Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

January 15, 2024|Editor

Terahertz Quantum Healing

Terahertz (THz) waves have long held great interest among researchers and scientists due to their non-ionizing properties that make it safe for human bodies.

Nearly every molecule exhibits unique spectral signatures in the THz range, according to research. Terahertz radiation may play a significant role in cell functions such as improving nutrient absorption and digestive health.

Health Benefits

Each molecule in our bodies has an electromagnetic fingerprint spectrum located within the terahertz range that resonates with it, providing many health benefits and not being harmful like radio waves, microwaves, infrared rays or gamma rays do. These frequencies also do not emit radiation that causes radiation damage as is common with radio waves, microwaves, infrared rays or gamma rays do.

Biochemical macromolecules like DNA, RNA and proteins contain essential information needed for life functions. Their ability to communicate and pass along this knowledge relies heavily on vibrational states of these molecules; which are determined largely by hydrogen bonds holding them together as well as water channels called aquaporins in which they reside. Terahertz frequency waves have been proven to promote formation of hydrogen bonds and encourage proper folding of proteins.

Research has demonstrated that terahertz waves can do more than break down cancer cells; they also induce short duration DNA Damage Response which initiates DNA repair, helping prevent mutations and genome aberrations which could potentially lead to various diseases.

Studies have also demonstrated that terahertz frequencies can stimulate neural stem cell (NSC) progenitor cells to proliferate more quickly, helping replenish neurons in the brain and possibly leading to better cognitive performance.

Due to their stress-reducing properties, terahertz waves can help facilitate healthy sleeping patterns and promote restful restful slumber. When combined with other non-pharmacological interventions like mindfulness and relaxation techniques this can create comprehensive stress management programs.

THz waves have been proven to help unclog blood vessels and lymphatic systems, helping the body remove waste products and toxins that reduce inflammation. Terahertz wave therapy can increase blood flow to heart, lungs and extremities which is beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Our bodies are an intricate system comprised of organic and inorganic materials, from our blood vessels to DNA coding strands. As humans we are an interconnected system with multiple parts that work in harmony; in Chinese medicine terms this balance between Metal (meridians, organ systems) and Fire (lymphatic system activity) as key.

Stress Reduction

Terahertz waves’ ability to penetrate deep tissues and cells without heating them makes terahertz radiation suitable for non-invasive medical uses, offering non-invasive approaches to health and wellness. Their frequencies can modulate cell activity as well as modify immune function – offering new approaches towards wellness and improved wellbeing.

Terahertz wavelengths have also been proven to produce analgesic effects and cognitive enhancement, making them perfect candidates for stress reduction and relaxation. Furthermore, research suggests terahertz radiation could even help promote metabolism and energy production, making it useful in supporting weight management.

Research studies are increasingly showing the value of terahertz frequencies in maintaining human health and disease prevention. Terahertz frequencies may play an essential part in keeping normal cells healthy, awakening dormant ones, and eliminating damaged ones while simultaneously improving cell communication and increasing immunity against illness and disease.

Numerous biomolecules, such as DNA, RNA and proteins, possess vibrational states that can be measured using terahertz technology. A protein’s vibrational state depends on its hydrogen bond structures as well as the water environment surrounding it; including water channels called aquaporins which may be stimulated with terahertz radiation to facilitate folding and improve function.

Terahertz frequency waves can trigger the DNA damage response, providing protection from many diseases by upregulating genes and pathways that protect your genome. Furthermore, they may facilitate microenvironmental restructuring to facilitate better cell homeostasis and avoid malignant transformation.

Terahertz wavelengths can also help modulate immune cells, maintaining optimal cardiovascular health through inducing vasodilation and decreasing inflammation, thus improving overall circulation.

All these benefits make terahertz waves an attractive prospect for improving our quality of life, particularly with regards to health and well-being. As such, the demand for terahertz wands has steadily been on the rise. If you’re curious to learn how terahertz quantum healing could benefit your wellbeing further, contact Iteracare Frequency & Light Wand company distributors such as Iteracare Frequency & Light Wand to locate the ideal device for you.

Pain Reduction

Terahertz waves have long been recognized to have positive effects on our bodies, with its frequencies aligned with those found in healthy cells and proven effective at healing, increasing energy levels, improving skin condition and detoxifying systems and strengthening immunity. Terahertz waves can penetrate deep into tissues without damage and affect multiple bodily processes and organs simultaneously.

The body absorbs terahertz wave energy through its skin, altering vibrational, rotational, and weak intermolecular forces of organic biomacromolecules. This triggers mechanotransduction – cells’ ability to transform mechanical cues into biochemical signals needed to maintain homeostasis – which in turn allows cellular mechanotransduction – making for effective wound healing, inflammation reduction, bone density improvement, tendon regeneration as well as other benefits for homeostasis maintenance.

Studies have also demonstrated the efficacy of Terahertz technology in alleviating symptoms associated with chronic pain and stress, while THz waves may provide neuroprotective benefits that improve focus, reaction times and cognitive performance. These technologies could prove particularly beneficial to athletes looking for ways to optimize mental health and well-being.

There are various terahertz frequency devices on the market, but we highly recommend the iTeraCare Frequency & Light Wand as it has a proven track record and is extremely cost-effective – we also appreciate its proven affordability as a wellness device! With three core technologies – Terahertz Gap Technology, Quantum Scalar Technology and Optical Quartz Technology – it easily unblocks and stimulates energy centers, meridians and stem cells without creating blockages or disruption. In addition to these benefits it also quickly makes charged charged linear structured super hydrating terahertz water which benefits skin conditions as well as immune systems – users have given many positive testimonials regarding its benefits! It boasts many glowing testimonials from satisfied users as well.

This device is the ideal way to relieve pain and improve wellness, especially if you suffer from medical conditions like fibromyalgia, arthritis, migraines, back or neck problems and weight issues. In addition, this wand has also been proven effective against depression insomnia chronic fatigue as well as weight loss – all qualities essential to overall well-being for women and men of all ages alike – some even use it for beauty or anti-ageing reasons; it reduces wrinkles while improving skin tone.

Immune System Support

Terahertz frequencies differ significantly from microwave and infrared frequencies that we are more familiar with, such as those used for diathermy, bone-heating, and laser therapy; they do not produce ionizing radiation – which poses serious health hazards including burns, cancer and genetic damage – by not being visible to our naked eyes and has much shorter wavelengths than what can be detected by human eyes.

Terahertz spectrum has the longest wavelength in electromagnetic radiation and is commonly referred to as the “fingerprint spectrum,” due to each molecule having their own individual pattern in this frequency range. For instance, protein hydrogen bonds vibrating vibrating reflect in this frequency range which plays an integral role in catalyzing energetic reactions in cells as well as transmitting information between them.

Our cells are constantly exposed to endogenous and environmental agents that can damage DNA, hindering their ability to perform their function and eventually leading to mutations and genome anomalies that endanger overall health. Luckily, life has developed systems to detect DNA damage, signal its presence and facilitate repair efforts.

Studies have demonstrated that terahertz waves can accelerate this process and improve DNA integrity, stimulating and activating our innate immune systems to aid healing from within.

Terahertz frequencies provide additional immune support while simultaneously improving cellular respiration by encouraging vasodilation of blood vessels, decreasing inflammation, and mitigating oxidative stress – offering great promise to those suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma.

Terahertz frequencies offer many additional health and wellness benefits that go far beyond the benefits outlined above. They work by strengthening auric fields around your body, which has an incredible impact on your sense of well being. These noninvasive, high frequency rays help create calmness and peace within you while increasing focus for task at hand. Terahertz waves resonate at the same frequency as your natural magnetic field in your body making this technology an incredible healing tool; plus its simplicity means no additional software downloads or settings to use it effectively.

January 15, 2024|Editor

How to Make Your Own Mini Zapper

Our Zapper is an improved version of the device outlined by Hulda Clark and her electronic engineer son in their book, “The Cure for All Diseases.” It works on the principle that parasites have resonant frequencies which can be detected and dismantled with electrical energy.

Clark instructed her patients to use it by placing its handles onto wet wristbands, or as Clark preferred, by zapping their feet with it. There are various applicators available; carbon handles are preferred.


The Zapper is a hand-held frequency generator that uses safe electric pulses to combat what Dr. Clark considers the root of all disease – parasites. It emits 30KHz frequency waves which have proven devastatingly effective against bacteria, viruses, fungi and mites – using resonance principles it can quickly eliminate harmful organisms from your body! Coupled with herbal parasite cleansing solutions it may even rid it completely!

This device is simple to use; simply plug a new 9V alkaline battery in and connect the alligator clips of its cords with any electrode contact points such as copper tubes, wristbands or socks. A red LED lights up when operating while green indicates when connected; after three 7-minute sessions the zapper automatically switches off with audible and visual notifications as to its status or when its battery needs replacing.

Clark claimed that the Zapper was effective against many health conditions, including cancer. Although its effectiveness has not been proven in scientific studies, many individuals report seeing significant improvements to their health by using it. One theory suggests it can kill parasites responsible for disease by exposing them to their own resonant frequency which causes them to burst – this may help explain its success against disease as a whole.

Effective use of the zapper is key for realizing its full benefits. To maximize results, the device should be used on all areas of the body – feet and lymph glands particularly – with periodic on/off use for optimal effectiveness; hence why zapping should take place every other day for approximately 30 seconds at least.

The ideal zapper can be purchased online from various vendors and should feature high quality design and components, and be tested using an oscilloscope to verify its output waveform. In particular, Dr. Clark specifies a positive offset as well as pedestal offset in addition to being capable of running multiple frequencies at the same time.


The Zapper is the main tool used in holistic Clark-Therapy to destroy parasites and their trigger substances, electrically with low current that poses no threat to human bodies. A daily session helps cleanse your system of these harmful agents. Battery-operated zappers can be particularly effective at alleviating serious conditions in as few as several sessions without causing discomfort to patients. Each positive offset created generates 5-10 volts positive offset current for ease-of-use. As it doesn’t reach the eyes, appendix, testicles or inner ear bones and only passes through small amounts of stomach or intestinal walls untouched by bile and living cells, bile poisoning does not reach these parts of the body but still kills parasites when it reaches them and can help treat various diseases.

Dr. Clark chose 30KHz (30,000 cycles per second) for her zapper because it maximizes current with regular zapping and has proven extremely effective against infections. Some researchers have also chosen lower frequencies like 5000 and 10,000 Hz to penetrate more deeply and have additional healing harmonics that aid healing.

Start building a zapper by attaching a 555 timer chip, with pin 1 connected to ground and pin 8 connected to a switch. A CMOS version is preferable as it produces sharper square waves with more harmonics while draining battery less quickly than TTL ones; Radio Shack’s CMOS 555 may be available through electronics supply houses or at shops that specialize in television repair, computer service and stereo repair services.

Next, connect the wires that will transport current to electrodes – these could include wristbands, copper pipe handholds or metal footpads as electrodes – using jumper wires. A zapper can be used by one or two people simultaneously with different pairs of electrodes attached at once. After you have assembled your circuit, plug it in and check its output using a multimeter set to measure voltage direct current (VDC) reading. It may help if you mark its positive (+) and negative (-) leads so as to know which side provides power source your zapper is receiving power.


Hulda Clark describes in her book The Cure for All Diseases the Zapper as an effective tool against parasites such as flukes, roundworms, mites mites bacteria and viruses. Resonance allows this device to work; by exposing microbes to their respective resonance frequencies it causes their cells to explode causing death – home made versions can even be constructed following Clark’s instructions!

The zapper is powered by a 9-volt battery and available from multiple websites. In addition, an AC converter increases voltage to 12 or 15 volts; those familiar with electronics may modify it further for different DC square wave frequencies.

To simplify construction, the battery should be connected to two wires via a snap-on connector purchased at Radio Shack for approximately one dollar. When covering positive battery terminals with tape and not allowing any wire ends to touch each other during construction, make sure not to leave any spaces between ends as this could potentially cause electrocution of battery itself or damage from touching other wires during connection process. It may also be wise to place aluminium foil or plastic bag around it to protect from electrocution risk.

A CD4069 hex inverter and 1M resistor can be used to set the output voltage of a zapper. Resistors and capacitors may be varied according to what is available, with input voltage proportional to output voltage ensuring square waveform output with 50% duty cycle that can be verified using an oscilloscope.

To maximize its effectiveness, the zapper should be wetted with water that contains high levels of salt for maximum efficiency. Salt helps penetrate more deeply into skin layers than without it and thick paper towels like Viva enhance its performance by decreasing resistance levels it encounters.


A zapper is a battery-powered device that emits electric pulses with a positive DC voltage offset, emitting electric pulses to kill bacteria, fungus and viruses in the body while treating wounds, improving digestion and relieving pain. The device can easily be constructed at home from inexpensive parts for maximum effectiveness; Dr Raymond Rayf first discovered it back in 1930s but his research went unpublished until Hulda Clark published her research in “The Cure for All Diseases.” Her version utilizes a 555 timer chip and uses 9V battery powering the circuit.

While using a zapper, it is crucial to establish a cleansing regime to prevent overburdening the liver and kidneys. Raw food should also be consumed during this time and plenty of water consumed; any discomfort from the device such as itching or tingling should also be expected – some users may also experience nausea and fatigue as a result of its use.

The Zapper can be used to kill parasites in blood, lymph nodes, digestive tract and other organs; treat infections caused by fungus yeast and pathogens; as well as treating chronic viral conditions like herpes shingles or herpes.

To create a zapper, you will require several materials:

The zapper has been constructed using quality electrical components and copper handles. Additionally, it comes equipped with a red LED that lights up when its battery has been fully charged. Before using a zapper it is important to first wash and cover hands with wet towels to ensure optimal conductivity. For maximum eye safety, use of the zapper should consist of three 7-minute sessions separated by 20-minute rest periods and repeated twice or three times. Protective goggles must also be worn during each session to safeguard your vision. The zapper is designed to be user-friendly, but it is important to read its instructions thoroughly prior to operating it. Children or animals should not touch it. Pacemakers should also avoid using it since this could disrupt your heartbeat; and pregnant women should refrain from using it since this could potentially endanger the fetus.

January 14, 2024|Editor

Holistic Health Practitioner Certification Near Me

Holistic health practitioners employ a holistic approach to healing. They believe that physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being all play an integral part of health and use methods such as acupuncture, massage therapy, and natural remedies to promote overall wellness.

Ancient healing practices once discredited by modern medicine are now finding acceptance and increasing in popularity, providing the ideal time and place to earn your holistic health certification.

Education and Training

To become a holistic health practitioner, you will require specific education and training. While exact requirements will depend on which career path you select, some options include earning either a graduate or professional degree, undertaking professional training programs and applying for board certification. Your choice of program will depend on which area of holistic medicine interests you; such as acupuncture, massage therapy or nutrition. There are several online programs offering classes with various specializations.

Many ancient healing traditions are experiencing a revival, including Ayurveda and acupuncture. Both practices take an integrative approach to wellness that acknowledges all aspects of being — mental, emotional, spiritual — are interdependent. Holistic health practitioners also take into consideration lifestyle considerations when offering advice for improved overall well-being; suggesting changes such as diet or sleep schedule modifications as part of holistic medicine practices.

Most professionals who opt for this career path tend to be highly empathic, compassionate and lifelong learners. Their passion lies in assisting others to attain full-body health and they take immense satisfaction from helping their clients attain full wellness. Furthermore, these experts often make themselves available as role models for clients they assist.

Holistic health practitioners must stay abreast of both current medical research and alternative health practices, and also possess strong communication skills and be willing to pursue continuing education courses for themselves. In order to be effective holistic healthcare providers, they should also explain why alternative medicine might benefit their patients.

A good holistic health program should cover various subject areas, including nutritional science, stress management and herbal remedies. Furthermore, such courses will cover the business side of wellness practice; Escoffier offers such courses that equip students to create nutritious dishes while creating connections within the wellness industry.

Many individuals looking into holistic health prefer starting their own private practice as the way forward. This can be an ideal option for those who value having full control of their hours and charges as they see fit, though it requires significant financial commitment in order to be profitable enough to support themselves financially.


There are various paths to becoming a holistic health practitioner, some requiring additional licenses while others only a certification. Career options in holistic healthcare may include being an acupuncturist, massage therapist, naturopath or yoga instructor; students studying these careers often must complete an industry externship as part of their education to gain experience and build their resumes.

Holistic health practitioners are in high demand, as more people turn to alternative forms of healing. Their methods are becoming more accepted and even covered by some insurance plans; according to a 2012 survey by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, more than 40% of American citizens use some type of complementary treatment at some point during their lives.

Most holistic health practitioners are self-employed. They may work in settings ranging from massage therapy clinics and sports medicine treatment centers, to hospitals. Some even make a living writing books or teaching courses; their salary will depend on factors like specialization, credentials and location.

Alongside earning their degrees and training courses, aspiring holistic health practitioners should also consider becoming board-certified. This will serve to certify their professionalism and competency while making them more visible to clients.

Holistic health practitioners must possess an intrinsic passion for helping others attain full-body wellness, be highly empathic, compassionate and lifelong learners. Therapists should be able to recognize the needs of their patients and deliver outstanding results. In addition, they should communicate effectively with them while offering encouragement that allows them to meet their goals. Finally, holistic health practitioners must have the ability to adapt their practices according to the changing needs of their patients, providing truly customized approaches to healing and wellness for every one of them. If they can successfully attain all these qualities then their career as holistic health practitioners will prove rewarding and fulfilling.


Holistic health practitioners possess a comprehensive knowledge of wellness and natural healing techniques. Using these practices to address clients’ physical, mental and emotional needs while teaching patients how to make healthier choices; their services may range from massage therapy and nutrition counselling all the way to becoming self-employed or employed at wellness centers and other healthcare facilities.

Holistic health careers are highly satisfying and fulfilling. In contrast to traditional medicine, which often treats symptoms rather than the root causes, holistic practitioners focus on treating individuals holistically; this means taking into account diet, sleep, exercise and stress issues when diagnosing or treating patients. They believe both bodies and minds affect one another directly.

To become a holistic health practitioner, one must complete an intensive training program that covers the body’s natural functions. An accreditation agency should accredit this training so you receive optimal education and instruction. Your program should include courses on anatomy, physiology, nutrition as well as holistic topics related to holistic healthcare such as acupuncture or herbal remedies.

Holistic health practices such as acupuncture and naturopathy have become incredibly popular over time, due to their emphasis on treating illness through factors like diet, sleep problems and emotional trauma. Holistic healing seeks to address such concerns to prevent disease and foster overall wellness.

The Certified Natural Health Professional (CNHP) program is an ideal way to gain the knowledge and skills needed to incorporate natural health principles into daily life, or build the basis of a professional practice or wellness center. This online curriculum covers everything you need to know about holistic healthcare lifestyle, from practical skills development to the fundamental concepts underlying natural healthcare naturopathy.

Discover the latest advances in holistic medicine as well as ancient healing traditions from around the globe, while delving deeper into how historical constructs have shaped today’s healthcare system. Additionally, this course can help you gain an in-depth knowledge of yourself and how best to join holistic movement.


Holistic health practitioners enjoy various salary ranges depending on their area of expertise and career path. Some practitioners work alongside traditional healthcare professionals like physicians and nurses; some even work at medical centers that integrate alternative therapies like acupuncture or massage therapy into patient treatments in order to help achieve balance between physical and mental wellness.

People today are taking more active roles in their health care, and holistic practices provide a holistic solution. Holistic health practices consider all aspects of one’s wellbeing including mental, emotional, spiritual and physical well-being – for instance diet can have negative ramifications on mental wellbeing – therefore holistic practitioners will help patients make wiser choices regarding diet and exercise.

Holistic health practitioners tend to be self-employed. Some opt to open their own private practices while others work at clinics and spas. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, holistic health practitioners are expected to experience above-average job growth through 2032 as more people turn away from traditional medicine in favor of alternative forms.

Many popular careers in holistic health care include chiropractic doctors, naturopathic physicians, acupuncturists, and massage therapists. Each profession takes a natural approach to healing that targets the root cause of illness in its entirety; for instance a chiropractic doctor might use manual manipulation to alleviate pain while realigning spinal alignment; an acupuncturist uses needles at specific points on the body to relieve tension and restore balance to energy flow or Qi flow in their patients.

Other holistic health practitioners provide services like Reiki, life coaching and personal training. These practitioners assist individuals in reaching their wellness goals by setting objectives and offering encouragement; often performing virtual or telephonic coaching sessions with clients. Some even have websites where they post articles and videos related to healthy eating, exercise and relaxation techniques as well as provide supplements or herbal remedies – plus workshops and seminars on these subjects!

January 14, 2024|Editor

Radiesthesia – The Science of Divination

This book presents the science of divination known as Radiesthesia. This sensitivity allows certain individuals to identify radiation of various kinds and discern its presence or absence; hence its name.

Dowsing, or divining, has long been used by humans as a technique to locate water sources or suitable dwellings (houses). Like all art forms, its proficiency must be practiced for optimal success.

What is radiesthesia?

Radiesthesia (dowsing) is the art of sensing vibrations. While its origins remain uncertain, modern practitioners such as Abbe Bouly in 1930 popularized this skill by coining its name and coinciding it with their version. Dowsing can be learned and passed down from generation to generation; its practice often passes from one family member to the next. Although believed to have existed since antiquity (evidenced by ancient Chinese and Egyptian art depicting individuals holding rods or hanging pendulums), modern practitioners typically refer to their version as radiesthesia or “radiesthesia“.

He notes in his book that all bodies emit radiation and vibrations into their surrounding environments, creating an invisible energy field known as radiesthesic (from Latin radius, meaning “ray”, and Greek aisthesis, meaning sensation). This energy field can be detected by sensitive individuals. This resonance can form a field that can be detected as it resonates through sensitive ears – this energy field being known by some as the “radiesthesic effect”.

According to the science of radiesthesia, every object, living or inanimate, emits radiational fields which can be accessed using various means to establish resonance with them. These emissions originate in the vibrational nature of our universe and form part of its universal polarity system that governs physicality.

As with any form of learning, radioesthesists need guidance from teachers or mentors when learning their craft, as information must be correctly encoded to be comprehended and decoded by listeners. While learning radiesthesist can be dauntingly complex and may result in errors due to human error; an experienced radiesthesist can reduce errors through emotional work on themselves as well as understanding which emotions may cause reactions in radioesthetic responses.

Radiesthesists employ dowsing tools such as divining rods, rings or pendulums to establish resonance with objects or people. Samples must be collected of these objects to get vibrational information similar to how samples of blood or tissues are taken for medical treatments. In addition, pendulums will often be held over people to detect any disturbances in energy fields known as auras that could indicate illness.

How to use a pendulum

The pendulum is an integral tool in radioesthesis. A pendulum is a weighted object suspended by one chain or cord and attached at both ends; typically made of crystal, its shape, size and color may differ according to personal taste. Other items that might function as pendulums include car keys, jewelry pieces or metal nuts – any item which adds weight. I have personally experimented with different combinations including paper clips, cotton reels and fishing sinkers (even an old cigarette lighter!) but found that for best results I use dedicated pendulums designed specifically for magical work dowsing or magical work.

In order to use a pendulum effectively, it’s essential that you first prepare it and position yourself accordingly so you can pose questions and receive responses – a process known as priming your pendulum. Doing this ensures accurate responses without any indecipherable responses that come back too slowly or too easily. Once primed, sit in front of it while holding its chain between thumb and first finger (dominant hand if right-handed), resting your elbow on a table nearby, and making sure the pendulum hangs seven to twelve inches in front of you – perfect!

Once your pendulum is set up, begin asking yourself questions mentally about its position. Most often the answers will either be yes or no; however, some individuals find other reactions more suitable; such as clockwise movement when answering yes and counterclockwise movement when responding no. Others may discover that answering in one way leads to another correct answer, so it may be worthwhile experimenting both ways and seeing which response you get first.

Some individuals can pose complex queries and still receive clear responses from their spirit guides, while others may only be able to ask basic yes/no queries. It is wise to practice as often as possible; should any assistance be needed you can always consult your dowsing book or professional radiesthetist.

What is a chart or cadran?

Radiesthetists use charts, dowsing rods or pendulums, and pendulums to detect radiations emitted from objects, people, animals, plants, grounds etc. Once these waves have been identified they are then analyzed in terms of musical scales and colors to analyze vibrational characteristics such as musical scales or colors emitted by these entities. It has its origins in ancient Dowsing which was initially designed to locate underground water sources (it later evolved to detect mineral remedies, metals or changes within cell conditions – eventually this method evolved into Tele-Radiesthesia).

Homceopathy practitioners have long recognized radiesthetic diagnosis as an invaluable diagnostic aid, particularly in Allopathic medicine. Many homceopaths have become skilled at this form of diagnosis, and found it especially helpful in finding remedies and their potencies. In this book, the author leads the reader through medical radiesthesia with care and simplicity so as to build confidence and accuracy.

The author states that his book’s purpose is to persuade medical practitioners and others involved in various fields to become familiar with radiesthetic principles and techniques, in order to promote medical radiesthesia as an aid in diagnostic and treatment practice.

The basic premise of this book is that there are certain laws or manifestations of radiative forces which appear regularly and consistently, although their full explanation could never be provided; rather, these phenomena are demonstrated for the reader to explore himself.

Radiesthetists must understand that their personal sensitivity to radiesthetic waves depends on various factors, not least of all their state of mind. Without an appropriate state of mind for work, results will often be poor and misleading; therefore it is recommended that readers engage in as much practice and experimentation as possible in order to determine if they possess adequate sensitivity to radiesthetic perception.

What is a sample?

Radiesthesia uses samples that possess all of the vibrational properties of an object or person that you wish to establish resonance with, similar to blood, tissue or urine samples taken for laboratory analysis in traditional medicine. Dowsing rods may also be used as healing instruments by tapping into this energy – sometimes called “chi” in eastern cultures and chakras in Indian cultures; in radiesthesia this energy creates a vibratory field surrounding our bodies that manifests as color auras.

All bodies, whether solid or liquid, produce vibrational fields. A radiesthetist uses this field as their focus and attempts to’resonate’ with it – similar to how piano tuning involves adjusting strings to match modulations of voice modulations. Tuning can be accomplished using various means such as tip of dowsing rod, pendulum or Lecher antenna; ultimately the goal is finding an area of resonance that allows definitive answers.

A statistical test uses a sample to represent characteristics of an entire population. If this sample size is large – say millions – probability sampling can help minimize errors during testing by collecting smaller and more manageable samples through statistical methods such as random or stratified sampling methods.

No scientific explanation exists for dowsing; however, its existence cannot be denied. Dowsing can be used as an invaluable tool for finding underground metal deposits or water sources as well as finding the optimal locations for homes, gardens or buildings. Dowsing can even detect geopathic stress disturbances which cause illness; anyone interested can learn this ancient art through practice and development of their intuition – this book serves as a good starting point.

January 14, 2024|Editor

The Best Biohacking Tools

Biohacking is a practice that facilitates an individualized approach to health and wellbeing, often through experimentation with various practices and tools such as cold showers, diet modification, or wearable technology for tracking metrics such as heart rate or sleep patterns.

GGR has curated the latest biohacking gadgets that will help achieve peak human performance. GGR compiled some of the top biohacking products geared toward men but we’re seeing that shift as more women get involved and female-targeted tools appear on the market. GGR has put together our list of the top five best biohacking products on offer here at GGR!

1. Somavedic

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A New Year can bring with it an array of wellness goals: whether that means feeling calmer, more focused and productive at work or being healthier overall, biohacking tools can help you achieve those goals quickly and effortlessly.

Somavedic Sky is one such tool. Built on the principle of controlled release of energy from semi-precious stones, this tool creates a life-supportive field covering over 2,800 square feet – helping alleviate EMF radiation from 4G, 5G and WiFi services, cell phones, oxidative stress, free radicals and geopathic stress – helping you feel energized, balanced and calmer overall.

As well as its beneficial influence on all living things – plants and animals alike – it also features self-diagnostic LEDs which illuminate to indicate when working at high level or not functioning at all. There are various models, ranging from tabletop versions up to larger ones capable of 100% water harmonisation; use code LittleSouthernWife at checkout for 10% discount!

3. Bulletproof Brain Octane C8 MCT Oil

Bulletproof Brain Octane is a pure, organic MCT oil made with only the highest-grade ingredients that is produced to the strictest quality standards. Dave Asprey, founder of Bulletproof, brought his visionary approach and biohacking ethos to create this elite product.

Caprylic MCT oils are the only MCTs known to give mental energy and support the ketogenic process in the body. When combined with ketones as fuel for fueling, satiation and focus they quickly transform into ketones for fuelling drinks like Bulletproof Coffee, smoothies or salad dressings odourlessly and tastelessly blending seamlessly with recipes like these.

Brain Octane MCT oil can assist those following the ketogenic diet to consume enough fats for success. Many who experiment with this diet often worry about getting enough satiating fat to stay full and support metabolic processes; Brain Octane provides a simple solution, as it can be added to almost any meal or drink for added nutrition and taste – and particularly useful as a finishing oil on dishes such as steak or roast vegetables to bring out their full fat-soluble flavors.

MCT Oil from Better YOU Supps features a mild coconut flavor, making it versatile enough to fit into almost any beverage or dish imaginable. From Bulletproof Coffee and salad dressing, to replacing other oils in cooking and supporting intermittent fasting protocols. Quality assurance from this brand makes this MCT oil even more appealing, and Better YOU Supps recommends purchasing from its official website or authorized retailers for assurance of receiving untampered and high-quality product that conforms with its rigorous standards.

4. Whoop

Athletic teams like the EF Education-Easy Post pro cycling team use Whoop to monitor performance and recovery. The device tracks health metrics and converts them into actionable data on strain, recovery and sleep pillars; then provides recommendations to maintain fitness, avoid injury and recover faster.

The WHOOP 4.0 offers several improvements over its predecessor, including sleeker design, extended battery life and more advanced health metrics. For instance, this device monitors heart rate variability to assess stress and predict recovery time needed by individuals. WHOOP then suggests an optimal bedtime/wakeup schedule utilizing gentle vibration alerts instead of audible alarms to wake people up each morning.

The WHOOP app also enables you to create personalized workouts, diet and supplement suggestions, training plans and more. Furthermore, its community tab enables you to join or create teams for added motivation while reading interviews from experts in human performance as well as connecting with fellow Whoop users. WHOOP prioritizes your privacy by never selling or identifying you with your data, but does use anonymized aggregated data for research and system enhancement purposes. Furthermore, members can always delete their data or request an audit when required. WHOOP stands out from competitors by not selling user information to third parties, while working to further enhance sensor accuracy. A recent upgrade doubled up on optic sensors to four for increased health assessments.

5. Oura Ring

Oura Ring packs an impressive array of features into its compact yet fashionable form factor. Capable of sleep insights, heart rate monitoring, illness monitoring, and much more; Oura Ring provides some impressive health tracking.

What sets Oura apart from other health trackers is its personalized approach: It adapts to you and your individual version of normal. Utilizing research-grade temperature sensors, Oura can identify biosignals in your body before they manifest into symptoms; effectively acting like a wellness assistant that knows when you should take it easy or when your workout regimen may be straining it too much.

One of the most helpful features is Ready to Train Metric, which measures your sleeping pattern, heart rate variability, resting heart rate and other indicators to provide an indicator of how prepared your body is for exercise. This feature helps prioritize recovery time and avoid overtraining – an issue often faced by athletes.

Oura’s Gen3 rings include an advanced Stress Management feature designed to reduce overall stress levels through AI-powered mood tracking and Reflections journal functionality, which lets users record emotions with just one gesture. Oura is rolling out these functions across its current Horizon and Plateau designs at $299 starting price; Horizon rings now come equipped with brushed titanium finishes too. A monthly membership subscription is necessary in order to access this ring’s health tracking features — including those related to Stress Management.