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What Is Radiant Analysis?

radionic analysis

Practitioners of radionic analysis believe that all living things emit energy patterns that can be examined and adjusted, with any imbalances being the source of disease.

Symptoms serve as telltale indicators of their root cause; often related to chakras in the energy body (or subtle body).

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Radionic analysis is an alternative healing practice based on the belief that all living things, including humans, emit vibrational frequencies that can be modified or changed to promote healing, balance and well-being. Practitioners of radionics believe these frequencies can be altered and influenced to promote healing while traditional medical diagnosis assigns symptoms based on disease specifics; with radionics instead looking for any energetic disruptions which might be contributing to someone’s health issues.

Radionics is an esoteric practice with roots in esoteric traditions and occultism, giving rise to conspiracy theories about secret societies or exclusive groups allegedly dominating society through subtle forms of mind control. Radionics has also been associated with homeopathy where highly diluted substances may produce powerful results.

Radionics practitioners employ a device known as a “radiometer,” with dials and settings, to adjust resonant frequencies that match particular illnesses or desired outcomes. Once set, this frequency is broadcast into the patient’s energy field in hopes that it resonates back and brings about positive change; rate settings can even be customized specifically to target a tumor or infection site in their bodies.

Radionic analyses require people undergoing their first examination to provide a “witness sample,” such as a small piece of hair. This serves as the link between their energy and that of their practitioner’s energy; over time and space this resonance remains constant according to principles of homeopathy, which suggest that highly diluted substances retain their original vibrational frequencies.

Radionics uses energy patterns such as homeopathic remedies, essential oils, flower essences and colors as antidotes against bacteria and viruses to correct imbalances found in an individual’s energy field during an evaluation. A practitioner will dowse for the most appropriate remedy to restore equilibrium; radionics is commonly employed therapeutically on humans as well as animals. Qualified radionics practitioners always seek prior veterinary approval before conducting radionic evaluations or providing therapies such as radionia therapy sessions or offering any type of evaluation or therapy services or offering therapies of any type to clients or patients under their care before offering radionic evaluation or therapy services or offering therapies of any type or another therapeutic modality to animals or humans alike.


Radionics provides an effective method of diagnosing energy imbalances that lead to illness in human subtle anatomy. These imbalances could be physical, emotional or psychological in nature and using instruments coupled with extended sensory perception (ESP), known as radiesthesia, radionic assessment can identify these imbalances and begin the healing process. Tools like dowsing rods and pendulums are used by practitioners to detect subtle energies while more advanced technologies like the AO Scan use frequency-based wellness technologies for noninvasive energetic evaluation of body systems.

Albert Abrams laid the groundwork for modern radionic work by discovering that each disease has its own energy signature and developing instruments to diagnose these patterns, which continue to be used today.

Some individuals possess an innate talent for sensing energy fields around them, known as radiesthesia. With training and practice, this sensitivity can become even stronger; those adept at practicing it may then use their ability to pinpoint areas that require attention while creating the most suitable treatment plans.

Animal practitioners trained in radionic analysis and energy healing may offer radionic analysis and energy healing sessions to restore harmony to an animal’s body and soul. However, it must be remembered that radionics does not replace traditional medical care; rather it works alongside it to support it in improving overall patient wellness.

Long has it been recognized that certain substances, like certain toxic wood preservatives, produce earth radiations which cause significant health effects on those living beneath them. Lakhovsky discovered that certain types of soil were more conducive to producing this form of radiations; those impervious to external radiations like sand, gravel and sandstone caused minimal effects while clay soil, lava rock deposits or mineral ore caused extensive harm.

TimeWaver is the first radionics system to incorporate a new physical model based on the principle that matter is energy and consciousness. Instead of implementing digital signals like traditional radionics systems do, TimeWaver uses two independent noise generators and compares their oscillation patterns simultaneously, thus eliminating some of their typical weaknesses associated with computer-aided systems.


Radionic practitioners are skilled in discovering energetic disruptions behind disease, and encouraging their return to normal energy fields supporting health. This process works no matter the distance between practitioner and patient; its benefits extend to people, animals, crops, soil, plants and water alike. Radionic healing does not replace medical diagnosis or treatment but instead supports and facilitates recovery.

After reviewing a comprehensive confidential case history form, a radionic practitioner will conduct an analysis and diagnose causes and patterns of discord across all levels, to identify causes and patterns of imbalance. He or she may then suggest treatments such as homeopathic remedies, flower remedies or color remedies, core synchronism techniques or other remedies designed to address deeper causes for illness or imbalances within an individual’s life.

Radionics can be applied to all living beings, but its effectiveness with animals and horses is particularly remarkable. Radionics addresses subtle energies that cause problems in these creatures – core radionic analysis can identify trauma caused by past or current environment events that may contribute to behavioral or physical issues. Furthermore, core radionics is an extremely effective means of clearing imbalances ingrained deep within an animal’s soul or consciousness that may manifest themselves physically as behavioral or physical issues.

Radionics can provide powerful solutions for treating diseases and imbalances related to chakras – the energetic centres within our bodies – as well as stress or fear held within them for extended periods. This may help improve physical wellbeing or lead to dis-ease in some individuals.

Radionics assessments can be completed using either manual dowsing tools or advanced technology like the AO Scan Global system, which utilizes biofeedback to detect and amplify subtle bodily signals reflected in electromagnetic fields created by your body. Once an energetic assessment has been conducted, the system generates frequency optimization recommendations tailored specifically to you and compares your results against its database of information regarding organs, tissues, glands and their symptoms resulting from using different frequencies on them.


Radionics defies conventional scientific thinking with its unconventional principles, leading to both curiosity and skepticism among mainstream scientists. This alternative healing practice uses devices which supposedly detect imbalances in subtle energy fields before transmitting corrective frequencies remotely – this has generated controversy due to a lack of empirical evidence, potential placebo effect issues and reproducibility issues.

Radionic analysis requires accessing both the subject’s information field and energy field. A small sample of hair may serve as an intermediary between practitioner and subject; according to holography principles, which holds that smaller portions contain all the information of larger ones (i.e. patients).

Radionic analysis involves performing a comprehensive examination on an individual to ascertain if their energetic fields have become out-of-balance. If so, a treatment program is devised that may include physical, emotional and spiritual techniques to bring balance back into their energy fields – potentially helping resolve symptoms as a result.

Some practitioners of radionics draw comparisons between its principles and those found in quantum physics, particularly entanglement theory, as a basis of practice and claims about vibrational frequencies being transmitted through air waves that reach our bodies, which then penetrate their aura and have an effect on individuals.

Radionics, as an energy medicine form, is often employed alongside traditional and holistic healing practices like acupuncture, herbal medicine, reiki and massage therapy. A wide array of radionic devices exists from simple geometric forms to elaborate electronic machines which contributes to its variety and lack of standardization within practice.

Apart from radionic instruments themselves, various tools and reagents may also be utilized during radionic analysis. A resonator, for instance, is an item which potentiates frequencies with frequencies poteniated with rates. There are also “broadcasting receptacles” designed specifically to transmit certain frequencies.


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