Radiesthesia Color Chart
The Radiesthesia Color Chart makes dowsing for your own health (or that of another) straightforward and effortless, while simultaneously offering an accurate way of checking for negative energy in rooms or homes over long distances.
Radiesthesia is a form of resonance dowsing. To do this, one states a question or makes mental note of an object to investigate, then directs their mind in that direction.
Colours of the Aura
Aura colors are energy fields that surround each one of us at all times, and according to some, can be seen. Vibrations that translate as specific hues create this effect and are read by our eyes as being indicative of emotional, mental and physical states in a person.
Red symbolizes passion and romance, creating a positive energy field around anyone with this shade in their auras. People who possess this characteristic tend to be generous, kind, and loving individuals – an indication that their inner selves are balanced and in tune.
Yellow symbolizes optimism and happiness. This vibrant hue is associated with creativity and imagination. People whose auras contain plenty of yellow often possess these attributes as well as having positive outlooks on life; those with yellow auras tend to be extremely sociable and connect easily with others.
Orange energy is associated with male power. It signifies leadership, strength and courage as well as passion, making those with this aura color often competitive and determined but sometimes stubborn or resistant to change.
Green is associated with environmental awareness, spiritual awakening and divine guidance – qualities reflected by its significance as the chakra color for the heart chakra. People with green aura colors tend to possess intuitive abilities and be easily in tune with their spirituality while remaining very empathetic and compassionate individuals.
Indigo is a darker blue that connects to the brow chakra and intuition. People with an abundance of indigo in their aura tend to be highly intuitive with strong connections to themselves and can often make excellent seers and psychics.
Black is a negative aura color, often signaling fear, suppressed emotions, or unresolved grief. Additionally, it may represent entities within someone’s aura or chakras as well as past life hurts that remain unaddressed. People with many shades of black in their auras often report health problems.
White is the ultimate aura color, signifying purity and truthfulness. Few have this hue in their auras, making those possessing it special in that they may have transcended physical reality altogether.
Colours of the Physical Body
For someone to achieve wellness, they must balance all of their body’s energies – particularly those associated with their organs and systems as well as skeletal structure – through colour. Color plays an integral part in this equation and impacts its functioning; hence the name, colours of physical body as displayed on radiesthesia color charts.
Colour Charts can be a useful way to use radiesthetic pendulums and color charts as tools for determining what part of our physical bodies require healing (for instance: heart, lungs, digestive tract or intestines). A person is asked to select a color from the chart and find its corresponding point on their head; using this process of Dowsing involves to-and-fro movement of pendulum over area that needs inspection; when pendulum responds positively it indicates that area in question resonates with selected color selected; thereafter questions concerning energy area as well as possible solutions on how best to restore balance to it.
The Radiesthesia Color Chart can also be used for underground water source identification (dowsing). Abbe A. Bouly popularized this technique in his fundamental work “Comment J’Opere”, published around 1930, which describes in detail this procedure. Thomas Hardy described another means of dowsing called Rhadomancy that Bathsheba Everdene used to find her future husband.
Radiesthetic color charts can also be utilized for spiritual use, such as discovering a person’s aura or imbuing them with specific hues. My fruit farmer contact in New Zealand uses an innovative technique by mixing various colored yarn skeins together like paint to achieve the same effects as using radiesthetic pendulums. He claims he gets similar results.
Colours of the Energy Field
Importantly, these colors don’t just emerge by themselves; rather they emerge through working with radiesthesia and developing more attuned living habits to align more closely with energies that wish to pass through you. By becoming aware and accepting these energies more fully, your energy field will become more balanced allowing for easier life experiences and greater freedom and joy.
Therefore, it is imperative that you build your own relationship with these energies rather than accepting them as something permanent or definitive. Instead, imagine your aura as a dynamic energy map which changes and evolves according to each day, week, year, or season of life; an ongoing journey which requires lifelong dedication towards attuning yourself more fully with all the energies present within yourself.
Every individual has an identifying color associated with their birth character; this fundamental or birth color is tested for in medical radiesthesia to detect early stage disease. When someone becomes sick, their fundamental colour may change (actual color). That’s why medical radiesthesia testing is so crucial.
Radioesthesia can also be used for nonmedical uses such as selecting soil and plants. One correspondent from New Zealand has developed an easy and effective method for doing just this by placing samples of soil or plant samples at the center of an arc using a 360-degree protractor with its zero division facing North, then swinging a pendulum over them until oscillation begins; the fundamental rays will then indicate which substance you choose.
Radiesthesia comes in various forms, from physical methods involving pendulums to using charts or Cadrans of Radiesthesia for guidance in your work and using visualization techniques to create mental samples suitable for dowsing purposes. Vibrancy samples may prove more accurate than laboratory ones as they reflect changes to energy states over time and regardless of distance.
Colours of the Relationships
Nearly all material, living or dead, emit a characteristic radiesthetic color that does not always correspond with that of their physical bodies; for example a green deciduous tree often doesn’t emit the same color as green liver organs and diseases; to determine this information a Cadran of Radiesthesia chart may be used and calibrated pendulums can also help determine compatibility of soil and plants.
Dowsers often turn to radiesthesia charts as an easy and fast way to make decisions when considering multiple alternatives. Furthermore, this chart allows for a more objective reading, helping eliminate personal bias or emotions from entering into reading decisions.
Radiesthetic charts operate along similar principles as traditional color wheels; however, instead of categorizing colors into complementary and analogous relationships on the wheel, radiesthesia works by pairing off colors in pairs that lie directly opposite one another – for instance orange and blue, yellow and purple or red and green – on each radiesthetic chart.
Biogeometry, commonly referred to as Biogeometry, has long been utilized by physicians, geologists, chemists, animal breeders, electronic engineers and many others for various medical and scientific applications. Many individuals also utilize its use in their personal lives to find suitable partners or heal themselves or find an ideal home or work environment.
Radiesthesia is a technique founded in belief in inherent knowledge and the natural laws, yet must not force an answer out. For optimal results it’s necessary to adopt an uninterested stance and regularly practice.
White is an ideal color to incorporate into a relationship as it symbolizes purity and equilibrium, communication, and helping overcome obstacles to their happiness in a relationship. Furthermore, Linda Lauren a psychic medium and energy expert suggests incorporating green into relationships to increase bonding while improving emotional stability for both partners.