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What is Bioresonance Testing?

Bioresonance is an unproven form of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). It works on the assumption that diseased organs produce different electromagnetic oscillations than healthy ones; an electrical device supposedly detects these differences to “normalize” them.

Bioenergetic testing can reveal sources of stress such as organ and nutritional imbalances, food sensitivities, emotional issues, toxins and hormone imbalances. When fluctuations at active points in the body occur, natural healing processes begin to take effect that help the body recover on its own.

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative therapy technique that uses special machines to analyze electromagnetic frequencies released by the body, detect imbalances or disturbances and correct them. The frequencies emitted by cells create resonance within themselves that aid their natural healing processes and help promote recovery.

BICOMs (Bioresonance Instrument Comprehensive Modules) are machines used in this practice that detect electromagnetic resonance frequencies of substances like food, medicine and stressors which could have an adverse impact on human bodies. After this detection step is completed, these machines emit counter frequencies designed to balance out your system and encourage its self-healing mechanisms.

Proponents of bioresonance therapy claim it can treat or even cure diseases; however, most medical professionals believe there is no scientific proof for such claims and advise against relying on bioresonance therapy as a diagnostic or therapeutic strategy for medical issues.

Bioresonance therapy utilises an electronic probe attached to specific points on both hands and feet based on ancient Chinese meridians, similar to what’s used for acupuncture. The machine then records how easily current flows through each meridians; its theory states that any imbalanced points would correspond with being stressed out or fatigued, with higher frequencies than healthy points.

A practitioner then attempts to address this imbalance by testing various nutritional, herbal, and homeopathic supplements against an imbalanced meridian. Once any remedy proves effective in rectifying it, they are then prescribed directly to patients – this process repeats until all imbalances have been addressed.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of this technology in alleviating various conditions, such as chronic pain and fatigue. Furthermore, it can assist in treating autoimmune diseases, allergies and immune deficiency disorders.

Some practitioners claim that bioresonance can diagnose and treat cancer, however this claim has been found misleading by the MHRA. Before marketing their services as bioresonance therapists must ensure their devices are CE marked and that any claims made about them do not violate either prohibited representations or restricted representations rules.

How does Bioresonance work?

Simply, an electromagnetic pulse is sent into your body via an external machine, with strong and clear returns if it’s healthy and balanced; but if something like cancer or food allergies are occurring, signals may weaken over time allowing this machine to detect them more accurately and determine their frequency of disruption.

Counter frequency emits counter frequencies to help restore equilibrium and eliminate toxins and reduce inflammation, effectively helping to release tension and ease chronic fatigue, as well as treating conditions like arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia/lupus disorders as well as depression/anxiety issues. This form of therapy has become popular for treating many conditions such as these.

Bioresonance has been around for more than four decades. It was introduced into mainstream science by Franz Morell in 1977 – who also had links to Scientology; his bioresonance equipment bears striking resemblance to E-Meters used as part of its practice.

In 2018, the Advertising Standards Agency took action against one clinic that claimed bioresonance could diagnose food and environmental allergies; yeast, bacteria and parasite infections; stress-related issues including anxiety depression fatigue as well as digestive problems including bloating gas; heart conditions joint back pain arthritis skin issues such as Psoriasis Eczema Dermatitis Heavy Metal Poisoning Addictions like Smoking.”

ASA found that bioresonance technology itself does have some scientific support; however, there was insufficient evidence supporting claims it could treat conditions like asthma, allergies, bloating and weight problems. Bioresonance falls under Complementary and Alternative Medicine practices which do not fall into mainstream medical practices and many have proven either ineffective or harmful in treating conditions like these.

What can Bioresonance help me with?

Bioresonance therapy has been successfully utilized to treat numerous conditions, from allergies and intolerances to autoimmune diseases; gastro-intestinal disorders; fatigue; sleep problems; rheumatoid arthritis and smoking cessation. Bioresonance can also rebalance energy fields within the body to improve mental clarity, emotional stability, reduce stress and alleviate pain.

Electrodes attached to your skin are connected to a machine that emits a safe electromagnetic field and reads the frequency of energy wavelengths emitted by your cells. According to proponents, if something goes amiss with your cells (such as DNA damage) they’ll produce different frequencies than healthy cells – this allows the machine to detect this difference and identify what might be going wrong; then by using specific frequencies “cancel out” any offending wavelengths to restore natural frequencies in your body cells.

If your cells are vibrating at the same frequency as a harmful virus, the machine can send out signals that alter its vibrational pattern so as to render it nonresonant with them and eliminate it. Other frequencies can also be sent out in order to rebalance organs and systems within your body so as to promote healthier functions that help your body operate at an optimum level.

Since bioresonance therapy is non-invasive and free from side effects, it has become an attractive option for those interested in trying alternative medicine. While its efficacy has yet to be tested by controlled studies, many have reported its helpfulness in managing various health challenges.

Bioresonance should not be treated as a medical device and shouldn’t replace traditional diagnostic tools; rather, it provides only an indication of your energetic health – and should only be used alongside holistic healing practices. If you want more information about your own bioresonance readings, book a discovery call with a homeopathic practitioner trained in this type of energy testing – CBH Energetics can connect you with someone qualified.

Why should I get a Bioresonance test?

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative, safe, and gentle method that has proven its efficacy against various conditions. It works by detecting unhealthy frequencies within our cells – caused by viruses, bacteria or cancerous growths – which are then neutralised using special machines that ‘cancel out’ these frequencies, leaving our bodies’ cells healthy again. Bioresonance has proven its worth against allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, smoking cessation issues and fatigue to rheumatoid arthritis and asthma among many other issues.

Bioresonance offers many advantages over traditional allergy testing methods. It requires only a noninvasive procedure with no pain involved; just send off a small hair sample. Once analysed, this information can then be compared with different frequencies like food and drink items, vitamins minerals metals bacteria enzymes as well as bacteria to provide a comprehensive list of potential allergens and sensitivities; providing greater coverage than other methods.

Bioresonance technology also detects toxins not detectable through traditional blood testing, which can then be addressed through its treatment program. Bioresonance has been used successfully to treat issues like milk intolerance, vaccine damage, ADHD and spinal problems in newborn babies as well as assist with at-risk pregnancies.

Bioresonance therapy offers many advantages when used alongside other holistic approaches. It often serves as a complement to acupuncture or homeopathic treatments, helping the body respond efficiently to healing.

Bioresonance tests can be an incredible asset in improving physical and mental wellbeing. Furthermore, their results offer insight into any areas that require improving – making it a useful preventative tool. If you want an alternative and non-invasive way of reaching optimal wellness quickly and pain-freely then book in with one of our qualified homeopathic practitioners now for a Bioresonance scan!
