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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

December 20, 2023|Editorial

Energy Drink Medicine

energy drink medicine

Energy drinks contain high concentrations of sugar, caffeine and other potentially hazardous ingredients that are detrimental to children and adolescents’ health. Energy drinks have been linked with cardiovascular, neurological and gastrointestinal complications.

Caffeine does not neutralize alcohol, leading people who combine these substances more likely to engage in risky behavior such as unprotected sexual encounters and drinking-and-driving incidents that could lead to injuries or deaths due to their combined effect.

1. Caffeine

Caffeine is a drug that stimulates (increases activity of) the brain and nervous system, found naturally in coffee, tea, soft drinks and chocolate as well as in some dietary supplements. Caffeine shouldn’t cause harm in small doses for healthy adults; however, too much caffeine may make you feel jittery and cause difficulties sleeping, heart palpitations, anxiety disorders and gastrointestinal upset; excessive caffeine use could even interact with certain medications and be harmful for children, teens or those taking birth control pills or having heart conditions or pregnant.

The Food and Drug Administration has recommended that most adults consume 400 milligrams daily — the equivalent to four cups of coffee — while children and adolescents should limit themselves to 400 milligrams, the amount found in two cups of coffee. Caffeine may become addictive over time and could pose potential health hazards when combined with substances like sugary food, tobacco or alcohol consumption.

Energy drinks usually contain some form of caffeine. This ingredient may also be combined with ginseng extract, taurine, B vitamins (B3, B6 and B12), glucuronolactone (a glucose metabolite), herbal stimulants like kola nut, guarana, theobromine or yohimbine that may promote performance enhancement – though their scientific basis remains unknown and could subject athletes subject to anti-doping rules to inadvertent positive doping tests (25)


Caffeine can quickly absorb from the digestive tract into the bloodstream within one hour of ingestion, leading to temporary increases in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, muscle glucose release, as well as central nervous system stimulation by blocking adenosine receptors and increasing dopamine release more readily.

2. Taurine

Taurine is an essential amino acid found naturally within your body, particularly the brain and heart, where it helps boost energy and enhance mental and physical performance. You’ll often find this ingredient found in protein-rich foods such as meat or seafood and energy drinks.

Taurine has yet to be studied on humans, so we don’t know whether its safe at doses found in energy drinks. However, studies with mice indicated no adverse side effects when given high doses of taurine; furthermore, as it’s water soluble it doesn’t remain in your system for too long.

Before drinking energy drinks that contain taurine, always consult your healthcare provider first. Taurine supplements could interfere with how well medications such as antidepressants, some antiseizure medications and blood thinners work; it should therefore be avoided to protect overall health.

Taurine may increase the risk of Parkinson’s disease. Although its mechanism remains unknown, taurine could reduce effectiveness of drugs that treat symptoms by altering proteins involved with mitochondrial function.

Taurine may help some individuals with metabolic syndrome (excess belly fat, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol or triglyceride levels), though more research needs to be conducted in this area. If you already take medication for one of these conditions, check with your physician first before supplementing with taurine as they might recommend an easier and caffeine-free option instead.

3. B vitamins

B vitamins play an essential role in several essential cellular processes, including energy production, methyl donor generation, neurotransmitter synthesis and immune function. They serve as coenzymes in various cell reactions; their lack may even result in serious diseases.

Energy drinks have been linked with numerous adverse health outcomes, such as gastrointestinal disturbances, dehydration, nervousness and tachycardia; in addition to possible rhabdomyolysis, acute kidney injury seizures or arrhythmias – and have even been implicated as causes of death in some instances.

As well as caffeine, taurine and sugar, energy drinks also contain vitamin B3 (niacin), which has been shown to cause liver toxicity at pharmaceutical doses. Niacin’s effects include flushing and liver failure if taken at inappropriate levels.

Vitamin B6 is another widely found ingredient in energy drinks. Vitamin B6 plays an essential role in over 100 enzyme reactions that metabolize food into energy, as well as being involved in immune function, brain development, hormone regulation and treating premenstrual syndrome.

A case report presents the story of a patient who developed hypercobalaminemia – marked by elevated plasma vitamin B6 levels – after regularly drinking two to three energy drinks each day, following biliopancreatic diversion and subsequent energy drink consumption. As the authors state, this evaluation should include routine plasma vitamin B6 monitoring as well as critical review of any supplement use to avoid unexpected hypercobalaminemia.

4. Electrolytes

Electrolytes are minerals that contain a small electrical charge (positive or negative) when they dissolve in liquids like water, blood or body tissues. Your body uses electrolytes to regulate nerve and muscle function, regulate sweat flow and acidity and pressure balance as well as rebuild damaged tissue. After intense physical exertion, prolonged vomiting or diarrhea or illness that leads to dehydration you should replace lost electrolytes; commercial solutions (oral rehydration solution, Suero Oral or Pedialyte are good examples), however the best source of electrolytes comes from your food itself!

Electrolytes can be easily understood by considering salt water’s ability to conduct electricity. Each individual atom of sodium has a positive charge while chlorine’s negative charge creates separate positive and negative ions within the liquid that move freely between different regions.

Electrolytes lost through sweat or other fluid loss can leave your body suffering from cramping, weakness, fatigue and confusion; in severe cases this may even lead to seizures or fainting episodes. Drinking enough fluids and eating balanced meals should prevent most electrolyte imbalances; but should an issue exist your doctor may prescribe specific remedies for treating it.

Umm al-Qura University medical students recently conducted a survey indicating that energy drinks are widely consumed on campus without proper knowledge about their side effects, including heavy caffeine consumption that can lead to nervousness, insomnia, irritability and anxiety – particularly those with preexisting conditions such as ADHD. Young adults also abuse energy drinks by mixing them with alcohol in order to create the feeling of intoxication more quickly.

5. Other ingredients

Energy drinks (or “energy beverages”) contain carbonated or noncarbonated water combined with either sugar, sucralose or erythritol sweetener, caffeine, guarana, taurine L-carnitine glucuronolactone and herbs/vitamin supplements like B vitamins. Their manufacturers market them as providing both mental and physical stimulation; manufacturers claim these drinks improve sports performance and increase alertness during exercise while simultaneously decreasing mental fatigue and improving mood – however there is limited and contradictory evidence supporting their claims.

Energy drinks contain caffeine as their primary ingredient, which has been found to have several potentially dangerous side effects. Caffeine can increase heart rate and blood pressure as well as trigger arrhythmias; additionally it may lead to insomnia, stomach upset and dehydration; too much caffeine may interfere with sleep as well as being potentially detrimental for teens’ developing hearts and nervous systems.

Energy drinks often contain excessively high amounts of added sugar; one 16-ounce bottle typically contains between 54 to 62 grams, exceeding the daily maximum recommended for consumption. Consuming too much sugar may contribute to obesity, tooth decay and poor dental health.

Some ingredients found in energy drinks have not been thoroughly investigated and their safety remains uncertain. Ginseng may boost athletic performance and reduce stress, yet available evidence is conflicting; high doses may have adverse side effects. Taurine, which reportedly improves physical stamina and reaction time, remains controversial with no definitive evidence to back its claims; nonetheless many energy drink manufacturers assert its benefits.

December 20, 2023|Editorial

Vibroacoustic Syndrome

Long-term exposure to low frequency noise (LFN) below 500 Hz has attracted considerable scientific scrutiny. Thickened heart tissue, depressions, irritability aggression and isolation are typical symptoms of this whole-body pathology referred to as vibroacoustic syndrome.

This case study explores vibroacoustic lung therapy’s successful management of COVID-19 viral pneumonia using vibroacoustic therapy in an individual with COVID-19 virus infection. Positive trends were evaluated using various indicators such as blood gas composition and oxygen saturation levels to gauge progress of treatment.


Vibroacoustic disease is a systemic pathology caused by prolonged exposure to low frequency noise (LFN). This disease affects all areas of the body, from lungs, heart and joints to professional pilots and cabin crew, ship machinists, restaurant workers and disk-jockeys; as well as populations exposed to environmental LFN sources. Vibroacoustic symptoms range from generalised discomfort through symptoms to multi-organ failure and, potentially, even death in extreme cases.

First recognized in 1987 during an autopsy of a VAD patient’s body after their death, thickening of blood vessels and organs including heart valves, pericardium and lungs were observed – this revelation sent shockwaves through medical circles who believed LFN-related pathologies to be restricted only to nervous and respiratory systems.

Since that time, numerous studies have been published describing the pathophysiology and symptoms of this syndrome, some in conjunction with clinical trials. At present, one of the most notable trials has taken place at City Infectious Diseases Hospital of Astana in Republic of Kazakhstan where a pilot study on 60 patients suffering from pneumonia caused by coronavirus infection was carried out. All patients were on mechanical ventilators and divided into two groups for vibroacoustic pulmonary therapy on the “VibroLung” device; one group underwent acute respiratory distress syndrome therapy while the other received pneumonia treatment on “Pneumona.” Both groups showed positive results from therapy with increases in oxygen content and decreases in carbon dioxide level in arterial blood.

Chondromalacia, an articular condition which impairs knee joint motion quality, was successfully treated using this kind of therapy. Chondromalacia produces abnormal vibroacoustic signals with increasing signal amplitudes as the cartilage degraded, from superficial layer cartilage degradation through subchondral bone destruction.


Vibroacoustic therapy is an advanced sound treatment which utilizes pure low frequency sine wave vibrations delivered via an apparatus with connected speakers to deliver pure low frequency sine waves to the body for pain relief, improving circulation and increasing movability for patients. (7) This technique has become popular worldwide.

Monitoring Vibroacoustic Disease was released late 2002 by four doctors. They determined that LFN exposure caused mood changes and aggressiveness; an extracellular matrix change (thickening blood vessels); abnormal cardiovascular structures including the development of pulmonary fibrosis that has been replicated under laboratory conditions; as well as lung tumors which had also been replicated within lab settings.

Studies suggest that LFN noise causes stress by stimulating similar hormones to those released in response to physical threats like car accidents and fights between individuals. These hormones have been shown to lead to physical problems including back and neck pain; sinus infections; headaches; as well as gastrointestinal issues like ulcers or diarrhea.

Noise generated by LFN noise can interfere with the normal functioning of both inner ears and eyes, leading to balance disturbances as well as seizure-related or epileptic seizures. These disruptions may contribute to epilepsy symptoms or seizures.

Researchers are alarmed that vibrations linked to vibroacoustic syndrome could also be responsible for an upsurge in noise and vibration complaints from residents living near industrial wind turbines. Wind farms produce vibrations which experts believe can be felt as well as heard; experts suspect these may cause headaches, insomnia, rashes and other symptoms experienced by those who live nearby wind farms – similar to what was described by earlier studies of vibration-induced health effects caused by dance clubs, powerful car audio systems and twin-turboprop aircrafts.


Low frequency noise (LFN, 500Hz and below including infrasound) exposure has long been documented to induce respiratory pathology. While initially this was not considered an effect of LFN exposure, today it can be viewed as one of several contributing factors to vibroacoustic disease.

VAD, or Vascular Artery Disease, is a whole-body pathology characterized by abnormal proliferation of extracellular matrix molecules that has been reported among various populations exposed to LFN radiation. Cases have been observed among aircraft technicians, commercial and military pilots/cabin crewmembers/ship machinists/restaurant workers/disk jockeys as well as restaurant workers/restaurant workers (among others).

Reactive Arthritis (RA) is a progressive, multi-stage disease characterized by an accumulation of lesions to various areas of the body – cardiovascular, cardiac, musculoskeletal and cognitive. Some lesions may be specific to this syndrome such as changes to pericardial and thoracic membranes; other findings, like changes to extracellular matrix blood vessels, are more frequently seen with different forms of stress-induced pathology.

The severity of VAD symptoms varies with its duration and intensity of exposure, although initial signs often include chest pain, fatigue, backache, gastrointestinal upset, fungal/viral infections, skin disorders, respiratory complications as well as respiratory complications. More serious symptoms may include irritability, mood swings depression rage attacks; potentially even suicide attempts in extreme situations.

An echocardiogram should be conducted annually on LFN-exposed workers to detect early signs of VAD and remove them before irreparable damage has taken place. This strategy can save both money and prevent more severe complications, such as cardiovascular events or even pulmonary fibrosis which has been replicated experimentally animal models.

An alternative approach must be taken towards noise in order to combat VAD at work. Portugal’s national disability tables cover nearly all symptoms, yet do not identify LPALF noise as a risk, thus leaving out its most grave consequences such as suicide. A significant effort must be undertaken in implementing a screening program for LPALF noise and vibration-induced toxicity among employees.


Vibroacoustic Syndrome is a whole-body pathology caused by long-term exposure to low frequency noise (LFN). LFN is a form of mechanical vibration and an environmental contaminant; prolonged LFN exposure has been linked with various pathologies including abnormal proliferation of extra-cellular matrix and biotensegrity structures that cause structural changes within tissues, organs and cells.

Damage from fibroacoustic syndrome can result in an array of symptoms, from depression and chronic pain to increased susceptibility to infections and an increase in susceptibility. Severity varies with each case of fibroacoustic syndrome and treatment options include psychotherapy, medication and holistic services like vibroacoustic therapy.

Vibration sound therapy has been shown to relieve both pain and stress for children and adults, while improving cognitive functions in people living with ADHD or autism. Furthermore, vibration sound therapy can also be used effectively in managing chronic conditions like fibromyalgia or arthritis pain relief.

Vibration sound therapy (VAT) may become more widely recognized as an effective means of pain management as studies continue, yet it must be remembered that VAT should only be used alongside other treatments; not as a replacement. Furthermore, VAT should never be administered to anyone with pacemakers or similar implanted medical devices.

Fibroacoustic lung therapy, a form of physical therapy which uses vibroacoustic devices to stimulate lung tissue, has proven highly successful for treating coronavirus infections and respiratory ailments like pneumonia or bronchitis. One patient suffering from periprosthetic sepsis and COVID-19 experienced dramatic improvement after receiving vibroacoustic pulmonary therapy treatments every 3 hours. Vibroacoustic therapy helps strengthen immunity while improving oxygenation. Increased movement of pulmonary surfactant improves gas exchange in the lungs. Furthermore, this treatment helps avoid complications and shorten hospital stays; after initiating it bronchial inflammation and airway resistance both significantly decreased; in fact on day eight the patient was out of intensive care unit!

December 20, 2023|Editorial

Alternative Wellness Therapies

alternative wellness therapies

Alternative therapy encompasses everything from breathing exercises and needle acupuncture, to diet changes, herbal remedies, hypnosis and reflexology.

Alternative therapy is just one form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), along with diet-based approaches and energy therapies which aim to influence our physical well-being through invisible energies within us.


Ayurved practices, dating back to ancient India, promote holistic approaches that focus on balancing body, mind and spirit to optimize health. Ayurved includes diet adjustments, herbs, massage, yoga and meditation as ways of accomplishing this balance; research indicates these methods may reduce stress levels while improving digestion; however, always consult your physician prior to trying a new wellness approach; Ayurved may interact with certain medications or cause side effects that could interfere with proper healing.

Ayurveda is founded on the idea that each individual possesses an energy pattern known as dosha that defines their unique energy profile. There are three dosha types – vata, pitta and kapha – each associated with different body traits or physical conditions. Vata types, for instance, tend to be creative and energetic when in balance while becoming fearful and scattered-brained when out of balance; typically these individuals tend to have smaller bones with delicate digestive systems and dry, sensitive skin.

Individuals out of balance may experience dosha imbalances that need to be corrected through diet and lifestyle modifications. Ayurved practitioners will help clients create a diet tailored specifically to their dosha type and symptoms; Ayurved therapies have been utilized successfully in treating numerous health issues including varicose veins, chronic headaches and fatigue syndromes, asthma and psoriasis.

Ayurved medicine involves purifying your body using teas, herbs, oil massages and other therapies to increase circulation and liver function, drawing out toxins from the system. Studies have proven that Ayurved treatments are highly effective at managing stress-induced inflammation and illness.

Ayurvedic practitioners can recommend specific herbs that help lower cortisol, the stress hormone. They can also teach relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation that can help manage stress effectively. By creating daily or seasonal living routines – like rising earlier to see sunrise and retiring earlier at night – to maintain balance within your body, such as rising early to see sunrise and going to bed earlier, Ayurved practitioners can assist in helping individuals lead healthier lives connected more closely to nature.


Yoga is an ancient mind-and-body practice combining physical postures, breath work, meditation and relaxation techniques. Yoga can help improve flexibility, strength and balance while relieving stress, anxiety, depression and increasing immunity – as well as improve emotional well-being and spiritual health. Yoga means the union or fusion of body mind spirit; therefore it makes an ideal exercise regimen for people suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or any chronic diseases, including fibromyalgia arthritis pain conditions as well as other forms of discomfort.

Yoga has proven itself an effective tool in relieving chronic pain and discomfort, such as backache and carpal tunnel syndrome. Yoga may also ease discomfort associated with cancer, autoimmune disorders and other serious medical conditions – and many hospitals now provide medical yoga to their patients.

Yoga provides numerous physical benefits, such as increased strength and flexibility, reduced joint stiffness and better cardiovascular health. Yoga may also aid with weight loss by relieving symptoms associated with menstrual cramps and relieving low back pain, while increasing sleep quality, lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure and increasing immunity function.

Modern medicine has made tremendous advances in controlling communicable diseases, but non-communicable diseases (NCDs) now account for the vast majority of deaths worldwide. NCDs are mostly caused by lifestyle factors like smoking, sedentary habits, poor diets and chronic psychosocial stress – factors which yoga has been proven effective against. Yoga has proven an effective tool in fighting back against NCDs.

Yoga can provide psychological benefits as it increases self-esteem and self-confidence, improve mood and promote an optimistic view on life. Furthermore, yoga may act as an antidote against mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression.

Medical yoga offers a safe, noninvasive alternative to traditional therapy that has the power to produce lasting changes in both physical and mental health. When combined with medication or other conventional therapies, such as breathing techniques or calming postures and meditation practices as part of treatment plans for anxiety, it may offer significant relief.


Aromatherapy involves using therapeutic-grade essential oils with chemical compounds derived from medicinal plants as part of complementary and alternative medicine practices, and studies demonstrate its benefits when inhaled or applied topically to the skin. When used aromatherapy can improve health and wellbeing.

Aromatherapy uses aromatic plant oils to reduce stress, enhance mood and promote relaxation. Some studies indicate aromatherapy’s efficacy for alleviating headaches, nausea and indigestion; additionally it may enhance massage therapy – in one such study cancer patients receiving aromatherapy massage reported less pain and anxiety after their session.

Aromatherapy oils include lavender, chamomile and rose as the three most popular choices; however there are numerous others. Aromatherapy oils may be inhaled or applied topically using carrier oils like coconut or jojoba; other forms can also be applied undiluted to the skin for inhalation and application. Certain varieties such as those high in phenol content or bergamot should be avoided by people with sensitive skin as these contain high concentrations of phenols; eyes and mucus membranes must also be kept clear of direct contact.

Aromatherapy may help relieve depression and anxiety by stimulating the brain through our olfactory system, which controls our sense of smell. When citrus oils were administered to depressed individuals in one study, they helped restore normal neuroendocrine hormone levels as well as improved immune function.

Research demonstrates the efficacy of aromatherapy for relieving arthritis symptoms by soothing sore muscles, relieving joint stiffness and decreasing inflammation. Furthermore, aromatherapy has also been suggested as an effective means of treating insomnia, although not all research has been rigorous and results may only last temporarily.

Essential oils contain powerful antiseptic, antifungal and antioxidant properties that can be added to soaps, shampoos, mouthwash and tinctures for use as natural treatments for premenstrual syndrome and menopause symptoms by reducing cramps, balancing hormone levels in the body and increasing circulation. Studies suggest aromatherapy oils could also provide assistance by helping with cramps while simultaneously balancing hormonal levels and improving circulation.

Aromatherapy has long been practiced as part of holistic medicine in various cultures. As part of holistic treatment plans, aromatherapy may be combined with other forms of therapy like acupuncture or chiropractic for optimal results. According to NCCAM recommendations, those wanting to try aromatherapy should first consult with a certified aromatherapist, who should advise them about safety concerns as well as recommended uses of specific oils.


Chiropractic therapy is an alternative therapy that uses manual adjustment and manipulation of joints in the body to treat musculoskeletal pain; however, it can also help treat headaches and digestive problems. Many who undergo chiropractic treatments for musculoskeletal issues also find that other ailments improve as a result.

Chiropractic therapy based on the belief that human bodies can heal themselves naturally is founded on an assumption of self-sustain and healing abilities of their own bodies, with emphasis on proper spinal alignment as essential to optimal function and pain relief. Chiropractic’s goal is to reduce drug dependency and increase quality of life while alleviating any potential discomfort that might otherwise require medical interventions such as surgeries and drugs.

Chiropractors use chiropractic techniques, which come from two Greek words — cheir (hand) and praxis (action). Chiropractors’ services often get misconstrued as only providing back or neck pain therapy, yet in reality encompass much more benefits than that. Before making an appointment, it’s essential that you fully comprehend all that chiropractors provide before scheduling an appointment.

Proper alignment of your spine and other joints can reduce inflammation, helping your body fight infections more effectively. Chiropractic treatments also boost your immunity by reducing stress hormones that interfere with immune function.

Chiropractic therapy has also been shown to aid digestion issues such as GERD, constipation and bloating by relieving pressure build-up in the abdominal region and negatively affecting digestion. Chiropractic BioPhysics can relieve this pressure while encouraging regular bowel movements for healthy digestive health.

Chiropractic therapy can also increase energy levels by improving circulation throughout your body and providing your muscles with adequate oxygen and nutrients to work more efficiently, thus decreasing fatigue. Furthermore, chiropractic can increase concentration by relieving tension in your neck and spine.

Chiropractic can also help to lower blood pressure and improve heart health by relieving stress caused by misalignments of spinal cord and nerves, thus helping prevent strokes or heart attacks from happening. Furthermore, regular chiropractic visits may reduce how often you visit doctors or health centers for checkups or appointments.

December 20, 2023|Editorial

Radinic Hi Tech Offers a Selection of Lighting Products

Radionic hi tech offers a selection of lighting products. Their offerings include LED and fluorescent ballasts, bulbs and starters as well as design, engineering and testing solutions. Their ZX/RX series undercabinet task light features up to 80 high-brightness LEDs distributed evenly for even illumination.

LED Lighting

LED lights use minimal electricity to produce large amounts of light, making them more energy efficient than incandescent bulbs and durable enough to last up to 20 times longer than other lighting types. As such, they may be an ideal choice for some lighting applications.

LEDs can also be an excellent solution in areas where replacing bulbs is challenging or impossible, such as ceilings or recessed lights where this task often has to be completed by hand. Available in numerous colors and voltage levels, these LED bulbs allow brightness adjustments via voltage changes and come in surface mount or through-hole options – plus make sure that lumens and color rendering index (CRI) measurements are carefully considered when considering which bulb may best reproduce true colors.

LEDs offer many advantages when used for applications requiring significant motion or harsh environments, including shock resistance and low minimum operating temperature that allows them to be used in cold areas like freezers or meat lockers. LEDs also make an excellent addition to theater performances because of their ability to add vivid color, dimension, and movement that enhance stage performances.

LED colors can be altered through selecting different semiconductor materials. For instance, an indium-gallium-nitride (IGZN) LED emits blue light by varying the concentration of InGaN quantum wells sandwiched between thicker layers of GaN known as cladding layers; other colors may be achieved by selecting appropriate material combinations for its p-type and n-type layers of the device.

LED design makes it possible to focus its light more precisely, providing an advantage over other forms of lighting such as reflectors. Focusing the LED’s light in this manner can reduce power consumption by as much as 40% and lower its total system cost as well as package size and size.

Fluorescent Lighting

Radionic Hi-Tech provides standard fluorescent ballasts in different high power factor ratings to meet various original equipment manufacturers’ needs and can also accommodate universal voltage capability. They also offer magnetic and electronic fluorescent starters.

Another popular choice is dimmable fluorescent fixtures from MaxLite, such as their under cabinet fixture with three-way switching allowing you to select full, medium, or low illumination with just the flick of a switch. You can use either a standard cord dimmer for this fixture or purchase one specifically designed to control LED/fluorescent lighting systems.

Electronic Ballasts

Electronic ballasts are used to manage starting voltage and operating current of lighting devices. They typically run off an AC supply of 220V with 50-60 Hz frequency. An electronic ballast consists of a rectifier that converts A.C power into D.C output that is then filtered by capacitors before passing through induction coils that oscillate at high frequencies before finally feeding an arc lamp with power. Electronic ballasts are more energy-efficient than magnetic ones as they consume less power while producing equivalent amounts of electrical energy while being more reliable – saving both money and power consumption as well.

Considerations must be given when choosing an electronic ballast based on its luminous flux (CF) production capabilities. An ideal ballast would perform equally well whether the line voltage falls under or above 105 volts; additionally, its luminous flux should remain consistent across voltage differences.

To accomplish this goal, an electronic ballast utilizes a circuit which determines the level of current to be supplied to a lamp. This is accomplished using capacitor 28 and resistor 30, with 470K ohm resistor being optimal so as to prevent dangerous discharge of capacitor when power is turned off.

Electronic ballasts play an integral part in meeting fluctuating voltage requirements by using an autotransformer winding connected to a lamp – this allows it to adapt to voltage variations between 105-126V commercial lines, providing sufficient current to start and heat a fluorescent tube.

Electronic ballasts are specifically designed to operate at low temperatures, which is essential since a fluorescent lamp’s performance degrades with increasing temperatures. Furthermore, this method offers greater safety compared to magnetic ones as electromagnetic waves produced from them are unlikely to interfere with sensitive electronic equipment.

There are various kinds of electronic fluorescent lamp ballasts on the market today. One popular variant is the European 230 V series choke ballast; its design differs significantly from its American rapid start counterpart; for example, this European ballast features an insulating layer between its inductor and power supply terminal for greater insulation between induction coil and terminal connection, low wattage rating requirements, moderate power factor ratings of around 80% for F13T5 type fluorescent lamps and provides moderate power factor levels of around 40%.

December 20, 2023|Editorial

Energy Medicine For Sleep

Sleep drive, the strong desire to go to bed, is driven by a neurotransmitter called adenosine. Adenosine may prolong deep non-REM sleep phases – including slow wave sleep – which provide restorative non-REM stages.

Numerous studies indicate that valerian can help some individuals sleep more soundly, though more research needs to be conducted, particularly on larger samples and with standardised extraction and formulation methods.

1. Deep Breathing

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of slow, deep breathing as an non-pharmacological treatment for insomnia, helping restore parasympathetic arousal while decreasing sympathetic over-arousal. It can be combined with sleep hygiene and relaxation therapy techniques that have proven to promote restful restful sleep while alleviating insomnia (34-36).

Breathing exercises that focus on abdominal breathing can be particularly effective at helping the body to relax. While at first it may seem challenging to shift away from their shallow breathing habit, over time and with regular practice it becomes easier and becomes an integral part of daily life.

One common exercise is counting to four while you inhale, hold for several seconds and exhale counting to four as you exhale. For maximum benefit it may also help to do this in combination with body scanning – mentally going over each part of your body, tensing and relaxing each muscle group until all are relaxed again. This process can be performed sitting or lying down and only takes minutes!

Some people find that visualizing a ball of energy containing their stress and anxiety helps them let it all out as they breathe out. You could also try using color and vision therapy by visualizing your breath moving through your body absorbing colors on inhale before blowing them off on exhale.

Breathing exercises may help alleviate sleep difficulties, but may not address other underlying issues. If you are having difficulty sleeping it’s advisable to consult your physician or therapist who can identify what the source of your sleeplessness may be and recommend the most appropriate treatment options.

2. Acupressure

Stimulating certain points on the body is believed to help restore energy flow and heal diseases, and can be achieved via needle insertion (acupuncture), physical pressure application by hand or foot, or simply lying on an acupressure mat.

Acupressure can also be an effective remedy for insomnia. According to research, practicing an hour of acupressure before bedtime proved more successful in improving quality of rest than not practicing it at all. A small study on people suffering from insomnia who practiced acupressure found significant improvements compared to those who didn’t use this form of alternative therapy.

Insomnia can be caused by pain, anxiety and stress. Adequate rest is essential to our overall health; failure to get sufficient sleep may have serious repercussions for our immune systems as well as memory loss.

Sleep disturbances in older adults are a frequent occurrence and may contribute to numerous health conditions, including depression, anxiety and poor quality of life. Acupressure has been shown to promote restful slumber in this demographic group and research suggests it may even help treat insomnia, depression and anxiety.

Neiguan (PC6), located on the pericardial meridian, can help aid sleep. Pressing three minutes daily on this point has been shown to ease insomnia, dyspnoea, coughing, nausea/vomiting/mental disorders as well as headaches/migraines. You may even find this helpful for headaches/migraines; just be wary not to stimulate it during pregnancy or with open wounds on hands! You’ll find Neiguan by looking for where your big toe meets another toe on either hand – try searching this spot by looking where two toes meet on each foot – finding this point will reveal its incredible benefits!

3. Yoga

Yoga is a practice designed to integrate mind, body and soul through physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation. Yoga’s roots lie within Hinduism but can now be found worldwide at health clubs alongside other forms of fitness training and exercise.

Studies have demonstrated the benefits of Yoga on sleep quality and stress. One research study discovered that 21 insomnia patients could sleep better after 14 days of yoga practice; another concluded that just 15 minutes per day of Yoga practice increased both subjective and objective measures of sleep onset latency, duration, and wake time; researchers attribute these changes to reduced arousals and ability to relax.

Another study demonstrated that 20-minute yoga nidra sessions enhanced deep sleep brain wave activity among participants. This result may have been achieved due to yoga’s ability to stimulate melatonin production – essential for circadian rhythm and sleep/wake cycles.

Yoga Nidra has long been recognized for activating delta brainwaves, which are responsible for healing and restoration during sleep. This may be because Yoga Nidra allows us to disconnect from thoughts and emotions during this stage of restorative sleep, giving our bodies time to rest and repair itself. Furthermore, Yoga Nidra helps stimulate our pineal gland, responsible for controlling circadian rhythm.

Yoga requires regular practice to stay healthy and balance, making it easier to fall asleep at night. Furthermore, Yoga works great when combined with breathing techniques or acupuncture as this combination may provide deeper restful sleep and even healing properties for yourself.

4. Meditation

Meditation is an increasingly popular mindfulness practice that can help ease tension in both body and mind, which helps prepare for better restful sleep. Meditation also has therapeutic applications by activating our innate healing intelligence, thus helping restore equilibrium and foster well-being.

Meditation before bed can help reduce stress, one of the primary sources of sleep disturbances. Meditation also offers powerful ways of unblocking emotions and thoughts that keep us up at night, such as diaphragmatic breathing or alternate nostril breathing techniques that activate your calming relaxation response to calm down nervous systems and release tension.

There are various meditation practices, so it is essential to find one that suits you. Begin with guided video meditation or use an app like Headspace, Calm, or Insight Timer with community groups for support and inspiration. Aim for consistent practice to allow your body to establish its own rhythm while cultivating the habit of sleeping with an eased-back mind and relaxed body.

Studies show that meditation before bed can significantly improve sleep quality in healthy subjects as well as clinical patients suffering from insomnia. Raman et al. [32] also found that other meditative movement interventions like Tai Chi, Qigong and Yoga had similar results on improving quality of restorative rest.

However, differences among meditation practices arise primarily from their differing philosophies and approaches. Some research studies employ meditation taxonomies that seek to classify various meditation practices based on phenomenology and context – this helps researchers and practitioners alike better comprehend similarities and differences among meditation practices without being limited by traditions-specific knowledge and easily applicable in any meditation (research) context.

5. Acupuncture

Chinese practitioners believe acupuncture to be an ancient Eastern Medicine therapy which balances energy channels to restore body systems back into equilibrium, as well as promote overall wellness. Needles are used to stimulate specific points on the body. When it comes to sleep quality improvement, studies have demonstrated how acupuncture helps relieve stress, anxiety and insomnia with improved quality sleep results.

Stress manifests itself physically in various forms, from dizziness and headaches to stomachaches. Acupuncture has been shown to significantly lower stress hormone levels through its ability to regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis system; this system regulates hormones that influence response to stress as well as mood.

Insomnia is a sleep condition that disrupts restful rest, leading to fatigue, poor concentration and depression. A 2017 study proved acupuncture as effective as sleep medications at relieving insomnia symptoms and improving quality. Acupuncture can release serotonin and gamma-aminobutryic acid which are neurotransmitters known for soothing nervous systems.

Acupuncture can also help treat other conditions that interfere with sleep, such as chronic pain, fibromyalgia and gastrointestinal disorders. A patient in this story had multiple conditions which were contributing to his fatigue; after receiving several acupuncture treatments his headaches decreased from 10/10 in intensity and frequency to 3/10 and his GI symptoms also saw improvement. Acupuncture is generally safe for most people including pregnant women on anticoagulants or with bleeding disorders – learn more about Eastern medicine therapies such as Acupuncture here or by visiting SCU Health