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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

May 16, 2024|Editorial

Can mRNA Reverse Aging?

Reversing biological aging requires both fertilization and cellular reprogramming; both require pluripotent developmental intermediates which either pose prohibitive costs at an organism level or pose significant teratogenic risks.

Turn’s ERA technology uses messenger RNA to deliver transcription factors that rejuvenate a cell’s epigenome and restore optimal functioning, with evidence showing this rejuvenation process can reverse functional decline of key brain cell types such as oligodendrocytes.

MRNA Reverses Aging

Reversing aging refers to the process of returning an aged biological system back to its initial functional state. While slowing aging may delay functional decline, age reversal can actually restore functionality by recreating earlier biological states (Horvath 2013).

Reversing ageing can be challenging on both an organismal and cellular level. Fertilization, somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), and cell reprogramming all involve dedifferentiation of adult differentiated cells into pluripotent developmental intermediates – processes which either cannot occur due to restrictions at an organism level or carry with them high risks of teratogenicity (Rando and Chang 2012). Cellular reprogramming might offer more feasible approaches, although its success could be limited by loss of identity and acquisition of stem-like properties (Ocampo et al. 2016).

Researchers’ success at reversing aging using specific transcription factors has inspired high throughput perturbation screens to identify transcriptomic reprogramming pathways that may rejuvenate other cell types, with neuronal reprogramming being particularly attractive as it could prevent or delay cognitive decline and other neurodegenerative conditions associated with aging. Human neurons will provide first-of-its-kind transcriptomic atlas data that could serve as the basis for therapeutic strategies to reverse brain aging and stop functional decline.

MRNA Boosts the Immune System

Researchers have developed an effective solution to reverse cell aging. By adding an mRNA cocktail into cells, researchers were able to make them look younger and healthier – known as “cellular age reversal.” Scientists believe that it could play a key role in treating diseases associated with aging such as macular degeneration, sarcopenia, and dementia.


Moderna’s vaccine differs from its competitors by teaching your immune system how to produce antigen on its own using mRNA, which contains instructions that tell cells how to make proteins. Once packaged in protective bubbles made of fat-like molecules, injected directly into muscle of upper arm where it travels directly into cells via LNP carrier particles (carrier particles are particles made up of fat molecules that transport or deliver molecules into them).

These LNPs are specially-made to bind to specific parts of your immune system and deliver mRNA directly. Each LNP contains a positively charged molecule which becomes positively charged when exposed to acidic conditions inside cells; this allows mRNA to enter cells without being diluted and be read by a protein-making machine called ribosomes; they then create proteins which can be recognized by your immune system as antigens of the virus causing illness.

The mRNA then instructs your immune cells to produce antibodies against the pathogen, which will destroy any future invasion and also provide you with protection from future infections.

mRNA vaccine development reduces development time while more efficiently delivering its vaccine into cells than previous methods. Scientists at Drexel University’s College of Medicine and Perelman School of Medicine at University of Pennsylvania recently used Cap2, an innovative tool used to analyze mRNA-carrier lipid nanoparticles, in order to understand why certain cell types take up its content more readily than others.

MRNA Reverses Inflammation

Inflammation is the result of immune reactions against foreign or damaged cells, often from infections such as bacteria. Cytokines produced during inflammation can promote autoinflammatory and autoimmune conditions, genomic instability and cancer; and accumulations of noncoding small RNA molecules activate intrinsic RNA/DNA sensory pathways as well as unsilenciate retroelements which unsilencing them increases risks of insertional mutational mutation in coding regions and enhance mutation rates in tumor suppressor genes resulting in chronic inflammation status and an increased risk for many diseases.

May 16, 2024|Editorial

Tom Paladino – Holistic Medical Expert, Scalar Energy Researcher & Humanitarian

Tom Paladino, Holistic Medical Expert and Scalar Energy Researcher & Humanitarian joins me today on the show to talk about his research with scalar energy. Scalar energy is the fundamental life force that pervades all areas of existence – it originates from sun and stars and can also be known by other names such as Chi, Prana OM Life Force or Pyramid Energy.

What is Scalar Energy?

Scalar energy has existed for centuries. It can be found throughout the universe and is believed to have powerful healing abilities; transmitting instructions directly into our cells so they may heal and rejuvenate themselves.

Scalar energy is thought to produce a field of energy that balances and organizes the seven chakras in our bodies, believed to be responsible for an individual’s emotional health and overall well-being. Scalar energy has been utilized by chiropractors and physical therapists in order to stimulate muscles, promote healing, and harness its positive power for global good.

Tom Paladino is an innovator in scalar energy research and has devised devices capable of sending instructive energy remotely to heal people remotely. His research shows how this type of healing energy can effectively treat quantum illnesses and conditions; further, it permeates our world, space and universe – drawing inspiration from Nikola Tesla who also studied radiant energy research.

According to Paladino, scalar energy is an inexhaustible form of energy which cannot be measured with traditional frequency instruments because it remains static. It occurs when two identical waves moving in opposite directions meet and cancel one another out to create an infinite field of stationary energy that can be broadcast anywhere without losing strength over time.

Scalar energy’s unique ability to imprint or embed frequencies within objects is truly fascinating. A pendant embedded with scalar energy may imprint the frequency of an individual’s DNA sequence onto metal until overridden by stronger frequencies.

Paladino has witnessed first-hand how powerful scalar energy can be for his listeners, with people experiencing improved sleep, decreased inflammation, balanced hormones, stronger nails and healing from COVID-19 as a result of using his products. He strongly encourages listeners to explore its many applications by signing up for a free trial of his products.

How is Scalar Energy Healed?

Scalar energy is an invisible universal force which can be harnessed for healing. As part of our fundamental life force, scalar energy has the ability to dispel pathogens within our bodies and promote optimal health. Tom Paladino is a pioneer in this field and in this episode of The Revelation Project Podcast features him discussing his journey of discovery and research regarding this quantum energetic force inspired by scientists like Nikola Tesla. Tom outlines its process while providing insight into its many benefits for those interested in harnessing it for themselves.

Scalar Energy can be transmitted over long distances without losing its potency, stored in objects like holographic discs and used to promote wellness. Scalar frequencies have been found to boost mood, increase stamina and strengthen the autonomic nervous system or ANS. Furthermore, this energy has the capacity to neutralize harmful electromagnetic frequencies or radiation associated with disease within our bodies.

As a result, this natural and harmonious energy can flow throughout our bodies, aiding nutrient uptake, purifying cells, harmonizing brainwaves and providing a sanctuary for healing to take place – acting as the perfect complement to the healing processes already taking place in our bodies.

Scalar energy can heal in one of several ways. One such way is when someone wants and intends to be healed, creating a positive scalar wave which alleviates suffering and supports healing processes – this phenomenon is commonly referred to as the Tesla Effect.

An individual can utilize sound, light and magnets to access and activate their own scalar energy, develop it further with crystals or capture representations with Kirlian cameras or their intuitive eyes.

A person experiencing hardship may produce internal negative scalar waves that compound their sense of helplessness, which may then be released via breath, words or actions from another person as well as environmental factors like radio waves, electronic devices or electromagnetic fields.

Scalar energy can help all survivors who wish to transform themselves into thrivers. To access it, the first step should be signing up for a remote scalar energy healing session for yourself or another. You may do this on a monthly basis until your health issue subsides or resolves completely.

Why is Scalar Energy Healed?

Scalar waves promote healing and equilibrium through their ability to resonate within the human energy field. Scalar wave frequencies can also be embedded into objects, where they will remain until overridden by another frequency.

Scalar energy has long been utilized by ancient cultures for various applications, from building Egyptian Pyramids to improving health and well-being and treating serious medical conditions. People who experience scalar energy healing typically report feeling revitalized, refreshed and more energetic as a result of treatment, while symptoms associated with illness or stress are reduced or eliminated altogether.

Scalar waves generated by our Sun and other stars throughout the Universe are rich with healing frequencies which can be harnessed for various uses, most frequently healing purposes. Ancient cultures worldwide have taken advantage of these energies for centuries for various healing applications ranging from sports training and recovery, to pain management and more recently cancer.

Scalar Energy is an immeasurable force permeating our world, space, and the Universe that forms the basis of all energy sources and is infinite. Tom Paladino has pioneered research on this subject by creating instruments to transmit instructive energy remotely for healing individuals remotely – inspired by Nikola Tesla who believed scalar energy held the key to humanity’s advancement.

Electromagnetic energy is widely utilized, yet scalar energy goes beyond conventional electromagnetics by not depleting over distance or disintegrating due to entropy, meaning it can be sent from one location to another without losing its potency.

Scalar energy’s main benefit lies in its ability to break apart and transmute matter, providing us with access to nutrients otherwise unavailable from digestion. Tom’s scalar energy instruments can access an individual’s quantum signature image and synthesize various nutrient forms like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytochemicals, fatty acids, collagen and enzymes for use during healing processes once pathogens have been eliminated from our bodies.

Scalar Energy Healed by Tom Paladino

Tom Paladino is an holistic medical expert, scaler energy researcher, and humanitarian with a mission of making an impactful difference in people’s lives. He specializes in scalar energy healing techniques which can effectively rid pathogens from our bodies while disassembling viral, bacterial, fungal, and protozoan microbes from functioning normally – this episode offers him the opportunity to share his wealth of knowledge on this revolutionary energy field and its capacity for revolutionizing healing as well as life itself.

Scalar energy is the essential foundation of our universe and the primary force driving the Sun and stars. Responsible for forming molecular bonds throughout physical matter, controlling nature itself, instructive purposes, cognitive activities, spiritual pursuits and emotional engagement in all corners of existence, it forms the basis for spiritual, cognitive, emotional and cognitive activities alike in nature and throughout existence.

Individuals register on the Scalar Light website and submit a photo of themselves or loved ones they would like a scalar energy session on, using its harmonic signature technology to locate them and transmit scalar energy transmission directly. Each remote session lasts 30 minutes and must be repeated daily until an individual’s health issue has been alleviated.

Herpes simplex virus type 2 was successfully treated using a scalar energy pathogenic cleanse. This energy effectively negated ionic, covalent, and polar covalent bonds responsible for maintaining herpes virus assembly and caused it to disassemble into smaller proteins – this process is known as transmutation and forms part of nature’s fundamental laws of nature.

As a result, herpes virus can be completely eliminated and no longer exist within your body. Other infectious agents, including fungus, bacteria and viruses can be treated successfully using this protocol; pathogens will be neutralized using scalar energy and disassembled into smaller proteins as a result.

May 16, 2024|Editorial

Best Depression Medicine For Energy

Depression affects many individuals and their symptoms can range from low energy, shifts in appetite and difficulty focusing. According to both psychiatrists, using both prescription and non-prescription options together may help ease these symptoms and help people regain their lives.

Antidepressant medication may make you tired, particularly older tricyclic antidepressant options such as Elavil (amitriptyline), Desipramine (Norpramin) and Trimipramine (Surmontil). Newer classes of antidepressants may offer less fatigue-inducing solutions.

Non-prescription options

Depression can arise in response to any number of situations, from grieving over a loss, health concerns or changes in work or home life, leading to feelings of sadness or worthlessness. Nonprescription treatments may help ease symptoms.

Gerard Encenareal, Doctorate of Pharmacy Candidate from Manchester University College of Pharmacy; and Thomas Smith, PharmD, BCPP Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice from Manchester University College of Pharmacy are joined as speakers at this symposium.

Depression affects millions of people at any given time; for some it comes and goes; some struggle with it constantly. Depression often manifests itself through low mood, decreased interest in activities typically enjoyed, changes in appetite or sleep issues and feelings of guilt or worthlessness.

If you are suffering from major depressive disorder, which is diagnosed when five of the following symptoms are present for most or most days out of two weeks in a row, speaking to your physician will likely recommend antidepressant treatment options such as prescription antidepressants. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), are the first-line medications as they raise levels of serotonin in your brain but can take two weeks before becoming fully effective and four to eight weeks to become fully effective.

Modern antidepressant medications tend to have fewer side effects. They can increase energy, decrease insomnia and anxiety related to depression. Trazodone is one such SNRI that works by increasing neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. Furthermore, its cardiovascular side effects are much lower compared to older antidepressant treatments.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids have been identified by Harvard Health as being key nutrients that may aid in alleviating depression. Omega-3s can be found in foods like salmon, tuna, chia seeds and walnuts – they serve as components of cell membrane phospholipids as well as aiding the body to form signaling molecules called eicosanoids that provide signaling capabilities to various parts of your body.

St. John’s Wort is often touted as an alternative treatment for depression; however, its effect may only be mild in cases of minor distress. Newer classes of antidepressant medication offer stronger energy-boosting effects and are regulated more precisely than herbal remedies.


While many experience feelings of sadness or low mood from time to time, those struggling with depression experience intense sadness that lasts weeks, months, or even years. Although antidepressants can help temporarily relieve symptoms like tiredness, exercise is one of the best treatments for depression fatigue – including walking, jogging, yoga and strength training sessions. Psychotherapy should also be sought for an additional layer of help – and psychopharmacotherapy often recommended alongside antidepressant medication can also provide help.

May 16, 2024|Editorial

Irene Caesar and WAVE GENOME LLC

WAVE GENOME LLC specializes in the cutting-edge research and development of Laser Polarized Bioholography. Their remote management of biosystems utilizes this principle, taking advantage of geometric codes/chromosome shapes that represent them to provide remote management services.

It also explains why functional individuals exhibit different gene expression than dysfunctional ones, thus disproving any genetic engineering attempts currently in effect. Chromosome geometry holds the key (c) Irene Caesar 2012.

The Holographic Principle

This principle asserts that any volume of space can be described by its boundary in a similar fashion to how three-dimensional images can be coded onto two-dimensional surfaces using holography. First proposed by Gerard ‘t Hooft and later refined with string theoretical interpretation by Leonard Susskind, it has since become one of the cornerstones of AdS/CFT correspondence and the most successful implementation of its holographic principle to date.

This theory is the only viable explanation for how biosystems such as human bodies can be remotely managed with laser signals, with chromosomes acting as nonlocal unique wave matrix that focus genetic information specific to individuals through their own scalar wave diffraction gratings – creating what amounts to biological holograms.

Today we can create the holographic signal of human genetic blueprint and instantly transmit it across great distances using Polarized Holography; this technique uses quantum physics principles to rejuvenate whole organisms by treating their root informational causes rather than simply masking their symptoms.

Now, a new generation of medicines using this technology are emerging to reduce people’s dependence on harmful chemical cocktails and provide them with unprecedented physical and psychic health, as well as extend life spans almost into eternity.

Dr Irene Caesar, the founder of WAVE GENOME, created a revolutionary approach to medicine based on applying the holographic principle and mastering the geometric codes of chromosomes – known as Quantum Biointernet techniques – which resulted in dramatic improvement to quality of life, 40% increase mental clarity increase and 20% lifespan increase all without chemical interventions whatsoever – this experiment recently published in Thonburi University journal in Thailand.

The Non-Locality of Every Wave Matrix

Quantum theory’s cornerstone feature, nonlocality of every wave matrix, can be observed through well-known experiments like Bell’s inequalities or macroscopic coherence and correlations in superconductors. But nonlocality also has wider ramifications; all phenomena belonging to certain categories must share an underlying structure known as the enfolded order of 2-matrix and this seems to account for all nonlocality in QM.

Therefore, all atoms, molecules, and condensed matter must be non-local due to being built from the same basic pattern of an unfolded wave matrix. This explains why these materials exhibit such remarkable properties compared to others types.

Information-based medicine will explode in popularity over time as technology eliminates our dependence on harmful chemical cocktails and provides instant communication among medical practitioners and patients. It will become an integral component of modern health care as we see informational-based medicines become widely adopted across society.

Irene Caesar and Wave Genome have pioneered an innovative system for remote management of biosystems based on this principle. By taking a high resolution picture from childhood of each subject and recreating their personal energy hologram in digital wave matrix format, information about their energy fields is then used to restore healthiness into current ones – this information then serves as the basis of their current energy restoration program. Their latest device known as ULTIMATE MINI-TESLA PSI-GENERATOR has exponentially more power than prior models!

This device is the most advanced and effective yet, featuring numerous protection features against psychotronic attacks. Furthermore, its easy use – in the form of a small pendant cased with pearl – makes it highly discreet; any individual wearing it won’t even know it is medical equipment!

MindTech-Enterprises now has this device available and I encourage everyone who wishes to protect themselves against these types of attacks to support this important initiative by purchasing their products. This is a crucial development, so buy their items as much as you can!

The Geometric Codes of Chromosomes

In this new theory, we suggest that chromosomes act as nonlocal wave crystals that focus genetic information specifically for each individual through their scalar wave diffraction gratings. Furthermore, we assert that their geometry modifies external linear signals from electromagnetic to holographic (@ Irene Caesar 2012 – Implications of Holographic Principle).

So we can use the holographic method to remotely manage biosystems, and now create individuals with enhanced physical and psychic abilities, dramatically extend their lifespans, and reverse most diseases by altering their chromosome genome structure.

To gain more insight into this phenomenon, we performed DNA damage-scanning analysis on cells exposed to various radiation conditions by employing the high-throughput sequencing technique RITCARD. The data was classified into intact and properly repaired chromosomes as well as CAs (translocations, inversions, rings and simple/complex exchanges).

Simulation of AG1522 cell nuclei using 3D nuclear geometry simulation allowed us to simulate nuclei with different shapes and sizes (Table 1). A cluster algorithm was applied to DNA Double Strand Break distribution data and showed that for every track traversal, more DNA Double Strand Breaks tend to cross chromosomes when nucleus sizes were small; conversely DSBs tend to congregate into clusters when nucleus sizes are large.

We found that the number of CAs correlates to chromosome domain size. This may be a consequence of how chromatin fibers in spherical nuclei are dense and close together while in ellipsoidal nuclei they tend to have more space between each domain. Simply stated, larger nuclei allow for greater overlap of chromosome domains and thus result in an increased rate of CAs. Smaller nuclei have the tendency to increase collision between adjacent chromosome domains, resulting in both more simple and more complex CAs. This effect is evident in Figure 14’s distribution pattern for double strand breaks (DSBs). Note that colors represent different exchange types: an orange one represents complex exchange while an empty circle signifies simple exchange.

The Remote Management of Biosystems

Irene Caesar established WAVE GENOME LLC, an American biotechnology company dedicated to cutting-edge research and development in Laser Polarized Bioholography. She is renowned scientist and pioneer of quantum medicine – which holds that DNA molecules contain not just frequencies but complex wave patterns encoded with information similar to holograms. WAVE GENOME‘s products include rejuvenation therapies and devices such as the TESLA WATER and MINI-TESLA GENERATOR which transmit personal genetic code holographic signals for revitalizing effects both body, mind, and soul.

Company also provides its customers with a remote monitoring service, designed to reduce instrument downtime and boost productivity by offering real-time troubleshooting, which allows technicians to perform in-depth examinations before sending back for repairs and helping prevent sample loss.

TAP Biosystems’ software offers several time-saving features designed to make managing systems simpler for scientists, including an easy user interface, faster ways of adding lab equipment into the system and an enhanced data report feature that exports directly into Excel spreadsheets.

Our faculty conduct cutting-edge research in areas including alternative energy and buildings, biofuel production and processing, grain storage and handling and remediating contaminated soils and groundwater. Discover more of their world-class research while discovering opportunities, supports and resources available to you as a graduate engineering student.

May 16, 2024|Editorial

Spooky2 Download Program

Spooky2 is a computer program that sends frequencies directly to tens pads connected to generators in order to kill pathogens. It has the world’s largest database of frequencies for various pathogens.

Spooky2 software version 20240515 with databases and presets will replace your previous installation, yet will not delete historical biofeedback scans or user-created presets that were created during prior installations.


Spooky2 software offers various presets from which to select. These presets were developed by different people and cover topics ranging from health concerns to energy healing, making your decision an individual one. Selecting an ideal preset will depend on your situation and desired goals for this treatment; when loaded onto your generator by Spooky2, these presets will affect how frequencies are transmitted across it.

Presets can be downloaded from various websites, and typically come in the form of a zip archive. Once extracted, copy it into the Spooky2 Preset CollectionsUser folder where Spooky2 was installed to activate it and use it for scanning purposes.

Use the software to develop your own programs! To do so, navigate to >Shell (Empty) Presets and then Contact sub-collection and choose which programs you would like. After choosing them, save them by clicking ‘Save’ and providing a name.

Once your program has been saved, it will appear in the list of presets loaded. When you find one you like, click it to activate it; note that this contact mode preset connects directly to OUT1 or OUT2 on an XM generator, depending on which preset was chosen.

The program will now initiate a full biofeedback scan. If the results are favorable, simply press the button and continue. Otherwise, consider running a quarter scan instead; full system scans tend to take more time but provide more comprehensive results than quarter scans.

Before beginning a session, it’s essential that your generator is set up correctly and that you are well hydrated and have had a light meal. Furthermore, arrangements should be made so that there will be no interruption during the scan – disconnecting anything could cause all generators transmitting at the same frequency which may not be good for your health.


Spooky2 offers one of the world’s largest pathogen frequency databases and contains various frequency sets for various conditions such as fibromyalgia, atrial fibrillation and cancer. You can test drive this free software on any PC running Windows (including tablets and smartphones with modern USB ports).

The full installer download contains Spooky2, its manual, and database updates. All files developed within an isolated environment fully separated from the internet and guaranteed virus-free; although some antivirus programs such as Windows 10 or Bit Defender may report false-positives due to flawed virus detection methods.

Spooky2 Download 2.0 features numerous improvements and fixes, as well as numerous bug fixes. Notable improvements include global transport controls for multi-generator rigs, individual channel gating on each output, pause scheduling, autostart functionality and support for 32 bit and 64 bit Windows systems, Internet controls that update database online automatically as well as auto resizing that works across screen sizes automatically resizes automatically for auto resizing on every output channel and an initial framework and control that may allow Spooky2 to run on Linux in future.

Spooky2 now contains an updated DNA and Morgellons/Lyme preset database version 20240515 which also includes frequencies for extinct pathogen strains as well as those currently infecting humans. This update overwrites any previous installation of Spooky2. Both databases contain frequency data on current as well as extinct pathogen strains that could infected individuals at one point or another.


Spooky2 Rife machine is one of the most advanced and flexible on the market, featuring full functionality to detect pathogens and frequencies associated with them. Hardware requirements are minimal; it will run on most computers that can handle Windows. Software download and usage is free as is testing before purchasing full license.

Once your download of Spooky2 has completed, click on its shortcut icon on your desktop to launch the program. From here you can access various menus to either create a new program or open one you already created; name and set the parameters of a new one before saving. Settings vary depending on what you’re trying to achieve – such as setting your program to sweep for specific frequencies or amplitudes before setting how long each frequency should apply before finally entering any notes related to your program and specify whether it should be gated or not.

Alternately, you can run pre-loaded programs in the program to see how they operate. Or you could use the Boost signal processor to increase power of the generator; its dedicated outputs for each remote model as well as pass-through connections for generator Out 1 and Out 2 provide pass-through connection and optimize output for producing high-quality colloidal silver solutions are provided by this signal processor.

To activate the Boost, connect it to the generator using the BNC-to-alligator clips cable that comes with it and use any of its presets or the Plasma preset for contact treatment. If not using the Boost directly, use its OUT1 connection instead for contact treatment – but be careful that no other devices such as meters or electrodes connect through that connection!


Spooky2 software is at the core of Rife machines, connecting USB-powered generators together and managing biofeedback scans and presets downloaded onto them from computers. As a versatile system that can treat numerous pathogens and conditions simultaneously.

Spooky Setup can be downloaded and installed on a Windows PC from the Spooky2 website, providing all of the files and settings for your Spooky2 device. Once complete, it will prompt you to launch it immediately, at which time rifing can begin! For maximum performance from your spooky2 system be sure to read and accept its license agreement terms before beginning rifing sessions.

After starting up the software, you have several presets and programs available to you for running. This program contains various protocols such as Terrain Detox Protocol which may make your body more receptive to Rife frequencies as well as several health protocols including Big C Protocol and Morgellons and Lyme Protocol.

Create custom presets with this program using any number of frequencies. Furthermore, each generator can feature text including information such as patient’s name or any other desired text – perfect for creating customized treatments tailored specifically for individuals in need of treatment or for providing valuable details to physicians treating others.

To make use of custom presets in Spooky2, to start select the Preset tab in the software. From there, choose your desired preset from the list, click Save, and load up to 30 programs into one generator X Pro.

Before using the Spooky2 program, it’s essential that you possess both an accurate DNA sample and transmitter device – this could include anything from Tens pads kits, Tens internal electrodes or Spooky Boosts – then connect your generator to an electricity source before launching Spooky2. Afterward, choose presets and programs from its preset list for use.