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December 21, 2023|Editorial

Medical Resonance Therapy Music

medical resonance therapy music

Medical Resonance Therapy Music syncs up with the physiological rhythms of cells to restore neuro-hormonal balance and aid self-healing mechanisms within our bodies, encouraging self-healing capabilities that have proven successful against conditions like gynecological issues, high blood pressure, psychological disorders and various pathologies.

Studies on ICU patients demonstrate that listening to music reduces both intensity and frequency of sedation as well as patient-ventilator dissynchrony.

Relieves Stress

Music therapy helps relieve stress by resetting your body’s cellular physiological rhythms and rebalancing neuro-hormonal levels, while simultaneously reinvigorating self-healing capabilities. Music therapy has become one of the most widely employed non-pharmacological methods to manage cognitive, emotional, and physical stressors during medical treatments and rehabilitation programs.

Resynching occurs due to our brain’s natural response to rhythmic stimuli. For instance, hearing steady beats activates your auditory system which stimulates motor nerves that activate muscles; this process is known as entrainment and has been proven to reduce stress while increasing overall well-being.

Studies have shown that patients suffering from chronic skin condition psoriasis experienced improvement when listening to relaxing music, with reduced cortisol levels (an indicator of stress) when compared with control groups. They concluded that music therapy could be an effective means of relieving symptoms like those seen in psoriasis as well as psychological disorders like anxiety.


Studies have proven the efficacy of music therapy in helping stroke victims recover, as it often acts as the only form of therapy capable of eliciting speech from those whose muscle movement has stopped them speaking independently. Music can reengage muscles in the tongue and lips to regain strength; furthermore it activates motor-muscle activating parts of the brain allowing individuals to begin speaking again using simple syllables such as la or fa.

Hubner has established the Micro Music Laboratories as an innovative new concept of medical music composition which uses scientific principles. His medical music preparations are the first and only ones which conform with nature’s laws of harmony when writing their compositions.

Medical resonance therapy music can provide a safe and relaxing way of relieving anxiety or tension before an operation or during certain medical conditions, including migraine headaches, hypertension, hormone and immune disorders and emotional disturbances such as insomnia or anxiety. Additionally, this form of music therapy may assist in managing emotional disturbances as well as behavioral issues like insomnia or anxiety.

Relieves Anxiety

Music therapy has long been recognized for its benefits in health care settings, particularly ICUs and intensive care units (ICUs), to relieve generalized stress symptoms in those suffering serious illness. Medical professionals around the globe have recognized its therapeutic effects; its versatility has attracted interest from physicians around the globe as a treatment. Music is used for improving patient responses to cancer therapies; mood modulation/anxiolysis in anxiety disorders; social functioning issues related to neurodevelopmental disorders and neurological rehabilitation after injuries among many other applications – yet its wide array of potential uses has perplexed some physicians as they question its true “panacea status”.

No matter how widely accepted musical therapy may seem, scientific studies were ultimately necessary in order to gain objective substantiation for it. These investigations not only sought to discover how music exerts its beneficial effect, but also sought ways to modify music so as to address specific clinical conditions more effectively.

randomized controlled trials (RCTs) remain the gold standard of scientific research; however, their use as an approach for testing pharmaceutical therapies has presented challenges when used for behavioral interventions such as music therapy. One key challenge lies in being unable to blind patients and therapists about their treatment conditions and designing effective placebo treatments without jeopardizing therapeutic integrity; additionally, trials relying solely on self and/or clinician reported outcomes may be susceptible to biases (cf. [329]).

However, numerous recent studies have demonstrated the efficacy of music in various situations. A team of researchers performed a meta-analysis on this subject and discovered that aural stimulation could significantly decrease preoperative anesthesia requirements when patients underwent oral surgery; additionally it significantly decreased levels of psychological distress following removal of an impacted mandibular third molar.

Studies conducted recently have also demonstrated the power of aural stimulation to ease pain and anxiety for hospitalized patients with digestive and abdominal conditions, acute symptoms of depression in adults, as well as reduce stress levels among hearing loss patients. Tinnitus stimuli significantly reduces levels of stress and anxiety for these individuals as well. A randomized control study also demonstrated significant psychological improvement among chronic psoriasis sufferers versus control group members who actually saw worsening psychological status in comparison.

Relieves Pain

One study used music as an effective way to reduce pain for people living with cancer. It works by competing with pain impulses in the brain and cancelling each other out; furthermore, music alters perception of pain making it less intense while also helping individuals feel more in control and less overwhelmed by it all.

Researchers found that music could effectively relieve pain and distress in children suffering transient hypertension due to Chernobyl nuclear accident. Treatment using music for their transient hypertension decreased blood pressure while attenuating raised cortisol levels – suggesting music as an adjunct therapy therapy option is feasible and acceptable in treating ED patients.

Music therapy, unlike medication, is a non-pharmacological intervention that can be applied in many different contexts – from hospital rooms to your home. You can listen through headphones or an audio device like an iPod; use it as background music during medical procedures (like chemotherapy treatments) or have it tailored specifically for each individual by an experienced music therapist.

Music therapists typically employ vocalization techniques like singing or whispering to help their clients relax, as well as instruments that produce vibrations, such as drums or tuning forks, that entrain neurons in different parts of the brain and restore function – such as drumming or tuning forking – used by music therapy sessions. Music therapy may be particularly helpful in treating people suffering from certain forms of stroke where motor or speech centers have been damaged, making speech impossible or dysarthria. Entrainment through music may restore this function by engaging neurons.

Pleasurable music listening has been shown to increase dopamine activity in the nucleus accumbens of the brain, which modulates affect and mood. Other studies have also found that listening to music enhances feelings of wellbeing even when the lyrics don’t hold special significance for us personally.

Recent research used smartphone-based music interventions to reduce pain and anxiety in emergency department observation unit patients. The intervention proved safe and feasible; no significant differences in results between supervised and unsupervised use; furthermore, individuals scoring high on an assessment of catastrophizing saw increased effectiveness from it, suggesting music may serve as an analgesic supplement in treating their acute symptoms.

Relieves Depression

Studies demonstrating music’s capacity to foster social connection and empathy demonstrate its power to combat depression. Music also reduces stress levels while increasing activity of oxytocin, the neurotransmitter associated with feelings of love and belonging – an especially meaningful result considering depression is often associated with a sense of isolation or meaninglessness in one’s life.

Research has demonstrated that Medical Resonance Therapy Music can help alleviate depression even in those who have failed other treatments. Numerous studies have proven its efficacy by increasing activity of oxytocin and serotonin production within brain regions involved with emotions – memory, arousal, emotion. This occurs within frontal lobes, amygdalas, etc.

Medical Resonance Therapy Music can also improve psychological status before and after an operation for many different conditions. Studies have demonstrated this; women treated with Medical Resonance Therapy Music prior to and following gynecological surgeries showed markedly better psychological status compared with traditional medication-given controls, with significantly fewer complications and shorter hospital stays in their treatment group versus traditional group controls.

Musical Resonance Therapy Music proved effective in improving patients’ psychological status both before and after having breast cancer surgery, significantly decreasing stress levels of women affected, with their MMPI scores falling between 50-55 points (considered normal) while control group MMPI levels did not surpass this limit.

Music Therapy appears to be effective in treating schizophrenia, and particularly useful in combatting apathy. Furthermore, Music Therapy seems to reduce fatigue and agitation associated with Alzheimer’s disease as well as improve language functioning as well as social engagement for those living with dementia.

Many other health conditions seem to benefit from listening to music, including cancer-related chronic pain relief and high blood pressure reduction. Parkinson’s patients also find relief through music therapy; new technologies for sound creation, recording and reproduction, computer analysis/synthesis has ensured the application of musical structures as medicine has a firm scientific base.

December 21, 2023|Editorial

Psychiatry Professor Gerald Perman Answers Your Questions About Telepsychiatry

remote healing american professor psychiatric patients

Cronkite News’ mental health parity collaborative features Professor of Psychiatry Gerald Perman who answers your queries regarding Telepsychiatry.

Lane and Vana have worked to improve healthcare access at the Lummi tribal clinic by creating a residency training program with UW School of Medicine that trains psychiatry residents on culturally respectful care practices.

What is Psychiatry?

Psychiatry is the branch of medicine dedicated to diagnosing and treating mental illness. Psychiatrists are medical doctors (MDs) or doctor of osteopathic medicine (DOs), having completed four years of undergraduate study followed by at least four additional years in medical school before becoming licensed physicians. After residency training is complete they often pursue board certification through the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology; such professionals can work anywhere from private practice, hospitals and academic institutions.

Psychiatrists undergo residency programs that equip them to diagnose emotional and mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Furthermore, psychiatrists become skilled in administering psychotropic medications – such as antidepressants, mood stabilizers or antipsychotics. For informed prescription decisions psychiatrists need an in-depth knowledge of pharmacology as well as how different drugs affect both body and mind.

psychiatrists provide more than just medication – they also offer psychotherapy or counseling sessions, in which a patient and psychiatrist meet regularly to explore thoughts, feelings, behaviors, relationships that contribute to mental health issues in a person. Depending on the diagnosis given by doctors, specific psychotherapy techniques or an overall plan that includes both psychotherapy and medication may be recommended as treatment plans.

Psychopsychiatry encompasses many subspecialties, such as neuropsychiatry – which specializes in mental illness caused by diseases or injuries to the nervous system – geriatric psychiatry – which addresses older adults’ mental health needs – and consultation liaison psychiatry (which investigates interactions between other medical specialties and psychiatry). Some psychiatrists may choose to specialize in one demographic (children or women), conduct research or teach.

People experiencing ongoing and severe mental, emotional, or behavioral difficulties should seek professional psychiatric assistance immediately. Although it can be hard to admit there’s an issue at play, early treatment of mental health conditions is critical in saving lives and improving quality of life.

How can Psychiatry Help Me?

Psychiatry provides diagnosis and treatment of various mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, psychosis, addictions, poor body image, insomnia, hallucinations delusions or suicidal thoughts. Furthermore, psychiatrists work in collaboration with primary care physicians to offer patients the most effective care.

No matter your mental health condition – whether depression, anxiety or any other – psychiatry offers hope of recovery by tailoring medications and therapies to each unique situation.

The American Psychiatric Association is the nation’s premier medical specialty society dedicated to mental healthcare. They work tirelessly to advance psychiatry, raise awareness about its significance, advocate for patients by lobbying for increased funding for research, parity in insurance coverage and protection from abuses by managed-care companies.

In 2022, the American Psychological Association honored Professor Elyn Saks – founder and faculty director of the Saks Institute for Mental Health Law, Policy and Ethics at USC Gould School of Law – with its Patient Advocacy Award. Saks is an esteemed MacArthur Foundation Fellow as well as author of her memoir entitled “My Journey through Schizophrenia,” as well as recipient of Brain and Behavior Research Foundation’s Pardes Humanitarian Prize for her efforts in fighting stigma surrounding mental illness.

How Can Psychiatry Help You?

When it comes to mental health conditions, consulting a psychiatrist is an integral part of treatment. They treat conditions like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and depression – as well as offering prescription as well as helping their patients develop healthier ways to cope with symptoms.

Your doctor will first conduct a full assessment of both your mental and physical health, including reviewing your medical history. They may then use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders to diagnose any mental illnesses you might be suffering from and devise a customized treatment plan that may include therapy, medications or advice on creating support structures.

Your type of therapy depends on both your psychiatric diagnosis and severity of symptoms, with talk therapy (also known as psychotherapy) often used as the initial solution. If these are severe enough, however, neurostimulation therapies such as electroconvulsive therapy or repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation might also be recommended by your physician.

Psychiatrists can also be invaluable if you suffer from an ongoing condition, such as PTSD, anxiety or depression. Such ailments can significantly diminish quality of life and cause you to avoid activities and people. Medication or other treatments can help restore your quality of life and facilitate healthy relationships once more.

If your symptoms are too severe for treatment through telepsychiatry, psychiatric hospitals may offer short-term stays as an option to help keep them under control. These programs offer 24-hour inpatient care programs, partial hospitalization or day hospitalization or residential treatment in a supportive, safe and nurturing environment which will protect you from harming yourself or others.

If the cost of visiting a psychiatrist is an issue for you, know that many private practices offer what’s known as a sliding scale arrangement – this means the fees per session can be decreased depending on your income level. Online directories can help you locate such practitioners. Also check with your insurer to see if psychiatric services are covered under their policy.

What is Telepsychiatry?

Until recently, when someone needed to see their therapist or psychiatrist they would typically drive to a mental health clinic or hospital office and be subject to long wait times when they arrived. Some people even go through an unfortunate process known as “boarding”, when diagnosed with mental illness but forced to wait for admission into an inpatient psychiatric facility.

Delays often arise due to limited beds and staff availability at mental health facilities in remote areas; transport may also be limited for these facilities. Telepsychiatry offers an effective solution by enabling patients to access their psychiatrist without traveling; this enables them to receive care more conveniently while helping avoid delays when seeking care.

Telepsychiatry comes in various forms and each type is designed to serve unique functions. Home-based telepsychiatry provides patients of all ages with care in their homes from professionals that specialize in this form of telepsychiatry – this method often used by children and teenagers diagnosed with anxiety and depression. On the other hand, forensic telepsychiatry provides care for inmates at correctional facilities or those on suicide watch.

Telepsychiatry offers another benefit, that of helping emergency situations. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic many people were forced to remain indoors without going to their usual work or school and this has made receiving mental healthcare difficult for some of them. Telepsychiatry helps address these challenges by connecting patients directly with psychiatrists and therapists via video chat in the comfort of their own home.

When selecting a telepsychiatry provider, it is crucial that they adhere to HIPAA. Certain standard video conferencing apps and software do not comply with HIPAA, leading to privacy issues for patients. HIPAA-compliant providers utilize secure connections and encrypted data storage methods in order to keep patient information confidential.

December 20, 2023|Editorial

Massage Therapy Center – What is Subtle Energy?

subtle energy massage therapy center

Like electricity, subtle energy exists all around us but can be hard to grasp until one experiences it first-hand.

Start off by giving a friend or family member a foot massage; this exercise is an excellent way to tune into their body’s energy and discover how it operates.


Acupuncture has been practiced for more than 3000 years and is widely recognized as one of the oldest forms of medicine worldwide. Acupuncture involves balancing vital energy flows known as “qi or “chi” along pathways called meridians to maintain overall body wellness. Acupuncture uses thin needles inserted into the skin that only feel like a mild pinch, to provide pain relief from chronic headaches, menstrual cramps, back problems and osteoarthritis. Acupuncture may also help manage other health conditions, such as insomnia. Studies have demonstrated that acupuncture can significantly reduce both frequency and severity of migraine headaches, as well as help ease other chronic headaches. Acupuncture has also been shown to assist with controlling nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy and surgery, reduce fibromyalgia pain, and treat asthma — specifically allergic asthma, which the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology defines as caused by inhaling allergens like pollen, dust mites, food or mold particles.

People often report feeling peaceful and at peace after receiving an acupuncture session, as the needles stimulate brain chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine to be released by their bodies – chemicals which have been shown to alleviate stress, anxiety, depression and pain symptoms.

Polarity therapy complements massage in that it expands client awareness of their energy and cosmic forces that impact them. While massage may help with awareness of ergonomic factors and postural influences, polarity goes further by showing clients how to release unconscious holding patterns, creating greater spiritual and emotional balance and connection with the universe.

Cranial Sacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy, commonly referred to as CST, is a form of massage that utilizes light touch manipulation of cranial bones and sacrum as well as membranes lining the brain and spinal cord. Practitioners believe manipulating these structures can promote healing, alleviate physical or emotional discomforts and support natural self-healing mechanisms within our bodies.

CST practitioners typically begin the session by palpating the bones of the skull and sacrum with less than five grams (the weight of a quarter) of pressure, often using less than 10 g. While palpating, they may detect any uncontrollable movements of bones which indicate imbalance or restriction within their systems; CST practitioners are trained to recognize such subtle motions throughout their bodies and use their hands to gently adjust energy flow so as to restore equilibrium to all.

Once a therapist has palpated the cranium, they can move onto other parts of the body for manipulation. Gentle pulling of ears may release tension at frontal bones; hand compression on nose may reduce sinus pain and pressure on mandible. They may also induce “still points” by applying light finger pressure directly on head; according to Dr. Upledger’s research at CV-4 could significantly decrease sympathetic nervous system tone associated with fight-or-flight responses.

Though its benefits remain unclear, research indicates that Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST) massage can relieve tension and stress as well as improve overall quality of life. Furthermore, CST may treat headaches, chronic neck and back pain, as well as symptoms caused by fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis – however not all therapists are trained in the technique; to ensure maximum benefit it’s important to find one who specializes in CST and is certified in treating it.

Hot Stone Therapy

This popular massage technique utilizes warmed stones to relieve muscle tension and pain. These smooth basalt rocks eroded by moving waters are heated in a special stone warmer until they reach between 100-130 degrees Fahrenheit before your massage therapist places them strategically around your body – perhaps using them to work deeper into muscles!

Warm stone therapy can loosen tight muscles and release knots more easily for massage therapists to manipulate. Furthermore, its warmth may help promote muscle relaxation which could provide greater pain relief than with just traditional massage alone.

Hot stone massage can be used to address numerous conditions, including arthritis, fibromyalgia, sciatic nerve issues, spinal stenosis, plantar fasciitis and chronic fatigue. Furthermore, hot stone massage may provide additional benefits for stress or anxiety sufferers or insomniacs by stimulating blood flow while simultaneously relaxing nerves – helping you get better rest at night!

As with any massage, it is crucial that you communicate with your therapist if the stones are too warm or too cold for you. If their heat becomes intense, your therapist should move them faster to bring down their temperature to meet your comfort level. Furthermore, drinking plenty of water before and after undergoing this therapy treatment to avoid dehydration. While this therapy is generally safe for most individuals, those with high blood pressure or early pregnancy stages should consult their healthcare provider prior to beginning this practice.

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is an elegant massage technique that utilizes long gliding strokes over muscles and joints to increase circulation and relieve stress. A Swedish therapist typically employs five fundamental strokes: effleurage, petrissage, friction, tapotement and vibration. Effleurage strokes use long gliding motions that draw blood toward the heart while increasing tissue blood flow; petrissage strokes mimic dough-kneading action while petrissage relieves muscle tension while friction strokes use deep circular movements with thumbs or fingers for tight muscles or trigger points relief; finally tapotement is used rhythmically tapping or percussive movements which promote invigoration and revitalisation.

Swedish massage is an ideal way to ease tension and anxiety by relaxing all parts of the body at once. Additionally, it stimulates lymphatic system to flush out toxins from the system, as well as increasing flexibility and range of motion while decreasing high blood pressure levels.

Massage has an immense positive influence on one’s mood, as it increases serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin levels – decreasing these neurotransmitters can contribute to anxiety, depression and overall lethargy. Furthermore, studies show that massage lowers cortisol, the stress hormone, while improving sleep; further improving one’s wellbeing while simultaneously raising energy levels.

Regular massage can help treat symptoms associated with stress and anxiety, including chronic headaches and neck pain, as well as conditions like fibromyalgia and lower back pain. Massage may even provide relief to cancer survivors recovering from chemotherapy treatments by decreasing inflammation and fatigue associated with treatments while relieving anxiety, improving sleep quality and leading to improved immune function.


Aromatherapy involves using fragrant essential oils in massage, baths and skin care applications in order to promote physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Aromatherapy is a safe, relaxing and natural therapy which can improve mood, reduce pain and anxiety levels as well as sleep quality. Furthermore, Aromatherapy may also relieve nausea, constipation or headaches by alleviating pressure point areas of the scalp or neck.

At home, aromatherapy can also be utilized. An experienced aromatherapist can demonstrate how to use oil in diffusers, vaporizers or spray bottles; alternatively, you could combine it with carrier oils for use during massage therapy sessions.

Studies have revealed the therapeutic potential of certain essential oils to have positive psychological benefits and reduce stress responses. Lavender and chamomile oils in particular have been found to ease feelings of anxiety and depression while simultaneously encouraging relaxation. Other oils may alleviate fatigue, boost energy levels and enhance concentration.

Aromatherapists take great care in choosing an oil that best meets each person’s individual needs. After asking questions about medical history and symptoms, aromatherapists blend the oil with carrier oil for use during therapy sessions. Relaxing music might also be provided during sessions to enhance relaxation; scent preferences will likely also be discussed with you before being applied directly onto bare skin using light touch techniques.

Many cancer clinics and hospitals provide aromatherapy massage at no charge. If you are being treated for cancer, it is essential that you discuss aromatherapy with your doctors first, particularly if your immune system is compromised or you take medications that interact with certain oils.

Polarity massage using pure essential oils deepens both client and practitioner perspectives by targeting energy patterns in the body – often caused by trauma or unsupportive relationships.

December 20, 2023|Editorial

Biohacking Methods

biohacking methods

Biohacking methods should not be undertaken without thought and proper care should be taken when carrying out these techniques. Improper implementation could have serious health repercussions and should therefore be executed carefully to minimize risks to oneself or others. It is also wise to monitor which foods cause allergic reactions in individuals as well as any effects supplements might have on one’s body.

Biohackers frequently experiment with various strategies to increase physical performance and boost cognitive function, using everything from diet plans and intermittent fasting to wearable technologies and performance enhancing wearables.

Molecular biohacking

Molecular biohacking entails using natural and synthetic substances as supplements to enhance biological activities, such as vitamins, minerals, or peptides. Molecular biohackers use various devices such as smartwatches or glucose/blood pressure monitors to monitor physiological states and make changes in health – these generate large amounts of data which biohackers can analyze in order to improve their wellbeing.

Many are a little baffled by the term “biohacking.” In reality, it refers to any activity undertaken to manipulate one’s body for desired results; from changing diets and taking supplements, to light therapy devices or sleep tracking devices and improving athletic performance and recovery. Unfortunately, however, this broad definition could encourage individuals to engage in unhealthy or dangerous practices like injecting themselves with human growth hormones.

Gene editing is another form of biohacking popularly utilized by individuals looking to enhance both physical performance and appearance through genetic tinkering. To do so effectively, individuals require access to a laboratory; although amateur scientists could potentially conduct gene-editing experiments at home without needing an approved lab; due to no regulations governing this form of hacking there can be many risks involved including accidental releases of modified organisms that pose threats to public health and the environment as well as inadequate safety protocols from lab equipment providers and experimenters themselves.

Biohackers possess the capacity to generate infectious viruses that could be used for illicit purposes. A New York Times article reported in 2012 that hackers were working on developing a mutant flu virus more deadly than existing strains; yet to date, no pandemic-causing virus has been released by biohackers; nonetheless, its dangers must not be ignored and regulators need to closely inspect this growing trend.

Technology-based biohacking

Technology-based biohacking utilizes sensors and devices to gather information about one’s body and health, with this data then used to optimize physical performance, sleep patterns and health, achieve wellness goals or other wellness aims. Many high-profile individuals such as NFL superstar Tom Brady and actress Brooke Burke have adopted this approach and also incorporate techniques like cryotherapy, nutrient dense foods or intermittent fasting into it.

Wearable technology and fitness trackers have given rise to the quantified self movement, which enables individuals to gather detailed data about themselves and their performance. Biohackers take advantage of this information by tracking themselves and using it to make targeted changes in their lives; for instance, tracking sleeping patterns, blood pressure levels and glucose levels. With an in-depth view of themselves they can tailor diet and exercise routines accordingly for maximum potential gains.

Cognitive enhancement is another popular biohacking technique, designed to increase learning and memory capabilities. Cognitive enhancement may be achieved with nootropic supplements, neurofeedback training and meditation; or by eating foods proven to increase alertness and memory such as fish oil, DMAE, ginkgo biloba extracts and Rhodiola rosea. Cold therapy (cryotherapy chambers), chelating metals to reduce inflammation or clearing away senescent cells through ozone therapies or infra-red light may also contribute to cognitive enhancement.

Gene editing is one of the more extreme forms of biohacking, used to treat genetic disorders and enhance traits in plants, animals and humans. Unfortunately, gene editing does not come without its risks and ethical dilemmas, which may cause unintended mutations and create disagreement over whether its practice should even qualify as biohacking.

Biohacking practices vary significantly and some are supported by scientific research while others have yet to be tested in human trials. Individuals engaging in biohacking should only implement interventions which have been proven through rigorous science to work, such as NMD, Resveratrol or Metformin which are all commonly sold as longevity supplements.

Genetic engineering

Genetic engineering is a laboratory process which alters an organism’s genome to produce desired traits by adding, deleting or replacing segments of DNA. Genetic engineering techniques are increasingly being used in producing cancer therapies, brewing yeasts, genetically modified crops and animals as well as more complicated technologies. Scientists use genetic engineering techniques both for studying how their bodies work as well as for creating innovative technologies.

Genetically engineered plants have many advantages over natural ones, such as faster growth rates and resistance to disease. Furthermore, they require less water for cultivation as well as using no pesticides at all – for instance in Georgia much of the corn and cotton production uses genetically modified crops that produce proteins to kill harmful insects like Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria – this reduces pesticide usage while simultaneously making crops healthier than unmodified varieties.

Molecular biohacking has enabled scientists to create groundbreaking new technologies such as fluorescent proteins. This process involves inserting a gene that produces fluorescent colors into an organism and inserting this same gene into other organisms to produce their own fluorescent proteins. Scientists have found this technology especially helpful when studying Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

Genetic engineering offers another application of its use: to reverse biodiversity’s decline. Researchers from NC State and elsewhere are exploring methods of genetically engineering plants and animals for conservation, such as eliminating invasive rodents on islands or increasing American chestnut trees’ resistance against an invasive fungus.

Creation and use of genetically engineered animals raises many ethical considerations. Some believe that altering an animal’s genes would violate its inherent value; meanwhile, others fear genetically engineered creatures could disrupt ecosystems or be detrimental to humans.

Though genetically modified crops offer many advantages, their creation and use raise ethical considerations. Some people consider genetically engineering mosquitoes to control mosquito-borne diseases to be taking biotechnology too far and interfering with nature while disregarding Three Rs principles.

Informed consent

Biohacking is an engaging field that involves self-experimentation with various techniques for optimizing human performance, such as technology, supplements, or lifestyle changes to boost physical, emotional, or cognitive wellbeing. When engaging in this practice it’s critical that informed consent is considered in terms of ethics – this ensures individuals understand both risks and benefits involved with an action, as well as any long-term ramifications – particularly important if taking dangerous supplements or conducting experimental procedures.

Many biohackers are exploring innovative technologies and scientific research as a means of improving their health and wellness, with practices designed to make them feel more energetic and productive, thus leading them toward longer and healthier lives. Once seen as a niche activity, biohacking has since gained mainstream appeal and now takes place within mainstream society.

However, biohacking must also be treated responsibly and used responsibly; otherwise it could lead to negative repercussions and harm both individuals and others. If individuals don’t fully understand their risks when engaging in biohacking activities, they could end up endangering themselves or others without even realizing it. To safeguard safety and privacy effectively, avoid risky practices altogether and always consult a qualified healthcare provider.

Some biohackers attempt to delay aging by employing various techniques such as intermittent fasting and supplementation with resveratrol or NAD+; monitoring devices also provide vital signs. Meanwhile, more advanced genetic biohacking using CRISPR allows individuals to manipulate genes directly for desired traits or eliminate genetic disorders.

Ethical biohacking requires taking an holistic approach to wellness that encompasses every aspect of an individual’s life, such as mental and emotional wellness. This may involve mindfulness meditation and cognitive exercises designed to improve brain health as well as eating healthily, exercising regularly, and improving sleep patterns. One such ethical biohacking project that makes insulin more affordable and accessible for low-income individuals is The Open Insulin Project which emphasizes informed consent, community oversight and quality standards as a cornerstone.

December 20, 2023|Editorial

Does Vibration Therapy Work For Weight Loss?

does vibration therapy work for weight loss

Vibration therapy uses vibration to stimulate muscle contractions to burn calories and tone your body, while pregnant women, people with heart conditions and those wearing pacemakers can safely engage in it as long as the intensity does not cause back pain or injury.

Whole-body vibration therapy entails either standing or sitting on a vibrating platform to stimulate muscle contractions and ease tense muscles while healing injured tendons, ligaments and discs.

Improved Circulation

People often associate vibration therapy with weight loss; however, recent research indicates it can also provide overall health benefits.

Vibration-induced muscle contractions help improve blood circulation. This is particularly crucial for the peripheral vascular system, which relays, regulates, and distributes arterial blood all throughout the body as well as transporting venous blood back to its source at the heart. Furthermore, intensive vibration muscle contractions may break down scar tissue to allow tendon regeneration with new layer cells resulting in faster recovery times and less discomfort from chronic injuries.

Vibration can help relieve tension. For instance, if you have knots in your shoulder or neck area, vibration therapy may cause your muscles to contract and relax multiple times per second and help loosen up that area while increasing flexibility and range of motion. Vibration may also help ease migraines or severe headaches by increasing blood flow to affected areas and flushing out toxins in your body.

Whole-body vibration training has been shown to increase bone density and muscle mass. Research indicates this may be the result of mechanical interaction between skeletal muscles and bones, helping offset age-related sarcopenia and increasing growth hormone, parathyroid hormone and testosterone levels; all which can accelerate bone and muscle growth while aiding repair of microtears caused by exercise as well as decreasing the risk of osteoporosis.

Localized vibration can reduce muscle soreness and speed up healing of damaged tissues by stimulating your body’s natural healing processes. Furthermore, increased oxygen and nutrients to muscles and cells promote faster removal of metabolic waste produced by exercise resulting in faster removal of metabolic waste byproducts.

Vibration not only increases muscle strength and endurance, but can also reduce pain from chronic conditions like fibromyalgia or arthritis as well as relieve migraines or severe headaches. Furthermore, vibration improves balance, flexibility, skin appearance by stimulating collagen production within your body as well as promote balance amongst family members.

Increased Metabolism

Vibration therapy entails standing, sitting or performing exercises on equipment that oscillates to transmit vibration signals into body tissues and tendons, stimulating muscle contractions that improve balance, flexibility, and strength while simultaneously relieving stress, increasing circulation, flushing out toxins from the body and helping your body burn fat at rest – creating the potential for weight loss if combined with healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle.

Russian space program scientists and NASA space shuttle designers sought ways to prevent astronauts from experiencing muscle atrophy due to zero gravity conditions. Vibration technology using platforms that vibrated several times per second helped astronauts build muscle density. Later, physical therapists discovered this was also effective at augmenting workouts and building muscles.

Researchers recently conducted a study to see how whole-body vibration (WBV) affected people’s metabolisms, and discovered it can increase resting metabolic rates by 30%. Researchers speculated that vibration causes muscle contraction and relaxation which expend energy and leads to greater resting metabolic rates.

Vibrations also stimulate your bones, leading to greater bone density. They encourage blood flow throughout your body and may help prevent atherosclerosis–a condition in which plaque builds up inside your arteries, narrowing and hardening them until they eventually block blood supply to organs such as your heart, kidneys and brain – potentially leading to stroke or heart attack.

Vibration therapy may also help alleviate delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). DOMS causes pain and stiffness after strenuous exercise, restricting range of motion. Vibration therapy increases blood flow to muscles which speeds up delivery of nutrients needed to heal microtears caused by exercise and reduce muscle soreness.

Vibration may help increase metabolism by stimulating your gastrointestinal tract, believed to occur through vibration affecting nerves that control this part of the digestive process. Vibration has also been shown to enhance balance and flexibility as well as decrease injury risk.

Reduced Fat Cells

Vibration therapy can assist in your weight loss efforts by increasing metabolism and stimulating muscle growth and fat loss. Vibration plate exercises help improve balance and flexibility as well as reduce stress and tension for an overall better skin health result.

Vibration has long been used as an effective treatment option, including chronic muscle injury and bone density issues. Vibration-induced muscular contraction can even help prevent osteoporosis by stimulating bone growth; this occurs through repeated short pulses of high-magnitude mechanical stimulation delivered by vibration-induced muscular contraction to connected bones thereby stimulating and encouraging their regeneration and stimulating bone growth.

Vibration frequency and G-force impact the interaction between skeletal muscles and their supporting connective tissues, leading to intensive muscle contraction induced by vibration. This promotes circulation improvements as well as physiological processes leading to tendon tissue regeneration – breaking down scar tissue while encouraging living muscle cells to replace it with new living muscle tissue.

Studies have demonstrated that vibration exercise increases bone density for both men and women, and may even slow down postmenopausal bone loss. Vibrations stimulate production of osteoblasts – cells responsible for creating and strengthening bones – as well as improve calcium absorption; all factors critical for health bones.

Vibration therapy may also be effective at treating conditions like Parkinson’s disease. By stimulating muscle fibers and raising dopamine levels in the brain, vibration therapy may alleviate symptoms like tremors. Furthermore, vibration helps prevent or delay DOMS, or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness which often occurs as an aftereffect of physical exertion injuries.

Vibration machines, often referred to as power plates, use vibration to treat all areas of your body or target specific areas for targeted treatment. You’ll find them at physical therapy clinics as well as some chiropractic offices; home users can purchase one as well. Ripple Ball devices offer different frequencies so you can choose one suitable to you.

Reduced Cellulite

Whole-body vibration therapy is an excellent weight-loss strategy when combined with healthy eating habits and regular physical activity. A recent study demonstrated this by finding that people using vibration machines for six months, two to three times weekly for 6 months saw 26% cellulite reduction!

Vibration training can also increase muscle mass while burning calories to assist weight loss. According to studies, when our bodies feel vibrations they send signals to muscles to contract and relax more rapidly causing them to burn more calories at rest than usual.

Vibration therapy can aid weight loss by improving circulation. Improved blood flow can flush away toxins from the body, leading to less inflammation and creating a healthier-looking complexion.

Women often undertake power plate vibration training, which entails standing or sitting on a vibration platform while performing exercises while the device is active. Vibrations should stimulate muscles and help decrease cellulite. Unfortunately, long-term exposure could harm internal organs.

These devices produce vibrations between 25-50Hz that can be felt throughout the body; these vibrations can also have an impactful impact on bones, joints, and internal organs. Professional treatment should always be sought as they can adjust settings so as not to harm internal organs or joints during treatment sessions.

Vibration therapy not only reduces cellulite and fat accumulation, but can also enhance balance and flexibility, promote lymph node activity, and aid the body’s natural detoxification processes.

Though further research needs to be completed in order to confirm these benefits of vibration therapy, some studies suggest it could reduce osteoporosis risk and joint pain by stimulating bone formation and decreasing bone resorption. Furthermore, vibration therapy has also been found to increase strength gains during physical activities as well as speed of recovery afterwards.