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Reiki Remote Healing

reiki remote healing

Reiki healing energy has the ability to travel across time and space, enabling it to flow between practitioner and recipient regardless of physical distance separating them. This form of remote healing is known.

Typically, sessions are conducted via phone or an online platform such as Zoom. Clients usually lie down for the entirety of their session.

During the session

An initial remote Reiki healing session typically involves a video call or telephone conversation between client and practitioner to discuss specific issues, areas of focus, and their desired goals for their session. It is crucial that clients know they are receiving remote reiki healing; otherwise it would be unethical for practitioners to shift energy without their permission and knowledge.

After discussing with their practitioner, clients are instructed to turn off their phone and lie comfortably on a bed or sofa. While clients may stay connected during this period if desired, it is not essential for their wellbeing during treatment sessions themselves as energy will still move around them regardless.

Practitioners begin by scanning a client’s energy field for leaks or gaps, imbalances or anything that needs clearing or working on. Once complete, they will spend some time administering Reiki to body, emotions and mind to clear away any blockages they find and release any that exist.

Rebalancing chakras that require adjustment as well as sending Reiki to their spirit level of being can also prove extremely helpful to clients who feel disconnected from their spiritual selves and would like to reunite.

At this part of their session, some may experience heat or tingling sensations in their bodies; others might sense calm or peace. A practitioner will use intuition to determine where healing energy should be focused for maximum effect and then spend some time working on these areas.

At this point, practitioners typically speak briefly with their clients to relay any insights gained during the session and address any queries or concerns they might have. They’ll also offer simple strategies for keeping an energetic field clear at home as well as techniques for self care to extend the effects of the session.

Relaxation and Reiki healing on their own are often the most rewarding parts of a session, providing our clients with some time for reflection about how it may have altered their lives or simply knowing they received some extra love and support from spiritual team can be truly powerful emotions for many clients. After each session they will receive an email outlining key takeaways and effective tools for energetic self care to prolong the experience further.

After the session

Remote healing involves transmitting Reiki energy from a distance to a person in need, or patient. This type of therapy may be especially useful for people living far away from a healer or those who prefer not to be touched directly; energy transmission from distant healing sessions is just as strong.

Before beginning their reiki session, it’s essential that those receiving treatment have a safe and quiet space to sit or lie in for about an hour – they must also be open-minded, relaxed and peaceful in mind.

During a healing session, your healer will start by scanning your energetic field for any leaks, gaps or imbalances before administering Reiki to the body from head to toe – possibly using dolls and bears to symbolize clients as they administer treatment or placing crystals where attention needs to be focused more strongly.

As healing energy moves through your body, it may feel warm or bubbly or you might sense a tingling sensation. Some people even report seeing vivid colours or images in their mind’s eye while others experience deep relaxation. Although all this is perfectly normal, listen to what your body needs from you and allow the energy to move how it should.

After your healing session, it’s advisable to consume a glass of water – this will help flush away any toxins released during the process and take some time to reflect upon how you’re feeling and note any shifts in thoughts or emotions that have come about as a result of healing sessions. Many find journaling useful as way of clarifying changes that take place post healing session.

After receiving Reiki sessions, some individuals experience what’s known as a “Healing Reaction” or “Healing Catharsis”. This is a common symptom and could include headaches, runny nose or digestive problems – it’s important to stay calm as these symptoms may indicate your body detoxifying itself before further healing takes place.

Reiki healing transcends time and space, enabling it to bring healing energy back in time – useful when dealing with situations which cannot be addressed immediately, such as dealing with situations from the past or future that need healing, or for loved ones who have died. Reiki also keeps energy channels open while helping prevent illnesses caused by blocked chakras.

Preparing for the session

Reiki is an energetic healing modality designed to work holistically on every part of an individual. People seek out Reiki for healing emotional traumas or physical discomfort as well as learning mindfulness practices for leading a more joyful life. Reiki can also be used to clear away negative karma, break negative patterns and release past events from one’s life. When receiving reiki sessions it is best to maintain an attitude of surrender and openness so as to maximize its relaxing effects – yet take the necessary time beforehand to prepare properly.

Preparing for a Reiki healing session begins by setting your intention. Setting this intention allows your practitioner to better understand your needs and guide the energy they send; you may even find synchronicity supporting it and aiding your journey toward wellness.

At a Reiki distance session, your practitioner will intuitively connect with your energy field through an energetic connection. They will observe it and clear or replenish it as necessary, using additional techniques such as addressing specific issues, cutting cords or balancing chakras as appropriate. They may also request guidance or channel messages from spiritual teachers or guides.

Before your session, it is recommended that you drink water and limit or eliminate caffeine, sugar or alcohol intake. Also make sure you’re in a comfortable space where no electronics (phone/computer/music etc) will distract. Perhaps light a candle and play soft music/nature sounds to create an environment conducive to healing; some practitioners suggest short meditation/yoga practices prior to your appointment to bring about more open-mindedness in yourself and facilitate better listening skills during sessions.

Your Reiki Healer will use a clear, current photo of yourself without anyone else present as their focal point when sending Reiki energy healing treatments to you. In order to maximize effectiveness of treatment it’s also a good idea to lie down during healing sessions and allow yourself time for peace and relaxation.

Your Reiki session typically lasts approximately an hour. At its completion, your practitioner will reach out via video call to discuss any insights or shifts that transpired during your session and answer any questions that arise from it.
