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Hulda Clark Zapper Schematic

Experienced electronics builders can recreate Hulda Clark zappers. Her books offer easy instructions on assembling one from $20 worth of Radio Shack parts.

This zapper can be programmed to generate any of the Rife frequencies or to produce its standard 30 kHz signal frequency.

The circuit

Hulda Clark’s zapper circuit detailed in “The Cure for All Diseases” has since been altered multiple times. Some use Rife frequencies while others combine these with Clark’s pulsed single-polarity voltage signal to kill parasites. Some devices even feature multiple modes, enabling users to select specific bioresonant frequencies associated with specific symptoms as discovered by Hulda Clark and other researchers.

The basic zapper circuit uses a 555 CMOS timer chip from Radio Shack; these chips can now be found at electronic supply houses and some online vendors. While a standard TTL version might work just as well, using one with more harmonics provides better results due to sharper square waves that produce crisper harmonics; moreover CMOS chips tend to drain batteries less quickly than TTL versions.

Connect the negative terminal of the battery to pin 1 on the 555 chip, with pin 8 connected to your switched wire and this allows you to toggle your zapper on or off easily. When powered on, the device emits high frequency pulsed DC signals at regular intervals.

The zapper can either be held by hand using its copper handles (available at certain health food stores) or worn using its wires attached to your body. For conditions like candida, 7-minute sessions should alternate locations: hand to wrist one day and then hand to foot on subsequent days – in that order (ie right hand vs left foot).

Some users have reported success using the Zapper to treat allergies, asthma, arthritis, IBS, colitis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, Chron’s disease athletes foot infection. Furthermore, infections from protozoa like Giardia and Cryptosporidium and bacteria, fungus yeast flukes hookworms roundworms or whipworms have also been reduced by using it regularly; although many of these claims remain unverifiable and some even discounted outright as being unfounded.

If you choose to try the zapper, it is advised that you follow a cleansing regime for at least several weeks prior to using it in order to rid your organs of parasites before they are killed by the device. This will allow your immune system to better defend against being exposed to these harmful organisms that will be killed off with this form of therapy.

The parts

Hulda Clark describes an electronic device called the Zapper in her books which she claims can cure many forms of disease. This simple electronic device produces low-voltage (5V square wave with DC component of 2.5V) pulses at 30kHz from a 9V battery powered circuit; two copper handles or electrodes enable user to hold or place on various parts of their body in order to kill parasites or harmful organisms that reside within human bodies. The purpose is killing parasites or harmful organisms within our bodies causing infections or illnesses caused by parasites or harmful organisms inside ourselves or elsewhere within.

The basic zapper circuit is illustrated below in its schematic form. You can construct it on a breadboard using a kit which contains a 555 CMOS timer chip, NPN transistor, resistors and capacitors for construction. Once assembled, this device can be modified by changing one of its resistor values within the 555 timer chip to produce multiple frequencies or frequency zapping which involves matching its bioresonance frequency of particular parasites or diseases with its frequency zapping capability.

While zappers may be effective parasite killers, they should never replace professional medical advice from licensed health care providers. Instead, the zapper should be used alongside healthy practices such as eating right and physical activity.

Some users are finding success with zappers that use higher voltage than the original 9V design. The 555 chip and other components in zappers that use this approach will tolerate up to 15V power supply, giving you greater frequency control options; higher frequencies tend to be better at killing parasites.

If you’re curious to try high-frequency zappers, it may be worth your while to look for companies who sell them. Such businesses typically provide an array of frequencies as well as warranties for their product; more professional circuit boards and outer chassis than cheaper home-built versions; they should offer superior customer service and advice, and help find you an appropriate frequency to match.

The connections

Hulda Clark was an alternative health practitioner renowned for her claim that her device, the Zapper, could treat various diseases by killing parasites and pathogens. This simple electronic device produces low voltage pulses with DC components of 2.5V at 30kHz frequency for application directly onto various parts of the body to eradicate any possible problems.

This circuit uses the 555 timer chip and some other components such as resistors and capacitors to form an inexpensive yet easy to assemble solution to help treat arthritis, chronic fatigue and cancer symptoms. Although not meant to replace professional medical advice, zappers can serve as valuable supplements to your overall wellness plan.

An effective 555 chip must be selected carefully, such as a CMOS one which creates sharper square waves with richer harmonics than TTL counterparts and drains the battery less rapidly than its TTL equivalent. You can find one at most electronics supply houses for around $10. A multimeter will also be necessary to check its output; alternatively, contact an electronics shop that repairs televisions or stereos who may offer their services in exchange for a fee or perhaps rent you one temporarily for inspection of your zapper.

The original zapper was designed for ease of construction, only requiring several resistors and a 555 chip for assembly. The timer chip produces a square wave at approximately 2200Hz that should suffice for most applications; however, you can easily alter its frequency by changing values on two of its resistors.

If you are building a zapper for a specific parasite, it is advised to first use a frequency generator to identify its actual resonating frequencies before programming these into your zapper – this will ensure it effectively kills off that parasite.

Building a zapper is straightforward, and should only be attempted by those with some electronics project-building experience. Hulda Clark’s book “Cure for All Diseases” contains comprehensive instructions that will walk you through each step in creating one.

The battery

Hulda Clark’s Zapper is designed to eliminate parasites and microbes that cause disease, including allergy and asthma symptoms, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, colitis and other ailments. Users have reported increased energy levels after using it; however, it should not replace medical advice from qualified healthcare professionals.

The Zapper can be used on various parts of the body, but is most effective when placed between wrist and hand, foot to foot, or head and forehead. Additionally, this device has also proven successful at killing fungus, molds and yeast; and some users have even reported success killing parasites in water!

Many people find the Zapper beneficial in helping to alleviate many health conditions, from allergy and asthma, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and Chron’s disease to digestive issues like bloating, gas, or indigestion. Although not intended as a replacement for medical care, zapping offers a safe noninvasive alternative solution.

To assemble your zapper, you will require a breadboard, 555 CMOS timer, seven resistors (2 each of 1K Ohm, 2.2K Ohm and 39K), two capacitors of 270K Ohms with 100pf capacities as well as color jump wires, color jump leads, and an LED. All these parts should be available either at an electronics shop near you or online.

The zapper is easy to build without needing soldering skills; it comes complete with foolproof instructions and parts list, making assembly quick and straightforward. Copper pipes or ESD straps may be used with it; just be mindful not to touch its electrodes with either your hands or feet during construction! Cover the positive terminal of your battery with tape prior to beginning work on this project, and avoid touching wire ends during assembly by using battery connectors (5 pack available at Radio Shack for just $1).

An effective zapper can be constructed for as little as $30, with long-term effects that will prove its value. Used to kill parasites and other microbes in the body, its operation is straightforward and user friendly.
