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New Healing Modules Expand the Power of Sensitiv Imago

Resonance healing on all levels – emotional, psychological, stress management, energy healing and more. New healing modules extend the power of Sensitiv Imago 100, 500, 130 and 530 models.

This technology detects electromagnetic signature frequencies of harmful microorganisms in one’s body and assists them with vibrationally deactivating. Furthermore, it identifies possible root causes of disease such as toxins, heavy metals or parasites that need to be addressed.


Body, cells and organs all possess their own natural energetic vibration or resonance frequency, with stressed systems or unhealthy cells having different resonance frequencies than healthy ones – an indication of imbalance and dysfunction in their systems and cells. Bioresonance therapy seeks to restore imbalanced frequencies within the body for improved wellness.

The bioresonance machine is a computerized diagnostic tool created using bio-resonance and biofeedback science. This diagnostic device can identify cell and organ processes within your body as well as any unwanted microorganisms present, as well as areas of stress or imbalance within such as your immune system.

Studies have shown that bioresonance therapy can be useful in treating various health issues. One such study revealed that treating patients with recurrent depression with bioresonance was more effective than antidepressant medication; another looked at its use with those suffering from fibromyalgia where bioresonance therapy helped relieve pain relief.

At each session, a practitioner connects electrodes to their patient and runs a test using bioresonance device’s electronic probe for measuring electrical resistance at various points on their hands and feet based on ancient meridians from Chinese medicine and acupuncture. After collecting data through tests conducted, this system then compares its results against an in-house database to identify anything out-of-balance; printed copies can then be provided directly to them for future reference.

Data generated by bioresonance devices are then translated into an understandable format for use by therapists who offer recommendations regarding supplements and other ways to restore natural energy flow in the body. Bioresonance machines also can create preparations called spectronosodes – vibrational energy and information preparations similar to homeopathy that target harmful microorganisms detected by equipment, in order to vibrationally deactivate them; these preparations can help treat allergies, autoimmune diseases and chronic conditions with this approach; however some research indicates it might not be as successful compared with drugs or surgery as alternative therapy solutions.

NLS Diagnostics

This noninvasive diagnostics technique enables detecting changes on a cellular level. For instance, it can detect early stage tumors and their metastases; evaluate response to chemotherapy/radiotherapy; monitor minor surgical operations; as well as help evaluate any complications postoperatively such as haematomas, pneumocephalus issues, ischemic nidus formation or displacements).

The NLS system is an advanced medical technology with proven its accuracy with 96% diagnostic accuracy rate for infants, children, and pregnant women alike. Furthermore, its non-invasiveness ensures patient comfort as it requires no physical contact or radiation exposure during use.

NLS diagnostics utilizes a system of sensors to collect information on all aspects of energetic and physical wellbeing in patients. Once collected, NLS-analysis (Non-linear systems analysis) processes survey results through high-tech comparison processes in order to produce detailed analytical data which a trained practitioner then uses in diagnosing the state of patient systems and organs.

NLS diagnostics is an invaluable way to identify imbalances within the body and aid prevention of disease progression, as well as enhance wellness. For instance, using the METATRON NLS Scan, imbalances and energetic disturbances may be identified even before physical symptoms surface allowing individuals to take steps towards improving their health before symptoms become more serious.

This innovative diagnostic technology provides invaluable data that can assist physicians, naturopaths, or any other form of alternative health practitioner in designing an individual wellness and support program for each of their clients. These programs may consist of detoxification, nutritional supplementation and diet recommendations as well as emotional issues therapy or frequency compensation healing/bioresonance therapy to balance cellular frequencies. NLS diagnostics can dramatically enhance the efficacy of treatments, helping patients recover more rapidly than ever before and creating significant quality-of-life improvements that may even prove life-altering.


Spectronosodes is a new technology for identifying microorganisms and allergens as well as their morphology, level of activity, type, and how they act on humans. Additionally, this non-invasive process takes 30 minutes and provides information about where and the intensity of any accumulation within specific organs. Furthermore, this helps uncover any causes for any health issues while giving us the means to correct them.

Technology that employs resonance effect works like this: its software compares a signal spectrum from an object, such as human body, with diagrams stored in its database. This allows it to identify areas that emit different signals than healthy ones – and potentially detect emerging diseases not detectable through ultrasound examination or other medical technologies.

Energies stressors can affect all areas of an organism. Their presence determines how far into development a certain pathological process has gone; whether in its early stages (adaptation) or more advanced ones (decompensation).

The technology detects harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, chemicals, heavy metals and other microorganisms as well as allergens that pose threats to health. Furthermore, it measures their intensity on organs and systems as well as suggesting ways of helping. Moreover, a computer program identifies which products, medicines, herbs or supplements will best meet an individual’s needs as well as recommendations on dosage – an aspect particularly helpful to practitioners taking a holistic approach to therapy as it assists in quickly and complete recovery.


Every cellular structure and organ in our bodies possesses its own distinct frequency oscillation spectrum. The IMAGO device utilizes bioelectronic signature analysis to match bioelectronic signature of patients against its database and identify areas of stress within their organism that require to be addressed to restore balance; further, this device also suggests types and dosage of supplements which could help alleviate those stresses.

IMAGO stands out from traditional medical devices by not just detecting symptoms but also providing insight into their causes and ways to alleviate them. From infections, nutrition shortages or emotional or social strain, it will find the appropriate supplementation solution.

IMAGO can scan an individual’s electromagnetic field and compare it with thousands of possible pathological processes in its database, which allows it to accurately identify its cause and stage of progression – whether initial adaptation (adaptation) or advanced decompensation.

The IMAGO device not only pinpoints the source of an issue, but it can also show what the most effective form of treatment will be for each individual patient – this may involve medication, diet or supplement regimen, other approaches or various combinations thereof. Furthermore, this device allows testing various supplements to see which will provide maximum effectiveness as well as identify any possible allergens that may exist in their bodies.

The device can identify all forms of microorganisms, including viruses, bacteria, yeast, parasites and fungus. Furthermore, it can detect their level of activity to ascertain whether they are active or latent as well as identify symptoms associated with disease as well as determine its root cause.

The IMAGO is easy to use and provides accurate information about your body’s health. Within just minutes it will scan your entire body and pinpoint any organ issues, helping you achieve greater wellbeing and quality of life. In addition, it can detect hereditary issues.
