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Soul Healing Clearing and Remote Hypnosis

Soul Healing and Clearing sessions can be an effective way to remove imbalances, heal traumas and break negative patterns from our energy fields. Tuning into an individual’s energy field to identify any unbalanced areas.

Energy healing works from a distance through principles of quantum physics and focused intention – much the same principle behind why songs on the radio can still make us feel something all those miles away!

Online Hypnotherapy

Online hypnotherapy enables clients to connect with a therapist from the convenience of their own home. Many clients actually prefer this format over traditional clinic settings as it helps them feel more at ease and relaxed, which makes entering into trance-like states much simpler for both client and therapist.

Hypnosis can be an invaluable asset in creating positive change and wellbeing across every area of life, from managing anxiety and depression to overcoming stress, trauma, weight loss goals or smoking cessation — it has proven highly successful as an effective therapy solution for individuals facing all sorts of obstacles in their journey to wellness. With virtual platforms enhancing therapeutic conversation and hypnosis services like these worldwide – individuals can overcome obstacles more efficiently without leaving home!

As a hypnotherapist, your main task should be creating an atmosphere in which your client feels totally at ease and secure. This is particularly crucial when working with distance healing hypnosis because you cannot physically support them throughout their experience of it. Therefore, take the time to explain your process to them, answer any queries they might have and always remain available prior to sessions and during them should any concerns arise or should any need arise to reach out at any point during.

Finally, it is key to establish clear expectations regarding what can be expected from sessions. You should inform clients that it is normal for them to fall asleep during the hypnosis portion, due to the deep meditative focus required to access the subconscious mind and effect change at a cellular level being difficult for most individuals.

Keep this in mind when offering online hypnosis sessions: client engagement and communication are essential components of successful sessions. If you inform clients that virtual sessions don’t compare favorably to in-person ones, they may choose another therapist or wait until their desired services can be provided in person by you or another practitioner.

Hypnosis Techniques

Hypnosis first made its debut in the 1700s when Franz Mesmer used it to heal mental and physical illnesses by inducing his patients into trances that realigned their magnetic fields. More formal exploration of hypnosis as a therapeutic technique began during the 20th century; research indicates it has positive outcomes on conditions including anxiety, pain management, sleep problems and smoking cessation.

Therapists employ many approaches to aid patients in entering and remaining in the hypnotic state. One such technique involves conducting a prehypnotic interview that includes questions regarding beliefs and past experience, correcting misconceptions, discussing goals and setting expectations for success. Subsequent sessions often start off with classic hypnotic induction techniques that include suggestions such as eye fixation/closure techniques, breathing techniques to maintain calmness, as well as other instructive suggestions to achieve the desired state.

Feelings similar to what one experiences while reading or watching a movie, daydreaming, or having vivid dreams are hypnotic states in which your focus becomes completely concentrated on a single subject. Even while in this state, however, you still retain full control of your behavior and won’t act against your will or reveal private information. A trance state can feel similar to being in deep dream state so if anything uncomfortable arises during a session it’s perfectly normal and safe to return back into conscious awareness level.

Some individuals may not be suitable candidates for hypnosis, especially those suffering from severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia or psychosis, due to their inability to be hypnotized being compromised and consequently the treatment not being effective or beneficial. Also, those experiencing physical trauma may develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This dissociative disorder manifests itself through symptoms like psychogenic amnesia, intrusive memories of what happened during traumatizing events, numbing of responsiveness to stimuli etc. Studies have demonstrated hypnosis’ efficacy at alleviating its symptoms in treating those suffering from PTSD symptoms resulting in reduced symptoms in many instances. Research shows it being used effectively in helping treat such cases of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms resulting in lessened symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms – both effective methods!

Hypnosis has long been used as an effective technique for weight loss, smoking cessation and other health-related behaviors. Hypnotherapists provide patients with instructions for altering their habits while helping them remain calm and relaxed during sessions.

During a Hypnotherapy Session

After participating in hypnotherapy sessions, some clients may experience feelings of fatigue, light-headedness or drowsiness – this is completely normal and due to your mind adjusting back to reality after entering a trance state. Furthermore, this indicates that your subconscious has addressed critical or vulnerable issues successfully during the session.

Once your therapist is certain you have explored your subconscious and completed all change work, they will begin slowly bringing you out of trance. Don’t expect an instant “awakening”, though. Once out of trance, they’ll talk with you and assess your mood before discussing possible homework tasks or scheduling future sessions if it seems necessary.

Hypnosis can be an extremely useful tool in treating many different issues, from weight loss and smoking cessation to stress relief, managing phobias and controlling pain management. Furthermore, it can even be combined with other forms of therapy like cognitive behavioral therapy to increase effectiveness.

Your hypnotherapy session will focus on altering how you view certain situations, for instance if you experience chronic back pain. Hypnosis can help change how you perceive it rather than viewing it as something limiting or debilitating your life, rather than something to fear and endure. Instead, see it as an opportunity for greater physical activity and enjoyment of life!

Hypnotherapy can be extremely helpful in managing pain and the symptoms of illness such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, insomnia and headaches. Furthermore, hypnotherapy has also been proven effective at improving results from medical treatments like chemotherapy or surgery by decreasing pain medication needs, anxiety levels and fatigue post surgery – helping reduce needless doses of medication altogether and alleviating discomfort following procedures.

Hypnosis is a very safe form of therapy and can help achieve various goals. However, it’s important to remember that hypnosis cannot make you do or say anything against your will; rather it serves as a tool to enable positive changes to occur within yourself and in your life as a whole.

After a Hypnotherapy Session

Many people fear that once they enter hypnotic trance with their therapist, it will be impossible for them to escape it. Yet hypnosis is a natural state in humans which we all experience several times daily – this trance state feels relaxing like being on vacation or watching an engaging film for hours on end! Your hypnotherapist will guide you into this state then suggest ways to modify beliefs and habits to address the root cause of any issues or develop positive behavioural changes.

Once your session of hypnosis is over, your therapist will use a countdown technique or something similar to bring you out of trance and back into full awareness. Some clients find trance extremely relaxing but you are free to come out any time you desire. Listen to the recording again as often as necessary without overdoing it as too much hypnosis can put strain on both brain and body.

Once out of the trance state, your therapist will assess your progress and collaborate with you to ascertain whether hypnosis has had a beneficial impact. They’ll take note of any issues which have surfaced so they can address them during future sessions.

Not everyone experiences immediate change after attending a hypnotherapy session, while others report feeling its effects weeks or even months later. A typical example is when clients who initially underwent treatment for chronic back pain reported coming back after several sessions to report that it had been completely resolved – for example one client stated their back was better since taking part in hypnotherapy!

Hypnosis is safe when administered by a qualified and experienced therapist and completely noninvasive. The only possible side effect may be mild headache relief from drinking enough water. Many clients who undergo hypnosis report increased focus, reduced pain management needs and negative behaviors as well as improved mental health conditions after participating in their sessions.
