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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

December 16, 2023|Editor

What is Cymatherapy?

cymatherapy energetic bioresonance rebalancing pdf

Cymatherapy is a noninvasive sound and magnetic therapy which uses sophisticated instruments to transmit combinations of audible sound frequencies associated with healthy organs, cells, and tissues – aiding the body’s natural healing processes.

This holistic approach doesn’t focus on treating just one part of the body, but rather addresses any imbalances within its subtle energy systems and flows. Product, medication and allergen testing and harmonizing are also covered as part of this service.


Research indicates that a healthy body is a dynamic energy system and all tissues possess their own biosignatures or vibrational signatures, which may become altered due to toxins, pathogens, stress or destructive emotions or simply getting older. When this happens the natural frequency or resonant frequency of cells becomes altered leading to pain or disease; Cymatherapy uses sound wave frequencies to resynchronize their natural resonance frequency for maximum effectiveness and ease.

Cymatherapy helps the body heal itself by restoring its rhythmic cycles. According to several studies – including thermography – Cymatherapy has been proven effective at significantly reducing long-term inflammation within the body – this finding being especially notable since inflammation is known for being one of the precursors to chronic illnesses and many cancers.

Cymatherapy goes further by balancing electromagnetic fields within the body that have been altered due to physical injury or emotional trauma, helping restore the ability for your body to communicate properly with itself and with its environment. While conventional medicine treats symptoms individually, Cymatherapy aims to address root cause of problems directly for holistic healing.

Mandara Cromwell is an innovative woman entrepreneur and the creator of AMI Acoustic Meridian Intelligence Cymatherapy device, an AMI Acoustic Meridian Intelligence Cymatherapy device that utilizes vibrational medicine techniques. She is widely known as an authority on vibrational medicine combining science with spiritual practices; creating new art forms through sound-made-visible images showing healing frequencies present within her devices.

At each session, you will relax comfortably in front of a device while it delivers health frequencies through Chinese medicine meridian pathways in both feet and hands. These specific sound code frequencies, known as commutations, support normalizing imbalances within your body by resynchronizing cell vibrational resonance and stimulating balance and harmony within each cell’s natural harmonic resonance.

Cymatherapy, developed by British osteopath Dr. Peter Guy Manners and his team of scientists, builds on his research findings that our bodies each possess their own vibrational signature that can be measured. Dr. Manners passed his discoveries onto Mandara Cromwell who then utilized them within her company’s line of Cymatherapy products.


Conventional medicine based on Newtonian thinking views the body as a biomechanical system that can be treated by medicating symptoms or illness with medication. Cymatherapy uses sound waves to reshape energy patterns within the body so it functions more effectively, something Cromwell founded the International Sound Therapy Association to do. She owns Cyma Technologies which manufactures her inventions – like her AMI 750 Acoustic Meridian Intelligence device nominated for the Thomas Edison award 2013. Furthermore, two films featuring healing frequencies featuring healing frequencies have also been produced featuring Cromwell.

December 16, 2023|Editor

Hulda Clark and the Zapper

zapper clark

Hulda Clark created an electronic circuit using Royal Raymond Rife’s theories as inspiration, known as the Zapper, powered by 9v batteries to kill parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungi.

The Zapper produces frequencies which resonate with the natural frequency of pathogens and then devitalise them, which differs from Rife’s Ray machines which use specific frequencies for each pathogen.

What is a Zapper?

A bug zapper is an electronic device used to attract bugs or other pests into a small enclosed space via wire meshes, before using electricity to kill them. These bug zappers are commonly seen outside homes and food handling areas to try to control mosquito populations that cause itchy bumps while transmitting diseases like West Nile Virus, Encephalitis Malaria Yellow Fever; other versions exist that target fleas ticks ants etc.

Hulda Clark is an influential independent research scientist who pioneered a revolutionary naturopathic cleansing program called the Zapper to support immune function. According to Clark, this device destroys parasites, viruses, bacteria, mycelium and fungus through low frequency electricity pulses while healing diseased tissue at the same time.

The parasite zapper, or “zapper,” runs on a 9-volt battery and emits low-frequency electrical current that you won’t feel through your skin. This current stimulates white blood cells of your body while simultaneously introducing negative ions into the skin surface to kill parasites by inverting their polarity and healing diseased tissue.

Unlike most electrical devices, the zapper uses low voltage electromagnetic energy rather than direct current. It features two copper handles or electrodes which you hold in your hands or place on various parts of the body to generate low-voltage electromagnetic energy instead of direct current. Dr Hulda Clark first invented its circuitry using 555 timer integrated circuit technology which generates square wave current of positive offset voltage from nine-volt battery at about 4.5V/3.5 Milliamps output from battery source.

Be sure to regularly inspect your zapper, especially during fly season, as its filter can quickly fill with insect debris and unkilled organisms like Campylobacter jejuni, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus aureus and Enterococci – potentially harmful contaminants which will quickly fill its chambers. Clean the DynaZapper weekly or more often during peak times of year to maintain optimal performance. Many models of DynaZapper have trays which trap insect debris for easier cleaning. Also it is wise to replace bulbs regularly as their efficiency decreases over time. Before changing any bulbs on the zapper, be sure to switch it off and allow it to cool before proceeding. Rechargeable batteries may be more eco-friendly and cost effective alternatives; we advise using them over disposable alkaline ones due to environmental and economic considerations.

How to Use

Dr Hulda Clark created the Zapper to kill parasites (including flukes and round worms ), viruses, and bacteria in the body. It works by emitting low frequency electric current that passes through hands of users into body, killing parasites by inverting their negative charges while also providing beneficial ions into tissues that help heal delicate tissue healing. Ideally it should be used regularly in order to keep parasites and bacteria at bay in one’s own body.

To use the zapper, plug it into a standard 9-volt battery and place its copper handles around your body or hold them with both hands. It should output a 30kHz positive offset square wave frequency which should appear on an oscilloscope without negative spikes as stated by Dr. Clark in his books. There are numerous zappers on the market, but to maximize results it is wise to select one that has been rigorously tested and which complies with his frequency and pulse duty cycle specifications.

The zapper should be left on for at least 45 minutes each time it is used, with some reporting feeling a slight heating sensation during treatment and experiencing emotional relief due to reduced stress in their lives.

Importantly, it must be remembered that a zapper is an experimental device not approved by the FDA. While no scientific data supports its claims of parasite-fighting properties or relief from other ailments after using one, many people have reported success using their zapper to reduce parasite infestation and other ailments.


Used correctly, zappers provide a safe and effective alternative to chemical pesticides. By emitting positive voltage that kills parasites such as flukes, roundworms, mites and viruses while emitting mild electromagnetic fields to stimulate natural healing processes of your body, they’re an effective and safe solution to pest problems.

When hanging the zapper in your yard, the optimal location should be away from seating areas and at least 15 feet from where people spend most of their time outdoors. Bugs that hit the wire grid of a zapper get vaporized into dust – any closer could result in flying bug body parts harming people nearby or even hitting them directly!

To protect against injury when using the zapper, it is vital that users wear protective eyewear. Furthermore, it should be treated like any other power tool; treating it like an expensive toy would only lead to accidents and injuries. Furthermore, all safety instructions included with your zapper should be strictly abided by; even though they might not cause as severe injuries as a power saw could.

Side Effects

Hulda Clark made several claims regarding her device which were either not supported by scientific research or debunked by independent studies. Still, many who used the zapper have reported benefits such as reduced symptoms of illness and increased energy levels; however it should not replace medical advice from qualified healthcare providers.

The Zapper works by emitting pulsed electric fields (PEF), which disrupt the lifecycles of parasites and microorganisms that infiltrate our bodies. Dr. Raymond Rife identified 33kHz as being effective against killing parasites, bacteria, viruses, mycelium fungus and mites as well as flukes tapeworms and mites – an ideal frequency.

Even though the zapper has yet to be studied in clinical settings, its design suggests it may help support digestive health by targeting harmful organisms that reside in the intestinal tract. By emitting low-level electrical charges that disrupt membranes of these organisms, which ultimately cause them to detach from their host and die; potentially helping reduce toxic waste that builds up over time in our intestines and causes digestion issues.

In addition, zappers may help relieve headaches and other ailments associated with chronic stress. Some users report decreased headaches; for others using the device has either eliminated migraine attacks entirely or made them less severe.

The zapper has been designed to be safe and straightforward to use, minimizing potential risks by following its instructions carefully. Furthermore, any contact between your body parts that conduct electricity (eyes, testicles and inner ears) and the device should be avoided at all costs; additionally it would be wise to connect it to a grounded electrical outlet when possible.

The SuperZappicator offers another alternative to the zapper that seeks to address some of its limitations. By connecting directly to skin using alligator clips instead of handholds, it allows it to kill parasites on surfaces as well as treat gastrointestinal disorders directly.

December 16, 2023|Editor

Hunter 4025 NLS

hunter 4025 nls

Hunter 4025 nls is an affordable diagnostic medical device that allows users to conduct noninvasive scans of their bodies with no physical interference required. Utilizing computerized technology, this system can scan your entire body quickly and provide valuable information quickly; additionally it can pinpoint potential sources of your health issues while roughly forecast future developments.

It is a non-linear analysis system (NLS)

Metatron hunter 4025 nls is an advanced noninvasive diagnostic device for physical examination and analysis. Utilizing electromagnetic waves, it scans the body for abnormalities in tissues, cells, chromosomes, DNA molecules or organs using electromagnetic waves. It can detect illness more efficiently while helping patients recover faster as it provides information regarding foods compatible with each patient, phytotherapy treatments or homeopathy remedies that might aid recovery, as well as information regarding treatments to address both energy bodies and physical bodies simultaneously.

It is a highly advanced computerized system with sophisticated software capable of performing various tasks such as organopreparations, biochemical homeostasis, pathomorphology, microorganisms and parasites, lithotherapy, homeopathic preparation potencies selections, acupuncture etc. This new technology can reveal oncological processes in their early stages as well as anticipate how they will progress over time.

Additionally, it can record frequency fluctuations of preparations stored in its database and search for those that best align with spectral characteristics of pathological processes, enabling doctors to select an effective treatment option for each of their patients – something particularly helpful when treating autoimmune diseases with homeopathic preparations.

Metatron Hunter can identify the cause of any disorder as well as determine its manifestation within the body – acute or chronic; acute trauma or stress related; even determine if a patient is recovering from trauma or experiencing stress.

The primary feature of this machine is multidimensional virtual scanning, which automatically locates tumor nidus and hereditary diseases as well as their genetic cause by passing sequentially through histological and cytological sections, chromosomes, and eventually fragments of DNA molecule.

This machine provides medical professionals with an invaluable tool. These features include its ability to display an organ diagram, making it simpler for doctors to understand the problem and find effective solutions. Plus, its user-friendly operation and accurate spectral analysis results make this machine extremely valuable indeed!

It is a non-invasive physical examination device

The Hunter metatron 4025 is an advanced non-invasive full body analysis system developed in Russia that utilizes biofeedback to perform an examination of all body systems in just one session and represent its findings as 3D images. It can detect abnormalities at cellular, chromosomal and DNA helix levels as well as detect autoimmune disorders, chronic degenerative diseases and acute pains; additionally it can identify their root cause while providing potential remedies to address them.

This NLS can accurately pinpoint pathological processes in a human body by analysing electromagnetic frequencies emitted by organs and tissues, then compares its findings against its database for accurate evaluation of patient health status as well as for forecasting how they might evolve over time. Furthermore, it can detect parasites, fungi or bacteria present within their system.

The Hunter Metatron 4025 NLS is more powerful and reliable than its predecessors, thanks to a software update designed to increase speed and accuracy, detect oncological disease in early stages, improve its algorithm, user interface, and include “smart filter”, which can filter out unsuitable items while leaving those which suit testees alone.

An IMS system is an indispensable resource for medical centers, spas, salons and individual entrepreneurs. Its ability to analyze the entire organism and suggest appropriate therapies makes it unrivalled among diagnostic devices. Furthermore, IMS therapy has also proven successful at treating fatigue, exhaustion, sleep disorders depressions migraine psychosomatic illnesses allergies eczema and neurodermatitis.

NLS works by tuning electromagnetic frequencies associated with each tissue and organ. It then creates a three dimensional projection of that organ on screen in three dimensions, showing its condition using different colors. A physician can easily pinpoint where an issue stems from by looking at color markings on computer models of organs. Furthermore, NLS can identify tumor sites, hereditary diseases, inflammatory disorders as well as detect metastatic cancerous growths if any have developed.

It is a bioresonance device

Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS’ diagnostic session decodes electromagnetic waves released by your body and compares it with an extensive database. It can also approximate future health trends.

This device employs magnets and attractive inductors to scan a patient’s body and identify causes for their condition as well as recommend specific therapies such as herbs, vitamins or nutrients for treatment. Furthermore, the NLS can identify any potential issues with the immune system of their subject and suggest how best to strengthen them.

Naturopaths, Homeopathic Physicians, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, Nutritionists and Integrative Medicine/CAM Program Directors use this noninvasive full-body analysis device. With its ability to scan and assess an entire body in under 30 minutes – making it ideal for diagnosing complex diseases quickly – this makes this noninvasive device an indispensable asset to their practice.

Hunter is the first bioresonance device capable of early cancer detection and treatment, using bioresonance frequency technology. In addition, this device can diagnose other problems that may lead to serious illness such as fractures or dermatological conditions; additionally it can identify hereditary diseases allowing doctors to understand them more thoroughly and treat them more effectively.

Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS is an advanced NLS system which utilizes a special magnetic trigger sensor to read signals coming from cells, tissues and organs in your body. Once captured by this sensor, its analysis software then displays them on a computer screen in three-dimensional models.

NLS technology also allows the user to select and enhance remedies based on each patient’s medical history and symptoms, creating a customized treatment plan, as well as detecting hereditary diseases, tumors, or abnormalities within seconds. Testing by top scientists and physicians showed this NLS was capable of quickly pinpointing their sources within seconds – an advance in NLS systems technology!

December 16, 2023|Editor

What Can Energy Medicine Do For You?

energy medicine practitioner

Energy medicine practitioners believe that subtle energy fields surrounding the body can be used therapeutically. Energy practitioners may follow one particular tradition or work independently.

At an energy healing session, the practitioner will lay their hands over or near a patient’s body, or “charge up” water that the person drinks from a bottle provided by them.

What is Energy Medicine?

Many healing traditions recognize the significance of energy within our bodies. Practitioners seek to promote its free flow throughout their surroundings – which is known as the human biofield – while others focus on rebalancing areas where energy has been blocked or unbalanced, leading to health and wellness benefits.

Healthcare practitioners are increasingly turning to energy therapies in their practice, believing that physical wellbeing relies on an invisible network of interdependent energy systems such as meridians used in acupuncture, chakras and aura. When illness presents itself physically it often first shows itself energetically first – often signalling imbalanced systems needing rebalancing.

Holistic wellness is an exhilarating field with immense potential to transform our understanding of health and wellness, so it is vital that holistic practitioners familiarise themselves with its principles and practices – an ancient yet rapidly developing science.

Traditional medicine emphasizes anatomy and physiology for its teachings; energy therapy relies on physics. According to this philosophy, energy fields purported to exist inside and around our bodies (known as human biofield) drive our cellular and bodily processes; disturbances to this energy may result in illness.

Energy medicine uses various techniques, some involving touch, to promote the flow of energy in our bodies. These may include acupuncture (including acupressure and therapeutic touch), medical qigong and Reiki.

At Thrive Wellness Center, we offer non-invasive energy medicine treatments. Our founder and Chief Medical Officer Filiz Bakir, AP, DOM is an energy medicine practitioner trained by Donna Eden – one of the world’s foremost advocates for this rapidly emerging area of healing. She can see your energies with an uncanny ability that clairvoyants do and is adept at using energy testing to identify specific imbalances within each individual’s energy system that need correcting. Furthermore, Filiz teaches her clients basic self-care techniques so that their energies stay balanced over time.

How is Energy Medicine Helpful?

Energy healing techniques can be highly effective at correcting disturbances in the human energy field, helping reduce symptoms of stress and pain as well as prevent disease and promote wellness. Such practices include Reiki, Acupuncture, Acupressure and Healing Sprayers among many others that work towards balancing body energy while increasing Qi – our life force energy.

Energy medicine practitioners believe that the body is much more than muscles and bones; its energetic field affects overall health and wellbeing, being affected by emotions, mental states and even environmental influences. Energy practitioners use various techniques to manipulate this field so as to heal physical as well as emotional ailments.

Some individuals may question the effectiveness of energy medicine; however, these techniques have been practiced for millennia. Furthermore, modern scientific research supports that our energy fields can be affected by various factors, including disease and illness.

Energy therapy can provide relief for pain, anxiety, fatigue and depression while improving sleep patterns. Furthermore, energy healing may lower risk of heart disease and cancer by decreasing stress levels – this is accomplished by stimulating meridians which allow qi (energy) to flow throughout your body.

Due to environmental influences such as pollution and electromagnetic radiation, our energy fields are susceptible to disruption from outside sources; as such it’s crucial that practitioners trained in various forms of energy medicine practices be sought out.

Energy Medicine Specialists (EMS) is an organization that offers beginner to advanced courses for energy medicine. Janna Moll, who founded EMS in 1994, no longer lives among us physically but her legacy lives on with the team of highly qualified instructors and practitioners who continue her legacy today. Janna is considered an expert in her field having published “The Biological Roots of Energy Medicine“. EMS offers courses such as energy healing certifications for beginners as well as advanced practitioners; holistic nutrition; Reiki; yoga; and acupressure are also among its offerings.

What are the Benefits of Energy Medicine?

Energy medicine can help you feel better in your body, have greater clarity and focus, strengthen immunity or live more consciously in tune with nature’s rhythms – it all adds up.

Energy healers provide a deep, gentle and non-invasive means of balancing your energies for maximum health, joy and vitality. Additionally, they may assist you in clearing away blocks in your energetic field that might be impeding the creation of what you truly desire.

Energy healing modalities have developed over time, such as therapeutic touch, healing touch and Reiki. All three techniques involve using one’s hands to assess and balance out energy fields within the body – unlike traditional medicine which primarily considers each part as separate units; energy healing sessions treat people holistically by considering both mental and emotional wellbeing as part of overall well-being.

China, Hinduism, Tibetanism and Polynesian culture have long held that physical wellbeing depends on an invisible network of interdependent energy systems that support it. Any manifestations of illness in either body or mind may actually reflect imbalances within these energy networks that govern health.

Energy medicine draws upon ancient knowledge to work directly with the body’s energy systems for wellness. An Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner has been specially trained to monitor these energy systems, perform energy testing and teach you a daily routine for keeping yourself in harmony and in flow.

Energy healing sessions can provide light into dark corners of your being and identify any emotions that have become stuck and unreleased, facilitating healing and release to enable you to create what it is that you truly desire. A session with an energy healer may complement other forms of therapy or treatment for more serious health conditions as well as act as stand alone therapy treatment.

Janna Moll (deceased 2016) established Energy Medicine Specialists as a training institute, offering beginner to advanced coursework on various energy healing modalities. Today EMS continues with a team of highly-qualified instructors and practitioners committed to excellence in energy medicine.

What are the Risks of Energy Medicine?

Energy healing, when administered by trained professionals, is generally considered safe. This complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatment has long been recognized for its ability to relieve stress, promote balance, and support the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Energy healing may help relieve anxiety, chronic pain and digestive disorders while simultaneously mitigating side effects associated with chemotherapy or radiation therapies.

Energy medicine is founded on the idea that all living things, from rocks to humans, contain an invisible form of energy at their core. When our energy patterns become disturbed due to illness or disease, energy medicine may help balance them to facilitate healing processes.

Energy medicine encompasses various therapies such as acupuncture, Reiki, Healing Touch and massage therapy. Each form works to manipulate the body’s biofield by clearing away blockages, rebalancing energy flows and improving flow. Acupuncture uses thin needles to stimulate acupressure points and restore equilibrium within its energy field, while Healing Touch uses intention and meditation to produce sub ELF vibrational fields which entrain with your biofield to shift imbalances within it.

There is also a form of energy healing known as Qigong that combines physical exercises, breath regulation and mindfulness meditation into one holistic healing practice. Qigong has been demonstrated to reduce blood pressure, heart rate and breathing rates while simultaneously increasing vitality.

Energy healing practitioners must uphold high ethical standards when practicing energy healing, not using this practice as a replacement for conventional medical care. If you are suffering from an acute or serious medical condition, seek traditional treatment from an authorized healthcare provider.

Jill Leigh is an internationally recognized Energy Healer, educator, and author of “The Power of the Heart: A Guide to Grounded Presence.” Her passion for helping both practitioners and self-healers achieve grounded presence inspired her to develop practical tools and techniques which have become part of her own practice.

December 16, 2023|Editor

Reverse Aging Workout

reverse aging workout

Tech executive Bryan Johnson is spending $2 Million per year to stop his body’s natural aging process by exercising for 45-60 minutes every day, seven days a week.

Endurance exercises like walking, hiking, jogging, swimming and cycling help strengthen your heart, improve blood circulation and can actually reverse some aspects of cellular aging while maintaining bone density.

1. Strength Training

Strength training doesn’t just benefit bodybuilders and marathon runners; its age reversing benefits are available to anyone, no matter your fitness level or experience level. Studies show that lifting weights regularly slows down the natural aging process in humans while building muscle mass, protecting bone density and speeding metabolism can all play an integral part of burning fat efficiently.

Exercise helps combat disease-related declines in muscle strength, improve balance and coordination, and enhance physical function. You can choose from an assortment of resistance exercises like chest and leg presses, triceps extensions, lat pull-downs, seated rows and standing calf raises to keep you challenged throughout your session. As soon as your fitness level has been assessed, start off slowly increasing weights, reps and sets until reaching optimal performance levels.

Strive for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiovascular activity each week and two days of muscle strengthening exercises a week, working out in consultation with your personal trainer in order to find an ideal workout for you and your fitness level and health goals. If this is your first experience in strength training, start off slowly; use short and simple programs targeting all major muscle groups on non-consecutive days of the week while selecting weights which challenge but don’t overwhelm – each set should feel achievable without sacrificing form.

HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is another effective method for building strength. According to researchers at Mayo Clinic, these exercises enhance mitochondrial cell function – something which may slow the aging process. Begin your session with 5-minute warm-up of light cardio and perform each workout one by one with brief rest between each. After six or more weeks of consistent strength training it may be safe to increase weights, reps or sets as desired without experiencing pain or discomfort.

2. Aerobics

Aerobics is an aerobic fitness regime that works quickly to pump your heart up, oxygen rushing through, burning fat and increasing energy. Furthermore, aerobics may even reverse signs of aging by increasing levels of cyclin D1 protein which transforms dormant stem cells into new healthy ones – and in so doing has the power to reverse aging processes in your body.

Finding an aerobics class tailored to your fitness level and needs can be challenging, with classes ranging from those which focus on gentle floor-based movements and stretches to high repetition moves to shape and tone muscle groups. High intensity interval training (HIIT) has recently made waves; this form of workout alternating short bursts of intense exercise with quick recovery periods for increased metabolism and fat loss; however it should probably only be undertaken by those already possessing adequate physical fitness as its intensity can be high.

Endurance exercises such as walking, swimming and cycling can also provide anti-ageing benefits by helping reduce metabolic changes associated with aging. But more intensive forms of aerobic exercise offer greater anti-ageing advantages.

They do so by stimulating the heart and lungs to adapt to an increased demand for oxygen, helping muscles increase their ability to use it effectively and thus leading to more effective regulation of blood sugar, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, improved flexibility and reduced dementia risk.

3. Yoga

No matter your age or stage of life, practicing yoga can benefit both teens and approaching retirement alike by strengthening balance, strength and flexibility; increasing sleep quality; decreasing stress and depression levels; as well as helping reverse osteoporotic fractures that come with ageing.

Many assume that in order to reap the health and longevity benefits of exercise, one needs to be an elite bodybuilder or marathon runner. But in reality, you just need to find something enjoyable that makes sense to your schedule, then commit yourself.

Yoga is an effective exercise regimen to counter the effects of aging because it combines resistance training and balance exercises into one low-to-medium intensity workout that can easily be modified for different fitness levels and injuries. Yoga helps prevent age-related bone loss while strengthening muscles and joints and decreasing pain from arthritis or back issues.

Yoga combines ancient Eastern philosophy with Western fitness and wellness practices. It focuses on postures, breathing, mindfulness and meditation. A practitioner often greets other practitioners by saying “namaste,” which translates to “to you.” Yoga provides excellent exercises for both the mind and body – keeping both young and healthy!

Before undertaking any new exercise program, it is wise to always seek medical advice first. If you suffer from an underlying medical condition like osteoporosis, for instance, yoga poses and stretches should be tailored accordingly – for instance avoiding poses that strain or twist the spine should be avoided in particular. A physical therapist may provide recommendations as to how best adapt your yoga regimen for better results.

4. Pilates

Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise designed to strengthen strength, stability, flexibility and body awareness. Pilates has gained increasing attention within fitness circles as an injury preventative and rehabilitation method.

Pilates exercises require precise body positioning to build core muscle strength* and maintain proper spinal alignment, helping reduce and prevent back pain as well as injuries in knees, shoulders, wrists and hips. Furthermore, this practice improves posture and balance enabling more easeful and fluid movements during daily activities, and even brightening your mood!

Plyometric exercise can also help increase bone density* by challenging both your muscles and bones against gravity. Plyometric movements include jumping and forceful stepping – two activities which strengthen muscles while placing more strain on bones. A good starting point would be standing on an edge of a Pilates box with feet about shoulder-width apart, then jumping up-up-down-down as part of an easy plyometric workout session.

Like yoga and tai chi, Pilates is an exercise which entails mind-body concentration to understand how your muscles work together and focus on breathing – both can help ease anxiety and depression, and increase cognitive function. Research has confirmed this effect of Pilates practice on cognitive performance.

5. Stretching

Stretching is a form of physical exercise that involves moving or holding parts of the body with the intent of lengthening muscles, either by moving them around the body, holding positions for prolonged periods, or both. Stretching can help relax, prepare for activity or build strength – and can be performed anywhere with appropriate equipment. Stretching can serve a number of different purposes depending on its purpose; pain should not be part of any stretching session – if this occurs it should stop immediately and reassess to determine whether you are pushing too hard if this occurs stop and assess whether this stretch session needs further modification or reconsider reassessment should occur.

One common error people make when stretching is trying to do too much or too quickly. To maximize its benefits, stretching should last between 20-45 seconds each time, repeated three or four times for any muscle group that requires loosening up. You should avoid bouncing as you stretch, which could injure muscles further and tighten them even more quickly.

Static or passive stretching can cause injuries when done incorrectly and has even been shown to reduce muscular strength in some studies. Dynamic stretching on the other hand, however, can increase mobility and flexibility; dynamic stretches should preferably be performed before working out or playing sport to warm up muscles and increase range of motion.

Aerobic exercises such as running, walking and cycling have been proven to combat some of the effects of aging by increasing bone density and encouraging cell division. High intensity interval training (HIIT), another great form of aerobic exercise that reverses some effects of aging is also an excellent way to enhance health and reduce some effects associated with growing older. HIIT alternates short bursts of intense exercise with quick recovery periods in between; studies have proven its ability to boost metabolism and burn fat.