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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

April 10, 2024|Editorial

How Quantum Biofeedback Healing Works

Biofeedback is a noninvasive medical therapy that does not rely on drugs or needles, instead employing the Indigo biofeedback device to address acute and chronic stressors in your body, with targeted energetic training to address them and bring balance or correction.

Ciel utilizes quantum biofeedback as part of her holistic healing protocol, in conjunction with verbal health history, Chinese tongue and pulse diagnosis and Genius Insight sound and frequency analysis. She will custom design a plan tailored specifically to you regarding frequency, nutrients and therapies!

Stress Reduction

Stress is an inexorable part of life, yet unchecked stress can wreak havoc on our immune systems, digestive tracts and organs. Stressful emotions, nutritional deficiencies or poor lifestyle habits may all play a part in uncontrolled stress that releases erratic signals to trigger various conditions and diseases such as fibromyalgia, sinusitis, TMJ disorders menstrual disorders allergies chronic fatigue insomnia autoimmune disease asthma etc. With quantum biofeedback healing as your weapon against these symptoms you can regain your body’s power to heal itself!

Biofeedback is a noninvasive therapy that teaches you to control muscle tension, pain levels, brain waves and other bodily functions through relaxation techniques like visualization and cognitive control techniques. It is often recommended as part of other integrative therapies like massage, acupuncture or nutrition treatments for its ability to reduce stress levels and emotional imbalances and thus promote overall wellness and improved health and wellness.

Basic biofeedback is a safe, effective, noninvasive treatment option that utilizes electrical sensors to measure and track your physiological state, such as your heart rate, muscle activity levels, blood pressure, brain wave patterns and body temperature. A therapist then displays these results on a screen for you to view and teaches how you can learn how to adjust them yourself at will – such as decreasing your heart rate.

Quantum biofeedback is an advanced form of this treatment that uses an instrument known as the INDIGO to probe your body for acute and chronic imbalances, before sending frequency training signals in an attempt to harmonise or balance them out.


Biofeedback provides another form of detection and intervention, helping detect issues below your conscious awareness, such as your constitutional make-up or tendencies, food sensitivities and emotional triggers of symptoms. Think of it like an X-ray for the body which uncovers any hidden layers that need addressing for overall health and wellbeing.

Medical professionals across a range of specializations find EPR QUANTUM biofeedback an effective holistic and preventive treatment option to address many different health conditions without medications or other invasive interventions, without side-effects such as nausea. Physiotherapists, acupuncturists, dentists, homeopaths and chiropractors among others all utilize it to address the root causes of their clients’ ailments.

Boost Your Immune System

Quantum biofeedback healing is an all-natural and safe solution to boost your immune system. By clearing energetic blockages that could be contributing to low immune responses in your body, this method helps restore balance and health at a cellular level.

The EPFX-SCIO quantum biofeedback machine features a safe, powerful evoked potential biofeedback device which quickly scans for various stressors such as viruses, deficiencies, weaknesses, allergies and food sensitivities in order to restore an energy field balanced and healthy for you. Once identified by SCIO frequencies are then used to restore this equilibrium within your body.

Your biofeedback session is completely noninvasive and painless, with no physical examination or penetration of your skin required for its completion. Instead, using Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), our device communicates with 54 electrical pathways running throughout your body for testing purposes using double blind techniques ensuring an unbiased result from our tests.

At Ciel Wellness Group, I strive to meet each person’s individual health needs through customized frequency, nutrition and therapy programs tailored specifically for them. She utilizes verbal health history interviews, tongue and pulse diagnosis of Chinese Medicine tongue and pulse diagnosis along with other biofeedback tools like Genius Insight Sound and Frequency Analysis; Avatar Electro-dermal Screening (EAV); Lecher antenna etc to determine your unique frequencies that may be out of balance and what may be contributing.


Ciel incorporates this information into her wellness programs by using verbal guidance, Chinese medicine, acupuncture and herbal support as necessary.

Biofeedback can also serve as an aid in aiding healing for many conditions and may complement integrative therapeutic methods like chiropractic care, acupuncture or detoxification.

Quantum biofeedback can teach clients to access their natural healing potential and retrain the body to remove obstacles preventing optimal health and vitality. This noninvasive technology is safe, noninvasive and has proven successful at treating symptoms from all sorts of conditions including insomnia, digestive issues, chronic fatigue, anxiety, sinusitis, asthma, menstrual problems TMJ fibromyalgia joint issues etc.

Increase Your Energy Levels

Quantum Biofeedback heals energetic disturbances at the root of disease. With our EPFX/QXCI biofeedback system communicating directly with your body to pinpoint any imbalances affecting health; prioritizing this information to meet specific body and mind needs from digestion to emotions to detoxification.

A comprehensive electromagnetic frequency scan scans of the human body at biological speeds to measure its response and identify acute and chronic imbalances that could contribute to illness. Once identified, frequency training signals attempt to rebalance and harmonize them through frequency training signals provided by this system.

The EPFX/QXCI applies quantum physics and principles of entrainment to assess your current body state, similar to running a virus scan on your computer, to reveal any energetic stressors that could be negatively impacting your health. It detects imbalances and highlights areas requiring more energy; as well as helping balance over-stressed bodies at an energetic level by sending healthy patterns through subtle energy channels that dispel and reduce any irregular signals that cause disease.

This technology enables practitioners to pinpoint the hidden sources of your stress, including toxins, pathogens, emotional traumas, nutritional deficiency or incorrect lifestyle habits that contribute to it. Such stressors release constant streams of erratic signals which cause an imbalanced electrical flow within your body which eventually lead to diseases or accelerate aging processes.

An experienced practitioner can use the EPFX/QXCI to tailor a personalized health program tailored specifically to you, including diet and lifestyle recommendations for you to follow. In addition, corrective energies from this device may address imbalances by targeting energy blockages, parasites, repair needs, desensitizing allergies, stress levels reduction and chakra balance balancing among many other actions.

EPFX/QXCI technology benefits many different people, including doctors and nurses – who integrate it with existing treatments to increase patient outcomes – as well as acupuncturists, dentists, homeopaths, massage therapists and others who utilize this technology.

Improve Your Sleep

Quantum biofeedback differs from standard biofeedback in that instead of placing sensors on your body to monitor physiological indicators of relaxation, like skin temperature and muscle tension, an EPFX-SCIO device is used to scan for energetic disturbances across your entire body. FDA-approved, this device uses evoked potential technology to stimulate your bodies natural healing abilities while emitting energy frequencies which help correct imbalances within frontal cortex, autonomic nervous system and electromagnetic fields within your body–something quantum biofeedback scientists refer to as the body electric.

It provides a non-invasive way of discovering viruses, weaknesses, toxins, deficiencies, food sensitivities or any other stressors which could be contributing to illness or discomfort in your body. Think of it like running a virus scan on a computer and use this non-invasive approach to detect stresses and restore health to your system.

Biofeedback is a safe, drug-free and natural approach to wellness that works. The goal of biofeedback is to retrain and teach your brain new patterns that support both mental and physical wellness – such as decreased anxiety, improved sleep quality, lower blood pressure levels and more relaxed muscles. The benefits of biofeedback may include decreased anxiety levels, improved sleep quality, lower blood pressure levels and relaxed muscles.

Quantum biofeedback therapy stands out as an innovative holistic therapy by being noninvasive, without medications, painful tests or needle pricks required for its success. By measuring electrical vibrations within your body, this holistic therapy can detect stressors causing pain within it and instruct your brain to relax those muscles accordingly.

Ciel utilizes quantum biofeedback alongside various tools and techniques to give clients the best chance for natural healing, including verbal health history; Chinese Medicine tongue and pulse analysis; Genius Insight sound frequency analysis, Avatar electrodermal scanning, as well as electrodermal scanning. He will work with you to develop a balanced plan combining frequencies, nutrients, therapies and therapies in order to bring harmony between body mind spirit.

Quantum biofeedback works on the principle that everything vibrates at different frequencies in nature – our bodies included. When these different frequencies settle into more harmonious states (known as entrainment), positive results such as increased vitality, mental clarity, physical wellbeing and overall health improve significantly.

April 10, 2024|Editorial

Boost Your Immune System With Energy Medicine

Energy work may be an effective way to strengthen your immune system and complement Western medicine in helping keep it strong. Donna Eden and other teachers of energy medicine offer effective techniques that complement this form of healing.

Radiant Circuits – instant circuits that distribute energy throughout your entire body – are activated, providing joy, vitality and spiritual connection through energy distribution. They embody spontaneous intelligence while giving joyousness and vitality.

They’re Your Joy Pathways

Life’s energy source lies within our radiant circuits – instant circuits that distribute energy throughout our bodies to bring joy, vitality and excitement to everyday living. Eden Energy Medicine founder Donna Eden refers to them as inner wells of joy.”

Radiant circuits are intelligent and helpful tools, waiting to be activated by triple warmer. As such, they play an integral role in maintaining happiness and enthusiasm within a body; linking all its energy systems together so they can jump or hyperlink where needed most in an instant – traditional Chinese Medicine calls these channels Extraordinary Channels; we prefer calling them by their original name: organ meridians.

Balance and nourish all energy systems within our body, including meridians, chakras, aura and physical system. Healthy free-flowing radiant circuits also act as gateways to connect with universal forces while awakening intuition and psychic wisdom.

Over time, daily pressures can drain energy away from radiant circuits and into systems designed to manage stress – something which may have long-term health repercussions if you are living with chronic illness.

Learning to activate your radiant circuits and harness the power of intention can help you overcome chronic health issues that keep you from enjoying life fully. It can help create an inner knowing that helps sustain joyous resilience even during times of hardship and difficulty.

They Follow Your Intention

Harold Burr at Yale University utilized sophisticated measuring devices in the 1930s and 40s to demonstrate that all living organisms, including humans, have electric fields that surround them. He found that healthy organs had distinct electrical patterns than unhealthy ones, demonstrating how the Auric field acts like a space suit filtration out harmful physical, emotional and psychic energies. Over time though, your Radiant Circuits may become compromised due to daily stresses from work deadlines, money worries, relationship struggles or global concerns; when this happens your Radiant Circuits divert energy away from joyous moments and towards handling those energy systems designed specifically to handle stress systems that divert energy away from joyous sources instead.

When your Radiant Circuits become inactive, life can seem dismal and meaningless. By activating and balancing them, we give ourselves tools to fully enjoy each moment of peace, happiness, gratitude, exhilaration and spiritual ecstasy in life.

Donna Eden, founder of Eden Energy Medicine, refers to these extraordinary energy pathways as instant circuits – instant pathways of joy and healing throughout your body that distribute joy and healing throughout it all. This course will teach you how to activate Radiant Circuits using easy yet powerful techniques anyone can do themselves.

In this first session, you’ll gain a fundamental understanding of energy medicine, while experiencing firsthand what impact these 10 energy systems can have on healing. Beginning with an emotional release technique designed to shift flow of emotions – fear and anger will be no more! Learn to activate Radiant Circuits and connect with inner wisdom and your Higher Self. Discover a yin complement to warrior energy that calms hypervigilance, as well as practice an effective technique that empowers you to stand tall in your power and boundaries. At the conclusion of your initial session, you will learn an effective technique to overcome long-standing health problems and move toward your dreams. Over 10 classes, this class will cover each Radiant Circuits so you have a source of joy and healing available 24/7/365.

They’re a Powerful Source of Healing

Your radiant circuits are channels of natural energy that respond to your needs, emotions and thoughts. They have the capacity to move freely around your body when necessary – linking directly into wherever they’re required in response to whatever might be going on in your mind or body – helping connect to universal forces and spark intuition and psychic knowledge; when functioning effectively they also aid emotional healing while strengthening immunity systems and helping reduce resistance to change – providing support in facing fears head on!

When these circuits are activated, you experience feelings of joy and gratitude. They serve as inner wells of wellness that bring vibrancy, harmony and peace into your being – this energy can be felt when gazing upon a beautiful sunset, falling in love, touching fur of a puppy or sharing laughter with someone special.

These Radiant Circuits possess the power to heal almost everything that’s bothering your life. Their energy of forgiveness, compassion and trust has the ability to reverse negative patterns of behavior as well as shift chronic health conditions that prevent you from living your best life.

Engaging the radiant potential of these four Double Agent Circuits (Central, Governing, Triple Warmer and Spleen) can help transform relationships, break free from old habits and open yourself up to spiritual development and experiences. You’ll discover how stimulating and linking these circuits fuels meridians, chakras and aura in your energy body – offering transformative results!

We will explore the healing power of your Yin and Yang Regulator Flows. You’ll learn how to activate and strengthen these instant circuits to enhance physical resilience, emotional balance and ability to flow with unpredictable change. Yin and Yang is at the core of human resilience and living an abundant, fulfilling life – helping us remain present when faced with inevitable challenges such as sickness and tough times – they help sustain relationships as well as make sense of suffering or tough times.

They’re Easy to Activate

Activating radiant circuits is a powerful and effective way to restore inner joy. You will rediscover your zest for life, overcome self-sabotage, and transform feelings of anxiety, despair, numbness or numbness into love, happiness and gratitude – even if the thoughts accompanying these emotions don’t align instantly.

Donna Eden refers to radiant circuits as the wellsprings of healing, and believes they can be activated at any time by simply thinking about an image such as a beautiful sunset, child or puppy, etc. that brings up loving happy thoughts. By doing this, the radiant circuits move quickly through your body – for instance helping calm Triple Warmers, healing livers and adrenals or supporting digestion for example.

All the other energy systems of the body are connected through these organs and they work in concert to maintain balanced energetic pathways throughout. When needed, they help regulate energetic deficiencies, imbalances or disconnections within them – including strengthening immune systems, improving concentration and stamina, freeing from old blocks or addictions, relieving stress/anxiety levels etc.

Over time, modern life can erode your Radiant Circuits. Work deadlines, financial woes, relationship conflicts and global concerns can zap their energy away into systems designed to handle stress – taking away your ability to fully appreciate simple pleasures like reading or the thrill and wonderment of watching children discover things for the first time! This drain reduces our ability to experience pure bliss such as playing with our toddler.

Donna Eden’s 7-week course, Becoming Radiant – Awaken Your Inner Source of Healing can help you unleash one of the most potency healing forces within you! You’ll learn easy-to-learn energy medicine techniques that have already helped thousands create an inner source of healing strong enough to endure even difficult times – plus an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee so you can test out this method risk free and see if it works for you! To find out more and enroll, click here or register right now – to start taking advantage of this opportunity!

April 10, 2024|Editorial

Vibration Therapy For Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatica is a nerve disorder characterized by lower leg and back pain, tingling and numbness caused by herniated discs, lumbar spinal stenosis or other factors impacting the sciatic nerve.

Sciatica symptoms may be relieved with ice packs, topical analgesics, light exercises and stretching programs as well as strategic body positioning.

Pain Relief

Vibration plate therapy (also known as whole-body vibration or WBV) has quickly become one of the go-to treatments and home remedies for sciatic nerve pain, with its popularity surging recently. WBV involves performing exercises on a special vibrating platform; unlike traditional static exercises that only target specific muscle groups, WBV affects all major ones at the same time.

The sciatic nerve is one of the largest and thickest nerves in human anatomy, stretching from the lower back region through hips, buttocks, legs on either side and down into feet and toes. It provides sensations to lower body parts while controlling movement in legs; any disruption of this nerve could result in pain, weakness, numbness or tingling in legs, feet or toes.

Sciatica symptoms typically include deep buttock pain radiating down the back of one leg into the calf, thigh, and foot, sometimes with accompanying numbness and tingling in both lower legs and feet. Sitting for extended periods can aggravate it further while certain movements that compress nerves can make matters worse. Luckily, however, sciatica is not life-threatening condition, and can often be managed effectively with cold or hot therapy or various forms of physical therapy exercises such as yoga.

Massage guns provide vibration therapy that can relieve sciatic nerve pain by loosening tight muscles, increasing blood flow to the area, and decreasing inflammation. Percussive massage guns use short bursts of pressure in an up and down motion similar to that used by jackhammer action; vibration massage guns utilize side-to-side movement.

Studies have demonstrated that sciatic nerve injuries can be reduced through regular vibration therapy, especially if started soon after they occur. A study using rats exposed to sciatic nerve crush found that regular vibration training begun ten days post injury led to normal morphological nerve analysis as well as recovery of functional parameters.

Increased Blood Circulation

Sciatica symptoms typically include pain traveling down both legs. This could feel like stabbing or shooting sensations and may even result in tingling feet. Sciatica’s cause lies within compression of nerves as they pass through your lower spine.

Vibration therapy is an effective non-invasive solution to sciatic nerve pain, helping reduce inflammation and increasing blood circulation to the area where your symptoms reside. Increased circulation allows nutrients and oxygen to reach damaged areas more quickly, speeding up healing.

One of the major advantages of vibration therapy for sciatica is its ability to relax tight muscles. This can be especially helpful for individuals with scar tissue limiting mobility; vibrating movement of a plate can break it up and increase range of motion and flexibility.

vibration therapy for sciatica can also promote new tissue growth and blood flow to the area of injury, helping with nerve repair as well as creating a myelin sheath that protects against further nerve damage.

Studies have demonstrated that vibration therapy can assist in stimulating the production of new myelin sheath, thus aiding the healing process. Myelin sheaths are composed of proteins called Schwann cells found throughout nerves and spinal cord. Schwann cells are responsible for maintaining and repairing myelin sheaths as well as nerves overall; when damaged myelin sheaths occur, activating their respective Sigma 1 receptors leads to symptoms like numbness and tingling that characterize those living with sciatica.

Researchers conducted a study on local vibration therapy for sciatica using a portable massage gun to deliver various vibration types. They discovered that medium amplitude vibration helped promote Schwann cell growth in injured nerves while delaying gastrocnemius denervation in rats with SNI due to activated ERK1/2 and Akt signaling pathways.

Muscle Relaxation

Sciatica is a painful condition caused by spinal nerve compression affecting one or more spinal nerves that travel down into the lower back, buttocks, hips and legs. Its symptoms often feel stabbing, shooting or searing and may lead to weakness and numbness in an affected leg. There are various treatment options available that may alleviate symptoms and help prevent them from reappearing in future; one such therapy option that has proven its efficacy against sciatica pain is vibration therapy which promotes healing while alleviating inflammation.

Science behind this method of pain relief is simple: increased blood flow to an injured area aids your body’s healing processes and lessens sciatic nerve pain significantly. While there are various techniques you can employ to increase circulation, vibration plate exercises have proven particularly successful at increasing it as they also target deep muscles that comprise your lower body and core structure.

Whole-body vibration has also been found to enhance proprioception – the awareness of your body’s position and movement – helping improve your overall sense of well-being while helping prevent future sciatica flare-ups. From portable massage guns to professional whole-body vibration treatments, such movements can dramatically enhance proprioception levels.

Sciatica can be a debilitating condition that suddenly manifests as back and leg pain. Unfortunately, however, due to chronic sciatic nerve compression it’s often hard to pinpoint exactly when or why this pain will first manifest itself in your back and legs.

Implement a comprehensive treatment plan, consisting of ice packs, stretches and whole-body vibration therapy to treat sciatica effectively. Doing this can significantly decrease severity and potentially even prevent future flare ups of pain from sciatic nerve compression. A professional can advise you on which strategies will provide maximum benefits tailored to your specific needs and pain level.

Increased Endorphin Levels

Being depleted of endorphins can have serious repercussions in your life and health, potentially leading to numerous physical problems. Our bodies produce these chemicals naturally to manage pain and stress; however, sometimes an extra boost may be needed. Luckily, there are natural methods available that will increase endorphin levels, benefitting both health and happiness – exercise, healthy foods consumption, socialization or having sexual relations are just some of these activities that will naturally increase endorphin levels for maximum effectiveness and satisfaction.

Exercise triggers endorphin release to produce feelings of pleasure and happiness, boost immune function and reduce depression and anxiety. According to a 2018 meta-analysis, resistance training at moderate intensity was one of the best ways to release endorphins; Acupuncture can also release these chemicals by applying pressure at specific points around your body; Dancing or kissing increases endorphin levels too, giving rise to blissful feeling post workout or passionate kiss.

Sunlight can help your endorphin levels by stimulating production of vitamin D. Doing this regularly will boost your mood and make you happier; getting some sun exposure a few times each week can reduce stress levels and improve sleep quality.

Sciatica is a condition in which nerves become pinched, leading to pain and tingling in the legs as well as muscle weakness. Vibration massage has proven successful at alleviating sciatica by decreasing inflammation and improving the flow of blood around its source.

Vibration massage can also relax and loosen tight muscles surrounding the sciatic nerve, relieving pressure from it. Furthermore, vibration massage encourages faster healing by encouraging myelin regeneration.

If you suffer from sciatica, seeking professional guidance from a physical therapist or chiropractor to receive optimal treatment. A healthy diet and regular physical activity can also aid in relieving pain relief and healing from sciatica.

April 10, 2024|Editorial

Alternative Therapies For Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Living with obsessive-compulsive disorder can be an ongoing struggle for those affected, impacting relationships and daily activities in profound ways. For many individuals living with OCD, their compulsions and obsessions severely hamper daily functioning and cause strain within relationships and activities that impact daily activities and personal interactions.

Psychotherapy and medication are the two primary approaches for treating OCD; oftentimes combining treatments together can prove most successful.

Cognitive behavioral therapy, commonly referred to as talk therapy, can assist individuals in changing irrational beliefs and behaviors. Exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy may also reduce symptoms.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is an alternative treatment for OCD that involves changing negative thought patterns and compulsive behaviors. CBT helps you recognize how your thoughts can influence behavior and that any obsessions or compulsions you experience can be changed through deep breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation techniques. CBT may also include relaxation techniques like deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation that may reduce anxiety and stress; to be successful at using CBT it’s key to find an experienced therapist in treating OCD for its entirety.

Cognitive therapy involves interactive question-and-answer sessions with your therapist who will assist in helping to identify unhealthy emotions or beliefs that contribute to symptoms. They’ll then teach you how to replace negative thinking patterns with more rational, healthy ones. Cognitive restructuring teaches you to identify the triggers of your OCD and devise effective coping mechanisms, including exposure and response prevention (ERP). Step one of overcoming OCD involves gradually exposing yourself to thoughts, images and objects that trigger it while refraining from performing compulsive behaviors such as washing hands for longer. For example, those suffering from contamination fears may begin by briefly touching surfaces before gradually increasing exposure by not performing ritualistic handwashing behavior as part of this step.

Metacognitive therapy offers another effective approach, teaching you to detach from obsessive thoughts by emotionally detaching yourself from them and viewing them objectively. Your therapist may recommend keeping a journal of your symptoms so you can track progress more easily and find more efficient management techniques.

Research supports the effectiveness of CBT for treating OCD and other mental health conditions, with studies proving its efficacy on depression, anxiety and phobias while simultaneously decreasing symptoms associated with OCD and bipolar disorder. CBT was also found effective at combatting addictions and insomnia; no controlled studies on other forms of psychological therapies such as hypnotherapy and homeopathy exist yet.


Though psychological therapy is the usual approach to OCD treatment, there are also alternative therapies that may help alleviate its symptoms. These alternative methods may also help decrease how often medication needs to be taken.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), an evidence-based form of talking therapy, is the leading solution for OCD. While CBT may work for two thirds of those treated, if your family history includes depression, bipolar disorder or mania this treatment may not work as effectively and you may require another psychological approach called Exposure and Response Prevention therapy instead.

CBT and medication may be the ideal combination for many individuals suffering from OCD. Medication that acts on the Serotonin System, like Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), have proven their efficacy for treating this disorder, as have herbal remedies such as St John’s Wort, Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) and N-Acetylcysteine.

Research has demonstrated the power of pairing herbs and SSRIs together to increase your odds of relief from OCD. A 16-week placebo-controlled augmentation study with 40 individuals suffering from severe, treatment-resistant OCD demonstrated that taking both together proved more successful than either alone. A 16-week augmentation study involved 40 individuals and found that N-Acetylcysteine (3000mg daily) combined with either an SSRI alone or placebo was far more successful at providing relief than either alone.

Some individuals using natural treatments for OCD include dietary supplements such as vitamins and minerals. Research is being done into how these supplements might enhance the efficacy of conventional OCD medication; although they aren’t being used as replacements to SSRIs or other conventional OCD treatments yet, they could help mitigate any side effects caused by them.

Other holistic methods, like neurofeedback and meditation, may also help soothe the brain and nervous system in order to manage OCD symptoms such as anxiety and fear. By training the mind differently and breaking free of obsessions and compulsions, this could retrain it in an effective way.


People suffering from OCD often discover that medication prescribed by their psychiatrist can have unpleasant side effects, prompting them to explore alternative therapies for managing symptoms such as mindfulness meditation and acupuncture as alternatives. Such holistic techniques may reduce dependence on prescription drugs while simultaneously alleviating OCD symptoms.

These therapies tend to be safer for the body and less invasive than taking prescription drugs for treating OCD, and may be useful in managing depression and anxiety as well. Since there is no universal approach for treating OCD, it’s essential that you work with a qualified practitioner who can create a personalized treatment plan.

Talk therapy is an integral component of treating OCD, and therapists employ various approaches to address your irrational thoughts and emotions. One such technique is cognitive behavioral therapy which involves discussing situations to uncover unhelpful or unreasonable beliefs or reactions and then exploring these further during conversations between sessions. Cognitive behavioral therapy also can assist in learning to recognize triggers for compulsive behaviors so you can avoid engaging in them altogether.

Therapists can also assist you in practicing Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), an effective technique for countering OCD thoughts and behaviors. Studies have proven its success; exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy may be used alone or combined with medication to effectively address OCD.

Natural supplements are also being studied as possible treatments for OCD. While some have been proven effective at alleviating its symptoms, others remain under investigation in clinical research studies. One supplement that has proven itself helpful is St John’s Wort which acts as an excellent complement for antidepressants that target serotonin systems.

Acupuncture is another popular alternative therapy for OCD. This ancient healing practice centers on the belief that energy channels in our bodies can become blocked or out-of-balance, with tapping techniques used by an acupuncturist able to release blockages and restore balance to our systems. When choosing an acupuncturist, always check their state license before starting treatment; additionally it would be wise to consult your primary care doctor first before undertaking new treatments.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), one of the newest and most promising alternative therapies for OCD, uses electromagnetic fields to stimulate the brain. Similar to acupuncture but much less invasive and with no anesthesia required or sedation necessary, TMS uses magnetic coils placed on the scalp that deliver electromagnetic pulses that help rebalance brain chemistry over time while alleviating symptoms over time.

Multiple studies have reported that low frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) helps relieve OCD symptoms. This may be because obsessions and compulsions may originate in this part of the brain, while also providing pain reduction benefits from multiple causes. Furthermore, rTMS has also been demonstrated as an effective pain reduction treatment method.

An ongoing, randomized, controlled study treated participants with rTMS over the OFC for three weeks. Most experienced significant improvements in their OCD symptoms, with most showing reductions in their YBOCS score and having only minor adverse events such as headache. Overall, treatment with rTMS proved safe and well tolerated with headache being the most frequently reported adverse event.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Medication for OCD is another possible treatment method. SSRIs like Prozac (fluoxetine) and Fluvoxamine (Luvox) are widely prescribed by mental health professionals to help manage OCD symptoms; these drugs increase serotonin levels in the brain to control symptoms; however, not everyone finds these effective and they may cause side effects like nausea, sexual dysfunction and fatigue – therefore it’s essential that you talk with a mental health provider regarding which options would best meet your individual needs.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a form of psychological acupressure used to unlock blocked energy channels within the body and restore their balance. EFT’s central belief is that every cell in our bodies contains energy channels; when these become blocked or unbalanced they may lead to emotional issues that need to be released through tapping various areas on our bodies. EFT involves tapping each area systematically until these blocks have been cleared away.

TMS Treatment may be an ideal option for individuals who have attempted alternative approaches for OCD without success, yet have not seen results. This non-invasive therapy offers an alternative to conventional methods and does not cause systemic side effects. To learn more, arrange a TMS consultation at TMS NW today!

April 10, 2024|Editorial

El Biohacking Que es

Biohacking is an emerging trend which integrates cybernetic technologies with human bodies. This DIY movement draws upon transhumanist theory and the body-art movement.

Biohacking is an ever-increasing practice designed to make life better and safer. Biohacking offers us an effective means of protecting and strengthening both body and mind.

What is Biohacking?

Biohacking is the use of technology, supplements, and diet changes to enhance health and performance. Unlike traditional medicine, this approach focuses on optimizing an individual’s biological potential through lifestyle adjustments. Biohackers believe the body is an extraordinary machine capable of more than we give credit for; using methods like intermittent fasting, brain wave feedback therapy and meditation they unlock its power. Biohacking has recently become an increasingly popular trend; its origins date back to 1988 as an approach of DIY biology where individuals conducted experiments to become healthier or more effective versions of themselves.

There are numerous kinds of biohacks, but all share one goal – improving health and performance through science, technology, and diet modification. Some biohackers use wearable devices to track and optimize sleep while others experiment with supplements and diet changes to optimize cognitive function and physical performance. Others still employ mindfulness techniques for stress relief and overall mental clarity.

David Asprey is perhaps best-known as a biohacker, coining the term to describe his personal journey toward improving mental and physical performance. Working closely with leading experts he has researched cutting-edge techniques that help individuals realize their full potential, and interviewing fellow biohackers about their approaches to health and wellbeing for his podcast, The Hacked Life.

Though biohacking has grown increasingly popular, some worries exist regarding its practice. Biohacking can be dangerous when done improperly – for instance when biohackers experiment with supplements and drugs not approved by FDA which may contain potentially harmful side effects. Furthermore, some biohackers have experienced adverse reactions when changing diet or exercising more intensely than recommended.

Biohacking raises both ethical and legal considerations that must be carefully taken into account. As more individuals join the biohacking movement, its practice will likely grow and broaden to cover other areas of a person’s well-being; some biohackers have experimented with technologies like augmented reality to enhance their experiences and enhance quality of life.

How to Biohack

Biohackers use self-experimentation and data collection to figure out what works for them, often by self-experimenting and gathering relevant data. Tools like blood tests, sleep analysis and fitness trackers as well as hormone testing may be used to manage stress and optimize health; such as cortisol testing to gain insight into hormone levels that may provide them with biohacks to make themselves resilient against stressors.

No matter their particular hacks, biohackers generally seek improvements in four areas: sleeping, nutrition, exercise and brain power. Some also use herbal supplements and fasting as ways to extend longevity.

Even though some biohacking techniques remain unproven, they can make an immense difference to how you feel. You might already be unknowingly biohacking without even realizing it if you use fitness trackers, count your steps or monitor stress levels. Some biohacks may pose health risks so before undertaking such endeavors always consult a physician first.

Benefits of Biohacking

Biohacking offers many advantages, from optimizing performance and cognitive enhancements, to increasing longevity. Biohackers utilize various strategies for reaching these goals, such as wearable technology to monitor health metrics or following diets such as the ketogenic diet or using nootropics to enhance mental focus and performance. They may even experiment with research chemicals or supplements not yet approved by the FDA that could have potential for improving physical or cognitive abilities.

Some biohackers take a less extreme approach and simply make lifestyle adjustments to optimize their health and well-being, such as taking nutritional supplements or trying out different diets, adding intermittent fasting into daily routines or practicing mindfulness to increase resilience.

However, biohacking has been used by anti-aging advocates and social media influencers to describe far more extreme biotechnology experiments – from neural implants to CRISPR gene editing – with much greater risks than just increasing sun exposure or meditation into daily routine.

People looking into biohacking must remember that not all hacks are harmless, especially those experimenting with unproven substances which could have potentially dangerous side effects. Anyone interested in exploring biohacking should first speak with their healthcare provider to see whether any specific hacks may be suitable.

Ice baths may help reduce inflammation and speed recovery after intense exercise, but should only be undertaken by those with low blood pressure or at risk of heart disease. Furthermore, women should refrain from engaging in too much intermittent fasting, as too much fasting could negatively impact menstrual cycles and hormone levels.

Biohacking is an emerging movement that provides a personalized and scientific approach to improving health, wellness and performance. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies with time-tested techniques, biohackers are taking control of their bodies while optimizing both mind and body health.


Biohacking has quickly become a trend in non-institutional science and technology fields. Biohacking involves managing one’s body using cutting edge nutrition technology such as nootropilas, natural substances and cybernetic devices in order to enhance life quality. Thanks to advances in science, functional medicine technology, microbiome analysis and biohacking people can extend their lives with biohacking.

Biohacking can bring many advantages, from improving food quality to improving physical conditions. Sex can also offer many advantages as it follows a more efficient pace for our bodies, contributing to lower hormone levels and greater concentration within your system.

Biohacking can be done easily and with only minimal effort required of you, with just small changes to your daily routine producing astonishing results. We present here five biohacks specifically targeted at women that you can do to optimize health and achieve higher productivity daily.

Who Is A Biohacker? Everyone! From using caffeine-laced coffee to help focus or make gymnasis more efficient to replacing their diet with theoretical and nutritious cuisine or ending their sexual history in order to enhance behavior, everyone is biohackers at some point in time.