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Bioresonance Therapy for Imbalanced Hormones

Covering a magnet in paper and scattering iron filings over it demonstrates its magnetic field’s effect in aligning them into an orderly pattern, just as bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic waves emitted by cells to detect and address imbalances within our bodies.

Bioresonance therapy has been utilized as an effective solution for various health concerns, with studies illustrating its many advantages:

Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis occurs when the lining of your sinuses swells. Sinuses are air-filled spaces located behind your cheekbones, forehead, and nose that deliver air directly to your lungs; when these swollen sinuses stop moving air as intended to your lungs it can create symptoms such as running nose, facial pressure or tenderness, loss of smell or taste loss and trouble breathing through the nose. Chronic sinusitis symptoms include runny noses, feeling pressure in face/head area as well as difficulty breathing through your nose – runny noses are all present as well. Chronic sinusitis symptoms include runny nose, runny nose, feeling pressure in face/head area along with trouble breathing through one nose as symptom. Chronic sinusitis symptoms include runny nose; runny nose; runny/head pressure or tenderness as well as difficulty breathing through one nasal passageway causing blocked up feelings.Symptoms can range from runny/runny nasal discharge from within; facial pain/tenderness to difficulty breathing through nasal passageways to breathing through nasal airway obstruction resulting in difficulty breathing through nose; symptoms include runny/runny nose; runny or head pressure in facial or head area/head area/face area affected with facial pressure/head area affected such as runny/head congestion caused by blocked passageway blocked up feeling pressure in face/head area/head pressure sensation and loss of smell/taste taste or loss or difficulty breathing through. Chronic sinusitis includes symptoms like runny or head pressure/tendonness sensation of breathing issues associated with nose/reduction caused due to obstruction impede breathing through nose, difficulty inhaling through or difficulty breathing through nose etc e /head pressure/head discomfort/head, headache/head pressure being feeling/pressure caused from nasal passageway etc…, facial tenderness caused from which cause blockage-up with difficulty breathing due to breathing through nose/nor.. sinus pressure related to breathing difficulty while lungs or loss or smell or taste or loss and difficulty as symptoms such as…… symptoms could include: runn… or nose., runni.. nose; runn/ or loss. difficulty when trying to breath through nose… as well as difficulties while breathing difficulty due to blocked up breathing through nose etc causing pressure which cause tightness/florous pain/tease etc… etc resulting from breathing difficulties caused by blockage affecting smell/tius problems when inhaler then the affected.. breathing through or simply difficult to breathing issues related issues when inhale issues associated with other sinus issues being an infection as symptoms including runn or pressure inhale related issues with difficulty breathing through nose. etc… symptoms like.. or headache allowing.. nose etc; sore.. breathing difficulty when inhaler then followed up when inhaler being blocked up……. etc…. etc a nose…….. re…….etc…. lungs related.. Bre causing trouble breathing etc… but for being prevented breathing due to having trouble…. and difficulty……. etc lungs being blocked off as needed with any………. or head.., etc… etc, in case. etc. etc……., which would /n as for whatever it………..! For symptoms include runns then trying to or….. and difficulty…….. etc……. or breathing trouble…… /or issues related.. or breathing through nose

Fever or headache could also accompany your sinus infection, particularly if the infection is severe and untreated; untreated sinusitis can spread into the membranes that protect and surround your brain and spinal cord, known as meningitis, becoming life threatening if left untreated. Your physician may suggest visiting an ear, nose and throat specialist if frequent or long-standing infections persist – an appointment might even be suggested.

The doctor will discuss your symptoms and conduct an exam, possibly using an endoscope – a thin flexible tube – to look inside of your nose and sinuses. A CT or MRI scan might also provide information as to the cause of sinus problems; surgery might be needed in certain instances.

Bioresonanz therapy sessions involve Mora Nova scanning your electromagnetic wave patterns and then comparing them to harmonic ones stored in their database. When discrepancies arise, Mora Nova sends personalized therapy therapies designed to reverse them and restore healthy ones – leading to reduced or eliminated inflammation and improved sinus health and function as well as organ health and system functioning overall. Bioresonanz therapy can be used for treating conditions like bloating, stomach and digestive issues, Crohn’s disease/Lupus as well as depression/fatigue/insomnia even medications – so bioresonanz therapy can reduce or eliminate medication prescribed to treat them effectively!

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormones are powerful signals that communicate with every part of your body, from sexual health and metabolism to mood regulation and sleep quality. But imbalanced hormones can lead to issues like fatigue, bloating, mood changes and poor sleep that compromise overall health. Both men and women may experience hormonal imbalance due to factors like stress, diet, medications or genetics; or during transitional times like puberty, pregnancy or menopause.

Bioresonanz can offer relief. This noninvasive therapy utilizes electrodes on your skin to scan your energy field and identify discordant frequencies that could be disrupting its natural balance, then electromagnetic impulses at specific ranges are sent out to match and harmonize them; this restores optimum balance to your body while encouraging it to heal itself.

Bioresonanz therapy can address an array of health concerns, including allergies and intolerances, digestive issues, weight loss, fatigue and insomnia. It has even proven successful against chronic illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis – with success stemming from its ability to address both symptoms themselves as well as their source. The key to its effectiveness lies in treating both causes rather than symptoms alone.

Your session will involve sitting in front of a computer and screen that displays information regarding your cellular resonance and electromagnetic fields, followed by analysis using sophisticated software designed to identify imbalances in your system and suggest treatments accordingly.

As part of your efforts to maintain good health and avoid imbalances, eating a well-balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity will do much to support overall well-being and avoid imbalances. Also be sure to drink enough water and rest. Also important: taking care to nourish your gut flora with regularly consumed fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut which contain probiotics essential to supporting balanced hormone production in your body.

Bioresonanz therapy may suggest a detox program to cleanse your body of toxins, with supplements and diet changes designed to restore hormonal equilibrium.

Leaky Gut

Leaky gut syndrome (LGS) occurs when your intestinal lining becomes porous and allows undigested food particles, bacteria and other substances into your bloodstream, prompting inflammation in your immune system and leading to fatigue, headaches, rashes, digestive issues or depression as symptoms.

Leaky gut can be caused by diet, infections, stress, medications or overuse of antibiotics; or it may even be the symptom of diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and lupus. There are various dietary supplements which may help mitigate its effects such as medical herbs or edible mushrooms; they may even restore microbiome balance and immune system balance.

Studies have demonstrated the positive benefits of certain dietary ingredients, such as polyphenols, probiotics, vitamins, soluble fibers, glutamine, short-chain fatty acids and quercetin that may improve intestinal barrier function, improve mucosal integrity and inhibit inflammation development in intestines. Thus it is essential to follow a healthy eating plan free of fats, sugars and processed foods in order to boost intestinal barrier function and inflammation prevention.

Leaky gut syndrome can result in various symptoms, including bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation headaches and stomach pain. Additionally, leaky gut can increase risk for Crohn’s disease, Lupus depression anxiety autism as well as ADHD psychiatric conditions.

Scientists have recently made the groundbreaking discovery that there exists an intricate relationship between your digestive tract and brain. Your gut lining contains cells with nerve endings; when this barrier becomes damaged it may disrupt nerve signal transfer to your brain.

In 2000, researcher Alesso Fasano made a groundbreaking discovery when he identified the substance responsible for opening tight junctions in your gut wall – known as zonulin and released by gluten and certain bacteria when consumed – which directly controls tight junctions to open. When released into your bloodstream it allows undigested food particles, bacteria and toxic waste into it leading to health complications that range from weight gain and digestive distress to skin problems and more serious illnesses.


Stress is one of the primary contributors to many health conditions, and bioresonance therapy provides a means of alleviating its source by balancing body energy. This makes it an effective addition to an integrated stress and anxiety management plan such as cognitive behavioral therapy, medication or mindfulness meditation.

Every cell in your body emits electromagnetic frequencies, which may become imbalanced due to stress, poor diet or environmental toxins. Bioresonance therapy uses a device which reads these frequencies and sends corrective signals in order to restore equilibrium in the body’s frequencies.

At each treatment session, electrodes are attached to your body and connected to a bioresonance machine. The machine detects organ frequency levels before identifying abnormalities such as unhealthy stress levels, hormone imbalance, or heavy metal build-up. Once an imbalance is identified, signals will be sent back to correct it by sending back appropriate signals back into your system to enhance natural healing processes and support natural recovery processes.

The Mora Nova device is designed to identify discordant frequencies associated with disease in your body and then sends electromagnetic impulses at specific ranges to match and harmonize them. Once all frequencies have been aligned and harmonized, they no longer interfere with healthy communication between cells thereby helping promote healing within your body.

Bioresonance therapy can not only make you feel more energized and resilient, but can also ease stress and treat chronic pain by targeting its source. It is a safe and effective approach that can be combined with other treatments or used solely as a standalone option to address pain management.

Are you in search of alternative therapies to treat common health conditions? Visit Quantum Functional Medicine now to discover how bioresonance therapy could benefit. This treatment can boost immunity while supporting digestive health, lung function and more. Our team would be more than happy to answer any queries and schedule a consultation appointment so we can get you on your journey toward wellness!
