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Can a Scientist Reverse Aging?

Scientists have long speculated on whether it would be possible to reverse the aging process, leading them to conduct numerous experiments such as one where researchers crushed an old mouse’s optic nerve, only for it to regenerate and restore vision in subsequent studies.

Scientists’ efforts to reverse aging has given them renewed optimism for lengthening human lives and spurred longevity medicine, generating billions in investment from firms like Tally Health that offer cheek-swab tests that estimate your relative age.

3. Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and plant oils play an essential role in cell membranes, retinas and sperm development as well as helping form signaling molecules known as eicosanoids which have an impactful impact on cardiovascular, pulmonary, immune and endocrine systems.

Omega-3 fatty acids such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have long been recognized for their beneficial effects, including reduced inflammation, improved heart health, lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels in blood, depression reduction, bipolar disorder management and decreased anxiety.

Scientists have recently made the astounding discovery that eating foods rich in omega-3 can actually slow the aging process. Omega-3 fatty acids may prevent protective caps on chromosome ends from wearing down over time; these caps, known as telomeres, function similarly to plastic tips on shoelaces by protecting DNA from becoming damaged and losing function.

New research suggests that those who consume more omega-3 fatty acids from fish and flaxseed experience slower telomere shortening. Scientists measured telomere length in white blood cells from 608 hospital out-patients as well as their intakes of ALA, EPA and DHA from food or supplements; those who consumed the least omega-3s had shorter telomeres.

Researchers determined that increasing consumption of omega-3 fatty acids from fish and supplements could protect against cell aging and possibly delay Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, according to findings of another study which demonstrated higher omega-3 diet intake was associated with larger hippocampal brain volume as well as better memory test scores in middle age people – as published on Oct 5, 2017, in Neurology journal. It’s another testament to omega-3’s significance to mental health and cognitive performance.

4. Collagen

Collagen is an abundant protein found throughout our bodies that keeps skin elastic, reduces wrinkles and promotes the health of hair, nails and joints. As its most prevalent protein source in the body, collagen accounts for almost one third of all proteins produced. Collagen gets its name from Greek for glue; its strong fibers hold tissues together such as muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments together while improving cardiovascular health by keeping arteries healthier and decreasing atherosclerosis-related risks such as stroke or heart attack.

Collagen’s ability to resist stretching is made possible through its unique amino acid sequence: every third residue contains glycine while one-third of remaining amino acid residues consist of proline or hydroxyproline – these make up its triple helix structure that gives collagen its strength and resilience.

Human bodies produce two different kinds of collagen: endogenous and exogenous. Endogenous collagen occurs naturally within our bodies, including bones, skin, tendons and ligaments; exogenous collagen can be manufactured synthetically for use in cosmetic preparations for skin care.

Synthesis of endogenous collagen begins when mRNA enters the cytoplasm and interacts with ribosomes to translate amino acids. Once translated, they assemble into polypeptide chains which are assembled and glycosylated and hydroxylated (using vitamin C as an essential cofactor), before being processed by Golgi apparatus where it becomes procollagen, before eventually being packaged into transfer vesicles for release into extracellular space.

5. Vitamin D

Vitamin D has long been recognized for its effect on bone health. But more research demonstrates its important roles in immune senescence, inflammaging and overall body aging. While the FNB committee that established DRIs found no direct relationship between vitamin D intake and any health outcomes other than bone health outcomes; Sinclair’s lab genetically modified a harmless virus to deliver three rejuvenating Yamanaka factors to target damaged retinal ganglion cells of aged mice eyes where these factors rejuvenated them back to health – even growing new axons!
