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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

June 10, 2024|Editorial

Understanding Reiki – From Self-Care to Energy Medicine

Viewing wellbeing through an energetic lens opens a whole new world. Understanding Reiki provides answers to long-standing questions, fills any informational gaps that exist, and corrects misinformation that has become part of today’s practices.

Reiki hasn’t been conclusively shown to help treat any health-related condition; however, it may relieve pain and anxiety, promote relaxation and promote spiritual connection.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a gentle healing method in which practitioners place their hands lightly on or slightly above a patient. Reiki draws its inspiration from Eastern belief systems concerning an energy field or universal life force which promotes natural healing processes within the body, including mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Reiki can be used as an adjunct therapy treatment for conditions like pain management and stress reduction.

Research on Reiki may be limited, but anecdotal evidence demonstrates its therapeutic efficacy against many illnesses and conditions. According to nurses who employ it clinically, its use makes patients more relaxed and cooperative while relieving pain, nausea and vomiting; increasing appetite; improving immune system function; and diminishing anxiety levels.

Reiki practitioners must be appropriately trained in order to administer treatments effectively. They should be able to clearly and concisely describe the process, while having enough experience assessing if clients are suitable candidates for Reiki treatments. Some practitioners offer brief intake interviews similar to medical history forms – these interviews may be more common when working in healthcare environments like hospitals and clinics.

At a Reiki session, clients must remain fully dressed while either sitting in a chair or lying on a mattress, futon, or treatment couch. A practitioner will place his or her hands on various parts of the body – typically beginning with head, shoulders and stomach areas – as part of a session which may also treat chakras (energetic centers) and specific symptoms areas.


A typical session typically lasts around 30 minutes; however, this may change depending on individual needs. Practitioners should spend enough time with clients so that they understand what’s happening and how Reiki works, while answering any queries or addressing concerns or issues raised during treatment.

After receiving Reiki treatments, recipients are strongly encouraged to practice self-healing daily. In order to do this, they should learn all hand positions and practice them for at least an hour every day on whatever area of pain presents the greatest difficulty.

How is Reiki administered?

Many health professionals believe in an invisible energy field surrounding us that contains healing forces. Reiki taps into this belief by rebalancing our energy centers and encouraging healing and wellbeing. It’s a noninvasive, soothing technique that doesn’t require religious beliefs or spiritual development for its benefits – instead simply relaxing while the practitioner places hands over specific parts of your body in a gradual sequence of hand placements.

Reiki practitioners are taught to be completely detached and attentive to the energy flow, rather than manipulating or channeling it towards specific parts of the body. Reiki treatments typically include hand placement sequences as part of a full treatment, with clients typically encouraged to relax into deep, sleeplike states during sessions.

As soon as a session concludes, its receiver usually experiences a sense of peace and serenity. Negative energy that was keeping them unwell begins to shift away, allowing their body to heal itself more rapidly. Since reiki may still not address all aspects of illness or discomfort effectively, however, other therapies that target specific symptoms such as pain and spasticity may still need to be combined as well.

Some individuals experience significant improvement after just one Reiki session; others require multiple sessions in order to overcome an issue. It is always advisable to notify healthcare providers if you use alternative therapies and discuss potential risks or benefits with them before beginning treatment.


Studies demonstrate the efficacy of Reiki therapy for relieving stress and improving quality of life, especially among cancer patients. One such study revealed that cancer patients receiving Reiki therapy were able to tolerate more anesthesia during surgery while experiencing less post-op pain afterward; they also were able to avoid some types of prescription drugs and reduce lengths of stay at hospitals.

What are the benefits of Reiki?

Reiki may offer an alternative approach to your current health concerns or simply enhance the quality of your everyday life, offering stress relief, pain reduction and emotional well-being and spiritual connection while cultivating personal development and providing an overall sense of well-being and personal growth.

Reiki stands for “universal energy,” and practitioners use this practice to harness it and facilitate natural healing processes within the body and enhance overall wellness. Reiki helps physical healing by balancing chakras; mental fatigue may be reduced through meditation practices like Reiki; anxiety levels can decrease; sleep quality improves; mental exhaustion eased off, anxiety decreased, depression reduced and depression alleviated – but as with any alternative medicine treatment regimen reiki isn’t meant as a replacement but should rather complement existing medical treatments rather than serve as a replacement – note this form of treatment as it should not replace medical treatments offered by healthcare practitioners!

Reiki may be helpful in relieving symptoms and conditions, however there is no compelling scientific evidence supporting it as an effective treatment option for any health issue. Reiki should instead be seen as a complementary therapy that should complement existing treatment methods rather than replace them entirely.

At each session, which typically lasts from 30 minutes to two hours, patients lie fully clothed on a massage table with blanket or sheet covering them, fully clothed. A practitioner will gently rest their hands over various parts of their body where energy flows easily – this may result in heat or tingling sensations within your body or other forms of visualization or memories arising during an appointment.

Even without concrete evidence of Reiki’s efficacy for any condition, most patients report positive results, including decreased pain and improved sleep quality. Reiki is also non-invasive and non-disruptive – ideal for people who have difficulty relaxing, chronic pain and stress issues as well as post surgery and chemotherapy patients as it helps alleviate side effects while decreasing anxiety levels – plus can even provide comfort during times of grief and loss.

What are the risks of Reiki?

Reiki has been proven to help reduce stress, lower pain and anxiety levels, increase immunity and support recovery in cancer, injuries, surgeries, diseases and more. Some studies cite placebo effects while others point out real physiological advantages from energy work.

Before receiving Reiki treatments, it is essential that you inform your health care provider. In addition, alcohol and caffeine should be avoided before any sessions; comfortable loose clothing should also be worn so as to allow free movement during reiki treatments. Furthermore, prior to your appointment try relaxing by taking a warm bath, practicing deep breathing exercises, journaling about past experiences or reflecting.

At a Reiki session, your practitioner holds their hands over different areas of your body that have specific significance; such as your heart. Reiki therapy has been known to have profound effects on emotions and love relationships in particular – which explains why Reiki may have such an effectful influence on many hearts.

Many patients report feeling more relaxed and calm after only one session of Reiki; for others it may take multiple visits for it to have any lasting effect. Our practitioners may suggest dietary or lifestyle modifications as part of your healing journey.

Reiki therapy should only ever be seen as a complementary therapy; therefore, if you’re experiencing symptoms like severe fatigue, fever, or any serious medical conditions it is imperative that you contact your physician as soon as possible.

Reiki practitioners largely believe energy work offers benefits to your health and wellbeing, yet some skeptics remain skeptical. Although scientific proof cannot be given as to the efficacy of Reiki therapy, a growing number of clinical studies demonstrate its effects in areas like stress reduction, pain relief and emotional stability.

No matter your belief system, being open-minded about new experiences is always best. And if you decide to give energy work a try, find an accredited practitioner.

June 10, 2024|Editorial

Medical Radiesthesia – Dowsing For Health Matters

Medical radiesthesia, also known as “dowsing for health matters”, has endured for 8,000 years and now stands to make another leap forward – this time with solid scientific backing.

Radionics is an emerging science that uses electromagnetic radiation to detect and locate objects both close to and far from our bodies.

Subtle anatomy of the human

Energetic Medicine (EM), is a healing modality that works with our subtle anatomy or energy structure, such as meridians, energy centers and biofield. This book presents its main components and explores their impact using energetic medicine techniques as well as exploring its physical implications in conventional medical physiology.

Radiesthesia is an ancient, pendulum-based divination method that utilizes pendulums to detect intrinsic radiations emitted by substances both locally (“dowsing”) and remotely (“teleradiesthesia”). It was first practiced in Egypt as an exact science, later becoming one of the main tools used by Jesuit missionaries in foreign lands to locate herbal remedies. Today it’s making another long leap forward onto stable scientific grounds – now called BioGeometry; using it scientists can now tackle some of today’s toughest problems head on, turning our life-threatening technological world into something humane!

Energy fields

Medical Radiesthesia is an ancient healing science founded on observing intangible energy fields surrounding living things and their interactions with their environment. It includes both divining, known as dowsing, and more sophisticated instruments known as radionics – these practices were first recorded being employed in Egypt for sensing hidden gold deposits; nowadays many practitioners still employ both pendulums and sophisticated electronic devices to detect vibrational frequencies and use both to track them down.

Radiesthesia dowsing can also detect subtle energies that influence human bodies. To do this, radiesthesia practitioners create samples from individuals or objects they wish to examine; each vibrational sample carries all the vibrational characteristics associated with them and serves as a representation of energy status for ongoing diagnostic analysis – making radiesthesia an invaluable healing tool.

Radiesthesia practitioners utilize a pendulum to detect vibrational frequency of individuals being tested, then determine whether this reading is positive or negative. A positive reading indicates health while negative readings indicate possible problems that need addressing, providing vital insight for finding suitable remedies.

Radiesthetic analysis of a patient involves considering various factors, from pathogenic micro-organisms to nerve conditions. Furthermore, the radiesthetic practitioner will assess vitamin and mineral deficiencies as well as using his knowledge of psoric theory to select an effective homoeopathic remedy for each individual patient.

Radiesthesia practitioners seeking homoeopathic remedies should keep in mind that it should not be seen as a replacement to classical homoeopathy but an indispensable aid. Radiesthesia allows physicians to gain an accurate picture of each patient while also making sure important diseases don’t go undetected.


A dowsing rod or pendulum is used in radiesthesia to increase human sensitivity to subtle vibrations, especially electromagnetic fields. This tool can be used to detect water, gold, gemstones or missing items. Medical radiesthesia uses it as an assessment tool of diseases or health issues in which special forms of radiesthesia allow practitioners to quickly locate causes and solutions of problems through precise pinpointing techniques.

Human beings are believed to be intricate energy systems composed of many energies that interact constantly with their environments. If an energy field becomes disturbed, an individual’s radiesthesia will respond by responding unconsciously or relaying that reaction back unknowingly to a dowser; this process is known as remote or teleradiesthesia.

Medical radiesthesia uses the pendulum as a diagnostic tool to measure a client’s energetic body, such as whether certain foods, supplements or personal care products affect both their physical and energetic state. Dowsers then use it to detect blockages or imbalances within that client’s energetic field – offering an alternative treatment method which can detect disease causes more effectively and provide effective remedies.

Medical radioesthesia was popularly practiced by ancient Egyptian pharaohs and their priests for divination purposes; such divination methods included cleidomancy, coscinomancy, and dactylomancy.

Modern times have seen it gain increasing attention across Europe and North America, where several books have been written on this subject and mainstream society has become more accepting of it. Furthermore, mine detection techniques were employed during World War II by both Germany and Italy’s armies as part of a military strategy.

Though not scientifically reliable, radiesthesia‘s results remain striking and cannot be explained using conventional science alone. Many of its results can also be difficult to replicate in a laboratory environment; nevertheless, when practiced responsibly and with diligence it can produce accurate and useful outcomes.


Medical Radiesthesia uses pendulums to detect imbalances in the body. A practitioner can then pinpoint its source and establish solutions to restore equilibrium. This technique relies on the concept that everything has a vibratory energy field which can be detected and used for healing and balance purposes, particularly with Radionics and Homeopathy practices.

Radiesthesia can sometimes be mistaken for “dowsing”, however it refers to more extensive set of techniques than simply using divining rods or pendulums to locate water and mineral resources. Radiesthesia involves measuring all radiation emitted by minerals, plants, animals and human beings and is an age-old empirical science which often falls victim to ignorance.

Now being revived and developed scientifically, it stands ready to take an important leap into the future. Ayurveda offers a practical, non-dogmatic method of diagnosis and treatment which complements established medical practices; any departures from conventional orthodox methods do not present potential regression; instead they open up potential therapies which are more rationally founded than some practices widely employed today.

Radiesthesia testing procedures often focus on discovering what substances an individual is allergic or intolerant of. A radiesthetic test involves analysing a request form with hair sample from a client and then testing for resonance or dissonance between their response and that allergen/substance being tested against.

Radiesthesia is often used for testing electromagnetic fields around the head and neck area, often used as part of migraine treatment. A quick and accurate radiesthetic test can quickly identify migraines, headaches and other conditions linked to electromagnetic fields in this region within minutes or seconds; providing relief more rapidly from symptoms.

June 10, 2024|Editorial

A Quote From Quantum Healing Chopra

Chopra blends the best of modern Western medicine and neuro-science with ancient healing traditions from India to suggest that true health lies within tapping into our energy field that pervades all bodies.

No matter their scientific validity, mainstream medical research has demonstrated that mind-body interactions like the placebo effect do occur.


Meditation is an age-old practice of centering the mind and clearing away unwanted thoughts, with benefits that range from relieving stress levels to improving overall well-being. Meditation has long been used as part of alternative medicine as well as mind-body therapy; its scientific basis lies within quantum physics as well as ancient traditions like Ayurveda.

Chopra is a trained medical doctor with degrees in various fields who advocates the integration of Eastern spiritual traditions with modern medicine. He is author of over 90 books including his seminal work “Quantum Healing,” which examines the intersection between medicine, quantum physics and mind-body connection – specifically how certain types of healing, like spontaneous remissions can be linked back to an understanding of quantum principles and conscious power.

Quantum healing theory states that thoughts, emotions, and intentions can have an effect on one’s physical wellbeing. This concept stems from the belief that all forms of energy – including that found within humans – vibrate at constant rates throughout nature. A practitioner of quantum healing uses one’s life force (similar to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda’s concepts of chi or prana) to harmonize body energy systems and achieve greater balance between them all.

Chopra’s theories resemble those of the placebo effect, which have been demonstrated through various scientific experiments. Yet many in the scientific community remain dubious of his claims as quantum physics best describes small particles rather than macro objects as suggested by Chopra. Still, his methods remain popular and have even inspired offshoots such as Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique.


Hypnosis allows your mind to heal itself. According to Chopra, this technique relies on quantum physics principles. He contends that our physical health results from our interactions between mind and body; thoughts, emotions and beliefs influence biological processes via an entanglement mechanism that promotes healing while negative ones may contribute to disease triggering.

Chopra describes in his book how the human body is an array of information and intelligence, composed of vibrational energy which constitutes the building blocks of our universe. Vibrations are created through micro-moments known as quantum fluctuations which cause them to change the state of physical objects.

This book addresses the relationship between your beliefs and health, particularly quantum healing principles, and your physical wellbeing. According to quantum healing principles, believing something will bring it into existence; meditation and hypnosis have proven successful self-healing techniques; while many in medical circles remain skeptical of these techniques they have nonetheless proven to help with certain ailments.

Chopra has amassed an enormous fortune from his teachings, and while they may not be scientifically sound, his beliefs appear to work for many people. While controversial in nature, his teachings should not be used as an alternative form of treatment for serious conditions; taking vitamins and receiving regular checkups remains important; meditation, hypnosis and yoga should all be part of daily routine. AcousticSheep offers SleepPhones which include wellness CDs that include some of these practices into everyday routine.


Dr. Deepak Chopra, an endocrinology-trained physician, began exploring the roots of illness after witnessing patients in his medical practice make remarkable recoveries from seemingly terminal conditions without receiving medicine from him. He concluded that these healings occurred because their consciousness changed rather than because any drugs he prescribed.

Chopra fused Western medical knowledge with insights from Eastern spiritual traditions and quantum physics to create his theory of quantum healing, an holistic approach to health that relies on consciousness to foster physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Through his writings and lectures he promotes integration between alternative medicine practices and modern scientific knowledge – in other words bridging East and West; mind and body; spirit and science.

Chopra has become one of the leading figures in alternative medicine and is frequently criticized for promoting and profiting from treatments that have not yet been rigorously tested by scientific studies or adhere to accepted medical principles. He has also been accused of pushing esoteric concepts like the Law of Attraction – which asserts that positive thinking brings forth positive outcomes – in his practice. In response to such criticisms, he maintains he is simply following his passion to heal humanity.

Chopra asserts in his best-selling book Ageless Body, Timeless Mind that healing begins by acknowledging and nurturing the strong connection between mind and matter. According to him, quantum mechanics of subatomic realm provides an explanation for phenomena such as placebo effect; quantum-based understanding between person’s mind and body could aid in finding new treatments for chronic disease if we look beyond biomedical models of healthcare provisioning.


The body is an amazing healing machine, capable of overcoming virtually all health conditions on its own. But true healing requires taking an holistic approach that encompasses mind, body and soul – as illustrated by this quote from Quantum Healing – in order to reach overall wellness. Balance between all three elements is central to this healing process; this allows individuals to identify any underlying issues which could be hindering their health or well-being and address them more quickly and effectively.

Quantum Healing is an integrative medical system combining Eastern and Western approaches to healing. Ayurveda serves as its spiritual base, while pioneers of quantum physics provide scientific support.

Quantum healing rests on the assumption that mind and body are intrinsically linked; thoughts and emotions affect physical health in tangible ways. Numerous studies demonstrate the power of positive thinking to enhance immune function and promote healing. Furthermore, studies on placebo effects demonstrate just how influential the mind can be in aiding or hindering body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Quantum healing takes an holistic approach to wellness, encouraging patients to combine traditional Western medicine with alternative and complementary therapies for maximum effect. The practice stresses the significance of emotional and mental wellness issues being treated, since this often forms the root of disease. Furthermore, quantum healing encourages patients to foster a positive mindset and believe in themselves to heal.

Quantum healing may rely on unproven theories, yet there’s no doubt it can help improve health and promote wellbeing. But its efficacy often depends on patient trust in these methods – something which may be affected by their understanding of any theoretical explanation provided for treatment.

The Egely Wheel

Our bodies contain an incredible, life-force energy known as chi or prana that influences both our health and emotions, drawing many towards practices such as telekinesis and quantum healing chopra as means to tap into it.

George Egely, a PhD research engineer and member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, invented an objective measure for life energy called the Egely Wheel in the mid 1980s. This device consists of a 70 mm wheel with an delicate pivot fueled by universal life energy; internal electronics track its speed of rotation and color-coded LED displays display scores between 0-400 (an average is near 100).

Scientist who invented the Egely Wheel did not fully comprehend how it works, but experiments have demonstrated that its operation does not rely on heat, convection or electromagnetic energy. He found that certain groups had an outsized effect on its operation – healers and regular practitioners of meditation and yoga especially produced noticeable results on it while those who are ill, nervous or depressed had lower scores; Healer/Psychic Uri Geller even recorded one of the highest scores he’d ever recorded!

Deepak Chopra’s book Quantum Healing describes the mysterious recovery of patients suffering from cancer and other diseases, and suggests this process could be tied to quantum physics and consciousness theory. He further credits Maharishi Ayurveda – an ancient Indian system which views health as the result of balance among body, mind, and spirit – as supporting evidence.

June 10, 2024|Editorial

Reverse Aging Effects of Smoking

Smoking decreases your body’s natural repair processes and accelerates skin aging prematurely; it may even lead to wrinkles and gum disease.

Once you quit smoking, your body will begin its own recovery process and can expect positive changes within one to four months, depending on individual circumstances. Some benefits associated with quitting include:

Reduces Your Risk of Cancer

As soon as you quit smoking, your body starts repairing damage done by years of tobacco use. Your heart rate returns to normal, your breathlessness improves and carbon monoxide levels in your blood return to healthy levels – the longer you remain smoke-free the greater its benefits; cancer and heart disease risk decrease while lung function continues to improve. If you need assistance quitting please reach out for support through helplines or healthcare providers for resources.

Studies show that quitting smoking dramatically lowers one’s risk of dying from cancer and other diseases. Lung cancer risks decline rapidly after quitting; even smokers who had been smoking for 10-15 years can see their cancer risk return to that of someone who never smoked, provided they remain smoke-free.

Individuals who can successfully quit smoking see an immediate and dramatic reduction in their increased risk of death, with those who quit before age 35 seeing almost complete reduction in the extra risks associated with smoking. Quitting before middle age has even lower mortality risks than beginning later in life; and these advantages still benefit both men and women from different racial/ethnic groups.

Quitting smoking not only reduces your risk of cancer, but it can also protect other organs such as your bladder, esophagus and kidney. Furthermore, quitting is linked to decreased diabetes risks and improves the health of blood vessels, skin eyes and lungs – in addition to contributing to premature wrinkles and discolorations effects on these areas of the body.

Reduces Your Risk of Heart Disease

Smoking raises your nicotine bloodstream levels to dangerously high levels, leading to constricted vessels that restrict oxygen-rich red blood cells from reaching your heart and other organs. When you stop smoking, these levels quickly return to normal within a day or so – significantly lowering the risk of heart attacks or other cardiovascular events.

Quitting smoking will have immediate benefits at any age, but the sooner it happens the greater its effect will be. A smoker who quits before age 30 reverts to nonsmoker mortality rates within a year; half of their additional risk for coronary heart disease has also vanished within one year.

Cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks and strokes, are the leading causes of death among smokers. Smoking damages the lining of your blood vessels, making them harder for them to work effectively; and raises your risk for heart attack by increasing levels of clotting substances in your body.

Just one day after giving up smoking, your risk of heart disease falls to that of nonsmokers; your cardiovascular and respiratory conditions also decrease, along with any risks for cancer of the lung or bladder that might arise in time.

Blake Thomson, former Surveillance & Health Equity Science team leader of ACS research found in his study that even smokers who began later can significantly lower their cancer, heart disease and respiratory disease risks upon quitting smoking. For instance, lung cancer risks drop substantially while risk of respiratory illnesses like bronchitis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) goes down dramatically.

Reduces Your Risk of Stroke

Smoking significantly increases a person’s risk of stroke, which occurs when blood vessels in the brain either break open or become blocked by clots. Smoking causes blood vessel walls to thicken more easily and forms more clots more readily, increasing their chances of blockage or breaking open and thus leading to strokes more frequently than among nonsmokers. People living with smokers or who themselves smoke have twice the risk of suffering a stroke than nonsmokers do.

Smokers are at increased risk for stroke due to damage done to their heart by smoking, making it harder for it to supply oxygenated blood to their brain. A stroke can also occur when a clot travels through blood vessels to the brain and blocks an artery; when people quit smoking their blood vessels become more flexible and oxygenated reducing risk for a stroke.

As someone smokes tobacco products, their blood can become irritated from exposure to nicotine-laced tobacco products and become compromised, leading to buildups of fatty deposits in their arteries which increase their chances of breaking down and blocking a vessel. Quitting can reverse some of this damage done to one’s arteries while simultaneously lowering blood pressure thereby decreasing risk for strokes.

Study participants who had experienced either a stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA) were found to reduce the risk of another one by 34% simply by quitting smoking, similar to what could be achieved with other medical treatments such as statin medications, anticoagulation therapy or low-fat diets.

Reduces Your Risk of Gum Disease

Smoking causes irreparable harm to both gums and teeth. Smokers are five times more likely than nonsmokers to have periodontal disease – caused by buildups of tartar and bacteria on teeth and gums that result in inflammation leading to inflammation-induced tooth loss – with chewing tobacco serving as an additional risk. After quitting smoking, your gums heal as inflammation subsides, lessening chances of further damage being done to them by nicotine exposure.

Smokers also face an increased risk of mouth cancer and are more prone to problems with their gums, teeth, and oral surgery than non-smokers. Gum disease can be devastating and lead to tooth loss, recession of gum tissue and the formation of pockets around roots of teeth. Smokers may also experience complications after gum or oral surgery which require longer for recovery than non-smokers.

No matter the motivation to quit smoking, your teeth and gums should be among the primary concerns. If smoking has negatively impacted the state of your oral health, talk to your dentist about ways you can reverse its impact and strengthen your oral care routine.

Smokers who want to improve their dental health and kick the habit can never wait. While quitting may be challenging, it is achievable with tools such as stop-smoking aids, cessation counseling and a support network available. When withdrawal hits hard, distract yourself by sipping water or taking long walks – eventually your cravings will subside and you’ll begin feeling more secure without cigarettes!

Reduces Your Risk of Wrinkles

Smoking can have serious health repercussions, from premature wrinkles to worsening existing skin conditions like psoriasis or eczema. Cigarette smoke’s toxic ingredients also damage collagen and elastin fibers essential for maintaining healthy skin – creating what is commonly referred to as the smoker’s face, an aged look. Smoking also narrows blood vessels which decrease oxygen flow to skin tissues causing dry, flaky patches on your complexion.

Smoking also contributes to age spots and hyperpigmentation by increasing production of metalloproteinase, an enzyme which breaks down collagen. This results in decreased skin elasticity as well as wrinkles and lines around mouth and eyes where people purse lips when smoking or squint when puffing away.

Quitting smoking reverses the signs of aging by revitalizing your body’s ability to produce collagen. A 2019 study demonstrated this fact; collagen production resumed within one month of quitting, helping smooth and firm the skin while possibly reducing fine lines and wrinkles common among smokers. Furthermore, eating foods rich in Vitamin A and C may also promote healthier-looking skin.

After quitting smoking, your blood circulation improves significantly and carbon monoxide levels in your blood decrease to normal, making it easier for your skin to receive nutrients it requires. Furthermore, your lungs will start healing from years of smoking damage; many former smokers report looking younger after quitting! This should provide plenty of motivation as you embark on becoming a nonsmoker!

June 9, 2024|Editorial

Can Alternative Therapy Cure Cancer?

Alternative therapies are treatments that do not fit into conventional medical classification. While alternative therapies may appear promising at first glance, they could cause harmful side effects or interfere with cancer treatments by stopping them working effectively or increasing side effects. Furthermore, they could give false hope: although promising remedies don’t guarantee a cure.

What is CAM?

CAM stands for complementary and alternative medicine, which refers to treatments outside mainstream healthcare and can include anything from acupuncture to aromatherapy. “Complementary” refers to practices used alongside conventional medical treatment while “alternative” means they’re used instead.

There is no statutory regulation of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), so it is crucial that you find a practitioner you trust. Many types of CAM offer voluntary registers where qualified practitioners can be found. Furthermore, healthcare professionals like GPs may offer CAM treatments. It should be noted that not everyone finds these therapies appropriate; so before beginning any therapy regimen it would be prudent to speak to your GP first who will assess if the therapy will suit you and recommend any precautionary measures required.

What are some examples of alternative therapies?

Many people turn to complementary therapies as part of their healthcare regimen, including acupuncture for certain forms of pain relief and nausea. Other complementary therapies may include yoga, massage and music therapy – though much less research has been conducted into them than more established medical therapies for conditions like cancer.

Alternative practices often lack scientific plausibility and cannot be evaluated using ethical clinical trials that produce repeatable evidence of an effect or no effect. Instead, these practices rely on testimonials, anecdotes, religion, tradition, superstition, belief in supernatural “energies”, errors in reasoning or propaganda to prove themselves as valid medical solutions; some even refer to such practices as New Age Medicine, pseudo-medicine, unorthodox medicine fringe medicine or holistic healthcare as their basis.

Complementary and alternative medicines, therapies, and treatments differ significantly from natural remedies or homeopathy that many people turn to in treating themselves. Homeopathy uses plant substances like homeostatic plants for treating symptoms of illness. While most people don’t mind taking vitamins and minerals in general, taking high doses could cause side effects or interfere with your standard medications – consult your physician first before doing this!

Alternative therapies often take either a physiological (affecting mind or body) or spiritual approach, or both. Examples include meditation and hypnosis for physiological therapies while spiritual therapies such as Reiki and Yoga for spiritual therapies; additionally some practitioners combine both approaches such as Ayurveda.

Some people believe complementary therapies can strengthen their immune systems and aid their bodies in fighting off cancer, but there’s no concrete proof to back this claim up. Although people might hope these complementary therapies help, conventional cancer treatments have failed to control it effectively and many may turn to complementary therapy instead as an attempt at self-treatment or delaying or forgoing effective medical treatments as an answer. Unfortunately, numerous studies have demonstrated this is often not the case as these individuals often delay or bypass effective treatments altogether which results in worse outcomes than using standard medical approaches instead.

Can alternative therapies cure cancer?

There is no scientific proof that alternative therapies can cure or slow cancer’s progression, or be an effective replacement for traditional medical treatment. Though alternative therapy approaches haven’t been rigorously examined and may help supplement medical therapy regimens, many have yet to be proven safe – in fact some approaches have even shown to increase mortality risk from cancer!

People living with cancer are eager to try alternative cancer therapies in search of relief, including alternative medicine remedies that have not been tested by medical science and could potentially pose risks. A recent study discovered that patients who opted out of standard care and instead relied solely on alternative therapies were more likely to succumb than those receiving standard care; this finding highlights why it is imperative for physicians to be aware of potential dangers associated with certain non-conventional cancer therapies and to educate their patients accordingly.

Researchers examined patients with curable cancers who opted for alternative medicine over surgery, chemotherapy or radiation as a source of treatment. Their researchers discovered that such patients were five times more likely to succumb than those receiving conventional cancer care; however, the researchers noted some significant limitations with this research: for instance, only those completely opting out were considered while not those choosing complementary methods alongside traditional ones (which is more prevalent).

National Cancer Institute warns patients who choose alternative remedies for cancer that using alternative remedies could put both themselves and their loved ones’ lives in jeopardy. Some alternative cancer treatments, like amygdalin found naturally in bitter almonds, peach stones and apricot kernels and its synthetic form known as laetrile which has proven itself effective against certain forms of cancers can have severe negative side-effects on health if used improperly – see report for example).

Most cancer doctors advocate using complementary therapies in tandem with medical treatments, including yoga, acupuncture and meditation which may help alleviate stress and enhance quality of life. They suggest against replacing proven medical therapies with alternative remedies as these don’t offer comparable safety and efficacy.

Are alternative therapies safe?

People utilize complementary and alternative therapies as part of their medical management strategy, including herbal remedies, yoga, acupuncture, meditation and nutritional/physiological/physical techniques. While some approaches have been scientifically investigated for safety considerations, others remain unknown and make it hard to know if they’re appropriate or unsafe.

Alternative treatments often lack sufficient evidence of safety and effectiveness, in part due to being developed outside the UK where they are more widely practiced than here. Furthermore, certain practices have been proven to interfere with standard therapy regimens or cause unwanted side effects; so it is advisable that any complementary or alternative therapy therapy be discussed beforehand with your healthcare provider.

Alternative and complementary therapies have long been used to address specific mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety and chronic pain. When combined with conventional treatments such as medication and therapy sessions, such therapies can prove particularly helpful for treating mental illness. Some examples include mindfulness meditation and hypnotherapy as effective therapies.

Alternative therapies may boost immunity to aid cancer treatments; however, their mechanisms remain unknown to doctors. Even so, many believe using complementary therapies alongside conventional cancer therapies makes their conventional cancer therapy even more effective.

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and holistic therapy can often be confused, however the National Institutes of Health (NIH) distinguishes between them. Complementary therapies refer to treatments used alongside conventional medicine; alternative therapies refer to those which replace it entirely.

People should seek medical advice prior to beginning any complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs). Their doctor can give guidance as to which therapies may be suitable and whether there could be interactions between therapies and any medications or supplements they are currently taking and alternative treatments they try, as well as help them find trustworthy sources of information regarding CAMs and how they work. It’s also important to remember that if an alternative treatment does not help alleviate symptoms, its continuation should not be pursued.