Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

January 9, 2024|Editor

Metatron NLS Medical Device

Metatron is the world’s smallest, portable and user-friendly medical diagnostic computer system with a torsion generator. Featuring both unique hardware and software components, Metatron stands as a patented ISO certified torsion biofeedback health assessment and therapy device.

People who can benefit from owning this device include physicians, naturopaths, osteopaths, chiropractors, dietitians, licensed nutritionists, integrative Medicine/CAM Program Directors Massage Therapists and Wellness and Cosmetic Centers.

Non-Linear Health Screening (NLS)

NLS is an advanced diagnostic technology utilizing quantum physics principles for comprehensive health assessments. During its non-invasive scanning process, NLS analyzes electromagnetic fields and subtle energy interactions within the body to detect imbalances, energetic disturbances and potential health issues early enough for patients to take measures to prevent disease progression and enhance overall wellness.

The METATRON Hunter 4025 NLS is an advanced diagnostic medical device which utilizes cutting-edge software to provide information about an individual’s overall state of health. Healthcare professionals can then tailor treatment approaches specifically to each patient, monitor progress and support healing journey. Furthermore, strengthening resilience against disease helps people overcome illness more rapidly.

NLS utilizes an electromagnetic field-interacting headpiece (trigger sensor headset) that interacts with people to collect data on various physiological systems and organs in the body, before this information is processed by software to produce a detailed report about its state – providing insight into potential issues as well as their cause.

METATRON’s medical computer software quickly converts scan results into specific diagnoses and recommendations, with instantaneous results from every short scan instantly decoded into accurate interpretation. Its database includes preparations, illnesses and specifications that make recognizing relevant frequencies easy; send out relevant signals by scanning.

During a session, the METATRON device transmits vibrations that are reversed to produce an image of pathological processes in a patient’s body. This image is then compared against its database of known remedies and their frequencies; if any match, that remedy is considered effective and will help treat their symptoms.

METATRON NLS Scan is an easy and painless noninvasive procedure. No physical contact between patient and technician is required during scanning; making this the perfect choice for individuals of all ages and conditions, including infants, young children, elderly adults, those with sensitive skin as it doesn’t involve needles or radiation exposure.

Energetic Disturbance Detection

Metatron is a medical device that scans your energetic field to identify imbalances and potential health problems in your body. This device is utilized by doctors, naturopaths, acupuncturists, homeopaths, massage therapists, dietitians and wellness centers as well as individuals alike; its system utilizes computer software programs with sensor headsets to detect any imbalances within your body; this data then allows the software program to recommend specific remedies that balance those imbalances and restore natural energy flow in your system.

The new metatron 4025 hunter features an expansive frequency library, enabling the trigger sensors in its headpiece to tune to resonance frequencies of various organs, tissues and cells. Once tuned-in, information is decoded and displayed as virtual models of these organs on screen; furthermore, software provides information regarding developmental stage as well as whether an infection may become acute or chronic.

Sclerology is the branch of eye science which studies eye responses to environmental stimuli. Sclerologists use this science to asses people’s eyes health status, helping doctors diagnose what symptoms may be present as well as suggesting solutions.

Metatron can also help doctors pinpoint the source of diseases, as it analyzes frequency patterns from organs in relation to medications, herbs and supplements that could provide relief.

Metatron is an excellent way to identify the root cause of illnesses like autoimmune disorders, infections and inflammations as well as provide guidance for their natural treatment – also known as non-invasive biofeedback – it also allows users to test dietary supplements against patients’ conditions to determine which ones work best.

Metatron is a medical device based on quantum physics and bioresonance that offers a safe and effective method to check overall wellness. Healthcare professionals such as acupuncturists, nutritionists, physicians and nurses use Metatron to conduct overall wellbeing assessments for their clients as well as testing food supplements, herbs and medicinal products for authenticity.

Personalized Treatment Approaches

The METATRON NLS Scan can help clients detect imbalances and energetic disturbances before they manifest as physical symptoms, providing clients with a chance to take preventative measures to optimize their health and well-being. Furthermore, healthcare professionals can utilize it as a powerful tool in developing tailored treatment approaches, monitoring progress reports and supporting patients on their journey toward improved wellness.

This hardware-software system comprises a trigger sensor headset and interface which transmit electromagnetic signals into the brain using a resonance chamber. Software then identifies specific frequencies emitted by each organ that are then used to decode information from brain neuron activity and display virtual models of each organ on a computer screen.

Three-dimensional scanning enables this device to pinpoint tumor nidus as well as heritable diseases, as well as identify their source at genome level – including through cytological cuts, sets of chromosomes and individual chromosomes, or even down deeper towards fragments of DNA helix.

All information transmitted during a scan session is then stored in the database of METATRON software and used to search for remedies that match up best with pathological processes, and automatically selects one as soon as they match up.

The METATRON software is compatible with various medical approaches, including holistic, alternative, and traditional medicine. It can be utilized by physicians, naturopaths, acupuncturists, dietitians, naturopathic nurses, osteopaths, physiotherapists massage therapists spa managers as well as integrative health practitioners such as integrative health physiotherapists massage therapists spa managers as well as any practitioner of integrative health. English Russian and Chinese versions make the software accessible worldwide while its intuitive user interface makes use easy for even beginners to navigate quickly.

Monitoring Treatment Progress

The METATRON NLS Scan is an invaluable way of monitoring treatment progress, as it identifies imbalances and energetic disturbances before they manifest physically. This tool helps doctors monitor how effectively treatments are working as well as whether any adjustments should be made in order to get desired results.

This form of diagnosis offers numerous advantages over conventional medical diagnoses, enabling patients to receive treatments tailored specifically to their body constitution and may cause less side effects or complications than traditional methods. Furthermore, it speeds up healing processes.

Metatron NLS not only offers information about organ functions, but can also pinpoint when abnormal conditions have developed in tissue, cells, DNA helix or molecules – and then provide treatments to correct those abnormal conditions and restore normal functionality.

NLS is a highly effective diagnostic and therapeutic tool that can be used to address many diseases, including cancer. By pinpointing its source and stopping further progression, this diagnostic can significantly enhance life quality for those experiencing illness.

The Non-invasive Liver Scan (NLS scan) is an ideal diagnostic tool, as it is non-invasive, painless, and radiation free – making it suitable for people of all ages ranging from children to the elderly. Furthermore, its wide array of organ-specific capabilities makes it especially helpful in detecting cancerous cells or tumors in livers.

NLS can also be used to diagnose CNS disorders, cardiovascular diseases, muscular system disorders and prostate or mammary gland tumors as well as monitor their effects through radiation or drug therapy treatments on a patient’s organs.

The Hunter System from this company allows its user to obtain virtual multidimensional icons of anatomical structures. Physicians can compare these images with those taken of healthy people to detect abnormalities such as Raynaud’s phenomenon, progressive systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis; nailfold capillary microscopy has proven itself reliable at identifying them in over 80% of adult patients.

January 9, 2024|Editor

Yoga Teacher and Energy Healer Lauren Walker

Lauren Walker, energy healer and yoga instructor, provides simple tools that can help activate your body’s secret switches. Drawing upon yoga and Eden Energy Medicine practices as her sources, Lauren teaches how you can harness your own energies for healing, balance, and joy.

Use her gorilla-like chest pound and “crossing” exercises to boost your energy before practice – you’ll feel the difference!


EMYoga is an innovative yoga system that unlocks and harnesses your energy center to help balance emotions, heal physical issues, and build resilience. Practice sessions typically last 20-30 minutes and are suitable for all fitness levels; furthermore it features techniques on increasing energy flow as well as journaling exercises – perfect for fit into busy schedules! You can practice EMYoga at home or while traveling – making it easily adaptable into daily life!

This approach to yoga provides you with an insight into yourself as a kaleidoscope composed of the Five Elements that comprise life – including your personal health and wellbeing. It is an eye-opening concept that helps make even complex challenges seem simpler.

Emotions are an essential part of life; but without proper tools to process them, they can quickly become toxic and contribute to psychosomatic illnesses like stress, depression and even heart disease. EMYoga gives you tools for processing difficult emotions so you can release them and move on in life.

EM yoga helps you establish an intimate connection between breath and emotions – which are integral components of mind-body connection – as well as creating compassion in yourself and others. Practitioners learn how to tie breath with emotions that they experience, helping release negative patterns that keep them stuck while also cultivating compassion for themselves and others.

Lauren Walker provides practical tools and easy to follow EMYoga techniques in her book to help you overcome major roadblocks on your healing journey. In addition, the book presents real stories about people who have faced serious illness but found healing through EMYoga.

Lauren Walker is a world-renowned yoga instructor. As the author of several books – her debut being The Yoga Prescription: An Energy Medicine Yoga Guide to Heal What Ails You – as well as writing for various publications like Yoga Journal and the New York Times, Lauren is driven to empower her students to heal themselves with the power of their bodies – having opened Montana’s inaugural studio and taught thousands worldwide.

Lauren Walker

Lauren Walker has been teaching yoga since 1997 and developed Energy Medicine Yoga during her teaching stint at Norwich University. Her work has been featured in Yoga Journal and Mantra +, and she has built up an international network of Energy Medicine Yoga instructors she personally trained. Lauren also published two books: Amplify the Healing Power of Your Yoga Practice and The Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription.

EM Yoga integrates Tantra Yoga as taught by Rod Stryker with Energy Medicine developed by Donna Eden. These techniques tap into Traditional Chinese Medicine nadis, chakras, meridians as well as ancient body maps such as Celtic Weave, Tibetan Energy Ring and Cross at Base of Spine for guidance. When combined with physical practice of yoga EM Yoga can help increase stamina, balance immunity levels, heal emotional traumas.

Energy Medicine Yoga is an eight-week online training designed to change longstanding patterns in your body, mind and spirit’s energy flow. Each class session features video teaching as well as guided discovery of tools you can use to activate Radiant Circuits for increased health, joy, and wholeness.

No matter your experience level with yoga, the benefits of this program will become clear from your first session. These short 20-30 minute yoga sessions will strengthen your energy body while awakening its natural healing powers through body-mind-spirit connection. Each session includes postures, breathwork, meditation and self-healing energy work to support its goal.

Lauren Walker, author of Energy Medicine Yoga: Amplify the Healing Power of your Yoga Practice”, is an internationally acclaimed yoga and mindfulness teacher with an unwavering commitment to helping her students find peace within themselves. Walker brings with her an unmatched combination of wisdom and spirituality which make her highly sought-after speakers and teachers; additionally she holds training as a trained hypnotist while possessing a keen awareness of body-mind-spirit dynamics; she has studied Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine methods which she incorporates into her yoga classes.

Marie Manuchehri

Marie Manuchehri, RN is an energy medicine healer who bridges conventional and holistic medicine. Raised in a family that values preventive medicine, her career as an oncology nurse enabled her to understand the energetic relationship between health and disease, her medical intuition and mediumship skills allowed her to remove toxins and raise patient vibration levels quickly and effectively.

She blends Tantra Yoga as taught by Rod Stryker with Eden Energy Medicine developed by Donna Eden to create her practice. She has taught Energy Medicine Yoga throughout the US and internationally; her writing has appeared in Yoga Journal, Mantra+ Magazine, Yoga Digest Magazine and The New York Times among other places. In addition, she is the author of two books and certified instructor of her highly intuitive, straightforward healing method.

Marie utilizes her intuition to connect with your guides and loved ones who have passed. With this knowledge she offers many advantages for you – such as insight into past lives and the current state of your energy field; activation of innate healing abilities and connecting to one’s higher self.

She strongly believes that your vibration is integral to spiritual wellness and medical intuition, keeping its frequency high is the secret to unblocking unhealthy or stagnant energies from within yourself – something which Marie helps you do through her 7-module course, Expand Your Consciousness & Ignite Multisensory Wellbeing With Medical Intuition. During this course she provides you with tools to elevate your vibration.

Marie answers listener calls in this episode on various topics, such as detoxing methods and how angel energy can enhance life; how Yin yoga benefits your immune system; intuitive guidance regarding issues like ear ringing and hand tremors; as well as answering call-in listener inquiries about yoga for immunity purposes and tips for better sleep. Feel free to submit any of your queries at Marie’s show website!

Ellen Meredith

Ellen Meredith is the author of three books on energy medicine: The Language Your Body Speaks: Self-Healing with Energy Medicine; Listening In: Dialogues With Your Wiser Self (channeled class audiobook); and her forthcoming title Your Body Will Show You the Way: Energetic Tools for Personal, Social and Planetary Change. In addition, Ellen created EMYoga: an integrative healing system combining yoga and energy work that can help individuals recover from trauma while building resilience – she teaches this system worldwide as well as training teachers on intuitive and simple healing systems like hers!

The Language Your Body Speaks offers practical strategies for learning the subtle energies, shifting patterns, and activating your miraculous ability to heal. This warm, rich, and generous book serves as a guide for understanding and communicating with the inner guidance system of the body based on 35 years of hands-on practice with Donna Eden’s pioneering energy medicine approach; furthermore Ellen is known for being down-to-earth but out-of-the-box thinking when it comes to medical intuition and consciousness channelship.

Walker blends Tantra Yoga as taught by Rod Stryker with energy medicine developed by Donna Eden to create her signature approach to body work. Her techniques tap into nadis, chakras and meridians from Traditional Chinese Medicine or other ancient body maps for remedying any condition from dull feelings to full-blown diseases.

In this transformative seven-week virtual course, you will become proficient with understanding your body’s energetic language and activating its inner guidance system. Furthermore, during the course you will benefit from interviews with leading visionaries and teachers in energy to expand your understanding.

January 9, 2024|Editor

The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy

What is Frequency Therapy?

Frequency therapy is a treatment method using frequencies and micro-currents to reduce symptoms, improve health and heal injuries. Also referred to as bioresonance healing or vibrational medicine, frequency therapy operates under the belief that all things in nature, including your own body, emit an electromagnetic field that emits frequencies or vibrations which can be measured using special reading devices. If these frequencies become discordant with one another it can lead to illness – frequency therapy utilizes specific frequencies in order to restore balance within your system and promote overall wellbeing and improve wellbeing and overall wellness.

FSM requires sitting or lying down on a table while electrode pads are attached to your skin, using microcurrent (millionths of an ampere). Most people won’t even feel it; frequencies chosen during treatment correspond with specific tissues being treated and increase energy production in cells, believed to help speed healing faster.

FSM therapy is an extremely effective means of relieving nerve, muscle and scar tissue pain and has been demonstrated to change pain and function in many clinical conditions. Furthermore, FSM can reduce inflammation, revitalize blood and lymphatic systems as well as dissolve or soften scar tissue.

One two-channel frequency combination has been proven to be 100% effective at alleviating shingles and oral/genital herpes pain, kidney stone pain in most cases and other chronic diseases and illnesses. Other frequencies may also prove helpful depending on its severity as well as whether its source may be inflammation-based or not.

How Frequency Therapy Works

Frequency therapy works on the principle that each atom and molecule in your body emits its own frequency, and any injuries or illnesses that disrupt this can create imbalances within the body, leading to imbalances that lead to imbalanced. Wearable discs used in aminoneuro frequency therapy mimic the natural frequencies produced by your body to restore balance and ease pain.

Treatment also works to increase cellular energy production, helping your body more easily heal itself. Frequency-specific microcurrent has been known to boost cells’ production of ATP by up to 500% – essential in stimulating the repair process for cells.

AminoNeuro Frequency Therapy is a drug-free and noninvasive solution to numerous ailments, offering effective and safer anti-inflammation therapy options than ever before. Combining traditional approaches with cutting-edge technologies makes this revolutionary holistic therapy even more efficient and safer than ever.

Amineuro frequency therapy stands out as one of the few therapies suitable for use by all age groups and is non-invasive, making it an attractive choice for people averse to surgical interventions or medications, or who prefer non-toxic treatments like it due to allergies and sensitivities.

Amineuro frequency therapy not only alleviates physical discomfort, but can also ease mental stress and anxiety levels. Utilizing sound waves to balance out energy fields within your body and promote healing, this form of frequency medicine allows voice recognition technology to detect imbalances within your system and allow a practitioner to select suitable frequencies tailored specifically to you.

Treatment with laser light therapy can also help treat several autoimmune conditions, such as chronic inflammation and fibromyalgia. Furthermore, its results are felt immediately with most patients experiencing relief within four to seven days.

Frequency Treatments for Cancer

Frequency treatments for cancer may include radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and radiation. RFA is a minimally invasive technique that heats and destroys cancer cells without harming nearby healthy ones; most often used for tumors and nodules in the body. A radiologist uses imaging tests to guide a needle-like probe into tumor or nodule locations before emitting radiofrequency waves aimed at this area, or direct them directly into bloodstream to kill cancer cells throughout.

Radiation therapy can be effective at treating some types of prostate cancer, and is sometimes combined with surgery as part of a comprehensive strategy for localized cancers that cannot be removed through traditional means, or those which recur after prior treatments.

The 417 Hz frequency is one of the Solfeggio frequencies, believed to provide healing energy. It has been associated with sacral chakra or energetic center of body for its relaxing and balancing qualities, creating a sense of peace and equilibrium.

Studies have demonstrated that frequency-modulated (FM) TTFields are just as effective at inhibiting triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) cell growth than uniform ones, yet with greater selectivity for targeting TNBC cells. A sensitivity analysis also indicated that more TNBC cells died due to FM TTFields than in their presence.

FSM (Frequency Synchronized Modulation) is a technique in which two frequencies are simultaneously sent over two channels at the same time to treat conditions, including inflammation and scar tissue. A pair of frequencies that is believed to neutralize one condition are placed on one channel while one that addresses tissue is put on another channel at once. There are numerous frequencies used for treating different ailments through FSM; many can help neutralize specific conditions while another addresses tissue directly.

Frequency Treatments for Other Diseases

Frequency treatment can also be effective at managing difficult-to-manage conditions, including fibromyalgia associated with spine trauma that responds well to certain frequency combinations; another frequency has been observed as being capable of alleviating the pain experienced by shingles patients; FSM can even be used to help alleviate kidney stones (though not remove the stone itself).

FSM uses a two-channel microcurrent device to deliver extremely low levels of frequencies to specific areas of the body, safely treating all tissues at once. These frequencies help reduce nerve irritation while stimulating healing of injured tissue while increasing conductivity and signalling between nerves.

FSM has proven particularly effective at treating myofascial pain syndrome, arthritis and degenerative joint disease, chronic fatigue, insomnia and depression. Furthermore, FSM can decrease inflammation, prevent bruising and increase range of motion – although certain conditions such as acute infections or recent injuries (within six weeks) may not be suitable. A licensed practitioner will determine whether FSM is appropriate for you; classes in this technique are now taught throughout the US and internationally.


Applying electricity to treat illness has long been used by ancient civilizations – the Egyptians used electric eels, while Chinese medicine practiced acupuncture. Royal Rife’s research, however, reads more like a thriller: his discoveries included misinformation and hidden information; theft; lawsuits; character assassinations and government abuse!

Chapter 5, the Frequency Directory, offers over 200 pages of listings of diseases and their frequencies, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, candida yeast parasites and parasites, allergies, autoimmune disorders, chemical poisoning and detoxification as well as arthritis/joint conditions; eye, ear infections; gastrointestinal tract, glands & heartburn conditions and many others. Each entry provides insight into its source as well as symptoms & coinfections which facilitate faster diagnosis & treatment processes.

Dr. Nenah Sylver’s 2011 hardback edition of the Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health is the definitive work on this revolutionary energy medicine, making an indispensable resource for both experienced health practitioners and general readers. A must-read for anyone curious about electromedicine or holistic healing.

January 9, 2024|Editor

Healing With Scalar Spooky2

Scalar Spooky2 provides three methods for transmitting healing scalar energy. Users may choose from pure, molecular and Rife modes – each offering distinct advantages.

Pure scalar therapy is one of the easiest and fastest ways to create a healing scalar field. All it requires is tuning Spooky2 and sitting or lying between transmitter and receiver.

Pure Scalar

Scalar products are an essential aspect of Further Mathematics and have many applications, helping you excel both academically and beyond. Understand their key differences from vector product, as well as their essential applications both at school and beyond. Learn the difference between length-weighted scalar product and angle-weighted vector product as well as anticommutativeness or commutativity of each, in addition to everyday applications of both.

Nikola Tesla was renowned for his belief in scalar energy. He believed scalar waves could be harnessed to produce unlimited amounts of power; and claimed scalar energy is renewable, free, and always available – this view was shared by Albert Einstein who wrote extensively about its properties.

There are various methods available to you for sending healing scalar waves into your body. One is through using scalar transmitters and receivers – these devices transmit healing scalar waves directly into the body to promote cellular health while eliminating disease. Other techniques to send this healing energy directly include acupressure, light therapy and acupuncture.

Spooky2 utilizes three distinct methods to transmit healing scalar energy: pure, molecular and Rife scalar energy transmission. Each has unique properties and benefits; however, Spooky2 is the first device offering all three options at the same time.

Scalar energy differs from electromagnetic in that its strength remains constant over distance, permitting long transmission distances and penetrating matter with ease. Furthermore, its interactions with the aether–an energy field that encompasses all particles–help to cancel out manmade EMF’s and protect your body against their negative side effects.

Pure scalar energy has long been believed to help restore healthy cell vibration to within an ideal range of 70-90 millivolts, the optimum level for optimal cell functioning and disease, aging and cancer prevention. Spooky2 also reduces energy levels associated with toxins and viruses which could be contributing to disease occurrence in certain cases.

Molecular Scalar

Molecular scalear energy can be harnessed for healing. Similar to electromagnetic waves, but without frequency or space travel; instead it creates an energy field which interacts with other fields and substances – often associated with physical health but also spiritual healing; its healing benefits can even be transferred onto products or items – even crystals!

The Scalar Coupling (SCC) operator is a Pauli-quaternion based spin-orbit term that introduces a new scalar field into Hamiltonian. This marks the first time such an operator has been implemented into fully four-component calculations of an atom or molecular system and results in Breit Hamiltonians with orbit-orbit terms that enable prediction of molecular vibrational frequencies.

SCC boasts numerous topographical features that are absent in EMD, including no maxima in ESP distributions of atoms, molecules and their ions, and an ESP surface surrounding any anion. Furthermore, there are strong correlations between total electronic energies and the ESP values of atomic cores and electron shells.

Scalar fields can be generated in several ways. One such method involves sending electromagnetic waves into the body, known as “scalar transmission.” This technique has proven highly successful at treating arthritis, depression and joint pain as well as increasing immunity and speeding healing processes.

Scalar energy works by charging the mitochondria of your cells with energy, enabling your cells to heal themselves and remove blockages in your cellular matrix. It can also restore Chi energy flow throughout your body, leading to balance and well-being in an all-natural, noninvasive approach that may replace pharmaceutical treatments altogether. Most people report feeling an intense sense of relaxation as their mitochondria charge with this charge, with most experiencing tingling sensations or lightness when receiving this treatment.

Rife Scalar

Scalar energy is one of the most potent healing energy solutions available today, capable of reestablishing communication networks, increasing metabolism, circulation and healing faster from illness or injuries. Furthermore, its therapeutic properties have proven successful at treating numerous diseases while remaining relatively unknown due to being labeled alternative medicine – an unfortunate circumstance since scalar energy could make our lives healthier and more enjoyable!

Scalar waves differ from electromagnetic waves in that they do not lose power as they travel further; since scalar wave energy exists everywhere. Furthermore, you can use it to transmit information; for instance you could tell your body’s cells what to do – helping fight infections or expanding spiritual awareness.

Rife modulation is another way of using scalar energy. This technique brings together discoveries by Royal Rife and Nikola Tesla to form a device capable of using healing scalar waves to fight pathogens such as viruses or bacteria. Rife frequencies act like vibrations that disrupt molecular structures within viruses or bacteria – such that Rife devices scans your body like computer virus-scanning software in search of their respective frequencies, while Spooky2 Scalar then applies it directly onto affected areas using its healing scalar waves.

The Rife device can also be used to treat emotional or psychological disorders, easing stress and anxiety while improving sleep and increasing mental alertness. Furthermore, it can assist with traumas or phobias and help manage addictions; enhance relationships; or even alleviate insomnia and depression.

A great way to use scalar energy is by placing a sample of any health-related substance on an input coil and tuning your device accordingly. Once tuned, this device will generate a scalar field around that sample that will then travel directly through DNA into your body – eventually picking up on its signals and sharing them through quantum entanglement properties with all parts of your body.

Scalar Harmony

Scalar Harmonics are melodic relationships derived from the frequencies in a chord. Intervals between these frequencies create specific chordal sounds, which can be altered by changing its root or adding inversions to it. Scalar harmony’s signature sound can often be heard in jazz and other modern genres of music, as well as being used to transmit healing frequency programs that can assist with various ailments.

Many scalar harmony styles utilize a secondary melody or counter melody as the basis for their harmony, then embellish it using span process, pedal notes or other techniques for an effective accompaniment to primary melodic phrases such as an anthem chorale-based form.

Scalar theory differs from traditional tonal analysis in that it takes into account the inversional properties of each scale degree, creating more flexible tension-and-resolution trajectories and using shifts of each scalar degree to delineate sectional boundaries, convey change in mood or situation, or produce harmonic progressions with greater complexity.

Kenny Roger’s “Love Will Turn You Around” features IV chord scalar harmonics that move from Mixolydian (with an added note 3) to Ionian for the chorus, emphasizing the contrast between its cramped melody of verse and expansive expanse of chorus. Duran Duran’s “Rio” showcases even more artful transitions as its IV chord changes from Dorian in verse to Aeolian in prechorus and Ionian for chorus.

Scalar Harmony raises the bar for frequency applications by blending multiple frequencies together in harmony, enabling healing frequency programs for physical and mental wellbeing to be transmitted over an electromagnetic network. Furthermore, customized frequencies may even be combined with molecular scalar energy to strengthen immune responses and increase white blood cell counts.

January 9, 2024|Editor

Full Body Vibration Therapy

Vibration exercise has quickly become more than just a fitness trend, with researchers using vibration training in medical settings and reporting impressive results like stronger muscles, denser bones and improved balance and mobility.

Studies suggest that whole body vibration therapy may help to decrease fat mass. Unfortunately, these studies are short and don’t take into account diet or other forms of exercise to ascertain its efficacy. More research must be completed to fully establish its potential benefits.

Improves Blood Circulation

Vibration therapy is an exercise technique involving standing or performing exercises on a vibrating platform. Studies have demonstrated its effectiveness for strengthening muscles and bones, decreasing body fat, improving blood circulation and treating neuropathy – a condition which affects peripheral nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord, such as tingling sensations, numbness or muscle fatigue.

Scientists continue to explore the effectiveness of whole-body vibration therapy as an aid for neurological conditions. Their studies are showing encouraging results; vibration therapy appears capable of relieving symptoms associated with neuropathy.

One study compared whole body vibration therapy with exercise for mice genetically programmed to be obese and diabetic, finding that vibration therapy was just as effective at improving muscle quality, lowering blood sugar levels, and improving bone health as exercise was. But it should be remembered that this was just one study and more studies must be completed before we can establish whether whole body vibration therapy is safe and effective treatment option for humans.

Whole body vibration therapy not only improves bone density, muscle mass and circulation but it can also assist with other health conditions. For instance, it can prevent osteoporosis by strengthening muscles and bones; treating chronic pain disorder fibromyalgia; studies show using vibration plates may alleviate symptoms by increasing blood flow to affected limbs and joints; etc.

Recent research found that low-magnitude (30 Hz) vibration significantly increased venous blood velocity in muscles during an acute bout of vibration, likely due to vasodilation. Horizontal, vertical or side-alternating vibration types had different impacts on peripheral blood flow and muscle oxygenation.

Researchers of this study discovered that side-alternating vibration elicited greater improvements in peripheral blood flow and muscle oxygenation than horizontal or vertical vibrations, regardless of length of time participants spent standing on the vibration platform. Further investigation must be performed into how different vibration types impact blood flow and muscle oxygenation, according to their authors of this research study.

Reduces Fat Mass

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of whole body vibration therapy to effectively decrease fat mass, increase muscle strength and enhance balance. Furthermore, this therapy improves bone health, decreases stress hormone levels and aids in regenerating healthy muscle tissue and blood circulation. Furthermore, vibrations force muscles to contract and relax many times each second – mimicking real exercise to create increased caloric expenditure through muscle contract/relax action and thus accelerate fat burnoff.

Microcurrent body treatments combined with fat reduction double the results and move fat cells through lymphatic system, providing you with a powerful tool for helping clients reach their ideal weight, tone and slimming goals.

The up-and-down motion of the machine stimulates your patient’s postural muscles, improving her balance and coordination. Front-to-back and side-to-side movements also engage her skeletal system, increasing range of motion, improving her range of movement, and helping them transition more easily between sitting and standing positions. This exercise may be especially helpful for individuals suffering from cerebrovascular events like strokes; osteoarthritis patients who find transitioning between sitting and standing difficult; as well as those living with obstructive pulmonary diseases or type 2 diabetes who may lack motivation for exercise.

Vibration training also benefits the body by increasing resting metabolic rate, an essential aspect of overall energy expenditure that is greatly influenced by age, diet, medications, sleep habits and bodyweight. Vibration training increases resting metabolic rate by stimulating nerve impulses to the brain that will activate muscles to contract and relax more regularly.

Local vibrations in the abdominal cavity also stimulate the gastrointestinal system, increasing its efficiency by stimulating thermogenic effects (the amount of energy expended during chewing and swallowing food). Your patient could use up to 10% of their total energy budget just from eating alone!

Whole-body vibration training can have a positive effect on the lymphatic system. The slower vibrations of the machine help with lymph drainage, helping your patient’s lymphatic system get rid of waste products and excess fluids more effectively. This method is particularly helpful after non-invasive fat reduction treatments have left debris that must be flushed from their system by lymph drainage.

Strengthens Muscles

Full body vibration therapy is an effective way of strengthening muscles when combined with weight training or other forms of exercises. Vibration training challenges the body’s equilibrium and causes muscle contractions that wouldn’t occur on solid ground, providing an intense workout for your muscles while increasing joint strength.

Recent research published in NeuroRehabilitation demonstrated that adding vibration therapy to a regular exercise routine improves results of traditional resistance training, increasing muscle power and performance, particularly among older adults who may be more vulnerable to muscle atrophy. Researchers noted the benefits were particularly valuable for older adults when coupled with traditional resistance training methods.

Vibration training has the added advantage of relieving back pain. A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials concluded that whole-body vibration therapy (WBV) had an impactful positive impact on muscle strength, power and muscular endurance among elderly individuals with non-specific low back pain (NLBP).

WBV involves lying or standing on a vibrating plate which moves vertically, sinusoidally or side-alternating at various frequencies and displacement amplitudes. WBV therapy is often touted as an anti-ageing treatment; scientists theorize that this works through our bodies’ natural “tonic vibration reflex.”

Osteoporosis can also benefit from vibration therapy. According to the National Institute on Aging, osteoporosis is a progressive condition in which inner bone density decreases over time and honeycomb-shaped bone fragments form. People living with osteoporosis often become fearful of breaking a bone due to reduced mobility and muscle weakness as their activity levels decrease due to fear.

However, one of the primary advantages of vibration therapy is that it doesn’t cause bone mass loss – and can actually promote new bone growth! Studies have revealed that using a vibration machine for just 10-20 minutes each day may help decrease osteoporosis symptoms while simultaneously increasing bone density and decreasing its effects.

Reduces Stress

Vibration therapy (WBV) is an exercise method which employs vibrating plates to stimulate muscles. Research has proven its efficacy for strengthening bones, increasing muscle power and cardiovascular wellbeing as well as aiding physical recovery from injury. Furthermore, vibration therapy reduces stress while simultaneously improving balance and flexibility as well as relieving muscle pain.

Researchers have discovered that WBV increases production of muscle-building protein, helping strengthen bones and muscles to reduce back pain. Furthermore, vibrations help reduce fat mass in the abdomen while stimulating release of hormones responsible for decreasing stress levels – studies have revealed WBV to be just as effective as traditional exercises such as walking or running.

WBV provides an accessible and safe exercise solution for people who do not have the mobility, capacity or desire for traditional physiotherapy. As it involves low impact movement that stimulates all muscles throughout the body instead of just surface muscles like traditional physiotherapy does, WBV has been proven to increase muscle strength and bone health comparable to conventional physiotherapy in 30-60 minutes per day.

Vibration plates emit vibrations that cause muscles to contract and relax repeatedly throughout each second, simulating exercise. According to researchers, rapid vibrations stimulate both muscles and bones by improving muscle quality while also helping prevent osteoporosis and improving balance and coordination through activating natural reflexes found within our bodies; which may benefit those living with Parkinson’s disease or other health issues which affect balance or movement.

Vibration therapy has long been used by astronauts and cosmonauts in space programs to ensure that their muscles and bone density did not degrade under zero gravity conditions. Research suggests vibration therapy could benefit various conditions including arthritis, obesity and depression – it has even been proposed that vibrations may help alleviate some symptoms associated with Parkinson’s Disease such as tremors and rigidity according to one published NeuroRehabilitation study.