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Spooky2 Cold Laser Review

spooky2 cold laser

Spooky2 is an advanced frequency healing system designed to restore cellular harmony and improve overall health. Frequency healing technologies like those included in this device are widely considered effective alternatives to conventional treatments and remedies.

Contact mode frequency treatment has never been more convenient with Spooky2 generator and Boost. Each of our lasers – for ears, wrists and neck – works seamlessly together for maximum effectiveness.


Spooky2 is an alternative healing technology with the potential to drastically enhance your health and well-being. It can be used for pain relief, disease prevention, immune system support and booster uses various frequencies to create its effect – with reports of its success at increasing cellular regeneration, blood cleansing, detoxification of the body as well as killing viruses, bacteria and parasites – and all at an extremely affordable price point with easy operation.

Spooky2 system includes several key components, including a generator that produces frequencies and booster that boosts signal strength, transmission modes such as contact and plasma transmission modes and highly customizable frequency therapy for users to tailor specifically to their individual needs. While it should not replace traditional treatments and may cause adverse side effects in some people.

Spooky2 can also be combined with other therapies and medications, helping relieve some symptoms associated with common illnesses and conditions, including anxiety and depression, as well as improving sleep quality and increasing energy levels. In fact, numerous testimonials attest to its significant health benefits.

LLLT works by transmitting non-thermal light photons into our bodies safely, to accelerate natural healing processes and foster tissue growth. Additionally, this technique may treat pain caused by muscles, connective tissues, trigger points nerves or lymph nodes.

When operating a spooky2 cold laser, it is imperative that users follow all safety and maintenance instructions for maximum effectiveness and longevity. For instance, sessions should last no more than 30 minutes per session as longer ones could damage skin while not increasing effectiveness of treatment. In contact mode mode, cleaning hand cylinders and tens pads is also highly recommended, along with making sure connections between devices are secure before beginning treatment in order to guarantee optimal performance and longevity of use.


The Spooky2 Cold Laser is an affordable device that uses 650nm lasers to heal the body, available as either a wristband or twin-headed unit for home use. Easy installation allows it to be used against pain, inflammation and autoimmune disease while treating infections at once.

First step of installing Spooky2 is connecting generators to your computer. Once connected, the software will recognize them, allowing you to choose presets and programs to run – simply click on their respective tabs or buttons!

Once you’ve selected presets, the next step is connecting the transmission device and generators using an easy solution such as a Spooky boost – simply connect its BN port directly to one generator while its OUT1 port connects directly with the transmission device. Now use Spooky2 software to select presets and programs to run.

Presets you create in the software have unique names. To select them from the list and click them using the square button, and to initiate treatment you simply press Start.

Be sure to drink enough water prior to beginning a spooky2 scan, to help your body flush out toxins and improve conductivity, speed up the process, and reduce any potential negative side effects. Take breaks between sessions if possible as this will ensure optimal results.

If you need assistance getting started, consulting with a professional could be invaluable. They may suggest supplements which will enhance results while protecting your health during this process – something which should never be neglected since damage could potentially ensue to your system.


Spooky2 is a frequency-based healing system, employing various frequencies to treat various conditions. Often used as an additional treatment option, its benefits have been shown in helping treat chronic pain, inflammation, dermatological issues and inflammatory diseases – although not everyone will experience equal results from using Spooky2.

Spooky2 offers an innovative method of frequency-based healing, from biofeedback scans and cold laser therapy, to remote contact and plasma modes. Furthermore, its features include scalar transmission mode as well as remote contact/plasma modes – compatible with numerous frequency generators as well as multiple PCs running the software simultaneously.

Safety should always be at the forefront when using the Spooky2 system, including proper use and calibration. You should make sure to operate it in an area with sufficient ventilation, using caution when handling equipment, and always wear protective glasses due to low-level radiation emitted by this device.

For optimal results, it is suggested to use the Spooky2 system in short sessions only. While longer treatments can be more efficient, prolonged use could damage tissues. Furthermore, you may use it up to 30 minutes at once without breaking between sessions; but take breaks in between.

To get started, connect the pulser to your computer and launch Spooky2 software. When ready, click on the Scan Button to initiate a biofeedback scan; when finished, results are presented in a separate window for review. When you have identified stressors, save and Exit before exiting from this scan so you can create a program tailored towards treating those stressors.

Spooky2 GeneratorX Pro is an upgraded version of its original generator, featuring many features designed to make its use simpler. These include frequency blacklist control and graph panes dedicated to key functions. Furthermore, this software supports up to 30 programs within its database and runs independently without needing an internet connection.


Spooky2 provides their products with an extended warranty that includes replacement batteries and lasers as well as repairs due to misuse or abuse, with inspection of device by Spooky2 leading to credit being applied back onto your account.

The Spooky2 Rife System is ideal for body system detox, energy enhancement, killing mold and insects remotely and remote healing. It features three transmission modes with powerful scalar transmission technology; works on Windows XP, Vista, 7 platforms; includes portable colloidal silver generator; is user friendly with intuitive user interface making learning how to use easy; compatible with plasma, contact and remote PEMF coils – perfect for remote healing!

This device aims to deliver a robust Rife machine at an affordable price. With its large frequency database and free software updates, this device quickly finds the optimal frequencies to address health issues while biofeedback scan capabilities enable it to identify frequencies specific to you and your body’s requirements.

Additionally, this app comes equipped with features to keep you focused during treatments, including Frequency Blacklist control, graph panes for key functions and logs of errors that help troubleshoot equipment-related issues. Furthermore, its frequency search feature enables you to quickly locate programs tailored specifically for optimal health outcomes.

The Spooky2 Generatorx Pro is the newest and most advanced model in its series. Featuring plasma, contact, and remote PEMF coils with full biofeedback scan capability as well as two full-function generators to store up to 30 programs without the need for computer access, built-in battery power supply for portable use and improved frequency range/power output performance, it makes an impressive presence on any medical practice desk or medical clinic room table.
