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Metatron Device

Metatron is a biofeedback device which scans the body to assess imbalances and energetic disturbances, then offers advice for correcting them.

The Enoch-Metatron motif became an essential reference point in kabbalistic literature, inspiring scholars to produce numerous scriptural and practical interpretations using it as their starting point.

Non-Linear Analysis (NLS)

The METATRON NLS Scan is an advanced diagnostic technology utilizing quantum physics principles for comprehensive health assessments. This innovative scan works to detect imbalances or energetic disturbances which may be contributing to specific health concerns, and then assist practitioners in creating personalized treatment approaches which restore equilibrium while supporting natural healing mechanisms of the body.

The NLS analysis method developed at the Institute of Practical Psychophysics involves resonance amplification of radiation signal from organs with non-invasive trigger sensors. Every organ and cell has unique oscillations; software reads these oscillations and decodes them, then displays this data on screen – creating an easily understood NLS scan that shows organ or tissue conditions clearly and objectively.

Retracing pathologies helps identify their origin and frequencies, providing a deeper understanding of disease etiologies and prevalence rates. Retracing also shows energy availability to specific systems or organs to indicate whether homeostasis exists within their system or organ. This information can be invaluable in diagnosing and treating many different conditions ranging from chronic fatigue to heart failure.

Utilizing the METATRON NLS scan, healthcare professionals can determine which therapeutic interventions to utilize and how they should be administered. Furthermore, NLS scanning allows healthcare providers to measure treatment effectiveness over time as well as track progress over time. Furthermore, doctors and other providers can utilize NLS scanning data to tailor customized patient treatments protocols using this advanced imaging method.

Metatron’s proprietary algorithm detects vibrations associated with organ disease and searches for remedies matching these vibrations; results of which are quickly displayed on your computer screen. An NLS scan identifies which substances can promote patient health while others should be avoided.

NLS technology is still in its early stages, yet its potential to pinpoint metabolism processes on a cellular level appears quite promising. Furthermore, unlike NMR or computer tomography techniques, which require strong fields for operation, this one does not.

Frequency Analysis

Metatron is a bio-energy device that scans your body for various conditions using bio-energy. It has been utilized by health care providers such as physicians, naturopaths, chiropractors, homeopaths, massage therapists, nutritionists and dietitians. Athletes, wellness centers and individual patients also utilize this device, unlike medical CT or MRI scanners that may produce radiation and adverse side effects.

Metatron systems use electromagnetic fields to scan human bodies, then decode this energy for three-dimensional projection of internal organs and virtual models on screen containing color codes to make finding pathologies in them easier.

This device can detect several other causes for any problem, including nutritional deficiencies, metal toxicity, emotional disturbances, stress and environmental influences. Furthermore, it can determine which frequencies to use to restore natural organ functioning – either through balancing specific frequencies or prescribing medicine to treat specific ailments.

Metatron scans offer a revolutionary new method of analysing both physical and energetic health in humans, earning its place among “medicine of the future”. Results of Metatron scans can provide reliable information that gives therapists a complete picture of a client’s condition.

The Metatron is designed to analyze torsion fields produced by objects or particles with both spin and angular momentum, such as cells and tissues in your body. Every cell and tissue has a unique frequency determined by its cellular structure and genetic code that can be detected using this device. Once data from your test subject has been received, this device then finds a cellular frequency matching it and stabilizes this similarity level with that of normal healthy tissue.


Biofeedback therapy teaches individuals to gain control over what are otherwise involuntary body functions such as their heart rate and blood pressure, helping them learn to monitor them more voluntarily. It’s an effective technique for relieving stress and anxiety as well as treating chronic pain conditions such as migraine headaches. When combined with mood therapies such as psychotherapy, biofeedback becomes even more efficient; several studies have confirmed this finding.

At biofeedback sessions, special instruments will measure both brain activity and cardiovascular and skin responses. Your therapist will teach techniques that enable you to influence these readings from devices in order to control them; such as deep breathing or relaxation exercises that you can then practice at home to reinforce behaviors learned during sessions.

Biofeedback therapy allows you to witness in real time how negative thoughts influence physical responses such as your heart rate or skin conductance, enabling you to observe in real time how these affect you directly and alter your beliefs about yourself and health. Through changing these beliefs you may improve overall wellness; however it should be noted that biofeedback should only ever be part of an integrated treatment plan.

The Metatron 4025 Hunter device is a hardware and software biofeedback system designed to assess objectively the state of tissues, cells, chromosomes and hormones of an individual. The system reads electromagnetic field that surrounds a person’s physical body down to DNA level before transmitting this data through to a computer program which decodes it for display on screen along with source.

As well as providing an assessment of your body’s organs, tissues, and hormones, biofeedback can identify any negative impacts caused by emotional stress or environmental influences on health. With this information at hand, it can be used to treat and prevent further damage to the body. Likewise, biofeedback can also assist athletes and performers by helping regulate breathing patterns during competition or performance to optimize performance levels and focus during performances or competitions.

Stress Analysis

Stress analysis is a method of testing which evaluates the effect of various forces exerted upon an object and its deformations, using techniques such as classical mathematical modeling, computational simulation or physical testing of materials and components. Stress analysis allows designers to create more durable products while keeping people safe.

The Metatron Hunter 4025 NLS can detect stress at the molecular, cellular, chromosomal and DNA helix levels – as well as measure severity of symptoms and identify their source – offering valuable information that can lead to improved treatment solutions for any condition detected.

Metatron is distinguished from other resonance machines by its advanced medical software, which enables it to form bioelectrical activity of brain neurons and extract its information, before reformulating into digital signal and being processed by computer analysis – instantly decoding this into specific diagnoses and recommendations.

All living organisms produce electromagnetic waves whose frequencies depend on their physiological state. This technology can identify imbalances within the body that may be due to nutritional deficiencies, emotional stress or toxins; or detect changes in organ structures due to traumas; this information can then be interpreted by a trained practitioner and used to develop an appropriate treatment plan.

The METATRON is designed to identify imbalances and provide information needed to make corrections. This technology can be utilized by physicians, naturopaths, homeopaths, chiropractors and other practitioners interested in natural medicine as well as individuals looking to improve their own overall health and well-being.

Though resonance devices like the Vega, Mora, and Oberon may perform stress analysis, Metatron is more accurate and comprehensive. Offering full-body scanning that produces results within minutes – even finding hidden toxins hidden within bloodstream and tissue! Furthermore, its noninvasive testing process offers greater patient comfort during testing sessions.
