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Spooky2 Rife

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Spooky2 Rife is an educational YouTube channel dedicated to the Rife GeneratorX (GX) machine. This powerful device produces electromagnetic frequencies similar to radio waves that can be used to heal and destroy harmful cells and microorganisms. According to Rife theory, all diseases and harmful organisms operate at specific frequencies that Rife frequency cleansing can effectively kill by raising their resonant frequencies to levels they cannot abide.

How to Contact Spooky2 Rife

Everything vibrates at a specific frequency. These frequencies can be recorded and located using a Rife machine, then used to heal or destroy harmful cells and microorganisms. On this week’s SAMA episode we chat with Sebastien Mercier of Rife and Spooky2 use to diagnose and treat Lyme disease, along with some other healing modalities offered through Spooky2, such as frequency cleansing and Schumann resonance frequency – it’s a must listen episode for anyone new to Spooky2 software! Click here and use for free today!

How to Support Spooky2 Rife

Spooky2 was developed in 2013 using the theories of Royal Raymond Rife that appropriate frequencies can help eliminate cancer viruses and pathogens from our bodies. The machine features a comprehensive frequency database to facilitate healing for many health conditions.

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This week we feature an interview with Sebastien Mercier who has been using Spooky2 to diagnose and treat Lyme disease. He details how Rife therapy helped him decrease symptoms significantly as he successfully became symptom free.

Spooky2 software is at the core of our powerful and versatile Rife system, capable of controlling up to 126 generators simultaneously and independently. John discusses various transmission modes and hardware as well as giving an introduction to Spooky2. In this episode he also introduces its basic functions.


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