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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

December 16, 2023|Editorial

What Can Energy Medicine Do For You?

energy medicine practitioner

Energy medicine practitioners believe that subtle energy fields surrounding the body can be used therapeutically. Energy practitioners may follow one particular tradition or work independently.

At an energy healing session, the practitioner will lay their hands over or near a patient’s body, or “charge up” water that the person drinks from a bottle provided by them.

What is Energy Medicine?

Many healing traditions recognize the significance of energy within our bodies. Practitioners seek to promote its free flow throughout their surroundings – which is known as the human biofield – while others focus on rebalancing areas where energy has been blocked or unbalanced, leading to health and wellness benefits.

Healthcare practitioners are increasingly turning to energy therapies in their practice, believing that physical wellbeing relies on an invisible network of interdependent energy systems such as meridians used in acupuncture, chakras and aura. When illness presents itself physically it often first shows itself energetically first – often signalling imbalanced systems needing rebalancing.

Holistic wellness is an exhilarating field with immense potential to transform our understanding of health and wellness, so it is vital that holistic practitioners familiarise themselves with its principles and practices – an ancient yet rapidly developing science.


Traditional medicine emphasizes anatomy and physiology for its teachings; energy therapy relies on physics. According to this philosophy, energy fields purported to exist inside and around our bodies (known as human biofield) drive our cellular and bodily processes; disturbances to this energy may result in illness.

Energy medicine uses various techniques, some involving touch, to promote the flow of energy in our bodies. These may include acupuncture (including acupressure and therapeutic touch), medical qigong and Reiki.

At Thrive Wellness Center, we offer non-invasive energy medicine treatments. Our founder and Chief Medical Officer Filiz Bakir, AP, DOM is an energy medicine practitioner trained by Donna Eden – one of the world’s foremost advocates for this rapidly emerging area of healing. She can see your energies with an uncanny ability that clairvoyants do and is adept at using energy testing to identify specific imbalances within each individual’s energy system that need correcting. Furthermore, Filiz teaches her clients basic self-care techniques so that their energies stay balanced over time.

How is Energy Medicine Helpful?

Energy healing techniques can be highly effective at correcting disturbances in the human energy field, helping reduce symptoms of stress and pain as well as prevent disease and promote wellness. Such practices include Reiki, Acupuncture, Acupressure and Healing Sprayers among many others that work towards balancing body energy while increasing Qi – our life force energy.

Energy medicine practitioners believe that the body is much more than muscles and bones; its energetic field affects overall health and wellbeing, being affected by emotions, mental states and even environmental influences. Energy practitioners use various techniques to manipulate this field so as to heal physical as well as emotional ailments.

Some individuals may question the effectiveness of energy medicine; however, these techniques have been practiced for millennia. Furthermore, modern scientific research supports that our energy fields can be affected by various factors, including disease and illness.

Energy therapy can provide relief for pain, anxiety, fatigue and depression while improving sleep patterns. Furthermore, energy healing may lower risk of heart disease and cancer by decreasing stress levels – this is accomplished by stimulating meridians which allow qi (energy) to flow throughout your body.

Due to environmental influences such as pollution and electromagnetic radiation, our energy fields are susceptible to disruption from outside sources; as such it’s crucial that practitioners trained in various forms of energy medicine practices be sought out.

Energy Medicine Specialists (EMS) is an organization that offers beginner to advanced courses for energy medicine. Janna Moll, who founded EMS in 1994, no longer lives among us physically but her legacy lives on with the team of highly qualified instructors and practitioners who continue her legacy today. Janna is considered an expert in her field having published “The Biological Roots of Energy Medicine“. EMS offers courses such as energy healing certifications for beginners as well as advanced practitioners; holistic nutrition; Reiki; yoga; and acupressure are also among its offerings.

What are the Benefits of Energy Medicine?

Energy medicine can help you feel better in your body, have greater clarity and focus, strengthen immunity or live more consciously in tune with nature’s rhythms – it all adds up.

Energy healers provide a deep, gentle and non-invasive means of balancing your energies for maximum health, joy and vitality. Additionally, they may assist you in clearing away blocks in your energetic field that might be impeding the creation of what you truly desire.

Energy healing modalities have developed over time, such as therapeutic touch, healing touch and Reiki. All three techniques involve using one’s hands to assess and balance out energy fields within the body – unlike traditional medicine which primarily considers each part as separate units; energy healing sessions treat people holistically by considering both mental and emotional wellbeing as part of overall well-being.

China, Hinduism, Tibetanism and Polynesian culture have long held that physical wellbeing depends on an invisible network of interdependent energy systems that support it. Any manifestations of illness in either body or mind may actually reflect imbalances within these energy networks that govern health.

Energy medicine draws upon ancient knowledge to work directly with the body’s energy systems for wellness. An Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner has been specially trained to monitor these energy systems, perform energy testing and teach you a daily routine for keeping yourself in harmony and in flow.

Energy healing sessions can provide light into dark corners of your being and identify any emotions that have become stuck and unreleased, facilitating healing and release to enable you to create what it is that you truly desire. A session with an energy healer may complement other forms of therapy or treatment for more serious health conditions as well as act as stand alone therapy treatment.

Janna Moll (deceased 2016) established Energy Medicine Specialists as a training institute, offering beginner to advanced coursework on various energy healing modalities. Today EMS continues with a team of highly-qualified instructors and practitioners committed to excellence in energy medicine.

What are the Risks of Energy Medicine?

Energy healing, when administered by trained professionals, is generally considered safe. This complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatment has long been recognized for its ability to relieve stress, promote balance, and support the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Energy healing may help relieve anxiety, chronic pain and digestive disorders while simultaneously mitigating side effects associated with chemotherapy or radiation therapies.

Energy medicine is founded on the idea that all living things, from rocks to humans, contain an invisible form of energy at their core. When our energy patterns become disturbed due to illness or disease, energy medicine may help balance them to facilitate healing processes.

Energy medicine encompasses various therapies such as acupuncture, Reiki, Healing Touch and massage therapy. Each form works to manipulate the body’s biofield by clearing away blockages, rebalancing energy flows and improving flow. Acupuncture uses thin needles to stimulate acupressure points and restore equilibrium within its energy field, while Healing Touch uses intention and meditation to produce sub ELF vibrational fields which entrain with your biofield to shift imbalances within it.

There is also a form of energy healing known as Qigong that combines physical exercises, breath regulation and mindfulness meditation into one holistic healing practice. Qigong has been demonstrated to reduce blood pressure, heart rate and breathing rates while simultaneously increasing vitality.

Energy healing practitioners must uphold high ethical standards when practicing energy healing, not using this practice as a replacement for conventional medical care. If you are suffering from an acute or serious medical condition, seek traditional treatment from an authorized healthcare provider.

Jill Leigh is an internationally recognized Energy Healer, educator, and author of “The Power of the Heart: A Guide to Grounded Presence.” Her passion for helping both practitioners and self-healers achieve grounded presence inspired her to develop practical tools and techniques which have become part of her own practice.

December 16, 2023|Editorial

Reverse Aging Workout

reverse aging workout

Tech executive Bryan Johnson is spending $2 Million per year to stop his body’s natural aging process by exercising for 45-60 minutes every day, seven days a week.

Endurance exercises like walking, hiking, jogging, swimming and cycling help strengthen your heart, improve blood circulation and can actually reverse some aspects of cellular aging while maintaining bone density.

1. Strength Training

Strength training doesn’t just benefit bodybuilders and marathon runners; its age reversing benefits are available to anyone, no matter your fitness level or experience level. Studies show that lifting weights regularly slows down the natural aging process in humans while building muscle mass, protecting bone density and speeding metabolism can all play an integral part of burning fat efficiently.

Exercise helps combat disease-related declines in muscle strength, improve balance and coordination, and enhance physical function. You can choose from an assortment of resistance exercises like chest and leg presses, triceps extensions, lat pull-downs, seated rows and standing calf raises to keep you challenged throughout your session. As soon as your fitness level has been assessed, start off slowly increasing weights, reps and sets until reaching optimal performance levels.

Strive for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiovascular activity each week and two days of muscle strengthening exercises a week, working out in consultation with your personal trainer in order to find an ideal workout for you and your fitness level and health goals. If this is your first experience in strength training, start off slowly; use short and simple programs targeting all major muscle groups on non-consecutive days of the week while selecting weights which challenge but don’t overwhelm – each set should feel achievable without sacrificing form.

HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is another effective method for building strength. According to researchers at Mayo Clinic, these exercises enhance mitochondrial cell function – something which may slow the aging process. Begin your session with 5-minute warm-up of light cardio and perform each workout one by one with brief rest between each. After six or more weeks of consistent strength training it may be safe to increase weights, reps or sets as desired without experiencing pain or discomfort.

2. Aerobics

Aerobics is an aerobic fitness regime that works quickly to pump your heart up, oxygen rushing through, burning fat and increasing energy. Furthermore, aerobics may even reverse signs of aging by increasing levels of cyclin D1 protein which transforms dormant stem cells into new healthy ones – and in so doing has the power to reverse aging processes in your body.

Finding an aerobics class tailored to your fitness level and needs can be challenging, with classes ranging from those which focus on gentle floor-based movements and stretches to high repetition moves to shape and tone muscle groups. High intensity interval training (HIIT) has recently made waves; this form of workout alternating short bursts of intense exercise with quick recovery periods for increased metabolism and fat loss; however it should probably only be undertaken by those already possessing adequate physical fitness as its intensity can be high.

Endurance exercises such as walking, swimming and cycling can also provide anti-ageing benefits by helping reduce metabolic changes associated with aging. But more intensive forms of aerobic exercise offer greater anti-ageing advantages.

They do so by stimulating the heart and lungs to adapt to an increased demand for oxygen, helping muscles increase their ability to use it effectively and thus leading to more effective regulation of blood sugar, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, improved flexibility and reduced dementia risk.

3. Yoga

No matter your age or stage of life, practicing yoga can benefit both teens and approaching retirement alike by strengthening balance, strength and flexibility; increasing sleep quality; decreasing stress and depression levels; as well as helping reverse osteoporotic fractures that come with ageing.

Many assume that in order to reap the health and longevity benefits of exercise, one needs to be an elite bodybuilder or marathon runner. But in reality, you just need to find something enjoyable that makes sense to your schedule, then commit yourself.

Yoga is an effective exercise regimen to counter the effects of aging because it combines resistance training and balance exercises into one low-to-medium intensity workout that can easily be modified for different fitness levels and injuries. Yoga helps prevent age-related bone loss while strengthening muscles and joints and decreasing pain from arthritis or back issues.

Yoga combines ancient Eastern philosophy with Western fitness and wellness practices. It focuses on postures, breathing, mindfulness and meditation. A practitioner often greets other practitioners by saying “namaste,” which translates to “to you.” Yoga provides excellent exercises for both the mind and body – keeping both young and healthy!

Before undertaking any new exercise program, it is wise to always seek medical advice first. If you suffer from an underlying medical condition like osteoporosis, for instance, yoga poses and stretches should be tailored accordingly – for instance avoiding poses that strain or twist the spine should be avoided in particular. A physical therapist may provide recommendations as to how best adapt your yoga regimen for better results.

4. Pilates

Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise designed to strengthen strength, stability, flexibility and body awareness. Pilates has gained increasing attention within fitness circles as an injury preventative and rehabilitation method.

Pilates exercises require precise body positioning to build core muscle strength* and maintain proper spinal alignment, helping reduce and prevent back pain as well as injuries in knees, shoulders, wrists and hips. Furthermore, this practice improves posture and balance enabling more easeful and fluid movements during daily activities, and even brightening your mood!

Plyometric exercise can also help increase bone density* by challenging both your muscles and bones against gravity. Plyometric movements include jumping and forceful stepping – two activities which strengthen muscles while placing more strain on bones. A good starting point would be standing on an edge of a Pilates box with feet about shoulder-width apart, then jumping up-up-down-down as part of an easy plyometric workout session.

Like yoga and tai chi, Pilates is an exercise which entails mind-body concentration to understand how your muscles work together and focus on breathing – both can help ease anxiety and depression, and increase cognitive function. Research has confirmed this effect of Pilates practice on cognitive performance.

5. Stretching

Stretching is a form of physical exercise that involves moving or holding parts of the body with the intent of lengthening muscles, either by moving them around the body, holding positions for prolonged periods, or both. Stretching can help relax, prepare for activity or build strength – and can be performed anywhere with appropriate equipment. Stretching can serve a number of different purposes depending on its purpose; pain should not be part of any stretching session – if this occurs it should stop immediately and reassess to determine whether you are pushing too hard if this occurs stop and assess whether this stretch session needs further modification or reconsider reassessment should occur.

One common error people make when stretching is trying to do too much or too quickly. To maximize its benefits, stretching should last between 20-45 seconds each time, repeated three or four times for any muscle group that requires loosening up. You should avoid bouncing as you stretch, which could injure muscles further and tighten them even more quickly.

Static or passive stretching can cause injuries when done incorrectly and has even been shown to reduce muscular strength in some studies. Dynamic stretching on the other hand, however, can increase mobility and flexibility; dynamic stretches should preferably be performed before working out or playing sport to warm up muscles and increase range of motion.

Aerobic exercises such as running, walking and cycling have been proven to combat some of the effects of aging by increasing bone density and encouraging cell division. High intensity interval training (HIIT), another great form of aerobic exercise that reverses some effects of aging is also an excellent way to enhance health and reduce some effects associated with growing older. HIIT alternates short bursts of intense exercise with quick recovery periods in between; studies have proven its ability to boost metabolism and burn fat.

December 16, 2023|Editorial

How Does Vibration Therapy Work?

does vibration therapy work

Vibration therapy stimulates muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones and nerves – helping improve balance and muscular endurance at the same time.

Localized vibration therapy has been shown to decrease bone density loss while whole-body vibration increases bone strength and muscle mass. The effects of vibration therapy vary depending on its frequency, amplitude and body site; its benefits depend on these factors as well.

What is Vibration Therapy?

Vibration therapy is a noninvasive therapy that employs vibrations transmitted throughout the body to induce muscle contraction and relaxation, bone-building cells known as osteoblasts, and other biological functions. Studies have demonstrated its ability to improve balance, muscular endurance and bone density by transmitting vibrations through vibration platforms or hand-held devices such as our Ripple Ball that transmit vibrations directly into targeted body areas. Studies have also indicated improvements in balance and muscular endurance as well as boosts bone density. Vibration therapy comes in two primary forms – whole-body or localized; standing on or sitting on one such platform exercises the entire body from head to toe while our Ripple Ball transmits vibrations directly onto specific body parts by transmitting vibrations from hand held devices like our Ripple Ball transmitting vibrations directly onto certain body parts through vibration transmission devices that transmit vibrations directly onto them – either way it will improve balance, muscular endurance as well as boost bone density. It can improve balance while muscular endurance while increasing bone density by improving balance and muscular endurance as well as increasing bone density by improving balance as well as increasing bone density by improving balance, muscular endurance as well as increasing bone density by improving balance as well as increasing bone density while simultaneously improving balance by providing exercise on vibrating platforms with vibration transmission from head-to-toe and localized devices like Ripple Ball that transmit vibrations only certain parts.

Vibrating your muscles during a workout causes the skeletal muscle receptors to contract and relax, and mechanical stimulation has the same effect on bones causing them to increase or decrease cellular activity. This has an immediate impact on muscle growth as it allows for greater range of motion; strengthening and performance benefits are also increased, which reduces injury risk.

Vibration therapy has proven itself effective at stimulating muscle contraction and bone growth while simultaneously alleviating inflammation and alleviating pain. Vibrations also enhance circulation, helping reduce stiffness and joint ache that could hinder training or recovery processes; finally it also aids fat burnoff reducing risks of injury while improving performance.

Vibration therapy has many advantages, one being its ability to reduce DOMS or delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). DOMS typically occurs 72 hours post exercise due to the overactivity of fast-twitch muscle fibers recruited during workouts that leads to damage of these fibers; Vibration therapy has been shown to significantly lessen DOMS by decreasing activation levels on these muscle fibers; this results in less inflammation and faster muscle recovery.

Vibration therapy may also be effective at alleviating and even eliminating chronic tendon injuries by activating its regenerative capabilities. Since tendons are dense fibers of collagen with limited blood flow and only limited living cells present, healing time may take some time when injured. Rapid and intensive muscle contractions produced by vibration therapy may accelerate healing by breaking down scar tissue formation and signaling stem cell differentiation to create new tendon tissue growth.

Does Vibration Therapy Work?

Vibration therapy is a type of physical exercise therapy which employs vibration to exercise muscles. There are two primary forms: whole-body (WBV) and localized. WBV uses a vibrating platform which targets all areas of the body from head to toe; localized vibration therapy such as Ripple Ball can target specific body areas locally. Both forms help improve muscle strength, balance, flexibility and production of regenerative and repair hormones as well as boost basal metabolic rate, improve lymph drainage and decrease cellulite formation.

Vibrating muscles stimulate the nervous system, prompting muscles to contract. Vibrations also stimulate bones and joints, increasing bone density while improving circulation, as well as reduce pain and improve muscle tone. WBV may also boost serotonin levels for improved mood and energy, reduce blood pressure and eliminate fat deposits.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of vibration therapy to help treat muscle injuries and speed recovery time, improve balance and mobility, prevent bone loss and even stop its progression. Results may differ across studies due to variations in frequency and amplitude between devices available on the market – making a big difference to expected outcomes.

When using a vibration device, it’s essential to use it correctly to avoid muscle soreness, fatigue, and pain. Furthermore, choosing the appropriate amplitude and frequency settings for any given condition or injury – lower frequency/amplitude vibration may help with injury prevention, while higher frequencies/amplitudes might promote muscle growth.

Vibration therapy offers many advantages, yet isn’t suitable for everyone. It may even be harmful for some patients with preexisting conditions; therefore it should be avoided during pregnancy, by those with pacemakers or metal pins/plates implanted, people with open wounds/rashes and those at risk for blood clotting; additionally vibrations can be unpleasant to those who have sensitive stomachs or digestive issues.

Does Vibration Therapy Help with Pain?

Vibration Therapy is a noninvasive form of physical stimulation and exercise for muscles, joints, ligaments and discs. The technique works to activate natural mechanisms in your body that reduce pain, strengthen muscles, increase bone density, improve circulation and lymph flow, reduce inflammation and stimulate cell growth – as well as enhance balance, motor skills and gait.

Vibration force induces involuntary muscle contraction through the tonic vibration reflex (TVR), which is activated by excitation of Ia afferent signals from neuromuscular spindles and leads to the recruitment of additional inactive fibers during sessions. Furthermore, vibration signals may stimulate growth through activation of mTOR protein kinase pathway which inhibits cell degradation that promotes skeletal muscle mass loss.

Studies show that vibration therapy can increase bone density and decrease osteoporosis risk by stimulating skeletal muscle growth and encouraging cell differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells, which create bone tissue. Vibration also simulates physical loading on the musculoskeletal system to provide similar anabolic effects as physical loading – helping prevent the incidence of sarcopenia (when bone mass decreases due to lack of activity).

Under whole-body vibration therapy, rapid vibration force activates the proprioceptive sensory system to cause your tendons and ligaments to contract and relax, helping improve circulation while relieving pain by stimulating tight muscle groups to release tension, soothing nerves and soothing irritations. This process helps improve circulation while relieving tension from tensed muscle groups for improved blood flow while soothing irritations in nerves.

Localized vibration therapy involves using a handheld device to target specific muscle groups for vibration therapy. It has proven successful at treating various painful conditions, including fibromyalgia, thoracic outlet syndrome, tennis elbow and plantar fasciitis; additionally it has also been found helpful for relieving migraines and headaches.

Though additional research needs to be completed, numerous positive studies support the efficacy of vibration therapy. Not only can it increase muscle strength but it can also widen range of motion and relieve arthritis-induced joint pain; alleviate chronic muscle discomfort; increase circulation – two factors important to those with fibromyalgia; as well as reduce chronic back injury pain by stimulating production of new muscle cells that replace damaged ones.

Does Vibration Therapy Help with Muscle Pain?

Vibration therapy can be used to alleviate muscle pain by stimulating blood flow and reducing inflammation, breaking down scar tissue, and stimulating new cell growth – especially helpful during recovery from muscle injury or chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia. Research has also indicated that vibration therapy helps decrease myofascial pain and autogenic inhibition as well as pre-workout warming up muscles for increased joint flexibility as well as easing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) after training sessions.

Vibration therapy is an all-natural, side effect-free way of relieving pain that has earned praise from physicians and fitness experts alike. Vibration is a reliable solution for osteoarthritis, sports injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia pain management as well as migraine relief and severe headaches.

Vibration offers another alternative to anti-inflammatory medications: stimulation of the proprioceptive system. This stimulates receptors found in muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints to relax or contract; furthermore it balances neurotransmitters which helps decrease muscle pain by inhibiting excessive contractions.

Research has also demonstrated how vibration can boost circulation by increasing oxygen levels to muscle tissues, leading to faster protein synthesis and lessened metabolic waste accumulation. An increase in blood flow is also critical in recovering from exercise-induced muscle soreness as it facilitates faster delivery of nutrients and eliminates waste product build-up.

Vibration therapy can also help prevent injuries by helping promote muscle growth and improving bone density. This is important considering many people age while experiencing bone and joint issues; the Russian Space program uses vibration to strengthen astronauts’ bones and muscles for up to 420 days without experiencing bone loss!

Vibration therapy can be performed using either whole-body or targeted devices. Standing or sitting on a platform vibrating the entire body from head to toe is one option; another way is using handheld devices that transmit vibrations directly into targeted areas, like Ripple Ball.

December 16, 2023|Editorial

Alternatives to Couples Therapy

Alternatives to couples therapy offer another means for healing and strengthening relationships. Examples include books written by experts in this field, online tools that offer interactive exercises, workshops and seminars.

If abuse is present, therapists must assess both its level and any willingness for change on behalf of both partners involved. They may use dialectical behavioral therapy techniques such as dialectical regression therapy in order to help couples unlearn harmful patterns of interaction.

Gottman Method

The Gottman Method is an alternative relationship therapy approach geared toward preventing divorce and creating fulfilling long-term relationships. Based on extensive research, its approach helps couples repair damaged trust, resolve conflict peacefully, and create shared meaning – as well as improve individual happiness.

The Gottman method employs personal assessments and activities to help couples strengthen their relationships. Within the first few sessions, a Gottman method therapist will assess both of the partners in terms of strengths and issues that brought them into therapy; interview both members separately as well as together – this assessment typically lasts three sessions with questionnaires that the therapist reviews with both partners involved.

Therapists provide couples with guidance in recognizing negative communication patterns and developing healthier alternatives. For instance, this might mean cherishing each other’s positive qualities, showing gratitude and avoiding toxic criticism or trashing their partner. They may also identify and address four horsemen: criticism, defensiveness, contempt and stonewalling.

Gottman method therapists are specially trained to assess couples’ needs and develop tailored treatment plans, typically working with them for up to ten sessions; however, the duration is entirely up to the couple and their therapist; meetings could occur more or less frequently or intensively over two or four days.

Couples seeking Gottman method therapy must be willing and committed to participating fully and applying its techniques outside of session sessions, making this therapy form difficult to use for couples experiencing physical domestic violence. Furthermore, this form of therapy should not be performed unless both partners agree on doing the required “homework.”

Imago Relationship Therapy

Harville Hendrix developed Imago Relationship Therapy based on his best-selling book “Getting the Love You Want.” This alternative relationship therapy seeks to enhance communication, conflict resolution and connection while helping couples establish shared vision for their relationships.

The Imago model emphasizes understanding each partner’s needs and desires in a relationship, and views relationship conflicts as unwitting opportunities for both partners to grow – in contrast to many other models which view incompatibility as a problem and suggest finding another match or breaking up altogether.

An Imago therapist can guide couples through the process of discovering their needs, creating a safe space to express emotions safely, and developing empathy between themselves. Furthermore, Imago encourages couples to communicate in an honest manner without blame or criticism; this technique is known as zero negativity and requires both partners refraining from criticizing or attacking each other during and outside sessions.

Imago sessions typically last one hour; however, a therapist trained in Imago may offer longer or intensive sessions depending on their schedule and client’s individual needs.

Therapeutic alliance is key for any therapy’s success; therefore it’s crucial that both you and your partner feel at ease with the person leading them through it. When searching for an Imago therapist, we suggest scheduling an initial phone call so you can discuss training and experience before making your final selection. Doing this will give an accurate sense of who the right fit might be for both of you in terms of approach to therapy.

Emotionally Focused Therapy

Emotionally focused therapy (EFT) is an approach to relationship counseling that interprets disagreements as being caused by insecure attachments between partners, which can help address a range of problems such as disconnection, mistrust, reactivity and violence between couples.

Therapists work with their clients to identify the underlying emotions and fears driving negative interaction patterns. Usually these stem from fears related to childhood abandonment or neglect experiences; patients are taught how to express these underlying emotions with empathy and understanding during sessions; therapists may use techniques known as emotion coaching that help clients experience and transform unhelpful emotions.

At the outset of therapy, therapists focus on deescalating conflict and helping couples express their deepest emotional needs more openly. Additionally, they work to establish new and stronger bonds within couples that ultimately come to fruition as part of steps five through nine of treatment.

Studies have proven the effectiveness of this form of therapy over time; however, if symptoms continue post-treatment then consult your therapist or physician immediately.

Emotionally Focused Therapy is grounded in attachment theory, which proposes that humans and higher primate animals possess an innate need to bond with one another, making emotional contact beneficial in maintaining health. It has since been adopted into family settings as an approach for relationship therapy; particularly useful when distress or conflict exist within relationships or when individuals struggle with expressing emotions freely or perceive doing so as weakening oneself.

Narrative Therapy

Narrative therapy encourages individuals to explore their personal narratives with an experienced therapist, which may influence decisions, behaviors, experiences, and relationships in several aspects of their life. Narrative therapy practitioners can assist people in recognizing and challenging dominant problem-saturated stories as well as creating alternatives which serve them more effectively.

Narrative therapy is a client-centric and non-blaming form of psychotherapy designed to create distance between an individual and their problem so they can better recognize its effects on their life. A therapist will encourage individuals to share their experiences, listen attentively and ask open-ended questions in order to explore these experiences further and adapt it according to each person’s specific needs.

Example: A client might describe being in an unhappy relationship and their therapist might ask them to name their problems to further clarify the situation, before using deconstruction techniques to understand its root source – whether this means loneliness or feeling vulnerable in their relationship, for instance.

They will then work with them to develop new stories they can implement into their lives, such as setting goals and reframing thought patterns that can shift perspectives, leading to positive mental health results. This approach helps people feel more in control of their situation while making changes based on values; medically reviewed studies indicate it may even help treat PTSD effectively.

Relational Life Therapy

Relational Life Therapy is an alternative relationship therapy focusing on helping couples resolve conflict and rebuild trust, working through past traumas that may impact relationships, as well as teaching practical skills-building approaches that teach healthy communication, emotional intelligence and empathy to enhance relationship health.

This approach emphasizes creating a safe and nonjudgmental space for clients to explore their relationship dynamics without fear of judgment from others. It draws inspiration from various theories and practices such as attachment theory and family systems therapy; psychodynamic theory also informs its implementation; the latter asserts that an individual’s early experiences and relationships with caregivers shape psychological development as well as adult behavior and relationship patterns.

RLT stands apart from other models of couples counselling by inviting both partners to actively engage in therapy sessions together. This approach allows each partner to recognize their role in destructive dynamics and find solutions. Furthermore, RLT creates a safe space where individuals can express themselves without fear of blame, anger or retaliation – helping foster feelings of freedom and connection within relationships.

RLT therapists help their clients identify and repair harmful communication patterns, take personal accountability for their actions, and increase emotional resilience. Furthermore, RLT practitioners teach clients how to heal from past traumas in an open, compassionate, and respectful manner while working through conflicts peacefully and harmoniously. Lastly, RLT practitioners help clients recognize signs of abuse in relationships while aiding them in taking decisive actions against it.

RLT therapists take an understanding and supportive approach when helping their clients navigate family of origin patterns to help them better understand how their relationship dynamics may be tied back to childhood experiences. If they discover abusive behaviors like financial manipulation or verbal aggression among couples in treatment, RLT therapists usually discontinue treatment immediately.

December 15, 2023|Editorial

Tips About How To Effectively Handle Cancers

default img contentomatic - 1 Tips About How To Effectively Handle Cancers

Existence generally may have a means of surprising you, regardless of whether it’s in a good way or maybe in a frightening way. Unfortunately, each and every year hundreds of thousands are shocked with all the reports that they have many forms of cancer. You or your family can overcome again in opposition to this illness with the help of the helpful advice in this article.

It’s vital that you take diagnosis and the chance of earlier therapy, really, when considering many forms of cancer. Discover ways to personal-take a look at yourself for varieties of cancer of the skin, colorectal, prostate, cervix and chest. Be sure you carry out inspections frequently so that you can commence battling early and offer oneself the most effective chance probable.

You might want to consider relaxation when you find yourself fighting cancer and receiving therapy. Many people get deep breathing really comforting and so they have stated that it enables them to really deal with the malignancy and also the treatment options they are obtaining. It will also aid to discourage indications of depressive disorders.

After the cancer diagnosis, try to keep your way of life as regular as is possible. You might need to develop alterations, but a consistent program can help you sense more like oneself. Because your programs might need to be changed in the drop of any cap, consider daily mainly because it comes and enjoy it.

Conveying your passion for a person with cancers doesn’t constantly have to be done vocally. You can just be there for an individual bodily to aid them and also to present your moral assist. Some kinds of malignancy can be really rough, and the affected person may possibly be unable to maintain her or himself. Make sure you’re there for these people.

Try not to smother a family member or buddy who may have malignancy. People might instinctively be encouraging and go crazy. Demonstrate your care and problem on a regular basis, but try not to snoop or contact continuously. If you do, your steps may have the exact opposite impact as you wish and they might press you from their existence.

Retaining a journal of what you listen to doctors or the way you actually decide to fight the ailment may be beneficial. You can often grow to be puzzled and particularly disappointed when fighting malignancy, so having some information to make reference to will help you keep in mind the methods you had arranged on taking to conquer the disease.

Be ready to have “close friends” when you’ve obtained malignancy, for example, all those you may have enabled to you. These folks also have nurse practitioners, chemo experts, oncologists or anybody that assist you, enable you to or empathizes with the circumstance. Nobody has actually earned a cancers fight by themselves, and there’s no reason to tension your self out striving. Allow the people who can assist you do their careers.

Whether you have a recent malignancy medical diagnosis or if you’ve been preventing it a little while, you may want to go into a support group. It is beneficial to talk to other cancers sufferers to check your physical and mental challenges. If you are comfy adequate to do so, encourage your family members for the group to enable them to understand what you’re going through and the way to support you.

Lots of women will delay getting a mammogram as they are frightened of the results. It can be scary considering that you may possibly be diagnosed with cancer but it is far more scary to not hold the evaluating accomplished. The sooner you capture it the higher your chances of whipping it!

If you have been recently diagnosed with many forms of cancer, it might be mind-boggling. To be sure you recognize the data your personal doctor will give you, take a friend or family member together with you in your initial appointment. The individual will be a 2nd group of eye and the ears that will help you inquire, recognize your prognosis, and think of probable concerns.

Make sure you get a lot of relax when you are a many forms of cancer patient. Your body needs every one of the vitality that it could get. So, it can be alright to present into the exhaustion that you are sensing. When you are possessing a difficult time resting, speak with your medical doctor.

Protect your skin layer with sunscreen and clothes if you are going outside. Direct sunlight will be the top reason for melanoma, and it can result in fatalities if with no treatment. It may be beneficial to utilize a water-resistant sunscreen with SPF30 or higher, particularly when your epidermis is acceptable and many more at risk of simply being sunburned.

Malignancy treatment method may be an extremely busy and frustrating time. Determine what actions in your own life are most critical and purposeful to you personally and then make time for anyone actions, while getting rid of alternative activities. This provides you with time to appreciate the most important thing, while not above-burdening you throughout remedy.

A great way to prevent cancers is usually to keep slim without the need of getting underweight. Being overweight leaves your system and its body organs vunerable to numerous ailments particularly certain varieties of cancer. Conserve a healthy body weight and integrate exercise and dieting to your everyday schedule to remain wholesome and many forms of cancer free of charge.

You ought to be guaranteed to eat at the very least ten sizeable glasses of normal water every day when you find yourself in solution for cancers. It can help to stop bowel irregularity, and it will also help your kidneys to deal with the medicine that you could be consuming as a part of your treatment.

When you are having difficulty resting due to your many forms of cancer therapy, develop a rest schedule for your self. Visit bed furniture and acquire up simultaneously each day. Avoid caffeinated drinks and do not drink alcohol. Participate in tranquil activities before bed. Many of these methods will help your system understand after it is time to visit rest.

Retaining a preventing mindset is vital when you are to conquer the disease and its impact on your daily life. Carry on learning about tips on how to wage an ongoing battle. What you’ve just read through is a few tips created to help you out. Now it’s your choice to utilize these tips to your advantage so that you can claim glory.