Bioresonance Therapy For Lyme Disease
Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive therapy approach that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to identify and correct imbalances within the body. As this therapy is noninvasive and natural, its popularity continues to increase rapidly.
After just one treatment of Lyme disease, a nine-year-old girl experienced remarkable progress: no more falling down and increased energy; auditory hallucinations also disappeared completely.
It is a non-invasive therapy
Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive and safe therapy option that can help the body restore its natural equilibrium. Utilizing electromagnetic waves, Bioresonance can detect imbalances such as bacterial and viral infections within your system that could impact mental and physical wellbeing; symptoms include fatigue and joint pain. Furthermore, Bioresonance can detect early Lyme disease symptoms so prompt treatment can begin early on for increased recovery success rates.
Bioresonance is an energy-based healing technique that works with your immune system to combat Lyme Disease-causing bacteria and viruses without medication – making it safe and effective even for individuals with compromised immune systems. Furthermore, it can be combined with other treatments like IV therapies to provide maximum benefit.
Bioresonance sessions involve placing electrodes on a patient, while transmitting electromagnetic waves via electrodes placed on their body to their affected areas and detected by computer. The information gleaned from this is then translated into frequencies applied directly to cells at the cellular level; bioresonance technology operates under the belief that healthy cells emit certain electro-magnetic waves while diseased ones emit altered frequencies, reflecting in their vibrational energy and providing information useful in diagnosing disease.
Bioresonance therapy has long been recognized for its ability to remove various pathogens from the body, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi and heavy metals. Furthermore, it can be used to identify food and non-food intolerances; however it should not be seen as treating or curing any medical conditions; prior to making such decisions it is recommended that you speak to your GP first.
At Oasis Medical Institute, patients receive Bioresonance therapy in combination with traditional treatments. Our team of experts takes great pride in offering holistic care and ensuring each individual experiences an outstanding treatment experience – this helps manage symptoms more effectively while providing them with a higher quality of life.
It is safe
Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive and safe solution to Lyme disease that uses electromagnetic waves to analyze your body’s energy flow and assess whether it’s functioning normally or not. This technology can be used to diagnose many conditions including Lyme disease; its frequencies resonate with those found within body cells to help eliminate toxins from your system while also detecting parasites or an imbalanced metabolism.
Bioresonance data is then interpreted by a licensed healthcare provider who will make treatment recommendations based on this analysis. It’s painless and takes only brief sessions at a clinic, plus bioresonance can even enhance other treatments like antibiotics to maximize effectiveness.
This treatment approach may help enhance your quality of life and strengthen your immunity, making you more resistant to infection. This approach is especially useful if conventional treatments have not provided relief; additionally it may help manage side effects from certain medications or help to prevent relapses post antibiotic treatment.
Lyme disease, caused by Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria and spread via tick bites, is one of the most prevalent vector-borne illnesses in America and should be taken seriously as early treatment should be sought promptly for its symptoms such as joint pains and fever. It is crucial that treatment begins as soon as possible in order to ensure optimal health outcomes.
Homeopathic Lyme drops may also provide an effective form of treatment, helping balance your body’s electromagnetic field and promote healing. They can be applied directly onto skin areas or taken orally – these homeopathic remedies do not contain any chemicals or pharmaceutical drugs and therefore pose no danger.
One woman experiencing severe mental and emotional symptoms such as rage attacks, suicidal thoughts, insomnia and depression sought homeopathic Lyme drops for several treatments. Her symptoms immediately improved and she was able to discontinue taking opioid painkillers altogether; additionally she noticed an intensified Herxheimer reaction which indicated her antibodies are attacking bacteria more aggressively after receiving this care.
It is effective
Bioresonance therapy for Lyme Disease is a holistic noninvasive therapy using frequency vibrations to identify and address imbalances in the body’s energy fields. The therapy works to restore natural equilibrium of your body while healing itself and eliminating pathogens responsible for Lyme. Furthermore, Bioresonance can increase medication effectiveness resulting in better patient outcomes.
Bioresonance therapy is a safe and effective alternative to conventional medicine. The therapy uses low-frequency electromagnetic waves which resonate with your own energy waves to promote healing, eliminate toxins that cause inflammation or pain, as well as decrease stress levels while strengthening the immune system.
The treatment is founded on the premise that all substances, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and toxins have an electro-magnetic frequency that identifies underlying imbalances in the body. Healthy cells and organs release their electromagnetic frequencies via wavelengths while unhealthy ones emit different frequencies; this information is detected by bicom bioresonance machines to identify imbalances in your system and subsequently treated using homeopathic remedies like sarcodes and isodes by your therapist.
Bioresonance therapy can provide invaluable relief from Lyme disease or other chronic conditions. Therapists using Bicom Optima or 2000 bioresonance machines – two of the most advanced devices on the market – receive regular training on these advanced machines, meeting stringent patient care standards. You can find one near you by searching online for “bioresonance Lyme.”
A woman in her sixties was experiencing depression, anxiety, facial twitches and pains, fatigue and loss of cognitive function. Although treated by osteoopathic doctors and pain specialists for these symptoms, their treatments did not address their root causes. Bioresonance testing revealed a Lyme infection affecting her trigeminal nerve and TMJ; after receiving bioresonance treatments she experienced substantial improvements and her quality of life returned significantly.
For an alternative and holistic treatment approach to managing Lyme disease, bioresonance therapy at Oasis Medical Institute in Tijuana may be the right answer. At this renowned center they combine Bioresonance therapy with conventional treatment plans in order to maximize recovery.
It is affordable
Bioresonance therapy has become an increasingly popular approach to treating Lyme disease. This noninvasive and painless alternative to traditional approaches has proven successful at restoring balance to the body and aiding natural healing processes, eliminating toxins and pathogens from within it, and even providing relief from psychological symptoms associated with Lyme such as depression or anxiety.
Annalise Braakensiek experienced impressive results after just several sessions using the BICOM device, saying the results were “life-changing.” As a result she could feel healthier, more energetic, and less tired during the day.
Understanding the role that psychiatric symptoms play in Lyme disease is of vital importance, especially early on in its course. Such symptoms include insomnia, light sensitivity and irritability – as well as how they might interfere with temporal lobe functioning which in turn may contribute to anger outbursts and difficulty focusing.
Many of the symptoms related to Lyme disease can be attributed to inflammation in the brain. This response could be triggered by Lyme bacteria entering and clogging blood vessels; or by an immune response breakdown and subsequent autoimmune responses. It’s also important to keep in mind that its manifestations vary according to who is experiencing it – some may experience more severe mental health consequences while other may show no noticeable manifestations whatsoever.
Bioresonance scanning can detect unhealthy cell frequencies caused by bacteria, viruses or cancer cells. Electrodes attached to your skin send electromagnetic waves that match those unhealthy frequencies, cancelling out their effects. Bioresonance therapy has proven highly successful for treating various conditions.
First step of Bioresonance therapy treatment process begins by making an appointment with Francisco Contreras MD at Oasis Medical Institute via either their website or dedicated appointment line. Their team will review your medical history and laboratory test results to ascertain if this form of therapy would benefit you, while offering alternative solutions if required.