Quantum Sound Healing – The Quantum Sound Miracle iQUBE and Quantum Light Healing Domes
The Quantum Sound Miracle iQUBE uses an innovative combination of scalar energy and voice code sound therapy to produce permanent subconscious transformation. When used together with our Quantum Light Healing Domes, you’ll discover an incredible new paradigm of vibrational self-healing!
Studies show that sound can significantly enhance spiritual wellbeing and decrease feelings of depression and tension, likely through resonance and entrainment effects.
Sound Entrainment
Sound can act as a catalyst for change, creating vibrational resonances that shift our body’s energy field and our personal field. Since humans are energy systems, when harmonic, resonant frequencies such as those used in sound healing tools like cymatics and sound therapy are introduced through harmonic frequencies the human body responds accordingly, becoming aligned and balanced across its physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
Sound entrainment research is astounding, showing how human brainwaves can be coaxed into producing particular brainwave patterns to induce positive emotions such as gratitude, love and compassion; higher states of connection between soul and spirit; etc. All this can be accomplished using binaural beats or frequency waves specifically targeted to certain brainwave states.
Delta waves, found during deep sleep and associated with trance states, can be used to induce meditation or the deepest state known as “unified field”, and are incorporated in RASHA’s advanced quantum sound healing sessions.
Individualized frequencies can also help address emotional trauma by dissolving blockages, opening hearts, and creating balance and harmony in one’s life. Through advanced scalar wave technology, the Quantum Sound Session delivers a bio-individual symphony of sounds which resonate with each client’s voice code to activate quantum energy within their bodies and fields.
Jessica Rosario has long used her musical gifts as an agent of change. For over 25 years she has studied the relationship between sound and the preconscious mind and healing ceremonies, workshops and retreats facilitated by Sound Body Initiative. Jessica holds certificates as a shaman, NLP practitioner and hypnotherapy therapist as well as yoga teacher certification.
As an Osteopathic Physician, author and international speaker on Cranial Neuroanatomy Physiology Sound Healing Quantum Mechanics Osteopathy; she bridges modern science with ancient wisdom by helping people reclaim their health through attuning to cosmic frequencies. Her passion lies in exploring this intersection between modern science and ancient knowledge – with particular interest on how individuals can tap into the vital energy that pulsates throughout our planet – in order to regain and heal themselves through attuning to these frequencies within us all.
Physics defines resonance as the relatively large selective response of objects or systems to oscillatory input forces that occur at their natural frequency. Resonance is a property found in musical instruments like pianos that resonates to string vibrations; resonance also plays a part in human voices by amplifying our voice with harmonics of its own. Resonance can either be beneficial or destructive depending on its use; for instance it could help produce desired results, like when striking an exact pitch tuning fork to produce clear, pure notes, while in destructive cases such as bridges swaying under their own natural resonance forces.
Resonance is a natural phenomenon found throughout the universe, including within ourselves and our cells. Each cell produces sound frequencies as part of its metabolic processes that resonate with other cells and the environment around them, creating resonance effects between cells and people and environment around them. Resonance therapy may help harmonize dis-ordered frequencies within your body caused by toxic substances, emotional traumas, pathogens or long term noise pollution exposure.
Quantum sound healing relies on principles of entrainment and resonance to transform consciousness and energy fields to higher levels of self-mastery and freedom. While it requires dedication and perseverance, the results make the journey worth your while.
Scalar energy, operating in higher dimensions than electromagnetic waves, is the perfect tool to facilitate self-mastery and freedom from limiting beliefs and patterns. Our quantum sound healing sessions utilize this tool alongside healing frequencies of the RASHA Morphogenetic Harmoniser System which incorporates technologies created by Nikola Tesla, Antoine Delorme, and Royal Rife into one holistic self-healthcare solution.
Quantum sound healing relies heavily on intent as its core. An intention is a conscious act that emits vibrations into one’s energy field and then amplified to promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing in its target recipient. Quantum energy healers utilize this principle by sending intentions directly into their clients’ fields using thought, visualization and prayer; this form of vibrational medicine.
Science is now verifying ancient knowledge that our entire universe is composed of vibrating energy. From electrons orbiting an atom’s nucleus to distant galaxies, everything vibrates at some frequency or another. When it comes to healing, scientists have discovered sound therapy can have a significant impact on helping restore balance to our bodies.
Scientific studies into harmonic architecture support the theory that our environment influences our health and well-being, with buildings like homes, workplaces, schools and playgrounds creating frequencies which impact emotions, behaviors and thoughts. Quantum Sound Light Healing Domes designed in accordance with Vaastu principles and unification quantum physics can resonate in harmony with cosmic energies to provide the ideal setting for rebalancing mind/body/spirit connections.
Quantum Sound Therapy can be an invaluable aid to alleviating stress and anxiety, alleviating pain and depression, increasing brain/heart cohesion and connection, strengthening immunity and elevating vibrational frequency. Furthermore, Quantum Sound Therapy is used to rewire brain pathways, release subconscious blocks from performance issues as well as protect against EMFs, 5G frequencies or any other electromagnetic frequencies that could harm mental performance and neuroplasticity as well as protect against EMFs or any electromagnetic frequencies that might penetrate our environment.
Before embarking on a quantum sound healing session, we advise detoxing your body and releasing negative emotions to prepare for an expanded consciousness journey. This process is known as The RASHA.
Deep quantum sound chair sessions take your consciousness on a journey beyond your perception, up into an electromagnetic sea of pure sound waves and unbound consciousness. Here, in a non-dualistic state, your consciousness becomes one with all things that exist and ever will exist – as well as with life’s infinite potential and infinite potentialities.
The Quantum Field
Quantum Fields are distributions of values that exist throughout space and time, much like temperature or wind fields. Every point within any room or moment in time has an associated value associated with it, creating an invisible blanket of value which exists.
As soon as the Big Bang occurred, field values began to oscillate erratically instead of remaining constant due to Universe expansion; this allowed quantum field fluctuations to disperse widely across vast distances without knowing about each other and interact.
Good news is that this appears to be only temporary; as the universe expands further, quantum field fluctuations should reintegrate, and we should see the full benefits of quantum sound healing.
Monica uses her specialized voice and the Miracle iCube (scalar energy) to perform Quantum Sound Therapy, an innovative form of vibrational wellness and healing which incorporates modern quantum physics with ancient knowledge of sound healing. Each individual session she offers aims to restore balance across physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies to assist the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Quantum Sound Therapy sessions utilize resonant frequencies to restore vibrational integrity of all cells and structures within the body. This de-densifies low energy cells or tissue structures so they may receive energy from the Unified Field; in turn allowing qi (chi) flow unimpeded through the cellular matrix for healing on all levels.
Monica has made an enormous mark with hundreds of clients. She leaves them pain-free, extremely relaxed, and in touch with their Divine Selves. Furthermore, Monica trains professional therapists in this cutting edge scalar technology so they may use this powerful new modality with their patients and clients.
Our Pacific Domes Quantum Sound-Light Healing Dome vibrates in resonance with cosmic energy, providing deep relaxation and rebalancing your natural energy flow – sparking your body’s own self-healing mechanism. The RASHA Morphogenetic Harmoniser System makes this possible; combining the expertise of Nikola Tesla, Antoine Priorie’ and Dr Royal Rife into one integrative quantum self-healing system.