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Biohacking Reddit

Biohacking involves changing the environment inside and outside your body in order to enhance health, including changing diet by including grass-fed butter and MCT oil or injecting yourself with younger blood. Of course, biohacking does not come without its risks.

From cold therapy to genetically engineering arm muscles, many are becoming fascinated with DIY biohacks without scientific backing, with wellness influencers and companies actively encouraging such efforts as beneficial.


r/Longevity is an online community dedicated to discussing anti-aging techniques and longevity research, along with new tools and methods of self-optimization such as nutrient timing, intermittent fasting and nootropics. Members also focus on tracking data like their heart rate variability or composition of gut microbiome so as to fine-tune diets, exercise routines and sleep schedules accordingly. Biohackers increasingly turn to short amino acid chains known as peptides (compounds that are easier for our bodies) which can stimulate growth hormones while reducing inflammation while improving cognitive function overall.

DIY biology is revolutionizing science. Tinkerers brew kombucha in garage labs while sequencing their genomes and dissecting jellyfish DNA with online tutorials. While some biohackers take experimentation lightly, others take it more seriously – Josiah Zayner of NASA fame became a viral sensation after live-streaming himself injecting himself with Crispr Cas9 to disrupt myostatin gene and increase muscle mass; his act galvanized the DIY biology community as well as prompt debate over ethical practices of self-experimentation.

Some biohackers are turning to their DIY labs to explore gene editing and eugenics, yet these efforts remain in their infancy and must be carefully evaluated against risks. A couple looking to eliminate hereditary diseases from their unborn children must consider how this decision will affect future generations; additionally, gene editing may have unintended ecological disruptions; therefore it’s vitally important that biohackers ensure safety without hindering innovation as regulatory frameworks struggle to keep pace.


Subreddit r/Biohackers provides a platform for hacking both body and brain health through food, exercise, technology, supplements, and motivational memes. Weekly discussions offer inspiring tales and research, with top posts featuring motivational memes as a source of daily motivational posts. You may also check out GetMotivated or Meditation resources that may assist in strengthening meditation practices.

Biohackers may also find refuge in r/Transhumanism, where members discuss using science and technology to alter what it means to be human. Topics covered range from genetic editing, gene-splicing, virtual retinal implants that store more information, garage biologists, DIY biohacking (Monks 2014).


Reddit’s nootropic community can be found at r/Nootropics, providing information about cognitive enhancers on the market and offering self-experimenters a great resource of reliable knowledge about them. However, be wary of scammers and false claims on this forum; here are a few tips to help navigate it safely and avoid potential pitfalls.

Nootropic enthusiasts are rapidly growing and expanding. Their community serves as an invaluable resource for researchers, consumers, and vendors of nootropics alike. Furthermore, it promotes responsible use of nootropics with its code of conduct requiring users to cite evidence for claims made; provide impartial reviews of products; be respectful towards fellow members; as well as keeping an unreliable vendors list up-to-date.

Nootropics are natural and synthetic compounds designed to enhance mental function. Commonly marketed as brain supplements, nootropics are utilized by both scientists and amateurs alike, with health food stores selling these supplements, or available with prescription. Nootropics may also help treat memory loss, ADHD and depression among other conditions.

Nootropics may be popular, but they come with risks. One such risk is the nocebo effect – when your beliefs about an outcome become self-fulfilling. For example, if you believe your brain is broken and experience symptoms which back this belief up. To combat this situation and ensure optimal health outcomes, seek experiences which challenge limiting beliefs; similarly it is always wise to consult a qualified healthcare provider prior to trying any new supplements or medicines.


Transhumanism is an emerging philosophical movement aimed at revolutionizing humanity by developing technologies to enhance physical and psychological capabilities of humans. Drawing inspiration from works of science fiction, Transhumanism has garnered widespread online support. This community includes those looking for health enhancement as well as those interested in longevity or immortality; with views spanning medical to recreational. They all hold fast to the idea that our bodies are limited by natural laws but that technology can extend these boundaries further.

Reddit and YouTube are among the premier communities for biohacking enthusiasts to come together and share DIY medical and nutritional interventions as part of an overall desire for self-improvement. Many biohacking technologies are designed to treat specific diseases; others are meant to lengthen life span. But this approach may prove risky.

Alongside these communities, there are also websites devoted to transhumanism such as r/Transhumanism that focus on discussions related to humanity’s future, from DNA modification and artificial intelligence experiments, all the way through to discussing ideas amongst one another via its forum.

Cybernetics Shop was established in 2022 to sell NFC and RFID implantable devices such as smart contacts, biomagnets, and ‘augmentations’ for sale via NFC/RFID implants. It was founded by Elon Musk along with several Silicon Valley tech entrepreneurs – with Vice’s Motherboard news blog covering future-related technology topics as well as transhumanism being one source of support.
