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Spooky2 and the DH Experimental Frequencies Database

spooky2 dh experimental frequencies

Spooky2 now loads bean databases more quickly and offers technical support with screen images via direct email. In addition, GX Pro Display firmware v7789 executable was upgraded to address an issue which prevented proper functioning.

The DH ETDFL, RUSS, and Newport presets contain frequencies derived through dowsing that allow them to bypass Generator-X’s 200 frequency limitation.

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DH RUSS Presets

Spooky2 is an affordable Rife frequency generator, using the world’s largest frequencies database for healing, entrainment, and detoxification with plasma, contact, and remote PEMF transmission modes. Spooky2 comes equipped with premium components optimized for Rife frequencies as well as its unique Wave Cycle Multiplication algorithm which supports up to 25MHz frequencies with square or sine damped waves.

DH RUSS presets are created using frequencies derived from dowsing to kill pathogens and relieve non-pathogenic symptoms such as fibromyalgia, depression or cancer. Spooky2 users praise these frequencies for helping rid themselves of pathogens while relieving symptoms; however if you’re unfamiliar with dowsing these frequencies should only be used with medical supervision.

Spooky2 website allows for the easy download and installation of these DH frequencies as preset programs that appear under the Presets tab, for use in scalar mode. They can be paused and resumed where they left off when scanning, making them suitable for use on both humans and animals alike. Furthermore, when used alongside dowsing techniques these frequencies deliver more precise results.

DH Newport Presets

Spooky2 provides a powerful Rife frequency generator and the world’s largest frequencies database for healing, entrainment and detoxification. Users can create frequency programs easily before uploading them directly into the generator for easier running. Furthermore, pre-set frequencies have been designed for specific conditions like cancer and fibromyalgia as well as tools built-in for analyzing frequency results; users may even pause a scan midway.

Spooky2 users frequently rely on DH Newport presets as effective treatments for various health conditions, including cancer, fibromyalgia, and depression. These frequencies combine dowsing with electromagnetic research in order to eliminate pathogens and facilitate natural healing processes within the body – however these should only ever be used under medical guidance and with caution when working with animals or using as experimental frequencies on animals.

Alternative treatments such as the DH ETDFL presets may provide better results. They’re similar to Newport frequencies but offer more specialized frequencies, making them more potency than their Newport sets and should only be used under medical supervision. ETDFL presets can be used on humans and animals alike and aim to eliminate pathogens while mimic healing or entrainment substances.

Spooky2‘s most recent update (20240903) features several enhancements and bug fixes, such as reworking the RIFE framework to load beans faster, as well as adding two frequency databases (ETDFL and David Halliday’s experimental frequencies) into its search frequency database tool. In addition, DNA database was updated with frequencies targeting Covid-19 strains as well as new preset sets from DH Newport that address Morgellons disease.

Spooky2 users can now download DH Newport presets as free downloads and easily install them by running an installer and selecting which set they would like installed in Spooky2. Originally included by default was Newport Adaptations set; this option can now be enabled or disabled independently of default installation. An installer is available on Spooky2 website for download and use.

DH Database

The DH Database is an expansive collection of experimental frequencies developed by David Halliday for use with various conditions. You can download it for free from Spooky2 website and share with anyone without alteration; use with SNiGB frequency sets or with Spooky2 software is encouraged.

Spooky2 is an advanced Rife frequency generator designed for healing and dowsing at an economical price. Featuring premium components optimized to enhance deep healing frequencies and support frequencies up to 25MHz. Incorporating Wave Cycle Multiplication algorithms using square and sine damped waves. Spooky2‘s experimental frequencies use dowsing techniques to detect pathogens while mimicking healing or entrainment substances – far exceeding the 200 frequency limit set forth by GeneratorX.

Spooky2 software goes beyond providing experimental frequencies by offering additional features that make it more user-friendly than other frequency generators based on dowsing-dowsing frequency generators, including its ability to pause scans – useful when you are working for extended periods on one machine – such as saving its state when pausing and resume from where it left off once restarting it.

Another feature is the option to adjust frequency sweep amplitude. This enables you to vary sweep intensity from soft to intense for testing purposes, making this feature especially helpful. Furthermore, you can change carrier frequency; set frequency scan frequency per second; enable or disable gating, etc.

Version 20240903 of Spooky2 features many enhancements, such as DNA database updates; Newport preset sets designed to address Morgellons disease; and dowsing-derived experimental settings to cleanse pathogens from the body. Furthermore, Spooky2 now supports loading custom databases in CSV format, making managing large frequency libraries simpler; the new version of the RIFE framework is more efficient in loading databases faster; email screen shots directly to technical support to make troubleshooting issues simpler; and users can now email screen shots directly for easy troubleshooting issues!


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