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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

December 14, 2023|Editor

Self-Care Essentials – How to Become a Natural Healer

Learn to harness Reiki – Universal Life Force Energy – to heal yourself, friends, family members, pets and even people, animals or objects. Additionally this course offers a Chakra Clearsing Ceremony as part of Reiki Attunement Ceremony.

There are two methods available to you for getting a discounted training course: going directly through Melissa Crowhurst or via Melissa’s associate.

Self Care

As the pandemic continues and life becomes increasingly demanding, it is vitally important that individuals make steps to prioritize self-care. Self care may include activities like sleeping regularly, exercising regularly, spending time in nature, eating a nutritious diet and practicing mindfulness; setting personal boundaries or being emotionally expressive are also considered forms of self-care. Individual needs vary and tailored self-care plans should reflect this in order to feel most nourished.

Though self-care may be hard to incorporate into everyday routines, its rewards can be long term. For instance, practicing self-care can help reduce feelings of stress or anxiety over time and give energy and perspective needed to face life’s daily stresses more effectively.

Practice self-care doesn’t need to be costly or extravagant – in fact, even simple gestures such as taking five-minute breaks from computer work for stretching exercises or fresh air walks count as self-care! For those struggling to make time for their personal development activities, an action plan may help. By starting small and gradually adding activities into daily life routines.

If you need help prioritizing self-care, seeking support from a counselor or behavioral health provider can be invaluable. They can offer tips and tools for incorporating self-care into daily routines and resources to address barriers preventing progress; additionally they may refer you to natural healers who can offer emotional and spiritual comfort when necessary.

Energy Healing

Energy healing is a form of therapy designed to increase the natural flow of energy within an individual, similar to spiritual, soul or quantum healing. Energy healing may provide relief for physical as well as emotional ailments; it may even assist individuals overcome negative energy caused by past traumas while providing clarity and self-awareness.

There are various energy healing modalities to choose from, including Reiki, ThetaHealing, Access Bars, Qigong, Cranial-Sacral Therapy (CST), breathwork and others. When selecting an energy healing modality and practitioner to suit you best it is important that they feel supportive rather than pushy or judgmental – that means finding one which resonates with your own personal goals and preferences.

At an energy healing session, patients typically recline on a treatment table in full clothing while their practitioner scans their energy field – either using off body touch or by dowsing in it (near but not on them). Based on what needs to be addressed, an energy healer may work towards clearing or balancing areas of imbalance.

Energy healing as part of an integrative health program can complement traditional medical therapies to address some common ailments, including stress, mood disorders and early signs of aging. It may also assist with pain management, insomnia and issues related to the nervous system.

Energy healing seeks to assist a person in breaking free of obstacles preventing them from enjoying life to its fullest. By clearing away blockages in energy flow, people can experience better health and well-being; which explains why many turn to this complementary practice as part of their wellness regime.


Crystals are solid objects with regular, repeating structures created by particles arranged in an orderly fashion in its constituent parts. Crystals come in all sorts of forms; from diamonds and precious gems, such as sapphire, to common household substances like salt or sugar crystals – or even snowflakes! Crystals are commonly used decoratively and as watch tickers; many also believe some crystals possess healing powers.

Scientists use X-rays to examine the internal structure of crystals, and can easily use this technique to identify their shape and the patterns formed when their atoms come together. Their type is determined by which elements make up each crystal; for instance, one made from table salt will exhibit completely different characteristics than one composed of sugar (for an engaging way to learn this! see Salt vs Sugar Project!).

There are seven basic crystal shapes: cubic, tetragonal, triclinic, orthorhombic, monoclinic hexagonal and hexahedral. Each can be identified by its geometric parameters of its unit cell – an arrangement of atoms throughout a crystal that gives it its distinctive shape.

Crystals form when liquid cools and the molecules start aggregating together in an orderly, regular fashion – this process is known as crystallization and can happen both naturally – for example gemstone crystals – or artificially, such as in a watch! Some crystals such as quartz can be seen with naked eyes; other microscopic versions exist as well as ones without regular arrangements such as obsidian volcanic glass.


Mudras are hand gestures used to channel energy in one direction and increase concentration and relaxation. You can use mudras during yoga, meditation and other practices – solo or with others – and practice them alone or as a group. Mudras can also enhance the experience of asana and pranayama practice.

Mudra in yoga terms is a term meaning to seal, gesture or lock. These movements are used in tandem with breath work to help activate specific energetic channels and activate meditation before an asana practice. Furthermore, mudra have long been part of Hindu and Buddhist ceremonies and rituals.

There are various mudras that can be performed, each serving their own purpose. Gyan Mudra involves connecting the thumb and index finger while leaving all other fingers straight; similarly, when middle and ring fingers join with thumb (known as Sukachanchu Mudra), this helps instill wisdom.

Mudras are hand gestures used to form an energetic circuit which balances our five elements: fire, air, water, space and earth. Achieving balance among these is paramount to overall health and wellness.

Melissa Crowhurst is the founder and lead instructor of Natural Healer, a wellness company offering massage, Reiki, tarot readings, healing sessions, yoga instruction and more. Melissa holds numerous credentials such as Usui Reiki Master Teacher/Practitioner certification as well as Certified Meditation teacher status and Massage therapy certification. In addition, Melissa serves as intuitive life coach/business mentor helping her clients to be their very best self. Her dedication and passion shines through when helping clients to be the very best version of themselves!


Meditation has quickly become one of the go-to self-care techniques recommended by experts and the media, but it shouldn’t be considered “new” or trendy – it has existed for millennia across cultures, continents, religions and time zones – with proven benefits including reduced stress levels, enhanced relaxation levels and greater clarity to overall emotional well-being.

Though meditation comes in various forms, its fundamental concepts can easily be integrated into daily routines and made accessible even to beginners and skeptics. Finding an approach that feels right requires practice – if this is something new for you then try different styles each day, setting aside a specific time each day just for it and slowly increase the length of sessions over time.

Remembering you cannot force meditation is key; don’t get frustrated if your thoughts wander during practice. Thoughts will come and go during meditation; when this happens, gently bring back attention back onto the focus point (usually breath) so as to experience all its benefits without becoming disoriented by distractions.

Melissa is the founder and leader instructor of Natural Healer. She holds accreditations as both Usui Reiki Master Teacher (2014) and Practitioner as well as being a Certified Meditation Teacher. In addition, Melissa teaches tarot reading, oracle card reading, crystal healing and essential oil use as spiritual support modalities. Melissa enjoys creating easy actionable ways for people to heal themselves quickly while sharing her intuitive knowledge in these modalities with the greater community.

December 14, 2023|Editor

What is Rife Sound Therapy?

Everything in our universe vibrates at a specific vibratory rate or frequency. Just as an opera singer can break a glass with their singing, rife machines detect bacteria or viruses by their natural frequency and destroy them effectively.

Rife sound therapy has shown remarkable success for treating various issues including tinnitus, pain, GI tract issues and tremors – and best of all it’s non-invasive!

Frequency Matching

Sound frequencies can help heal your body, and Rife Therapy is an excellent tool to use in detox programs, pain control, and overall health promotion. Our team at The Apathecary Natural Health Center utilizes this therapy for various problems.

Frequency matching is an integral component of rife sound therapy, and Rife machines are well known for broadcasting frequencies to kill bacteria and other microbes. Rife machines broadcast an exact match frequency that resonates with microbes’ resonance to cause their molecular bonds to break, killing off all living things on contact.

Similar to how a singer can shatter glass with their music by vibrating certain notes, waves can also break up viruses and parasites in our bodies by altering their energy patterns.

Researchers behind this study sought to build upon previous work using single or few variables in stimulus design. Aside from applying loudness-weighting (e.g., applying a notch filter to tinnitus frequency), they also implemented modulation rates of 10Hz and an amplitude of 1octave for their two stimuli, then compared their effects on auditory acuity, pitch frequency perception and perception in overall.

Furthermore, this study focused on how different durations and frequencies affect perceptions of tinnitus perception; this research could indicate which frequencies should be prioritized when treating your tinnitus. Results demonstrated that stimuli matching your specific frequency caused tinnitus reduction with greater effect than non-matching stimuli.

Rife frequency technology has evolved steadily over time to maximize its benefits. At our center, plasma ray tubes powered by radiofrequency enable frequencies to penetrate deeply into your body without limitation from skin contact electrodes or similar methods that only contact surface areas of skin. This allows deeper reach of frequencies into cells for greater impactful therapy that boost immunity and prevent disease development.

Cellular Stimulation

Rife Sound Therapy employs frequencies to stimulate cells and improve their functioning, helping rebuild and regenerate tissues, organs, and the entire body. It can also aid detoxification, pain relief, emotional and mental stability and emotional and mental stability. Sessions utilize sound waves piggybacked on radio frequencies generated by plasma light emission machines which physical vibrate offending pathogens like cancer cells, bacteria, fungus and parasites until they disintegrate – this effect being achieved without harming tissue, immune systems or DNA.

Sound frequencies have also been found to promote healthy cellular regeneration by stimulating their natural function as well as stimulating dormant or damaged cells to reawaken and return them to function, known as cell regenerative stimulation, with impressive positive health benefits.

Body cells are programmed to respond to specific frequencies and vibrations, communicating between themselves to change their rate of function and help fight off diseases or infections while healing themselves.

Royal Raymond Rife discovered in the 1920s that viruses, bacteria, fungus and parasites all exude different resonant frequencies that vibratory rate is equal to. By matching up frequencies that corresponded with those produced by these organisms he found it could destroy them more effectively. Furthermore, healthy cells had their own resonance frequencies which could help encourage healing and regeneration within the body.

An intense musical note will shatter glass because molecules in its vicinity resonate with its frequency, just as a Rife machine works.

Amplify Health & Wellness uses rife machines to produce resonant sounds that resonate with harmful organisms, disrupting their vibrational patterns and breaking them down. These vibrations may also have positive impacts on organs and tissues by altering normal functioning patterns, restoring balance to body systems, increasing immunity levels, slowing or even reversing processes that lead to disease progression, as well as decreasing inflammation, stress, and tension levels. Give Amplify a call now on their journey toward optimal wellness! Schedule an appointment now – they are here for support on your journey towards optimal wellness!

Immune System Enhancement

Rife frequency technology detects the natural frequencies of bacteria, viruses and cancer cells to create harmonic frequencies which destroy them. It works at the cellular level to eradicate pathogens while supporting your body’s own systems – safe without side effects!

Royal Rife’s experiments demonstrated that every microorganism, from bacteria to molds and parasites, has its own individual vibration rate or resonance frequency. When these frequencies were aligned to this resonance frequency of an infectious pathogen they will destroy it – disrupting its cell resonance to cause its collapse and break apart, creating plasma waves which in turn emit electromagnetic radiation with high frequencies at low voltage which is comprised of visible and infrared light, electrostatic fields, electromagnetic currents and conductivity resulting in electromagnetic flow containing visible and infrared light as well as electrostatic fields, electromagnetic fields and conductivity of electrons flowing.

Rife machines use ray tubes to deliver frequencies directly into the body for maximum penetration, broadcasting 15 different waveforms that are randomly chosen each time a session begins. While the frequencies broadcasted from these machines are much lower in intensity than ultrasound used to examine fetal babies, they remain millions of times more powerful than what Dr. Rife originally employed against pathogens through his plasma tube device.

Not only can ray tubes help destroy pathogens, but their frequencies can also match those of healthy organs and tissues to encourage them to restore themselves at a healthier pace – creating balance in the body that’s essential in any detoxification program or healing protocol.

To help deliver these frequencies to the body, various methods have been devised. One such technique uses plasma therapy, where frequencies are transmitted through a tube positioned over your body. Other machines employ contact methods like hand cylinders you hold or TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) pads on the skin in order to deliver these frequencies.

Pain Relief

The Apathecary Natural Health Center utilizes rife frequencies as part of Cymatherapy, an energy healing modality. Cymatherapy utilizes advanced technology to transmit frequencies associated with healthy tissues and organs into the body, inducing balance and harmony through these frequencies that ultimately promote physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

Sound therapy works on the principle that every organism has an internal frequency, which when disrupted can lead to illness and disease. Exposing the body to frequencies associated with healthy tissues and organs will help restore this natural resonance frequency and aid in its recovery, ultimately leading to healing.

Rife frequencies may also help stimulate damaged cells to start functioning again, providing important protection from diseases that could otherwise spread rapidly throughout the body.

Rife frequencies may also help balance energy centers or chakras of the body, an essential aspect of many healing modalities including acupuncture and Reiki. These frequencies, called solfeggio tones, feature soothing, relaxing and balancing sounds to achieve this balance.

True Rife therapy uses sympathetic resonance to physically vibrate offending pathogens like bacteria, viruses, molds and yeast, parasites as well as parasites to allow their destruction and elimination from the body. This therapy can help eliminate toxins from our system as well as heal organs and tissues by rejuvenating cells; reduce pain; stop infections; slow or reverse degeneration processes; regulate emotions as well as more.

Rife therapy offers an effective, noninvasive alternative to conventional medical treatment. If you’re curious to discover more, reach out today and book your free consultation; we look forward to helping you achieve optimal health and wellbeing!

December 14, 2023|Editor

Bio Frequency Therapy

Bio frequency therapy, also known as bioresonance therapy, is an exciting form of alternative medicine that uses noninvasive, painless bioresonance waves to detect and address imbalances within the body.

Quantum physics shows us that all matter vibrates at specific frequency patterns that can be identified. Bioresonance frequencies enhance healthy waves while simultaneously modulating unhealthy ones to strengthen our body’s self-regulating mechanisms and aid its natural defense systems.

It’s a Holistic Approach

Bio frequency therapy is one of the most sought-after holistic healing approaches. This technique identifies medical conditions at a cellular level, restoring natural frequencies within the body to help bring balance back. Furthermore, this noninvasive process makes for an attractive option.

Not only can bio resonance therapy diagnose illnesses, it can also alleviate pain and promote cell regeneration. Furthermore, the device creates a counterfrequency which cancels out these harmful substances by inverting their electromagnetic waves allowing your body to return to normal functioning and heal itself more effectively.

Practitioners use electrodes connected to a special machine which then reads energy wavelengths released by your body and makes a diagnosis based on this data. After making its decision, this machine creates a program which sends signals directly to your cells that eliminate unhealthy wavelengths and restore them back to their healthy states.

Bioresonance therapy uses both electric and magnetic fields to detect these frequencies, which allow trained bioresonance practitioners to quickly pinpoint any incorrect ones that might be contributing to health problems in your body, then supply your body with correct ones that will address them.

Studies have proven the benefits of holistic sessions can be amazing. Studies have discovered that using this holistic method can ease undiagnosed stomach pain, fibromyalgia and overtraining syndrome in athletes as well as treat allergies, rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune diseases effectively.

One of the primary advantages of bio frequency therapy over traditional medicine, which usually only addresses symptoms, is that this form of healing addresses root causes of problems instead of simply masking symptoms. By targeting the source, bio frequency therapy aims to stop them from returning in future episodes – making this approach an increasingly popular one, including at home use via Vibrants which provides an easy and accessible method to experience this healing method.

It’s Non-Invasive

Each cell in your body communicates using specific wavelengths of energy called frequencies to maintain harmony and wellness in the human body.

Breakdown in cell communication can have serious repercussions for health, making restoring it an important component of bio-frequency therapy.

Bio-frequency therapies like PEMF, crystal light therapy and rTMS (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation) use electromagnetic fields to recharge cells of your body while clearing dissonance out of its energy field and restore coherence – leading to deep relaxation and overall sense of well-being in patients.

These technologies are safe, non-invasive, and non-pharmacological; used to promote healing, reduce pain, provide stress relief, help with weight loss and enhance sleep quality as well as increase immunity.

Bio-frequency therapies differ from many conventional treatments in that they do not produce side effects and can benefit people of all ages; you can even reap its rewards while working or exercising!

Bio-frequency therapy should only be experienced through professional practitioners who are familiar with its unique technology. Healy devices provide this therapy by using weak currents to restore cell membrane potential to healthy levels (physiological).

Bioresonance therapy, which recognizes unhealthy frequencies and inverts them, encourages the body to break down toxins more effectively and eliminate them more efficiently. Bio-resonance is also effective at managing allergies by identifying its electromagnetic frequency and desensitizing one from it.

Biofrequency therapy can also be delivered using skin patches from BioActivate’s Bioresonance Patches line, worn directly onto your skin. These patches contain electromagnetic frequencies which interact with your own body’s electromagnetic frequencies to promote healing and balance, with minimal side effects or chemicals required – you can purchase these online or from local health food stores.

It’s Safe

Bio frequency therapy doesn’t have the same side effects as pharmaceuticals do. Its technology is grounded in quantum physics: every living and nonliving thing emits electromagnetic waves at specific frequencies which can be measured using a bioresonance machine. A trained practitioner applies electrodes on your skin which feed into it; once connected, this machine then reads electromagnetic waves produced by your body and makes an accurate diagnosis; by increasing healthy wavelengths while dampening unhealthy ones it encourages healing processes in its natural way.

The machine can detect imbalances in organs and correct them by sending specific frequencies directly to body cells; stimulating thyroid and adrenal glands; breaking down toxins; as well as providing emotional and psychological stability by inverting any harmful brainwave frequencies linked to anxiety or stress.

Alternative treatments such as homeopathy offer a safe and noninvasive means to boost immunity and facilitate healing, particularly when combined with holistic wellness practices. When undertaking alternative treatments it’s crucial that you work with a trusted practitioner and keep an open dialogue between yourself and your physician.

What makes this technique so beneficial is that it addresses the source of your condition rather than simply relieving symptoms. The sound waves used have been scientifically-proven to destroy pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and tumours without endangering healthy cells in your body.

Massage has the power to assist with detoxification by restoring your body’s natural detoxification frequencies, which aid in flushing harmful substances from your system. Furthermore, it has also been found to boost athletic performance and aid injury recovery.

Bioresonance devices have been known to increase energy and mental clarity, with users reporting an overall sense of reharmonization and restoration along with an uplifting sensation. If you don’t have access to one, BioActive produces patches which interact with your energy field to bring it back into balance – perfect for both use at home or while traveling and requiring no additional materials or preparation!

It’s Effective

Bio frequency therapy is grounded in the understanding that everything is composed of energy. Our bodies, too, possess their own electromagnetic field which when disrupted causes health issues. Some medical practitioners believe bio frequency therapy can restore natural frequencies within our bodies to help strengthen healing capabilities within organs and cells within them.

At a treatment session, you’ll lie on a biofrequency bed while being guided through visual and auditory stimuli by your therapist to help relax. In this state of relaxation, emotions become easier to identify and regulate – this is why many people seek biofrequency therapy as an emotional or psychological remedy.

Bio frequency therapy offers more than just mental and emotional wellness – it can also support physical wellness and preventative care. Microcurrent applied during therapeutic sessions works on the cellular level to increase ATP production and protein synthesis while simultaneously improving cell membrane potential – helping your body eliminate toxins more easily while decreasing risk for infection.

Bioresonance therapy identifies and neutralizes unhealthy biological frequencies in order to enable the body’s natural healing process, from allergies and digestive issues, fatigue and chronic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. The therapy has proven its worth against various health issues. It often works well when combined with acupuncture or homeopathy; studies have also proven its success against allergies.

If you are curious to explore this innovative form of holistic medicine and its healing powers, bio frequency therapy consultation with your physician might be worthwhile. This type of alternative therapy offers numerous advantages over traditional medical approaches and should always be part of a comprehensive health regimen; but remember, bio frequency therapy cannot cure any disease on its own and must always be discussed beforehand with a healthcare provider to ensure safest possible treatment outcomes.

December 14, 2023|Editor

ADHD Neurofeedback Device

Neurofeedback utilizes an EEG headset to assist in training concentration and attention. This mental training method has been in practice since the 1970s.

Neurofeedback helps individuals with ADHD produce too many low-frequency theta waves and too few high-frequency beta waves; over 20-40 sessions, neurofeedback helps retrain your brain to overcome this imbalance.

What is it?

Neurofeedback (also referred to as EEG biofeedback or brain training) offers an alternative treatment method. By placing electrodes on patients’ heads to monitor brain activity and provide feedback about progress, neurofeedback aims to strengthen control over brain wave patterns while decreasing ADHD symptoms.

Studies show that neurofeedback therapy may help to alleviate some ADHD symptoms such as anxiety and depression while improving sleep and cognitive performance. More research needs to be conducted in order to fully comprehend its efficacy in treating ADHD.

There is an increasing array of devices designed to assist those living with ADHD in managing their brainwaves, from smartphones and headbands. Some are based on neurofeedback technology first developed during the 1970s.

Biofeedback involves wearing a headset equipped with sensors that detect electrical activity in the brain and transmit that information to a display screen for easy viewing by users. Once they see that their heart rate has increased, for instance, they can focus on breathing deeply to reduce it using this method of biofeedback.

Neurofeedback stands out from other forms of biofeedback by providing real-time feedback that can either use audio or visual cues for delivery. Popular neurofeedback devices designed to increase concentration and focus include Excellent Brain and NeurOptimal.

These devices allow users to practice mental training, providing feedback in the form of games or video clips. They’re typically used alongside professional help; their data will then be translated for you by your therapist who can then adjust settings specifically tailored for you.

Though these devices have grown increasingly popular, it’s essential to remember they should only be used as supplements to other treatments for ADHD. According to experts, these devices alone cannot treat moderate or mild cases; thus they should only be relied upon.

How does it work?

Neurofeedback is a non-pharmacologic way of treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Many children taking stimulant medication for ADHD experience side effects that don’t address its root cause – Neurofeedback shows children how to create brainwave patterns that facilitate sharper focus and calmer minds, helping children learn the art of creating brainwave patterns which promote sharper focus and an overall more relaxed mindset. Neurofeedback may also be useful for anxiety, depression, PTSD chronic fatigue headache migraine tinnitus among other conditions that require medical help such as anxiety depression PTSD chronic fatigue headache migraine tinnitus etc.

Neurofeedback sessions involve health care professionals attaching electrodes to your child’s scalp and monitoring their activity using software. Real-time feedback on a computer screen such as video gaming may provide real-time responses when their mind produces correct wave patterns – for instance when this happens faster movement or sound plays; over 20-40 sessions, neurofeedback should help increase concentration while diminishing ADHD symptoms.

Neurofeedback treatment of ADHD works on the premise that people suffering from ADHD typically exhibit too much slow-wave or theta power and not enough high-frequency beta power. Studies conducted with people treated through neurofeedback training demonstrated greater ability to produce both theta and beta waves; leading to better focus and decreased hyperactivity/impulsivity.

However, results of more recent trials have been mixed. Some researchers believe improvements may be attributable to small studies with subpar design; others consider neurofeedback not suitable as a one-size-fits-all solution for people living with ADHD.

Experts remain hopeful that neurofeedback could eventually live up to its promise as an effective alternative to medications for treating ADHD. A few well-designed studies are under way and some schools have started using neurofeedback as an aid in helping students with ADHD; but parents should proceed cautiously until more research has shown it to be both safe and effective.

How long will it take?

Neurofeedback therapy is a non-drug method of treating ADHD that can effectively diminish its symptoms, such as impulsivity and inattentiveness. It often works well when combined with cognitive-behavioral therapy or medication; additionally, neurofeedback therapy offers safe and effective care options for children aged 6 years to adults alike.

Neurofeedback works by drawing focus to specific brain wave patterns. During a session, children wear a cap with electrodes attached that measure brain activity, and a practitioner examines his or her results on a computer screen. Next, this practitioner compares their brain waves against a database of normal patterns to see which areas need improvement that often become underactive during ADHD episodes.

At each session, practitioners ask children to perform tasks like reading while the brain scan is being completed. A picture of their face will appear on a computer screen while real-time brain activity data can be viewed by therapists or doctors in real-time. If their activity surpasses average levels, therapists or doctors can offer rewards like clearer pictures or louder audio volumes if rewarded as exceptional behavior on display; over time children learn how to produce healthier brain waves which in turn helps manage ADHD symptoms more successfully.

Neurofeedback sessions for most children tend to be an enjoyable, calming experience. Although there may be mild side effects like headache, fatigue or frustration during sessions, these should pass quickly. A practitioner will work with each child individually in making each session engaging and fun in order to maintain interest throughout the training process.

Some parents find neurofeedback beneficial for their child while others opt to combine it with other treatments. One reason people may choose this combination approach is due to neurofeedback’s delayed results; many patients must practice for months before seeing changes occur. Still, families find the long-term advantages worth the investment of neurofeedback.

Will it work for me?

Neurofeedback therapy has long been used as an effective approach for treating ADHD. Conducted professionally by psychotherapists, child and adolescent psychiatrists or occupational therapists, it not only alleviates symptoms but also addresses core problems that drive them in the first place.

Neurofeedback treatment is highly tailored. In sessions, EEG sensors are placed on the patient’s head and ears and feedback provided through video games, auditory sounds or music. Neurofeedback differs from standard biofeedback devices in that users can actually train their brain to alter its electrical patterning in order to increase performance – for instance recognizing an increase in heart rate through traditional biofeedback devices versus training their mind through neurofeedback devices that let users control it themselves!

The device offers real-time feedback on a person’s brainwave activity. This information is displayed on a computer screen and the user learns how to change his/her patterns in order to meet his or her goals, such as improving attention, concentration, emotional regulation or peak performance.

ADHD treatment offers great promise for those who struggle with ADHD; however, there are certain restrictions. To experience its full benefit, individuals must commit to practicing regularly – something which may prove challenging for some individuals and can become costly: 20-40 sessions may cost as much as $1,500 in total.

With smart technology’s development has come more affordable home-based devices that can help treat ADHD. One such device is the FocusCalm headband ($350), which uses EEG technology to monitor an individual’s brain activity before showing them ways to relax their minds and increase concentration. Another solution is Myneurva neurofeedback system which features a headset which tracks brainwaves while exercising while playing childish-style games to teach attention control.

Both systems require users to apply conductive gel directly on their scalps, which may be messy and uncomfortable for those prone to sensory overload. Furthermore, both have limited training screens which could quickly become uninspiring and dis-motivating, rendering these treatments ineffective in treating ADHD.

December 14, 2023|Editor

Holistic Practitioner Directory

Holistic health practitioners are becoming increasingly popular, as patients increasingly demand more from their healthcare professionals than just prescription pills. Holistic practitioners rely on knowledge from naturopathy, herbal medicine, meditation and relaxation techniques to help heal their patients holistically.

Doctors take into account both lifestyle and medical history of their patients when diagnosing physical symptoms and treating them accordingly.

Holistic Health Practitioners

Holistic health practitioners are doctors that work collaboratively with their patients to offer holistic healing. This may involve offering medical services like nutrition, exercise and emotional counseling; using clinically proven alternative therapies like acupuncture massage therapy and herbal remedies; as well as working to help make lifestyle changes to prevent disease or illness.

A good holistic health practitioner will ask about your diet, sleeping patterns, daily mood and spiritual state as well as who you spend most of your time with. With that information in hand they will develop a treatment plan tailored specifically to you including yoga, meditation, acupuncture or massage techniques as necessary.

Locating a holistic health practitioner is easily done through search engines or word of mouth recommendations from friends or family members. While certain professionals specialize in treating specific conditions like arthritis or cancer, others provide more general care services – the ideal ones being those with experience across multiple medical specializations and excellent listener abilities.

Lifelong learners, they possess exceptional verbal communication skills and pay careful attention to patients’ needs, often being able to connect on a deeper level and understand their concerns.

Holistic health practitioners differ from conventional physicians by emphasizing holistic healthcare rather than simply treating symptoms. Holistic practitioners believe that mind, body and spirit are inextricably interlinked; thus they believe conventional medications should only ever be seen as one solution to patient problems.

MedicoReach’s holistic practitioner mailing list offers marketers an effective and cost-efficient means of targeting this target audience. As it is data driven, marketers can segment it based on geography, years in practice, hospitals associated with them and more – sending targeted emails or SMSes directly to holistic practitioners can increase response rates against campaigns.

Holistic Treatments

An holistic approach to treatment involves addressing the roots of addiction. Individual’s mental and emotional wellbeing as well as lifestyle, diet, and exercise habits are considered when developing treatment plans; often contributing factors of substance abuse. By addressing underlying issues people can more successfully maintain their recovery.

Holistic approaches to therapy are also less intimidating than other forms of therapy, since practitioners of holistic practices will take time to listen to and ensure their patients feel comfortable during sessions. They’ll also discuss available treatment options such as acupuncture, massage therapy, herbal supplements or meditation that have been proven to reduce stress, improve mood and boost concentration.

Holistic treatments may also be more cost effective than traditional medicine, being both less invasive and non-surgical, without needing surgery or prescription medications for treatment. Acupuncture and yoga have proven highly successful at alleviating various ailments.

One of the chief advantages of holistic treatments is their emphasis on prevention. Holistic approaches may also assist patients in managing symptoms and sleeping better; supporting healthy eating and regular exercise; encouraging patients to make positive life changes; and inspiring individuals to feel empowered in their recovery and avoid relapse.

Mind body connection is at the core of holistic treatment. An individual’s thoughts and beliefs can impact both their emotional and physical health, even having an effect on immunity. A holistic practitioner will assess overall wellness for his patient before recommending therapies such as spiritual or mental health therapy as part of holistic treatments.

An holistic approach to mental health care takes a more comprehensive view of trauma or anxiety’s effect on an individual, for instance someone suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder may experience physical pain and trembling as well as difficulty trusting that the world is safe. A holistic therapist will acknowledge these aspects and assist the individual in finding ways of healing themselves.

Working with a Primary Physician

At their core, primary care physicians specialize in comprehensive first contact and ongoing management for any sign, symptom or health concern regardless of organ system involvement. They promote healthy lifestyle choices while providing disease prevention, maintenance and counseling as well as patient education services to their clients. Furthermore, primary care doctors collaborate with various specialists to assist their clients navigate through healthcare systems successfully while also cultivating long-term relationships with clients.

Dr. Maiysha Clairborne is a family physician and founder of Stress Free Mom MD who appreciates the variety of work in this field. She relishes “loving the challenge of different cases [of patients].” Her experience ranges from urgent care, locums tenens work, as well as coaching other physicians to shape their careers and avoid burnout.

An experienced PCP can be an invaluable asset to holistic practitioners, as they understand a patient’s medical history and build up trusting relationships with them. This allows them to be more perceptive about client needs while being proactive about catching issues early enough so as not to become bigger issues down the road.

Additionally, people should visit their PCP regularly in addition to working with an acclaimed holistic practitioner. PCPs can identify early symptoms of illness while offering guidance and support to ensure patients pursue complementary therapies alongside conventional medicines.

MedicoReach provides marketers with a Holistic Practitioner Email Database to conduct multichannel marketing campaigns more easily. Our verified and accurate database will allow you to reach the target market easily; its sources include direct calling, market surveys, seminars, conferences journals trade shows medical records online research

Long Term Health

Long term health services (LTHS) include medical and non-medical assistance that assists people living with chronic or long-term illness to manage their conditions in home settings, assisted living facilities and nursing homes. Medicare covers this care as do most health plans. Unfortunately, studies conducted recently reveal that too many patients still find inaccurate or incomplete directory listings within their health plans; no single party is accountable for ensuring its accuracy – an issue made even more frustrating by no single responsibility being shared between clinicians, practices and health plans for updating such directories accurately. A new paper by AMA and CAQH provides solutions while outlining shared responsibilities among clinicians practices, practices and health plans regarding directory accuracy responsibilities in its entirety.