How Quantum Biofeedback Healing Works
Biofeedback is a noninvasive medical therapy that does not rely on drugs or needles, instead employing the Indigo biofeedback device to address acute and chronic stressors in your body, with targeted energetic training to address them and bring balance or correction.
Ciel utilizes quantum biofeedback as part of her holistic healing protocol, in conjunction with verbal health history, Chinese tongue and pulse diagnosis and Genius Insight sound and frequency analysis. She will custom design a plan tailored specifically to you regarding frequency, nutrients and therapies!
Stress Reduction
Stress is an inexorable part of life, yet unchecked stress can wreak havoc on our immune systems, digestive tracts and organs. Stressful emotions, nutritional deficiencies or poor lifestyle habits may all play a part in uncontrolled stress that releases erratic signals to trigger various conditions and diseases such as fibromyalgia, sinusitis, TMJ disorders menstrual disorders allergies chronic fatigue insomnia autoimmune disease asthma etc. With quantum biofeedback healing as your weapon against these symptoms you can regain your body’s power to heal itself!
Biofeedback is a noninvasive therapy that teaches you to control muscle tension, pain levels, brain waves and other bodily functions through relaxation techniques like visualization and cognitive control techniques. It is often recommended as part of other integrative therapies like massage, acupuncture or nutrition treatments for its ability to reduce stress levels and emotional imbalances and thus promote overall wellness and improved health and wellness.
Basic biofeedback is a safe, effective, noninvasive treatment option that utilizes electrical sensors to measure and track your physiological state, such as your heart rate, muscle activity levels, blood pressure, brain wave patterns and body temperature. A therapist then displays these results on a screen for you to view and teaches how you can learn how to adjust them yourself at will – such as decreasing your heart rate.
Quantum biofeedback is an advanced form of this treatment that uses an instrument known as the INDIGO to probe your body for acute and chronic imbalances, before sending frequency training signals in an attempt to harmonise or balance them out.
Biofeedback provides another form of detection and intervention, helping detect issues below your conscious awareness, such as your constitutional make-up or tendencies, food sensitivities and emotional triggers of symptoms. Think of it like an X-ray for the body which uncovers any hidden layers that need addressing for overall health and wellbeing.
Medical professionals across a range of specializations find EPR QUANTUM biofeedback an effective holistic and preventive treatment option to address many different health conditions without medications or other invasive interventions, without side-effects such as nausea. Physiotherapists, acupuncturists, dentists, homeopaths and chiropractors among others all utilize it to address the root causes of their clients’ ailments.
Boost Your Immune System
Quantum biofeedback healing is an all-natural and safe solution to boost your immune system. By clearing energetic blockages that could be contributing to low immune responses in your body, this method helps restore balance and health at a cellular level.
The EPFX-SCIO quantum biofeedback machine features a safe, powerful evoked potential biofeedback device which quickly scans for various stressors such as viruses, deficiencies, weaknesses, allergies and food sensitivities in order to restore an energy field balanced and healthy for you. Once identified by SCIO frequencies are then used to restore this equilibrium within your body.
Your biofeedback session is completely noninvasive and painless, with no physical examination or penetration of your skin required for its completion. Instead, using Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), our device communicates with 54 electrical pathways running throughout your body for testing purposes using double blind techniques ensuring an unbiased result from our tests.
At Ciel Wellness Group, I strive to meet each person’s individual health needs through customized frequency, nutrition and therapy programs tailored specifically for them. She utilizes verbal health history interviews, tongue and pulse diagnosis of Chinese Medicine tongue and pulse diagnosis along with other biofeedback tools like Genius Insight Sound and Frequency Analysis; Avatar Electro-dermal Screening (EAV); Lecher antenna etc to determine your unique frequencies that may be out of balance and what may be contributing.
Ciel incorporates this information into her wellness programs by using verbal guidance, Chinese medicine, acupuncture and herbal support as necessary.
Biofeedback can also serve as an aid in aiding healing for many conditions and may complement integrative therapeutic methods like chiropractic care, acupuncture or detoxification.
Quantum biofeedback can teach clients to access their natural healing potential and retrain the body to remove obstacles preventing optimal health and vitality. This noninvasive technology is safe, noninvasive and has proven successful at treating symptoms from all sorts of conditions including insomnia, digestive issues, chronic fatigue, anxiety, sinusitis, asthma, menstrual problems TMJ fibromyalgia joint issues etc.
Increase Your Energy Levels
Quantum Biofeedback heals energetic disturbances at the root of disease. With our EPFX/QXCI biofeedback system communicating directly with your body to pinpoint any imbalances affecting health; prioritizing this information to meet specific body and mind needs from digestion to emotions to detoxification.
A comprehensive electromagnetic frequency scan scans of the human body at biological speeds to measure its response and identify acute and chronic imbalances that could contribute to illness. Once identified, frequency training signals attempt to rebalance and harmonize them through frequency training signals provided by this system.
The EPFX/QXCI applies quantum physics and principles of entrainment to assess your current body state, similar to running a virus scan on your computer, to reveal any energetic stressors that could be negatively impacting your health. It detects imbalances and highlights areas requiring more energy; as well as helping balance over-stressed bodies at an energetic level by sending healthy patterns through subtle energy channels that dispel and reduce any irregular signals that cause disease.
This technology enables practitioners to pinpoint the hidden sources of your stress, including toxins, pathogens, emotional traumas, nutritional deficiency or incorrect lifestyle habits that contribute to it. Such stressors release constant streams of erratic signals which cause an imbalanced electrical flow within your body which eventually lead to diseases or accelerate aging processes.
An experienced practitioner can use the EPFX/QXCI to tailor a personalized health program tailored specifically to you, including diet and lifestyle recommendations for you to follow. In addition, corrective energies from this device may address imbalances by targeting energy blockages, parasites, repair needs, desensitizing allergies, stress levels reduction and chakra balance balancing among many other actions.
EPFX/QXCI technology benefits many different people, including doctors and nurses – who integrate it with existing treatments to increase patient outcomes – as well as acupuncturists, dentists, homeopaths, massage therapists and others who utilize this technology.
Improve Your Sleep
Quantum biofeedback differs from standard biofeedback in that instead of placing sensors on your body to monitor physiological indicators of relaxation, like skin temperature and muscle tension, an EPFX-SCIO device is used to scan for energetic disturbances across your entire body. FDA-approved, this device uses evoked potential technology to stimulate your bodies natural healing abilities while emitting energy frequencies which help correct imbalances within frontal cortex, autonomic nervous system and electromagnetic fields within your body–something quantum biofeedback scientists refer to as the body electric.
It provides a non-invasive way of discovering viruses, weaknesses, toxins, deficiencies, food sensitivities or any other stressors which could be contributing to illness or discomfort in your body. Think of it like running a virus scan on a computer and use this non-invasive approach to detect stresses and restore health to your system.
Biofeedback is a safe, drug-free and natural approach to wellness that works. The goal of biofeedback is to retrain and teach your brain new patterns that support both mental and physical wellness – such as decreased anxiety, improved sleep quality, lower blood pressure levels and more relaxed muscles. The benefits of biofeedback may include decreased anxiety levels, improved sleep quality, lower blood pressure levels and relaxed muscles.
Quantum biofeedback therapy stands out as an innovative holistic therapy by being noninvasive, without medications, painful tests or needle pricks required for its success. By measuring electrical vibrations within your body, this holistic therapy can detect stressors causing pain within it and instruct your brain to relax those muscles accordingly.
Ciel utilizes quantum biofeedback alongside various tools and techniques to give clients the best chance for natural healing, including verbal health history; Chinese Medicine tongue and pulse analysis; Genius Insight sound frequency analysis, Avatar electrodermal scanning, as well as electrodermal scanning. He will work with you to develop a balanced plan combining frequencies, nutrients, therapies and therapies in order to bring harmony between body mind spirit.
Quantum biofeedback works on the principle that everything vibrates at different frequencies in nature – our bodies included. When these different frequencies settle into more harmonious states (known as entrainment), positive results such as increased vitality, mental clarity, physical wellbeing and overall health improve significantly.