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Spooky2 and Tinnitus

Tinnitus, or hearing noise that does not exist, may include anything from ringing, buzzing or clicking to growling and hissing noises – from intermittent or continuous buzzing and clicking sounds to growling and hissing sounds – ranging from subtle irritation to distressful or debilitating symptoms. Spooky2 provides an effective means of dealing with this condition by using Cold Laser Mode with Shell Empty Remote Healing preset folders on generators to eliminate it quickly and reliably.


Tinnitus, or the perception of sounds that do not exist, can range from ringing, buzzing, hissing, hissing, hissing or clicking noises to constant buzzing – from low growling growls to high screaming screams – that may come and go or remain constant – in one or both ears and may range in pitch from growling low growls all the way up to high screaming screams in either one or both ears. Tinnitus symptoms range from mildly irritating to debilitating; causes may include noise exposure from exposure from various medications like aspirin or chloroquine used against malaria treatment or trauma injuries which damage inner ears or auditory nerves or damage from head or neck surgery procedures causing nerve damage within these parts of ears or nerves damage caused by head/neck surgeries causing further nerve damage within these areas of hearing.

Tinnitus, or inner ear noises, are caused by damage to tiny hairs in the inner ears that send electrical impulses to the brain for processing sound. When these hairs become damaged and random signals reach the brain instead, tinnitus appears. Treatment for this issue often includes reducing stress levels and/or limiting loud noise (by wearing earplugs and/or muffs), treating any medical conditions which might contribute, as well as stimulating vagus nerves via Rife machines or Craniosacral Therapy techniques.

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Spooky2 can help reduce tinnitus through frequency therapy programs developed by researchers studying Royal Rife frequencies to treat various issues and illnesses, including tinnitus. You can find lists of these frequencies online or in hard copy; to use this approach with Spooky2, connect a Cold Laser Twin to Out1 of your generator; open Spooky2 software and click ‘Shell Empty Remote Healing; select Tinnitus from Chain Preset Folders in Presets Tab of Spooky2; run twice daily for 5 hours each session until symptoms subside!


Tinnitus refers to the perception of nonexistent noises such as ringing, buzzing, growling, hissing or roaring sounds in one or both ears that come and go intermittently or constantly – from low growling pitch through high pitched screaming; intensity frequency or location vary accordingly.

Problems caused by hearing impairment usually aren’t serious; however, they can result in hearing problems, fatigue and depression; concentration and memory problems may arise; stress and anxiety levels may increase but it’s possible to learn ways to cope with it.


Spooky2 Plasma Tube is designed to treat disseminated pathogens and for more difficult cases can be combined with Straight Plasma tube for an intensive approach. Cold Laser mode may be effective against tinnitus; its frequencies can help pinpoint it so the body can heal itself more quickly and the tinnitus should dissipate – however depending on how serious your case is trial-and-error may be necessary in identifying suitable frequencies for therapy.


Treatments for tinnitus vary, but typically they aim to address both its symptoms and root cause. Such remedies include decreasing stress levels, avoiding loud noise (or wearing earplugs or earmuffs in response), reducing inflammation, and treating any associated health issues that could contribute to it.

Tinnitus is the sensation of hearing noises that do not exist, such as ringing buzzing hissing roaring clicking or crackling sounds that occur either intermittently or continuously in both ears, ranging from soft to debilitating in intensity and location. Tinnitus symptoms often affect only one ear at once but its location varies from case to case.

Spooky2 offers several programs designed to alleviate the symptoms of tinnitus. Cold Laser mode in particular is highly effective as it works to stimulate inner ear hairs that trigger electrical signals processing sound waves. Ideally, we advise running this program twice daily for approximately five hours each time; some individuals may experience herx/frequency fatigue more quickly; therefore it may be wiser to monitor results over time before making decisions based on trial-and-error alone. Spooky2 stands apart as it includes multiple Rife machines – plasma, contact, remote PEMF and cold laser all in a convenient single package at a fraction of cost of standalone systems!


Identify and address its cause quickly for maximum relief of tinnitus symptoms, and this should help lower stress levels while making tinnitus less noticeable. As part of your efforts to prevent tinnitus, it is also wise to avoid noise exposure, use earplugs or wear earmuffs, reduce stress levels with wellness groups or physical exercises, and try different dietary approaches. Dr. Apa’s Spooky2 Rife Tone Amplifier uses low-energy electromagnetic frequencies that resemble radio waves but cannot be heard or felt; these frequencies penetrate cells, changing molecular structures of harmful microorganisms and cell debris so they vibrate at higher frequencies, which are then destroyed by this device. Cold Laser mode may also be used to treat tinnitus; simply connect your Cold Laser Twin to Out1 port on generator and click’shell empty remote healing’ under Presets tab of Spooky2 software to use this mode.


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