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Biophoton Therapy Machine

Our cells emit and absorb light that, when coherent, transmits vital information that guides our bodies. However, when exposed to toxins or pathogens, this light becomes incoherent, creating a disharmonious frequency signature which can be addressed with specific frequencies.

Before recently, this hit-or-miss method was our only recourse to balance our resources. However, now with the Chiren we can detect and correct imbalances automatically.

1. Relieves Pain

Biophoton therapy uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs), which are absorbed by cells to re-energise cellular function and trigger natural healing responses in them. It has proven successful for treating acne, chronic fatigue, muscle and joint pain as well as compromised local blood circulation issues.

Light energy has the capacity to stimulate various key biological processes, including apoptosis, mitochondrial membrane potential, cell proliferation, fibroblast growth factor production and protein synthesis. Research has demonstrated that 830nm laser light can induce apoptosis as well as modulate production of b-endorphin in nerve axon terminals in order to decrease pain sensation.

Every cell emits and absorbs a faint light that is detectable with sensitive instruments, known as biophotons, that act as the carrier of vital information that governs all functions in our bodies. When these biophotons are coherent or harmonious, all bodily systems operate normally; otherwise they indicate there may be energetic dysfunction somewhere within.

Biophoton therapy machines feature carefully calibrated natural frequencies packed into one compact device, to boost existing body functions and systems such as the nervous system, circulation, respiratory system, excretory system, digestive tract, endocrine glands, muscles musculoskeletal lymphatic immune and genitals systems.

Biophoton therapy devices allow clinicians to easily customize remedies and frequencies according to each patient’s individual needs using a touchscreen interface. They’re portable enough for home or clinic use; battery powered for portable usage or can even be connected directly into a power bank for extended use.

2. Boosts Immunity

Biophoton therapy works by strengthening the natural energy found within our cells that is essential to good health, while at the same time helping restore our natural self-healing processes. A low intensity red LED light is then used during treatment to activate your immune system – this process helps reduce inflammation, improve sleep quality and boost energy levels.

Recent research demonstrates that cellular health can be assessed using the wavelength of biophotons emitted by cells. A special light box has been created to measure this phenomenon from practitioners, enabling scientists to study how stress, illness and disease impact biological wavelengths of photons produced by bodies. Healthy cells should emit coherent or harmonious biophotons while disharmonious ones indicate dysfunction on an energetic level.

Biophotons have also been reported to possess antiviral effects that can neutralize viruses such as Hepatitis C and HIV, by dissolving their membranes and genetic material. Studies have demonstrated how red light irradiation combined with photosensitizing drugs effectively killed HIV and significantly reduced viral loads in organ transplant recipients.

Biophoton therapy machine utilizes red LED lighting to treat cells of the body. It aims to enhance all cellular function to support and promote healthy organs, improving overall health in the process. Based on scientific research that shows all health disorders stem from imbalances of cellular energy fields. Poor cell activity and regeneration contributes to chronic fatigue, autoimmune diseases, Lyme Disease and post-surgery recovery conditions; with Biophoton therapy being a noninvasive, natural and safe solution.

3. Relieves Inflammation

Biophoton therapy helps alleviate inflammation by helping the body communicate with its cells to initiate self-healing. Biophotons are light-emitting particles found naturally inside every cell that are essential for optimal cell functioning; modern lifestyles may cause deficiencies or excesses of these photons and lead to various health conditions.

Biophoton therapy machines emit non-laser near Infrared light in packets known as Photons that break painful inflammatory cycles by dilatation of small blood and lymphatic vessels, clearing away irritants from affected areas and hastening healing processes. Photons also stimulate immunity and nervous systems for increased activity and natural healing processes – biophoton therapy sessions are completely painless; many even find they can sleep during sessions!

Biophoton Therapy relies heavily on our NES Health System for conducting energetic analysis of the Field and identifying informational remedies required to restore balance. Once identified, these remedies are programmed into Chiren/Starlight for biophoton therapy treatment that is customized specifically for each client – all complimentary scans provided with each Biophoton Therapy session at our clinic!

The NES Health System harnesses quantum physics principles to identify and communicate with photons in your body to activate its inherent self-healing abilities. This holistic approach rebuilds the Human Body Field (HBF), even if damaged from stress, toxic chemicals or environmental factors. Positive changes to HBF result in gradual improvements or disappearance of symptoms over 8-12 scan cycles; over 100 clinical studies support its holistic healing capabilities – learn more here!

4. Reduces Stress

Light is essential to human life, and biophotons (electromagnetic signals) serve as the energy behind every chemical reaction in our bodies. Biophoton therapy works by exposing skin cells to near infrared non-laser light that emits photon packets which are then absorbed by them – helping regulate our bioenergy.

Photon therapy helps break the cycle of inflammation by dilatant blood and lymphatic vessels, which allows release of harmful inflammatory chemicals while creating space for healing. Photons also stimulate immune, nervous systems, cell repair processes faster resulting in pain relief and greater overall well-being.

Recent studies have demonstrated that cancer cells produce different EMF signatures than healthy ones due to unique methylation patterns [1]. Furthermore, researchers are uncovering evidence of stress emitted biophoton emissions between stressed and healthy cells [2-3].

Biophotons are produced naturally by your body as an aid to health and wellbeing, but modern lifestyles often create deficiencies or excesses of these vital particles, leading to chronic conditions like fatigue, pain, infection or other disorders. Biophoton therapy is designed to restore balance in these levels so your body can heal itself naturally over time.

Biophoton Therapy 2.0 utilizes an innovative computerized instrument to conduct a thorough evaluation of your Field in order to select remedies which specifically match and offset imbalances within your body. As a result of its superior accuracy, this method proves far more successful than old manual hit-and-miss measurements used by Biophoton Therapy 1.0.

5. Improves Sleep

Biophoton therapy is an innovative form of light treatment that assists the body’s ability to self-heal. This procedure works by combining various natural frequencies into one device in order to realign body light energy and enhance overall well-being, such as stress relief and recovery from allergies or arthritis conditions.

Treatment typically entails several sessions that typically last just minutes each. At each session, a Biontologist measures the coherence of biophotons in each organ system to detect disturbances, then provides informational remedies which are capable of correcting them – this allows the coherent light of your body’s coherent light waves to neutralise incoherent chaotic light waves and restore natural self-healing capacities of its natural ability.

At the center of treatment lies an innovative device which stimulates your natural healing mechanisms with low-intensity pulsed current from a cell-sized device, placed over each earlobe or head and emitting low-level electromagnetic fields to increase oxygen delivery into blood vessels, leading to improved vitality and reduced inflammation.

Benefits of non-invasive and painless therapy treatments such as this one include improved sleep, decreased aches and pains, as well as greater sense of overall wellbeing for patients.

If you would like more information on how this technology can improve your health, the medical professionals at Seraphim would be more than happy to discuss it with you and recommend the most suitable course of treatment for you. Contact us now for your consultation appointment!
