Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

January 13, 2024|Editor

Hunter 4025 NLS

Hunter 4025 is a non-invasive scanning device that can conduct full body scans without blood tests or X-rays, detecting imbalances in organs, tissues, cells and DNA as well as helping find causes of diseases or ailments.

Users of the Hunter 4025 NLS report feeling empowered by its insights into their holistic health journey, reporting that it has helped identify hidden imbalances and take proactive measures against disease.

Bioresonance technology

Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS is an advanced diagnostic device that utilizes light wave resonance to scan your body and identify irregularities at cellular, tissue, DNA and organ levels – as well as help correct them. It operates under the assumption that each organ and cell in your body contains electromagnetic information framework which responds to external radiation exposure.

This non-invasive technology is used to detect and treat imbalances within the human body that arise due to interference in energy flow channels. With its ability to pinpoint problems at a cellular level, this equipment represents a remarkable feat of modern natural science combined with cutting-edge information technology available in this century.

This system works by using light waves to communicate with cells, tissues and organs which are then compared with a database of cell types to determine an ideal treatment option for you. There are no harmful or side-effect-inducing side-effects with using this treatment method so anyone of any age group or medical condition can utilize this approach.

To conduct a test, patients are required to sit before a large screen while wearing headphones, which project the resonant frequencies from their bodies onto a sensor connected to a computer and display them onto a screen. Analyses of data generated can then compare with known medications or substances which have beneficial effects for each test subject.

This revolutionary breakthrough in bioresonance technology offers noninvasive, painless, and effective results for treating various medical conditions ranging from cancer, rheumatism, asthma and heart diseases to obesity and neuromuscular issues. Physicians, naturopaths, osteopaths, chiropractors, nutritionists and dietitians can utilize it for detection and treatment purposes – using it effectively detect and treat them all! It has even helped detect cancer cases on occasion!

Metatron NLS boasts multidimensional virtual scanning that enables it to locate tumor nidus or hereditary diseases quickly, with an accuracy rate of 95%. Furthermore, it can identify why they appear by traversing histological and cytological sections, chromosomes, and down into fragments of DNA molecules – as well as pinpoint their source on a genomic level.

Non-linear analysis system (NLS)

Non-Linear Analysis System (NLS) is an advanced diagnostic device used to locate and treat abnormalities at a cellular level in humans. Using light wave resonance, this diagnostic device examines how your body functions while pinpointing irregularities such as in tissues, cells, chromosomes DNA organs. Furthermore, NLS offers treatment plans tailored specifically for each patient – it has become one of the most advanced information technologies of this century.

The NLS is an effective diagnostic tool, enabling practitioners to quickly ascertain the cause and severity of any condition within minutes. Results are displayed on a computer screen, with recommendations displayed accordingly. As well as diagnosing conditions, the NLS can also identify other factors which contribute to someone’s wellbeing; making this particularly useful for practitioners trying to prevent illness rather than treat its aftermath.

An ideal body relies on constant communication among its organs and systems, with exchange occurring at specific frequencies transmitted via photons emitted from within it. If this exchange of energy becomes disrupted, discomfort, unclear sensitivities and eventual pathology or organ dysfunction could occur as a result.

The Metatron NLS is an outstanding and easy-to-use non-linear systems analyzer, making it popular worldwide. This machine stands as one of the most advanced medical diagnostic tools available and can identify both acute and chronic processes. NLS can also detect predispositions to specific diseases and assist you in making informed decisions regarding your health. Furthermore, its sensors can identify harmful substances in your body so you’re always taking supplements that support overall wellness. It can also help measure the success of medical treatments, and to assess if they’re working. Its revolutionary use also makes it a much faster solution than other NLS machines, which may take up to an hour for full scans of all body parts.

Metatron system

The system utilizes special trigger sensors that tune to and decode a control signal frequency, then display their results on a computer screen as three-dimensional models of organs and their cells. This new technology is much more accurate than its predecessors; it can pinpoint tumor nidus locations as well as hereditary diseases at their genomic origin, providing additional details regarding why they arise. Furthermore, it has other functions, including selecting homeopathic preparation potencies or providing lithotherapy.

An information received during a short diagnostic session is converted into digital signal and sent directly to the brain for analysis. From there, it is processed and searched against its database for remedies with close spectral characteristics to what may be pathological processes – this helps doctors select optimal therapies and diagnose severity levels more easily.

Easy to use and perfect for any health care facility or wellness center, the ScanScope device makes for quick diagnosis and treatment of conditions including autoimmune diseases, allergies and chronic-degenerative disorders. Identifying disease sources and toxins detection. Also capable of detecting imbalances within the body.

Metatron hunter 4025 nls is an innovative device that allows its user to conduct accurate medical tests with pinpoint precision. Ideal for use in various settings such as physiotherapy clinics, sanatorium resorts, fitness centers/SPAs, homeopathic pharmacies or doctors’ offices.

Its unique design enables it to scan the body quickly in mere seconds, even before symptoms appear. Furthermore, this machine can detect whether physical or emotional causes exist for disease while helping doctors make more informed treatment decisions and determine stress levels more accurately; ultimately enhancing quality of life for patients and their loved ones alike.


The Hunter 4025 NLS is an advanced diagnostic device capable of identifying abnormalities at the cellular, DNA and organ levels of your body. It works by scanning magnetic fields produced by ear-like sensors within your body and comparing them against a database of cell types; then identifying areas of pathology before providing treatments. It’s the world’s smallest portable user friendly computer system!

An accurate and informative method for express whole-body diagnostics. This system can identify the source of symptoms so you can make more informed decisions regarding your health; and even predict future health dynamics so you can act before any problems worsen further.

Not only can it diagnose your health status, it can also detect hereditary diseases and analyze DNA at both chromosomal and cytological levels. Furthermore, the system can scan for bacterial, fungal, and viral infections as well as determine if specific medicines will work for you as well as provide remedies and natural therapies.

Metatron Hunter NLS is the world’s best noninvasive diagnostic system for early disease detection. This global device can be used virtually anywhere and provides valuable information within minutes, drawing on Nesterov and Van Hoven’s quantum entropy logic theory as its basis.

This device can detect toxins and parasites such as intestinal worms, bacteria, fungus, and viruses; decode and analyze your electromagnetic waves output allowing for accurate forecasts on future health statuses.

NLS software can diagnose a range of conditions, from digestive issues and insomnia, depressions and psychosomatic illnesses to hereditary conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis, headaches migraines and joint pains. Furthermore, it scans your arteries veins capillaries for any potential blockages or injuries as well as pinpointing any exact locations where any may exist.

January 12, 2024|Editor

What is a Resonant Therapy Device?

Resonant therapy devices utilize vibrations to identify and treat specific disease states. They do this by pinpointing the exact frequency of energy wavelengths coming from within the body, then manipulating these frequencies in order to promote natural healing processes.

Resonant frequencies have the ability to disarm pathogens. Just as soldiers marching across a bridge step for step can cause it to collapse from resonance, certain frequencies can devitalize and kill microorganisms.


Resonant therapy employs a special device that generates electromagnetic waves, and transmits them into the body via electrodes on either hands or feet. It has been found to help individuals heal from cancer, anxiety and depression while treating pain such as headaches; relieving stress by relaxing the body; improving breathing and circulation and even helping those living with chronic pain such as fibromyalgia.

Resonant frequency therapy devices use audio, radio and light frequencies to produce a composite energy wave capable of killing malignant cells and restoring balance to both body and environment. Doctors and health care providers utilize this device for treating patients suffering from various disorders.

Research has demonstrated that different tissues (muscle, bone and nerve) respond differently to magnetic fields. Magnepshere’s proprietary technology recognizes these differences to optimize relaxation responses of your particular tissue type and adjust the strength and protocol of magnetic fields accordingly – it’s easy for any healthcare provider with internet access to use this system effectively!

Resonant Voice Therapy employs non-speech exercises involving semi-occlusion of lips and teeth in order to produce an easier and more relaxed voice. This technique can also be used to increase vocal range for patients who struggle to produce sounds; making Resonant Voice Therapy an economical, non-invasive alternative to surgery.

The PERL-M is an innovative experimental therapy used to treat sinus issues noninvasively and without surgical intervention. Studies have demonstrated its efficacy by decreasing congestion, increasing stamina, and cognitive performance. Although more studies are required, anecdotal evidence shows it significantly enhances quality of life for people living with chronic sinus conditions while simultaneously decreasing frequency of infections – all while remaining safe enough for at-home use by those suffering from any variety of sinus conditions.


Resonant therapy devices are medical devices designed to use complex transmission waves to eliminate cell malignancies. These waves include audio, light, and radio energy; when combined they form a unique fourth wave. This device uses a plasma antenna, which emits electromagnetic frequencies without producing heat, to deliver vibrations capable of killing microorganisms and liquid crystals without producing heat – these vibrations may even shatter crystal glasses! This device is used to kill viruses and bacteria that cause diseases, including herpes simplex virus and human immunodeficiency virus, yeast infections and chlamydia. Note that Resonant Frequency Therapy should only be used under medical guidance and not by pregnant women or those who have implanted pacemakers and defibrillators. Furthermore, Resonant Frequency Therapy is not intended as a cure and must only be undertaken with advice from your healthcare provider.

This study was intended to assess the safety and efficacy of resonant frequency therapy. Patients were randomly assigned either active therapy or placebo and instructed on using the device according to its manufacturer’s specifications; allergy medication and decongestants should still be taken as needed as needed during therapy; patients who had undergone previous sinus surgery or suffered from rhinitis medicamentosa were excluded from participation.

Patient data was gathered during MRI exams and compared to baseline values, and was summarized using medians, interquartile ranges, absolute numbers, and percentage changes of continuous variables and absolute numbers and percentage changes for discrete variables. Device parameters (battery voltage, capture thresholds, pacing lead impedance and sensing) were measured before and immediately after an exam; during which, devices were programmed into either an asynchronous pacing mode for ICD patients with intrinsic heart rates below 40 beats per minute or inhibited pacing mode depending on its function during.

Resonant frequency therapy was well tolerated by the patients, with no long-term clinically significant adverse events observed. One patient experienced a power-on reset during an MRI examination (0.4%; 95% confidence interval: 0.2-0.70); this power reset was transient, however generator function was restored shortly thereafter.


Resonant therapy devices utilize multiple wave energies and transmit them into cells of the body. The devices combine these energies, breaking down microorganisms inside them. Resonant therapies like the PERL-M are non-invasive ways of eliminating harmful pathogens from our bodies without having to resort to medication; not a cure but can speed healing faster and make life better overall.

Resonant frequency therapy works on the principle that every disease state has a distinct electromagnetic frequency. Resonant frequency machines then locate these frequencies, producing electromagnetic waves with them without resorting to heat production; frequencies can then be applied directly onto hands or feet or transmitted through plasma tubes.

This method is based on the fact that all organisms vibrate at specific rates, from tuning forks resonating with musical notes to professors who can shatter crystal glasses with their voice – these vibrations are known as resonant frequencies.

Researchers have recently discovered that resonance frequency breathing can have profound effects on the autonomic nervous system and other key systems of the body. Regular practice of slow diaphragmatic breathing at resonance frequency (3-7 breaths a minute) has shown to increase vagus nerve tone and activity while improving baroreceptor sensitivity and alleviating symptoms associated with anxiety and depression, as well as alleviating those associated with fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome.


Resonant therapy, a new technology using electromagnetic waves to detect and treat various ailments, utilizes electromagnetic waves to identify and treat various health issues more rapidly and more effectively than traditional treatments such as medication and visits to a doctor. This device is simple and straightforward for any user; be it chronic pain or an infection.

Resonant therapy devices can also use electromagnetic waves to combat microorganisms. Pulsed electromagnetic waves have been claimed to devitalize disease-causing organisms from your body by devitalizing disease-causing organisms using vibrations from pulsed electromagnetic waves; it has been shown that vibrations cause cells of microorganisms to vibrate, potentially damaging cell membranes and killing cancer cells that respond to vibration. Furthermore, high frequencies have shown to do more damage as more damage-inducing liquid crystals respond to vibration; higher frequencies cause more cell destruction compared with smaller frequencies; additionally higher frequencies tend to cause more cell damage from vibration than lower frequencies do; more damage will result in damage done per vibration from cancer cells responding more rapidly to vibrational waves as liquid crystals respond more sensitively than lower frequencies do so cells become vulnerable against future attacks by this therapy device than ever before!

Resonant therapy devices use plasma tube antennas to generate an electromagnetic wave that can be used to attack and break down malignant cells, stimulate white blood cells responsible for fighting infection, kill viruses and detoxify the body while improving overall health. They have many applications in healthcare and can even be used to treat cancer, pain, arthritis and autoimmune disorders.

Another advantage of this device is its capacity to generate complex transmissions of energy waves that combine audio, radio and light frequencies produced by its plasma tube antenna and combined together into one composite energy wave that may effectively destroy cells or pathogens. Furthermore, this resonant therapy device was created as a portable option and can be utilized in various settings.

Researchers recently conducted a comparative study comparing the effects of resonant therapy and sham treatment for cancer patients. Patients in the experimental group received continuous transmission of their calculated resonant frequency with harmonics for 15 minutes twice per day for 15 months while those undergoing the latter received non-resonant (2kHz) tones played for 2 seconds followed by silence for 8 seconds as part of the non-resonant tone treatment protocol. According to this research study’s results, frequency therapy proved superior over tone stimulation for treating cancer patients’ tumors.

January 12, 2024|Editor

SCIO Device Price Announced on Kickstarter

Israel-based Consumer Physics team has developed a pocket-sized device capable of scanning molecular fingerprints of physical objects and sending that data directly to users’ smartphones, which could help detect avocado ripening more accurately or help farmers monitor soil conditions more easily.

SCIO’s software can detect energetic imbalances caused by emotional, spiritual, and physical stressors. Though the database begins with limited data points initially, its rapid user growth should soon see this expand significantly.

Quantum Biofeedback

Quantum Biofeedback is a noninvasive therapy that works by correcting imbalances in the body’s electrical energy field. This therapy can help alleviate physical, mental and spiritual stresses that cause disruptions in body systems; by balancing energies using biofeedback biofeedback can facilitate healing within and restore wellness in individuals.

The INDIGO Biofeedback system scans your energetic body for numerous factors such as vitamin levels, amino acids, food substances, minerals, toxins, bacteria, viruses, chemical imbalances, hormonal problems, emotional patterns and stressors to identify your highest stressors and identify possible underlying reasons for chronic illnesses. It then compares that data against its database of 18,000 frequencies to pinpoint your highest stressors; helping de-stress your body and potentially identify root causes of chronic illness.

QXCI/SCIO biofeedback devices measure electromagnetic responses of your body against a vast database of frequencies and are the latest advancement in this technology. Utilizing an advanced computer, these devices measure biological resonance and response of fight or flight reactions of environmental toxins and pathogens as well as nutritional imbalances, food sensitivities or any potential irritants below conscious awareness.

Quantum relaxation therapy (QRT) is a safe, non-invasive form of stress management based on quantum physics principles that uses only gentle touch to alleviate symptoms. QRT is an innovative form of energy medicine based on the principle that your body is electric in nature and intelligent; given the right stimuli or circumstances it has the capability of healing itself if given enough stimulation or guidance.

INDIGO device connects with clients through four electrodes on wrist, ankles and 8 on forehead (transcutaneous voltametric evoked potential) to monitor autonomic nervous system interaction through electro-dermal responses and analyze results using transcutaneous voltametric evoked potential (TVEP). Once results have been analyzed it recommends an individualized program of nutrition, detoxification and relaxation techniques that aim at de-stressing their bodies including nutrition, detoxification and frequency-based interventions that reeducate TVEP results using frequency-based interventions (TVEP).

Stress Elimination

Stress is a natural part of everyday life, but prolonged exposure to excess levels of it can be harmful. To protect your health, it is vital that you identify its sources and devise effective management techniques to alleviate its symptoms. Eliminating potential sources of strain will reduce risks such as cardiovascular disease, digestive disorders and depression while developing effective coping mechanisms may help alleviate potential discomforts that lead to illness in general.

The SCIO device listens in on your body’s electrical communication pathways and analyzes their data in order to detect imbalances caused by allergies, deficiencies, toxins, bacteria, viruses, radiation exposure, emotional mindset and nutrition habits – including how your immune system may be straining. It can even tell if your immunity system has become overburdened with strain.

SCIO is a new molecular reader that utilizes similar technology found in laboratory spectrometers but in a much more compact package. Consumer Physics claims the device can be used for testing anything with molecular structure such as foods, drugs and supplements; its first app, TellSpec specializes in food and will allow users to scan a picture of a package to see what is inside without reading labels.

SCIO devices are currently available to early supporters who can purchase one for $299, providing continuous access to a supporting app and cloud storage for scans taken with it. In future releases, additional apps will be developed so people can test various items or therapies. A multidisciplinary R&D effort involving software engineers, chemists and material scientists aims to create an “universal molecular reader” suitable for public use – eventually with an app capable of telling watermelon from pineapple!

Nutritional Advice

Consumer Physics’ SCIO device may be your solution to trying to estimate how many calories are in a watermeal or mistrusting the nutritional data on food labels. After raising over $2 million on Kickstarter and now being sold directly by Consumer Physics, the SCIO scans objects such as tomatoes to reveal their nutritional properties.

Spectrometers can detect food, drugs and chemicals. A demo showed it differentiating between Advil and Aleve – however this might not apply to every prescription medication available today. In addition to that, SCIO can identify areas in your body where you may be subject to excessive stress; thus decreasing levels and eliminating oxidative stress that is responsible for serious illnesses such as cancer, atherosclerosis, heart attack or premature ageing.

Effective energy medicine works by communicating with the subtle energies of your body and identifying which parts no longer resonate on their natural rhythm. It can also determine if any substances cause allergic reactions and offer advice for improving diet and health habits that could improve overall wellness. Furthermore, energy imbalances including emotional or mental stress as well as deficiencies or imbalances of nutrients, food sensitivities, radiation exposure, bacteria parasites or viruses can be identified through energy medicine treatments.

January 12, 2024|Editor

How Billionaires Are Trying to Reverse Aging

An increasing number of billionaires are experimenting with ways to reverse aging. They take supplements, follow rigorous fitness regimens, and invest millions of dollars into research studies on anti-ageing therapies.

One entrepreneur claims he has reversed five years from his biological age by eating whole plant foods and having his team of doctors and health experts track biomarkers on him.

Bryan Johnson

Bryan Johnson is a tech millionaire who spends millions trying to reverse the aging process. He meticulously monitors every aspect of his health and follows a strict regiment of supplements, diet and exercise – not to mention undergoing numerous medical procedures, some extreme and painful.

He has assembled a team of doctors and health experts who monitor his every bodily function, using him as an experiment in promising anti-aging treatments. However, Johnson still looks around 45 or 50 years old despite his intensive regimen; nevertheless, his efforts have attracted both criticism and admiration alike; although some extravagant claims have been made, Johnson remains firm in his belief that turning back time is achievable.

As many of us have witnessed, he is all too aware of the effects that aging takes on loved ones and believes we can slow or reverse it with scientific innovations and interventions. Johnson is passionate about convening researchers from different fields to accelerate breakthrough technologies development.

His latest project involves creating an anti-aging blueprint that will assist him in reversing biological age. The blueprint will aid his decision making and ensure he stays on the right path towards reaching his goals, while also keeping health at optimal conditions through analysis of cell chemistry and metabolic processes.

His ambitious plan has already taxed him physically and mentally to its limit. Every morning before dawn he wakes up, takes two dozen supplements and medicines, drinks green juice with creatine and collagen peptides added, tracks body fat percentage fluctuations, heart rate fluctuations, blood glucose levels as well as having a machine which records how many erections occur each night and more.

He recently underwent radical anti-aging treatments by injecting his son’s plasma, with hopes that this injection could reverse the aging process and give him back his youth and body of an 18 year-old. Although this approach has garnered much media coverage, genetics and lifestyle are still key contributors in aging processes.

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg is a billionaire investor who has made several investments that aim to slow or reverse aging, such as founding membership in the Longevity Fund and making donations towards various research projects on this front. He believes technology may allow humans to live up to 120 or beyond!

Zuckerberg has always been fascinated with questions surrounding life itself. Born in White Plains, New York and beginning computer programming early on. Together with Harvard roommates he founded Facebook in 2004, quickly growing it to one of the most renowned websites ever seen.

Current count for Facebook: over one billion. Users can post information about themselves such as photos, employment history and their opinions on politics or gummy bears on this platform; some information may remain private while other details only visible to friends. Zuckerberg currently runs multiple projects outside of running Facebook – his latest effort being Oculus Rift which will debut later this year.

As other tech billionaires have done, Mark Zuckerberg is investing in companies working on ways to slow or reverse aging. He has put money into Calico Labs – which studies causes of aging and creates drugs to extend lifespan – and Alphabet’s Verily Life Sciences division that develops wearable technologies that could extend lives.

Alongside his investments, Zuckerberg is also actively engaging in an anti-age regimen of his own. This involves taking metformin (a diabetes drug), exercising more, eating healthier and practicing jiu-jitsu with his group of MMA fighters who train together. His ultimate goal is to reach 125 and witness his children become successful adults while starting families of their own; as well as meeting his grandchildren!

Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder and amateur astronaut, is fighting back against aging with pills, supplements, and intensive workout routines in his free time. Additionally, he funds research aimed at reversing it cellularly – as is now increasingly done among billionaires such as Sam Altman and Sergey Brin who use their wealth to invest in companies working towards stopping or reversing age-related illnesses.

With a net worth of $200 billion, most things seem possible. Bulking up, purchasing an unwise cowboy hat and flying to the moon are easily accomplished; but turning back time may prove more challenging; that is why so many of the world’s wealthiest entrepreneurs have invested millions into research that could prolong life on Earth.

Altos Labs is one such company. This startup employs some of the world’s best scientists in order to reprogram cells in order to extend lifespans by 50 years or more, using biotechnology that could extend telomere lengthening by reprogramming cells – with backing from major tech entrepreneurs such as Bezos reportedly having invested in Altos.

Bezos shared his insights while leading Amazon into becoming a global giant on Lex Fridman podcast recently. One key realization was that humans don’t seek truth for its own sake but instead seek status, recognition and security – with one way of accomplishing these ends being telling only half-truths about anything.”

Bezos has amassed an enormous fortune through his successful ventures as the founder and CEO of several technology startups, most notably Amazon and The Washington Post. Forbes estimates he currently holds the richest man in the world with an estimated net worth of $201 billion and recently declared his intention to focus on anti-aging research instead of CEO duties after leaving Amazon; additionally he’s an important investor in SpaceX and Blue Origin among others.

Sam Altman

Sam Altman is one of the few tech billionaires who has invested some of his own wealth into research on anti-aging. At 38 years old and worth close to $30 billion, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is keen on exploring anti-ageing techniques. In addition, he’s put millions into a longevity startup while practicing “biohacking,” or eating healthy and exercising regularly while taking diabetes drug metformin (popular among Silicon Valley biohackers hoping to extend lifespans).

He became interested in this area of research during his time as president of Y-Combinator from 2014 to 2019. While researching experiments involving rejuvenating old mice with blood from young ones, he came across reports about rejuvenation treatments which involved young mice being fed their own blood and decided to fund startups that focused on this branch of science.

Retro Biosciences was Altman’s initial major biotech investment and is currently working to prolong human lives by replacing proteins that degrade with age. Altman invested $180 million into Retro Biosciences – one of the single-largest investments ever made by an individual into an organization seeking longevity. Retro uses prefab shipping containers as laboratories in order to complete projects more rapidly.

One former employee described Altman as an overly ambitious and divisive leader, often prioritizing his own interests over those of his teams. He would hire people he liked while firing any who didn’t fit properly – preferring those who knew or had connections to him over employees without either.

His tactics irritated some of his colleagues at the company and were reported to the board. After receiving several complaints of malfeasance or bad behavior from these colleagues, in 2021 the board took an unusually public display of discontent against him, firing him without any allegations of malfeasance or inappropriate conduct but due to him pushing the company in an unrelated direction which didn’t fit with its mission statement. He was replaced with Brad Lightcap who served on its board of directors.

January 12, 2024|Editor

Energy Medicine Summit Reveals the Power of Self-Healing

Explore your natural life-force energy to tap into its immense power to sustain and heal all aspects of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Research indicates that tapping into this force gives you the ability to restore equilibrium when feeling out-of-balance in any aspect of life – be it physically, emotionally or spiritually.

Bring ancient healing practices and modern bio-hacking together in this series from top teachers and healers. Discover simple techniques for breaking through energetic barriers and raising your vibrational frequency.

Discover the Latest Breakthroughs in Energy Healing

Many people suffer from conditions that sap their energy, such as chronic diseases such as cancer, fibromyalgia and heart disease. Traditional medicine has made great strides in alleviating symptoms; however it often fails to address underlying energetic imbalances that contribute to them. Recently however, breakthroughs are confirming what ancient healing traditions have known all along: the body has amazing ability to heal itself given the right tools.

Join us as we delve into this thrilling field, exploring practices that combine modern Western-based science with holistic, alternative healing modalities. Our world-class speakers will teach powerful techniques designed to release energetic blockages, raise your vibrational frequency, and accelerate natural healing within your body.

What is Energy Medicine? Unlike Western medicine, which is built around an anatomical model of the human body, indigenous medical systems (such as TCM, Ayurveda and shamanic traditions ) have long revolved around an understanding of an individual’s “energy body.” This concept encompasses everything from acupuncture and sound therapy sessions to chakra balancing sessions and Reiki energy healing treatments.

Upgrade Labs in Los Angeles offers cutting-edge energy healing treatments such as PEMF therapy, infrared light treatments, vibrational plates and electric brain stimulation that all combine to promote healing in body and mind.

As the experts featured in this summit series will explain, modern scientific evidence indicates that we are energetically linked. Additionally, many scientists now recognize that electromagnetic environments contain both beneficial and potentially detrimental energies which have an enormous influence over physical, mental, and emotional health.

Explore a Wide Range of Healing Modalities

We have assembled some of the world’s finest teachers to bring ancient energy practices and powerful healing technologies together for you to learn from. You will gain the tools to replenish every organ and system in your body, deepen inner peace, awaken life-force energy and restore balance within yourself as you rejuvenate all aspects of yourself; including emotional wellbeing promotion and spiritual healing.

Our A-List medical experts, integrative health practitioners, neuroscience researchers and energetic healers–including Donna Eden, Dr and Master Sha, Cyndi Dale, Penney Peirce, Dawson Church and Mingtong Gu, Alberto Villoldo to name just a few–will guide you through an array of healing modalities that may help alleviate stress, anxiety, pain, PTSD depression phobia trauma addiction low self esteem digestive issues or more.

Your energy medicine summit faculty will teach you simple techniques for unlocking energetic blockages and raising your vibration, so you can tap into a deeper source of healing energy. They’ll show you this through exploring an extensive toolkit of bodywork modalities to boost immunity, reduce inflammation, balance the brain’s gamma and lambda brainwaves (for super learning and memory recall) while relaxing into Samadhi – the highest state of consciousness.

We will also share effective and useful mindfulness tools that you can immediately put to use to reduce stress, expand attention spans and enhance sleep quality – helping you feel centered, calm and focused again. You’ll also gain knowledge on various simple techniques you can employ with your children or loved ones to manage emotions and stressors as well as protect their energy against negative influences.

Learn Simple Techniques to Release Energetic Blockages

The Energy Medicine Summit presents an array of straightforward energy practices. These techniques address physical, emotional and spiritual healing simultaneously – plus can easily fit into daily routines as they can be practiced anywhere and at any time to instantly experience their beneficial effects.

Learn to support your body’s natural healing process by clearing away energetic blockages. Doing this will restore balance and improve overall wellness, as well as how to release any negative emotions or energies which weigh down on you – enabling you to feel free and unburdened. In addition, discover how you can access vagus nerve as an energy healing pathway.

This year’s energy medicine summit brings together world-class teachers and healers from different fields – doctors, researchers, authors, holistic coaches, intuitive energy healers, intuitive energy healers – from around the globe. These pioneers in their respective fields will demonstrate how you can combine Western science with ancient alternative healing modalities for an unparalleled learning experience.

Discovering our complex energetic bonds while discovering different healing modalities such as sound therapy, therapeutic touch, breathwork, acupuncture and vibrational medicine will open up a wealth of discovery opportunities for you. In addition, modern scientific evidence will support ancient healing traditions recognizing their link between science and spirituality – this course offers both scientific knowledge and spiritual understanding to aid its readers.

Energy blocks can be caused by negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs; these energetic blockages can then manifest in pain, discomfort or dis-ease that has an adverse impact on both mental health and physical well-being. But there’s good news – with techniques like EFT tapping or Reiki healing, which harness universal energy to clear away blockages quickly and permanently, these energetic blockages can be eliminated quickly.

Yoga, meditation and mindfulness can help clear your energy by strengthening the immune system by encouraging healthier cells. Furthermore, these practices allow you to cleanse your aura – becoming an anchor of positivity during an uncertain and trying time.

The Energy Medicine Summit will teach you how to harness subtle energies in everyday life and use them for healing purposes. Here you will discover tools that resonate with your unique energy to customize and individualize your healing journey.

Discover the Power of Self-Healing

Self-healing may be your solution if you are living with chronic pain, digestive issues, anxiety or any other debilitating conditions. Taught by world-renowned energy healers and wellness experts, self-healing techniques can help clear energetic buildups, release stuck emotions and revitalize both body and spirit.

At this summit, you’ll gain knowledge on how to activate and utilize the life force energy present both inside your body and surrounding it at all times. By tapping into its great reservoir of pure potentiality, you will learn how to improve physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing for greater well-being while developing an increased awareness of yourself and the world.

This energy medicine summit series brings together modern scientific breakthroughs with holistic, alternative healing modalities and ancient teachings, providing you with tools to better understand the source of your symptoms and how you can prevent future episodes.

Regain confidence in yourself as an effective source of wellness, and become a source of wellness and wisdom to those around you. Ancient practices give you the ability to overcome what others may perceive as impossible, leading you to live your best life ever.

Leading doctors, researchers, and authors across disciplines will teach you how to enhance energy flow, detoxify your body naturally, and boost its natural healing powers. You’ll experience first-hand how energy healing has provided positive measurable results when applied to treat various common disorders ranging from autoimmune diseases and digestive issues to chronic pain or even cancer.

At the end of the day, you will be able to heal yourself and assist loved ones with doing the same. Like car maintenance, frequent minor repairs will keep your body and mind running smoothly without waiting for major breakdowns to take place.

When conventional medicine fails and faith falters, this healing summit series can offer you the path toward sustainable wellness. Our ancient teachings and modalities have been proven to give long-term, sustainable results. Begin your journey now and unlock your body’s hidden potential for health, wellbeing, and a deeper sense of interconnectivity!