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December 14, 2023|Editorial

Deepak Chopra Quotes

Deepak Chopra is an Indian American author, public speaker, and licensed physician who advocates holistic approaches to health and wellness. He believes the mind-body connection plays a pivotal role in our wellbeing.

Quantum physics has demonstrated how interconnected all physical phenomena are at a microscopic level; similarly, thoughts and intentions have the power to impact our health in similar ways. His ideas have received mixed reception among scientists as well as skeptics.

1. You are a divine being

Deepak Chopra is an acclaimed author, speaker, and physician who has played an essential role in popularizing alternative healing practices. His work stresses a holistic approach to health and encourages individuals to take charge of their wellbeing by practicing mindfulness and meditation. With his eloquent prose and ability to articulate complex spiritual concepts with precision, Deepak is widely revered within mind-body medicine circles worldwide.

Dr. Deepak Chopra is the Founder and Chairman of The Chopra Foundation as well as co-Founder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. As an author, his books have become New York Times bestsellers in both fiction and nonfiction categories, changing how people around the globe view physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Through his advocacy of Eastern philosophies integrated with modern science as well as meditation practices bringing holistic self-care practices such as yoga to millions around the globe.

Chopra was initially trained in Western medicine; however, as time progressed he found himself increasingly dissatisfied with conventional medical practice and decided to explore other forms of healing. Under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s tutelage – founder of Transcendental Meditation (TM) – Chopra began exploring spirituality and meditation under its tutelage; eventually becoming certified physician and dedicating his life to mind-body medicine research that blended ideas from Western medical research with ancient Indian traditions such as Ayurveda.

These quantum healing deepak chopra quotes will motivate you to embrace your unique talents and live more mindfully. They can help you strike a balance between mind, body, and spirit and teach how to access spiritual energy within. Use these quotes as daily reminders of gratitude, positivity and being open to change!


2. You are a unique individual

Deepak Chopra has propelled spiritual healing into the public consciousness, inspiring individuals from all backgrounds to pursue balance and self-discovery. Combining ancient wisdom with modern medicine to encourage people towards leading more holistic lifestyles. His eloquent delivery of complex spiritual concepts has earned him recognition as an authoritative figure and speaker.

Deepak Chopra’s quote underscores the idea that each individual is special and has their own special gifts and talents. Instead of striving to be like everyone else, it would be more beneficial for you to strive to become the best version of yourself possible and find happiness and fulfillment that way.

Deepak Chopra quotes remind us to always strive for excellence in everything we do, which means paying close attention to details and doing things well instead of just meeting basic requirements. Excellence should also include prioritizing self-development and taking on challenges with an opportunistic spirit; success will surely follow as an outcome of such dedication and hard work.

Deepak Chopra is a well-recognized author, spiritual healer and meditation expert. He has written over 90 books focusing on topics including meditation, mind-body medicine and spirituality. Additionally, Chopra served as chief of staff at New England Memorial Hospital in Boston before retiring in 2002. His books have been translated into over 40 languages; several became bestsellers. Furthermore, Chopra founded numerous wellness centers and institutes worldwide while becoming an international thought leader; being honored with multiple awards and accolades over time.

3. You are the center of your own universe

Deepak Chopra has revolutionized common understanding about the connection between body, mind and spirit. Quantum healing combines Eastern spiritual practices with Western science and medicine in order to promote wellness and overall well-being.

Quantum healing operates under the assumption that all matter is comprised of energy, including our physical bodies. This energy exists in constant vibrational states and practitioners believe it can be utilized to heal bodies through manipulation. They also apply the principles of entrainment which stipulates that two objects vibrating at different speeds will eventually start vibrating at similar speeds when linked.


At each session, a practitioner will assess a patient’s quantum energy levels and create a treatment plan accordingly. Together with their patient, they’ll then work toward creating balance and wellness by using techniques such as meditation, breathwork, visualization and sound therapy.

While some may remain skeptical of quantum healing, its efficacy has been demonstrated through scientific research and has been found to help enhance overall health and wellbeing. Furthermore, quantum healing may also provide relief for pain management, anxiety disorders, depression stress or chronic illnesses.

Deepak Chopra, an Indian-American author, physician and philosopher widely revered for his holistic approach to health and wellness. A highly popular speaker who has written over 90 books covering spirituality, meditation, personal growth and health topics; many of his speeches highlight self-healing through consciousness expansion as a focus of healing processes. Chopra enjoys an international following and many of his quotes serve as inspirational mantras for those striving for more holistic lifestyles.

4. You are a spiritual being

Quantum healing is a type of mind-body medicine that utilizes principles from quantum physics to promote health and wellbeing. Practitioners believe that all humans contain energy which can be harnessed through meditation and other practices for healing purposes. Although mainstream research has yet to validate quantum healing as effective treatment method, many individuals report positive experiences from this alternative medicine approach.

The heart chakra is an essential part of human energy systems and associated with love, compassion, and self-confidence. If functioning correctly, this chakra allows you to connect with divine spiritual guidance to overcome difficult situations and find inner peace; otherwise it could result in feelings of fear, guilt or anxiety and could also regulate blood pressure and heart rate.

Quantum therapy and non-local healing are powerful tools, but should only be employed by trained practitioners. When working with practitioners who specialize in these practices, you’re more likely to achieve effective healing on both a physical and psychological level. Working with experienced practitioners will ensure you maximize their use for maximum effect and reap their full benefits.

Deepak Chopra is an internationally-recognized author and public speaker known for his expertise in alternative medicine. After studying medicine in India, he relocated to the US where he became active with Transcendental Meditation movement and Ayurveda practices. Since then he has written over 90 books covering health issues, spirituality and meditation topics; plus is frequently featured as guest on television programs and podcasts.

5. You are a divine being

Deepak Chopra is an Indian American author and public speaker who specializes in alternative medicine, spirituality and mind-body healing. He has written over eighty books related to spirituality and wellness – such as New York Times bestsellers like Ageless Body Timeless Mind” and Quantum Healing” — that examine the interrelation between mind, body and spirit for better health and well-being in individuals. His work encourages individuals to take an active part in managing their health.

Deepak was born and trained as a medical doctor in New Delhi, India; however, he became dissatisfied with traditional Western medicine and instead became interested in meditation, yoga, and Ayurvedic healing practices such as Ayurveda. Over time he eventually shifted his focus from medical to holistic medicine, eventually becoming one of the world’s premier experts on integrative health and wellness – even creating his own approach that draws upon quantum physics principles, the Transcendental Meditation technique (TM), and ancient Eastern philosophy as sources.

Though some of Dr. Doering’s methods have been challenged by scientific researchers, they remain effective for many people and countless studies have demonstrated the placebo effect as being vital in healing processes.

Chopra’s teachings have brought spiritual and emotional healing into the mainstream, inspiring countless individuals to cultivate an inner peace and purposeful life. His ability to convey complex spiritual concepts clearly is among his greatest assets, making him one of the world’s premier speakers and writers.

Deepak Chopra quotes provide some of the most captivating thoughts and views about life, love, healing and spirituality that will surely spark some ideas or expand knowledge! From his inspirational thoughts about healing and love to alternative medicine and more – we hope these quotes by Deepak Chopra will offer something to all!

December 14, 2023|Editorial

Biohacking Your Morning Cup of Joe

Are You A Coffee Lover? Biohacking Your Morning Cup of Joe is an increasingly popular trend involving taking supplements and engaging in intermittent fasting in order to optimize health and cognitive function.

One effective method of biohacking your coffee is adding nootropics – natural supplements which amplify caffeine’s effects, leading to greater focus and energy.

High-quality coffee beans

Quality coffee beans can make an immense difference in both taste and aroma of final cup of joe. High-grade beans are carefully grown, harvested and roasted resulting in richer, deeper flavors with balanced, smooth textures – not to mention higher returns on investment than lower grade beans.

Add high-quality coffee beans to your coffee shop can draw in new customers and increase profits. Opting for ethically sourced beans shows your commitment to sustainable supply chains; choosing high-quality beans also enhances the reputation of your business.

Biohacking coffee has become an increasingly popular trend, whereby adding ingredients that enhance its health benefits and performance-boosting properties. This could range from simply including grass-fed butter in your coffee, all the way through to creating blends containing nootropics and adaptogens.

Caffeine is an effective natural biohacking ingredient that can boost cognitive function and mental clarity, as well as increase energy levels and motivation levels. However, to achieve maximum benefits with no adverse side effects. Moderation should always be observed.

Start your day right by starting with a cup of healthy coffee. Packed with energy-boosting ingredients and antioxidants that support overall wellness and energy levels, coffee can make an excellent way to start the day right! However, please keep in mind that not all supplements are suitable for everyone so always consult with a medical provider prior to trying any new supplements.


caffeine may have an overwhelmingly bad reputation as a stimulant, but in moderation can actually be very beneficial to mental health. It increases energy and focus while helping reduce fatigue and depression symptoms. Unfortunately, overdoing it could result in insomnia, anxiety and heartburn – so beware when choosing how much caffeine to drink daily!

Biohacking coffees contain high-quality organic ingredients designed to increase body performance. They contain an optimal mix of antioxidants for immune support and cognitive enhancement as well as increased focus and physical performance.

Bulletproof coffee has quickly become one of the most sought-after biohacks, with users adding grass-fed butter and MCT oil for an energy boost and improved productivity. Unfortunately, however, bulletproof coffee may contain excess calories and fat – meaning it may not be appropriate if you’re following a low-cal or low-fat diet plan.

Another option for biohacking coffee is Danger Coffee, an all-natural and mold-free drink designed to remineralize the body with over 50 trace minerals. Recommended by Dave Asprey (known as “Father of Biohacking“) and grown from beans grown by farmers in the Amazon rainforest, this blend features antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, micronutrients and optimal fasting support – ideal for fasting enthusiasts alike! It can be enjoyed anywhere: home, work or on the go and is an ideal solution for optimizing life!


Brain-boosting supplements are an increasingly popular way to increase productivity and mental clarity. Nootropics (a class of substances composed of both synthetic drugs and natural components such as amino acids, enzymes, herbs and fish oils) have long been recognized for enhancing memory, learning and anxiety reduction – as well as physical performance increases due to caffeine’s properties. Once only available through prescription; now these nootropics have become more widely popular among biohackers.

Caffeine is a natural nootropic that can help you remain alert throughout the day and focus on your work, while offering health benefits like reduced neurodegenerative disease risk, improved cardiovascular health, and lower blood pressure. Too much coffee consumption, however, may lead to side effects like jitteriness and headaches; for optimal results it should be consumed moderately.

Coffee is an integral part of life in many cultures around the globe. Ethiopia, in particular, celebrates this beverage through an elaborate coffee ceremony ritual that involves roasting beans before grinding and brewing them; an event often shared among family and friends.

Nootropics can boost productivity while simultaneously increasing focus and creativity. A recent trend in coffee-making involves adding nootropic-infused blends designed to improve cognitive function to coffee beverages – these blends may contain Bacopa Monnieri, Ashwagandha or L-theanine for optimal cognitive function – making these drinks suitable for those with lower caffeine tolerance levels.

Though nootropics’ effects are strong, it’s essential to keep in mind that taking too many can be dangerous – particularly among young people whose brains are still developing. Therefore, these supplements should only be consumed under medical advice.


Adaptogens are an emerging wellness trend, and are increasingly being sought-out as people search for ways to combat stress. These herbs and mushrooms can help keep you calm, focused, reduce fatigue, provide antioxidant protection, as well as add an energy boost – but before taking these natural supplements on your own it’s wise to consult your physician so they can advise the best ways and dosage amounts for you.

Bulletproof coffee is an increasingly popular way to biohack their coffee consumption. The beverage combines coffee with butter and MCT oil for increased nutrition value, making it suitable for consumption throughout the day as a healthy alternative to regular coffee consumption. Bulletproof can help improve mental performance, increase energy levels and prevent disease as it helps improve focus while at the same time improving health and preventing future disease outbreaks.

One of the key aspects of biohacking your coffee is being mindful. While most biohacking products are generally safe for most individuals, some may cause side effects or interfere with certain medications – thus it’s wise to read labels carefully and consult a physician prior to taking these products.

The Bulletproof Podcast is an invaluable way to learn about biohacking. In it, Dave Asprey explores common dangerous wellness myths while discussing ways to optimize lifestyle choices and fasting properly to reap maximum benefit from your body.


Mushrooms have become an increasingly popular component of wellness diets, with products available that claim to promote cognitive function and energy levels. Also referred to as functional mushrooms or functional food, mushrooms offer numerous health benefits ranging from anti-inflammatory properties and increased immunity.

Mushrooms are an excellent source of umami, the deliciously satisfying flavor produced when meat or vegetables undergo the Maillard reaction during cooking. Nutritionists advise adding mushrooms to meals as a low-cal and nutritious choice; providing vitamins like Vitamin D, Riboflavin, Selenium and Potassium while boasting polyunsatured fats like Ergosterol that is thought to reduce cholesterol.

Some mushrooms, such as lion’s mane and cordyceps, are considered nootropics – which helps enhance memory and learning abilities by fighting inflammation and improving cardiovascular health. Furthermore, they’re packed with antioxidants which protect against cancer as well as other illnesses.

Chaga mushroom is one of the most commonly used biohacking coffee additives, having been shown to improve immune function, prevent cancer and alleviate stress and depression. Lion’s mane is another good biohacking option due to its proven ability to increase mental focus and concentration.

While mushroom-based coffee has many benefits, it is important to be aware of any possible side effects. Certain mushrooms contain FODMAPs – special carbohydrates which may be difficult for people with digestive disorders like IBS to digest; these compounds may lead to stomach upset and other digestive issues in some individuals as well as interfering with absorption of certain essential nutrients like calcium, iron and zinc.

December 14, 2023|Editorial

Peter Gariaev – The Matrix

Dr Gariaev‘s discovery of a sound matrix capable of recording a person’s DNA may seem futuristic at first, but its significance could transform lives! While his death in November 2020 was tragic, his legacy lives on.

He worked closely with biophysicists, molecular biologists, embryologists and linguists in order to prove that DNA operates at both wave and particle levels and follows rules of grammar syntax; this led him to create Wave Genetics.


Dr Peter Gariaev discovered that organisms emit weak laser radiation through their DNA, making this one of the primary ways they communicate between cells of an organism. Furthermore, these laser rays serve both transmitters and receivers of information – as evidenced by his experiment wherein low-power light was shone through Salamander embryos in one container while Frog embryos in another; those belonging to Salamanders developed into adult Salamanders while those in Frogs did not. This suggests that genetic information sent via biophotons could “reprogramming” embryos as early as development by “reprogramming” them using biophotons rather than light.

All living organisms, from plants to humans and viruses alike, produce biophotons – ultraweak photon emissions of electromagnetic waves in the optical range of the spectrum – which differs from bioluminescence which involves visible light emission using the luciferin-luciferase mechanism observed in some organisms.

These light pulses are released spontaneously by living systems and often remain hidden to the naked eye. Biophotonic wavelengths range between 300 and 700nm with no sharp peaks in their spectrum distribution, estimated intensity being several hundred photons per second.

Biophoton emissions can be absorbed by natural chromophores such as porphyrin rings, flavi1nic and pyridinic rings, lipid chromophores, and caromatic amino acids; in turn they reflect off biological structures they’re found within. Biophoton emission has been seen to significantly increase at two major time points during metamorphosis: before pupal ecdysis and afterwards.

Changes in biophoton activity are apparent under various physiological and pathological conditions, including mechanical or thermal stresses, mitochondrial respiration, metabolic stress, the cell cycle, cancer growth and aging. They also appear during neural communication signals such as stimulation of one end of spinal sensory or motor nerve roots resulting in significant biophoton changes at its other end.

Frohlich suggests that changes to biophotonic activity result from quantum mechanically coupled resonances between vibrating cell constituents. Their natural vibration period determines their frequency; higher frequencies correspond to smaller molecules.


Holography is the science of creating three-dimensional images using light. First developed in 1948 by Dennis Gabor – who won the Nobel Prize for Physics that year – this process allowed realistic holograms that retain parallax and depth that can be seen without needing special glasses to view them.

Holograms work similarly to mirrors; their images initially appear as stripes and whorls, but when illuminated by coherent light (such as laser beam), it reassembles all scattered light to form an exact copy of its source object – this process is also known as reconstruction holography.

Holograms are three-dimensional representations of physical objects that accurately capture their shapes, sizes and other physical characteristics. Holograms consist of laser beams interacted to produce images which mimic physical reality; diaphragms, musical instruments and vibrating steam turbine blades can all produce images that capture mechanical vibrating systems such as diaphragms.

At movies, you may have witnessed 3D holograms of characters from Star Wars or other sci-fi films. While these holograms may be easily identifiable as such, their creation requires advanced technology and takes considerable work and expense to produce.

Looking at a hologram from the side, it will appear right-side up; flip it over, however, and it becomes inside-out – this effect is known as pseudoscopic; for orthoscopic holograms which are normally seen from in front of film, the opposite applies.

Holograms can serve many functions, from advertising displays to bringing deceased musicians back to life, teaching subjects like chemistry or math, to advertising advertisements. Holograms are powerful tools that have the power to change lives; however, it’s important to keep in mind they aren’t foolproof – careless people could damage a hologram easily; therefore it is critical that it is protected with some form of enclosure such as a case or something similar.

The Matrix

Young hacker Neo is recruited to lead an army of rebels against the machines that have enslaved humanity and his arrival was prophesied by an Oracle. While fighting to free his people, Neo discovers that real life is hell and that the Matrix serves only to control its hosts.

Violence: Whilst drawn-out sequences feature gun battles and hand-to-hand combat including kung-fu fighting, bodies are repeatedly battered against walls or burned with electrical blasts resulting in bloody scenes such as one where Neo’s stomach explodes with an insect-like creature bursting out from within it – there are moments of sexual tension but this movie remains mostly gore free.

The Wachowskis’ vision of an unsettling dystopian future was an overwhelming success, leading to multiple sequels such as The Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions as well as short film Animatrix and video games in their franchise. All films written and directed by them explore religious and philosophical topics while offering multiple sequels with further sequels planned for release.

Filming of The Matrix took place across various locations, but most production took place at Fox Studios Australia in Sydney, helping create its distinctive visual aesthetic and style. At the time, its use of special effects and digital photography was revolutionary compared to other science fiction films of its day. The Matrix has generated many theories about its meaning, with some believing the film may revolve around the concept that human bodies contain a code which can be deciphered by computers. Many fans have even speculated that the series serves as a commentary on current technology and society trends. These arguments rely on the fact that characters in The Matrix constantly fight against an oppressive society represented by The Matrix itself, though others have noted the movie may contain more ambiguous themes than is widely assumed.

Wave Genetics

Dr Gariaev believed that our DNA contained information about all that has ever existed in a multidimensional wave continuum that traveled along our double helix DNA and was encoded as electromagnetic and acoustic holograms, providing nodes in an universal hologram which serve as records of genetic blueprint. When these holograms become corrupted over time (DNA mutation), illness, old age, and even death can ensue as result of these distortions to genetic information stored therein.

Dr Gariaev proposed that it was possible to capture this holographic information and restore it, using his Wave Genetics technique involving taking photos of babies with special laser devices to capture their DNA information and reconstructing this image using special software. With this technology he was able to trigger self-healing in many people including conditions deemed incurable by traditional medicine.

Wave Genetics has received both praise and criticism; however, many doctors and scientists have also voiced support. One prominent supporter of this technique is Dr Steven Rosch who used it himself to cure himself of a brain tumour using Wave Genetics; Dr Rosch now believes this technique could also benefit cancer patients in general and has written a book about it!

Wave genetics offers many unique advantages, and one of its greatest draws is its use for correcting DNA of those born with defects such as congenital heart disease or cleft lip and palate. Using Wave’s technique of “capturing healthy person DNA then recoding to correct defects”, Wave genetics provides hope to many who would otherwise succumb to these conditions by giving them longer and healthier lives.

Dr Gariaev‘s work has been described by his peers as revolutionary and he faced much criticism for not publishing them in peer reviewed journals. But Dr Gariaev remained true to himself and shared his vision with the world; so many have found relief using his method, thanks to Dr Gariaev‘s persistence. That so many have managed to heal themselves with it is testament to his dedication and passion for his research.

December 14, 2023|Editorial

The Y-Buzz and Other Resonant Voice Therapy Techniques

Sarah Schneider is an assistant clinical professor of speech-language pathology and director of Resonant Voice Therapy at UCSF. She has made significant contributions to voice treatment literature and regularly presents locally, nationally, and internationally on voice care issues.

Resonant Voice Therapy Support System ingredients and targets can be divided into orthogonal categories: Organ Functions, Skills & Habits and Representations.

The Y-Buzz

The Y-Buzz exercise is one of the most widely practiced exercises in resonant voice therapy. It is easy to do and helps patients recognize that they can feel their voice in their mouth or throat, as well as teaching them to use it more efficiently. Producing various pitches and loudness levels produces a buzzing sound which creates an immediate buzzing sensation in front of both mouth and throat when produced at various pitches and loudness levels; an important first step to learning how to produce resonant voice by forcing vocal folds to lightly touch each other thus decreasing energy needs to support vocal folds – also teaching production without air pressure or other force being necessary.

Studies on resonant voice therapy techniques have been undertaken to ascertain their effectiveness. A recent research paper reported that Y-buzz training significantly increased perception of voice resonance while decreasing shimmer and irregularity on Hoarseness Diagram, ultimately improving vocal quality overall. Furthermore, its practice led to forwardness and control over one’s own voice.

Another study demonstrated how the Y-buzz can significantly enhance voice quality for healthy adults by minimizing glottal closure and increasing airflow through their vocal tract. Furthermore, this tool helps increase vocal cord size to allow more sound production with less effort from voice production. Authors discovered the device to be effective at reducing breathy, strained and phonated sounds as well as improve voice quality across a range of speaking tasks.

Researchers examined recordings of participants engaging in different speech behaviors and found that the Y-buzz can be an effective training tool for improving voice quality. They speculate that this may be due to its efficient method for teaching voice production without strain, as well as being used alongside Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy (LMRVT), which utilizes performance voice techniques like singing through straws to strengthen and train one’s resonant vocal qualities.

The E-Buzz

Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy (LMRVT) employs voice techniques to teach patients to use resonant vibrations through humming, voiced and voiceless productions that are later combined into phrase and conversational speech. This approach strives to develop the strongest possible voice using minimal impact or stress on vocal cords for reduced risk of injury while increasing vocal health outcomes.

Resonant technique is similar to Flow Phonation in that both techniques train the larynx to maintain vocal balance through airflow by relieving muscular tension. Both therapies use exercises designed to decrease vocal cord granulomas caused by irritation or other damage of vocal folds, teaching patients how to feel vibration in their face/mouth during phonation and encouraging sensations of vibratory sensation during phonation. LMRVT employs various semi-occluded voicing techniques like lip trills, straw phonation and cup bubbles while managing airflow while encouraging resonant vibrations in throat while still managing airflow to allow resonant vibrations of resonance vibrations for increased resonances and resonances in throat while creating space for resonance vibrations during phonation allowing airflow while encouraging resonant vibrations for maximum resonance in throat space while managing airflow while creating space for resonance vibrations to occur during phonation allowing maximum resonance vibrations during phonation process.

Other strategies to increase resonant vibrations include manual circumlaryngeal massage, which stretches neck and larynx muscles in order to relieve tension. Furthermore, teaching patients on vocal hygiene and self-care practices is essential as this will safeguard the voice.

LMRVT programs incorporate voice training to encourage resonant vibrations by strengthening articulation and prosody, two essential aspects of voice quality. These lessons can especially benefit those suffering from voice fatigue, hoarseness or difficulty producing specific sounds; plus it may increase volume as resonant vibrations will make voice volume increase over time.

Resonant voice therapy utilizes exercises that encourage patients to move their head forward during phonation – known as forward focus – for maximum vibratory output in areas of the vocal tract that do not produce enough vibrations, helping therapists and clients identify areas not producing sufficient vibratory output, correct this by emphasizing vowels such as /u/ and /m/ or using other exercises such as y-buzz which involves narrowing oral space during phonation to produce buzzy sensations in lips and mouth.

The F-Buzz

Resonant voice therapy typically instructs its patients to avoid behaviors which could cause vocal trauma (throat clearing, yelling, cheering excessive crying talking over extended background noise etc). They should only use their voices when necessary and keep phone calls brief; short periods of controlled and soft vocal exercises before using the voice may also be used as preparation; it’s recommended they drink water frequently as well as massage under their chin to help avoid dryness.

Resonant voice therapy techniques such as humming in VFE or phonating through a flow-resistant straw are intended to optimize source-filter interaction by increasing inertance of the vocal tract air column and creating source sounds with variable frequencies that target different regions in the oral region. When combined, these exercises create buzzy sensations in the face due to increased acoustic pressure within narrowed oral regions; although their benefits have been demonstrated through laboratory experiments, more research needs to be conducted on connected speech to see their full effects.

Many researchers have concluded that FRT exercises can improve articulation in disorders involving hyperadduction due to their tendency to promote inertive voicing of vocal folds. Meanwhile, other research indicates that resonance voice therapy techniques could cause vowel sounds to vanish as well as increase hyperadduction during production of certain consonants; hence it’s essential for clinicians to evaluate its efficacy when implemented clinically.

Resonant voice therapy is founded on the premise that there are multiple kinds of voice issues which can be effectively treated by changing physical properties of the vocal tract. Some changes may be permanent; others can be temporarily brought about with repetitive phonation such as that used for music production or singing. Finally, surgery may also provide permanent solutions.

Operative procedures may involve extracting nodules, shifting paralyzed cords closer together or adding bulk to them so they center better within the cricoid cartilage; either of these treatments could have immediate and long-term impacts on voice quality.

The S-Buzz

The S-Buzz technique targets the resonant area of the vocal tract (including lips, nasal bridge and roof of mouth or ‘mask”). When done properly, this produces a buzzing sensation in front of face caused by increased acoustic pressures in a narrowed region of vocal tract.

Use of this technique can assist patients in learning to reduce phono-traumatic behaviors like throat clearing, shouting and excessive crying. Furthermore, this approach may assist them with voice fatigue incurred from shouting or singing loudly; SLPs may use this strategy to reduce its adverse side effects and decrease medication that causes dry throat in their patients.

S-Buzz also seeks to teach patients to produce a powerful voice with minimum effort – sometimes known as a “strong, clean” voice quality.

The S-Buzz approach relies on semi-occlusion of both front and back vocal tracts during an exercise to form a rectangular glottal shape (Titze, 2006b). Squared-off vocal folds have the lowest power transmission ratio (PTR) and require minimal vocal fold adduction for optimal results.

Obscenity of the vocal tract also works to prevent posterior tongue thrust (PTT), which occurs when an anterior tongue pushes against the larynx during phonation. According to one study, front larynx occlusion resulted in a 40% decrease in PTP during phonation.

Resonant voice therapy techniques such as “flow phonation” may also help treat dysphonia and aphonia by training patients to focus on the outflow of air during phonation. This technique reduces muscle tension while improving vocal loudness and quality.

Flow phonation may be combined with other treatments, including manual circumlaryngeal massage – which involves gentle manipulation of the thyroid cartilage apex to relieve muscle tension – but should not be seen as an alternative way of treating any medical conditions or psychological stressors that might be contributing to vocal difficulties for clients.

December 14, 2023|Editorial

Is Bioresonance Therapy Right For You?

Bioresonance therapy is a holistic healing modality that employs noninvasive testing and homeopathy remedies to address various conditions. It has been successfully employed against various ailments, from cancer to chronic illnesses; and can even serve as a powerful means for disease prevention and overall improvement of overall health.

The equipment works by identifying any imbalances in communication among body cells. Once identified, it inverts unhealthy frequency patterns while encouraging healthier ones to appear.


Bioresonance therapy takes an integrative approach that seeks to address and eliminate the causes of disease rather than simply treating its symptoms. It can be used for a wide variety of ailments such as allergies, autoimmune disorders and chronic pain as well as cancer detection and treatment – making it a fantastic alternative to pharmaceutical medications which often produce unwanted side effects.

Bioresonance therapy uses cutting-edge technology to monitor electromagnetic wave patterns within the body, which are generated naturally but disrupted by toxins or allergens. This noninvasive therapy produces results quickly; often visible within only one session! Some individuals may experience brief worsening of symptoms post session; this usually passes within several hours.

Bioresonance therapy sessions typically start off with an interview to gather details about your medical history and lifestyle, so your practitioner can determine the frequencies necessary to balance your body and help it heal itself. Once connected to your body, the device then sends frequency signals through your skin into various organs of the body for healing – it is painless, noninvasive and has no side effects whatsoever.

Bioresonance therapy devices measure electromagnetic frequencies of organs and tissues to identify imbalances, and then find energy frequencies that correct them. This treatment can help you feel more energetic while improving overall health; it may even be helpful in treating depression by sending electromagnetic impulses through electromagnetic impulses to impact limbic system of brain responsible for emotions; therefore calming Hippocampus/Amygdala which leads to improved mental acuity.

One benefit of alternative medicine treatments such as chiropractic is that they are safe for pregnant women and children, and may even be combined with chemotherapy and radiation therapies for optimal effectiveness. As always, be sure to consult your physician prior to undertaking any form of alternative therapy.

As an alternative to conventional medicine, massage therapy is quickly growing in popularity as an alternative treatment method. Not only can it alleviate various ailments, it may also be useful in breaking addictions or quitting smoking altogether. Furthermore, it has been known to ease arthritis, fibromyalgia and digestive disorders symptoms, along with alleviating depression symptoms.


This device utilizes electrodes attached to your body and connected to a computer, to monitor any unhealthy frequencies your body emits and adjust them so they vibrate at their natural frequencies, effectively treating illness. It provides a great alternative to prescription drugs which may have serious side effects as well as being less costly than many treatments, making this an attractive option for those on limited budgets.

Asthma and allergies can benefit from chiropractic adjustments. Multiple studies found chiropractic to be more effective than placebo for these conditions, while some people even use it to help quit smoking – all while remaining safe, non-invasive, and without side effects.

Communication among your body’s cells is essential to maintaining good health. When this communication breaks down, imbalances form that lead to illness. Bioresonance therapy uses an energy frequency test to identify imbalances within your cells and invert any unhealthy frequencies – encouraging your body to break down toxins more effectively and heal itself naturally.

Another advantage of this therapy is that it can alleviate gastrointestinal symptoms, including stomach bloating and gas. Furthermore, this form of treatment may assist with allergies and immune system issues such as rheumatoid arthritis; however it should be remembered that chronic disorders do not have cures and so this form of therapy should not replace medications or traditional therapies as treatments.

Bioresonance therapy can also assist in relieving physical, mental, or emotional stressors by returning frequencies back to their original frequency state and correcting disorder while eliminating its cause.

Biophotonic scanning technology draws upon both Chinese medicine and quantum mechanics for treatment, using acupuncture points to achieve balance within the body and biophotonic scanning to locate unstable points that need stabilizing through homeopathy prescription.


Bioresonance therapy does not treat diseases; however, it can help balance your health and improve mood. Furthermore, it identifies and corrects any underlying imbalances; typically combined with other treatment approaches.

This device works by measuring electromagnetic vibration in your cells and tissues, then analyzing this data on a computer screen. This reveals which frequencies are blocked or altered due to disease versus which ones are healthy; then the therapist selects an organ-specific frequency which corresponds with that organ, sending an signal back through to correct any dysfunction; they may also employ additional frequencies for healing purposes.

Bioresonance Therapy can assist with numerous ailments, from fibromyalgia and chronic sinusitis to leaky gut syndrome – where food particles or toxic waste escape the small intestine into the bloodstream causing symptoms like bloating, gas, constipation diarrhea or weight loss issues.

Bioresonance Therapy differs from traditional medicine in that it tailors its approach to each person individually. Based on the principle that every living being has an energy field that heals their body and boosts immunity to illness. A balanced energy system may even strengthen immunity.

Treatment begins with an examination of your body. A physical therapist will then formulate a program tailored specifically to addressing imbalances within it – whether that be cancer or arthritis-related, overall function issues or targeting limbic system of the brain in order to alleviate depression symptoms.

Many patients remain skeptical of bioresonance therapy’s efficacy; however, some studies have revealed positive outcomes. A 2016 article published in Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology demonstrated how bioresonance therapy combined with manual massage techniques was found to successfully relieve muscle pain for those diagnosed with fibromyalgia; bioresonance helped restore antioxidant activity in cells to counteract cellular damage caused by free radicals.


Bioresonance therapy costs can differ depending on your practitioner, making it essential to know exactly how much this alternative treatment will cost before making your decision about whether or not to undergo it. Doing so will allow you to determine whether it suits your lifestyle – though accurate calculations of costs can be challenging due to numerous variables involved.

All human cells produce electromagnetic vibrations. If these vibrations become disharmonious, this can result in disease or illness. A BICOM machine can read these frequencies and transmit complementary electromagnetic vibrations in order to restore harmony. Furthermore, energy diagnosis allows BICOM machines to determine which therapies are necessary for specific symptoms, organs or meridians.

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive form of energy medicine used to treat health conditions without resorting to traditional drugs, including pain, allergies and chronic illnesses. Furthermore, this therapy offers patients an all-natural treatment with no known side effects that is effective and free from side effects.

The BICOM device features special detectors which measure electromagnetic fields and frequency fluctuations, recording them using integrated software, then analyzing their results with precision to help doctors diagnose disease patterns or disorders with high precision and pinpoint their locations in the body. Furthermore, pathogenic agents like bacteria, viruses, parasites or allergens can be identified along with their impact on physiological processes.

Though bioresonance therapy is used by many veterinarians, it does not fall under conventional medicine’s purview and must be paid for separately from other treatments. Still, it would be worth asking your vet about using BICOM therapy with your dog; some health insurers do cover some costs related to this form of therapy.

Bioresonance therapy can also be an excellent tool for curing dogs when traditional approaches fail, and many pet owners find this an invaluable option when other treatment methods don’t. One terminally ill retriever was restored to health following seven sessions of bioresonance treatment.