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A Simple Radionics Machine Schematic

Plans for what was claimed to be the world’s most powerful radionics device were recently published online, complete with historical context and instructions along with its schematic design.

Hieronymus created machines known as receivers to amplify and detect Eloptic rays like channel signals on a radio, while transmitters were made that projected specific frequencies of Eloptic radiation into materials and living things.

Basic Tuning Circuit

Utilizing a straightforward three dial radionics machine schematic and some basic electronics skills, this device can be assembled within an hour. It includes witness well and stick pad features as well as connecting to mobius coil via 2-conductor jack – though this connection isn’t essential to performing radionics functions.

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At the beginning and end of each subject use, a clear button must be pressed in order to complete a short circuit across the instrument, clearing away any energy picked up from previous subjects. Some radionicists also wave magnets over their instruments between subjects in order to ensure all parts remain free from energies that may have accumulated over time.

The nine dials serve to set the rate of analysis. Based on years of research by Ruth Drown, these rates provide the primary set for use with this instrument; however, you are welcome to experiment with other rates as you become familiar with its operation.

Once a rate has been adjusted, an operator will rub a stick or similar object over the detection plate until they see an audible “stick”, an indicator of connection and readout of information available from subjects. A pendulum or any suitable object that uses an established reading system could serve as this stick indicator; additionally a mobius coil connected via resistor to reduce unwanted effects from an electromagnetic signal generated by its center mobius coil also acts as a reading system.


Some radionicists add HD orgonite to the mobius coil as a ground ballast – though not necessary – in order to limit electromagnetic interference picked up by it and transferred between tuning coils. Furthermore, the center mobius coil may be covered by a shroud for further reduction of emissions.

Simple 9 Dial

The simple 9 dial radionics machine consists of one dial and two input plates. It is often combined with pendulums for ease of use; all that’s required to use one is placing your subject (substance, illness, goal) onto one input plate while you stroke your finger across its detection pad to cause it to resonate with that subject, manifesting as sticky spots on its detection pad much like dowsing would do.

As with other radionics machines, the rate of vibration can be set using dials; there are various rates available. The HVR-9 utilizes wire wound variable resistors, which are far superior for tuning radionic vibrations than their carbon-based counterparts found in most commercially produced electronic devices. Thus, rates can easily be changed to any whole number or fractional rate using dials and calculator. Furthermore, using the pendulum technique is another easy and effective method of reading the machine. If the pendulum swings towards an upper right/lower left diagonal, then its rate setting is too high and needs to be decreased. An experienced operator may already have their own reading pattern that they can integrate into this system as well.

Witness or specimen wells are located between the antenna plate and first dial, and serve to house written intentions or goals (I tend to use sigils). A detecting plate connects between antenna and well; this may be any conductive surface like copper, brass, or stainless steel; foot plates make great options for placing larger photographs or items such as books.

At the beginning and end of each session, pressing the Clear button helps cleanse your instrument of any energies left from previous subjects or substances tested. Furthermore, pressing it every time dials are adjusted or between different test substances can further clear its surface. Some radionic practitioners also wave a magnet over their instrument between subject changes to further purge it from potential contaminants.

Simple 3 Dial

Radionics is an area of study focused on energy frequencies and used for healing, wish fulfillment and manifestation. Utilizing an instrument called radionics transmitter, users can broadcast energy information. Radionics devices such as this three dial version were designed for easy use at an affordable price point – powered by the Spooky2 generator it can be programmed with Rife frequencies from its database for powerful yet effective energy medicine remedies as well as various other benefits applications.

Circuitry in this instance involves a mobius coil placed upon a quartz crystal, producing an output with unique scalar interferometer properties ideal for radionics since there are no restrictions or barriers placed upon information or energy transference. Furthermore, shorter ground pins have been left open so any frequencies entering can freely flow into the circuit without interference from other grounding pins.

To create this simple radionics device you will require a can of soup, a coil of wire, two potentiometers and some copper flashing (a drip pad). Remove the lid of the can, use soldering iron or crimp connectors to attach a coil of wire at its base and connect both ends of 3.5mm 2-conductor audio jacks from Spooky2 generator to the right-end of mobius coil and far end potentiometer along a line extending along that line.

Final steps require the purchase of a dial that can be used for tuning, such as one with a base 10 scale and easy availability online. You can test this dial to ensure its proper functioning by using a multimeter to measure resistance between different leads at different times before adjusting it until a change appears in its readings.

Basic Zapper Circuit

The Basic Zapper Circuit is an extremely basic yet effective radionics instrument that works well for many. Although it doesn’t offer all of the subtle-energy upgrades found in Croft Terminator Zappers, it still delivers comparable performance at a much more economical cost.

Hulda Clark’s book THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES describes this device, known as a zapper, which utilizes the same single-polarity voltage signal found in Rife generators (see pages 41-41) to deliver single-frequency voltage pulses that use single-resonant frequencies to target and kill specific parasites’ bioresonant frequencies in order to kill them – this new development was not mentioned earlier – by selecting their bioresonant frequency from her “List of Frequencies”.

This zapper is the easiest and safest to use; its current doesn’t exceed 100 milliamps even when left on all night long! Additionally, its easy setup and use can help your health by keeping blood alkaline and eliminating pollutants from our environment.

To create your own zapper, begin by building a circular base plate with a diameter similar to that of the inside of a plant vase cover. Next, make a mesh grid design out of pieces of wire and connect them both ends of the circuit. Finally, either buy pre-made mesh from an online retailer, or create it out of copper/zinc Canadian pennies or any other electrically nonconductive mesh material.

Create a bulb holder out of similar materials and mount it on the base plate. Finally, connect and fit the LED zapper light as well as any peripheral devices using its short ground pins that remain open so any RF frequencies from them do not flow around and cause harm.

Use of this zapper can rid your body of parasites and other microbes that pose threats, including viruses. As these parasites are drawn to positive-polarity cells within our own bodies, a simple electric current from the zapper alters their polarity to change and cause their demise; viruses only last around three weeks while bacteria are eliminated very rapidly when exposed to high-voltage electricity.


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