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EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is an EFT is an EFT stress relief therapy which utilizes finger tips to stimulate energy points within the body and is used to address depression, anxiety, pain and food cravings as well as reduce PTSD symptoms and improve resting heart rate and blood pressure.

Process involves visualizing negative emotions or pain and tapping acupressure points with fingers as an effective means of downregulating nervous system activity and accessing parts of brain beyond words.

EFT is a type of acupressure

Emotional Freedom Techniques, or tapping, is a self-help technique that uses energy meridians in your body to reduce emotional distress and heal trauma. The process involves tapping on specific acupressure points with your fingers while focusing on an emotion – you can use this to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mental focus in sports or work settings, manage cravings for food items or stop food binges among many other uses. EFT may even help to treat conditions like PTSD.

Hands-on acupuncture works by stimulating meridian points with your fingertips and soothing the central nervous system. Based on its belief that mind and body are interdependent, blockages in energy systems create emotional suffering – such as those caused by trauma, childhood experiences or beliefs – restoring balance will alleviate this suffering and allow you to move forward with life more freely.

Practitioners help clients to identify what’s bothering them, such as trauma or negative thought patterns. Next, they assess the intensity of these emotions on a scale from zero to 10. Once tapping is used to reduce intensity levels down to manageable levels, an issue statement is repeated until intensity levels come down substantially; then affirmations can be voiced to change beliefs and narratives.

In clinical settings, trained clinicians will often ask their patient to recall a traumatic memory while tapping on specific acupressure points. This process helps the brain recognize it as neutral rather than emotionally intense experience and deactivates amygdala and cortex while also lowering cortisol levels and improving vagal nerve function.

Though EFT may provide some relief for PTSD symptoms, it may not work for everyone. Therefore, it’s essential to explore other coping techniques, such as speaking to a counselor or therapist for more intensive therapy if your PTSD persists; additionally, therapy sessions can teach coping skills and help overcome fears related to trauma.

It is a form of energy therapy

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is an energy therapy method that employs energy meridians in the body to release emotional blockages. Studies have demonstrated how EFT reduces stress hormone levels, enhances immune system functioning and even changes gene expression; plus it’s an invaluable way of changing negative emotions and beliefs that arise within. EFT also triggers relaxation responses which boost physical health and overall well-being – something the mind-body connection cannot do alone.

An EFT session begins by the individual recognizing and acknowledging their desired issue, then establishing the initial intensity or distress level associated with that issue on a Likert-type scale from 0-10 where 10 indicates maximum distress. Once this step has been taken, they verbalize a “setup statement” related to this specific problem before tapping multiple meridians sequentially while repeating this setup statement.

EFT tapping method is founded on the theory that negative emotions arise due to disruptions in one’s energy system, drawing inspiration from ancient Chinese traditions using acupuncture for emotional and physical disorders. EFT uses fingertips instead of needles to stimulate meridian points which are thought to balance energy flow for overall health and well-being.

Though further study is warranted, several studies suggest that EFT therapy may be an effective approach for anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). One recent research article from The Permanente Journal illustrated this trend; they discovered in-person EFT sessions reduced PTSD symptoms by an astounding 91% while phone and online sessions reduced them 67%.

EFT Tapping Technique is an easy, noninvasive self-administered treatment which can be done independently or with help from a therapist, to quickly alleviate a wide range of symptoms ranging from fear and anger to insomnia and chronic pain. Results are long lasting and life changing – in addition to decreasing anxiety levels it has also been proven to increase cognitive function while alleviating depression symptoms.

It is a self-help technique

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a straightforward self-help method that utilizes your body’s energy system to release any stuck emotions. EFT helps identify negative thoughts, unpleasant emotions and distressful memories while using elements from cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy combined with acupressure techniques for maximum effect. EFT’s primary purpose is reducing stress and anxiety through stimulating positive emotional responses within your body while increasing concentration and focus – all key skills for sports or work performance enhancement.

This technique involves tapping specific meridian points that relate to your emotional distress. After identifying and describing the issue to yourself, rate its intensity using a scale from 0-10 before tapping specific body energy meridians while repeating an appropriate phrase related to your situation until your intensity has decreased to an acceptable level.

EFT should be done in a quiet, private place to ensure maximum effectiveness. EFT requires you to be present in each moment and requires concentrated effort to follow its sequence of steps. You should use your fingertips to tap each point; while tapping, use short phrases repeated multiple times over as a focus aid to tap each point multiple times and clear any energy blocks.

EFT has been proven to help address numerous conditions, such as anxiety and depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), chronic pain management, phobias and addictions. Furthermore, EFT can improve mood while strengthening immunity – all the while decreasing cortisol levels which contribute to physical symptoms and disease processes.

Although EFT generally doesn’t cause significant side effects, it is still wise to speak with your physician prior to starting this method. EFT should be avoided by those suffering from severe psychological disorders or trauma-induced flashbacks; to protect yourself during this process it is advisable to find a therapist to guide them.

It is a psychological technique

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a psychological technique often employed to treat anxiety, phobias, and trauma. The technique involves tapping on energy-flow pathways called Meridian Points which serve to maintain health by balancing energy. Any imbalance can result in illness or disease; tapping on these points with fingertips should release any blockages; however it should only ever be carried out under guidance from an experienced practitioner.

EFT begins with identifying negative emotional triggers and rating them on a scale from 0-10; once this step has been completed, you repeat a phrase while tapping the same spot on your hand to form what’s known as a setup statement for this experience. After each round is over, your therapist will ask you to rate your feelings again as well as identify any physical symptoms until the intensity of those feelings have subsided to low levels – this cycle continues until feelings subside to an acceptable level.

Clinical studies of EFT have shown it can alleviate the effects of PTSD and other mental health disorders, reduce activity in the amygdala and cortex, lower cortisol levels and enhance vagal tone. Furthermore, fMRI studies have revealed EFT reduces activation of stress response genes.

Many doctors, psychologists and therapists have discovered the power of EFT can ease the suffering caused by traumas while also encouraging healing. Many organizations offer certification programs for individuals interested in using this technique to resolve trauma and other emotional problems; these programs meet high standards in training and education with materials like how-to videos, annual research reports, FAQs and professional conferences available for training purposes.

Matrix Reimprinting (MR), an improved form of EFT, can be used to address traumatic memories and experiences through EFT. This approach has been tested across various settings and populations including veterans of war, sexual assault victims, motor accident survivors and hospital patients with promising results; it should however always be conducted under supervision by a qualified therapist.
