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Holistic Practitioner Course

holistic practitioner course

Train students with professional skills in bodywork/energy work and holistic health care modalities that augment and work in concert with conventional medicine, supporting them in exploring how mind, body and spirit relate to physical health or illness by looking into psychospiritual influences behind it.


Acupuncture, the practice of inserting fine needles into specific points on the body’s meridians, is an effective holistic healing technique used by holistic health practitioners to treat stress, headaches and digestive issues. Acupuncturists employ traditional Chinese or Eastern and Western practices combined to diagnose imbalances within the body as part of their treatments; other services may include massage therapy, herbs or mindfulness meditation as part of these practices.

Acupunturists can be found working in hospitals, chiropractic clinics, private practices and hospices – even sports teams and hospices employ them for pain management purposes. More people are turning to holistic healing solutions due to growing distrust for traditional medicine; consequently holistic healers have seen an upsurge in demand.

Massage therapy is another popular holistic health practice, frequently combined with acupuncture in treating pain and anxiety. Massage therapists employ various methods for relieving tension such as Swedish massage, deep tissue work and trigger point therapies; some even incorporate energy work or guided imagery sessions into their sessions.

Other holistic health practitioner courses available today include herbal medicine, reiki and naturopathy – once dismissed practices that have become more recognizable over time as more people seek natural solutions for their ailments.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is one of the most widely utilized holistic health therapies. Used alongside traditional medicine to treat various conditions, massage can reduce pain, anxiety and depression while simultaneously strengthening immunity and treating chronic illnesses such as fibromyalgia or arthritis. Furthermore, massage can improve quality of life for terminal illness patients while making them feel better about themselves – many report experiencing great relief through massage therapy!

This course provides comprehensive instruction in various holistic health care modalities, such as Anatomy/Physiology, Stress Management & Relaxation Techniques, Therapeutic Body Massage and Aromatherapy. Students will develop professional skills in these modalities while becoming aware of how food and nutritional supplements affect wellness.

This course also covers Energy Healing and Guided Imagery. As well as this, this course introduces Aromatherapy (including its history, benefits, contra-indications, chemistry and classification of essential oils) and Color Therapy (the use of visible light spectrum colors to energize, balance and heal on physical, emotional and mental levels). This course will teach the student how to create wellness goals and apply various strategies that promote holistic practice. Successful graduates of all courses, exams and case studies will receive a Holistic Health Practitioner Diploma from Transformational Arts. The Canadian Examining Board of Health Care Practitioners will recognize this degree and grant them Certified Natural Health Practitioner status (C.N.H.P).


Midwives are licensed healthcare providers who are specially trained to care for pregnant women, infants, and children throughout their pregnancies, labors, births, postpartum periods, as well as providing individual wellness education and counseling. Midwives work closely with families across a variety of settings such as private offices, community health centers and hospitals as well as being experts at remote delivery methods such as telehealth.

Midwifery may seem like an alternative form of healthcare, but it actually falls within mainstream healthcare. Certified nurse midwives (CNMs) are advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) trained specifically in pregnancy and childbirth who provide referrals as well as medication prescription. CNMs may also perform medical screenings and physical exams.

The George Washington School of Nursing’s master’s of nurse-midwifery program equips students with the knowledge and experience required to provide holistic, family-centered care. Following Jesuit philosophy of cura personalis (or “care for the whole person”), this program focuses on making sure all women and men receive comprehensive, culturally sensitive health services.

This course covers basic sciences including physiology, anatomy, microbiology, pharmacology and more. Additionally, the principles of holistic health and their application in clinical practice are covered. Furthermore, emphasis is given to creating a healthy working environment by creating relationships among colleagues and clients while simultaneously emphasizing self-reflection and professional conduct.

Nutritional Counseling

Nutritional counseling is part of holistic healthcare that encompasses body, mind, and spirit. Nutritional counselors focus on meeting an individual’s individual needs and goals for creating and maintaining a healthier lifestyle; teaching diet changes to prevent future illnesses is also part of this therapy; commonly this form of therapy is offered at eating disorder treatment clinics for anorexia, bulimia or binge eating issues.

Holistic practitioners combine conventional and holistic treatments to promote overall patient wellness. Their treatments typically include exercise, diet modification and harmonious interpersonal relationships. Unfortunately, not all forms of holistic medicine are covered by health insurance plans; so patients may need to pay out-of-pocket for these services.

This course offers students a unique opportunity to explore topics in holistic healthcare that aren’t offered through electives in their IHHW minor. Students arrange an independent course under instructor approval; at least three holistic courses must have already been completed and this class is open to juniors as well as seniors.


Homeopathy is an alternative healing approach that employs highly diluted substances to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and restore balance to physical, emotional, and psychological maladies. Homeopaths can treat many conditions – from emotional issues to developing healthy lifestyle habits or finding ways to cope with stress – providing holistic solutions without necessarily needing extensive training in a health field. Homeopathy makes an excellent career option for those interested in holistic healthcare without extensive prior training requirements.

Certification can open many career doors within this field, from running your own practice and working alongside medical professionals at integrative clinics, to writing books about alternative medicine and teaching classes or workshops at community centers or universities.

Holistic wellness is a multibillion-dollar industry, and enrolling in a holistic practitioner course will equip you with all of the knowledge and credentials to make a significant contribution in this dynamic segment of medicine. The Occupational Outlook Handbook projects above-average job growth through 2032 for massage therapists, nutritionists and homeopaths–an encouraging sign for those pursuing careers in holistic health. Now is a good time to consider holistic healthcare careers! HAI offers an individualized holistic healing program that is an accessible step toward holistic wellness careers, offering courses to begin your studies and grant certification upon completion of each course. With partial scholarships and payment plans available, this option makes holistic healthcare careers accessible and cost-effective for everyone interested.


Ayurveda, which translates to the “knowledge of life,” is an ancient Indian system of medicine which incorporates diet changes, herbs and yoga poses for holistic healing of body and mind. People of all ages have used Ayurveda for thousands of years in order to balance hormones naturally while experiencing healthy pregnancies and menstrual cycles.

An Ayurvedic practitioner will assess key signs and symptoms through questioning, observation and physical exams including pulse taking, tongue observation, eye examinations and mouth observations and listening for any alterations in tone of voice. They then offer palliative and cleansing solutions in order to restore equilibrium.

Doshas, or basic energy types or functional principles found within the human body, represent three essential energy types known as doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. Each dosha corresponds to one of nature’s five elements (space, air, fire, water and earth) and govern specific bodily functions such as movement, metabolism and lubrication.

Ayurved practices can help reduce stress and improve sleep, leading to better mental and emotional well being and helping the body ward off disease and illness, according to experts in Ayurved. Meditation, Yoga, Massage Therapy and Herbalism all play key roles within Ayurved. Graduates of Ayurvedic Practitioner Courses will gain hands-on experience using various herbal preparations and pharmacy practices as natural therapeutic agents, providing graduates with invaluable information for yoga instructors, practitioners, massage therapists, health professionals or nutritionists alike. This knowledge makes Ayurved a powerful aid when used alongside medical health professionals or nutritionists in Ayurveda practices.
