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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

December 21, 2023|Editorial

Holistic Hormone Health Practitioner

holistic hormone health practitioner

There are various specialists who specialize in treating hormonal imbalances. Endocrinologists, gynecologists and integrative health practitioners all possess the appropriate credentials to provide treatments for hormone-related conditions; each has his or her own toolbox of resources for this process.

Jennifer Foege has always been passionate about learning. That drive led her to develop Internationally Recognized Certification courses.

Integrative endocrinology

Holistic hormone health practitioners use various approaches to help their patients with hormonal imbalances, including thyroid conditions, adrenal fatigue, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Integrative endocrinologists take an integrative approach in helping their patients find balance with optimal hormonal levels; they may suggest diet adjustments, exercise programs and supplements among others.

Integrative endocrinologists take great care in listening to and understanding their patients, taking into account other variables that could potentially contribute to their condition such as stress levels, sleep habits and daily routines. By adopting this more comprehensive and holistic approach to healthcare, integrative endocrinologists can identify causes of hormonal imbalance and provide solutions that will promote overall wellness.

Integrative endocrinologists offer more tailored approaches to hormone health than their traditional counterparts do, taking an individualized approach with each patient and treating each person as an individual. Integrative endocrinologists encourage lifestyle changes that support hormonal balance such as eating more omega-3 rich food or regularly exercising. If necessary they may even suggest herbal or dietary supplements to balance hormone levels.


Integrative endocrinologists often provide superior treatment options compared to their traditional counterparts. Integrative doctors tend to rely more heavily on natural therapies like acupuncture and herbal remedies than synthetic ones, as well as prescribe lower dosages of hormones which could potentially cause side effects.

Before making an appointment with a holistic hormone doctor, do your research first and ensure they are licensed and board-certified in your state. Also write down all medications or supplements you are currently taking so your physician has an accurate picture of your current medical situation and can avoid potential conflicts between different prescription.

Once you complete this course, you will receive a digital badge and Certificate of Completion which can be shared on social media or displayed in your office to show your commitment to hormone health. Whether you want to deepen your knowledge about hormones or just make your practice more holistic, this course has something for you!

Bioidentical hormones

Hormones are produced naturally by your body to send messages throughout your bloodstream that regulate metabolism, heart rate and reproduction systems. When hormone levels get out of sync it can have serious ramifications on both mood and energy levels; symptoms including hot flashes, insomnia and decreased libido may all point toward hormonal imbalance.

Bioidentical hormones offer a holistic solution for relieving symptoms related to hormone deficiencies. Formulated in a laboratory, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy mimics the chemical structure of natural hormones produced by your body. Bioidentical hormones may come from wild yams or soybeans; some brands such as Estrace or Prometrium manufactured by pharmaceutical companies may be FDA-regulated while compounding pharmacies may manufacture them but without this regulation; quality and cost may differ significantly between products offered through these pharmacies.

Bioidentical hormones are frequently prescribed to help women through perimenopause and menopause, alleviating symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal dryness and low libido. Furthermore, they have also been found to increase bone density, prevent osteoporosis and decrease the risk of venous thromboembolism (DVT) among postmenopausal women.

However, these hormones have been linked with an increase in breast cancer risk and high cholesterol levels for some women, as well as stroke and heart disease risks. Because of these issues, many doctors now recommend plant-based estrogen treatments instead.

Hormonal imbalance is a serious health problem, and cannot be fixed through traditional means alone. Instead, consider finding a hormone practitioner who uses functional medicine and bioidentical hormones to restore balance to your hormone levels and feel like yourself again.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (HRT), unlike traditional HRT which combines synthetic and progestin hormones, consists of plant steroid compounds. As such, bioidenticals provide a more natural version of the hormones your body naturally produces.

Functional medicine

Hormonal imbalances affect many lives, and functional medicine and bioidentical hormones provide a holistic and natural treatment option to address them. Their patient-centric approach addresses root causes of imbalances to create life-changing health benefits for countless individuals.

Functional medicine works on the principle that your body’s various systems function together. If one system doesn’t function optimally, this could have serious repercussions for all areas. Therefore, it’s crucial that you find a practitioner who understands this principle and will take time to gain an understanding of your medical history and treat you appropriately.

Functional medicine practitioners take into account your medical and family histories, diet, lifestyle choices and environmental influences when diagnosing you. They use cutting edge lab testing to gain an in-depth view of how well (or not!) your body is operating and use those results to formulate a personalized treatment plan with herbs, supplements, therapeutic diets, detoxification programs, exercise therapy or stress-management techniques as needed.

Functional medicine practitioners vary considerably, from those certified in functional medicine to those with extensive training or specialization, such as digestive disorders or hormone replacement therapy. When selecting a functional medicine practitioner it is a good idea to inquire as to their credentials and experience.

Functional medicine differs significantly from traditional medicine in that practitioners focus on root causes rather than symptoms, which explains its immense popularity. People typically visit a functional medicine practitioner when suffering from chronic illness or mysterious disease that conventional doctors cannot pinpoint; the functional medicine practitioner will then act like your personal medical detective in uncovering any hidden sources for your condition.

Functional medicine is a relatively recent advancement of modern medicine that embraces an emerging understanding of how the body operates as an integrated whole, creating a paradigm shift in thinking about health and illness.

Functional medicine has grown increasingly popular with both patients and healthcare providers, offering it at many large medical systems and private practices across the U.S. Many believe functional medicine represents the future of healthcare delivery.

Personalized care

Hormonal imbalances are often at the heart of many women’s health concerns. Hormone health practitioners specialize in diagnosing and treating hormone imbalances so that women can regain their optimal state of wellness again. Hormone imbalance symptoms may include bloating, abdominal pain, fatigue and mood swings as well as interference with sleep and fertility issues. Hormone health practitioners can identify and address any root causes behind hormone imbalances so you can feel like yourself again!

Personalized care refers to customizing healthcare services according to each patient’s specific needs and preferences, in order to enhance their healthcare experience by meeting emotional, social, and clinical requirements more efficiently. Furthermore, personalized care involves using evidence-based medicine, advanced lab testing techniques, as well as holistic approaches with multiple disciplines participating.

Personalized care requires creating a tailored care plan. Doing so can reduce stress and discomfort, decrease time to diagnosis and cure, instill confidence in clinicians’ treatments and increase likelihood of success through increased adherence.

Katie Bressack offers holistic women’s health coaching that specializes in hormonal issues. As an advisor for hormonal imbalances affecting female adolescents and menopausal women alike, Katie provides nutrition and wellness counseling focused on hormone balance to combat painful periods, PCOS, amenorrhea, thyroid imbalances and find balance within life through diet, movement and supplements while simultaneously balancing hormones to alleviate symptoms associated with PMS, perimenopause and menopause.

She uses an integrative approach to naturopathy and functional medicine, and she is certified bioidentical hormone replacement specialist. Women’s health is her top priority; hormone balance is integral for optimal wellbeing and she offers women hormone education to make informed decisions regarding their hormone levels.

As a physician and wellness expert, she has been practicing for over 27 years. With an obsession for helping women and their families improve their health, she continually adapts her techniques in order to stay at the cutting-edge. Committed to providing exceptional quality of care and earning a trusted advisor reputation in her practice.

December 21, 2023|Editorial

Reverse Aging Is Possible

reverse aging is possible

Researchers have developed chemical ways to reverse aging, one step closer to finding the Fountain of Youth. Harvard Medical School genetics professor David Sinclair and his team created chemical cocktails which can restore aged cells without losing their identity or their identities as individuals.

Biological age is determined by your internal biological clock and influences the pace of cell aging and any age-related illnesses that arise in your body.

Stem Cells

Stem cells serve as the raw materials from which our bodies produce all specialized cells – like blood and brain cells – while scientists hope stem cell therapy will be an effective means of treating many conditions that arise as we age.

Hematopoietic stem cells, found in bone marrow, are among the most prevalent type of stem cell found throughout the body and responsible for producing new blood cells as well as replacing damaged ones throughout. Other stem cell types found throughout include embryonic and adult stem cells found throughout tissue types in our bodies – though adult ones tend to specialize more, only producing cells similar to themselves while embryonic ones have more primitive functions, producing all sorts of tissue-specific cells such as hepatocytes (heart cells) or neurons.

Certain researchers claim to have identified cocktails of chemicals capable of reversing human aging by rejuvenating old cells within muscles, tissues, and organs – they refer to this process as “cellular rejuvenation,” or “stem cell therapy”. Unfortunately, their claims often lack medical proof.

Many clinics that provide stem cell treatments have taken to adopting similar tactics as illicit pharmaceutical companies when advertising their services. Such companies will post videos to YouTube, with some even featuring patient testimonials; they may claim their treatment can cure everything from joint pain to Alzheimer’s.

These claims are founded upon the discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Japanese researchers achieved this breakthrough in 2006 when they learned how to reprogram normal cells back into an embryonic state – this breakthrough allowed scientists to use iPSCs as a means of producing any cell type in humans; potentially finding stem cells responsible for age-related conditions or diseases and transplanting them back into patients in order to treat those conditions more effectively – it would be a groundbreaking technological advancement that may eventually lead to life-extending therapies.


Hormones are chemicals produced by glands known as endocrine glands and used to communicate signals between organs of the body. Their name derives from Greek for “I excite.” Physiologist Ernest Starling provided this definition in 1905: a hormone is “A substance produced by glands with internal secretion that transmits specific information through bloodstream to other cells”. However, newer definitions like those provided by Encyclopedia Britannica also consider cytokines and growth factors to be hormones under certain circumstances.

Hormones communicate their message by binding to specific receptors on another cell or tissue, similar to how keys fit locks. Once bound, a hormone sets off biochemical reactions that affect cell activity or function – for instance insulin signaling causes cells to take in glucose for energy production while glucocorticoids induce stress responses by restricting production of proteins essential for survival.

Some hormones are released only in response to specific stimuli, like pituitary gland hormones secreted after receiving stimulation from the hypothalamus; others, like growth hormone or thyroxine produced by the thyroid gland, may be released throughout the body in response to various triggers; in addition, many hormones come from inactive precursors that are converted by enzymes into their active forms by enzymes in their bodies.

Researchers from Harvard Medical School have developed a way to reverse the aging process in mice using a cocktail of drugs including growth hormone, Metformin and an activator for the enzyme AMPK. This combination has rejuvenated cells found in muscles, tissues and organs and will extend lives by several decades if applied on humans as well. Their discovery was published in Aging magazine’s July issue. Scientists hope they can develop similar treatments that extend human lives too.


Though you cannot stop the effects of aging entirely, changing your diet can certainly slow the rate and prevent age-related diseases. A diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables (like blueberries, spinach and kale), low glycemic vegetables such as asparagus and zucchini as well as nuts and seeds as well as fish such as salmon or walnuts is key in staying hydrated and can slow aging processes down significantly. Furthermore, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is also crucial to remaining healthy.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is an essential supplement to combating the effects of aging. Acting as an antioxidant, it protects cells against oxidative damage while helping the body produce collagen for smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles.

Salk Institute researchers recently conducted an experiment which demonstrated they could partially reverse aging in mice by administering genetic therapy that restores their cells to more youthful states.

Your biological age is determined by methylation, a chemical process which can be hastened by certain diseases and lifestyle habits like stress. A new study indicates that humans can reverse methylation to de-age by decreasing mortality risk (Zasada, 2019). By doing so, their bodies reset their biological age to be lower than chronological age, leading to an increase in healthy years lived (Zasada 2019).


Exercise can help slow aging by increasing cardiovascular fitness and blood circulation; its release of cytokines and growth factors releases anti-ageing agents that repair damaged cells faster, thus delaying aging processes. Regular workouts also boost cardiovascular health and improve blood circulation – both positive effects that could potentially lengthen lifespans.

An alternative treatment to slow or reverse the effects of aging might involve drugs designed to remove dead cells accumulated over time in tissues and organs – known as “senescent cells” by scientists – which contribute to tissue and organ degeneration. WIRED reported that over two dozen companies are working on eliminating these “senescent cells”, with funding coming from billionaires such as Jeff Bezos.

While scientific advances are promising, longevity experts remain cautious. More research needs to be completed before pills can truly reverse aging; if the right ingredients are identified however, these compounds could reduce frailty and ease strain on healthcare systems while at the same time helping people live longer and happier lives – Luigi Fontana wrote the Manual of Healthy Longevity & Wellbeing on this subject.

December 21, 2023|Editorial

How Frequency Therapy Music Improves Health and Wellness

frequency therapy music

Music therapy is an expressive form of expressive therapy which uses musical instruments and music to reach specific clinical goals. Frequency therapy, another emerging approach, utilizes pulsed frequencies for improving health and wellness.

Glen Reins was a biochemist who conducted extensive studies into the effects of solfeggio frequencies on DNA. He found that certain sounds helped heal it while others hindered it.

Improved Focus

No matter if it is class presentations or work projects, music can help you to focus and concentrate. This is because its frequencies have an effect on your brain which causes more concentrated work output.

Music has been shown to provide numerous therapeutic effects. It can encourage physical activity, alleviate cancer patients’ pain, reduce agitation in elderly with dementia and enhance quality of life in people suffering from mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety.

Frequency therapy music is an emerging form of healing that uses sound frequencies to treat various health issues. It typically employs wearable devices that emit low-level pulsed sounds to administer this healing modality; no professional is typically necessary and it tends to be less expensive than traditional music therapy sessions.

Frequency therapy music can not only aid concentration but can also increase memory and learning abilities by inducing certain frequencies that correspond with these functions; for instance, Delta frequency for sleeping, Theta for meditation and Alpha for decreasing anxiety and increasing positivity are some examples of such frequencies that elicit specific brainwaves associated with these benefits.

Studies demonstrate the power of music to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety by stimulating endorphin production – natural hormones which release endorphins to ease feelings of stress. Furthermore, music may help lower heart rate and blood pressure which could prove useful to those recovering from cardiovascular disease or surgery.

This study demonstrated that those who listened to music had lower VAS scores for pain than those who did not listen. Furthermore, those who listened had reduced VAS tension scores.

Researchers conducted one study where they played music to patients under local anesthesia during dental procedures. After listening to the music with a tone frequency of 432Hz which closely matches human pulse frequency, blood pressure decreased considerably while needing less sedatives than their control group counterparts.

Better Sleep

People experiencing depression or anxiety often find it difficult to sleep soundly. Sound frequencies can help, by encouraging relaxation and helping people fall asleep faster – contributing to better mental health and more balanced lives. Furthermore, listening to music with healing Hertz frequencies will leave you feeling calmer throughout your day.

Sound has long been used as a way to improve wellbeing; ancient Egyptians used musical chants as medicine and famous philosopher Aristotle noted flute music’s ability to ease emotions and promote mental clarity. Studies have also shown how certain sounds can activate certain parts of your brain, such as reducing heart rate and blood pressure, decreasing anxiety levels, increasing positive mood states, or even lowering cortisol stress hormone levels.

Sound therapy is an increasingly popular new approach to improving our wellness, using sounds to influence physical, mental, and emotional states in the body. Frequency therapy uses Hertz sounds to elicit certain brainwave states such as Delta for sleeping, Theta for meditation and relaxation, Alpha for increased focus and reduced anxiety reduction and Beta for problem solving and increased motivation. Frequency therapy can also be done through music such as relaxing acoustic guitar music or binaural beats or the WAVwatch wristband with its 1000 different frequencies used to improve many health and wellness symptoms.

We have designed a relaxing acoustic piano track featuring Hertz frequencies that correspond with each chakra (energy center) of your body, including 396Hz for dissolving negative thoughts and energy patterns, 417Hz to support positive change and transformation, 528Hz to reduce stress and anxiety and promote sleep, creativity and healing, as well as 741Hz which supports connection with others and spiritual development. This soothing music can serve as an excellent addition to your meditation ritual or bedtime reading routine!

Less Mood Swings

Stressful situations, worry or anxiety can have a dramatic effect on one’s mood, leading to them feeling irritable, snappy or easily overwhelmed. But there are numerous effective solutions available to combat such mood changes – one being music listening. Studies have demonstrated the power of frequency therapy music to relieve these feelings by helping balance body rhythms; making you feel more stable and grounded than before. It may especially benefit people prone to sudden mood shifts.

Musical elements such as rhythm, melody and pitch can have different impacts on an individual’s mood. For example, rhythm helps synchronize muscle movement to decrease pain and discomfort, while melody creates emotion and mood: for instance some melodies elicit sadness or depression while others can be uplifted and make us happy!

Songs have the power to influence moods as well. Participants in a recent study reported using songs with positive messages to elevate their spirits; conversely, listening to negative songs caused them to feel worse.

No one knows for certain whether these effects of music are due to frequencies or just the emotional content of songs, so researchers in this study created a Machine Learning model which took solfeggio frequencies – frequencies used since antiquity for their therapeutic benefits – into consideration in training their model, then used this prediction model to predict which songs may have therapeutic properties on listeners.

Nurses frequently utilize music as a mood enhancer in hospital settings. For instance, they might play soothing music before surgery to increase patient comfort and decrease need for postoperative narcotics; or play music during a massage to distract clients from pain and discomfort and enhance the experience overall.

Increased Energy

Music has the power to change our emotional states and help us feel more energetic, which is why many use it for relaxation and stress relief, providing a noninvasive means to tackle health challenges like insomnia, anxiety and more. Now science is finally catching up to what our ancient ancestors knew all along: certain frequencies possess healing vibrations.

Listening to frequency therapy music stimulates your brainwaves, increasing blood flow to your head and heart while sending more oxygen directly into the brain to enhance cognitive function and decrease stress hormone production in your body. The result: increased energy levels, enhanced focus, and the ability to make healthier decisions.

Frequency therapy has grown increasingly popular as an approach to improving physical health and wellbeing without suffering the side effects associated with medication. Studies have demonstrated how music interventions increase motivation to exercise, promote enjoyment, and ultimately result in weight loss, reduced blood pressure, reduced sugar levels and cardiovascular risk factors.

Solfeggio frequencies used in this form of therapy range from 174-963 hertz (hertz is the unit of frequency). These sound patterns may interact with energy fields and heal DNA at an atomic level.

Some people use frequency-based music to boost their mood and energy levels while others utilize it as a therapeutic tool to address physical ailments, psychological conditions and spiritual enhancement. Sound healers, yoga instructors, massage therapists and meditation coaches often utilize this form of therapy.

Study results demonstrated that patients in pre-operational, operating and recovery rooms who listened to music at 432 Hz for 10 minutes prior to surgery experienced decreased need for sedatives and painkillers pre and post operation. Music also was found to restore speech after brain injuries as well as reduce side-effects associated with cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy as well as alleviate dementia/Alzheimer symptoms.

December 21, 2023|Editorial

Spooky2 Scalar For Sale

spooky2 scalar for sale

Spooky2 Scalar is the first scalar treatment device to offer three distinct methods for transmitting healing waves: pure, molecular, and Rife scalar waves. In addition, this groundbreaking device includes audio frequency transmission capabilities that deliver soothing musical tones or meditative beats for a revitalizing experience.

Comfortable silicon finger clip for precise frequency scanning in anal canals or localised areas. Features powerful frequency scan program with rechargeable battery.

Spooky2 Essentials Kit

Are You New to Spooky2? This starter kit is ideal – including one generator with remote, contact accessories, and the Spooky2 Pulse biofeedback unit – everything necessary for starting use.

Your purchase includes a portable case to keep generators and accessories safe while on the move, along with a 10-port USB 3.0 hub and quad 5V power supply that allows multiple generators to connect at once.

Spooky2 provides everything needed to kill viruses, harmful microbes and parasites effectively. Its scalar waves are powerful enough to affect cells at a molecular level while drawing energy from the aether itself to transmit them – more effectively than electromagnetic waves!

Spooky2 Scalar utilizes quantum entanglement to transmit frequencies and kill pathogens within your body. With access to an extensive frequency database and free software updates, this scalar machine delivers optimal performance every time. Furthermore, its Rife frequency modulation capabilities give it an advantage over competing models on the market.

Scalar signals can even help to balance and heal yourself naturally, helping with issues like chronic fatigue, insomnia and depression as well as speed up healing times for injuries and surgeries.

The Spooky2 Essentials Kit includes everything necessary for remote healing with Spooky2. It provides the most cost-effective way of beginning with this system; use it yourself or help a friend or family member address health concerns remotely.

The Essentials Kit includes the generatorX pro, sample digitizer and two BNC cables. With its ability to apply any frequency from Spooky2‘s database and detect parasites and microbes quickly within minutes. Plus, this device runs without computer connectivity for remote healing! Adding further benefits, an individual generator may be purchased separately as an add-on option.

Spooky2 Remote Kit

Spooky2 is a frequency generation system created to eliminate pathogens, viruses, microbes and parasites from your body through quantum entanglement and frequency transmission. Other features included Rife modulation and Schumann resonance help enhance healing as well as provide Rx for recovering from diseases or strengthening immunity systems. You can use it to improve physical, emotional and mental wellbeing as well as strengthen immunity systems.

Spooky2 makes using energy healing simple and straightforward: just tune the device, sit or lie between its transmitter and receiver, and relax or lie on either surface of a receiver coil to let its energy restore your intercellular signal transmission and chemical exchange pathways. Furthermore, placing materials like crystals, essential oils, medications, or any other item onto an input coil allows scalar energy to transmit information regarding those substances directly to your cells, aiding healing or replenishing of energy reserves.

Spooky2 can also help individuals who are distantly located to be treated. This is made possible thanks to Quantum Entanglement theory, which states that particles connected by this quantum link can still communicate despite being at different places and times. According to this theory, one’s DNA could even be transferred through such links.

Spooky2 system is an excellent option for those who desire Rife therapy but cannot afford an expensive machine. Compatible with multiple Rife frequencies and featuring an extensive library, this device can treat an array of illnesses like cancer, allergies and infections while simultaneously increasing energy levels and improving sleep patterns.

If you’re interested in purchasing the Spooky2 system, you have several options for purchasing it online or visiting one of its local stores. In addition, referring friends and family can net you an instant 3% discount off orders over $300 with coupon code SPODKY2.

GeneratorX (GX)

GeneratorX, an amalgamation of GX-1 “Dream Machine” and its successor CS-80 synths, represents more than simply an interpretation or replicant: It offers unprecedented access to sounds and music of tomorrow.

Spooky2 Rife Generator is built to be the most powerful Rife generator on Earth – simply connect it to a computer running Spooky2 software and you will have access to an incredible Rife machine capable of quickly detecting and eliminating harmful microbes, parasites, viruses, bacteria, fungus and other organisms from your body with ease. All Spooky2 modes such as Central, Plasma Remote Contact PEMF Coil Cold Laser can be utilized.

The generator is constructed with only premium grade components and boasts an oil-filled high voltage system which offers increased thermal dissipation than resin designs, providing long service life and reliable performance. Furthermore, this generator boasts a fast rise time from zero to full power, making it suitable for demanding applications such as steel gauging and medical radiotherapy.

GX features two function generators (G1 and G2) each with two outputs; in addition it contains 23 Spooky2 waveforms which can serve as carriers, modulators, harmonics or harmonic harmonics as well as three waves based on Rife’s principles (sine damped, square H-bomb and square damped k-bomb). Furthermore it can generate frequencies up to 40MHz by mathematically mixing carrier modulator into discrete output signals using Spooky2 Wave Divider technology.

GX can be programmed to start your generator based on various conditions: low voltage; high demand; battery state of charge and more. You can even delay ignition until after an extended quiet period – eliminating accidental noise at night! Furthermore, GX is remotely controllable via Spooky2 Remote Console.

Cold Laser Wrist

Cold Laser Wrist is a wristband that integrates world-leading laser technology with ancient Chinese acupuncture to effectively improve blood conditions and symptoms of rhinitis, boost immunity, and promote wound healing through stimulating fibroblasts. Furthermore, this wristband may be useful in treating other medical conditions based on its photobiostimulation effect.

Attach this accessory to the OUT1 output of your Spooky generator and load up a Cold Laser Preset before adding frequencies for use.

Lasers can be placed anywhere on the skin and even inside of the nose, ear canal, or navel for maximum effectiveness; this will often result in greater results being noticed; it’s important to remember, though, that lasers should never directly face towards eyes as this would pose potential danger.

December 21, 2023|Editorial

The Matrix and DNA Wave Transformation

dr peter gariaev dna wave transformation

Gariaev and his team’s work demonstrates the concept of DNA as both an informational entity and waveform by investigating gene-holograms, so-called solitons, and DNA holograms.

This research has resulted in the emergence of Lingvistiko-wave genetics, an innovative branch of biology and medicine founded on laser physics, holography, quantum nonlocality, linguistics and other principles.

What is DNA?

DNA is the molecule containing our genetic information, which determines our heritable traits. Found in every cell’s nucleus, DNA acts as a code or blueprint to tell them what to do – without it they would never know how to produce enough proteins needed for human life – these amino acids make up DNA itself!

Scientists have studied DNA for decades, and have gained much insight. For example, they’ve learned that each strand has a complementary strand on the other side, enabling them to create exact copies using enzymes using polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

DNA contains two rungs known as double-stranded helices made up of pairs of nitrogenous bases; these form the ladder-like double helix structure. Each strand features sugar and phosphate siderails as backbone, with pairs such as adenine, thymine, cytosine (abbreviated A, T, C & G), always pairing in specific ways that makes DNA unique among molecules. These pairings of nitrogenous bases distinguish it from other molecules.

DNA contains vast quantities of information, but only some is meaningful. That which does hold significance is encoded into the sequence of nitrogenous bases on each strand; this sequence of nitrogenous bases forms part of what makes each organism distinct from another. This letter-by-letter arrangement of nitrogenous bases makes up what is commonly referred to as the genome or genome structure and allows its information to flow along its course.

Dr Peter Gariaev conducted an experiment that demonstrated how information contained within DNA can be translated into an auditory waveform using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Once generated, these waves are then recorded onto an MP3 file and played back at higher frequency than originally intended, creating an auditory hologram which causes DNA to respond in specific ways.

How does DNA work?

Even though DNA may seem mysterious and magical, its laws of science and nature allow us to better understand how genetic information in our cells is encoded and transmitted.

DNA’s iconic double helix structure plays a pivotal role in carrying genetic information. Composed of two long polynucleotide chains called DNA strands held together by hydrogen bonds between pairs of small chemical bases such as Adenine (A), Thymine (T), and Guanine (G), each base is matched up with its counterpart on its complementary strand to fit snugly within grooves in sugar-phosphate siderails of its double helix shape – like halves of twisted ladder rungs- while these siderails hold it upright with 3D shape!

Each base in each strand of DNA is connected by noncovalent bonds between hydrogen atoms on one base and oxygen or nitrogen atoms on its complementary counterpart across from it, known as noncovalent bondings. Although much weaker than covalent bonds, they remain strong enough to transfer genetic information. Furthermore, four bases are arranged in an order (known as sequence) which codes for proteins which form our bodies’ building blocks – thus dictating an individual’s characteristics just like language dictates what words can be written down

Genes are sections of DNA that code for the creation of proteins. DNA strands rarely interact, with each segment occupying separate locations within the nucleus. This separation protects DNA’s integrity as a storehouse of genetic information – any mutations on one strand would likely be balanced out by identical information on both.

DNA’s unique structure also enables it to replicate during cell division. When one strand duplicates, it separates into two single-strands that then serve as templates for creating two new double-stranded DNA molecules – or chromosomes – using enzymes like helicase and topoisomerase that unwind the double helix into two single strands; two DNA polymerase enzymes then bind with either leading strand or both lagging strand; these enzymes use hydrogen bond pairing between bases to duplicate the original molecule and make two identical copies containing identical copies.

How can DNA be reprogrammed?

Dr Peter Gariaev‘s research revealed that humans possess a natural ability to reprogramme DNA using sound and light. He discovered that DNA had the unique capability of attracting photons to itself and then redirecting them along its helical structure, similar to how lasers bend light beams. Dr Gariaev discovered this could be used to rewrite genetic code to restore proper cell functioning as well as whole organism functioning.

His team conducted experiments demonstrating that when someone speaks or thinks about something, that energy travels directly into their cells’ DNA and alters accordingly. Furthermore, scientists demonstrated how thought can alter vibrational frequencies within cells to change DNA’s helix orientation – in turn helping reverse aging, heal damaged tissues and even reverse diseases.

USC scientists found they could revive silenced genes and add activators more efficiently by targeting DNA methylation with CRISPR-dCas9. Furthermore, this approach did not require extracting any cells from patients – making this ideal for clinical applications.

Reprogramming involves replacing an organism’s existing cells with induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). While this has proven successful for mice, scientists are yet to achieve similar success in human cells due to iPSCs’ slow self-renewing properties which make therapy use difficult.

Scientists have attempted to expedite this process by eliminating cell division. Furthermore, they have attempted to reduce the time required for the reprogramming process to begin; yet despite these efforts, reprogramming rates remain low.

Recent studies have demonstrated that gene reprogramming can be improved through using transcription factors and epigenetic modifiers to target specific genes. One approach involves injecting Oct4 DNA reprogramming factor into cells while adding Klf4 and Myc as epigenetic repressors for epigenetic regulation.

Another approach involves the introduction of Tet1 fused with Cas9. This has proven more successful at producing iPSCs from fibroblast cells than previous approaches; however, human trials are yet to establish its safety.

What is the Matrix?

The Matrix was a 1999 sci-fi action movie that revolutionized Hollywood. It rewrote director’s rules and elevated fight scenes to levels never seen before in cinema – while also leaving many questions unanswered.

The plot of this movie involves a group of humans living in a virtual reality, unaware that their energy is being extracted by machines that harvest their bodies to power dreamworlds that resemble our world. A computer programmer named Neo eventually discovers the truth, banding together with freed humans against these machines and fighting back.

To do this, they use cutting-edge software to construct a new matrix which replicates the world in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, and includes all nations of humanity. Furthermore, it contains “redpills”, humans with special brain capabilities capable of tapping into the Matrix to wirelessly hack Machines; redpills can even access certain machines wirelessly via their brainwave signals – these “human-machine hybrids” can often be identified by being able to get inside with only a blink of their eyelid opening up.

However, although it resembles our world in every way possible, the Matrix has its flaws. Machines have learned that humans cannot fully accept simulations unless there is the option for escape – even on some subconscious level. With this in mind, The Architect built his matrix with a backdoor that can be activated at any time.

The backdoor, known as the Neo Door, can only be activated by enough people coming together at once – meaning if only some are willing to accept truth then eventually the Matrix will collapse; for this reason the matrix is continually reset.