Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

December 22, 2023|Editor

Spooky2 Databases

Spooky2 includes four factory databases – DNA, Base Pairs, Molecular Weight and Main – plus any collections you add to your custom file. Together they form one of the world’s largest frequency sets.

Settings, Presets and Graphs can be seen on the right-hand side of the screen, while on the left are several controls to assist with managing generator communication as well as an Errors pane.


PROV is a standard for describing provenance of data sets. It uses a functional-style syntax which can be read by a parser and includes an identifier and ordered list of terms characterizing an element (identifiers are known as names in PROV-N syntax while terms are called arguments); each expression in PROV-N has at least a predicate and an argument; additional elements may further characterize its contents.

New: Channel Control panel now features a Frequency Slider that enables easy adjustments of Out 1’s frequency output during Programs. Each frequency change resets its offset back to zero.

Changed: Enhancements were made to both the interface and functionality in order to make it more user-friendly, such as when a generator develops a fault; its display will indicate this with a red “X”. This helps users avoid confusion when viewing generator displays.


The BIO database features over 40,000 frequencies for healing and killing parasites, viruses, bacteria and other pathogens as well as detoxing and regeneration of cells. These frequencies can be applied directly to the body using tens and kits but for best results use nonstop Remote Mode sessions in combination with proper hydration.

DNA hosts over 1,650 programs targeting DNA-based disease-causing pathogens while BP and MW offer over 23,900 programs that focus on drugs, supplements and other important molecules for health.

Import Preset from Spooky2 into Program Database | Importing Spooky2 Presets into Your Current Program Using Spooky2 will import frequencies directly into the current program according to rules defined by Program Editor, while this tab records historical errors reported by Spooky2. Use Clear button for clearing error list


The VEGA Server software orchestrates each aspect of VEGA Control System, from users and studios to devices and their associated users. It is built to accommodate your facility’s growth as you add users or studios; its cluster installation support enables geographical redundancy as well as load distribution within studio or production locations.

VEGA also includes the powerful VEGA Boost 2.0 signal processor to enhance power for use both in Contact Mode and Remote treatments. It quadruples generator power while offering dedicated outputs for each remote model as well as pass through connections for BNC-to-alligator clips cables used for Contact treatments.

Issues pertaining to overlapping icons on vega-accordion and text alignment on vega-input-select have been resolved, while mobile environments now display correctly for the date-picker. A fix was also implemented for range layout on light mode date-pickers as well as improved contrast for accessibility purposes.


CAFL is an efficient fuzzing library with a strong emphasis on clustering features. Unlike FL, its clustering functions use local graph representation instead of collaboratively computed global models for lower communication overhead and improved clustering features.

CAFL takes an alternative approach by first trimming input to reduce its size based on the assumption that shorter fuzzer runs require less processing time, then saving this trimmed input to a queue for future testing.

The fuzzer utilizes this queue to generate new sets of fuzzing tests through various mutations. For instance, it might recursively remove blocks before merging two tuples together using havoc stages in order to generate new test cases that have improved code coverage – any successful ones are then added back into its queue by the fuzzer.


The ETDFL database is an exhaustive compilation of disease frequencies researched by bio resonance clinics in Germany. It has become the go-to reference point for Royal Rife Machine enthusiasts worldwide and is used widely across clinical environments worldwide.

Spooky2 comes equipped with four factory databases – DNA, BP, MW and CAFL, plus your own custom ones – plus you can add custom databases of your own to form the main Spooky2 frequency database which has over 40,000 programs and continues to expand! Each program comes complete with its own description and effect description which can assist when choosing a frequency to fit a situation and assist users when working with generators like Rife Digital. Furthermore, frequencies are listed using their hexadecimal code listing which helps when programming Rife Digital for instance.


The XTRA program is an insightful database designed for use with Spooky2 Plasma devices as well as several others, which contains many beneficial frequencies that may assist with various health conditions. Furthermore, its frequency programs can also be imprinted onto water through quantum entanglement and applied directly – these have been demonstrated to stimulate DNA repair while aiding detoxification processes.

The program includes several other features, such as global transport controls for multi-generator rigs and pause scheduling, Windows 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems support, internet controls for updating database online updates, as well as MORs detection as well as “Yes/No” body reactions.

Spooky2 can only unzip and read this data, in order to prevent third parties from profiteering off planned frequency expansion projects.


Spooky2 is an advanced frequency therapy system with customizable frequency lists to address various health conditions. Featuring over 59,700 frequencies to choose from and the ability to create custom programs, Spooky2 also comes equipped with a biofeedback scanner which enables users to check for pathogens within their body.

This device comes equipped with several transmission modes, including remote, contact, plasma and cold laser transmission modes. Its versatility is truly astonishing; this machine can act as an insect pest controller by eliminating them using Clark zapping technology or it can make high-grade colloidal silver for advanced health benefits. Ideal for anyone just getting into rifing, its user-friendly controls make creating treatments simple while its built-in speaker provides audio frequency entrainment audio frequency entrainment audio frequency entrainment audio frequencies are included for enhanced listening experience


RIFE is a Java framework that enables developers to declaratively specify what features of their application they require by means of external configuration files. It offers all of the same functionality as popular frameworks like Struts but with greater maintainability and less boilerplate code.

Spooky2‘s main database consists of four factory databases – DNA, Base Pairs, Molecular Weight plus your custom file – that make up its main component. Together they form the largest frequency database ever.

RIFE provides mapping between beans and relational tables, but its coverage is less extensive than what you might find with other frameworks. Instead, RIFE creates its own persistence layer by wrapping existing JavaBeans methods allowing for easy storage, insert, and retrieval of information. Furthermore, its approach to persistency includes an extensive library of conversions between types that is one key feature.


BFB allows you to save and restore frequency sets, waveforms and settings. Furthermore, it features global transport controls for multi-generator rigs with global transport controls for each generator, pause scheduling and autostart, as well as Internet updates of its main frequency database.

Each BFB cycle duplicates some telomeric region of chromosome, leaving characteristic copy number patterns. Previous groups attempted to assess these patterns by manually inspecting data sets and searching for count vectors which generate them; this approach proved time consuming, thus restricting which copy number patterns could be evaluated.

Our new algorithm is faster, allowing larger numbers of segments to be evaluated in linear time. Here, we present implementation details for decision, search, and distance variants of this algorithm as well as results from simulation experiments.

December 22, 2023|Editor

The History of Vibration Therapy

Vibration therapy – also referred to as vibration plate training or mechanotherapy – has a long and distinguished history, dating all the way back to ancient Greek civilization and NASA. People across time have discovered its therapeutic advantages.

This therapy could prevent bone loss, promote muscle growth, improve circulation and relieve any associated discomfort while simultaneously increasing metabolism.

Ancient Greeks

Contrary to their ancient counterparts who believed diseases were caused by gods and demons, Ancient Greeks saw sickness as a disruption of natural bodily balance, rather than something imposed by outside forces such as gods or demons. Therefore doctors focused more on restoring equilibrium than treating symptoms; their diagnosis relied upon blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile for guidance.

Ancient Greek warrior society saw great advancement in body vibration machines to treat injured soldiers. When injured soldiers needed therapy for wounds that needed drainage or healing quickly so they could return to battle, plucking strings on bow-like wooden instruments caused vibrations over wounds to increase drainage rates faster and promote cell regeneration, helping wounded soldiers heal quickly so they could get back out there in battle as quickly.

Vibrational sound therapy has long been used as an effective healing modality. Scientists have discovered how music’s soothing sounds and frequencies help soothe, relax, and balance physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states within humans.

Jonas Gustav Zander began exploring the correlation between mechanical vibration and muscle building in the 1860s. His findings led to the invention of a full-body vibration machine which promised increased muscle gain and weight loss. Whole body vibration training is now widely practiced at gyms and fitness centers alike; Dr. John Harvey Kellogg was among the first modern practitioners to employ vibration as a treatment, using his vibrating platform as one way of improving circulation, relieving constipation, and increasing bone density.

Ancient Romans

Ancient Greeks weren’t the only ones who recognized that vibrations help promote blood circulation and healing; in 1861, Russian physician and inventor Gustav Zander developed an apparatus using weights and pulleys to produce vibration for therapeutic purposes – an early precursor of modern whole body vibration plates (WBV plates).

Ancient Greece saw doctors using body vibration therapy tools as therapeutic devices to assist soldiers recovering from injuries. Doctors employed wooden bow-like instruments with plucked strings that created vibrations to heal cuts and wounds faster; buzzing of these machines allowed pus to drain more freely from wounded patients while stimulating production of human growth hormone, speeding healing treatment.

John Harvey Kellogg, the founder of Kellogg’s cereal, adopted this concept later when using vibrating chairs in his health practice, claiming they helped improve circulation and ease constipation.

Russian scientists began exploring vibration therapy during the 1960s, discovering its muscle-building benefits. Cosmonaut Valery Polyakov used vibration machines as part of his training and managed to stay in space for 438 days!

Vibrators have quickly become an invaluable tool in chiropractic offices, fitness centers, weight loss clinics, naturopath practices and gymnasiums across the globe. Even large corporations and government facilities use vibrators. Marodyne Circulizer is an advanced low-intensity vibration platform which can offer full body stimulation and rejuvenation through advanced low frequency vibration.

Ancient Persians

Vibration therapy (also referred to as vibration training or mechano-stimulation) involves exposure to vibrations for an extended duration. It has many proven health and therapeutic benefits. Gustav Zander, a Russian physician and inventor in the 1860s created something similar to what modern-day whole body vibration machines offer, designed to draw bow across wounds to increase circulation and HGH production for faster healing.

Ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egyptians believed sound was an effective healing force and believed that all things, including humans, consisted of networks of living energies whose flow could be disrupted or restored through various interventions into this force field. This principle can still be seen today in alternative therapies like acupuncture, Ayurvedic medicine and Reiki energy healing. Ancient Egyptians believed in two sources of vital life-force energy known as Ba and Ka, similar to what Chinese medicine considers as its Yin-Yang concepts. Unbalanced energies could result in disease; therefore it was essential to harmonise and balance them. Pharaohs were often depicted in art holding onto cylindrical objects with two clasped hands, representing Egyptian healing rods or Wands of Horus. Ancient Egyptians employed these practices to balance Ba and Ka energies to harmonise and heal immune, endocrine, and nervous systems, as well as practice Sekhem energy healing which was an ancient spiritual hands-on healing system that foreshadowed Reiki.

Egyptian therapists were masters of massage and likely among the first to recognise that stress could contribute to illness. Their tombs featured paintings depicting people with their feet and hands being massaged – perhaps an early form of foot and hand reflexology!

Egyptians were among the pioneers of vibration therapy. It formed an integral part of their health practices based on using herbs and foods to treat various illnesses, while they are credited as being one of the first nations to use electricity for medical purposes; Egyptians were particularly fascinated with electric fish that emit an electrical charge through bilateral polar fields.

Ancient Chinese

A vibration machine produces mechanical oscillations to stimulate human neuromuscular structures. Vibrations increase excitatory signaling of muscle spindles while decreasing inhibitory signaling from Golgi tendinous organs to the motoneuron pool – this stimulates recruitment, proprioceptive spinal reflexes and hormone changes within our bodies that result in better performance for athletes as well as those recovering from injuries. Growth hormone levels also tend to rise with whole-body vibration therapy treatments; making them especially advantageous.

Ancient Greeks first realized the therapeutic potential of vibration therapy while helping wounded soldiers recover from battle. They devised a bow-like wooden device to vibrate across wounds inflicted upon soldiers and cause the skin and tissue vibrations; these vibrations allowed pus to drain away more freely while speeding up healing time.

Gustav Zander, a Swedish medical student in the 1860s, created an apparatus which produced vibrations through weights and pulleys. He used this therapeutic device in his health practice to increase circulation while decreasing constipation.

Today, vibration therapy is utilized by chiropractors, fitness centers, weight loss clinics, naturopaths, professional and Olympic sports teams, large corporations and NASA astronauts – including many senior citizens and postmenopausal women who use it regularly as it has been proven to increase bone density while decreasing fracture risk.

WBV not only benefits musculoskeletal and athletic health, but it has been recognized by Russian scientists for preventing bone loss during space travel. Cosmonaut Valery Polyakov was able to spend 438 days in space without suffering significant bone mass loss – thanks to WBV!

Ancient Indians

Indian subcontinent is home to one of the world’s oldest civilizations, “Ancient India”. This period from when urban culture first emerged during 3rd millennium BCE through to end of Gupta Empire in 500 CE is commonly known by this name.

Hinduism underwent an important transition during this era, moving away from an emphasis on ritual sacrifice to worshipping individual gods primarily associated with Shiva and Vishnu but also including other deities. Cults dedicated to them emerged and worshipping individual gods became widespread practice.

Musical instruments were long used to aid healing processes in ancient India, where ancient Indians recognized the ability of sound to influence mood and emotion. Through experimentation they identified specific frequencies which caused positive effects in body and mind. Historians have studied how different frequencies impact brain waves which in turn may help relieve depression, reduce pain levels, or improve sleep patterns.

At that time, it was believed that sound vibrations could stimulate the anahata chakra (also known as heart chakra). This chakra serves as the hub for spiritual connection with all parts of creation.

Ancient Indians used their knowledge of body and mind to devise Ayurveda as a system of medicine. This medical approach included preventative, curative and health maintenance processes.

December 22, 2023|Editor

The Best Insurance For Holistic Practitioners

Working in alternative medicine – be it performing acupressure or providing Bach flower remedies – involves risks that could harm your business. Should this occur, compensation payments could become necessary.

That is why holistic practitioners must have professional liability insurance to cover legal fees, court costs and compensation awards if a lawsuit is brought against their practice or business.

Professional Liability Insurance

Holistic practitioners take an integrative approach to health and well-being. This means they consider physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual factors when developing treatment plans for patients. While this can be beneficial to them as it allows them to address root causes rather than simply mask symptoms of ailments more efficiently; unfortunately, however, this puts holistic practitioners at greater risk than other medical professionals for malpractice claims and that’s why professional liability insurance should be maintained by all holistic practitioners.

No matter your line of business, working with people is at the core of what you do. Unfortunately, accidents do happen even in tranquil settings with caring healers, leaving you at risk of being held liable if one of your clients trips over a crystal or they experience nightmares due to your hypnotherapy session. A combined professional, treatment, and public liability policy designed specifically for alternative therapists covers legal defence costs and compensation awards to keep your practice on track and protect its future success.

As well as protecting your practice with professional liability insurance, commercial general liability is also vitally important to having. Commercial general liability policies provide peace of mind should something go amiss during treatment; leaving you free to focus on helping improve their lives rather than worry about being insured against potential risks.

Getting the best price for professional liability insurance for holistic practitioners requires working with an independent insurance broker, since you’ll have someone on your side to compare quotes and find coverages at the most competitive rates. In addition, many brokers also provide additional benefits such as business coaching, risk management education and on-line communities dedicated to energy healers and holistic practitioners. Full-service brokers allow for instantaneous quotes and purchases online within minutes!

Commercial General Liability Insurance

Holistic health practitioners take a comprehensive approach to wellness, taking into account each person’s physical, mental and emotional well-being. Their practice may incorporate massage therapy, nutrition counseling, acupuncture energy healing or herbal remedies. Furthermore, holistic practitioners may refer patients to other providers such as physicians or specialists such as naturopathic doctors, integrative medicine providers or chiropractors for further assistance.

Professional liability insurance policies are essential for holistic health practitioners. They protect you should a client file suit due to your treatment or advice; for example, if someone accidentally pushes too hard during massage sessions or receives bad advice related to nutrition when receiving hypnotherapy sessions. A policy like this one could cover compensation payments and court fees as a result of such issues.

Commercial general liability insurance provides crucial protection in case a patient is injured on your property or receiving one of your services. For instance, should they trip over equipment in your office or get burned while receiving care from you, this coverage can cover medical costs, legal fees and damages caused by these incidents.

Complementary therapists require insurance to protect their equipment. For instance, if they need an expensive table for reiki practice or scanner for bioresonance work, this form of coverage will cover costs. Furthermore, it covers damage due to fire or water damage as well as theft of this type.

Malpractice insurance is another essential element of holistic business insurance plans. As a complementary or alternative therapist, your clients consider you medical advisors, and any claims resulting from advice you give could put you liable. CM&F’s malpractice coverage for holistic professionals includes telemedicine coverage to accommodate this important clientele segment.

When selecting a business insurance provider, it’s essential to find one with customizable policies tailored specifically to meet your unique requirements. NerdWallet’s ratings and reviews consider coverage options, customer experience, customizability and cost. Some insurers even allow customers to get quotes online and purchase policies directly, saving both time and money in the process.

Business Owners Policy (BOP)

Personal liability and homeowners policies may cover some incidents affecting your business, but they don’t provide comprehensive coverage like commercial property insurance does. When accidents do happen, however, this could leave your company without sufficient funds to pay for repairs or lost revenue, which is never good news.

Holistic practitioners can protect their livelihood and practice with a Business Owner Policy (BOP), which offers general business insurance protection with professional liability and commercial property coverages combined into one convenient package. In particular, BOPs are tailored specifically for smaller companies making them an excellent solution for home-based professionals or those operating on tighter budgets.

Cost of Business Owner’s Policies (BOPs) depend on a number of variables. These can include the value and type of property being insured as well as its age and claims history – these all play into how much the premium will cost you.

Licensed healthcare practitioners should secure medical malpractice insurance to protect themselves against patient negligence claims brought against them, which could become very costly lawsuits in the event of negligence claims against them. By protecting themselves with this coverage policy, these licensed practitioners can focus on treating clients.

Malpractice claims can be devastating for any practice and the costs to defend them can quickly drain your financial resources. Not only could a malpractice suit threaten to destroy your practice but its aftermath could tarnish its reputation as well; therefore having adequate insurance is critical in this field.

EMPA provides malpractice insurance to acupuncturists and chiropractor assistants as well as holistic practitioners across a range of holistic practices. Our specialized policy offers the highest aggregate limits available – $2 Million per incident and $4 Million total policy year aggregate limits available – along with risk management education and an online community to support your success in practice.

No matter if you are an established practitioner or just beginning, we have policies tailored specifically for your needs and price points. Reach out today for more details about them!

Commercial Auto Insurance

No matter whether your specialty is acupuncture or Bach flower remedies, as a holistic practitioner you may need to travel between clients as part of your holistic practice. Commercial auto insurance could help cover medical expenses that you and any passengers might incur in an accident as well as damages done to vehicles used and property inside them.

Professional Liability Holistic Health Insurance, more commonly referred to as errors and omissions coverage, is essential for practitioners as it protects them against the financial effects of lawsuits that might arise out of their practice. Should one of your clients claim you provided subpar or negligent services that caused harm, this type of coverage can cover legal fees as well as settlement payments up to your policy limits.

Not only will having this kind of insurance give your clients peace of mind, but having one in place also shows them you take their safety and security very seriously – building credibility as a practitioner and leading to more business.

Commercial general liability is also important for holistic practitioners, as there may be times when clients get hurt while receiving services and sue you for damages. Commercial general liability provides essential protection from this risk as it covers court costs or any compensation payments required from you in these circumstances.

As a holistic practitioner who owns their own premises, commercial property insurance is an absolute must. This will cover the costs of repairing or replacing equipment and inventory damaged in an emergency such as burst water pipes or fire, while also covering any lost income due to forced closure due to disaster.

When seeking holistic practitioners‘ insurance, working with an independent insurance broker is often best. An agent will be able to offer multiple quotes from multiple providers so you can find coverage tailored specifically for you and your practice needs.

December 22, 2023|Editor

AO Scan Technology Reviews

The AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer analyzes subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals to provide an in-depth assessment of how your body is operating and provide you with a plan to restore equilibrium and homeostasis.

Every organ, tissue and cell has a vibrational frequency unique to itself; when this frequency becomes disrupted due to injury, diet, environmental toxins or deep emotional duress it affects blueprint balance and can result in illness.

AO Scan Reviews

AO Scan technology is a non-invasive bio-resonance device which conducts frequency scans of both body and voice to optimize frequency scans utilizing established resonance physics. It detects imbalances in your energy field around you, correcting them by sending normal frequencies directly to those areas affected – often the source of health issues!

This system aims to boost overall well-being and help you get more out of life. It works by assessing your bio-field – comprising both physical and emotional elements of yourself – before using this information to develop a holistic wellness strategy.

An analysis can also identify imbalances or deficiencies in your body’s nutrients, minerals, amino acids and enzymes due to poor diet or stress; early treatment of any such issues is key in order to avoid serious conditions developing later on.

AO Scan can detect and measure over 130 organs, cells, bones, chromosomes and lymphatic systems; helping identify possible health issues like osteoporosis or liver/kidney disease as well as assess gastrointestinal function which could aid with diagnosing IBS or digestive problems.

The AO Scan‘s key advantage lies in its ability to accurately assess whether areas that have been scanned are moving toward recovery (anabolic) or degeneration (catabolic). It compares cell, tissue and organ frequencies in your body with those stored in its database; then uses these results to pinpoint any imbalances that exist. Furthermore, nutritional deficiencies can also be detected and recommendations made accordingly.

The AO Scan also has the capacity to assess an individual’s emotional and mental state, which can help detect issues like stress or trauma that might otherwise remain hidden from view. Furthermore, it can identify health concerns that could compromise immunity as well as imbalances within chakras or meridians that might lead to physical pain and fatigue.

AO Scan mobile app users can send themselves, family members, and clients SEFIs that contain various healing frequencies ranging from flower essences to homeopathy and chakra frequencies. Furthermore, users can record sessions and generate reports from within their home or office environment.

AO Scan Benefits

AO Scan is a noninvasive scanner designed to analyze your body’s energy frequencies to detect and correct imbalances. The device identifies vibrational frequencies of each of your cells, tissues and organs before comparing these with healthy frequencies to optimize them and detect any disturbances that might indicate emotional or physical distress or disease; when detected the device can even send healing frequencies in order to restore balance in these frequencies.

AO Scan is an innovative device that is used to diagnose illness or pain by scanning for imbalances in cellular energy levels, which often signal issues related to diet, lifestyle and environmental influences. Furthermore, this process can identify problems within your nervous and immune systems as well as pinpoint pain symptoms and any related discomfort that you might be experiencing.

With AO Scan, you can also listen to healing frequencies and balancing harmonics to alleviate symptoms over time. These healing frequencies may help treat stress and anxiety disorders, digestive issues, skin conditions and autoimmune diseases among other things. These frequencies also serve to balance emotions and support your body in returning homeostasis.

Additionally, you can scan family and pets to detect imbalances in their energetic fields using voice analysis technology and emotional frequency detection. Once detected, AO Scan provides balancing frequencies to harmonize these imbalances and restore harmony to your body’s energetic field.

AO Scan can be purchased both as a mobile app and desktop version for Windows OS-powered systems, with the latter requiring at least 8GB of RAM and 32GB SSD hard drive space while mobile version supports devices including phones, tablets and iPads. This app can be utilized by individuals or in groups. Scan yourself, clients and pets for health imbalances to send Subtle Energy Frequency Imprints (SEFIs). These SEFIs contain various healing frequencies (flower essences, homeopathics, detox frequencies for Lyme Disease, Mold, Heavy Metals Parasites as well as affirmations). Furthermore, this program also has the capability of projecting their future health 3-5 years ahead.

AO Scan Technology

AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer is an amazing device capable of scanning all systems and organs within your body. Based on research done by Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein and Royal Rife it uses frequencies to detect imbalances that contribute to disease in individuals – providing valuable information that can then be used to tailor an individual healing program for every person who uses this amazing tool.

The scanner can help identify and flush out toxic substances from the body, which is an invaluable aid to those dealing with chronic health issues or long-term illnesses. Furthermore, its capability of identifying nutritional deficiencies or environmental toxins that could contribute to illness makes this scanner an indispensable asset in healthcare settings.

AO Scan analyzes 130 aspects of your health and can detect issues early, so they can be addressed before becoming serious. It can detect cells or organs out of balance; its non-invasive design doesn’t expose you to radiation like CT or X-ray systems do – making this system ideal for home use, keeping families healthy!

AO Scan can also assist with emotional and physical imbalances by finding and optimizing bio-resonant frequencies in your body and sending these appropriate frequencies directly to any areas in need of correction.

If you want to improve your overall health, starting with a balanced body is key. The AO Scan can help identify the source of any issues and offer natural remedies to address them – all within minutes! It provides a great alternative to traditional medicine while providing instant results of your scan.

For $995, you can purchase the AO Scan which comes complete with SOLEX Mobile Scanner, special headsets and an instruction manual. Individuals or professionals alike can use this device to scan themselves as well as their clients or patients using any mobile phone or tablet with all major operating systems supported.

AO Scan Cost

AO Scan is an innovative new technology that uses bioresonance frequencies to assess organs, tissues, and cells’ health. AO Scan‘s bioresonance frequency analysis delivers detailed results in minutes at much lower costs than traditional medical tests; you can even remotely diagnose and treat using it! Anyone can utilize it — from doctors, naturopaths and chiropractors all the way down to individuals looking for answers in their own bodies.

Utilizing European technology, the AO Scan Full Body Analyzer measures energy and physiological health within the body. Designed to help practitioners move away from treating symptoms towards finding root causes of their issues. By early detection of subtle energetic imbalances it helps prevent worsening conditions from progressing further. Personalized recommendations regarding diet, lifestyle changes and supplementation can also be provided for each client’s unique situation.

The AO Scan can accurately evaluate energy patterns of physical and emotional health as well as environmental influences on an individual, detect hidden allergens and toxicities, identify stored emotions which affect health, find ways to balance them out, analyze stress on immunity systems and find solutions that reduce it for maximum wellness.

An AO Scan is a portable digital device that provides a comprehensive analysis of human body structure, function, and overall health. Naturopaths and holistic healers frequently utilize this tool for client evaluation purposes; its findings help pinpoint stored emotions which could be causing issues as well as sending healing frequencies that balance the body or even identify optimal frequencies for specific tissues.

AO Scan is the world’s first and only mobile, wireless scanner to detect and interpret energy, frequency, vibration, and resonance signals in human bodies. This valuable information can help improve personal health and help reach one’s full potential. Safe to use with pacemakers or implanted devices and can even pair with earbuds to deliver customized audio frequencies designed to harmonise body systems – perfect for busy lifestyles! This device can be used anytime and anywhere for maximum convenience!

December 22, 2023|Editor

Integrated Energy Therapy Vs Reiki

IET is a gentle healing energy that supports you in safely and gently untangling limiting energy patterns from your past, while simultaneously strengthening and balancing your life in the present, and leading to an extraordinary future.

Your body responds by imprinting feelings of safety, ease, love, forgiveness, humble pride and innocence into its energetic structure.

What is Integrated Energy Therapy?

Integrated Energy Therapy is a series of hands-on energy healing sessions intended to alleviate physical, mental and spiritual tension. Gentle touch and visualization techniques are used during each energy healing session in order to facilitate the flow of universal life force (Reiki) throughout our bodies.

Healing energy is channeled through your therapist’s hands onto various points on your body – including head, neck, shoulders, feet and abdominal areas – for maximum relaxation and benefit. Experience can often be profound; warm sensations or tingling sensations may arise or a deep sense of tranquility or peace may arise (some even sleep!).

Reiki is an ancient holistic Japanese technique involving placing one or both palms of your hands lightly over or just above the body to restore balance and promote general well-being on all levels. Research suggests it helps with depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, cancer, high blood pressure and heart disease – and can provide a useful complement to traditional medical treatment as it accelerates self-healing processes.

Stevan J Thayer of Center of Being has created IET, one of the next generation hands on power energy therapy systems that is intended to remove issues from tissues permanently! Through light acupressure hand positions and specific trigger points it gently clears away suppressed memories and emotions associated with suppressed cells that contribute to physical ailments like chronic back pain or poor immunity from energy anatomy and human energy fields.

IET can also infuse feelings of safety, ease, forgiveness, love, humble pride and innocence into your energetic body. It is the ideal energy healing modality for clearing away energy blocks that impede health, life purpose, prosperity and creativity – it works wonderfully solo or when combined with other therapies or chakra balancing techniques.

What is the Difference Between Reiki and IET?

IET uses angelic energy to clear away blockages deep within our cells and release past experiences that cause discomfort or suffering. With each release of negativity, patients feel stronger, more relaxed, and reinvigorated.

IET is similar to Reiki in that it helps target specific cellular memory blocks for healing and removal from the body’s energy system. An IET session involves lying fully clothed on a massage table while being gently touched at power points that correspond with chakras by your practitioner, who then channels high vibrations of divine energy into your body to push out negative energies such as anger, resentment, self-limiting beliefs, stress, grief or fear. This practice provides relief from emotional blocks such as anger resentments, self-limiting beliefs stress grief & fear while helping release negative energies from being held within.

As with Reiki, IET draws its wisdom from your Higher Self and understands all people completely. Furthermore, it knows all root causes of issues so it can quickly and effectively help heal them.

IET energy system addresses nine primary areas of suppressed memories and emotions, both cellular and karmic ones, in an accessible, hands-on healing method aimed at clearing away blocks from our energy fields with its angelic violet energy ray.

IET sessions can bring about intense emotional releases that go beyond what can be found through Reiki alone. With IET energy as its healing source, the IET energy can gently yet safely help release traumas such as abuse, neglect, abandonment, heartbreak, betrayal rejection loneliness guilt fear resentment depression etc.

IET can not only release negative blocks but can also imprint positive energy into your 12-strand spiritual DNA. By clearing away obstacles to fulfilling your life purpose and finding greater joy and meaning in it all.

What are the Benefits of Integrated Energy Therapy?

Integrated energy therapy (IET) is a gentle yet hands-on healing practice that uses gentle hands-on healing techniques to clear away emotional blocks and restore your physical, spiritual and emotional well-being. Through IET you have an opportunity to reconnect with yourself and the universe while breaking down any obstructions preventing you from living your best life.

At an Integrated Energy Therapy session, you will lie fully clothed on a plinth with soft music playing in the background and pillows to provide comfort. Your practitioner will use gentle touch on specific energy points on your body known as cellular memory locations to release suppressed emotions, traumas and stress that have been stored within your energetic system. As they rebalance this information through touch, you may experience either deep relaxation or brief outbursts of emotion; either way you should experience profound peace and wellness from this therapy experience.

Once energy is released, you will experience an increase in energy and a decrease in anxiety, depression and other negative emotions. Your self-esteem may even improve and you could discover deeper sense of personal worth as blocked pathways open up and allow more natural flow – ultimately strengthening intuition while trusting in its healing powers.

Integrated Energy Therapy employs angelic energy to heal your cells directly. Utilizing violet angelic energy ray provided by nine Healing Angels of the Energy Field, this form of therapy can safely and gently help release any past-restrictive patterns while simultaneously supporting and empowering present-day living, realizing your full potential and moving into future endeavors. Furthermore, Integrated Energy Therapy can clear energy blockages related to 12 Strand Spiritual DNAs.

What are the Disadvantages of Integrated Energy Therapy?

Energy therapy is founded on the idea that vital life energy energises you, flowing throughout and around you. Energy healers use simple yet gentle hands-on techniques to channel this vital life force and clear away blockages to restore energetic balance and promote overall well-being. Energy work should not be seen as a replacement for traditional medical treatments but may augment them and speed your healing journey.

At an energy healing session, your therapist places their hands over various parts of your body (head, feet, hands and shoulders) where they may sense heat or relaxation from flowing energy through you. Energy therapy is non-invasive and may be combined with other healing modalities like massage and acupuncture for an enhanced experience.

Reiki and Integrated Energy Therapy are energy channeling techniques that can be applied to virtually every health issue, with IET going one step further by helping to release emotional tension more quickly and deeply. IET energy system works on a more profound level and will enable you to move forward with life in a fulfilling manner.

Integrated Energy Therapy, commonly referred to as “Getting the Issues Out of Your Tissues,” was pioneered at the Center of Being by Stevan J. Thayer and utilizes violet angelic energy ray to work directly with 12 Strand Spiritual DNA for self-healing on all levels. IET painlessly awakens and clears core cellular memory so you can move beyond patterns from your past with greater confidence and purpose into a future full of optimism and purpose.