abilities. Topics will include covering all 12 energies of life; stimulating pineal gland energy for more presence; as well as receiving higher-self and 12th energy center frequency downloads.

Healing Centers

Healing centers provide a sanctuary from emotional trauma and physical ailments through holistic approaches that combine traditional medicine, alternative therapies, lifestyle adjustments, support groups, workshops and events to build community ties. Furthermore, these facilities serve to rekindle spirituality.

Healing centers often promote serenity with architecture that emphasizes natural light and features such as nature. Although often located within urban environments, their soothing atmosphere and design features make a retreat-like setting that feels worlds away – such as this healing center located just across San Francisco bay, featuring pine needle decor and cozy fires for example.

Healing centers offer an array of services – ranging from massage and yoga classes to detox programs – including alternative medicine treatments such as acupuncture and homeopathy, while others use more holistic techniques such as meditation and mindfulness. As well as physical wellbeing services, healing centers also provide counseling/therapy services that address psychological concerns like depression or anxiety.

Healing centers can also assist individuals in overcoming barriers that impede healthy and fulfilling lives, such as substance abuse and sexual assault traumatized adolescents may seek out help at healing centers for recovery from these experiences and finding their true calling in life. They can also offer valuable assistance for individuals suffering chronic illnesses like diabetes or heart disease who need support managing them effectively.

June 13, 2024|Editorial

Wave Genetics in Frogs and Salamanders

Gariaev and his team took a novel approach to genetic engineering by modulating sound and light waves with pure linguistic frequencies using sound and light waves modulated with pure language frequencies to rescript DNA. Their experiment proved highly successful as they transformed frog embryos into salamander embryos, repaired damaged chromosomes and even reprogrammed DNA; all showing the immense power of wave genetics (or meta-genetics). This remarkable experiment highlights its incredible potential.

What is his method?

Frogs and salamanders are remarkable creatures; they can live anywhere from water bodies, land surfaces or even trees, growing nearly double their original birth size over time. No matter droughts, floods or freezing solid conditions; they have no issues surviving either situation and can even survive frozen solid environments for several weeks at a time without problems surviving at all. In fact, without air they can even exist for days as long as their metabolisms keep their metabolisms running properly by eating plenty of leaves and bark to maintain metabolic functions.

Amphibians may hold the key to surviving droughts or floods by conserving water. Most species of amphibians live in shallow ponds that are frequently replenished by rainwater or wind-driven streams; many return here for breeding; they lay large numbers of eggs that won’t hatch, providing enough of a population base that even if some don’t make it through metamorphosis into adulthood they still remain viable and maintain species survival.

However, some species do not breed well under these conditions. One such example is the spotted salamander; these creatures are particularly vulnerable to pollution and environmental issues due to being found near roads where their ponds absorb chemicals washed off of roads by rainwater. Unfortunately for salamanders living nearby this situation, water picks up these chemicals which become concentrated near roads when rain falls – this causes harm for them and they have evolved mechanisms to cope.

Some spotted salamanders develop glands on their skin to produce extra sticky slime that temporarily seals any predator’s mouth that attempts to bite them, while other salamanders possess large glands producing poisonous toxins which are toxic for any predator trying to bite. Pennsylvania pickerel frogs contain wart-like warts with expanded poison glands on them as a deterrent.

Salamanders use an effective tactic when being attacked: when dropping its tail. The tail will wriggle wildly and draw attention away from its vulnerable body, while lungless salamanders have special blood vessels within their tails that automatically constrict to prevent bleeding.

June 13, 2024|Editorial

Holistic Health Practitioner Salary

Holistic health practitioners examine all aspects of an individual’s wellbeing – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. To promote wellness they often employ techniques like acupuncture, massage and herbal remedies.

Formal education in holistic health varies by specialty. For instance, life coaches might complete a certificate program; those looking to become naturopathic doctors must enrol in an accredited training course.

Life Coach

Life coaches can make an excellent living helping their clients tackle life’s obstacles, set and achieve goals, and develop necessary coping mechanisms. They work directly with clients one-on-one or can offer one or more coaching or training services; additionally they may specialize in specific areas like wellness or career guidance.

Qualifications required for life coach careers depend on the field in which you want to practice. Some holistic health-based jobs may require a degree or license while others don’t. If you want to pursue this career option, however, certification programs exist both online and through traditional colleges to give you access to life coach certification programs and get you certified as a life coach.

Holistic nurses are registered nurses with additional education and training in healthcare approaches outside contemporary Western practice, such as wellness coaching or Eastern healing techniques such as acupuncture. You’ll find these nurses working in hospitals, schools, or private practices.

Some nurses opt to specialize in particular areas of healthcare, such as pain management or stress reduction, which allows them to provide more comprehensive care that addresses emotional, mental, and spiritual needs of their patients. A holistic nurse may also serve as an educator on alternative methods of managing conditions and work alongside physicians in devising a treatment plan. As consumers take an increased role in managing their own healthcare needs, holistic nurses will likely see increased demand for their services.

Massage Therapist

As with other career paths, salaries for holistic health practitioners vary considerably depending on their education and experience. Many practitioners who operate solo practice tend to enjoy controlling their schedule and costs more independently while being self-employed can present unique challenges such as higher living costs and investing in marketing to attract clients.

Massage therapists must advertise in multiple ways to attract enough business to cover their costs, which can be especially challenging for recent graduates just starting their careers. Some practitioners focus their practice specifically on athletes or people living with chronic pain; this allows them to tailor it further and earn more per session.

Other practitioners may offer more general practices. For instance, herbalists create natural remedies, like teas and tinctures made of herbs for their clients such as tea bags and tinctures to reduce stress or treat skin rashes with herbs. While there is typically no license requirement to become an herbalist there are various national and state organizations where certifications may be obtained.

As people become more invested in their health and well-being, more are turning to alternative health practices as part of their medical care regimen. This field offers many opportunities for those with the appropriate skills, helping achieve a balance between mind, body and spirit.


Acupuncturists work in numerous settings, from wellness centers and private practices to hospitals, addiction treatment centers, and community clinics. Some acupuncturists operate independently as freelance practitioners with clients that vary greatly in size and scope; other practitioners have built relationships with GPs or healthcare professionals that provide referrals – an excellent way to expand both practices and client bases.

An education in holistic health opens the doors to numerous careers, depending on your interests. Someone interested in natural remedies might thrive as an herbalist or life coach; or another option would be incorporating other complementary therapies – massage or hypnotherapy for instance – into an acupuncture practice for clients to enjoy two related services during one session, which could prove very advantageous for their body and mind.

As more traditional healthcare providers incorporate holistic approaches into their practices, acupuncturists’ career prospects have become brighter. People have also shown increasing interest in alternative forms of treatment covered by insurance. This trend has resulted in greater demand for holistic healthcare practitioners which has driven up salaries; and it should continue as more insurers cover complementary therapies; although location and experience will still have an effect.


To succeed as a holistic health practitioner, it is necessary to possess the appropriate qualifications and training. These may include graduating from an accredited program and possessing licenses required to practice your field; additionally, postgraduate courses specific to your specialty area may also be essential.

If you want to pursue massage therapy as a career, obtaining a bachelor’s degree will set the groundwork for success. At ICOHS College, graduates are assisted in applying for their license from the California Massage Therapy Council while equipping themselves with skills needed for excelling in this industry.

As with other healthcare professions, to become a naturopath requires a four-year qualification that spans across various studies such as health sciences and herbal medicine. You should also gain experience working directly with people; you can get more insight into careers in naturopathy by organizing information interviews with local practitioners or consulting professional body registers of naturopaths.

Naturopaths often act as their own boss, so must market themselves effectively in order to thrive. This might include creating a website, networking with professionals in similar fields and speaking with local support groups. They can also assist clients in making healthy lifestyle changes through diet and emotional wellbeing strategies such as meditation or mindfulness techniques – these techniques have the power to reduce chronic pain and stress while improving sleep patterns and aiding weight loss.


Many associate holistic nutrition with passing fad diets, but this field actually has much to offer American healthcare. While traditional healthcare tends to focus on treating symptoms and curing diseases, holistic practitioners use holistic practices as an approach that goes deeper. A nutritionist can teach clients better food choices as well as teach healthy lifestyle habits such as sleeping well, exercising regularly, and meditation.

Holistic nurses are another type of health practitioner that work to promote overall wellness for their patients. They typically employ techniques like massage and acupuncture to manage stress in clients. Furthermore, holistic nurses may specialize in areas like Ayurveda practice or energy healing for an added touch.

Educational requirements for holistic nurses will depend on their area of specialization. Some programs only require high school graduation while others could last several years and lead to either a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

Herbalists are another subset of holistic healers that specialize in herbal treatments, using powdered supplements, teas, or tinctures produced from natural plants as remedies to treat various illnesses. Herbalists may find employment at holistic health centers or private practices and earn a good living from their expertise depending on how many customers they serve and the level of expertise.


Holistic nursing may be the ideal path for nurses looking for something beyond traditional Western medical practices and assessments, such as administering medicine and performing head-to-toe assessments. Holistic nurse practitioners combine Western medical practices with alternative treatments and therapies – often working closely with patients to determine if complementary practices could aid their healing processes.

Path to Holistic Health Practitioner varies for everyone. Some jobs require formal education and certification while others don’t; regardless of your specialty though, you must fulfill national and state licensing requirements before practicing holistic healthcare. You may even choose board certification to set yourself apart among the competition.

The salary of holistic health practitioners depends on their area of expertise and type of practice. Massage therapists tend to earn higher salaries in Alaska, Washington and Massachusetts while nutritionists take home the most money in California and Maryland. If you want to increase your earnings as a holistic health practitioner, pursuing further education will give you an edge against competitors and increase the chance of landing more lucrative work – it will also establish you as a leader within your field and allow you to provide superior client care while using that knowledge to educate and inspire other people towards leading healthier lifestyles.

June 13, 2024|Editorial

Harmonic Vibrational Therapy

Long before Goop-endorsed sound baths were ever a thing, ancient mystics of Mesoamerica, Egypt, Greece and the Himalayas understood the transformative potential of harmonic vibrations to help bring body, emotions, and spirits into balance. These frequencies can help bring the individual back into alignment on physical, emotional, spiritual and mental levels.

Healing frequencies are played around and often directly onto clients while they lie or recline in bed or lie on a therapy table, to balance out their autonomic nervous system which controls 97% of body functions.

Cymatic Therapy

Sound vibration therapy can help us rebalance physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of ourselves. Furthermore, it may aid in detoxification of both body and mind as well as support immunity against disease.

Cymatic Therapy is an audible sound frequency-based sound therapy technique used to promote healing. A device called a Cymatherapy machine delivers specific combinations of frequencies associated with healthy tissues and organ systems directly into the body or along acupuncture meridians.

Cymatic therapy practitioners believe that sound has the power to alter molecule structures, creating a powerful healing tool. Their claims include successfully treating patients suffering from tumors, internal bruises, calcified joints and other serious ailments with this technique.

Sound therapy employs vibrating beds that vibrate at various frequencies and tones to lull patients to sleep while their therapist plays soothing music or tones designed to relax their nervous systems and bodies alike, or restore natural electromagnetic fields disrupted by stress and other environmental factors.

Studies have demonstrated the benefits of harmonic vibrational therapies to be vast, including decreasing stress levels, improving sleep quality and aiding body healing. They can even stimulate endorphin production – natural pain-killers. Furthermore, unlike some pharmaceutical drugs which may produce side effects with their use, these techniques are nontoxic with no known harmful side effects.

Vibrational therapy can be combined with other holistic forms of healing such as Reiki, Acupressure and Massage to provide clients with stress and pain relief, increased energy and better immune function. Sound frequency therapies may even help curb cravings for unhealthy foods by balancing out chemical balance in their brain – this leads to weight loss, improved energy levels and better sleep quality – making vibrational therapy an excellent alternative to pharmaceutical drugs used for insomnia and anxiety treatments.

Tuning Fork Therapy

Tuning forks provide an effective form of harmonic vibrational therapy by using soundwaves with vibration to promote physical and emotional balance. Tuning forks are specially tuned to resonate at specific frequencies proven to have healing properties; their vibration can penetrate the energy field of our bodies to affect tissues and cells directly, stimulating homeostatic pathways.

Weighted forks feature small beads to produce a deeper and resonant tone while unweighted ones emit lighter vibration and purer sound. When held by their handles and struck gently but firmly with either a mallet or the palm of your hand, vibratory sounds travel throughout your body activating acu-points, reflex points, trigger points bones muscles tendons as well as tonifying or dispersing Qi (energy) to promote physical and emotional wellbeing.

These frequencies can help stimulate lymphatic system activity, improve blood flow and help decrease swelling from conditions like edema or fluid retention. Resonating frequencies also encourage the production of healthy white blood cells that strengthen immunity systems; tuning forks are especially effective at relieving stress while alleviating muscle tension for deep relaxation.

At each session, you will lie fully clothed on a massage table while the practitioner finds out which areas and meridians need attention by conducting a short questionnaire and noninvasively taking your pulse and inspecting skin and tongue samples. Forks are then placed on various chakras and acu-points for about 90 minutes of treatment, often combined with other holistic healing techniques like Shiatsu, Cranial-Sacral Therapy, Trigger Point and Polarity Therapy as well as massage, chiropractic care, acupuncture or Reiki energy work. Tuning forks have the unique capability of targeting all areas of the body and can create lasting changes. But it is important to remember that they are only transmitters of energy; transformation comes from within yourself. Therefore, the more proactive self-care steps you take following treatment, the longer term effects will remain in your health and vitality – such as proper nutrition, good sleep habits, meditation or other forms of relaxation will maximize results.

On the Body Sound Work

Human bodies consist of over 70% water, making it an excellent conductor of vibrational healing. One form of sound healing known as Tibetan metal bowl therapy uses vibrational frequencies directly on the body to entrain cells back into their natural harmonic states for improved circulation, energy flow and immune system health. This technique may also help with circulation issues related to energy distribution or flow as well as helping with circulation, energy balance and immune balancing issues.

Harmonies and tones produced by singing bowls produce vibrational resonance within cells, tissues and organs of the body, helping release any blockages to energy flow. Their frequencies also induce deep relaxation while further connecting physical with spiritual aspects of self.

Sound therapy sessions may be offered either directly to individuals or as part of a collective experience like a sound bath, providing a sensory-rich sensory experience through music and sound soothing and relaxing the entire body. Individualized sound therapy sessions usually begin with an introduction to your specific health concerns followed by meditation or visualization; in group settings it might feel more like attending an acoustic sound concert at a yoga studio or shared space.

Studies on vibrational sound therapy techniques demonstrate its positive benefits in terms of relieving stress and anxiety, relieving pain, increasing mood and awareness, clearing energetic and emotional blocks, increasing immunity levels and more. When combined with other vibrational modalities like acupuncture or acupressure they become even more effective.

As neuroscience advances, it has become clear that our bodies and brains are deeply intertwined. Some scientists even speculate that thoughts and emotions can alter cell functioning in ways that result in chronic disease. Sound therapy offers one solution by relaxing both body and mind simultaneously to restore natural equilibrium essential for good health.

Musical tones and frequencies have the power to stimulate touch fibers on all parts of the body, leading some experts to consider vibrational sound therapy an important method for relieving pain than conventional medications alone.

Gong Therapy

Gong baths offer an immersive non-active meditation experience where participants “bathe” in harmonic vibrations that promote healing. Gongs, Himalayan bowls, bells and chimes create an unique sound experience designed to induce deep meditational states that promote balance within both your body and mind.

Sound therapy sessions stimulate your body’s natural healing processes, leading to deeper, meditative states (Alpha and theta brainwaves) where you can access your subconscious and release any blocked emotions that have built up over time. Clients have reported feeling greater clarity and wholeness after participating in sound therapy sessions; for those battling churning thoughts or ruminating thoughts the sound of gongs and other instruments helps calm their minds so that they can reconnect with themselves from within.

The Gong produces an expansive spectrum of frequencies that resonate at both physical and cellular levels. Similar to how dropping a pebble into water creates ripple effects, these resonances can be felt all throughout your body – including muscles, bones and organs as they create an ocean-deep resonance of sound.

These sounds can retune the frequencies in your entire system, bringing them into sync with universal vibrations that promote optimal health and wellness. This process is known as sonic entrainment; your body intuitively knows which frequencies can correct imbalances of negative energy at a cellular level.

Gongs and other sound healing instruments can stimulate a relaxing, anti-inflammatory response in the body by activating the parasympathetic nervous system to balance an overstimulated and stressed-out sympathetic nervous system (“fight or flight” mode). Gongs also create whole body resonance by helping release blocked emotional energy as well as providing deeper relaxation, rejuvenation and overall wellness benefits.

June 13, 2024|Editorial

BICOM Optima Bioresonance Machine For Sale

BICOM optima is a medical device that utilizes bioresonance therapy. This holistic natural healing method activates your own self-healing mechanisms through electromagnetic resonance to promote healing within your own body. BICOM devices are certified medical devices regulated only for allergy therapy use.

What is bioresonance therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive method that uses electromagnetic signals to scan your body and identify any imbalances. The technique relies on the idea that cells communicate using light frequencies; when this system works properly, you experience balanced health and well-being; but if disruptions to cell communication due to illness or stress occur, their communication becomes impaired and imbalances may develop; Bioresonance therapy can help reverse them by restoring energy flows within your body’s natural channels, improving overall wellbeing and providing relief.

At each session, electrodes are attached to your skin and connected to an electromagnetic wave emitter machine that emits electromagnetic waves. This machine measures your cells’ vibrational frequencies against those of healthy people; if any significant discrepancies exist, the machine will register them and alert your practitioner immediately; using that information it can then create a personalized treatment program based on what it learns; its bioresonance device emits wavelengths identical to those naturally produced by your cells so as not to introduce any foreign or harmful frequencies into its outputs.

Every living organism generates electromagnetic fields with specific vibrational frequencies that can be measured using the BICOM device. Its vibrational frequency analysis enables evaluation of electromagnetic fields generated by living organisms as well as detection of any abnormalities within their bodies such as diseases or malfunctions caused by geopathogenic impacts or viruses – with examination procedures completely pain-free for patients.

The BICOM device can detect whether your body’s communication systems are functioning efficiently or not. Additionally, it can determine whether you’re carrying excess weight which may compromise immune and digestive system balance and cause digestive discomfort. Furthermore, this device may recommend specific foods or supplements which may help restore health and enhance quality of life.

Use the BICOM device to assess environmental hazards in your home and detect unhealthy habits such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption that could potentially pose health issues. Furthermore, this device tests blood pressure and heart rhythm levels to make sure everything is normal for each user.

How does bioresonance work?

Bioresonance therapy works on the theory that all cells produce electromagnetic frequencies, which can be adjusted. Proponents of this holistic healing method claim that when harmful frequencies, such as those emitted by toxins or excess stress, become present, they can be sent back at more natural frequencies to each cell so as to help lower its burden and promote healing within.

The BICOM device works by collecting electromagnetic waves and sorting them into harmonious and disharmonious components, with harmonic waves being amplified for sent back into cells to strengthen normal functions while disharmonious ones are “inverted”, turning upside-down by an electronic circuit before being returned – this cancels out harmful vibrations and helps the body restore itself back into health.

At each session, patients sit or lie down with electrodes attached to their skin that connect to a BICOM machine that emits electromagnetic impulses into each cell of their body and reads their responses as sent from this machine; then using this information gathered by this machine, therapists can create an appropriate treatment plan addressing issues identified.

Bioresonance can also help treat allergies effectively by identifying any allergens which do not resonate with our bodies and therefore are likely to trigger allergic responses.

Vets and veterinary naturopaths rely on the BICOM device to assess and treat their patients’ health, including diarrhoea, kidney/bladder infections and general weakness as well as chronic allergies with itching or parasite infestations. Furthermore, this non-invasive device allows vets and veterinary naturopaths to quickly find out what may be triggering symptoms in the first place – environmental toxins or food intolerances for example – so they can make necessary lifestyle adjustments that may help them avoid becoming serious health conditions over time.

Is bioresonance therapy safe?

BICOM bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive technique that uses electromagnetic waves to identify imbalances in your body. Based on the theory that DNA generates altered energy frequencies that can be detected using special machines, once an unfavorable frequency has been identified bioresonance can send electromagnetic impulses which match and harmonize with it, helping your cells return to their natural states faster while hastening healing process.

Bioresonance treatment entails placing electrodes on the skin and connecting them to a machine that reads energy wavelengths, before analyzing this data to generate a report showing which parts of your body may be out of balance. With this information in hand, the therapist can use bioresonance as an aid towards making adjustments and initiating therapy sessions.

Bioresonance therapy has been proven to be highly effective at treating numerous conditions. A study on fibromyalgia patients demonstrated that those receiving bioresonance therapy experienced more positive results than those who only utilized manual therapies. Bioresonance can also be used for allergies like eczema and asthma treatment; and to assist athletes recover from overtraining syndrome by balancing both their systolic blood pressure and heart rate.

Bioresonance therapy not only detects and treats physical ailments, but it can also promote emotional wellbeing. Studies have demonstrated that people receiving bioresonance therapy experience lower levels of stress and depression – this may be due to how bioresonance releases stored negative energy by clearing away emotional blockages.

Bioresonance therapy offers many potential advantages, and many certified practitioners are available who can administer this therapy. However, it should be remembered that bioresonance is not intended as a replacement for conventional medicine; to get the most from bioresonance treatments it’s important that you visit a doctor or naturopathic practitioner who has extensive training and certification in this area in order to understand its advantages and determine if it suits you personally – with their help you could begin living a more balanced and healthier life!

How much does bioresonance therapy cost?

At each treatment session, patients lie on a mat covered with electromagnetic field. When activated by their therapist, BICOM devices in Germany create an electromagnetic field to amplify harmony while cancelling out disharmonious waves through an active mirror circuit – not treating allergies directly but instead supporting their body’s own immunity by decreasing levels of stress substances that have built up and helping restore self-regulation that was disrupted by stressful stimuli. All BICOM devices manufactured by Regumed are CE approved medical devices designed for use by trained practitioners only. All BICOM devices manufactured by Regumed Germany are CE approved medical devices designed exclusively for trained practitioners’ use.

The BICOM optima and optima mobil bioresonance devices are both class IIa medical devices designed for use by doctors and naturopathic practitioners operating their practices from home or outside their offices. Portable and convenient for therapy sessions in multiple locations.

A BICOM session begins with a resonance test in which bodily substances, fluids, and secretions are assessed and imbalances discovered. Based on these data, holistic therapy plans may then be devised. Furthermore, skin punching techniques can be performed on animals using special rings knives in order to obtain standardised skin samples which will then be compared with those obtained from healthy animals in order to identify causes for any imbalances that exist.

Therapy sessions for dogs are gentle, pain-free and stress-free; in fact, some animals even relax so deeply during a session that they fall asleep on the soft mat! Side effects typically include an increase in thirst or tiredness shortly after therapy session has concluded.

Costs associated with bioresonance therapy sessions with BICOM vary by country. Since bioresonance treatment falls under alternative medicine, most statutory health insurers do not cover its cost; however, some private health insurers may offer supplementary coverage that includes this form of therapy. Particularly popular among veterinarians and naturopathic practitioners in Germany is BICOM Mobile Vet bioresonance device because of its cost-effective solution for treating dogs and cats suffering from allergies or chronic illnesses which do not respond well to traditional therapies such as allergy shots or traditional medications.