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Shamanic Energy Transfer Remote Healing

Shamans go beyond clearing and healing energy fields by performing extractions to remove misplaced or negative energies, including any leftover from an injury such as spraining or even receiving a heart transplant.

Remote healing sessions with shamans utilize energy transfer for an energetic healing session without physically present clients, also known as Reiki healing.

Energy Transfer

Energy healing involves harnessing life force energy (also referred to as Qi or chi) to cleanse, balance and revitalize your aura and chakra systems (major energy fields in your body). This energy pervades all aspects of society – people, animals, plants and even buildings! As scientific research proves, thoughts and intentions have measurable effects on distant objects – verifying ancient understanding of an interwoven web of energy.

Shamans serve as an intermediary between physical and spiritual realms. Their expertise allows them to recognize that illness, dis-ease and imbalance often stem from disconnection from oneself and spirit – therefore performing soul retrievals or extractions to restore these missing links, helping their clients experience health, wholeness, wellbeing and balance in their lives.

One core shamanic technique is soul journeying: entering altered states of consciousness in order to navigate the spirit realm in search of information, wisdom, remedies and spiritual healing for their clients. A shaman employs rhythmic drumming as an inducer in this trance-like state wherein their awareness shifts away from physical reality towards non-ordinary or invisible realms.

Shamans believe that soul loss lies at the core of many (if not all) ailments, including emotional, psychological, and physical ones such as depression, PTSD, chronic pain conditions, autoimmune diseases or feelings of being stuck in life. Shamans can recover these missing pieces to reconnect clients to their spiritual essence or core power through an energetic transfer process.

At a shamanic healing session, it’s normal to experience tingling and see colors. A shaman may use various techniques such as singing, feather smudging and rattles to aid the healing process and it is essential that clients remain comfortable and as calm as possible during this process.

Once their shamanic healing sessions are finished, clients often report feeling lighter and closer to themselves. Many are able to forgive, release and move past past hurts while facing fears and making changes for a brighter future.

Metaphysical Tools and Objects

A shaman’s main tasks include healing and divination. Operating at an intuitive soul level, they utilize natural forces like rainstorms or fires to bring relief or put out fires. To accomplish these goals, shamans must regularly work on themselves – maintaining balance and discipline despite often difficult life conditions; maintaining relationships with animal spirits, plant spirits and elemental world spirits in order to perform these duties successfully.

Shamans accomplish this through various means, such as rituals, trance states and visionary states; working with sacred plants increases sensitivity and bio-energetic capacity in humans – creating an enhanced state of hyperesthesia which allows them to perceive energy or vibrations that cannot be perceived with regular human senses.

Some healers prefer using shamanic energy transfer remote healing over medical-based techniques. Healing involves finding and clearing areas of imbalance or dissonance in both energetic and physical bodies of their clients; healing energy seeks these places of discordance starting with spirituality before moving through energetic, emotional, mental and finally physical bodies to restore wholeness. It allows individuals to bring themselves back into balance after life-journeying has taken them astray.

To maximize effectiveness, the most powerful way to use intention as a healing technique is through its power. A healer’s intention opens a pathway for Healing energy to flow freely. They can do this using tools such as pendulums, drumming or dancing but it’s also possible to simply direct it with thoughts and emotions alone – many studies and anecdotal accounts support its efficacy.

Shamanic energy transfer is a noninvasive healing practice with many advantages. A practitioner acts as a channel for spirits to connect and communicate with clients, leading them to healing themselves. A shaman may also use “shamanic illumination,” an energy clearing technique where chakra energy systems are cleared out before being illuminated with divine light energy.


Shamanic healing practices and energy medicine have been utilized for thousands of years, often by native populations around the world. Shamanism’s psycho-spiritual approach suggests that symptoms such as anxiety, depression, fear and guilt could be the result of spiritual imbalance, disconnection with self or distance from spiritual or emotional sources; any such misalignments must be corrected in order to achieve complete harmony among mind, body and spirit.

Healing professionals, such as shamans, energy healers, Reiki masters, Chi Gong masters and priests are adept at distant healing. By tapping into the universal energy field that all living things share – something shamans call the All That Is while Daoists refer to as Qi, Yogis as Prana and Quantum Physicists call “the universe’s quantum field” – healers can tap into an energy source which taps into all living things as part of life itself.

During a session, the healer sends healing energy directly from their pure heart through intention and vibration to reach their recipient. This energy can travel across time and space. For maximum effectiveness it’s essential that their intention be of the highest good of all beings from all dimensions.

Energy healing can provide new perspectives, ease, and well-being in your life. It can help release old patterns or beliefs that no longer serve you; bring clarity, higher love, and improve manifesting what you desire into existence.

As your health improves, you may experience greater energy, vitality and aliveness. Your skin may appear younger-looking and you could begin attracting experiences that support rather than hinder your growth.

Remote energy healing sessions are an excellent way to clear, balance, and strengthen your energetic field so that you are better able to manifest what you desire in life. They may also deepen your connection to Spirit, providing more guidance from them.


Shamanistic healing differs from other modalities like Reiki in that it addresses multiple energy centers simultaneously and restores power back into clients. Instead of treating symptoms-based ailments with Western medicine, shamanic healing treats their cause: disease and imbalance at their source – using tools that connect clients to their ancestors and guides; I as a practitioner become the conduit through which spirits enter to do the work themselves – not me, the healer!

Shamanic energy transfer is both safe and fast. During a session, a shaman travels on behalf of their client to non-ordinary reality in order to retrieve lost pieces of their soul or power animal from it; this practice is known as soul retrieval or power animal retrieval and may have resulted from childhood trauma or an event which fractured it in some way.

Once a shamanic practitioner has removed negative energy, they will replace it with healing energy. They may perform soul retrievals or power animal retrievals or past life regression sessions in order to address any karmic issues and remove discordant energies while helping their clients reunite with their guiding spirit.

Shamanic healing sessions can take place either with the client physically in the room with the shaman, or remotely thanks to quantum entanglement – meaning all things are connected, even when traveling across space; hence even when traveling across time, the shaman can still connect with their spiritual body in higher realms and physical body on Earth.

As with any healing modality, results of shamanic healing vary widely; however, recent research indicates dramatic improvements for some chronic illnesses like Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMDs). Shamanic healing may provide long-lasting and powerful solutions; many clients report experiencing increased energy, enthusiasm and contentment after sessions. It is essential that clients follow spirit guidance in incorporating healing into their daily lives for maximum effectiveness.
