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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

December 23, 2023|Editorial

Challenges of Whole Genome Sequencing

Clinical WGS faces many unique challenges. Disease-causing variants may be difficult to identify due to strand bias and repetitive sequences; furthermore, certain sites contain large insertions/deletions not represented in reference genomes.

Sensitivity to clinical WGS depends on a variety of experimental parameters, such as DNA input and library preparation methods. To evaluate these aspects, five NA12878 samples were sequenced using different DNA inputs and both PCR-based and PCR-free library preparation protocols on MGISEQ-2000 sequencers to compare results.


Genome sequencing technology has transformed medical research and discovery, as well as helping reduce costs associated with genetic testing and treatment. With its rapid advancement, more individuals will have their genome sequenced leading to a new paradigm shift in health care that includes prevention over treatment by identifying pre-disease risk factors that will allow patients to take preventative steps that reduce costly medical interventions.

The genomic revolution is providing healthcare systems with tools to identify potentially costly diseases, like cancer, early. This allows healthcare systems to improve patient outcomes while cutting costs by limiting hospitalizations, chronic therapy and unnecessary tests and treatments. Yet the challenge remains of creating an affordable genomic data ecosystem; success will come to those who combine technological infrastructure, clinical decision support systems and genetic counseling into one package so everyone can reap its benefits.

An essential component of this paradigm shift is the creation of human and animal genomic reference databases. Such reference genomes are essential to translational genomics and precision medicine; they allow for identification of disease-causing variants that improve genetic counseling as well as clinical validity of genomic testing as well as predict variant effects on individual genotype and phenotype, thus creating personalized medicine solutions.

At present, available whole genome sequencing (WGS) and whole exome sequencing (WES) data can be analyzed effectively using existing reference populations and various bioinformatics tools, including gnomAD – a large genomic database for human genetic variation that includes high coverage of coding regions allowing accurate gene mapping and rare variant detection without recourse to ineffective imputation methods; such methods have proven ineffective when dealing with recessive variants.


Numerous WGS and WES sequencing technologies are now available to generate this reference data, such as Nextera-based whole genome sequencing or an economical augmented exome capture assay (AEC). AEC has proven comparable to standard exome sequencing kits while offering higher coverage of coding regions.


WGS has rapidly advanced from research tools to clinical diagnostic tests in recent years, making accuracy vital. Initial evaluations revealed significant variations between exome capture kits, sequencing platforms, aligners, and variant callers when calling SNV/INDEL genotype calls; as a result, technical benchmarks and variation-evaluation methods must be established promptly.

NIST has developed the MGISEQ-2000 platform in response to these concerns and evaluates WGS data using different experimental parameters, such as library preparation protocols, DNA input amounts and read lengths to measure its quality and determine its sensitivity as well as assess coverage of disease-related genes and CNVs.

WGS depends on a range of variables, such as depth and accuracy of sequence coverage, the complexity of the reference genome, and alignment algorithm. These can all be modified using various bioinformatics pipelines; Burrows-Wheeler Aligner can help align raw sequencing data while Genome Analysis Toolkit is an excellent way to identify SNVs and indels.

Recent research examined the sensitivity of WGS for variant detection across 8394 disease-related genes with differing DNA inputs, comparing PCR-based and PCR-free WGS approaches on the same genome. Results demonstrated that PCR-free WGS outshone its counterpart in terms of distribution patterns (DP and GQ distribution), SNV/indel detection rates and breadth coverage among disease-related genes/CNVs.

Filtering can also have an effect on sensitivity; for instance, strand bias filters have been reported to cause up to 68 % false positives when used alone or combined with other filters; additionally they may lead to false negative results in patients who possess high-confidence genotypes.


The MGISEQ-2000 platform was utilized to assess the sensitivity of a whole-genome sequencing (WGS) pipeline (PCR-free). Results demonstrated that 19 previously confirmed variants across 11 clinical cases were identified by this WGS pipeline, further increasing its sensitivity by decreasing discard rate due to removal of variants that did not fulfill stringent inclusion criteria in final variant set.


WGS and exome sequencing (WES) fail to cover many disease-associated variants at sufficient depth. These mutations may arise either within genes with known transcripts, or non-genic regions with unknown causes. We conducted WGS and WES experiments compiled from 5 databases in order to assess breadth of coverage as well as investigate how different experimental parameters affect both sensitivity and breadth of coverage.

In this study, we utilized the MGISEQ-2000 to perform WGS on five NA12878 samples that varied in terms of DNA input and library preparation protocol. We evaluated their performance in terms of depth of coverage, genotype quality (GQ) distribution, SNP/indel detection sensitivity for disease-related genes as well as copy number variations (CNVs). Furthermore, we developed and implemented an automated (PCR-free) WGS pipeline and evaluated it on 11 clinical cases.

Our results indicate that most FNVs in WES and WGS calls are caused by filtering. More specifically, in Platypus 87 percent of FNVs were eliminated because they resided in difficult-to-sequence or difficult-to-call regions (i.e. low base qualities, high allele frequencies, homopolymers >10 bp, variant quality 20 threshold too many haplotypes sequence context or strand bias filters had the highest error rates with an estimated error rate of 68% of false positives due to just these filters alone!). Strand bias filter had the highest error rate with 68 percent alone contributing to false positives being identified!

As genomic technologies transition from research tools to clinical diagnostic tests, their accuracy must remain uncompromised in order to detect medically-relevant variants accurately. Unfortunately, WGS remains one of several barriers preventing its adoption for medical diagnosis; one such roadblock being its lack of data and comprehensive understanding of its technical limitations.


The human genome poses formidable technical difficulties to genomic sequencing. It contains 50-69% repetitive sequence, such as transposable elements and low complexity regions (homopolymers). Furthermore, large insertions, deletions, and rearrangements that aren’t included in its reference genome contribute to global mapping and alignment issues and may lead to false negative or positive variant calls. Furthermore, many disease-related genes contain multiple paralogous versions with complex structures that make sequencing short reads challenging.

As WGS evolves from research tools into clinical diagnostic tests, its importance grows exponentially. Variant calling algorithms depend on high-quality sequence data for accurate genotypes; as such, understanding how experimental parameters impact variant detection becomes critical.

In this study, we evaluated PCR-free WGS using samples from Genome in a Bottle consortium. Datasets were generated on Illumina HiSeq 2500 using PCR-free v2 chemistry at NIST on Illumina HiSeq 2500s with default settings using BWA MEM v. BWA MEM V2.0 with default settings; raw data were aligned against NIST RM8398 genome using BWA MEM V2.5 with default settings before annotating assembly using Genome Analyzer V2.8-1-g932cd3a/GATKv2.8-1-g932cd3a Base Quality Score Recalibration respectively.

Five NA12878 samples were sequenced on the MGISEQ-2000 platform using different DNA input and library preparation protocols (PCR-based versus PCR-free). Sensitivity, depth of coverage and genotype quality evaluation were conducted, with similar performance as traditional exome sequencing technology – showing that PCR-free WGS provides comparable performance as traditional exome sequencing technology and thus becoming an important diagnostic technology.

December 23, 2023|Editorial

Energy Medicine – The Scientific Basis

Energy medicine – such as acupuncture, healing sprayer therapy and Reiki – focuses on correcting imbalances in an individual’s energy channels and energy patterns that could signal disease or premature aging. It has long been believed that disturbances of these patterns are early warning indicators for disease development and aging.

Through science research, energy medicine provides us with a deeper insight into the nature and role of natural energies within our bodies. Well-documented scientific research documents these energies, recognizes their effects, and provides therapeutic applications designed to restore energy flow.


People typically associate energy healing with therapies like acupuncture, chakra balancing, reiki, yoga and qigong that focus on treating the human “energy body.” While conventional medicine embraces an anatomical model of human biology and biochemical processes for healing purposes, ancient and indigenous medical traditions have developed healing approaches rooted in the idea that we humans are energetic beings.

Science behind these techniques is increasingly evident. New research demonstrates how energy medicine addresses biological processes at their energetic bases, improves cell and systemic function and regulates the web of interrelated factors that determine our health. Non-invasive energy medicine techniques may be utilized at home for greater patient-practitioner partnership in healing (practicality); incorporate nonlinear concepts consistent with distant healing, intention, intuition (quantum compatibility); foster holistic orientation of mind, emotions, body, and spirit for enhanced life satisfaction and improved overall wellness (holism).

Energy healing can provide an alternative approach to traditional medical approaches. While energy healing has its place, licensed health professionals should always be sought when managing chronic or serious conditions. Energy healing appears safe when administered by trained practitioners; some methods have even been validated through clinical trials conducted by the National Institutes of Health.

Energy healing’s physical benefits have long been recognized for their ability to alleviate anxiety and induce relaxation, but more recent research indicates it may also increase immune system function and alter electromagnetic fields generated by organs and tissues in the body. Furthermore, some techniques used during energy healing sessions have even shown evidence that they can alter this electromagnetic field generated by the body itself.

Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis by James L. Oschman provides readers with a scientific basis for these techniques, providing a complete understanding of energy healing as an art and science. Oschman also writes two other books on complementary medicine which cover bioelectromagnetism and the Living Matrix as examples of such approaches that work at physiological levels.


Energy Medicine utilizes techniques drawn from time-honored traditions like acupuncture, yoga, and qi gong as well as those developed by Eden to tap her unique ability to see subtle energy patterns clairvoyantly to treat invisible energies within your body. Both physical health and emotional well-being depend on their proper circulation throughout your system – and by changing impaired energy patterns that contribute to disease it’s possible to normalize physiology by eliminating diseased energy patterns.

Donna Eden has long taught people to recognize aches and pains as signals of energy imbalance, using energy medicine practices contained in this book to restore equilibrium and support their body’s natural healing capacities. Now in this much-awaited new book she addresses specific challenges women may experience such as PMS and menopause as well as high blood pressure and depression.

Energy Medicine encompasses an umbrella term covering natural healing practices like Reiki, Acupressure, Kinesiology, Therapeutic Touch, Sound Therapy and Polarity Therapy. All these practices aim to restore balance in energy fields believed to exist around all living beings; and have been shown to improve measures of autonomic nervous system function, such as heart rate and blood pressure levels.

These energy fields, collectively referred to as biofields, are generated by your cell’s electrical activity and electromagnetic waves generated from your brain, nervous system and heart. Researchers believe these biofields play a crucial role in organizing and controlling cell, tissue and organ growth and repair processes.

Studies have proven that individuals with high spiritual awareness can significantly alter the biofield. Furthermore, evidence points towards strong senses of purpose or individuals who have endured trauma affecting its formation in ways which contribute to improved mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.


Our bodies are more than merely physical entities; they also possess an energy field which influences our cells, tissues, organs, and psyche. Energy healing practices help balance out imbalanced energies by changing impaired patterns; changing these can be one of the easiest and least invasive ways to achieve improved health and wellness.

Energy medicine seeks to correct energetic imbalances to restore homeostasis within body systems, encouraging free flow of human energy and adhering to the theory that all illness results from disturbances to our energy patterns, known as human biofield.

Energy medicine includes numerous techniques such as acupuncture, kinesiology and yoga that aim to restore a healthy biofield by unblocking or redirecting energy that has become blocked due to prolonged stress or injury.

Energy therapy may also help you relax, which may reduce cortisol levels and enhance sleep quality. When your energy levels are healthy, your mind and emotions become at ease as well. These emotional benefits may aid you in better managing pain or discomfort more effectively while decreasing feelings of anxiety or depression. Energy therapy may even help with relaxing effects to lower cortisol levels and enhance quality sleep.

Energy medicine‘s scientific foundation rests on quantum physics, which recognizes that matter and light are fundamentally interdependent. This theory explains why electromagnetic frequencies and vibrations can have such an impactful influence on matter that they can be measured using modern devices such as computerized tomography (CT or MRI) scanners.

Acupuncture and reiki are forms of energy medicine, stimulating specific “energy points” on the body using needles or pressure. Acupressure points are believed to be sources of energy which transmit throughout our bodies and affect how we feel and react in our surroundings, while the reiki technique uses touch to transfer healing energies between practitioner and client, aiding their body’s natural healing processes physically, emotionally and spiritually.


Most people think of wellness practices such as acupuncture, chakra balancing, reiki and Qigong when thinking of “energy medicine“. These practices make up part of this category of healing practices commonly referred to as alternative or complementary medicine (ACM).

These healing practices employ an alternative model of the human body than that embraced by Western medicine. Where Western medicine embraces an anatomical, biochemical view of humanity, while Eastern practices such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda and Shamanic traditions have created healing techniques focused around understanding what they term an “energy body.”

Energy medicine recognizes that our bodies are filled with energy, and that by correcting imbalances in our energy patterns we can positively influence physical health. According to energy medicine theory, all diseases result from disturbances within this field known as the human biofield.

Acupuncture is one form of energy medicine with an established scientific basis. Acupuncturists use thin needles to stimulate specific points on the body in order to balance and support energy flows; their scientific basis states that stimulating these energy points may alter bodily systems’ functioning for improved health and well-being.

Reiki, or Rei-ki, is a spiritually-based energy healing technique established in the early 1900s by Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist monk. Studies suggest that this form of energy healing may help ease pain relief while simultaneously improving immune system function due to reduced cortisol levels in bloodstream, decreasing inflammation and stimulating an immune response response.

Studies have demonstrated that patients receiving energy therapy experience reduced anxiety and depression as well as lessened headache intensity. Researchers also have discovered that biofield therapies may induce healing responses by decreasing pain receptor activity within the brain.

Many people find that natural healing modalities are safe when administered under the guidance of a trained practitioner, providing additional support or complementing traditional medical care. If you’re thinking about trying an energy-based healing modality, first consult with your physician.

December 23, 2023|Editorial

Nuderma Portable Handheld High Frequency Skin Therapy

High-frequency skin wands use painless galvanic waves to stimulate collagen and improve circulation, stimulating cell turnover to delay the aging process and produce firmer and younger-looking skin.

NuDerma Clinical High Frequency Wand Machine offers safe and natural ways to turn back time on skin aging with its anti-ageing neon and blemish-fighting argon applicators, offering anti-wrinkle effects as well as acne blemish treatment.

Reduce Fine Lines & Wrinkles

If you’re suffering from fine lines and wrinkles, high-frequency skin tools could be just what’s needed to increase collagen and elastin production and therefore create more elastic, plump skin cells resulting in diminished fine lines and wrinkles over time.

High-frequency tools may also help alleviate dark circles under your eyes, according to Akram. When used, these tools penetrate tissue and break up any stagnant blood around that area – eventually helping reduce puffiness for a brighter, younger-looking complexion.

High-frequency skin therapy wands featuring various electrodes filled with neon or argon gas can be extremely helpful in combatting acne-causing bacteria and oily skin conditions, while neon can reduce signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles. Some wands even come equipped with multiple electrodes so as to address multiple skincare needs simultaneously.

NuDerma Clinical is an ideal portable handheld high-frequency skin care device, featuring six fusion neon + argon applicators that offer both skin-boosting properties of neon and blemish-controlling features from argon in one handy tool.

NuDerma comes equipped with a Y-shaped applicator to treat areas like neck and arms, as well as a bent wand for targeting creases and wider facial features, as well as a comb wand designed specifically to address hair growth stimulation and address hair damage. You can then apply your preferred serums or creams post session so that they’re fully absorbed.

When selecting a portable handheld high-frequency skin treatment, look for models with powerful batteries and frequency ranges tailored specifically to your needs. Also important: check if it is waterproof and easy to clean for easier traveling; warranties and comprehensive user manuals are also essential; it is always advisable to consult with a skincare professional first to make sure any new at-home tools won’t cause unwanted side effects or allergies.

A Smoother Brighter Complexion

High frequency treatments energize and oxygenate the skin to increase cellular activity – it’s like giving yourself a workout for your face! Over time, this results in smoother, brighter, more luminous skin that also improves elasticity to soften fine lines and wrinkles.

Nuderma’s series of painless galvanic waves stimulate collagen production to plump up skin layers to fill creases, diminish lines and wrinkles and soften fine lines and wrinkles – an effective natural method of eliminating wrinkles without resorting to surgery.

High Frequency treatments help achieve clearer and brighter complexions through elimination of blemishes and inflammation in the skin, killing bacteria on contact and curbing breakouts naturally. Furthermore, it increases absorption rates up to 5x better!

UUPAS portable handheld high frequency facial skin therapy wand machine is the ideal addition to your beauty regimen. Light and easy to use, you can take this lightweight wand device wherever you go. Equipped with six blue tubes that serve various purposes including reducing acne, improving skin tone, and stimulating hair growth – the UUPAS portable handheld high frequency facial skin therapy wand machine will quickly become part of your beauty regime!

This portable and user-friendly facial treatment device is constructed of high-grade materials and comes with a one-year warranty. It includes an easily transportable carrying case as well as six neon + argon wands designed to target specific areas of facial, neck and scalp skin for facial rejuvenation and body contouring treatments. Each wand features various attachments including Y-shape wand, comb wands rod wands tongue wands; all are designed to target certain aspects of facial, neck or scalp skin conditions for maximum results!

Acne Treatment

High frequency skin therapy offers solutions to various complexion concerns, such as improving skin tone, reducing wrinkles and evening out the pigmentation. Additionally, this device reduces acne while stimulating collagen production for smoother, healthier-looking facial features. Plus it’s lightweight for travel or on-the-go use! The Neon tube for anti-ageing purposes and Argon for blemish control make this facial wand kit convenient addition to your beauty regime.

Enhance Your Favorite Beauty Serums and Creams High Frequency energy can enhance the skin’s response to your favorite beauty serums and creams by up to fivefold, making a dramatic impactful change to how they work when used with the NuDerma skin wand. You’ll see an immediate transformation when using it!

With its powerful ATP synthesis feature, this wand will enhance cellular turnover and nutrient delivery for firmer younger-looking skin. It also works to halt or reverse the aging process for firmer younger-looking skin.

Acne Treatment This high-frequency device uses high frequency waves to kill the bacteria directly beneath blemishes without using chemicals or medication, helping reduce inflammation and shorten their lifespan while simultaneously preventing new breakouts from appearing.

If you’re experiencing trouble with stubborn acne, try inserting an electrode into a wand and using it on the affected area for 1-3 minutes. As it begins to work, you will feel a mild tingle as your blemish starts ‘zapping’ off and eventually dissipating – repeat this for every stubborn spot until they all disappear!

This kit also comes equipped with a Y-shaped wand for arms and neck as well as Rod and Comb Applicators to energize scalp sessions, making treatment of your whole body simpler than ever before. Furthermore, quick start treatment guides, instruction manuals and support contact manuals are included to get you up and running fast!

Improved Skin Profile

Our portable handheld high frequency skin therapy wand machine is 100% natural and safe, offering safe and effective solutions to enhance facial redness profile, reduce fine lines, soften wrinkles, while increasing production of elastin for a younger complexion. You can even use this device to improve hair, eyebrows and scalp appearance as it stimulates blood circulation to stimulate healthy hair growth and create shine on tresses!

Our face beauty wand comes equipped with six beauty applicators to address specific areas of your face and body. Choose between a mushroom pipe for wider area therapy, tongue tube to target specific eye bags underneath your eyes, bent pipe for acne or pimples on specific spots of your body and even comb pipe to stimulate circulation in your scalp to help regrow hair!

Anti-Aging High Frequency treatments stimulate and oxygenate your skin to stimulate cell activity, similar to a workout for your face. With age comes reduced ATP production which leads to visible signs of aging such as sagging skin, dullness and fine lines; but NuDerma Clinical turns back the clock by re-boosting cell turnover rates to reverse this process, leading to firmer skin.

Anti-Acne – Our specially designed argon applicators accelerate healing by killing any bacteria directly below the surface and controlling inflammation without resorting to chemical or prescription medicines. A single session can reduce redness and blemishes while improving pore size and reducing acne scarring.

Visible Results – Our facial beauty wand is an innovative device that produces visible results with regular use. A few sessions weekly will result in firmer, brighter and tighter skin with a healthy glow – the ideal non-invasive facial treatment available!

The Wand works by emitting a low-level electrical current through glass tubes filled with either anti-aging neon or argon gas, producing low levels of electrical current to rejuvenate your complexion by stimulating blood flow, encouraging cellular renewal, and producing collagen for healthier more vibrant skin that’s soft, supple, with reduced fine lines and wrinkles, improved pores size, clearer complexion and reduced acne breakouts.

December 23, 2023|Editorial

Reverse Aging With Ayurvedic Herbs

Ayurveda provides an effective holistic solution for combatting the natural process of aging. Ayurvedic herbs contain powerful anti-aging benefits that promote long life and good health in body and mind.

Centella asiatica leaf extract has been demonstrated to possess both in vitro and in vivo anti-aging effects (4).

Fo-ti is a Chinese herb known for its longevity tonic properties. It reduces fatigue, improves mental clarity, and acts as a natural antibiotic.


Ginseng is an anti-aging supplement with multiple benefits for your skin. It helps improve collagen production, smooth deep wrinkles and decrease pigmentation while improving your lipid layer and balancing pH levels to provide smooth and flawless texture in any type of skin type. Ginseng should be included as part of any healthy ageing toolkit for all skin types – and especially during cold weather months to keep skin hydrated and keep wrinkles at bay!

Plantain has been used for millennia to treat everything from fatigue and stress to headaches, asthma and cancer. As one of the world’s most widely consumed herbs, it’s often called an “adaptogen,” meaning it helps your body cope better with mental or physical stressors.

Ginseng contains saponins known as ginsenosides that act as its main active components, boasting dammarane triterpenoid structures with sugar moiety binding sites at C-3, C-6, and C-20 positions. Nearly 50 of these compounds have already been identified with new ones constantly being discovered – they’ve been demonstrated to possess anticancer, diabetes management, immunomodulatory effects as well as cognitive enhancement properties including improving memory retention.

Ginseng has been shown to prevent oxidative damage by decreasing oxygen-derived free radical production and decreasing apoptosis, as well as inhibiting tumor formation in animals as well as human cancer cells. Furthermore, it possesses chemopreventive effects by blocking chemical carcinogen-induced tumor development in rats.


Horsetail is an herb commonly found in moist climates worldwide. Characterized by thin green stems that resemble horse tails and growing perennially from spring through fall. Horsetail has long been utilized by ancient cultures for medicinal uses and boasts rich antioxidant and silica content (1).

Silica is an essential trace mineral necessary for flexible joints and glowing skin, strengthening bones, tendons and preventing osteoporosis. Ancient Greeks used Horsetail to promote wound healing and staunch bleeding while Native Americans utilized its cleansing effects as kidney tonic and urinary tract cleanser. (2)

Studies demonstrate the natural diuretic properties of Horsetail help reduce fluid retention by stimulating kidneys to release water and eliminating excess toxins, without negative side effects such as pharmaceutical diuretics would produce. (3)

Horsetail’s high silica content also makes it an effective supplement for hair health, helping strengthen individual strands to combat dandruff and split ends while decreasing dandruff levels and split ends. Furthermore, research published by Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology indicates that Horsetail may aid in hair growth – those taking Horsetail had noticeably healthier, shinier locks 90 and 180 days post consumption!


Oregano is one of the world’s most beloved herbs, used in countless dishes for its sharp and pungent flavor. Additionally, oregano serves as an effective natural remedy that reverses aging by providing antioxidant protection from free radicals that cause inflammation while simultaneously strengthening immunity against diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Oregano contains compounds such as thymol and carvacrol that possess potency antibacterial properties. A study conducted on oregano oil found it more effective against 23 distinct strains of bacteria than either sage or thyme oils; as such it can be used to combat infection of the nose, throat and ear as well as treat cold symptoms; it even has antiviral properties to help treat herpes outbreaks.

Oregano contains antioxidants which may help slow down the aging process by protecting liver from damage and reducing oxidative stress caused by chronic diseases, as well as helping prevent premature aging and related chronic illnesses. You can add oregano into salads or use as seasoning in cooked dishes; sauces and soups.

When shopping for oregano, seek organic varieties grown without pesticides and chemicals. When choosing fresh oregano leaves and stems with vibrant green hues are preferred over dried varieties as fresher oregano offers stronger and more intense flavors than its dried counterpart. Dry varieties can usually be found in most grocery store spice aisles but it is always better to purchase fresh varieties as it contains stronger aromas than its dried counterpart.


Rosemary is renowned as a natural antidepressant and memory booster. According to studies, rosemary can prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine which boosts cognitive function and alertness while simultaneously increasing circulation and preventing gastrointestinal problems. Furthermore, rosemary may help stimulate production of bile for improved digestion as well as being used as an herbal tea or food seasoning; its powerful sebum balancing properties make it ideal for skin care as well.

Rosemary can also serve as a natural air freshener. Simply place several sprigs of fresh rosemary in a saucepan or crock pot that is two-thirds filled with water, simmer on low, allow them to steep for several minutes and remove before taking them out of your home for fresh and clean scent. It will leave an enjoyable pine aroma as well as leave behind an invigorating, relaxing scent!

Rosemary is an effective anti-inflammatory herb, helping reduce bloating and stomach cramps associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Additionally, this powerful medicinal plant can treat numerous digestive issues including IBS. One study even demonstrated its cancer-fighting capabilities by inhibiting tumor growth – this suggests rosemary might inhibit ovarian cancer cells; further research is necessary to pinpoint its exact mechanism of action so its use should only be undertaken sparingly for now.


Thyme is an annual wild herb rich in antioxidants that’s packed with medicinal benefits. These include anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal benefits. Furthermore, its essential oil contains 20-55% thymol – an antibiotic and antiseptic agent. Thyme extracts and oils have also been shown to prevent inflammation conditions like gastroesophageal issues or respiratory infections by providing protection from oxidative damage with its powerful phenolic antioxidant compounds – its extracts also reduce hypertensive patients’ blood pressure as well as improve circulation to both brain and joints.

Psychologically, inhaling the fragrant fragrance of thyme can serve to uplift spirits and bolster self-esteem, as well as foster courage during times of uncertainty or fear. Pliny the Elder once claimed that its powerful aroma could put “all venomous creatures to flight”.

Ayurveda and Siddha medicine utilize a mixture of 30mL (1 fl oz) of Thyme Oil and Peppermint Oil to relieve stomach pain, stress, fatigue, indigestion, and abdominal bloating. When mixed with Jojoba or Grapeseed oils for massage use it can assist digestion by soothing belly ache relief while simultaneously decreasing inflammation in the digestive tract and reduce its associated discomforts. You could even add it into moisturizer or body wash products for maximum impact!


Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) is native to wetlands in India and Asia and widely respected for its rejuvenating properties in both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda as an anti-ageing herb with healing effects for both skin and brain health. When taken internally or topically it has shown to improve cognition, decrease anxiety levels and lower stress markers on skin while healing wounds, increasing collagen formation, strengthening blood vessels, as well as providing anti-ageing benefits.

One of the primary gotu kola benefits is its ability to defend against the oxidative damage wrought by chronic inflammation. A potency antioxidant, it protects against harmful free radicals responsible for premature aging and disease while simultaneously stimulating new cell production while helping existing ones from becoming sagging over time. Furthermore, gotu kola can speed healing of scars while simultaneously preventing cellulite from appearing on your skin surface.

Gotu kola is packed with skin-nourishing nutrients such as Vitamin C, flavonoids and triterpene saponins that provide powerful rejuvenating benefits for the body. As such, this rejuvenating herb can be taken either directly as a supplement or added to skincare products such as our Organic Anti-Aging Enzyme Mask; alternatively it can also be taken in tea form or made into tincture form for internal consumption and made into tincture for external application. Furthermore, gotu kola may even treat insomnia symptoms and reduce negative stress effects on body’s cells!

December 23, 2023|Editorial

Energy Conservation Techniques For Multiple Sclerosis

Energy conservation techniques are frequently employed with respiratory patients who use daily or as needed oxygen therapy. Oxygen desaturation can result in symptoms including increased fatigue, discoloration of skin pigmentation, breathlessness and nausea.

Occupational therapists can provide individuals with strategies to help reduce fatigue. These may include decreasing tasks, prioritizing activities, scheduling regular rest periods and making home modifications or providing adaptive equipment as necessary.

Planning & Prioritizing

People living with multiple sclerosis (MS) can often struggle with fatigue and energy deficit, yet it’s possible to conserve energy through some straightforward practices that may reduce fatigue and enhance quality of daily life for people living with MS.

Physical or occupational therapists can assist patients in adopting energy conservation techniques into their everyday routine, including planning and prioritizing activities, altering task speeds to save energy, resting during activity periods, and learning to use adaptive equipment.

Planned approach can make tasks simpler to achieve while decreasing stress levels and helping avoid unnecessary discomfort or injury. Planning is a higher-order cognitive skill that involves thinking ahead and comprehending what needs to be accomplished – an OT can show you how to organize and prioritize activities so they are completed as efficiently as possible.

Therapists can not only assist their patients in creating an effective strategy to manage fatigue, but can also offer advice for managing MS symptoms that cause discomfort and pain. A physical therapist (PT or OT) may teach patients to use breathing strategies when performing MS-related activities and recommend long-handled dressing tools, front closure tops with snaps or elastic shoelaces as ways to help minimize bending or reaching for activities.

Energy conservation is even more essential for patients suffering from COPD, since excessive movement may result in oxygen desaturation that could potentially prove life-threatening. As such, occupational therapists use education and training techniques like safe transfer techniques to reduce the amount of movement necessary to perform daily tasks. Additionally, they can advise on adaptive equipment and assistive devices to reduce strain on the body when performing ADLs, such as tub benches or shower chairs to help avoid having to bend over or reach for items during bathing; long-handled dressing tools are helpful when dressing; while an elevated toilet seat eliminates standing up throughout the day.

Staying Active

How we approach daily tasks can have an enormous effect on energy levels. An occupational or physical therapist can show you techniques for accomplishing them more efficiently to conserve more energy while decreasing strain on your body. They may teach techniques like task prioritization, activity logs for tracking fatigue patterns and assistive equipment that enhance quality of life.

One of the key strategies for energy conservation is learning to take breaks throughout your day and rest your batteries, whether that means taking a momentary pause from daily activity and just sitting or lying down for a few minutes to recharge them or spacing out activities over a longer period of time; such as, rather than doing all your chores in one go on one day and scheduling rest days as needed throughout each week.

Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists can also teach you ways to adapt your environment in order to save more energy. For instance, using a scooter or cane instead of walking can save more energy while decreasing joint strain.

An excellent energy conservation technique is to eat light meals and stay hydrated regularly, which will help your blood sugar remain balanced while also avoiding dehydration, both of which are known to contribute to fatigue.

If you’re feeling exhausted and uncomfortable, speaking to your physician can be helpful in finding solutions. They may suggest medication such as methylphenidate, modafinil or amantadine to address symptoms; however these are only short-term solutions and it would be more beneficial if you practice energy conservation techniques instead. Conserving energy will give you more energy to spend enjoying everyday activities and have you feeling much better overall! Try these strategies out today to conserve more of it and see the difference; keep moving but move smarter! Happy living! – Aimee

Taking Breaks

Those living with COPD must find ways to conserve energy throughout the day in order to remain at peak performance. Since oxygen cannot easily reach your lungs and feed muscles, completing even routine tasks may seem draining and fatigued-inducing.

Physical and occupational therapists may offer various energy conservation techniques to combat fatigue. They may help plan your daily schedule, prioritize tasks so they are completed more quickly, avoid unnecessary trips or alternate between light and heavy tasks to protect from injury or overexertion, among other strategies.

Energy conservation techniques also include decreasing the intensity of daily activities, scheduling frequent rest breaks and adapting work locations and equipment to be more ergonomically friendly. Many of these changes can be implemented at home with assistance from physical therapists or occupational therapists who will help find tools and techniques suitable for managing daily tasks more easily.

Documenting your efforts and successes when employing these strategies is essential to maximizing the benefits. For instance, if completing a task which was previously taxing is now simple is worth noting – then use it as the basis of future conversations with healthcare teams.

CEUFast Inc. has approved this course for 0.1 CEUs at intermediate level (OT service delivery and foundational knowledge) from CEUFast Inc. as accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Registered nurses seeking continuing education must also contact their nursing regulatory body for approval within their specific jurisdiction.

Getting Enough Sleep

Sleep is essential to keeping your body strong and healthy, reducing fatigue, improving mood and supporting memory retention and focus. Sleep also plays a key role in decreasing pain intensity and illness frequency – so if you are having difficulty sleeping talk to a physical therapist and/or occupational therapist about strategies that could improve its quality.

Senior adults face falls and related injuries that can significantly diminish their quality of life, but occupational therapists (OTs) can teach strategies to prevent falls and increase energy levels, including pacing activities, prioritizing tasks, using assistive equipment as needed and taking breaks when necessary. They may also teach safe transfers and body mechanics techniques designed to protect joints and muscles from injury.

People living with COPD often experience fatigue that makes daily tasks challenging to complete. Energy conservation techniques can be extremely beneficial in staying on top of responsibilities, increasing productivity, and ultimately leading to a higher quality of life. Your loved one will learn how to pace themselves during activities such as chores and errands while alternating light and heavy tasks; also being taught to plan ahead for daily tasks to avoid unnecessary trips and begin with the most critical one first!

As well as using energy conservation techniques, physical or occupational therapists can assist patients in managing their symptoms with medication or non-pharmacologic treatments such as acupuncture and relaxation strategies. These may be used alone or combined with energy conservation techniques to manage symptoms more effectively. OTs also teach strategies designed to manage fatigue for advanced disease states like ALS, cancer or dementia so individuals can continue performing daily activities, improve quality of life and preserve independence.

Hospice patients typically face limited life expectancies and often struggle to engage in any meaningful activities that would maintain or improve their quality of life and reduce frustration with daily responsibilities. Occupational Therapists (OTs) can use energy conservation techniques to ensure hospice patients only engage in activities which offer real value, maintaining quality of life while meeting daily responsibilities more satisfactorily.