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June 10, 2024Editor

Radiesthesia – The Science of Unseen Energies

Every living and inert object emits its own vibrational field that can be measured with a pendulum. Radiesthesia studies these ‘unseen energies’ with regards to their universal polarity of plus or minus.

Vibrational radiesthesia, commonly referred to as “dowsing,” is an accurate and precise science used for various purposes, particularly when dealing with allergies, intolerances or other health concerns.

History of Radiesthesia

Chaumery and De Bellizal’s discovery of Radiesthesia in the early 1900s marked its introduction as an entirely new science; one which examined vibrational relationships on a much broader scale than traditional physics – thus expanding quantum mechanics’ reach into new fields.

Dowsing was also a practical application of geomancy that could be utilized for practical dowsing applications. By employing simple calibrated pendular instruments, it became possible to locate water sources in arid regions as well as distinguish contaminated or uncontaminated drinking water and edible foods. Furthermore, it enabled individuals to identify plant properties to discover what happens when consumed as well as potential treatments for various illnesses.

Dowsing instruments consisted of simple pendulums, but it was possible to employ mental techniques for impressive results. When trained in medical radiesthesia, dowsers could detect the hidden causes of disease not detected by diagnostic devices as well as provide remedies. Furthermore, surgical incision locations could be determined using this form of medical dowsing; French radiesthesists had created an exceptionally effective system of medical dowsing which they used successfully.

Vibrational radiesthesia is an international language of energy that resonates with everything around it, inanimate or not. This resonance allows radiesthesists to access information about objects’ energetic status as well as radio waves being carried across great distances by them – it allows communication across vast spaces!

Catholic missionaries of the early 1900’s were taught radiesthesia, as it was essential to their survival in remote lands they were assigned. Along with finding drinkable water and nutritious food sources, Catholic missionaries could identify which plants held medicinal properties that could treat any illnesses they encountered in addition to identifying which plants could help treat sicknesses that arose in patients they came across.

At present, numerous scientific institutions are conducting research on various aspects of Radiesthesia. One exciting discovery has been that information can be transmitted using Radiesthesia over vast distances – this has opened the door for exploration on an entirely new scale.

The French Radiesthesists

A pendulum can be an effective tool for detecting vibrational frequencies, known as “radiesthesia.” This term comes from Latin “radius” and Greek “aesthesis,” both meaning perception or sensation. While some consider pendulums unscientific instruments due to user influence, healers and dowsers have long relied upon this tool as part of their practice.

French radiesthesists established the science of vibrational radiesthesia during the 1930s based on meticulous study of Egyptian temple sciences. Now this practical knowledge can help improve daily life as part of an overall wellness program.

All living creatures and objects emit vibrational fields known as biofields or energetic fields that generate vibrational fields (also referred to as energetic fields or vibrational biofields). When these vibrational biofields resonate with one another, information can be passed between them – this is how a pianist is able to match notes of music without hearing them first or playing it; similarly radio transmitters pick up transmissions from their environment.

Dowsing rods (or wands), however, use similar principles. Dowsing involves sensing vibrational frequencies from underground bodies of water that produce waves; practicing it can be seen as learning an instrument such as piano; the more often you practice dowsing the better it will get with time.

Radiesthesia has many applications in life, from feng shui and finding the ideal location for houses or businesses, to finding water sources and mineral deposits, as well as discovering geopathic stress that might harm our bodies.

Medical dowsing is a specialized branch of radiesthesia that uses simple “pendular” instruments to measure vibrational interactions between energy fields. These measurements help locate imbalances or disturbances of human energy systems and diagnose physical or emotional disorders as well as allergies or intolerances.

Vibrational dowsing is an extremely reliable technique that is widely utilized. To get accurate results, it is vital that users learn the proper scanning protocol with their instrument as well as understanding resonance effects and how best to calibrate their device for specific effects.

The Catholic Missionaries

Physical radiesthesia was a vital way for Catholic missionaries to extend the reach of the Church into remote and often hostile regions around the globe. They used it to find sources of drinkable water, edible food and medical remedies – helping them not only survive in these foreign lands, but thrive there too.

Jesuits were pioneers in teaching this skill through religious communities. They trained their fellow members how to locate all sorts of objects using dowsing techniques taught to them by mentors; thus spreading God’s word to people who had yet to hear about Him.

As Catholics, we are called upon to abandon all forms of ethnic and ecclesial introversion. Instead, as God’s children we should appreciate any parts of culture which reflect or enhance his Gospel message while being ready to step outside our comfort zones in order to share it with others – particularly missionary territories where small Catholic populations may be vulnerable to persecution or death.

Though larger religious orders such as Benedictines, Dominicans, Franciscans, Jesuits and Augustinians continue their efforts in spreading faith, many new groups have formed since 1998 and become actively engaged in missionary work – one such being FOCUS (Formerly Outreach Community of Christians United for Service).

As well as traditional forms of ministry such as Bible studies, fellowships and prayer groups, this young adult Catholic group receives training in spiritual formation through various means: philosophical and theological study; daily communal prayer; weekly adoration services provided by University of Mary and Augustine Institute and seminary-level courses from their Institute.

Prayer empowers these young adults to become agents of change both locally and worldwide. Their lives often mirror those of middle-class Americans; they use iPhones, drink craft beer and enjoy March Madness just like everyone else; however, what separates them is that their lives are strengthened through daily collective prayers as well as weekly communal adoration services.

The General Public

Attitutive and holistic techniques like acupuncture, colour healing, radiesthesia, shiatsu, Kinesiology, Yoga and T’ai Chi are becoming increasingly popular as alternatives to high tech medicine. Genetic radiesthesia or “dowsing”, is an invaluable way of restoring balance and health to one’s energy centres and organs by identifying vibrational sources like foods, supplements, people, locations or environmental energies that cause imbalance in energy flow within their energy body and selecting remedies with which they can rectify such imbalances.

Medical radiesthesia or dowsing has its origins in ancient Egypt and uses simple instruments, like pendulums, to identify resonance with or dissonance against specific fields of vibration in order to gain information. The concept behind it all is rooted in vibrational theory; everything, including inert matter such as rocks and minerals has their own vibrational frequency which can be measured using simple instruments.

As an example, radiesthetists can perform tests on infections of both blood and lymphatic systems as well as on any bone affected by pathogenic micro-organisms or psoric conditions. He can also assess nerves, endocrine glands, organs and vitamins and minerals; using standard boxes of Turenne witnesses they can check up to forty infections, diseases or disease conditions and organs and glands simultaneously.

Dowsers can detect allergies and intolerances to foods and other substances by testing against an individual’s energetic signature. Allergens are identified through vibrational frequencies that resonate or dissonance against them and rated on a colour scale accordingly. A dowser may also determine whether an allergy is acute, chronic or acute-chronic as well as the intensity of its allergic reaction. As with all dowsing tests, results may vary significantly due to human error; for this reason it’s essential that practitioners become versed in both techniques as well as protocols in order to produce accurate and reliable results.

June 10, 2024Editor

Can Oxygen Therapy Reverse Aging?

Oxygen therapy is a medical practice in which one breathes oxygen into a pressurized chamber to treat various medical conditions, often through nasal tubes or facemasks. It may be administered in your home, hospital, nursing care facility, or another health care setting.

Improved Circulation

Oxygen therapy can help when oxygen levels in the body drop too low, which causes circulation issues with blood vessels and organs. By increasing oxygen supply to tissues and organs, oxygen therapy may improve circulation bringing less fatigue while more energy. Furthermore, it may improve skin tone/texture/comfort as well as decrease inflammation.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber or tube at high pressure, enabling your lungs to absorb up to three times as much as they would with regular air pressure alone. The extra oxygen then travels through your bloodstream into tissues and organs throughout your body where it aids healing. HBOT can be used to treat serious wounds, burns, infections, air or gas embolisms, decompression sickness in divers, carbon monoxide poisoning or other conditions.

Furthermore, the high concentration of oxygen in your tissues may help promote new blood vessel formation while stimulating existing ones to work properly – something which may help conditions such as vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease as well as increasing immune response against infections.

Studies of HBOT on ageing healthy people have demonstrated its beneficial effects. Repeated intermittent hypoxic exposures using specific anti-aging protocols of HBOT can reverse many of the major processes which cause aging, such as lengthening telomeres for cells that have aged and eliminating old, dysfunctional senescent cells from our bodies.

Interested in adding HBOT as part of your treatment for chronic fatigue or other signs of aging? Get in touch with Aalto Hyperbaric Medical Group now and discover how you could take advantage of this natural form of healing!

Increased Energy

Though a cure for aging remains the Holy Grail of medicine, emerging technologies like CRISPR and gene editing are opening the door to promising possibilities. But it is also worth remembering that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) could offer safe, noninvasive relief at cellular level through hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT).

HBOT can increase energy levels and revitalize vitality, by improving cellular respiration efficiency and harmonizing certain key hormones. In addition, this therapy may decrease your risk of age-related cognitive decline by improving cerebral blood flow and speeding up brain processing speeds.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been demonstrated in multiple groundbreaking studies to be an effective means of combatting aging by lengthening telomeres and clearing away senescent cells, stimulating collagen production to repair damaged skin, growing new blood vessels that feed oxygen to bones, muscles, joints and nerves, decreasing expression of inflammatory genes as well as improving thinking clarity, feeling energetic and sleeping better. HBOT can even increase mental agility as well as provide you with more restful nights’ rest!

Why are many people tired, weak and lethargic? One key reason could be the body’s inability to absorb oxygen into cells and produce enough ATP – energy molecules needed for production of energy molecules like ATP. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has proven very successful at increasing energy and vitality by improving mitochondrial function and making breathing easier.

Before beginning an oxygen therapy program, it’s crucial to consult a medical professional and receive advice from them in order to make sure that the treatment will meet both your physical needs and safety concerns. Furthermore, smoke or flame-causing gases must always be avoided while using an oxygen tank or cylinder and they should always be secured securely to a stand or fixed object, otherwise they could crack and explode causing more harm than good.

Stimulates Tissue Regeneration

As oxygen levels in the body increase, cells can regenerate more quickly while tissues, bones, muscles and organs work more smoothly together – making reversing the aging process possible and achievable.

Oxygen therapy stimulates stem cell production, which are responsible for repairing damaged tissue throughout the body and creating new tissue regeneration, helping combat age-related conditions such as osteoarthritis and muscle atrophy.

Studies of oxygen therapy and regenerative medicine show its efficacy at stimulating tissue regeneration and countering chronic illnesses. It can be combined with other anti-ageing strategies for maximum wellness.

Researchers from Tel Aviv University and Shamir Medical Center in Israel recently conducted a joint research study which revealed that hyperbaric oxygen treatments reversed two major biological markers of human aging. Their investigation, published in Aging, examined blood samples collected before and during sessions of hyperbaric oxygen therapy; blood cells from participants aged biologically over time.

HBOT can optimize bodily functions and eliminate toxic substances from the body, leading to what is known as the “hyperoxic paradox”. Hypoxia exposure in a hyperbaric chamber containing oxygen at elevated environmental pressure has been found to induce physiological responses normally observed under hypoxic conditions, including mitochondrial function restoration, angiogenesis and stimulation of stem cell proliferation.

Hyperbaric oxygen treatments were found to decrease senescent cell concentration by 20%-38% depending on which cells are studied, depending on their type. Senescent cells are a natural byproduct of aging and may contribute to cancer or other forms of cell damage; eliminating them helps prevent disease while simultaneously encouraging healing.

Fights Cognitive Decline

At the core of anti-ageing research lies preventing cognitive decline as we age – including Alzheimer’s. New evidence indicates this may be accomplished using oxygen therapy.

Animal studies conducted by researchers demonstrated how hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) could significantly slow or even reverse symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease, by preventing build-ups of brain plaque associated with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

Oxygen therapy works by increasing the amount of oxygen that can reach the brain and other organs through blood circulation, helping combat cognitive decline while improving mental clarity, memory function and executive functions.

HBOT promotes the growth of new blood vessels, increases brain blood flow and oxygen supply, reduces inflammation in the brain and alters microglia behavior from proinflammatory to antiinflammatory states thereby decreasing secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines that contribute to cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s.

Studies published in 2020 in GeroScience revealed that HBOT enhanced cognitive function among elderly individuals living with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The improvements could be attributed to increased blood flow to the brain, improved oxygen supply, reduced buildup of Alzheimer’s brain plaque and morphological change of microglia near plaques into more ramified states which further reduce neuroinflammation and enhance cognitive performance. As a result of these findings, Dr. Shai Efrati developed Aviv Clinics which utilized this specific HBOT protocol.

Speeds Recovery

Oxygen therapy may provide relief for those living with breathing disorders such as COPD or obstructive sleep apnea, including shortness of breath and improving quality of life. Furthermore, oxygen therapy has also proven effective against osteoporosis, vascular disease and chronic wounds.

Oxygen has long been recognized for its ability to stimulate collagen production and cellular regeneration. But more recent research indicates it can even reverse aging at a cellular level through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). By lengthening telomeres, increasing cell repair, decreasing inflammation levels and stimulating neurogenesis HBOT may improve cognitive function while helping protect memory function, slow cognitive decline and even delay dementia progression.

HBOT helps to address these concerns due to increasing oxygen levels in the bloodstream and decreasing free radical levels that damage body systems, thus decreasing oxidative stress – another primary contributor of aging – while at the same time decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokine formation that damage cells; making the lung less susceptible to infections while improving overall health and increasing lifespan.

While oxygen therapy offers numerous advantages, it’s crucial that its levels in your body are closely monitored during therapy sessions. Too little oxygen can damage organs while too much can lead to oxygen toxicity – an illness in which the body metabolizes oxygen too rapidly leading to symptoms such as central nervous system impairments and pulmonary edema.

Before beginning any form of oxygen treatment, it is imperative that a proper oxygen test is undertaken. An arterial blood gas test can determine your oxygen levels in your body and inform whether you need more or less during therapy sessions. In order to ensure you’re receiving enough oxygen during therapy sessions, regular appointments with a physician should take place so they can monitor how much you receive each time.

June 10, 2024Editor

Testicular Torsion Medicine

Doctors sometimes cannot save a testicle that has become twisted, in which case an orchiopexy or orchiectomy procedure will be needed to remove it. Most boys who undergo orchiectomy can still father children later on, while they can even get a prosthetic testicle implanted if desired.

If a patient exhibits classic symptoms of torsion, such as sudden pain and diffuse swelling, no other testing may be required. However, ultrasound can provide valuable diagnostic insights if their symptoms fall outside this category.

What is testicular torsion?

Testicular torsion is a medical emergency that necessitates surgery immediately to relieve pain and swelling and avoid the loss of one or both testicles. When treated within four hours after symptoms appear, about 90% do not require their testicle removal; but after four hours have passed after symptoms appear, chances of saving it diminish significantly and you only stand a 60% chance.

Testicular torsion occurs when blood flow to one of your testicles is interrupted or severely reduced, typically by twists in your spermatic cord running from abdomen to scrotum carrying sperm from each testicle to penis, becoming blocked in one direction or the other. A testicular torsion typically presents itself with sudden, intense pain in one testicle – either when sleeping, awake, sitting down, active or resting; its intensity may grow over hours or days as symptoms worsen over time.

The testicles are two organs located within a pouch called the scrotum, located below the penis. The scrotum houses organs such as the vas deferens and spermatic cord that carry sperm from both testicles into your urethra; these structures produce male sexual hormones like testosterone. Torsion occurs when this cord twists inside your scrotum – commonly occurring among 12- to 18-year-old boys and men.

Most testicular torsion causes are unknown; however, genetic conditions known as bell clapper deformity could increase your likelihood of testicular torsion by making testicles more mobile in your scrotum and thus increase risk for torsion.

Your health care provider will carefully examine both your scrotum and testicles. He or she may use medical imaging techniques such as ultrasound to monitor for blood flow and whether any testicle remains alive. If a torsed testicle needs untwisting, our urologists (urinary tract and male reproductive system specialists) offer orchiopexy as a special procedure that will unwind it back out, restoring blood flow and increasing its effectiveness.

Symptoms of testicular torsion

Testicular torsion symptoms typically include sudden, intense pain in either one testicle, typically on its left side and worse on that side; often leading to vomiting or nausea and worsening over hours or days; sometimes leading to swelling; occasionally people may also notice that one or both testicles feel heavier than usual and appear dark or red in color – additional indicators.

Testicular torsion typically affects teenage males, though it can occur at any age. It is more prevalent during exercise or after an injury to the scrotum; or congenital conditions called bell clapper deformity which allows more free movement of testicles in the scrotum and increases chances of twisting the spermatic cord.

If a person shows symptoms of testicular torsion, he should visit an emergency department immediately. Otherwise, his testicle could become permanently damaged or even die without intervention within six hours and require permanent repairs or even removal.

Healthcare providers will initially gather the patient’s symptoms and medical history before performing a physical examination of their scrotum and testicles, including checking blood flow to affected testicles against those of non-affected testicles, as well as performing ultrasound to check whether spermatic cord twisting occurs.

People experiencing testicular pain will typically require hospital surgery as soon as possible in order to restore blood flow to the affected testicle and prevent permanent damage. As part of surgery, your physician will also remove any appendix testis (an innocuous piece of tissue on top of your testis that serves no function) that might be present.

After surgery, patients may require pain medication for several days postoperatively to control pain. He should refrain from physical activity that increases swelling and may feel some discomfort; but should return to normal within approximately a month. In order to help their scrotum heal more quickly after surgery, patients should wear loose underwear such as boxers instead of tight-fitting pants or briefs.

Diagnosis of testicular torsion

Torsion of a testicle is an urgent medical situation requiring immediate attention, as its symptoms include sudden and severe pain in the scrotum or feeling that your testicle is being torn from its socket. Without diagnosis and treatment, death of the affected testicle could occur within 6 hours. When detected early enough and left undiagnosed and untreated it can occur quickly resulting in permanent damage or loss. Torsion symptoms include sudden severe pain in scrotum as well as feeling as if one’s testicle being pulled out from its socket; symptoms that should prompt prompt action include sudden severe pain felt on being touched on testicular torsion include sudden severe pain with sensation that your testicle being pulled away from its socket being pulled by being pulled apart by force being pulled out.

This pain may appear suddenly or gradually over hours or days. It may occur on one teste more than the other or affect both testes; more likely to strike young men due to trauma or exertion than adults; it can also be the result of congenital conditions known as bell clapper deformity, which makes it easier for the spermatic cord to twist.

Doctors can diagnose testicular torsion by gathering information about symptoms and health history from their patient, performing a physical exam, and ordering an ultrasound of their scrotum and testicles to check blood flow. Emergency department doctors frequently utilize ultrasound because it allows doctors to compare asymptomatic testicles to those suffering pain as well as detect lack of blood flow (an indicator of torsion), thicker skin on affected sides, or in rare cases even small hydroceles that occur on non-affected sides – which are all markers for torsion diagnosis.

Laboratory tests cannot accurately diagnose torsion due to their limited sensitivity and specificity. If there is even the slightest suspicion of torsion, surgical exploration should be immediately undertaken rather than waiting for laboratory studies’ results – surgical exploration will provide definitive solutions and can prevent complications, including testicular infarction.

In an operating room setting, an incision will be made in the scrotum to expose and untwist the affected testicle, then examined for color and viability. If alive, orchiopexy (fixation to inner lining of scrotum to prevent retorsion). If viable but no longer functional then removal will occur with both testicle fixed in place to help prevent further retorsion; dissolvable stitches will then close any cuts made in scrotum post surgery to facilitate healing process – walking regularly will increase blood flow to aid recovery process by increasing blood supply to its interior; helping speed healing further than just surgery alone.

Treatment of testicular torsion

Testicular torsion is a medical emergency. Without prompt intervention and deconvolution of the torsion, blood flow to the testicle will cease and kill it. While detwisting may be difficult and require careful manipulation, doctors are usually successful in saving most testicles if treatment begins within six hours after first showing symptoms.

Physical examination is the initial step. Your doctor will check your scrotum and testicles for swelling, redness, lumps or any indications that blood flow has become compromised. Doppler ultrasound can aid with diagnosis as well as showing any potential problems with circulation.

Testicles may twist due to how they hang in the scrotum; in certain people it hangs looser, allowing it to move more easily than for others. A testicle could twist during vigorous exercise or when emerging into cold temperatures after awakening in bed at night.

Testicular torsion may also be the result of birth defects that are common among men. Some individuals are born without tissue that connects their testicles to their scrotum, leading to bell clapper deformity; in these men, testicles hang loose within the scrotum and rotate more freely than normal, potentially leading to testicular torsion.

Once a torsion has been diagnosed, medical intervention must take place immediately. A surgeon may untwist and restore blood flow to the testicle immediately – the chance of success depending on both how long ago the initial torsion began and its degree.

In some instances, doctors may not be able to untwist spermatic cords due to tight scrotums; in these situations, orchiopexy can help attach testicles securely within scrotums to prevent future torsion and ensure future safety for adolescents and adults alike. It should also be noted that those who have had testicular torsion in the past are at a greater risk for repeat incidents in future years.

June 10, 2024Editor

RADIONICS LTD – Radionics Dublin

RADIONICS LTD operates within the Scientific equipment and instruments sector. Their offerings include orifice plates, venturis and nozzles used for flow measurement as well as differential pressure transmitters.

Find out more about RADIONICS LIMITED by accessing its latest company documents, credit limit, directors and shareholders. Plus run a full credit report on any Irish company through Vision-net.

What is Radionics?

Radionics is a noninvasive electromagnetic healing technique that can be practiced from a distance. Practitioners employ dowsing techniques and Radionic instruments to identify imbalances in an individual’s energy field (or aura), which are the source of physical and psychological symptoms such as stress, illness, trauma or injury.

Treatments can then be administered to restore energy flow and bring balance back into healthy states, be they humans, animals, plants or soil/crops. All living things possess unique vibrations which influence their health and wellbeing; Radionics allows us to identify and heal these energetic imbalances that contribute to ill health by returning people back into more natural rhythms while encouraging inner balance.

Albert Abrams originally developed energy therapy or vibrational medicine. It’s based on an ancient belief that all forms of matter – people and animals alike – share an energy field. Stress, illness, fear and past negative experiences all can have an impactful on an individual’s energy field and consequently impact physical body or behavior in some way.

Clive Sinclair, founder of Radionics Company and later Sinclair Radionics, was a leader in audiophile products as well as calculators and scientific instruments development. He formed Sinclair Research Ltd, later known as Sinclair Radionics; producing electronic calculators, audio equipment and hi-fi systems. To view a complete credit report on Radionics Limited as well as learn more about their directors, business history and contact details; save time and effort when dealing with new customers or suppliers with Vision-net’s comprehensive credit checking system!

Radionics Treatments

Radionics, also known as Energy or Vibrational Medicine, is used to treat people, domestic animals and wild animals as well as soil, plants and crops. Practitioners believe their specially designed electronic devices can detect and balance individual vibrational frequencies before transmitting corrective frequencies for healing purposes.

Radionics treatments are generally administered by a “distributor”, who uses pendulums to identify imbalances within a patient’s body and then creates circuits designed to balance its energies. Following this procedure, practitioners often apply spiritual or physical substances directly onto the body in order to restore balance to energy fields and promote healing.

One of the most fascinating features of radionics is its capacity for distance work. Practitioners claim they can use their minds’ telekinetic ability to influence and heal distant bodies – both living and dead. Utilizing oscillators, practitioners build chords of tones they believe resonate directly with particular thoughts before sending healing frequencies directly into those systems – whether localized or distantly located.

Radionics may be considered pseudoscience by mainstream medical practitioners, yet it remains a popular alternative health modality worldwide. Many alternative health practices such as acupuncture and herbal medicine utilize elements of this technique within their practices; additionally, some holistic wellness experts also offer virtual or online radionics sessions as part of wellness services for wellness-seekers.

Radionics Limited was established as an Irish private company with two shareholders in 1950 and currently resides in Dublin. You can purchase either a Standard Company Report or Credit Report and view details about their directors, such as any past judgments they’ve been served with; you can also receive Judgment Monitoring Alerts for this company for 12 months free.

Radionics Equipment

Radionics kits contain various metal and glass components. Each one plays an essential role within the system. One such important piece of equipment is the orgone generator which creates positive energy through radionic frequencies. Furthermore, orgone power plates, cylinders and spheres may also be included for additional positive energies production.

Radionics can help treat conditions affecting mind, body and spirit. A radionics treatment may address stress and depression with various techniques while chronic fatigue and headaches may also be addressed through this form of medicine.

Since 1947, Radionics Ltd has been active in the Scientific equipment and instruments sector from their Dublin base. Boasting two directors, view their most up-to-date Credit Report as well as Company Documents now!

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Radionics Training

The course begins with an introduction to radionics‘ fundamental aspects. According to its creators, this course can be seen as akin to an archaeological expedition as participants learn its history and discover its foundational theories. Furthermore, several healing techniques will also be covered, giving learners a choice of approaches based on their personal circumstances.

Radionics and homeopathy first emerged during the 1940s. Practitioners of both therapies often worked closely together, and major figures such as George de la Warr, Dr Ruth Drown and T Galen Hieronymus often served as leaders within both fields. These pioneers furthered Radionics by innovating dowsing and projection instruments while also incorporating eastern ideas about man’s energy fields into their work.

Radionics works by correcting imbalances in a patient’s energy field. Utilizing special tools, Radionics practitioners broadcast clearly defined healing energies to the patient regardless of distance, allowing healing energies to target physical or psychological symptoms at their source and provide long-term healing benefits. Radionics works well alongside traditional medicine as well as alternative forms of therapy.

Radionics can also help enhance sports and activities performance beyond health issues, such as relieving horse stress. This may help lead to improved dressage, show jumping and eventing results as well as changes in behaviour such as aggression or fear in animals.

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June 10, 2024Editor

Quantum Healing Practitioners Near Me

Quantum healing practitioners rely on life-force energy, known as chi or prana. They believe this energy can be channeled in order to facilitate healing using principles such as resonance and entrainment with scientific backing.

Pam provides quantum healing sessions using Dolores Cannon’s method of QHHT for hypnotherapy, energy healing and past life regression. In addition, she also offers Reiki sessions, oracle card readings and crystals.


Hypnosis is an effective method to relieve pain, control symptoms of certain mental and physical illnesses, and increase overall well-being. Hypnosis should not replace traditional therapy treatments but it can serve as an adjunctive remedy.

Some may mistake hypnosis as mind control or brainwashing; it does not operate this way. While certain individuals may be more open to suggestion than others, you cannot be forced to act against your will under hypnosis as it alters how your attention is focused on things.

Hypnotization involves shifting your attention towards what the hypnotist is telling you and away from what’s going on outside – much like when reading or watching a film completely absorbs you!

A skilled hypnotist can use the trance-like state of hypnosis to influence your thoughts and behavior, including changing habits such as how you respond to stress and anxiety. Hypnosis may even help treat autoimmune diseases or overcome fears. Furthermore, it may reduce chronic illness pain.

Hypnosis has been practiced for centuries and can serve a multitude of purposes. Ancient Greece and Egypt employed it, while Franz Mesmer popularized it in modern society; initially known as mesmerism but nowadays more commonly referred to as hypnosis.

At a hypnosis session, your hypnotist will assist in relaxing both body and mind through various suggestions to alter perceptions, memories and habits – this change may help alleviate anxiety or depression symptoms or other related symptoms.

Hypnosis may be beneficial for many conditions, however it should not be used with those experiencing psychotic symptoms or hallucinations. Furthermore, medical professionals must first assess an individual to ensure it is safe before performing hypnosis on them. Finally, hypnosis may produce false memories and may not be as effective than other therapies when treating mental illness.

Energy Healing

Energy healing is founded on the belief that energy is fundamental to both our universe and bodies, with practitioners using various techniques to manipulate it to remove blockages causing emotional or physical distress or illness. It serves as an alternative form of medicine alongside traditional forms such as massage therapy and acupuncture, providing holistic healthcare solutions.

Energy healing modalities vary significantly, and your choice will depend on your specific needs and what ails you. Practitioners may incorporate their training into other popular practices like acupressure or massage therapy while some simply specialize in energy healing sessions solely.

An energy healing session involves lying comfortably on a table while your practitioner leads you through various meditations designed to release any tension, stress or negative emotions you’re holding onto – this process is known as clearing and can be especially helpful for people experiencing anxiety or depression.

Energy healing sessions can take place either in person or remotely using quantum physics principles, where focused intention can send healing energy far across distances. Researchers have noted that cancer patients receiving energy healing from distant healers tend to experience better outcomes compared to those who don’t.

Bruce Lipton: There is a scientific principle known as entanglement that refers to how two sources of energy interact. For instance, if you hang multiple pendulum clocks on your wall with different time settings but eventually begin swinging in sync over time – which occurs due to vibrational energy from other clocks impacting them and altering their vibrations.

An energetic healing session involves your healer channeling positive vibrations from their own body into yours using resonance; much like how music resonates, receiving an energetic healing session can act like tuning into a radio station from miles away and instantly boost your spirits.


One of the primary contributors to depression is an energy drain, but meditation can help rebalance your energies and enhance mental wellbeing. Meditation reduces stress while increasing focus, helping improve your mood and self-esteem – as you’re forced to live in the moment rather than dwell on past or future worries.

Meditation has the ability to help relieve physical ailments such as headaches by decreasing stress response in your body and relaxing muscles, leading to less headache pain as well as overall improved mood and sense of well-being.

Quantum healing is founded on the idea that our emotions and thoughts influence physical health, with its practitioners using techniques such as visualization and positive thinking to encourage mind-body connection. Unfortunately, Quantum Healing lacks scientific validity and has often been criticised for making unsubstantiated health claims.

Contrary to conventional medicine, quantum healing practitioners believe that changes in energy can produce healing effects on a person’s body and mind. This theory draws inspiration from quantum physics principles and holistic health concepts; though quantum healing remains thought-provoking it remains more closely aligned with psychological or spiritual principles than scientific methods.

Quantum healing practitioners tend to focus on chakras, or energy centers, in the body. Through visualisation and breathing exercises they aim to boost life-force energy and boost natural healing processes while sound and vibration therapy may also be used as complementary therapy approaches. Quantum healing should not replace traditional medicine but instead used as complementary therapy therapy.

Quantum energy healing can be easily accessed by anyone worldwide as it requires no years of study to master. Furthermore, you don’t need to belong to a new-age community or vegetarianism in order to explore these concepts; these practices resemble existing meditation and mindfulness methods which promote awareness of our inner energy sources.


QHHT was developed by Dolores Cannon (who died in 2014). The method involves inducing an individual into the Somnambulistic state of trance that we usually experience twice each day: at awakening and shortly before falling asleep – providing an extremely relaxing yet deeply meditative state.

Clients in this state connect with their Higher Self, which is both part of them yet separate from them, to obtain answers to life questions they’ve been wondering about, such as finding meaning in life or their purpose within it. Clients should feel free to engage in conversation with this aspect of themselves in this state.

Some individuals can experience healing for their illnesses through this session as well. Their Higher Selves will provide information necessary for immediate and effective healing – often without needing medications or surgery to bring relief.

People seek QHHT sessions for life-threatening diseases, chronic pain, phobias and addictions. Sessions allow them to uncover the source of these problems – often something unwittingly acquired in a past life – which allows for new ways of coping and finding healing that help overcome their challenges in daily life.

Many people believe that all things in the universe discharge energy, and humans can influence our physical world through thoughts and beliefs. This belief is corroborated by discoveries in quantum physics which show that matter itself is composed of energy vibrations; meaning every thought or feeling encoded with energy could affect what physically happens around us.

Anyone interested in receiving a QHHT session can benefit from engaging in some pre-session preparation. This may involve reflecting upon all the questions they’ve ever wanted answered – like life on other planets or whether there are extraterrestrials in our universe – in order to stimulate their subconscious during the session and access answers from The Higher Self.