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Healing Touch Energy Therapy

Healing traditions across cultures emphasize the power of touch, compassion, and the natural flow of energy. Healing Touch is a noninvasive holistic therapy designed to promote wellness on all levels; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

Nurses, doctors and patients across the world are turning to healing touch energy therapy for support when it comes to healing. It works on the theory that all living beings possess an energy field encompassing their bodies as well as energy centers located inside.

What is Healing Touch?

Healing touch, also known as energy therapy or therapeutic touch, teaches healthcare practitioners to interact with and manipulate the human energy system for therapeutic benefit. Based on the belief that body and mind are intertwined via an invisible energy web, practitioners use gentle touch techniques to clear, balance, and energize human energy fields which they believe may be at the source of illness.

Healing touch practitioners believe that an individual’s life force energy (also called qi or prana) can become depleted due to lifestyle choices, and by channeling this vital energy back through healing touch sessions they can restore natural wellness and restore one’s own state of wellness. A session typically entails sitting comfortably or lying down while their practitioner makes wide sweeping gestures with their hands over certain energy centers or directly on surfaces on the body surface.

Healing touch practitioners believe that human energy fields extend far beyond physical bodies and that hands emit electromagnetic energies that they are trained to “read.” Their goal is to reorder this field as needed to clear away blockages or bring in more vitality from outside sources.

Although much remains to be learned about energy work, many hospitals, colleges, professional organizations, and private foundations have come out in support. Integrative care providers frequently include it in conjunction with traditional medical practices; ongoing studies aim to assess its efficacy.

One study reported that cancer patients receiving healing touch experienced a measurable reduction in stress levels and this decreased was often linked to improved pain management. Healing touch is believed to promote relaxation response mechanisms which lower blood pressure, heart and respiratory rates and production of stress hormones – all which help the body’s natural healing capabilities. For more information, visit the Global Healing Touch Directory where you can locate Certified Healing Touch Practitioners or instructors nearby.

How Does Healing Touch Work?

Healing touch operates under the assumption that all living things–including humans–exchange energy with one another and with their environment at an almost constant rate, exchanging energies constantly with people, other living organisms and the environment. Healing touch aims to restore our bodies to equilibrium with this universal order through noninvasive therapy which seeks to clear, energize and balance human energy fields (also called auras) as well as chakras or energy centers which in turn are believed to affect physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

At an energy healing session, you lie fully clothed on either a massage table or chair in a treatment room and are fully clothed throughout. Your practitioner will first focus and center themselves through a process known as “centering.” They’ll scan your energy field to identify sensations or areas of imbalance before using their hands around or on specific energy centers to clear and re-energize these energy pathways – you might feel nothing, heat or tingling or feel energy moving through your body as it balances these pathways.

Once a session concludes, your practitioner will conduct another assessment to ascertain any changes in your energy field and provide guidance for techniques you can do at home to support wellness.

Healing touch has long been used to address various physical and emotional conditions, including pain management, cancer symptoms management and chronic illnesses. It’s frequently integrated into conventional medical treatments in hospitals, doctor’s offices, hospices and long term care facilities worldwide.

Research continues to demonstrate the beneficial effects of healing touch therapy as an effective complement to traditional medicine. If you’re interested in trying any complementary health practices, be sure to inform your healthcare provider so they can monitor your wellbeing and offer optimal care.

What Happens During a Healing Touch Session?

Clients lie fully clothed on a massage table while their practitioner lightly touches their bodies for 40 to 60 minutes of therapy, usually lasting one or two sessions. At the start of a session, practitioners conduct an initial scan/assessment of your energy field, paying particular attention to imbalances and flow patterns. After this assessment has been completed, practitioners may use chakra connection or magnetic passes techniques; chakra connection involves placing hands on seven energy centers throughout your body in order to balance and rejuvenate them; magnetic passes utilize slow, sweeping hand movements across your body in order to release blockages and increase energy flow patterns within.

Healing Touch practitioners believe that all living beings possess an energy field or “energy body,” which interacts with their environment and other beings in constant dialogue. Illness or emotional stress may disturb this flow of energy and cause physical or mental problems; treatment aims to restore equilibrium by stimulating and activating innate wisdom of body to heal itself through this natural mechanism.

Some individuals report feeling nothing during a Healing Touch session, while others experience sensations like warm or cool energy pulsing through their bodies or the environment. Furthermore, individuals can experience deep relaxation or peaceful restful states, visions, imagery or an emotional release. Healing Touch therapy is safe, noninvasive and complementary form of healthcare treatment which can be utilized alone or alongside traditional practices of care.

Some medical professionals have reported that Healing Touch therapy can strengthen immunity, decrease inflammation and speed recovery from surgery. Furthermore, Healing Touch may relieve cancer patients’ pain, anxiety and depression as well as those experiencing chronic or acute conditions. Individuals seeking alternative psychiatric approaches or holistic means of dealing with life stresses often find Healing Touch beneficial as an additional therapy option; its gentle nature also makes it suitable for chemotherapy or radiation patients and children undergoing an adjustment period in their lives.

What is the Goal of a Healing Touch Session?

At each session, a practitioner will assess your energy field to identify any imbalances or blocks that need balancing or clearing, using both hands-on and off-body techniques to clear, energize, and balance it.

Healing Touch sessions generally last 20-60 minutes. During your appointment, you will remain fully clothed during this time and the practitioner will inquire as to your health issues and desired goals for this session.

Healing Touch sessions aim to support your body’s natural ability to heal itself. It’s a relaxing treatment, leaving many feeling soothed and balanced afterward; some even report experiencing emotional release or greater insights into their lives after attending one.

Healing Touch offers numerous advantages, including reduced anxiety and stress levels, pain reduction, strengthening immune systems, postoperative recovery enhancement, cancer care support services support as well as relieving acute or chronic conditions. There is growing research supporting its efficacy.

Healing Touch can be used on its own, or combined with other healing modalities like massage therapy, guided imagery, music therapy, acupressure and meditation to create an all-around approach to wellness. Healing Touch is often employed alongside medical interventions like pain management or surgery; when offered alongside surgical procedures it has proven to reduce anxiety levels, lower blood pressure and heart rates as well as reduce narcotic pain relief prescription needs.
