Energy Medicine: The Science and Mystery of Healing by Jill Blakeway
Jill Blakeway is a Doctor of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine who founded Yinova Women’s Wellness Clinic for integrative women’s wellbeing. Additionally, she writes books and hosts the popular CBS podcast Grow Cook Heal.
Many of her patients remain skeptical about energy healing, yet she’s determined to bridge the gap between science and spirituality. Join her on a global adventure as she uncovers both the science and mystery behind this ancient healing modality.
TED Talks
Jill Blakeway decided to pursue her own career as an energy healer following an experience with energy healing that changed her life forever. Her new book, Energy Medicine: The Science and Mystery of Healing takes readers on an international journey to gain greater understanding of this ancient healing practice and all of its forms.
Blakeway defines “energy medicine” as an umbrella term encompassing various modalities that use manipulation of one or more energy (or “qi,” as it’s known in TCM) sources to diagnose and treat illness in all cells of the body, from diagnoses to treatments. Even experienced practitioners like her recognize there remains some part of this work which remains beyond their grasp.
Jill Blakeway uses cutting-edge research and interviews with experts from all around the world to explore how energy healing techniques work, their purpose and effects. From Stanford and Princeton professors studying energy healing physics, to Chinese Qi Gong masters manifesting healing herbs through their palms, to skeptical scientists using psychic healer’s “hands on” technique repeatedly curing mammary cancer mice… Blakeway shows us the stories behind this incredible and increasingly popular modality.
Blakeway is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, licensed and board-certified acupuncturist, clinical herbalist, and Clinic Director at Yinova Center in New York City since 1999. In addition to this role, she teaches gynecology/obstetrics classes at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine San Diego/Chicago doctoral programs; additionally co-authored of Making Babies: A Proven Three Month Program to Increase Fertility as well as Sex Again Recharging Libido; additionally she is author/coauthor/author of three books about Chinese herbal medicine/energy therapy treatments/energies!
Jill Blakeway has been using energy healing modalities to treat patients for over 25 years as an Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine Doctor. Additionally, she’s a mother, wife, author of two bestselling books (Making Babies and Sex Again) founder of Yinova Center in New York City as well as an integrative wellness expert who specializes in women’s health issues.
Scientist and healer, she approaches her work with both rigor and humility. Here she shares how she came across energy medicine – the wide array of healing modalities which manipulate vital life forces known in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) such as Qi.
Ancient cultures recognized an energetic force that governs our physical and mental processes and promotes health. Jill investigates this ancient practice while providing practical insight into modern energy healing therapies available today.
Jill takes us on an international voyage to better comprehend, apply and explain this powerful healing force. From her own clinic to academia’s halls, she talks with top healers, researchers and practitioners – such as Stanford and Princeton professors exploring energy medicine‘s physics behind healing; Chinese Qi Gong master who manifests healing herbs directly from her palm; as well as teams of sceptical scientists using “hands on” healing to repeatedly cure mammary cancer in mice.
Energy Medicine is an engaging, entertaining, and informative TEDTalk that bridges science and spirituality and presents a convincing case for energy healing as an ancient healing practice. Jill draws upon cutting edge research and her own experience to demonstrate the potential transformative powers of energy healing for ourselves and the planet. She co-authored Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility as well as Sex Again: Recharging Your Libido with coauthor Chris Dingus of Yinova New York as well as hosting CBS radio’s Grow Cook Heal podcast weekly podcast Grow Cook Heal!
People today are turning increasingly toward alternative medicine practices like TEDTalks and self-help books for help with health and well-being issues. Traditional cultures have long identified an animating force known as “chi” or “energy,” which governs physical and mental processes as well as supports our health, such as energy medicine which includes both acupuncture and Chinese herbal remedies. Jill Blakeway–a doctor of acupuncture and Chinese medicine herself as founder of Yinova–invites us on a global journey to better comprehend, apply, and explain this powerful healing force! In her new book published under her brand Yinova banner–Jill Blakeway invites us all on her quest to better comprehend, apply, and explain this powerful healing force better.
Blakeway has been practicing as an acupuncturist and clinical herbalist for more than 25 years, becoming licensed and board-certified as an acupuncturist/clinical herbalist in 1997. Recognized for her expertise on fertility and women’s health issues, she co-authored several bestselling books including Making Babies: A Proven Three Month Plan to Increase Fertility and Sex Again: Recharging Your Libido which have received national media coverage such as New York Times and Boston Globe articles among many others.
She excels at deftly explaining the complex balance between science and mystery that surrounds energy medicine through an engaging, lively, and completely grounded voice. Alongside sharing cutting-edge research on this topic, she introduces us to top healers, researchers, and practitioners: Stanford professors studying energy healing’s physical underpinnings; Chinese Qi Gong masters who use palm healing; skeptical scientists using “hands on” healing to successfully treat mammary cancer mice repeatedly…
Jill’s tale of self-discovery and expansion as a healer will inspire your own journey for health and wellbeing. Our world needs more trained healers who understand both science and practice – join Jill on an experience that will change the way you see healing!
Media Appearances
Jill Blakeway, D.Ac, L.Ac and Board Certified Acupuncturist & Clinical Herbalist is the founder of Yinova Center – an integrative wellness clinic renowned for women’s health services. She has been featured in The New York Times and on CBS radio podcast Grow Cook Heal as well as many national television programs; being the first acupuncturist ever to give a TEDTalk. Furthermore, she has appeared on CNN, ABC News Good Morning America & New York Magazine Martha Stewart Living Elle W & Town & Country magazines.
Jill Blakeway explores a broad array of healing modalities used to diagnose and treat illness by manipulating energy–known as “qi” in Traditional Chinese Medicine–that pulses throughout our bodies. She talks to top healers, researchers, and practitioners such as Stanford professors studying the physics behind energy healing; yoga practitioners using breathing techniques to block their own experience of pain; as well as skeptical scientists at City University New York who used “hands on” healing to cure mammary cancer repeatedly in mice.
She explores how the human body is an intricate network of electrical, electromagnetic and subtle energies which interact to form its core of health, and she offers solutions on engaging intelligent dialogue with these forces to foster health and promote healing. Furthermore, she discusses whether these energies possess intelligence as she shows how these strategies may help address some of today’s most pressing health problems.
Donna Eden has long taught people how to see themselves as energy systems, recognize aches and pains as signs of imbalance, and reclaim their natural healing capabilities. Now in this long-awaited book, Donna applies these teachings to specific health challenges such as menopause, PMS, chronic fatigue and autoimmune diseases, along with general stress reduction strategies.